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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday June 11th, 2023


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Good afternoon from a hot (92F) and breezy central Texas.  When I went for my walk, it was still about 75F and pleasant.  But that changed as the morning progressed.


The shutters have been treated, but while it helps, they still do not look as good as they should.  It is easy to reach the shutters that are on the front and on the patio, but those on the area above the yard and too high to reach without a ladder.  The ground is just uneven enough for me to not be comfortable on the tall ladder without out someone holding it, and even then it's still not the greatest arrangement. I managed to come up with Plan B which while not as efficient worked.  I got the tall step ladder and could reach most of the shutters.  To reach the top part I used DH's grabber to hold the wiper and treat the shutter.  While it was still about 83F when I started, it didn't take long to get very sweaty as the humidity was up and the dew point is 73F.  I don't think I've sweated as much since we moved from the Houston area, and that is why we moved.


The shutters are almost 23 years old, and were not treated until about five or six years ago.  We are thinking about replacing them, or maybe painting them.  It's reached the point that we'll have to get someone to take the old shutters down and install the new or repainted shutters.  


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We love corn on the cob and buy it often.  Although we've never been to Hawaii, we know the significance of King Kamehameha to that state.  I remember sitting on the couch with my parents watching Jacques Cousteau on the black and white television.


Another bright sunny day in the offing for us with just a hint of wind that might keep the mosquitos at bay for those watching soccer and baseball in the parks today.  We had a surprise visit from our Ukrainian friends yesterday - they called first to see if we were home - and they brought us gifts.  They said they really wanted to express their gratitude for all we've done for them, and presented each of us with intricately embroidered shirts/blouses.  Oh my gosh, I have a general idea of what they must have paid for them, and it's way out of line, but they insisted we have them.  We were overwhelmed by their generosity toward us.  During our visit, they wanted to know how to go about renting an RV so they could go to Banff and see the mountains.  We gave them a few ideas of places they could contact, and will help them with planning their excursion.


@Denise T a belated Happy Birthday to you - I didn't get back here yesterday to wish you well.  I hope you have a wonderful year ahead.

@kazu I'm so glad you finally got through all the paperwork - what a drudge that is!  I'm happy to hear most of the fires are being kept under control.

@loveandpeas thank you for sharing your recipe - it isn't quite like my mom's, but it is Delicious!!!  DH's only request was that I cut the rhubarb into thin little pieces, which I did, so he was very happy with the results.  There was too much custard for the 9" pie shell (Tenderflake frozen), so I greased a small loaf pan and baked it alongside the pie - it was yummy!



Today it's a matter of running the vacuum all through the house, and then swiffering off the deck (a never ending job out there) before our friends come in from out of town tomorrow.  I think they're only staying 1 night, and believe they're taking us out for dinner tomorrow, but I'll prepare something just in case.   I'd like the drink of the day, but thought it might have nectarines in it, would like to try the wine, and am definitely going to make today's menu suggestion, as we love salmon.  When we went for groceries yesterday we bought a rotisserie chicken, so tonight we'll be enjoying reheated chicken, garlic parmesan potatoes and coleslaw on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️






Gerry, how nice of your new friends to give you the lovely shirts as a thank you.


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

We have just got home after an absolutely fantastic cruise around the Norwegian Fjords.

It was sunny every day and an average temperature of 70°F.


Welcome home, Pauline and Graham.  DH suspected you were on a cruise.


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Nice photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.  I have to apologize for posting on picture twice in the second group, and forgetting the correct one which was on the bottom of the post.  I was in a hurry to get my walk in before it got hot.


2 hours ago, grapau27 said:











Love the pictures of the Norwegian fjords.  


1 hour ago, grapau27 said:

Some food pictures.

We ate in the  speciality restaurants every night.

The food and service was absolutely amazing.














I think I gained 11 pounds or half a stone just looking at your pictures of your meals.  😉


26 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

A afternoon at Fatima. One the most revered pilgrimage places for Catholics. It is here the Blessed Virgin appeared to three shepherd children in 1917. The large Oak tree over 100 years is where they saw Blessed Virgin.

made a mistake earlier. We stay in Lisbon tonight but leave at 4:00 PM tomorrow.




Bruce, I enjoyed your pictures from Fatima, and thank you for telling us about the oak tree.  We went to Fatima in 2011, but our guide did not mention the tree.


1 hour ago, kochleffel said:

I could make the salmon today if I were to substitute lemon for lime, but I had poached salmon for lunch yesterday, so I'll wait until I can get a lime or two. I'm not very enthusiastic about the cocktail but might like the wine. I plan to visit Seville this fall during the Spanish Farewell.


The poached salmon was at a lunch for our rabbi and his family as they prepare to move to a larger city where he has a new job. He is much beloved even by people who complain all the time, so it wasn't a totally happy occasion but no one cried. The morning service before the lunch was almost fantastically elaborate, with choir (they hadn't sung together since the fall holidays), two cantorial soloists--our regular one, who is a member, and a music teacher in the public schools who commutes here five days a week for his job and is probably too tired to return on Saturdays; he has been studying traditional cantorial modes and wants to study to be a professional cantor. Also seven Torah readers; I was one and got the longest section. Another, born in Russia, was a member reading Torah for the first time ever, and a third, doing it for only the second time, was one of my Hebrew students. She is a French teacher and reads Hebrew with a charming French accent.


The air quality has improved to 75. It will be lower tomorrow, perhaps because of rain that's predicted.


Entirely by coincidence, I'll be attending a webinar later this week with interpretive staff from Canyonlands and Arches. The topic is interpreting science to the public, not specific to those parks.





Paul, it looks like you gave your Rabbi a good send off.  I hope the new Rabbi will be just as good.


6 minutes ago, superoma said:

Clearing out my dad’s house I found a picture that I didn’t know existed. It was taken right around our wedding in February 1970. My paternal grandmother and my future in laws travelled over from Germany to be part of the celebration. 
left to right- my mother, my maternal grandmother, my paternal grandmother, my mother in law and me.



Eva, I'm so happy you found the picture.  That is definitely one you will treasure.


I have enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures of Seville, and thank you for sharing.  They bring back good memories of our two days exploring the city.



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2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

I have a few hours of quiet until I am invading by munchkins this afternoon. It is rainy day so play will be indoors. 

I am getting a little overwhelmed with all the activity on my Grand Australia cruise roll call.  Shore excursions are starting to come out on HAL and private excursions are flying by on the roll call. I am afraid of missing something. There is a great spreadsheet but I need to organize one just for me to keep track of what I signed up for.  94 days is a lot to keep up with. 

Prayers and good wishes to all. Have a great day. 

Oh my gosh, I thought it was just me! I am also on that cruise and my head was spinning earlier this week with looking at and booking some of the shore excursions. I said to myself, I am overwhelmed right now, and had to give my brain a rest, and I am  not one to talk to myself very often! Agree, lots to keep up with and organize.

A personal spreadsheet is a good idea though not an expert at Excel...🙃

@Cruising-along glad to see I am not the only one putting in the work for the Aus/NZ cruise!

Any tips are always welcome.

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday. 😎


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9 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a hot (92F) and breezy central Texas.  When I went for my walk, it was still about 75F and pleasant.  But that changed as the morning progressed.


The shutters have been treated, but while it helps, they still do not look as good as they should.  It is easy to reach the shutters that are on the front and on the patio, but those on the area above the yard and too high to reach without a ladder.  The ground is just uneven enough for me to not be comfortable on the tall ladder without out someone holding it, and even then it's still not the greatest arrangement. I managed to come up with Plan B which while not as efficient worked.  I got the tall step ladder and could reach most of the shutters.  To reach the top part I used DH's grabber to hold the wiper and treat the shutter.  While it was still about 83F when I started, it didn't take long to get very sweaty as the humidity was up and the dew point is 73F.  I don't think I've sweated as much since we moved from the Houston area, and that is why we moved.


The shutters are almost 23 years old, and were not treated until about five or six years ago.  We are thinking about replacing them, or maybe painting them.  It's reached the point that we'll have to get someone to take the old shutters down and install the new or repainted shutters.  



Gerry, how nice of your new friends to give you the lovely shirts as a thank you.



Welcome home, Pauline and Graham.  DH suspected you were on a cruise.



Thank you, Graham.  I have to apologize for posting on picture twice in the second group, and forgetting the correct one which was on the bottom of the post.  I was in a hurry to get my walk in before it got hot.



Love the pictures of the Norwegian fjords.  



I think I gained 11 pounds or half a stone just looking at your pictures of your meals.  😉



Bruce, I enjoyed your pictures from Fatima, and thank you for telling us about the oak tree.  We went to Fatima in 2011, but our guide did not mention the tree.



Paul, it looks like you gave your Rabbi a good send off.  I hope the new Rabbi will be just as good.



Eva, I'm so happy you found the picture.  That is definitely one you will treasure.


I have enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures of Seville, and thank you for sharing.  They bring back good memories of our two days exploring the city.



Thank you Lenda.

We had an amazing cruise.

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50 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I like corn on the cob (Jersey corn!), and will salute King Kamehameha and Cousteau. I like the quote. Pass on the meal (fish), drink and wine ($$$). I have been to Seville Spain.


It's another partly sunny and warm day today, but rain is forecast for tonight, which we really need. There's still a bit of smoke, but particulates are down to 94, with ozone 64. I'm feeling somewhat better, although still with some respiratory symptoms. Despite watching the French Open, I'm getting a few things done, including paying bills. I had a call yesterday from a mentor of mine, who with his wife were like my PA parents when my DM was in NJ and after her passing. They will be celebrating their 69th wedding anniversary later this month, and were inviting me to a party! He'll be 96 this fall, and his bride is a couple of years younger.


@0106 Nice photos.

@grapau27 Thanks for the link to Fr. David's sermon. And welcome home! Lovely photos.

@cat shepard Thanks for the wine info. Unfortunately with the state control of alcohol here in PA, no wine at Aldi's. It's only been recently that some grocery stores have been allowed to sell wine.

@kazu Good news on the progress against the NS fires. And yay for finishing the paperwork! 

@smitty34877 I'm glad you spoke up and asked for family help; sometimes it's hard to ask, but necessary.

@1ANGELCAT @Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the photos.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you're feeling better with the prednisone.

@Heartgrove Thanks for sharing Sue's photos.

@Seasick Sailor Be safe in that heat! Sorry you have water restrictions too.

@ger_77 That was so nice of your Ukrainian friends. 

@marshhawk You're quite busy, so a schedule will be helpful. 

@cruising sister Wow, 94 days is a lot to keep up with. 

@kochleffel That sounds like it was quite the service and lunch for your departing rabbi. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


From a land trip in 2004

Plaza de Espana, Seville





The Cathedral in Seville



Columbus Tomb








Real Maestranza Bullring





The Torre del Oro


Thank you Vanessa.

Lovely photos of Seville.

While in Haigesund we called into a lovely church and said our prayers.

There was a small congregation of around a dozen people at the front with the vicar.



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59 minutes ago, superoma said:

Clearing out my dad’s house I found a picture that I didn’t know existed. It was taken right around our wedding in February 1970. My paternal grandmother and my future in laws travelled over from Germany to be part of the celebration. 
left to right- my mother, my maternal grandmother, my paternal grandmother, my mother in law and me.


Oh wow, what a treasure! 🙂🥰 

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2 hours ago, Cruisercl said:

@Cruising-along glad to see I am not the only one putting in the work for the Aus/NZ cruise!

Any tips are always welcome.

It is a lot to do, but thankfully it's what I like doing best -- planning travels!  lol.  

I'm no expert at Excel either, and I'm sure an expert would take one look at my spreadsheets and laugh...but they do what I want them to, and I figure nobody sees them but DH and me. 😉  

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2 hours ago, Cruisercl said:

Oh my gosh, I thought it was just me! I am also on that cruise and my head was spinning earlier this week with looking at and booking some of the shore excursions. I said to myself, I am overwhelmed right now, and had to give my brain a rest, and I am  not one to talk to myself very often! Agree, lots to keep up with and organize.

A personal spreadsheet is a good idea though not an expert at Excel...🙃

@Cruising-along glad to see I am not the only one putting in the work for the Aus/NZ cruise!

Any tips are always welcome.

Hope everyone is having a relaxing Sunday. 😎


I printed off the itinerary and it has room to write things each day. It is nice since it has pert  times. I am scribbling things in as I book and will make a new one before I go. The spreadsheet has been a godsend since I don’t remember what I signed up for. I don’t do excel either. Others did it for me at work. I wished I had learned how. 

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1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

I printed off the itinerary and it has room to write things each day. It is nice since it has pert  times. I am scribbling things in as I book and will make a new one before I go. The spreadsheet has been a godsend since I don’t remember what I signed up for. I don’t do excel either. Others did it for me at work. I wished I had learned how. 

Thanks for the idea, I have not seen that type of itinerary on the web site. I'll look for it.

Right now I just have lists and post-its in a pile and in a folder to get to later.

@durangoscots I just finished reading through all of the posts and see you are also just as busy with the Aus/NZ cruise planning.

I would appreciate any tips you wish to share.  It is alot!!! 😎

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I've been off the Daily all day and am now catching up.  Looks like everyone had a great day of it.  Only thing new to report here is since the afternoon was so sunshiney I had DH put the mailbox back up.  The finish is cured enough even if it rains all night long.  Looks fantastic!  


Graham @grapau27 I'm glad you and Pauline had a beautiful week there in one of my two favorite countries to cruise to.  Don't expect that every time because you were blessed this time!😂  Your aft cabin looks so nice and I'm happy you both enjoyed it so much. 😎


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Happy Sunday from a chilly rainy day in SE Wisconsin.  The temps were only in the 50's today.  Parts of northern WI had frost on Friday!  We also need rain, and our community has posted watering restrictions.  Thanks for all of the pictures today.  I get to travel through all of you!  @grapau27your Norway pictures are beautiful.  Your food pics make me hungry, thanks for sharing!  

We like corn on the cob, but we need to wait a few months for the farm fresh corn!  It's worth the wait.  The salmon recipes look good!  The drink sounds good, I'm not a wine drinker.  

Thanks for sharing, have a good rest of the day! 

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In the you can’t make this up department , this winner from the gene pool: On June 1st, this 20 year old genius climbed over a fence at Busch Garden Tampa and proceeded to climb over another fence in to the alligator cage. He had 2 friends with him that were filming it for social media. He was arrested before anything happened. He supposedly said “Crikey”

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2 hours ago, Cruisercl said:

Thanks for the idea, I have not seen that type of itinerary on the web site. I'll look for it.

Right now I just have lists and post-its in a pile and in a folder to get to later.

@durangoscots I just finished reading through all of the posts and see you are also just as busy with the Aus/NZ cruise planning.

I would appreciate any tips you wish to share.  It is alot!!! 😎

When I am on my booking under manage etc. there is a little calendar looking thing in the upper left corner that says itinerary. I click on it and print it. If you have HAL reservations for dinner, excursions etc. it will print out on it. It looks like it is full of other stuff but that does not print. I can’t seem to do it in my phone but works on the computer. 

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1 hour ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

In the you can’t make this up department , this winner from the gene pool: On June 1st, this 20 year old genius climbed over a fence at Busch Garden Tampa and proceeded to climb over another fence in to the alligator cage. He had 2 friends with him that were filming it for social media. He was arrested before anything happened. He supposedly said “Crikey”

🤦🏻‍♀️ Man accused of jumping into Busch Gardens alligator enclosure arrested 

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18 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:
A few pictures from our second visit to Sevilla , Spain in 2014
Went again to the Plaza  d’ Espagna which was build in 1928 for the in 1929 held for the Ibero - American Exposition , a gorgeous place 
Going through the old Jewish quarter to the Cathedral , smelling the beautiful aroma of the orange blossoms .
I found the Barber of Seville ……….
Have a wonderful Sunday everybody 
Tony 😄

Superb photos Tony.

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