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Monday December 4th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Sue and I are finally feeling much better. Thankfully DSIL never got it from us.


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.

- Jack



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Good  Monday Morning Dailyites!  

@seagarsmokerGood luck on the interview.!  I hope the job is something you want, and that your interview goes well.


I talked with our BFF last night, seems his wish for our little group of 3 vacation next year is to go to Cedar Key.  There are 2 Cedar Keys in Florida, and he wants the one up north.  DH and I have been several times and really enjoyed the area....not much on swimming there, but great wanderings and walks.


Dinner last night at Penny's was great, except her DH had thrown his already bad back out, and was not much for company.  He is also seriously addicted to TV, and would not even turn it off during dinner,  and her dining room was completed stuffed with stuff.  (She is a hoarder.)  So we ate off TV trays watching a rather gory show on the tube while eating.  That was interesting.  She says that they don't entertain anymore...but we are more like family, so they do what they do.  The food was good, and we do enjoy their companionship.


She sent DH off with slices of turkey and a big blob of dressing, so he has a choice today for what he eats for dinner.  I start work right after Furnando's vet appointment, so I am not cooking. 




Have a great day everyone!



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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites 


On our way to HMC this morning on beautiful Rotterdam,  day 11.


We had window washers yesterday and about 1 am we heard the banging on our unlocked divider door. Sent a message thru Navigator but didn't help my sleep! 


Gerry I was never able to catch up with @Himself


Last night Canaletto was not serving food (embarkation day) but they are there to offer water, bar, coffee.. We had the steak dinner. (Ok) then headed to the Mariners reception. Goodness there was a nice showing of Mariners, and the wines and champagne flowing.


I may get off the ship after breakfast and see if there's anything I missed from last visit.


Prayers for Murphy, Vanessa, Sue, Dena, Roy, Wayne, Sandi's family/friends, and my personal prayer book. 


We just spent an overnight in Aruba last week and unless something changes won't visit again this cruise.




I believe I'd like to try today's soup and will look forwarding to Ann's wine description.


Graham I'm hoping all comes together on your damages. Please give a hug to Pauline, I'm sure she may need one!


Take care dear friends and have a happy healthy week. God bless!

Thank you Joy.

Everything looks like it did before the burst pipe in our cul de sac now after the cleaning team have finished.

Pauline is at work today and we hug all of the time but tonight when i pick her up from work I will tell her a lovely poster said to give her an extra hug which we will both appreciate.

Lovely photo of you and Allen in a nice setting.

This photo was 2 weeks ago in Epicurean specialty restaurant on P&O Iona 


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Cheetahs are beautiful creatures, banks are necessary, and oh look, cookies!!! 


I haven't started my Christmas baking yet, but do have most of the ingredients for everything I want to make.  This morning however, there was mention in the news that we are in fact experiencing a sugar shortage.  Seems the bakeries will be the ones who suffer most, as that's their livelihood and they are having a terrible time keeping up.  Already the big box stores are limiting 10kg bags of sugar to 1 per person, and it's tough finding any in the grocery stores.  Sure glad I got a couple of small bags a short time ago and will have it available when needed.  


Thanks everyone for your care, concern, and prayers for our friend Wayne.  They performed the cardioversion yesterday and it was successful.  He messaged us about mid-afternoon saying the procedure went well and his heart was back to a normal rhythm.   He thinks he may be released this afternoon and if he is, we'll go pick him up to bring him home.  I hope now that his heart is functioning normally, that the terrible swelling in his legs will subside as well.


I'm adding my good luck wishes to everyone else's for @seagarsmoker's interview today.

Oh my gosh @StLouisCruisers, I hope you don't have too much damage from the water leak!!!


Not a lot on the agenda today, although DH is going out for coffee with a friend he hasn't seen in a long time - the friend lives in Washington state and is in town on business, so they'll have a great time catching up, I'm sure.  As for me, there's always laundry and usual household stuff to take care of, and I'm always working on another blanket.  Speaking of which, I have to get them all together in large bags to take over to the drop off spot so they can be distributed before and during the Christmas season.  I don't know how many I've made, but there are a bunch of them that will be finding new homes over the next while.


I'm passing on the drink of the day, will let others have my white wine, but I'd like to try the soup if I saw it on a menu.  Friends of ours mentioned there was a new noodle place that opened up on the other side of the city that has some interesting offerings, so DH and I plan on heading over there this afternoon and will pick up something different for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those in the midst of wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Today it is 43 and will be 66 and sunshine later.  Thanks Rich @richwmn for the Fleet Report and Daily.


It seems we have some sort of leak in a water pipe which has resulted in a wet ceiling in DH's downstairs Study.  We're moving as many furnishings as we can out of the room right now.  We thought we heard a faint slow but steady drip above our heads so turned off the water in the house and drained the pipes at the lowest level of the house by running the wet bar faucet.  Next we will call a trusted plumber to come figure out what is the problem.  Above the room is a bathroom seldom used and next to that bathroom is a laundry room and another guest bathroom.  There is no water problems upstairs in those rooms.  However I did do laundry both Saturday and Sunday.  We don't see any leaks at all upstairs.  So it must be in the walls or drain pipes.  Sounds like we're going to have some holes cut into the Study ceiling and a lot of work ahead getting the household back to perfect.


Well, today sounds like a good day for Cookie Day!  I could use something to bolster my spirits after the latest disheartening discovery.  Also a nod to cheetahs and banks, though in my household it should be National Plumber Day.  Meh to the quote by Dawson, no thanks to the soup, drink or wine.  Nice days in history with the black players joining the teams, Britain's oldest Sunday newspaper, and the 1619 first thanksgiving.  Thank you Debbie @dfish, Dixie @summer slope and Ann @cat shepard for your reports for us today.


Prayers for all on the Care list, those in Israel and Ukraine as well as hostages taken, and for my DB and friends in need of them.  Congrats to all on the Celebration list especially the cruisers!  Hope you all have a wonderful time!  Thanks Vanessa @JazzyV for your continued work on the C&C lists.  You are a wonder!


Our port of the day is Oranjestad, Aruba.  It was our port before on April 6, 2021.  I'll post that link next.  We have been there about 3 times and I had some photos posted last time so will repost them.




DS says he and Colton's Dad drove to South Bend, Indiana Saturday and went to the soccer game between Notre Dame and Indiana and it was a lot of fun with good spirits by all in the crowd.  Lots of IU people came up for it.  Colton has committed to attend Indiana University so this was an interesting game for both families.  I heard Ren called Colton after ND won and razzed him good naturedly about it.  The Dads had a good time and I suspect there will be many road trips for them in the future to see their sons play.


In other news there is a huge soccer "showcase" for all the young players in Phoenix this week, so the FC Dallas team will be flying there this afternoon.  DDIL is on the same plane as the team.  DS is flying to Phoenix from Detroit today for the week.  This is more of a talent scout look at the players than a true tournament.  Some of the players are already committed to play for colleges but some are not and the younger ones certainly aren't.  Should be fun for all!


Well, hope you all have a good day.  I really hope DH and I don't have a very bad day, and the leak can be found and fixed without tearing up our entire house!  Anyway, stay safe and well!

I'm so sorry to hear you have a leak in your lovely house Sandi.

I hope your plumber can find a quick and inexpensive solution with minimal disruption.

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Good morning. It is sunny and 47 going up to 50. DD DH and I went twice to Aruba but not via a cruise ship.it is a beautiful place and very relaxing to stay for a week or so. Cheers for the days, a chuckle for the quote and a maybe on the recipe.

This week the roof is being replaced and the roofers are delivering the shingles and a dumpster for the driveway. This is complicated because the pipeline replacement project has reached  our doorstep. We are a narrow one way street and it is challenging to back a dumpster into a steep driveway. DD spoke to the policeman at the top of the access street and he has promised to let the trucks in. Oh boy.

@seagarsmoker, Best of luck on the interview today!

@StLouisCruisers, Sandi, oh no on the leak. I hope the plumber finds the source quickly. Also, I loved the picture of you and DH with your DD.

@grapau27, I am so impressed by the response to the water main break and the recovery process in your garden. We would faint if the water or utility folks came back so quickly to repair the mess!

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Our trips to Oranjestad, Aruba were in 2006 (Crown Princess, 2016 (Westerdam), and 2019 (Rotterdam).  Imagine my surprise when I read @VMax1700 was in Aruba on March 18, 2016 on Oosterdam!  We were there the same day on Westerdam.  Here is a photo of the two ships together.



The one on the left is Oosterdam




Wish we'd known you then @VMax1700 as our Daily friend!  Anyway, we enjoyed watching the parade go by.  Actually we were there when they were setting up.  The classic car parade was a favorite.  We saw two of those light blue Thunderbirds that day and were amazed this small island had duplicate Thunderbirds.



Liked the motorcycles too.



I took a photo of this car because my first car was a 1968 Camaro, though it was a Rally Sport and not an SS.



Getting ready for some marching and playing.



We saw this pelican, and I noticed a big iguana in the upper left of the photo on a rock, trying to blend in.



Onward in our exploration.  This is City Hall.  It formerly was owned by Dr. Eloy Arends, but was sold to the government of Aruba in 1986 because his heir (son Jesus Arends) could no longer afford the maintenance.  It was restored in 1997 and converted into City Hall.  Pretty striking building IMO.



We were first in Oranjestad in 2006 when we took our DD along on a Crown Princess cruise.



That trip she did a little souvenir shopping for her kiddos.  If you can't find it here, you can't find it anywhere!






Nice photos Sandi especially of yourself, Dennis and your lovely daughter.

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Good morning, everyone!


It is a cold morning here in mid-Michigan, but temps are supposed to rise a bit and no rain or snow in the forecast.  Good enough for me!  We have the electrician coming to give us an estimate for some additional work we want done.  I know how to do it, but it involves high ladders and I don't do them.  


@seagarsmoker I hope your interview is a great one and leads to a job offer. 

@StLouisCruisers So sorry about the leak in the house.  I hope it doesn't require too much damage to the house to fix it. 


Today's meal is another great one for soup and stew season.  I like the sounds of this first one and the carbs are in bounds, so maybe we'll give it a try.  No google docs today, @JazzyV Vanessa!   https://themodernproper.com/coconut-curry-lentil-soup




This next recipe takes out the sweet potato and adds in tomatoes.  https://vegangela.com/2014/01/09/coconut-curry-lentil-soup/




Here's one for the instant pot and it has carrots for Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser.  Carolyn, @Cruising-along, I know you won't like the coconut.   https://vegancocotte.com/instant-pot-curry-lentil-soup/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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2 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Good morning Dailyites and thank you for the Daily Report.

I have an interview this afternoon for a new job. 

I hope everyone here has a great day! 



So happy to see you have a job interview.  Best wishes for a great interview and a good outcome.



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Good morning everyone!   Thanks for the Daily Reports Rich.  Cheetahs are beautiful and unique and should be celebrated.  Bankers are very important also.  Cookies are great too,  I haven't started our Christmas baking thankfully we don't have a sugar shortage like @ger_77 has in Canada.   I will pass on the meal, the bitter cocktail but today's Chenin blanc looks lovely.   I have been to today's port many times and will go again twice on our next cruise.  I will try to find some photos.  

@seagarsmoker Good luck on your interview today.   @JazzyV I hope that your MRI can get to the bottom of all your debilitating leg pain.   Prayers for everyone on our care list and those in war zones for no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.   Prayers for the remaining hostages.   

Another mild day here but accompanied by clouds.  I will do some house cleaning and we have a 4:30 appointment to get a new copy of John's will and advance directives.  I told them they needed to go in the safe when he got them but he demurred and now he can't find them.   Grrrr.   We will probably pick up some takeout because no restaurant is open in town on Mondays other than Mexican.   Have a nice Monday!   Nancy 

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2 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Good morning Dailyites and thank you for the Daily Report.

I have an interview this afternoon for a new job. 

I hope everyone here has a great day! 


Sending you good wishes for a successful job interview today.

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Good morning.  Thanks for the daily updates.  Cheetahs are beautiful cats that I will happily celebrate.  Cookies are worth celebrating every day.  If the quote means what I think it does it’s a little sad.  The meal suggestion sounds like something that I would like. I think the drink is too.  I’ve been to today’s port multiple times and will again in February.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list today.  Happy _________ to those of you celebrating today!  We’re off to get our Christmas tree this morning 🎄

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2 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Good morning Dailyites and thank you for the Daily Report.

I have an interview this afternoon for a new job. 

I hope everyone here has a great day! 


Good luck with the interview:


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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s FR & D, Rich! Yesterday’s afternoon storms cleared out the oppressive humidity. Hopefully it is gone until next year. We did not get the huge downpours & T’storms that folk just North of me did, but we at least got a gentle rain. 

Vanessa, thank you for keeping up with us. I noticed that you said your MRI results should be posted early this week. Do you know how to read an MRI?  I have never had one, and do not know what the results look like. It is a picture? I pray the results help find a solution to your pain.

Gym, Bindi walks, chores - lots of them. Just a normal Monday. 







Prayers for all who need our support. Especially those suffering from debilitating pain and conditions. 

Cheers to all who are celebrating. @rafinmd Roy, hope your first day home was wonderful.  @grapau27 Graham, how wonderful of you to provide refreshments to your work crew!

May we each find a reason to smile today. 




Réserve des Vignerons Saumur Blanc

This Chenin Blanc from the Saumer region of the Loire Valley is more full bodied than many & I would love to try it. Widely available with a price that makes it easy to try. Online prices start at $9.99.

Distributor notes

The Reserve des Vignerons range offers great value for money. Made with 100% Chenin Blanc grapes this has a lovely floral nose with fine apple fruit in the mouth, and a very pleasing finish. White Saumur is made with the Chenin Blanc grape, one of the most versatile and classy of all white varieties in the right conditions. The Loire Valley and Chenin are made perfectly for each other; the cool climate and consequent high acidity bring the very best out of the variety, in contrast to many New World countries where it is overharvested and literally too thin.

Thank you.

We always do this when any workmen are doing any work for us.

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When I did my Aruba search I came up with photos from my first visit there January 16, 2018 on the Oosterdam at the end of a Panama Canal transit.  Aruba was substituted for Cartagena.   We did a catamaran cruise and it was horrible.   Community snacks, nothing sugar fee and no beer even.   Second photo was on February 18, 2019 and that was on the old Rotterdam sailing out of Tampa.   Other photos are in my phone.  

@StLouisCruisers so sorry to read about your flood,  I hope your plumber can fix it quickly!   

aruba sunset 31618.jpg

Aruba oosterdam 31618.jpg

catamaran aruba 31618.jpg

Aruba tug 21819.jpg

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2 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Good morning Dailyites and thank you for the Daily Report.

I have an interview this afternoon for a new job. 

I hope everyone here has a great day! 


Good luck!

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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Daily-ites 


On our way to HMC this morning on beautiful Rotterdam,  day 11.


We had window washers yesterday and about 1 am we heard the banging on our unlocked divider door. Sent a message thru Navigator but didn't help my sleep! 


Gerry I was never able to catch up with @Himself


Last night Canaletto was not serving food (embarkation day) but they are there to offer water, bar, coffee.. We had the steak dinner. (Ok) then headed to the Mariners reception. Goodness there was a nice showing of Mariners, and the wines and champagne flowing.


I may get off the ship after breakfast and see if there's anything I missed from last visit.


Prayers for Murphy, Vanessa, Sue, Dena, Roy, Wayne, Sandi's family/friends, and my personal prayer book. 


We just spent an overnight in Aruba last week and unless something changes won't visit again this cruise.




I believe I'd like to try today's soup and will look forwarding to Ann's wine description.


Graham I'm hoping all comes together on your damages. Please give a hug to Pauline, I'm sure she may need one!


Take care dear friends and have a happy healthy week. God bless!

Is am sorry we never caught up. As I watched the Rotterdam sail wavy I thought of you and how lucky you were to stay on. I fly back to O’Hare and cold weather today. Have a great cruise and enjoy the new locks at the Panama Canal. By the way who is the new Captain?

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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann,and Dixie.  I like all today's days and sxpecially the day in 1943.  Definitely a  sad quote today.  I think most of us, me included, have been to Aruba many times.  The meal is interesting.  My alternative is Chilled Blackberry Soup, Grilled Lamb Chop, and Strawberry Crisp as served on MS Prinsendam December 4, 2013.


I walked about 20 minutes in our mall this morning and it went well.



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Well the plumbers have been here a while and got the whole story of what we heard, saw and did.  First thing they did was cut a smallish hole in the ceiling.  




One of the pex pipes under the bathroom sink above where the wet ceiling was had cracked where it rubbed against some wood for 12 1/2 years.  This our first house without copper pipes and we've had all our homes built new for us.  Eight of them.  They're replacing the pipe that cracked and we will have to have some more drywall cut out and replaced by whole pieces, mud and tape, then stain seal the ceiling and repaint.  That sink is rarely used as it's in a guest room.  

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