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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday March 24th, 2023


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39 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks to everyone!  Especially the memes! 
@kazu love the coloured garden soil!
@aliaschief your memes are wonderful!  almost thought I recognized someone yesterday! I wish your take out was better!

@kochleffel I live the cartoon, makes me think of robins! 

Glad to hear of the successful surgeries, Debbie and mamaofami.   
@superomaappreciate seeing that menu,  that dessert looks amazing!  And Alberta beef. 
@grapau27 you might want to consider a refresher during course for your DW.   When I got my last new car they offered a defensive driving private lesson, which I took.  The instructor said it was very important for women to drive regularly because you never know what lies ahead and it is a skill you can get rusty at.  And I learned some new things.  Please and I mean this in the kindest way, if you have further heart symptoms do not drive yourself,   It is much too dangerous for yourself and others.  

Last year I found myself in a situation where DH had to go to the hospital in the night when we were at our rural lake campground.  It was a several hour round trip in the dark on unfamiliar roads, driving his huge 3/4 ton diesel 4x4 truck.   But I was familiar enough that I could do it without too much trepidation.  And we had a great outcome. 

Last evening we were fortunate to see some lovely aurora very nearby.  















Thank you for your kind words and good advice @bennybear.

I will try to get Pauline to drive more to boost her driving skills.

I'm sorry to hear your husband had been unwell and had to go to hospital on your vacation and you had to make a seven hour round trip drive on unfamiliar roads in the dark.

I'm really happy that you had a great outcome.

Your Aurora photos are amazing.


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@grapau27, thanks for the lovely remembrance. And @highscar, thank you for sharing this day with me. Wrapping up one’s life on a cruise ship seems not an unhappy way to leave this world, but messy for family!  Happened to a good friend of mine!  Your mom’s life was shorter than my mom’s, she died in 2001.  My first cruise was with her when I turned 16 on the Home Lines’ Oceanic. I didn’t cruise next until 2003, after DH and I retired. Travel was one of mom’s strengths!  I’m blessed she passed that part on!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Cheesesteaks aren't very common around here; I'm not sure where I'd get one.  I don't mind chocolate covered raisins, but prefer them without the raisins.  Did someone say cocktails?


A little late to the party today - for a good reason.  We were up at the crack of dark this morning (well, 6:30) because we had a something very important on the agenda.  This morning DH was honoured with the receiving of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal for his lifetime contributions in education at both the elementary and university levels, and for his work in creating the Riverlands Heritage Region promoting tourism in our province.  The medal was presented by Saskatchewan's Lieutenant Governor, and was certainly memorable.  There was a brief coffee reception after, and now we're home.  Here's a picture of DH (on the right) with our LG, the Honourable Russ Merasty.


Now that we're back to being ourselves, I asked DH what he wanted for lunch - his reply was "Let's go to McDonalds."  LOL  Like me, he's a cheap date.  


Not a lot happening for the afternoon, just working on deconstructing another afghan for the yarn, and working on the latest blanket.  I'd like to try today's menu selection, but I'm pretty sure DH wouldn't enjoy them, so will give it a pass.  It's Friday night pizza night at our house and because it was a special day, I'll let DH choose what will we'll enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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41 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Cheesesteaks aren't very common around here; I'm not sure where I'd get one.  I don't mind chocolate covered raisins, but prefer them without the raisins.  Did someone say cocktails?


A little late to the party today - for a good reason.  We were up at the crack of dark this morning (well, 6:30) because we had a something very important on the agenda.  This morning DH was honoured with the receiving of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal for his lifetime contributions in education at both the elementary and university levels, and for his work in creating the Riverlands Heritage Region promoting tourism in our province.  The medal was presented by Saskatchewan's Lieutenant Governor, and was certainly memorable.  There was a brief coffee reception after, and now we're home.  Here's a picture of DH (on the right) with our LG, the Honourable Russ Merasty.


Now that we're back to being ourselves, I asked DH what he wanted for lunch - his reply was "Let's go to McDonalds."  LOL  Like me, he's a cheap date.  


Not a lot happening for the afternoon, just working on deconstructing another afghan for the yarn, and working on the latest blanket.  I'd like to try today's menu selection, but I'm pretty sure DH wouldn't enjoy them, so will give it a pass.  It's Friday night pizza night at our house and because it was a special day, I'll let DH choose what will we'll enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Congratulations to your dh. Well deserved. I watched the river lands heritage video and am sure he put the same effort into education. Congrats.

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4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Sandi could this be true? Redneck Bob a little weak today on humor so one more.


Bubba and Billy Joe were on vacation, walking downtown, window shopping, and they see a sign on a store which reads, "Suits $5.99 each, shirts $1.99 each, trousers $2.49 each.

Bubba says to his pal, "Billy Joe, Lookee here! We could buy a whole gob o’ these, take ‘em back to Georgia, sell 'em and make a fortune. Just let me do the talkin', 'cause if they hear your accent, they might think we're ignorant, and not wanna sell that stuff to us.”

Now, I'll talk in a slow Texas drawl so's they don't know we is from Georgia."

They go in and Bubba says with his best fake Texas drawl, “I'll take 50 of them suits at $5.99, 100 of them there shirts at $1.99, 50 pairs of them there trousers at $2.39. I'll back up my pickup and...."

"The owner of the shop interrupts, "Y'all from Georgia, ain't ya?"
"Well...yeah," says a surprised Bubba. "How come y'all knowed that?"
"Because this is a Dry-Cleaners."



That's a good one, Bruce.  I haven't met any Billy Joes down here in Georgia but the last time we had our home exterior painted we used a popular painting company in our locality owned by, you guessed, it.  Bubba!  However, I don't think we should pick on Georgia too much.  I have met many intelligent people here, and unfortunately lots of "less-smart" people in every other state.  It's really an equal opportunity affliction.🤓




4 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning all,

I am off early tonsee my Financial Advisor. That should cheer me up!  Haha!  My son has wanted to go with me since DH died. I think he is trying to make sure I will be ok. Funny how the table turns. My FA is used to this and we already discussed how to handle this. 

The new splint is not comfortable. I have a sore spot from my cast on my thumb that rubs when wearing the splint. She mainly wants me to wear it at night.  I will work on making it more comfortable. 

I am glad everyone’s surgery went well. Prayers and hugs to all in need. I better get going or I will be late. 


I hope the splint can be made more comfortable for you and that your appointment with your DS and FA went as well as you had hoped.




3 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good Friday morning.  We are getting ready to go to Costco to restock.  Our 6 bags arrived yesterday and I have one unpacked already in addition to two giant tubs of mail dealt with.    My afternoon will be unpacking and getting my nails dealt with.    

Thanks for doing the Daily and Fleet Reports for us Sandi!    Vanessa thanks for doing the Celebrations and Care Reports!    All of today's comestibles look wonderful.  The Volendam had Vegetarian Enchiladas as an MDR offering a couple of weeks ago and the feedback on them was wonderful.  We had a great Spanish Chef for the entire cruise.    Debbie and Carol I am glad that your surgeries went well.    Prayers for all on our care list and for the people of Ukraine.   

So sad that MSU lost to Kansas State in overtime last night.   Have a wonderful Friday!!  Nancy 


I remember trying those vegetarian enchiladas on the Volendam last November.  I wrote in my journal that they were very good!  I was hoping to have them show up on the menu again but they never did.   Sorry about your MSU BB team loss.  😟




3 hours ago, lindaler said:

Good morning all. It was 70 degrees at seven this morning so I am out on the deck with my coffee. My other suitcase came last night. The UPS man was so upset to bring me another suitcase that was ruined. He recorded that it was even worse then the one yesterday. I don't understand how Holland America would hire a company that ruins luggage. Three out of three were trashed. Two were brand new, purchased while I was on the cruise. This last one the wheel is totally off with the other one cracked. But a least my stuff was ok. 


On a lighter side, I love Doctor Suess. The meal sounds good, as does the drink. It's warm here and I plan  a good day of spending time with family.  


Hard to believe how terrible the luggage shipping service was this time around.  Were your wheels that broke off spinner type?  I have heard they break off easily.  We haven't bought that type of luggage yet because of that.  I hope someone is going to reimburse you for your new replacement luggage!




3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning from a sunny and warm Jacksonville.

i am writing while DH finishes his breakfast.  I eat fast, while he is a slow eater.

Thank you to all who keep this thread going—Sandi, Vanessa, Dixie, Ann and Debbie’s fill-in this week.

Yesterday my visit with my PCP went well, However my prediction came to pass.  I have to go back on Prednisone and will probably have to stay on it forever at a low dose.  

Other from that, everything else checked out and all the blood work was good.  Don’t have to see him until August.

Hope everyone has a good day.

God Bless,



Sorry the prednisone may become permanent but if it's necessary I guess it will have to be.  Have a good trip home.




1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

No cheesesteak for me. Chocolate-covered raisins are OK but would be better without the raisins. As for cocktails, it depends--some are wastes of good liquor.


Definitely in favor of nonsense although there is too much of it masquerading as sense. Vegetarian enchiladas might be OK if you can find good vegetarians to make them from. No on the cocktail, yes on the wine. I haven't been to Tanzania.


With pharmaceutical help, I slept better last night, but I'm still tired. I need to shop at Wegmans but preferably not on a Friday, so may choose to make do with Aldi today. I also need to pick up some cardboardeaux. Dinner will probably be ratatouille with tofu, because the zucchini won't keep long. I also need to do something with the largest romanesco I've ever seen.


Animal news, about escape artists:

--A zebra that escaped in Seoul has been captured. https://apnews.com/article/zebra-escape-zoo-south-korea-9af961eeca1a232fd4086ba648c2a052


--A multiple-escape bear in St. Louis is being moved to a maximum-security compound in Texas. https://apnews.com/article/bear-escape-zoo-missouri-15d5a7252a58b2abb4f2ac9094ccb772





That bear sounds pretty smart!  Too bad he has to be moved.  The St. Louis Zoo is a very good zoo and quite enjoyable to visit.  Hope he doesn't miss it!




1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks to everyone!  Especially the memes! 
@kazu love the coloured garden soil!
@aliaschief your memes are wonderful!  almost thought I recognized someone yesterday! I wish your take out was better!

@kochleffel I live the cartoon, makes me think of robins! 

Glad to hear of the successful surgeries, Debbie and mamaofami.   
@superomaappreciate seeing that menu,  that dessert looks amazing!  And Alberta beef. 
@grapau27 you might want to consider a refresher during course for your DW.   When I got my last new car they offered a defensive driving private lesson, which I took.  The instructor said it was very important for women to drive regularly because you never know what lies ahead and it is a skill you can get rusty at.  And I learned some new things.  Please and I mean this in the kindest way, if you have further heart symptoms do not drive yourself,   It is much too dangerous for yourself and others.  
Last year I found myself in a situation where DH had to go to the hospital in the night when we were at our rural lake campground.  It was a several hour round trip in the dark on unfamiliar roads, driving his huge 3/4 ton diesel 4x4 truck.   But I was familiar enough that I could do it without too much trepidation.  And we had a great outcome. 

Last evening we were fortunate to see some lovely aurora very nearby.  










Brenda, I'm glad your and DH's experience last year turned out all right.  Must have been frightening for you both.  Love the aurora photos! 



26 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Cheesesteaks aren't very common around here; I'm not sure where I'd get one.  I don't mind chocolate covered raisins, but prefer them without the raisins.  Did someone say cocktails?


A little late to the party today - for a good reason.  We were up at the crack of dark this morning (well, 6:30) because we had a something very important on the agenda.  This morning DH was honoured with the receiving of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal for his lifetime contributions in education at both the elementary and university levels, and for his work in creating the Riverlands Heritage Region promoting tourism in our province.  The medal was presented by Saskatchewan's Lieutenant Governor, and was certainly memorable.  There was a brief coffee reception after, and now we're home.  Here's a picture of DH (on the right) with our LG, the Honourable Russ Merasty.


Now that we're back to being ourselves, I asked DH what he wanted for lunch - his reply was "Let's go to McDonalds."  LOL  Like me, he's a cheap date.  


Not a lot happening for the afternoon, just working on deconstructing another afghan for the yarn, and working on the latest blanket.  I'd like to try today's menu selection, but I'm pretty sure DH wouldn't enjoy them, so will give it a pass.  It's Friday night pizza night at our house and because it was a special day, I'll let DH choose what will we'll enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry congratulations to your DH on being honored today!  That is quite an accomplishment and I'm sure he deserves it along with many more accolades for his work in teaching and promoting tourism.  Going to MickyD for lunch sounds like a grand idea, too.  Yesterday we went to Chick-Fil-A for lunch before grocery shopping.  You have Chick-fil-A in Canada, right?  My favorite chicken sandwich!


My dental appointment went fine.  Nothing spotted wrong.  She recommended using sensitive toothpaste for 2 months and see if I have any more problems with sensitivity on that new crown I got last year.  I told her we are not going back to that dentist anymore and will be having all our "work" done at our old dentist's new location in a different practice.  She said she had heard that before.  We will remain with her for cleanings but crowns, filling repairs, X-rays and oral exams will be done with the old dentist.  


DH finished the oil change and clean up.  When I got home I said let's vacuum the cars out, so I did that and he helped moving the cord from one side of the garage to the other for me.  After lunch he went out and trimmed up some shrubs out front.  We think we've earned a weekend OFF!  😉

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@bennybearjust wow on the aurora pictures. They are on my bucket list and since I only need to go north to see them I probably wouldn’t even have to leave Ontario so no worry about medical coverage. The trick will be to get my dh to travel north in the winter!


not sure what cc is doing but I am getting the odd email notification even though I have that turned off. 

taxes almost done. One dgd left and ours. The dgd does hers herself with supervision and we don’t have all our tax slips yet. Some don’t have to be mailed until March 31. I always wait to file at the end of April anyway since we usually owe money! 


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“ Last year I found myself in a situation where DH had to go to the hospital in the night when we were at our rural lake campground.  It was a several hour round trip in the dark on unfamiliar roads, driving his huge 3/4 ton diesel 4x4 truck.   But I was familiar enough that I could do it without too much trepidation.  And we had a great outcome. “


I read these words from  @bennybear with a heavy “Oh my!”  So glad there was a positive outcome!  BUT…. 

My rural 911 response area was a National Recreation Area; it included several campgrounds, a State Lake Park, a National Preserve and a National Monument park plus 40 miles of National Forest. Please call 911. Please get the trained medics to help your loved one and you. Campground hosts had radios where there was no cell phone signal. We can support the patient during the transport - our transport times were long, usually about 90 minutes to hospital and patients didn’t always stay stable. We could call for additional resources, even a helicopter if warranted. A family member can’t drive and attend to a potentially degrading patient status. There is always a team of responders that can be dispatched by radio pagers, day and night, even where no cell phones work. Responders are imbedded (we live) in the rural communities and can arrive quite quickly. With an ambulance, assessment equipment, ECG, oxygen, meds, more people than you could imagine who jumped out of bed to help, and a ton of other support. Plus responders have communication with physicians. Responders have state licensure and constant training, meet the same requirements as paid responders. And as volunteers, we charged zero fees- Your tax dollars at work!  (Ambulances and helicopters we intercepted with en route had their own fees.). A family member might come with, or drive behind. We’ve helped with dogs left at campsites, grandkids who needed attending, and left-behind camping gear!  I’m sure Canada and England (999) do likewise. PLEASE make the call!  Do not attempnti drive a loved one in jeopardy. And do not try to drive yourself!  

OFF the soapbox!  
Everybody stay safe and well!  🚑





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1 minute ago, RMLincoln said:

“ Last year I found myself in a situation where DH had to go to the hospital in the night when we were at our rural lake campground.  It was a several hour round trip in the dark on unfamiliar roads, driving his huge 3/4 ton diesel 4x4 truck.   But I was familiar enough that I could do it without too much trepidation.  And we had a great outcome. “


I read these words from  @bennybear with a heavy “Oh my!”  So glad there was a positive outcome!  BUT…. 

My rural 911 response area was a National Recreation Area; it included several campgrounds, a State Lake Park, a National Preserve and a National Monument park plus 40 miles of National Forest. Please call 911. Please get the trained medics to help your loved one and you. Campground hosts had radios where there was no cell phone signal. We can support the patient during the transport - our transport times were long, usually about 90 minutes to hospital and patients didn’t always stay stable. We could call for additional resources, even a helicopter if warranted. A family member can’t drive and attend to a potentially degrading patient status. There is always a team of responders that can be dispatched by radio pagers, day and night, even where no cell phones work. Responders are imbedded (we live) in the rural communities and can arrive quite quickly. With an ambulance, assessment equipment, ECG, oxygen, meds, more people than you could imagine who jumped out of bed to help, and a ton of other support. Plus responders have communication with physicians. Responders have state licensure and constant training, meet the same requirements as paid responders. And as volunteers, we charged zero fees- Your tax dollars at work!  (Ambulances and helicopters we intercepted with en route had their own fees.). A family member might come with, or drive behind. We’ve helped with dogs left at campsites, grandkids who needed attending, and left-behind camping gear!  I’m sure Canada and England (999) do likewise. PLEASE make the call!  Do not attempnti drive a loved one in jeopardy. And do not try to drive yourself!  

OFF the soapbox!  
Everybody stay safe and well!  🚑






Maureen, our dearest friend had a heart attack and did as you recommend -- called 911.  He and his wife really emphasized that he would not have lived without the support of the ambulance team.  We will call, if faced with an emergency like that.


Of course, this is premised on response times here, whereas they may be different in other countries.  But it's good to have a plan in mind, based on one's situation.

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59 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Cheesesteaks aren't very common around here; I'm not sure where I'd get one.  I don't mind chocolate covered raisins, but prefer them without the raisins.  Did someone say cocktails?


A little late to the party today - for a good reason.  We were up at the crack of dark this morning (well, 6:30) because we had a something very important on the agenda.  This morning DH was honoured with the receiving of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal for his lifetime contributions in education at both the elementary and university levels, and for his work in creating the Riverlands Heritage Region promoting tourism in our province.  The medal was presented by Saskatchewan's Lieutenant Governor, and was certainly memorable.  There was a brief coffee reception after, and now we're home.  Here's a picture of DH (on the right) with our LG, the Honourable Russ Merasty.


Now that we're back to being ourselves, I asked DH what he wanted for lunch - his reply was "Let's go to McDonalds."  LOL  Like me, he's a cheap date.  


Not a lot happening for the afternoon, just working on deconstructing another afghan for the yarn, and working on the latest blanket.  I'd like to try today's menu selection, but I'm pretty sure DH wouldn't enjoy them, so will give it a pass.  It's Friday night pizza night at our house and because it was a special day, I'll let DH choose what will we'll enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Between this and @bennybear's aurora borealis, and @richwmn's amazing ship position, this is a very good day on the Daily.  😊

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15 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

“ Last year I found myself in a situation where DH had to go to the hospital in the night when we were at our rural lake campground.  It was a several hour round trip in the dark on unfamiliar roads, driving his huge 3/4 ton diesel 4x4 truck.   But I was familiar enough that I could do it without too much trepidation.  And we had a great outcome. “


I read these words from  @bennybear with a heavy “Oh my!”  So glad there was a positive outcome!  BUT…. 

My rural 911 response area was a National Recreation Area; it included several campgrounds, a State Lake Park, a National Preserve and a National Monument park plus 40 miles of National Forest. Please call 911. Please get the trained medics to help your loved one and you. Campground hosts had radios where there was no cell phone signal. We can support the patient during the transport - our transport times were long, usually about 90 minutes to hospital and patients didn’t always stay stable. We could call for additional resources, even a helicopter if warranted. A family member can’t drive and attend to a potentially degrading patient status. There is always a team of responders that can be dispatched by radio pagers, day and night, even where no cell phones work. Responders are imbedded (we live) in the rural communities and can arrive quite quickly. With an ambulance, assessment equipment, ECG, oxygen, meds, more people than you could imagine who jumped out of bed to help, and a ton of other support. Plus responders have communication with physicians. Responders have state licensure and constant training, meet the same requirements as paid responders. And as volunteers, we charged zero fees- Your tax dollars at work!  (Ambulances and helicopters we intercepted with en route had their own fees.). A family member might come with, or drive behind. We’ve helped with dogs left at campsites, grandkids who needed attending, and left-behind camping gear!  I’m sure Canada and England (999) do likewise. PLEASE make the call!  Do not attempnti drive a loved one in jeopardy. And do not try to drive yourself!  

OFF the soapbox!  
Everybody stay safe and well!  🚑





Appreciate the wise words of wisdom,  but DH had already been checked by a very experienced nurse at the campground but they wanted to ensure there was nothing missed so he needed more testing at the hospital.    An ambulance fortunately wasn’t needed but are available. We initially thought it would be a short drive but the first rural hospital we visited had no doctor available,  so we had to drive to a larger Center.    Sadly a reality in our province.  

@ger_77 congratulations to your DH that is a real honour.  Well done! 

Appreciate all the kind comments,  the aurora are very active right now, and can be seen into the northern US as well.  There are apps like aurora watch that are available and tell you the likelihood of seeing them.  You need to head into a dark area away from any light pollution and try taking a few photos if you see anything, as often the camera picks up the light before your eyes do.  Happy hunting!

Edited by bennybear
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Wow @bennybear!


Now I noticed something in your first picture. If you look to the left, it appears to be a fist about to slam down on the earth, and if you look in the middle, I see a face with thick wavy hair...and he looks miffed.  Do you suppose this might be the hand of God, saying to earth, I'll slap you silly if you don't behave?  Kind of like He is flying over us...maybe my imagination is too vivid....or I really want something like that to happen....





The best laid plans of mice and men were not fulfilled today, as the weather is perfect, and DH decided it was a good day to tear apart the entire dash on my 2001 jeep because it hasn't started in over 2 months. After he had his fall, and lost his vision in one eye, I have been driving the newer jeep,  (His)  Newer cars are more smooshy when you run into something, and after he took my red jeep off on a "short" journey he managed to tear off the passenger side window, dent the front right side door, back up and dent the rear door.....so I just traded with him, when he was not in the correct state of mind to know better. So no piano concerto, no walk in the woods, and I basically have the afternoon alone.  Still nice, not working...


@mamaofamiSorry you had to wait so long for your surgery yesterday.  Imagine the poor sot, who was scheduled two people after you.  And the poor doc. What a long day he must have had.


@Cruzin TerriI hate taking my metformin, but what does Prednisone do to you long term?  If it's the option to relieve pain, and the only one, what are the long term effects that you don't want?  I'm just curious, I know what my pills are supposed to do, but I really dont help them with a terrible diet.


I scheduled my PET scan for April 6 early morning.  I told the young lady that was doing the scheduling that since I cant eat or drink for 6 hours before, I might as well get it done early, Making me starve is not a good thing.  We got done with the scheduling, and she told me what to expect, and asked if I had any questions.  Well yes, I said, you didn't ask me if I was claustrophobic.  She asked -do you have a fear of being claustrophobic?  To which I replied, there is no fear involved, I am claustrophobic.  She said they would not use a machine that would totally enclose me.  Yay.


Ok, I love philly cheesesteak with some Heinz 57, grilled onions and peppers. and good cheese.

I will eat chocolate covered raisins, but not in a movie theatre...I wont eat things that go squish in the dark...


@kochleffelRaisins are wine's grand parents.


Now, you know I don't drink anymore, but that drink today looked fascinating, booze and a salad....

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@marshhawk  we saw what really looked like an angel, but were not able to capture it.  The lights change so quickly,  but I saw a number of photos from last night that looked like angels,  so I prefer to believe that these heavenly beings are looking out for us.  It is a very moving experience. 

Not my photo,  see credits in picture 


Edited by bennybear
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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! Cheesesteaks aren't very common around here; I'm not sure where I'd get one.  I don't mind chocolate covered raisins, but prefer them without the raisins.  Did someone say cocktails?


A little late to the party today - for a good reason.  We were up at the crack of dark this morning (well, 6:30) because we had a something very important on the agenda.  This morning DH was honoured with the receiving of the Queen's Platinum Jubilee Medal for his lifetime contributions in education at both the elementary and university levels, and for his work in creating the Riverlands Heritage Region promoting tourism in our province.  The medal was presented by Saskatchewan's Lieutenant Governor, and was certainly memorable.  There was a brief coffee reception after, and now we're home.  Here's a picture of DH (on the right) with our LG, the Honourable Russ Merasty.


Now that we're back to being ourselves, I asked DH what he wanted for lunch - his reply was "Let's go to McDonalds."  LOL  Like me, he's a cheap date.  


Not a lot happening for the afternoon, just working on deconstructing another afghan for the yarn, and working on the latest blanket.  I'd like to try today's menu selection, but I'm pretty sure DH wouldn't enjoy them, so will give it a pass.  It's Friday night pizza night at our house and because it was a special day, I'll let DH choose what will we'll enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, cheers to everyone with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


Congratulations to your DH Gerry for receiving the Queen's Platinum Jubilee medal.

A proud day for you both.


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33 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Hard to believe how terrible the luggage shipping service was this time around.  Were your wheels that broke off spinner type?  I have heard they break off easily.  We haven't bought that type of luggage yet because of that.  I hope someone is going to reimburse you for your new replacement luggage!

it was not just the wheels. When something grabbed the wheel, it tore out the side of the suitcase. And these were both purchased while I was on the cruise so brand new. 



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13 minutes ago, lindaler said:

it was not just the wheels. When something grabbed the wheel, it tore out the side of the suitcase. And these were both purchased while I was on the cruise so brand new. 



Yikes, that is crazy, I can’t imagine what they were doing with your luggage. 

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@kochleffel I guess I need to do something about the buzzing sound under the house....not bears, bees.


@ger_77Congratulations to your husband.  Quite an honor, and well deserved.  I do hope that you were mentioned!  I also think you should post that link again, so I can watch again!  And others, who didnt have the opportunity to see it earlier.

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@ger_77 Congratulations to your DH being awarded the Queens Platinum Jubilee Medal for all of his contributions in the field of education and promotion of tourism in Saskatchewan , a great honour well deserved ! 


BTW did he still wear his medal to McDonalds ....?  I think I would have  ! 



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@ger_77 Excellent that your DH was honored for all he has given. Congratulations to you both 🎉 🎆🍾


@bennybear Again, so very glad you had a positive outcome. And good to hear you had excellent medical assessment close by and utilized it. 
My comments were more to spread the word that help is nearer than many might be aware. m—

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2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


Debbie @dfishI'm SO glad your surgery was successful and your levels are normal now.  I'm sorry about the acid reflux but glad you had antacids on hand. Hopefully it lasted only one night.  My BFF has been advised to have the same surgery and she's balking at it -- I'll tell her how well you're doing.  Have fun today!


The problem is those misbehaving parathyroid glands are far more than annoying.  When one thing in the body goes off kilter, others tend to follow.  The condition can weaken bones, cause muscle and joint pain, damage kidneys, interfere with brain function, and on occasion, mess with your heart.  She doesn't want to play around with this.  The surgery is really an easy one.  I was tired yesterday but today I've been to the grocery store, been to the gardens, visited the butterflies, and I'm getting ready to make dinner and host a dinner party.  


The antacids did the trick last night and I have been fine today.   Ready to take on the world!!

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