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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday June 7th, 2024

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Good late afternoon. I’m loving all the Bermuda pictures. They bring back a lot of memories.

I just read an interesting news release on KTUU Anchorage app that Juneau plans to limit the number of cruise ships and pax starting in 2026, Megaships will be a problem. 
   FYI, tonight is the last show for Pat Sajak on Wheel of Fortune. 
Have a good evening.

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Good hot afternoon from central Texas.  It turned out to be a long day.  We did get the windshield replaced, and like they said, it took about an hour.  However, we had to wait almost another hour for the glue to dry even though this windshield has a gasket to hold it in place. 


The fun started when DH tried to start the car, and it would not start.  The techs had a battery operated jumper that got the car started, but they said the jumper registered that the batter was dead.  The battery was new, installed on April 5, and had worked perfectly until then.  The only thing that might have done it, was they left the front doors open the entire time they were working on the car.  With a 2 month old battery, that should not have made any difference.  Instead of stopping at Sam's on the way home, we headed straight to Wal-Mart where we purchased the battery.  Once we were parked at the service bay, DH turned the engine off, and it would not restart.  We now have a new battery, and have our fingers crossed that this one is not defective.  This is the second battery we've gotten there that was defective and lasted about two months.


7 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. A lazy morning here, Oliver and MSH are still napping and I'm enjoying my coffee and Daily.


Many thanks to all who offer input to make this my 1st go-to spot of the day.

Rich, Debbie, Dixie, Ann, Sandi, Roy, Graham and our famous carelist and celebration writer... Vanessa!


We had a fun game night. We ordered delivery from our local restaurant. Fried shrimp, fries, and salads. I won the game too.


I would like to have Roy's alternative meal please. I love veal piccata!


My ankle feels so much better today. Thanks to all for thinking of me.




Joy, I'm glad the ankle feels so much better.  Congratulations on winning the game last night.  That rock looks wicked.  The next time Claudio is there, ask him to get rid of it.


7 hours ago, Copper10-8 said:


Let's All Remember Good Guy VHS Tape - Memebase - Funny Memes


vcr cartoon with court and the caption "This is my client's videotaped deposition—please be considerate and rewind after viewing." by Frank Cotham


Those were the days! So true!! #funny #joke #oldschool #tv… | Flickr


vcr cartoon with whizz kids and the caption "We hired him because he's the only one who knows how they work." by Adey Bryant


Never Forget Funny Vintage Cassette Tape CD VCR Dad Jokes Premium T-Shirt


vcr cartoon with guru and the caption 'How to program a VCR? Dude, I've got to get dad out of retirement for that one!' by Chris Wildt


vcr cartoon with vcrs and the caption 'These are the VCR tapes I recorded, but never watched.' by Jack Corbett




Pin by Lakshmi Naidu on Picture jokes | Computer jokes, Computer humor,  Internet funny




Great memes, John.


6 hours ago, sailingdutchy said:


We were for the first time at Kings Wharf, Bermuda while on the Rotterdam (VI) in April of 2018  when we were crossing the Atlantic . So today a few pictures of this nice Island .


Visiting a friend along the way checking out their pool 
The narrowest bridge for sail boats to get through , they have to remove the chains on top of the bridge and steer the sailboat so the mast goes through the small opening in the deck of the bridge ! 
St George on the Far East and opposite side of the Island from Kings Wharf 
Town crier looking at the ladies …...
Hear Yeah , Hear Yeah ……. Today …….
Leaving Hamilton , the capital , on the ferry back to Kings Wharf 
Almost home 
Have a great day everybody and a nice weekend ! 
Tony 😁😁



Ooops this one snuck through  an iPad shot that will never post for me .........


Thanks for the great pictures of Bermuda, Tony.


6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Apparently the fastest way to get a behavioral specialist to see you is cancel your 9 am appointment at 2 am.  They called at 8:30 and he was being evaluated right there and then.

I left the room because this is his time, but had to come through several times, and he was telling them that his first marriage lasted 7 years.  No, I said, it was 20.  So his memory is going, which I thought was happening.  Then they asked him who recommended the appointment and why.  He didnt know.  Yup, we have problems.


@Seasick SailorI looked at that rock, and said, ouch, I know why there is debris, it's like rocks stuck to concrete.


@Haljo1935At first it sounded to me like you had a choice, appendix or kidney stones.  Sorry, I would have chosen the appendix. Sorry about the pain,  hope meds help with it, and you may have to give up ice cream.  Hugs.


Annie, I'm glad the behavioral specialist called and could do the evaluation over the phone.  I'm sorry that your DH is having memory issues.  HUGE HUGS!


5 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  
@aliaschief what a lovely ending to your wonderful adventure!  Have sure appreciated you taking us along!  It looks sublime! 
@LambKnuckles sorry but I couldn’t help laughing,  Canadians have to roll with all seasons on any given day.   I must have a dozen different types of jackets.  
@Haljo1935 oh dear!  Kidney stones are no fun,  excruciating!  Prayers they pass soon, and appendicitis is no picnic either.  Girl, you sure know how to have a good time! 
@marshhawk sending lots of hugs and prayers!  I hope you can get some answers.

@Haljo1935 and @kazu thanks for your concern,  they have located the location of the break, these pipes are big enough to drive a truck through, an unprecedented situation.   We have 1.6 million relying on our water.   Sadly, we have no idea how long the repairs will take, it  will not be over in a couple of days.  Very scary situation.   Sadly, last night many didn’t observe the restrictions and our water usage actually surged.  I am glad I always keep an Emergency supply of water.   We are lucky in that we can head to our trailer for awhile.  

On a happier note, we enjoyed our time in one of our beautiful national parks. 






Brenda, I hope they can get the water main repaired soon.  It's good to have an RV as a back up when something like this happens.  Thanks for the beautiful pictures of the national park. 


5 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn and to all contributors.

I still have one working DVR and need to copy some tapes to DVD. Caring and Food Safety are both important things we need daily. And it's National Donut Day! Good quote. Maybe for the meal, pass on the drink (basil) and wine. Kings Wharf was the first stop on my TA last year, my first time in Bermuda. A good day in history.


It's windy here, but at least not raining for now. Yesterday I was sort of a couch potato, mainly reading. I took my RA shot earlier in the day, as I was afraid after being off it for so long, I might have a bigger reaction. I get hives at the injection site, but no generalized reaction, but didn't want to be asleep if something developed. I took 50mg of benadryl, which had me nodding off in the evening. At bedtime I took another 50mg. Despite that I had a small itchy hive on my leg this morning. I'm trying Claritin this AM so I won't be so sleepy, and will take benadryl before bed. No great plans for today; maybe just tidying up. I started feeding my sourdough starter again, and may make some bread tomorrow, for the first time in almost a year.


I've been thinking that we haven't heard from @cruzn single in a long time. It looks like she hasn't posted since November.


@StLouisCruisers I hope you can make some progress on your cross stitch project.

@Haljo1935 I'm glad you got the bad pain checked out. So, it was kidney stones? They can be really painful as they pass. I recall grown men weeping in the ER from the pain. Did they give you a strainer to catch the stones, so they can be analyzed for type?

@aliaschief Hard to believe your great cruise is ending. Thanks for taking us along with your photos.

@marshhawk Prayers for strength for you as you deal with everything. I'm glad the behavioral specialist called this morning, and could see what the issues are.

@ottahand7 I'm glad your back is feeling better; the prednisone must be helping.

@cunnorl I was holding my breath until Starliner got those thrusters back online. Congrats on the new car! Always fun (except for the payments).

@Seasick Sailor Good news that your ankle is feeling better. 

@Nickelpenny Oh no on ripping up a tire yesterday!

@sailingdutchy Thanks for the great photos.

@bennybear What an awful situation with the water. I've not heard of pipes that big. I hope it's fixed soon.

@kazu I hope you have less pain today.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating. 



Vanessa, I hope you don't have a bigger reaction to the shot than you did.  I have been wondering about Mary Kay @cruzn single for a few months.  I hope she is all right and just busy.


5 hours ago, JazzyV said:

On my TA on Celebrity from FLL to Rotterdam, our first stop was at Kings Wharf, Bermuda.



Apex docked



Spirit of Bermuda and Clock Towers,  Royal Navy Dockyard





Interesting tree



The VIctuallying Yard





View from the Ferry as we go to Hamilton



Against Da Tide Sculpture



Colorful buildings in Hamilton



Colorful guitars in shop window



Expensive Hamilton condos seen from the ferry, as we go back to Kings Wharf



Great pictures of Bermuda, Vanessa.  Thanks for sharing them.


4 hours ago, NextOne said:

The driveway project is halfway done -- luckily the weather today is the best it's been all week! The workers are wasting no time getting the job done.

I have a date for my hip surgery -- not until August 20! I asked to be considered if there was a cancellation earlier because I have to attend a church women's convention in mid-September and my TA cruise leaves Rotterdam on Oct. 12!  I'd like to be comfortably mobile by then.

@marshhawk I'm so sorry -- here are a whole bunch of virtual hugs. Apply as needed!

Prayers raised for all of my Daily friends in need and cheers for all the are celebrating!


Edi, I hope you can get your hip surgery sooner.


3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, thanks for all the news.  Prayers for Annie and Chuck, @Haljo1935, anbd the others suffering.  A little good news here - DD went to the hospital to see the surgeon and check her humerus, he says the bone is healed and just to continue her exercises.  She is still uncomfortable, but I guess it's muscles, tendons, etc. so she must keep trying to do things.  

And I had a call from the nurse to discuss what's going to happen to me.  All very encouraging!


We have been to Bermuda a few times, twice to King's Wharf, including this Spring with Tony and Martha on Nieuw Statendam.  My pictures are like the others, but I do remember a guide telling us once that, because of the shortage of fresh water in Bermuda, every building must maintain a sparkling white roof and have ways to collect any rainwater that falls.  Maybe @bennybear is going to have to suggest her city do the same!


A few Bermudian (?) roofs -








Even the port building




Many years ago, Pat bought his blue hat in Hamilton, it has been his signature for a long time, and as he usually races on ahead of me, a lot of times it is his proof of presence!  The hat is getting threadbare now after many washings, so we looked for one in the shops this time, but no luck.  Maybe we'll have to stop travelling...












Ann, that is good news that DD's arm has healed, and that you had a called about your upcoming treatment.  DH also walks a head of me as I stop to take pictures, and he has two hats that he wears depending on the weather.  I know to look for them.


2 hours ago, kochleffel said:

Shavuot decorations



The decorations represent four loosely related themes of Shavuot. Chronologically, they are the festival of first fruits, a harvest festival defined in the Torah, seven weeks after Passover; the revelation at Sinai, calculated to coincide with that; the Book of Ruth, one of the readings for Shavuot, perhaps chosen because the denouement takes place during the barley harvest; and eating dairy foods, on the theory that the Hebrews, after receiving the commandments, realized that any meat they had wasn't kosher.


From left to right: a giclee print of a painting of Ruth and Naomi; the Ten Commandments (bookends); a sheaf of wheat, since I haven't found the barley, but wheat is another of the Seven Species of biblical food crops; a box of Lactaid, representing the hardship that Shavuot imposes on those of us who are lactose-intolerant; pomegranates, figs, and grapes, three more of the Seven Species; a 19th-century French painting depicting Moses and Aaron at Mount Sinai; and olives, another of the Seven Species. I'm told that the fruits are supposed to be in a gold or silver basket, which I neither have nor want. This is a hammered-aluminum tray that was a wedding present to my parents.


Paul, thanks for the explanation about Shavuot.  I learned something today.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

Ok, the pecan pie cake is done.  Lots of work to this one.  It is a brown sugar cake with a brown butter/brown sugar icing and pecan pie filling on top and between the layers.




Debbie, the cake looks good, and you put a lot of  work into it.  I'm sure your DSIL will love it.



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5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

That's a Sago Palm -- apparently poisonous to dogs!

We have a Sago Palm and it’s never done this “bloom”. Probably because it’s so dry here. Or maybe there are different types. I didn’t know that they were poisonous to dogs!

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4 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

We have a Sago Palm and it’s never done this “bloom”. Probably because it’s so dry here. Or maybe there are different types. I didn’t know that they were poisonous to dogs!

I have to say I don’t know anything about palms, but the flower/plant app on my phone said it’s a Sago Palm and that they’re toxic to dogs. 🤷‍♀️

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, RedneckBob said:

How many calories per bite (small)?


935 calories


1 hour ago, summer slope said:



Thanks! And thanks to Lenda as well.


2 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Wow! That is beautiful and I am sure it will be very tasty!

It is tasty, but I thought the cake was kind of dense and dry.  It needs more liquid.  It didn't rise very much.  I read the reviews and others have the same problem, so it is a dud recipe.  Tastes ok, though.  

Edited by dfish
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Beautiful day here, blue skies and in the mid 70s.  Feels like Summer is here.  I did a little yard work this morning and Sara said she wanted to go to a couple of Asian markets just South of Seattle to buy some fish that was on sale and some Asian vegetables.  Was a nice drive and we got 7 golden pompanos and some other things that are not available around here like pickled bamboo shoots.  Might have to add some gas to the car as it has been about four months since we did that.

I agree about hydration for kidney stones.  My last three years in the Navy I was stationed at Wahiawa, on Oahu.  I decided that it would be a good idea to quit drinking beer.  In about three weeks I came down with kidney stones.  So hydration doesn't necessarily mean water.


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3 hours ago, dfish said:

Ok, the pecan pie cake is done.  Lots of work to this one.  It is a brown sugar cake with a brown butter/brown sugar icing and pecan pie filling on top and between the layers.



Oh my gosh, beautiful, beautiful cake, Debbie!

I am a baker and appreciate the talent and work.


This is my second attempt at a post here, I think my first one is in the CC blackhole. 😊


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3 hours ago, dfish said:

Ok, the pecan pie cake is done.  Lots of work to this one.  It is a brown sugar cake with a brown butter/brown sugar icing and pecan pie filling on top and between the layers.




Debbie, that is gorgeous. Would love to see what a slice looks like. 

Would also love to taste it. 😎

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8 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Apparently the fastest way to get a behavioral specialist to see you is cancel your 9 am appointment at 2 am.  They called at 8:30 and he was being evaluated right there and then.

I left the room because this is his time, but had to come through several times, and he was telling them that his first marriage lasted 7 years.  No, I said, it was 20.  So his memory is going, which I thought was happening.  Then they asked him who recommended the appointment and why.  He didnt know.  Yup, we have problems...


@Haljo1935At first it sounded to me like you had a choice, appendix or kidney stones.  Sorry, I would have chosen the appendix. Sorry about the pain,  hope meds help with it, and you may have to give up ice cream.  Hugs.

Hugs 🤗 on DH situation. I understand you wanting to give him his time, but good thing you did hear some of his responses and good they called him to do the eval.


When I went in, based on symptoms it was likely either appendix or kidney stones - I hoped for stones because I didn't want surgery. But in retrospect, that may have been a quicker, less painful experience. Scan quickly determined it was kidney stones.

Ugh on giving up ice cream😪 Dr did mention diet changes, starting w/no soda - that's easy - haven't had one in 25+ years. I haven't read the full list; appreciate the heads-up on the ice cream. Do you know why? Is it the sugar?

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4 hours ago, kochleffel said:

Shavuot decorations



The decorations represent four loosely related themes of Shavuot...


...I'm told that the fruits are supposed to be in a gold or silver basket, which I neither have nor want. This is a hammered-aluminum tray that was a wedding present to my parents.

Very nice - thank you for sharing the picture and the explanation. 

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4 hours ago, dfish said:

Ok, the pecan pie cake is done.  Lots of work to this one.  It is a brown sugar cake with a brown butter/brown sugar icing and pecan pie filling on top and between the layers.



That is beautiful!! DH is a big fan of pecan pie - I'm sure he would love it. Job well done!!

When is CC fixing the smell-o-vision feature? It's sure needed here😊

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1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:


When I went in, based on symptoms it was likely either appendix or kidney stones - I hoped for stones because I didn't want surgery. But in retrospect, that may have been a quicker, less painful experience. Scan quickly determined it was kidney stones.

Ugh on giving up ice cream😪 Dr did mention diet changes, starting w/no soda - that's easy - haven't had one in 25+ years. I haven't read the full list; appreciate the heads-up on the ice cream. Do you know why? Is it the sugar?


I was never told to give up ice cream and I can't find anything recommending that.  Most kidney stones are calcium oxalate.  You might want to limit the oxalates in the diet.  The biggest culprits are spinach, rhubarb, almonds, and beets.  My urologist told me that a kidney stone diet is very hard to follow and to just concentrate on hydration.   Here is information from the National Kidney Foundation:   Kidney Stone Diet and Prevention


42 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

That is beautiful!! DH is a big fan of pecan pie - I'm sure he would love it. Job well done!!

When is CC fixing the smell-o-vision feature? It's sure needed here😊


To me it smelled like sugar and I really don't like that smell.  The pecan pie filling was a hit and went well with the brown sugar cake.  In all, it was a big sugar bomb.  


1 hour ago, cat shepard said:


Debbie, that is gorgeous. Would love to see what a slice looks like. 

Would also love to taste it. 😎


Because the cake was dense, it held together and sliced up beautifully.  For the first time ever, my filling stayed in the cake and didn't squirt out the sides.  


2 hours ago, Cruisercl said:

Oh my gosh, beautiful, beautiful cake, Debbie!

I am a baker and appreciate the talent and work.


This is my second attempt at a post here, I think my first one is in the CC blackhole. 😊


Thank you!  I had to try it.  If I did it again I would use a different recipe for the cake part.  The filling and icing were fine.


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Good evening everyone from a hot Tucson. It’s 104 at 6:45pm!


 I read the Daily a bit disjointed today so might have missed something. I started reading on my iPad and after lunch read on my phone. Only now did I realize I missed an entire page. 

Annie @marshhawk, hugs to you. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, that rock is all craggy and rough. No wonder your gash was infected. I hope it heals quickly. 

Debbie @dfish, WOW, your cake is beautiful. Sorry it’s dry. I made a German Chocolate cake once that turned out dry and the only thing I could figure out was that I might have over baked it. 

Thanks to everyone who posted pictures of the port. 

Bruce @aliaschief, how wonderful to have Monaco as your last port before you disembark your world cruise. I remember going there in 2000 and walking through the port area where all the yachts are. 

Have a good evening!

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Elizabeth @Haljo1935! Oh my goodness. Kidney stones!  Ouch. Feel better soon. 

Pennie @Nickelpenny, I think I know what street your incident happened on and no wonder because it’s more narrow there too. What a crummy way to spend time in this heat. I’m glad you are going to have your earlobe done, she’s the best. 

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, sorry about the car battery. I know heat has a lot to do with battery life but not 2 months. But good that you were somewhere that you could get help with it. 


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1 hour ago, Haljo1935 said:

That is beautiful!! DH is a big fan of pecan pie - I'm sure he would love it. Job well done!!

When is CC fixing the smell-o-vision feature? It's sure needed here😊

Smell-o-vision would be good,  it taste-o-vision would be better 

looks delicious.  My DH is a pecan pie lover, and said he wanted a piece!

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I went back and looked at the last posts from @cruzn single.  She mentioned that she was suffering from fatigue, and that she was having a terrible time shaking her second bout of Covid. That it was "different" she said than the last time she had it.  She booked a cabin in a sold out cruise, when someone cancelled , it leaves on the 9th of June a 28 day northern Alaska Cruise, but she never posted on a roll call, and that was pretty much it,  She hit Like for two weeks on the daily, and then nothing.  All in all, that is pretty scary.  I was so glad that when I disappeared earlier this year, you all came looking for me.  


However, when I travel i dont pay any attention to modern devices.  I like the actual interaction between myself and another person, or just being by myself.  That is a treat for me these days.The only time I get to be alone, and doing what I want, is when I come to the Daily in the mornings. Once DH gets up, I am at his beck and call.  Unless I have to walk the neighbors dog. 🙄😉


@dfish If I submit a prepaid box, can you send me a slice?  That cake looks beautiful, and my favorite pie is Pecan.  There used to be a restaurant in Stone Mountain, that was a small buffet. They always had a cobbler choice every night.  Somebody decided that instead of cobbler, they would make the filling for a pecan pie, without crust.  By far my most favorite dessert of all times. The restaurant closed years ago, but I still attempt to make that "cobbler" once in a while.  Especially if I am with people, who dont ask where the crust is.


When one visits the porch these days, they need to wear long pants, and gloves.  4 kittens can kill an elderly human in about 15 minutes. Thin skin and all.  Took my life in my hands when I went out to clean their litter boxes, and moved one of Turnips toys.

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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser, sorry about the car battery. I know heat has a lot to do with battery life but not 2 months. But good that you were somewhere that you could get help with it. 



Sharon, in the case of this battery and the one we bought last year that also only lasted a couple of months, heat was not a factor.  The one last year was bought in February, and this one we bought April 5.  The weather didn't begin to get really hot until the last week or so.  Besides, the car was in the port and with a car cover on it most of the time.  The man who replaced the battery told DH they had been getting a lot of bad batteries.



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11 hours ago, grapau27 said:



Best wishes for a fantastic cruise on Rotterdam tomorrow.


Thanks so much. We just had four great days in Amsterdam and head to Rotterdam this morning. Susan

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3 hours ago, Suslor said:

Thanks so much. We just had four great days in Amsterdam and head to Rotterdam this morning. Susan

Bon Voyage!



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13 hours ago, marshhawk said:

I went back and looked at the last posts from @cruzn single.  She mentioned that she was suffering from fatigue, and that she was having a terrible time shaking her second bout of Covid. That it was "different" she said than the last time she had it.  She booked a cabin in a sold out cruise, when someone cancelled , it leaves on the 9th of June a 28 day northern Alaska Cruise, but she never posted on a roll call, and that was pretty much it,  She hit Like for two weeks on the daily, and then nothing.  All in all, that is pretty scary.  I was so glad that when I disappeared earlier this year, you all came looking for me.  


However, when I travel i dont pay any attention to modern devices.  I like the actual interaction between myself and another person, or just being by myself.  That is a treat for me these days.The only time I get to be alone, and doing what I want, is when I come to the Daily in the mornings. Once DH gets up, I am at his beck and call.  Unless I have to walk the neighbors dog. 🙄😉


@dfish If I submit a prepaid box, can you send me a slice?  That cake looks beautiful, and my favorite pie is Pecan.  There used to be a restaurant in Stone Mountain, that was a small buffet. They always had a cobbler choice every night.  Somebody decided that instead of cobbler, they would make the filling for a pecan pie, without crust.  By far my most favorite dessert of all times. The restaurant closed years ago, but I still attempt to make that "cobbler" once in a while.  Especially if I am with people, who dont ask where the crust is.


When one visits the porch these days, they need to wear long pants, and gloves.  4 kittens can kill an elderly human in about 15 minutes. Thin skin and all.  Took my life in my hands when I went out to clean their litter boxes, and moved one of Turnips toys.

So glad you noticed, praying @cruzn single is just busy getting ready for the cruise.  Fatigue can be so terribly.  difficult. Love how thoughtful you are! 

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