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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday June 8th, 2023


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Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!  I spent another night sleeping sitting up on the sofa, so that I dont drown.  I can get a good 4-5 hours of sleep, and then dream of a nap the rest of the day.  The cats rotate on the sofa with me, and then chase each other around during the changing of the cats.


The computer says it's 68 and partly sunny.  Must be sunny on the east side, my view is of the west, and it's cloudy.  Our weather man just said we are expecting a cold front today, so I guess I can go another day without turning on the air.  


Not much going on in my world today, I like the quote, I have not been to French Polynesia in fact the only part of the Pacific I have seen is the Alaskan part.  The meal looks good, but not something I would make.  I dont think there is any pasta in this house anymore.  I do miss pasta salad, but my doc says no pasta.  Oh well. 








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Good morning to all,

These are busy days and adding to the mix that my PMR is acting up is not helping the situation.

Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, Dixie and all who make this thread happen on a daily basis.

Hats off to best friends.  What would we do without them? I always like to say that DH is my best friend and always will be.  But then there are others too.  

Pick my poison. I’d rather not.  Don’t have many these days.

We all have to take care of our Oceans.  We are a group that love the seas.

I like the meal and it sounds like something I may make tonight.

I will skip the wine.  A bit above the budget.  I will skip the drink as well.  Have not been to the port.


Would you believe that we are still completing forms to get DBIL’s estate settled?  It is almost two years.  I just cannot believe there can be so many papers to fill out.  I still say that I will never put a penny in Capital One Bank. The amount of grief that they have generated is beyond the pale.


@smitty34877  I am sorry to learn of your DH’’s health news.  Prayers for him and your whole family.

@aliaschief Enjoy Sevilla.  Last year when we were on the Oceania Nautica we also sailed up the Guadalquivir River to Sevilla.  It was really great to dock right in the city.  Unfortunately, even though we were there for two days, DH and I only had one due to our Covid isolation.  We only had one day and I was exhausted.  Enjoy that beautiful city.


Today DH has a dentist appointment.  Since we only have one car now and DH no longer drives, I am the designated driver. Then to the bank to get more forms notarized and sent off to the Probate Court.  It never ends.


Trying to get ready for our cruise.  Too much to do.  I am really not sure what kinds of clothes to take with me.  I think I need warmer stuff than regular summer clothes, but not really sure.  We are going to Denmark, Sweden, Finland and Norway.  Does anyone have any suggestions?  i hate being cold.  If I had my way, I would be in the Mediterranean.  Anyway!!!  Any input would be most welcome.  We will be on the Baltic from June 21 to July 23.   


I hope that those who are affected by the smoke condition stay inside and safe.  Especially those with lung conditions and breathing problems.  


Have a good day everyone,

God Bless,


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We should cherish our best friends, because one day they won't be there.  If I have to name my poison, it's scotch.  There, I've said it.  Who among us cruisers doesn't love oceans?  We should be doing more to clean up the ocean, as it's the life blood of our planet.  


Well I was rudely awakened at 3:45 this morning when my CPAP abruptly stopped.  The power went out, so that meant when it finally came on about 15 minutes ago, I went around the house setting digital clocks.  And it appears the surge finally cooked the electronic clock on our stove.  It's been having issues since a power outage a couple of years ago, but this time it's completely black and none of the buttons on the clock panel will even give you a "ding".  No worries, at least the oven and burners work, so I'm not going to panic.  On the other hand, our DS had the freezer compressor on their 3 year old LG fridge die on them.  It's going to cost about $500 in repairs, but at least it's better than having to put out $2300 on a new one.  Our fridge is 25+ years old and still working, so I'm not saying anything if it suddenly gives up the ghost.


@smitty34877I'm sorry to hear DH's results weren't good; hopefully he can get early treatment and can be on the road to recovery soon.  

@ocean sounds Bon Voyage!

@kazu that's good news about your neighbour; glad the stent was placed and now he can enjoy life again.


It's bright and sunny out, the birds are singing, and the smell of lilacs is so beautiful; I love summers on the Frozen Tundra!  Last night I baked a lemon cake and this morning will put a pudding/cool whip icing on it, as my godson who lives in South Korea is dropping in for a visit this afternoon.  His wife wasn't able to come this time, but they're planning another trip this way sometime in the summer, and he promises to bring her with him.  We haven't had a chance to get together for a long while, so it'll be great catching up on what he's been up to. 


I'm pretty sure I'd like the drink of the day, will pass on the white wine, and would love only part of the menu suggestion - I can't eat blue cheese (penicillin allergy).  With that in mind, though, because it's going to go up to 30 or higher today, I will make a pasta salad with peas and ham that we can enjoy on trays in the pergola tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in Ukraine who are now dealing with the total devastation of flooding since the destruction of an essential dam.  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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No on the meal but yes on Roy's alternative. I like Kir, which is white wine with crème de cassis dropped into it (but usually not stirred), so I'd try the drink. The wine is beyond my means and I haven't been to Raiatea.


It is hazy but not smoky this morning, with AQI at 162. That's "unhealthy," an improvement from "hazardous" yesterday, but people of my age and state of health are still advised to limit outdoor activity. I need to buy groceries; may wait until this afternoon when there is a chance of rain. I plan to work in my office for most of the afternoon, and the air there is not as good as at home, because the building has a ventilation system that draws in outside air.



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Good cool and sunny morning. The air is not quite as bad as yesterday, but I’m still staying inside . 
My BF had his birthday yesterday and today is the anniversary of his dad’s passing. He believes that his dad willed himself to hang on till the next day so his birthday would not be a sad reminder . I agree with him and remember sitting with his dad and telling him it will be okay to go 💔

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Good morning Dailyites. Thanks Rich for our Daily. 






National Name Your Poison Day on June 8th places a few options before you and challenges you to choose. In this case, the idiom can be a cautionary one or it could be your bartender's way of asking you what you want to drink.


Prayers lifted to our friends here on the Daily.  @smitty34877 I'm so sorry to hear your husband's health news. 


My goodness looking at all the smoke filled states and Canada's fires! Hoping for rain and more volunteering from other countries to help put those fires out!




We were just in French Polynesia Feb/Mar for the Hawaii Tahiti cruise. Sandi's pictures pretty much covers our day there. 


Tonight is Mahjongg with my best friends,  so will raise a glass to celebrate. Have a great day. Blessings lifted!

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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Sue has been having occasional periods of rapid (160 bpm) heart beats about 1-1/2 - 2 months apart. She had an echocardiagram yesterday and was fitted with a 30-day monitor to wear. Hopefully we can get to the bottom of this.


Stay Safe!


- Jack

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Off to another day, yay!  Hazy like yesterday but rain not happening today. Maybe a shower tomorrow. 

My older brother took me to my first baseball game, Yankee Stadium. When Mickey Mantle came to bat he hit the first pitch over the fences. I’ll never forget it. Thrilling to a kid!  

We kayaked in Raiatia on a ship excursion, from the sea up a river. It was very windy at the mouth if the river but then once a bit upstream and sheltered it was a beautiful peaceful time. The volcanic island core is eroded into benches and cliff faces and picturesque. Lots of big-leafed flora. I love the South Pacific islands!  Glad we got to see them while we could. 

@smitty34877 that is tough news. Living where there’s good specialists is more important as we age, which is one reason why we’re not in our beloved mountain home anymore. Hoping you can get on a treatment track quickly. The monkeying around on the front end is exhausting. We’ll hang in with you!  

More of our working down the list today contacting folks to change banks. I have a meeting this morning with the welcome team for our condo building. Then a call with a continuing care retirement community in NJ that we’re considering for our next chapter, closer to the granddaughter. Best get going!  

Lifting up blessings to all in need near and far. Safe travels to all away, bon voyage to @ocean sounds  

Cheers to everyone celebrating!  Life is Good!  
May the Fires and all the smoke plume regions get rain! 

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Good morning,

A hazy day here but nothing like our Dailylites are experiencing on the east coast. Air quality alert so another excuse not to go for a walk. I need to work off the few pounds I gained and the 10 I wanted to lose before my last cruise. 

@marshhawk have you seen a doctor ? Secondary infections are common with COVID. You may need an antibiotic you could have pneumonia. 

@smitty34877 sorry to hear about the pathology report. You have a lot on your plate. 

@summer slope a prayer for you today. 

DGS had a baseball game last night. I think he was more excited to find out what color Gatorade he got after the game. He is a good little player but still has a short attention span. 

Prayers for all in need and have a great day. 

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

  On the other hand, our DS had the freezer compressor on their 3 year old LG fridge die on them.  It's going to cost about $500 in repairs, but at least it's better than having to put out $2300 on a new one.  Our fridge is 25+ years old and still working, so I'm not saying anything if it suddenly gives up the ghost.


Gerry, you might want to let your DS know that LG still uses the same freezer compressor, so this might be a recurring theme.


My 8 year old LG fridge’s compressor died at the end of April and my appliance repair guru warned me about this problem. So I decided I did not want to worry about the problem happening while I was traveling. I lucked in to an amazing sale on a Whirlpool fridge. 


Edited by cat shepard
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Thank you to all who post on the F & D.  With the terrible wildfires across North America it is important for us to remember how the land and the ocean are connected.  There is an abundance of information on the website: World Ocean Day


In 1992, Canada proposed the concept of World Ocean Day at the Earth Summit in Rio.  In 2008, the UN General Assembly officially recognized June 8 as World Ocean Day.  In 2020, a Conservation Action focus was launched: protecting 30% of our lands and oceans by 2030.  To create a healthy ocean with abundant wildlife and to stabilize the climate, it’s critical that 30% of our planet’s lands, waters, and ocean are protected. Leading scientists worldwide have determined a healthy ocean is a critical part of the solution to the climate and biodiversity crises. By supporting 30×30, we can protect our planet’s life support systems – specifically the interconnected issues of ocean, climate, and biodiversity.  Currently, less than 17% of land and 8% of the ocean worldwide is protected.


Positive thoughts to those who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

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Good Morning, thanks for today’s report.  It’s a cool cloudy day today.  Today’s meal suggestion sounds good.  Work just announced that everyone must have a background check every three years to remain employed, no one seems happy with this change.  Wonder if I can count the cats as best friends, they are good at keeping secrets.  I hope everyone has a good day today.

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Good morning from a mostly sunny, calm central Texas.  It is currently 74F and will reach about 85F today.  I should be out mowing the grass this morning since tomorrow is supposed to be warmer with a high of 95F.  However, I will tackle that job tomorrow morning before it gets too hot.  At least, tomorrow, it will just be mowing, trimming and spraying weed killer if it's not too windy.


I treasure my two best friends, and I'm lucky one of them lives next door.  Like Jacqui, @kazu  my poison is wine, either red or white from a bottle or a box.  World Ocean day is one for the Dailyites to celebrate, and I think the world is finally beginning to realize that our oceans are not a dumping ground  for all sorts of waste.


An interesting quote from our friend unknown.  I think it is true in some respects but not all.


We will pass on the meal, drink and wine.


We have been to Raiatea at least twice, but only once in the digital age.  I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes.


Mickey Mantle was a great ball player.  My mother was a huge baseball fan, we followed Mickey and Roger Maris chasing Babe Ruth's home run record.  We still rooted for the Brooklyn Dodgers.


@kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you got some time away from the paperwork and spend it in the garden.  I'm glad your neighbor has a new stent and is recovering nicely.

@ottahand7 Nancy, enjoy your day driving through the country.  Wow, on seeing the wolf in your yard.

@smi  Terry, I'm very sorry that the report from the surgeon was bad news.  I hope your DH can have the second surgery soon, and begin the chemotherapy soon.  Sending positive thoughts for an easy time with the chemo and a great outcome.  The teenager is showing signs of maturity when he gets up early and thinks of sparing you being outside walking the dogs.  Tana and the rest of the family have a good reason to be proud.

@Nickelpenny  Penny, I'm sorry your visit with your friend has been hampered by the smoke.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I am amazed at how much paperwork is required to settle your DBIL's estate and how it is dragging on so long.  As for the type of clothes to take, my advice is to think layers.  The Baltic can be cool or it can be hot in July.  The further north you go in Norway, the cooler it will be, plus there is always a chance of rain.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope you have a great visit with your godson.  

@HeartgroveJack, I hope the heart monitor will give you and Sue some answers and a treatment plan, which hopefully will be an easy plan.

@summer slope  Dixie, I'm sorry you are having a minor health problem, and sending positive thoughts for a quick recovery.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, the background check requirement all of a sudden is puzzling.  Did they give you a reason for the change?














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I posted this on May 29, 2022.


Looking back through my pictures, I found a few from our last cruise that stopped at Raiatea.  The island is not often included in cruises to French Polynesia from US ports.  We have been there when we have taken cruises from Papeete. 


In 2004, we did b2b cruises on Tahitian Princess.  The first included the Cook Islands and the second stopped at a couple of islands east of Tahiti.  Both cruises called at Raiatea.  


On November 29, 2004, the weather in Raiatea was not the best.  We rented a car and drove around the island.  These are a few pictures from our drive.



We stopped at a hotel that had over the water cabins.  Someday, I would like to spend a few days at one.  It would be nice to just walk out of your room and jump in the water to snorkel.







On December 11, 2004, IIRC, we did a snorkeling tour.  These pictures were taken from the boat.









Walking around town, we saw quite a few shops decorated for Christmas.  They mainly had aluminum trees, and frankly, the did look a little out of place in that tropical setting.



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3 hours ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone!


The painters are done and now we just have to install the new light fixture on the deck and paint the trim around the roof and the front door.  Next week.   We tried installing the light fixture, but it wouldn't turn on.  Back to the drawing board.  The instructions were less than helpful, but I know I have white to white, black to black and ground to ground.  We'll figure it out.  We'll do the trim and door painting next week.


Sue is going up north today, so I am on my own.  I'm doing laundry and getting ready for a weekend at the lake house.  Of course, the weekend we go up the temps are going to be on the cool side.  No matter, we can always shop.  


Today's meal sounds like great comfort food.  It would be a good side dish, but it does have sausage in it for protein and could be the main dish.   https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/bow-ties-with-gorgonzola-sauce/




That does look good, but a tad too high in carbs for me.  


This next recipe doesn't have the sausage in it.  The sauce recipe is slightly different from the first.  You could add in the sausage if you like.  https://www.justapinch.com/recipes/main-course/main-course-pasta/farfalle-bow-ties-with-gorgonzola-sauce.html




This recipe calls for rocket (arugula) and speck.  Speck is a type of cured, lightly smoked ham. It's typically made in South Tyrol, a province in northeast Italy known for its snow-capped Dolomite mountains and strong German-Austrian influence. Although a close cousin to prosciutto crudo, speck is worthy of its own distinction when it comes to cured hams.  My Austrian great grandmother called bacon speck.  https://emmylouloves.com/recipes/gorgonzola-and-speck-bowties/




I hope one of these works for you!  


@Mr. Boston safe travels to Northern Michigan.  We'll be right behind you tomorrow.  

@cruzn single We'll be thinking of you and sending healing thoughts.


Wishing you all a wonderful day.



Debbie, good job today!  I think I could try any of those recipes.  Looks very good actually.




3 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. I will gladly salute best friends and oceans. We have not been to the port . I would love the recipe but everyone else in the family would not. 
Yesterday we received unwelcome  news from DH’s surgeon. The pathology report was not good and treatment will be further surgery and chemotherapy. I am grateful to live where I do as  there are specialists of all types. We spent the day gathering information and informing the rest of the family.

The air quality here yesterday afternoon was well over 400 but today looks somewhat better at 246. DD had masks for us but no one went out except for brief dog rescues. Around two o’ clock yesterday the sky was a deep orange. If I weren’t so preoccupied with the previous news I think I would have been alarmed. NYC and Yonkers schools are closed today. The teenager got up early to walk the dogs for me as he didn’t want me to go outside. He is such a wonderful  kid!

Stay safe out there everyone.



Terry, I'm saddened to hear the new report from your DH's doctor.  Praying for your DH as he goes through more surgery and chemo.  Praying for strength and peace for you too as you help him through this.🙏




30 minutes ago, summer slope said:

I’m having a minor health problem and would like to be put on the prayer list please. 


So sorry to hear this Dixie.  Sending you many prayers for a resolution to your health problem.  Get well soon!🙏

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13 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a mostly sunny, calm central Texas.  It is currently 74F and will reach about 85F today.  I should be out mowing the grass this morning since tomorrow is supposed to be warmer with a high of 95F.  However, I will tackle that job tomorrow morning before it gets too hot.  At least, tomorrow, it will just be mowing, trimming and spraying weed killer if it's not too windy.


I treasure my two best friends, and I'm lucky one of them lives next door.  Like Jacqui, @kazu  my poison is wine, either red or white from a bottle or a box.  World Ocean day is one for the Dailyites to celebrate, and I think the world is finally beginning to realize that our oceans are not a dumping ground  for all sorts of waste.


An interesting quote from our friend unknown.  I think it is true in some respects but not all.


We will pass on the meal, drink and wine.


We have been to Raiatea at least twice, but only once in the digital age.  I'll look for my pictures in a few minutes.


Mickey Mantle was a great ball player.  My mother was a huge baseball fan, we followed Mickey and Roger Maris chasing Babe Ruth's home run record.  We still rooted for the Brooklyn Dodgers.


@kazu Jacqui, I'm glad you got some time away from the paperwork and spend it in the garden.  I'm glad your neighbor has a new stent and is recovering nicely.

@ottahand7 Nancy, enjoy your day driving through the country.  Wow, on seeing the wolf in your yard.

@smi  Terry, I'm very sorry that the report from the surgeon was bad news.  I hope your DH can have the second surgery soon, and begin the chemotherapy soon.  Sending positive thoughts for an easy time with the chemo and a great outcome.  The teenager is showing signs of maturity when he gets up early and thinks of sparing you being outside walking the dogs.  Tana and the rest of the family have a good reason to be proud.

@Nickelpenny  Penny, I'm sorry your visit with your friend has been hampered by the smoke.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I am amazed at how much paperwork is required to settle your DBIL's estate and how it is dragging on so long.  As for the type of clothes to take, my advice is to think layers.  The Baltic can be cool or it can be hot in July.  The further north you go in Norway, the cooler it will be, plus there is always a chance of rain.

@ger_77  Gerry, I hope you have a great visit with your godson.  

@HeartgroveJack, I hope the heart monitor will give you and Sue some answers and a treatment plan, which hopefully will be an easy plan.

@summer slope  Dixie, I'm sorry you are having a minor health problem, and sending positive thoughts for a quick recovery.

@Crazy For Cats  Jake, the background check requirement all of a sudden is puzzling.  Did they give you a reason for the change?














No reason was given.

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@marshhawk  Annie, these are the pictures I posted on June 5, 2022, of our day in Messina.  They should give you an idea of the city, and help you decide what you want to do the day you are in port.


We have been to Messina three times.  The first time in 2002 on Noordam III, we did what was called "A Drive to Mt. Etna", and since it was raining, that was pretty much what we did.  It cleared just enough for a few minutes for us to see the crater.




The second and third visits were on the Prinsendam in 2017.  The first of those, we went to Taormina.  The second visit in 2017, we decided to stay in town.  We walked to the cathedral and bell tower and then took the Ho-Ho.  We climbed the tower, which was interesting, so some of the pictures were taken inside the tower.






These are some pictures of Messina from the bell tower.  The Prinsendam looks so small next to the MSC mega ship.  




These are either from the Ho-Ho or from our walk back from the bell tower to the ship.  Unfortunately, we did not get to see the noon show at the bell tower since the Ho-Ho left just before it started.  We'd been warned to be out of the tower before noon if we valued our hearing.


This is the plaza in front of the cathedral and tower.



The main altar in the cathedral.



A couple of street scenes.DSC02408.thumb.JPG.7500836af902db3fb9e892c1a4e36f61.JPG



There was another picture Church of the Annunciation of the Catalans  posted earlier.  It was very old, but I don't remember when it was built, but over the centuries, the church became lower than street level.  Inside, it was a fairly simple church.






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