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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday May 28th, 2023


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2 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! Just over two weeks since the end of the World Cruise, and today is our first day back to normal routine (ish).

My cousin picked us up at Fort Lauderdale, and we spent three days in Orlando (two of them at Disney World) with her.  We got home late Monday night, spent all Tuesday getting the car running, and then picked up company from Australia at the airport Wednesday morning. We went directly to Salt Spring Island and spent several days cleaning up the acreage before coming back to the mainland. 
The next day, we got a call from friends on the other side of Chilliwack. There was an armed standoff two blocks from their house and the neighborhood was in lockdown. The husband was told to stay indoors, away from any exterior walls. The wife was out, and unable to get home. She was sheltering in a convenience store on the safe side of the police barricade but close enough to hear the gunfire. This is NOT your typical Canadian experience, and she was too terrified to walk to her car to drive to our place. DH drove down there, and was able to lead her out to her car and get her on the road. (She refused to leave her car behind.) He followed in our car as she drove to our place, where she stayed overnight. By morning it was over and safe to go home. The house involved was burned completely to the ground.

Our Australian guest never has this happen in his neighborhood in Sydney, and no longer believes anything he hears about Canada. The day he flew home was a big family gathering in North Vancouver, and we got home just before midnight.

Now everyone is gone, we have no appointments, and today is STOP and rest day! I had forgotten what early morning peace was like!
Happy Sunday, everyone, and Happy Memorial,Day weekend to my friends south of the border!

Wow! Quite the epilogue to a World Cruise. Enjoy life’s normalcy.

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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Sunday from beautiful Tucson. Our pool is still too cold to use. Maybe someday we can get solar for it. 

I love couscous and used to make it frequently. I need to make it soon because Tina’s recipes reminded me how much I love it. My favorite is from Ina Garten. You could definitely change the nuts and currants for what you like and add chicken if you want. I’m actually not a big fan of curry but in this it’s very subtle. 


I also have made this one which uses pearl couscous aka Israeli couscous. 


 I invited our family out for dinner tonight. I wanted to have them over but I just don’t like cooking for 10 people anymore. It will be fun seeing everyone all together and it should be enjoyable because we are going to Pinnacle Peak. @Nickelpenny will know what restaurant that is. Even DM is going to come!


 I hope everyone has a great day and for those celebrating also enjoy the long Memorial Day weekend, and not forget what the day is for. 

Love Pinnacle Peak but haven't been there since I came back to Tucson.  Have them wear a tie!!  LOL!!  (I am assuming they still cut them off.  🙂 )

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Good afternoon.  It turned out to be a busier morning than planned.  When I got the ingredients for the potato salad out, I discovered I did not have any green bell peppers.  That meant a quick trip to the store, and since I was going anyway, I got everything on my list.  I was surprised at how busy the store was, and they even had the managers helping restock the shelves.  I should have checked the pantry for the ingredients for the rib rub.  I barely had enough of one spice, so there is now another list started.  Finally, the salad, baked beans and the pie are done.  All that is left is smoking the ribs and warming the beans to thicken the sauce.  Just typing this has made me hungry.  


3 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! Just over two weeks since the end of the World Cruise, and today is our first day back to normal routine (ish).

My cousin picked us up at Fort Lauderdale, and we spent three days in Orlando (two of them at Disney World) with her.  We got home late Monday night, spent all Tuesday getting the car running, and then picked up company from Australia at the airport Wednesday morning. We went directly to Salt Spring Island and spent several days cleaning up the acreage before coming back to the mainland. 
The next day, we got a call from friends on the other side of Chilliwack. There was an armed standoff two blocks from their house and the neighborhood was in lockdown. The husband was told to stay indoors, away from any exterior walls. The wife was out, and unable to get home. She was sheltering in a convenience store on the safe side of the police barricade but close enough to hear the gunfire. This is NOT your typical Canadian experience, and she was too terrified to walk to her car to drive to our place. DH drove down there, and was able to lead her out to her car and get her on the road. (She refused to leave her car behind.) He followed in our car as she drove to our place, where she stayed overnight. By morning it was over and safe to go home. The house involved was burned completely to the ground.

Our Australian guest never has this happen in his neighborhood in Sydney, and no longer believes anything he hears about Canada. The day he flew home was a big family gathering in North Vancouver, and we got home just before midnight.

Now everyone is gone, we have no appointments, and today is STOP and rest day! I had forgotten what early morning peace was like!
Happy Sunday, everyone, and Happy Memorial,Day weekend to my friends south of the border!


That must have been very scary for your friends, and I'm glad your DH was able to help the wife get to your house.  I imagine that eased some of the husband's worry.  I hope you can take some time to relax and enjoy being home again.


2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. A sunny and cool (41F) here but temps will be in the 70's this afternoon. I was up early so dogs and I took advantage of a Sunday calm and had a long walk. I wound up carrying the Chihuahua the last block.


Yesterday morning I had a message from my bank that my credit card had been declined for a charge in Tawain. Good ... since I am not there, obviously. I called the bank and the card was cancelled immediately which is a good thing since "they" tried again with a charge in the U.S. this morning. The charges are small and weird..... obviously feelers. Annoying.... very annoying. I have a couple of automatic payments set up and I suspect one of those may be the leak. It will mean more work, but I think I am going to pay off by other methods for a few months. More work but probably more secure. And I have temporarily frozen my other credit cards. And I am making a voodoo doll clutching a credit card which I am going to stab with lots of pins! I am getting very chummy with the Fraud department.


@dfishglad you are feeling better. @kazuI am really glad that Ivan is turning out to be so companionable. Take care all. And may the scammers pass you by. I seem to be on someone's little list.





Susan, we've had our credit cards hacked twice, once in the mid 1990s and once in 2009.  It's not a fun experience.  The first time DH was out of town and the credit card company wouldn't talk to me.  I had to track DH down and have him call the company.  The second time, the bank denied the charge and put our hold on the card.  They voluntarily canceled the card and set up a new account.  We had rented a car in Namibia and someone used the number to book a first class seat on Air Namibia out of Cape Town.  That is why we carry two different cards when we travel.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

My cough was not leaving, and then yesterday, I could not taste my potato salad....hmmmm...I added a bit of everything, celery, onion, pickle, pickle juice, a dash of Italian dressing....nothing..... and then it dawned on me, and I took a Covid test.  Yup. Well this explains a lot.  I have one errand to do, get the outdoor cat her temptations, and then back home to the sofa, and Indy...then Nascar....


I hope you all have a great day, and @smitty34877I hope your neighbors can assist you in getting Tana out into the sunshine!


Heat still comes on every morning in Atlanta, but I've taken to sleeping sitting up in the den.  With a cat of course.  


Annie, I'm sorry about the positive test.  I hope it is a mild case and your well soon.


36 minutes ago, lobsternight said:

Good Morning Everyone.


Well my final concrete pour in the back yard went well.  Woke up this morning to see the crows have walked over all the finish. No it won't buff out  


Just think of it as free, natural embellishment.  😉


3 hours ago, dfish said:

We have a bunch of these coming up in the front yard.  Does this qualify me for full fledged membership in the Garden Club?




Also, does anyone know what this next one is?   They are coming up in the middle of the front yard.




Sue is being careful to mow around it and not over it.  


Took a short walk this morning and I feel good!  


Debbie, the iris is beautiful and so different, but then I love purple iris.  I guess if you are a member of the garden club, then with my iris and the few bedding plants that are miraculously surviving this year, in addition to the bushes I haven't killed, I guess I'm a member too.  A very junior member who uses the benign neglect gardening method.  I'm glad you took a walk and feel good.


As I was cooking this morning, I realized that I forgot the day's memes.  













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Good morning, Dailyites, lots of interesting news today.  Thanks, all!  @dfish, I had looked up false Jacob's ladder and false lily of the valley before I thought of false Hellebore.  I really don't think it's a royal fern!


My rose is blooming, a bit early, and I have a peony which has a single bright pink flower and a paler double on the same plant.  I don't think it did that last year...











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2 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning. A sunny and cool (41F) here but temps will be in the 70's this afternoon. I was up early so dogs and I took advantage of a Sunday calm and had a long walk. I wound up carrying the Chihuahua the last block.


Yesterday morning I had a message from my bank that my credit card had been declined for a charge in Tawain. Good ... since I am not there, obviously. I called the bank and the card was cancelled immediately which is a good thing since "they" tried again with a charge in the U.S. this morning. The charges are small and weird..... obviously feelers. Annoying.... very annoying. I have a couple of automatic payments set up and I suspect one of those may be the leak. It will mean more work, but I think I am going to pay off by other methods for a few months. More work but probably more secure. And I have temporarily frozen my other credit cards. And I am making a voodoo doll clutching a credit card which I am going to stab with lots of pins! I am getting very chummy with the Fraud department.


@dfishglad you are feeling better. @kazuI am really glad that Ivan is turning out to be so companionable. Take care all. And may the scammers pass you by. I seem to be on someone's little list.









Wow that is very annoying and fortunately your bank contacted you.

I have apps on my credit and debit cards which give instant notifications on my phone when any transaction in or out is made which is very reassuring to me.

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Good afternoon to all the Dailyites.

When I started to read the thread today it was 2 pages.  Now it is up to three.  

Thank you to all that contribute and make this the best place to be every day. @richwmn, @superoma, @0106, @cat shepard, @summer slope,  and @grapau27 (nice to see Fr. David back)

As I sit here writing, my house is being thouroughly cleaned.  I am so happy.  It is something I am just no longer able to do by myself anymore.  Thankfully the Polymyalgia Rheumatica has not flared up and I want to keep it that way.


It has been cold and very cloudy and windy.  Yesterday it rained all day.  Not the best way to welcome the unofficial start of Summer.  We have put our barbecue plans on hold until tomorrow, which promises to be a better day.


DH is doing better.  The stitches came out on Friday and he seems to be feelling okay. We are trying to get ready for our cruise.  I am so behind the eight ball.  We never do ship tours,  However, this time we decided that maybe we would try some since it is an unfamiliar place for us and time is getting short.  Well, almost all the tours are sold out.  So now what. I am trying to find out if there are Taxis in the ports. Looking for private tours seems to be an exercise in futility.  Roll call is not much help.  It looks like we will be spending a lot of time in the port areas in many of these stops.


With all that was going on, the cruise was put on the back burner and now it seems too late to get my act together.  Three weeks from today we arrive in London and on June 21 we will board the Oceania Marina for 32 days.


@StLouisCruisers Glad you are feeling better today.  Hope you continue to improve and get in touch with your PCP when you get home.

@dfish Glad you are improving.  

@Denise TBon Voyage!  Enjoy every minute of your cruise.

@JazzyV Welcome home.  Sorry your flights were delayed.


Hope all is well.  Prayers for all who need them and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

Prayers for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for liberty during all the conflicts


God Bless,







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Wow, all the flower pictures are beautiful. And the memes are really funny today. 

35 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Love Pinnacle Peak but haven't been there since I came back to Tucson.  Have them wear a tie!!  LOL!!  (I am assuming they still cut them off.  🙂 )


It holds a special place in our hearts, sort of corny but true. Yes, they still cut the ties. Once, back in the day, probably about 1983 or so, DH wore a tie to work every day and we had a routine of going out to eat on Friday nights when our kids were young. He was rushed that evening so just wore his work clothes. Thank goodness the server realized he had come straight from work so whispered asking him that he might want to take his tie off. I also had a first date there back in high school before the fire.  Plus many family and friends get togethers. So lots of fond memories. 


49 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

Had to share…



Ann, I love this!  RIP Tina. 

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4 hours ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! Just over two weeks since the end of the World Cruise, and today is our first day back to normal routine (ish).

My cousin picked us up at Fort Lauderdale, and we spent three days in Orlando (two of them at Disney World) with her.  We got home late Monday night, spent all Tuesday getting the car running, and then picked up company from Australia at the airport Wednesday morning. We went directly to Salt Spring Island and spent several days cleaning up the acreage before coming back to the mainland. 
The next day, we got a call from friends on the other side of Chilliwack. There was an armed standoff two blocks from their house and the neighborhood was in lockdown. The husband was told to stay indoors, away from any exterior walls. The wife was out, and unable to get home. She was sheltering in a convenience store on the safe side of the police barricade but close enough to hear the gunfire. This is NOT your typical Canadian experience, and she was too terrified to walk to her car to drive to our place. DH drove down there, and was able to lead her out to her car and get her on the road. (She refused to leave her car behind.) He followed in our car as she drove to our place, where she stayed overnight. By morning it was over and safe to go home. The house involved was burned completely to the ground.

Our Australian guest never has this happen in his neighborhood in Sydney, and no longer believes anything he hears about Canada. The day he flew home was a big family gathering in North Vancouver, and we got home just before midnight.

Now everyone is gone, we have no appointments, and today is STOP and rest day! I had forgotten what early morning peace was like!
Happy Sunday, everyone, and Happy Memorial,Day weekend to my friends south of the border!


Surprising to hear of such activities as an armed standoff in your neck of the woods.  Reassuring to know ALL the crazies aren't living here in the U.S.  I'm glad you could be of assistance to your friend in her time of need.  P.S  glad to see you back here on the Daily.  We've had lots of the original posters drop off.




3 hours ago, marshhawk said:

My cough was not leaving, and then yesterday, I could not taste my potato salad....hmmmm...I added a bit of everything, celery, onion, pickle, pickle juice, a dash of Italian dressing....nothing..... and then it dawned on me, and I took a Covid test.  Yup. Well this explains a lot.  I have one errand to do, get the outdoor cat her temptations, and then back home to the sofa, and Indy...then Nascar....


I hope you all have a great day, and @smitty34877I hope your neighbors can assist you in getting Tana out into the sunshine!


Heat still comes on every morning in Atlanta, but I've taken to sleeping sitting up in the den.  With a cat of course.  


Whoops!  Sorry to hear about your Covid test being positive.  Is Chuck ill also?  Just relax and get well soon!




2 hours ago, Mr. Boston said:

Good afternoon everyone, just a quick check in today as the weekend seems to be filled with projects.  Hope you all have a great Memorial Day weekend!IMG_0327.thumb.jpeg.1a11b10aa8b8a0df78e5ea4d9c9135c7.jpeg


I love your flag display outside your windows.  Beautiful and so patriotic!




1 hour ago, lobsternight said:

Good Morning Everyone.


Well my final concrete pour in the back yard went well.  Woke up this morning to see the crows have walked over all the finish. No it won't buff out  


OMG.  I can't believe they would be enticed over to your cement pad for a little walk around.  Unbelievable.




1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Had to share…




Awww.  It's cool to see Tina could take her rolling carryon up to heaven with her, full of miniskirts and high heels.




46 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, lots of interesting news today.  Thanks, all!  @dfish, I had looked up false Jacob's ladder and false lily of the valley before I thought of false Hellebore.  I really don't think it's a royal fern!


My rose is blooming, a bit early, and I have a peony which has a single bright pink flower and a paler double on the same plant.  I don't think it did that last year...












Your flower garden is gorgeous!




36 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon to all the Dailyites.

When I started to read the thread today it was 2 pages.  Now it is up to three.  

Thank you to all that contribute and make this the best place to be every day. @richwmn, @superoma, @0106, @cat shepard, @summer slope,  and @grapau27 (nice to see Fr. David back)

As I sit here writing, my house is being thouroughly cleaned.  I am so happy.  It is something I am just no longer able to do by myself anymore.  Thankfully the Polymyalgia Rheumatica has not flared up and I want to keep it that way.


It has been cold and very cloudy and windy.  Yesterday it rained all day.  Not the best way to welcome the unofficial start of Summer.  We have put our barbecue plans on hold until tomorrow, which promises to be a better day.


DH is doing better.  The stitches came out on Friday and he seems to be feelling okay. We are trying to get ready for our cruise.  I am so behind the eight ball.  We never do ship tours,  However, this time we decided that maybe we would try some since it is an unfamiliar place for us and time is getting short.  Well, almost all the tours are sold out.  So now what. I am trying to find out if there are Taxis in the ports. Looking for private tours seems to be an exercise in futility.  Roll call is not much help.  It looks like we will be spending a lot of time in the port areas in many of these stops.


With all that was going on, the cruise was put on the back burner and now it seems too late to get my act together.  Three weeks from today we arrive in London and on June 21 we will board the Oceania Marina for 32 days.


@StLouisCruisers Glad you are feeling better today.  Hope you continue to improve and get in touch with your PCP when you get home.

@dfish Glad you are improving.  

@Denise TBon Voyage!  Enjoy every minute of your cruise.

@JazzyV Welcome home.  Sorry your flights were delayed.


Hope all is well.  Prayers for all who need them and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

Prayers for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for liberty during all the conflicts


God Bless,



Terri, if you could list some ports on your cruise some of us might have some ideas on things to see there, or possibly a private tour idea from our past visits.  I do enjoy walking around in many places though.



We had a gift card to Zingerman's deli and all 6 went there for sandwiches for lunch today.  Deli sandwiches are $15 to $20 but are huge.  I have half mine left for dinner tonight or lunch tomorrow.  Zingerman's is known all over the country (and outside the country too).  Didn't take long to use up that gift card!  After that the grown ups went to DSW for some shoe shopping, the boys went home and the sandwich was left in Ren's hands to put in the refrigerator.  He's the responsible one!  lol!!😇

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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28 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Terri, if you could list some ports on your cruise some of us might have some ideas on things to see there, or possibly a private tour idea from our past visits.  I do enjoy walking around in many places though.

Sandi, Thank you for that.

Any or all of the places where we are interested in either a private tour or a taxi or just walking around in the port area are:

Ronne (Bornholm)













I have the others covered. Mostly interested in the availability of taxis.

Thanks for any help you can provide.


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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Good afternoon,

DH and I are taking a lunch break, the arbor is almost done!  It will be so nice to see my Clematis climbing again.  

While in the back yard, I started deadheading and pulling weeds, and found a weedy thing that smelled like....Cilantro.  Anyone who knows me knows I detest the stuff, and whatever this is has to be related to Cilantro.  Now my garden gloves smell like it and I'm itching all over and have a headache.  People laugh that I hate Cilantro, but I really do think I have a mild allergy to it.


Oh, and I also pulled out some of the False Hellebore.  It spreads so fast this time of year.  I thought of you Debbie @dfish.


Annie @marshhawk I'm so sorry you came home with Covid.  Did you hear if it was a big problem on the NA?  I hope you have a mild case!

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3 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Any or all of the places where we are interested in either a private tour or a taxi or just walking around in the port area are:

Ronne (Bornholm)













Not a tour, but if I were on Bornholm I'd want to stop by Bornholm Snaps (view in Chrome for automatic translation). I brought a bottle back from Copenhagen and opened it on my birthday last year.


At Visby there is a free walking tour every day in the summer. It's given by a slightly eccentric but very entertaining Scot. A caution: he doesn't take groups larger than 22-24 and doesn't give tours during Almedalen Week because of crowds. (However, I got him to do one for a group of about 24 during that week and then he booked a second group for the same day.) Free means tip what you want to at the end.


If you can walk up a long hill, you may not need or want a tour at Tallinn. It's easy to see on your own.

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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good afternoon to all the Dailyites.

When I started to read the thread today it was 2 pages.  Now it is up to three.  

Thank you to all that contribute and make this the best place to be every day. @richwmn, @superoma, @0106, @cat shepard, @summer slope,  and @grapau27 (nice to see Fr. David back)

As I sit here writing, my house is being thouroughly cleaned.  I am so happy.  It is something I am just no longer able to do by myself anymore.  Thankfully the Polymyalgia Rheumatica has not flared up and I want to keep it that way.


It has been cold and very cloudy and windy.  Yesterday it rained all day.  Not the best way to welcome the unofficial start of Summer.  We have put our barbecue plans on hold until tomorrow, which promises to be a better day.


DH is doing better.  The stitches came out on Friday and he seems to be feelling okay. We are trying to get ready for our cruise.  I am so behind the eight ball.  We never do ship tours,  However, this time we decided that maybe we would try some since it is an unfamiliar place for us and time is getting short.  Well, almost all the tours are sold out.  So now what. I am trying to find out if there are Taxis in the ports. Looking for private tours seems to be an exercise in futility.  Roll call is not much help.  It looks like we will be spending a lot of time in the port areas in many of these stops.


With all that was going on, the cruise was put on the back burner and now it seems too late to get my act together.  Three weeks from today we arrive in London and on June 21 we will board the Oceania Marina for 32 days.


@StLouisCruisers Glad you are feeling better today.  Hope you continue to improve and get in touch with your PCP when you get home.

@dfish Glad you are improving.  

@Denise TBon Voyage!  Enjoy every minute of your cruise.

@JazzyV Welcome home.  Sorry your flights were delayed.


Hope all is well.  Prayers for all who need them and Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

Prayers for those who made the ultimate sacrifice for liberty during all the conflicts


God Bless,








Terri, I'm glad your Polymyalgia Rheumatica hasn't flared up, and that you are getting your house cleaned.  I'm also glad you DH is doing well after having the stitches out.


16 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Sandi, Thank you for that.

Any or all of the places where we are interested in either a private tour or a taxi or just walking around in the port area are:

Ronne (Bornholm)













I have the others covered. Mostly interested in the availability of taxis.

Thanks for any help you can provide.



We have been to some of the ports and I'll give you what information I remember.  Mostly, we did our own thing in the ports.


Kristiansand -- IIRC, there was a shuttle into town, and there was a small tourist train.  It is a relatively flat area that is easily walkable.


Molde  -- We did a ship's tour there to see the Atlantic Road and a very interesting bridge.  You might want to keep trying to get a tour there.


Trondheim  -- We have been there twice, and I think there was a shuttle into town, or we took the city bus.  The town area is easily walkable.  In 2011, we picked up a local tour at the tourist information center.  It seemed they oversold the tour, and some didn't make it on the bus, so if you opt for this, be at the pick up point early.  The tour was interesting.


Tallinn  -- We have been to Tallinn about three times, and really liked the town.  The old town is very interesting, but the streets are steep.  We also took the local tram, and have done the Ho-Ho twice.  Unfortunately, it is not able to navigate the streets of the old town.


I hope this will give you and idea of a few of the places you will visit.






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24 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Sandi, Thank you for that.

Any or all of the places where we are interested in either a private tour or a taxi or just walking around in the port area are:

Ronne (Bornholm)













I have the others covered. Mostly interested in the availability of taxis.

Thanks for any help you can provide.



You have quite an interesting list of ports there on your cruise.  I love that region but I can honestly say I haven't been to the majority of those ports.  We missed Haugesund last year due to being in quarantine so I have no clue there.  I cancelled a cruise with Riga and Klaipeda due to Russia being on the itinerary and then St. Petersburg was removed from it so I could have actually taken that one.  We haven't been to Ronne (Bornholm), Visby, Karlskrona, Molde, Kristiansund, or Gothenburg either.  


In Tallinn, Kristiansand, and Trondheim we haven't taken a tour, just walked and tried to pass as many of the main tourist sights in town.  You need a good map of the town for that and if you can print off one ahead of time that would be a good idea.  I know HAL and Princess don't have the maps they used to have. I have no idea about taxis in any of those ports.  We rarely use taxis so it sounds like I'm not much help at all to you.  Hopefully someone else here will chime in with taxi knowledge or a private tour they arranged.  If Oceania (I think that's your cruise line) has the port talks ahead of time make a point to attend to get some ideas or advice on what to do in ports, and taxi availability.  Good luck to you!  It sounds like an amazing cruise!!

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22 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


Not a tour, but if I were on Bornholm I'd want to stop by Bornholm Snaps (view in Chrome for automatic translation). I brought a bottle back from Copenhagen and opened it on my birthday last year.


At Visby there is a free walking tour every day in the summer. It's given by a slightly eccentric but very entertaining Scot. A caution: he doesn't take groups larger than 22-24 and doesn't give tours during Almedalen Week because of crowds. (However, I got him to do one for a group of about 24 during that week and then he booked a second group for the same day.) Free means tip what you want to at the end.


If you can walk up a long hill, you may not need or want a tour at Tallinn. It's easy to see on your own.

Thanks for your help.  I printed the link and will take it with me.  Will try to do that tour.


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17 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Terri, I'm glad your Polymyalgia Rheumatica hasn't flared up, and that you are getting your house cleaned.  I'm also glad you DH is doing well after having the stitches out.



We have been to some of the ports and I'll give you what information I remember.  Mostly, we did our own thing in the ports.


Kristiansand -- IIRC, there was a shuttle into town, and there was a small tourist train.  It is a relatively flat area that is easily walkable.


Molde  -- We did a ship's tour there to see the Atlantic Road and a very interesting bridge.  You might want to keep trying to get a tour there.


Trondheim  -- We have been there twice, and I think there was a shuttle into town, or we took the city bus.  The town area is easily walkable.  In 2011, we picked up a local tour at the tourist information center.  It seemed they oversold the tour, and some didn't make it on the bus, so if you opt for this, be at the pick up point early.  The tour was interesting.


Tallinn  -- We have been to Tallinn about three times, and really liked the town.  The old town is very interesting, but the streets are steep.  We also took the local tram, and have done the Ho-Ho twice.  Unfortunately, it is not able to navigate the streets of the old town.


I hope this will give you and idea of a few of the places you will visit.






Thanks for your help Lenda.

Made note of your suggestions.


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20 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Thanks for your help Lenda.

Made note of your suggestions.



Terri, I'm glad I could help a little.  I had an idea that since some of these ports have been the port of the day at one time or another, you could search for them, or maybe, Sandi @StLouisCruisers could give you the links to the pictures when she returns home.  If not, let me know and I can repost some of my pictures.  Pictures might give you an idea of what each port is like.



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Hi friends! I have to tell you what wonderful neighbors I have! I came home from playing bridge this afternoon and found the next-door neighbors power-washing the north side of my house that never gets direct sunlight. Over the years, my blue siding looked a yucky shade of green, but now it's blue again! I love my neighbors and I am NEVER moving! ❤️

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5 hours ago, marshhawk said:

My cough was not leaving, and then yesterday, I could not taste my potato salad....hmmmm...I added a bit of everything, celery, onion, pickle, pickle juice, a dash of Italian dressing....nothing..... and then it dawned on me, and I took a Covid test.  Yup. Well this explains a lot.

Oh, I’m so sorry for you!  Prayers for a mild case, and quickly back to health!

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29 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Terri, I'm glad I could help a little.  I had an idea that since some of these ports have been the port of the day at one time or another, you could search for them, or maybe, Sandi @StLouisCruisers could give you the links to the pictures when she returns home.  If not, let me know and I can repost some of my pictures.  Pictures might give you an idea of what each port is like.




That is an idea, Lenda.  I could easily do that for Terri.  I'll get right on it while I have time this evening.  We're ordering pizza in so no going out to a restaurant.  I can enjoy a glass of wine while I do it!  But a warning, not all those ports have been listed as port of the day, but it will be a start!




10 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Hi friends! I have to tell you what wonderful neighbors I have! I came home from playing bridge this afternoon and found the next-door neighbors power-washing the north side of my house that never gets direct sunlight. Over the years, my blue siding looked a yucky shade of green, but now it's blue again! I love my neighbors and I am NEVER moving! ❤️


What great neighbors!  Now not only can you enjoy the blue siding again, they can too.

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6 hours ago, durangoscots said:

And I am making a voodoo doll clutching a credit card which I am going to stab with lots of pins! I am getting very chummy with the Fraud department.


Fraud is awful when it happens to you, but I laughed out loud when I read this part!  Hope you get your replacement card soon!

Edited by ocean sounds
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16 minutes ago, NextOne said:

Hi friends! I have to tell you what wonderful neighbors I have! I came home from playing bridge this afternoon and found the next-door neighbors power-washing the north side of my house that never gets direct sunlight. Over the years, my blue siding looked a yucky shade of green, but now it's blue again! I love my neighbors and I am NEVER moving! ❤️


Edi, you do have some really great neighbors.


3 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


That is an idea, Lenda.  I could easily do that for Terri.  I'll get right on it while I have time this evening.  We're ordering pizza in so no going out to a restaurant.  I can enjoy a glass of wine while I do it!  But a warning, not all those ports have been listed as port of the day, but it will be a start!



Sandi, thanks for agreeing to my idea.  I guessed that not all the ports had been the port of the day, since I didn't recognize some of them.  I know seeing pictures of future ports give me an idea about the area.



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