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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 11th, 2024

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Good morning Dailyites. It's 71 rising to 88 with chance of rain later. 


We had a pool party last night for our neighborhood. Beautiful evening. I couldn't go in the water, but sat poolside and enjoyed the conversations. MSH sat in a guy circle and had a nice chat with them too.


This morning my sweet helper will be over to clean. I just have a few chores and I'm free as a bird.


I won't be making muffins for dinner, but I appreciate the recipe.


Our neighbor is on the mend from surgery. Her daughter is driving down and taking her for doctor check up.


I have a card ready to take over to another neighbor who's sweet dog crossed the rainbow bridge.


Prayers for all our Daily friends. Lifting blessings to each of you.

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These are pictures taken in 2010 and 2012 on Kodiak.


The Orthodox Church on a sunny day, and some of the broken bells from the church.











In 2012, as usual, we rented a car.  This time we were in port long enough to drive out of town to the Pacific Spaceport Complex.  On the way back to town, we drove to Chiniak where we found an inn and café at the end of the road.


I found this explanation of the spaceport on line, and this is how it looked when I copied it.  The Pacific Spaceport Complex – Alaska (PSCA) on Kodiak Island provides responsive, flexible, and low-cost access to space for small- and light-lift vertical rockets and stratospheric balloons.  PSCA has been launching rockets since 1998 and was the first FAA-licensed spaceport not co-located on a federal range.  h


The coast near the spaceport



Part of the spaceport in the distance



Some of the animals near the spaceport who did not seem to mind the weather



What awaited us at the end of the road to Chiniak








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Good morning to all and prayers for all in need.  I know I do not post all that often but this is a must read everyday.  What a caring, wonderful  group of people who are a part of this community. 

To JazzyV - you do a wonderful job keeping track of our comings and goings. Thank you.  Surprised to see my Friday trip listed today.  But first have to get through two doctors visits for DH. Fingers crossed.  Assuming all is well DD will be here to stay with her Dad.


Weather here is very moderate.  I have been trying to walk more so I am glad the temperatures are cooperating.  

Best wishes and have a great day.  Katherine 

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Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich and thanks to Vanessa, Ann, Debbie & Dixie for your ongoing dedication.


Great collection of days!  There is a lot of truth with Asimov’s quote and I so agree with him.


Early morning start with Ivan’s monthly injection.  he’s gotten to be such a good dog about it all.  They are done in no time.  I do admit training treats are involved to reward him for getting on the scale and holding still for it and his shot and after 😉. No errands today as I never leave him after any shot.  he’s been fine but you just never know.




I’m going to try to do the last few planters today - legs permitting and do a bit of a clean up inside.  it takes a ridiculously long time with m y needed breaks.  ‘Sigh’.




Very concerned about a dear friend.  He went in for knee replacement surgery and to make a long story short, has ended up in the cardiac until after the surgery.  The thrombosis surgeon thinks a clot formed and has gone into his lungs 😞 


Prayers for those on the Care list, those suffering losses, grief, pain, worries & those that need them 🙏 Cheers to those celebrating 🥂 



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Good morning. It is cooler again with sunshine and temperatures in the seventies.

I will cheer all three days and love the quote. The muffins look good and I have not been to the port. We recently needed a handyman to remove a nest from the dryer vent.

@Mr. Boston, I am excited for you both as you move on to the next phase of your life. Enjoy!

@Haljo1935, I feel for you and remember how difficult it was to try to work when I really no longer could. The options for me were limited also and I eventually had to retire. I was 63 at the time so it was financially interesting. However it was the best thing for my health and I would do it again. Thinking if you today and sending hugs and prayers.

@marshhawk, Also sending prayers and hugs to you and Chuck. I await news on how the kittens and the indoor cats fare as well as the two of you.


Today is a bit stressful as Tana seems to have a stomach bug. I hope the rest of us can resist this but had to laugh earlier when we said “What else!” to each other. Oh well.


Off to walk the dogs 

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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  Its 68 degrees sunny and it is expecting to get very hot this week, up to the upper 90's.  Our air is still not on, as we need to get the unit inspected, and the company we use will also change the filter under the house for us.  Its a huge filter and it gets changed twice a year.  They are supposed to come tomorrow.  I was supposed to cover the air conditioner during the winter, but we were cruising, and then I got ill, so it was not done.   We have fans, and I will put one out for the cats on the porch.


I have a zillion things to do this morning, and even though Donna is off, she still wants me to walk the dog.


DH is having nerve problems, it feels to him that his eye is running all the time, but it is not.  So he rubs, and rubs, which he should not do, then wants me to put in drops, then freaks out with the drops. I keep explaining to him that his eye is not running, and he says I'm lying, so yesterday when we were at the docs he asked the doc to verify, and the Dr. told him it was not running, that it was from nerve damage, and told him the same thing I do, "be smarter than the nerve" and then he doubled up the nerve medicine, that DH was taking incorrectly because he hadnt read the directions, nor did he tell me that he was on another medicine.


Doc gave him a different material to cover the hole, and told him that this is due to the radiation, and that surgery will not be an option.  Dh doesn't listen and when a surgeons office called last night, he scheduled an appointment.  ARGHHH!


We did head to Kodiak, bucket list for both BFF and I, but a typhoon hit, and we couldnt get in to port. May of 2023.


I love blueberry muffins, with extra extra blueberries.  


Well, I love you all, and i hope to be back today, but as of right now, I am off and running.





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I am up early and will make this short as I need to do some quick rearranging of some parts of the condo. My handyman is coming today to fix the fan which is good as it is supposed be pretty hot the next few days BUT... he has decided to begin to tackle some of projects that I need done. I have no idea where he will start so will do a little shifting and then, when he gets here, we will make a plan. Evidently one of his customers cancelled on him due to a family issue so suddenly he has some free time. Guess we start now and I will live in more chaos than usual for the next few weeks.


Cool and nice when I walked the dogs, but that will not continue. High today in the mid-80's... tomorrow the mid-90's. And no rain although something may slip in on Friday. It is what it is.


Back later.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'd love to get outdoors today, more than just running from the car to the house.   I think we can all make life beautiful by counting our blessings.  We don't have a crowded nest, it's just the two of us and Sochi, and has been for many years.


Well after yesterday's day-long rain, it finally stopped some time during the night and this morning we have fog.  Most unusual for this area, but understandable after all the rain.  It will be interesting to see if in 3 months from today we have more rain (old wives tale).  Like @puppycanducruise, it's cool here (8C, 46F), so going out this morning will require a jacket - it's supposed to get up to 24 (75) which should be a nice respite from the chilly cold we've been experiencing.


@Vict0riannsending prayers for you and your medical team today.

@Haljo1935wishing your DS a very Happy Birthday!

@Mr. Bostonhow exciting, going ahead with the sale and move into your new home!

@kazuI'm sorry to hear about your dear friend; prayers that everything will turn out alright for him.


Yesterday didn't turn out as we'd thought - in the middle of the afternoon the doorbell rang and there was our dear friend, Ollie, in tears.  She said she just felt so alone and needed to be with people, so she came over.  We sat around a while just talking through things, and I knew she'd have to stay for dinner with us, as she wasn't in any frame of mind to make anything for herself.  I asked if she was at a restaurant what she'd want to order and she said "shrimp scampi", so instead of DH and I eating leftover stew, I put together a reasonable facsimile, my  lemon garlic shrimp pasta dish and the 3 of us enjoyed it at the kitchen table.  During dinner we had a phone call from our Ukrainian family who asked if they could drop in for a visit, so about an hour later all 6 of us were together in the living room, enjoying tea and a delicious cake they'd brought from a specialty store that they said reminded them so much of home.  It makes us feel good knowing that people are comfortable just showing up at the door or inviting themselves over, and they know they'll be welcome.  I guess we're doing something right.


This morning we'll do a run over to the Salvation Army store to drop off a bunch of things (cleared out a cupboard downstairs. . . who needs 3 toasters???).  Last night after our guests departed, we had a call from our friend Wayne who wants to take us out to dinner as a thank you for the concert tickets (which DH still doesn't know I gave them), so instead of dinner at home, we'll be enjoying the company of Wayne & Fran and good Greek food at a restaurant across town.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Morning from a cloudy day at the beach

    Heavy thunderstorms came in yesterday and continued off and on all evening. More expected today. There are 2 systems that ar colliding. We need the rain! We diddnt have any power loss but my insurance did while I was talking to her.

    We have been To Kodiak in 2014 on the 14 day Amsterdam We had booked a private excursion for the AM . In the afternoon it was raining. But we all put on our rain gear and walked into town. Loved it!  Thank you for the pictures.

    Ann @Vict0riann  Hoping everything goes well for you today.

Seems that CC is acting funky. Will try posting.


Stay safe and enjoy today



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Good morning all,


We’re continuing with marine layer here but the sun breaks through and we have low 80s as the day goes on. 

Thought I’d share another recipe for margaritas- this one from a restaurant that I worked at years ago. The restaurant was very popular locally and closed soon after the building sustained major earthquake damage about 20 years ago.


Stir together equal parts:

Frozen concentrated lime juice 

Tequila (reposado)

Triple sec



Freeze for about 24 hours. The mixture will be slushy. Place frozen mixture into blender and blend into a slushy. Pour into prepared glasses with salt. Serve.


Also, if you like margaritas- here’s a good cookie recipe:




@ger_77 I love your Ukrainian Family stories- They sound like such a lovely family and I often think of the story of how you met. What a great example of being a neighbor.


Gotta get going. It’s weeding day in the local park’s native garden.


Have a great day everyone!


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Thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Three good days to recognize and the quote is spot on!  I love blueberry muffins and margaritas, but no to the wine and never been to Kodiak.  Such momentous occasions in history!




It will be a doozy week in terms of temperatures.  But I do like it. When I worked in Riyadh, which had temps and humidity like Tucson, I would go outside to bask in the heat.  They thought I was crazy!  



Got some things done yesterday - sort of - and today is a zoom call for a research project in the morning and then a dental cleaning in the afternoon.  We are trying to save this one tooth but I don't think it is getting better but not really getting worse.  We will see how it goes.




Thoughts for everyone who is experiencing any difficulties and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day!

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Good morning again.  I was surprised when I went to the store to find that it was foggy in town.  Here it's just dreary and very cloudy.  Naturally, they did not the one thing that DH had requested, radishes.  I've never seen a store that didn't have radishes, and there wasn't an empty spot where they should have been.


2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. It's 71 rising to 88 with chance of rain later. 


We had a pool party last night for our neighborhood. Beautiful evening. I couldn't go in the water, but sat poolside and enjoyed the conversations. MSH sat in a guy circle and had a nice chat with them too.


This morning my sweet helper will be over to clean. I just have a few chores and I'm free as a bird.


I won't be making muffins for dinner, but I appreciate the recipe.


Our neighbor is on the mend from surgery. Her daughter is driving down and taking her for doctor check up.


I have a card ready to take over to another neighbor who's sweet dog crossed the rainbow bridge.


Prayers for all our Daily friends. Lifting blessings to each of you.


Joy, that is good news about your neighbor being on the mend after her surgery, and that her daughter is coming to help.


1 hour ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning to all and prayers for all in need.  I know I do not post all that often but this is a must read everyday.  What a caring, wonderful  group of people who are a part of this community. 

To JazzyV - you do a wonderful job keeping track of our comings and goings. Thank you.  Surprised to see my Friday trip listed today.  But first have to get through two doctors visits for DH. Fingers crossed.  Assuming all is well DD will be here to stay with her Dad.


Weather here is very moderate.  I have been trying to walk more so I am glad the temperatures are cooperating.  

Best wishes and have a great day.  Katherine 


Katherine, I hope all goes well at your DH's doctors' visits.


1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Tuesday Daily, Rich and thanks to Vanessa, Ann, Debbie & Dixie for your ongoing dedication.


Great collection of days!  There is a lot of truth with Asimov’s quote and I so agree with him.


Early morning start with Ivan’s monthly injection.  he’s gotten to be such a good dog about it all.  They are done in no time.  I do admit training treats are involved to reward him for getting on the scale and holding still for it and his shot and after 😉. No errands today as I never leave him after any shot.  he’s been fine but you just never know.




I’m going to try to do the last few planters today - legs permitting and do a bit of a clean up inside.  it takes a ridiculously long time with m y needed breaks.  ‘Sigh’.




Very concerned about a dear friend.  He went in for knee replacement surgery and to make a long story short, has ended up in the cardiac until after the surgery.  The thrombosis surgeon thinks a clot formed and has gone into his lungs 😞 


Prayers for those on the Care list, those suffering losses, grief, pain, worries & those that need them 🙏 Cheers to those celebrating 🥂 





Jacqui, I hope your friend gets better soon.  Blood clots in the lungs are very concerning  I think I've had many of those plants that don't want me to succeed.  Loved the flowers.


1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. It is cooler again with sunshine and temperatures in the seventies.

I will cheer all three days and love the quote. The muffins look good and I have not been to the port. We recently needed a handyman to remove a nest from the dryer vent.

@Mr. Boston, I am excited for you both as you move on to the next phase of your life. Enjoy!

@Haljo1935, I feel for you and remember how difficult it was to try to work when I really no longer could. The options for me were limited also and I eventually had to retire. I was 63 at the time so it was financially interesting. However it was the best thing for my health and I would do it again. Thinking if you today and sending hugs and prayers.

@marshhawk, Also sending prayers and hugs to you and Chuck. I await news on how the kittens and the indoor cats fare as well as the two of you.


Today is a bit stressful as Tana seems to have a stomach bug. I hope the rest of us can resist this but had to laugh earlier when we said “What else!” to each other. Oh well.


Off to walk the dogs 


Terry, I'm sorry Tana has a stomach bug, and I hope it's just one of those 24 hour ones.


1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  Its 68 degrees sunny and it is expecting to get very hot this week, up to the upper 90's.  Our air is still not on, as we need to get the unit inspected, and the company we use will also change the filter under the house for us.  Its a huge filter and it gets changed twice a year.  They are supposed to come tomorrow.  I was supposed to cover the air conditioner during the winter, but we were cruising, and then I got ill, so it was not done.   We have fans, and I will put one out for the cats on the porch.


I have a zillion things to do this morning, and even though Donna is off, she still wants me to walk the dog.


DH is having nerve problems, it feels to him that his eye is running all the time, but it is not.  So he rubs, and rubs, which he should not do, then wants me to put in drops, then freaks out with the drops. I keep explaining to him that his eye is not running, and he says I'm lying, so yesterday when we were at the docs he asked the doc to verify, and the Dr. told him it was not running, that it was from nerve damage, and told him the same thing I do, "be smarter than the nerve" and then he doubled up the nerve medicine, that DH was taking incorrectly because he hadnt read the directions, nor did he tell me that he was on another medicine.


Doc gave him a different material to cover the hole, and told him that this is due to the radiation, and that surgery will not be an option.  Dh doesn't listen and when a surgeons office called last night, he scheduled an appointment.  ARGHHH!


We did head to Kodiak, bucket list for both BFF and I, but a typhoon hit, and we couldnt get in to port. May of 2023.


I love blueberry muffins, with extra extra blueberries.  


Well, I love you all, and i hope to be back today, but as of right now, I am off and running.






Annie, I'm sorry your DH is having such a difficult time.  Hugs to both of you.


1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'd love to get outdoors today, more than just running from the car to the house.   I think we can all make life beautiful by counting our blessings.  We don't have a crowded nest, it's just the two of us and Sochi, and has been for many years.


Well after yesterday's day-long rain, it finally stopped some time during the night and this morning we have fog.  Most unusual for this area, but understandable after all the rain.  It will be interesting to see if in 3 months from today we have more rain (old wives tale).  Like @puppycanducruise, it's cool here (8C, 46F), so going out this morning will require a jacket - it's supposed to get up to 24 (75) which should be a nice respite from the chilly cold we've been experiencing.


@Vict0riannsending prayers for you and your medical team today.

@Haljo1935wishing your DS a very Happy Birthday!

@Mr. Bostonhow exciting, going ahead with the sale and move into your new home!

@kazuI'm sorry to hear about your dear friend; prayers that everything will turn out alright for him.


Yesterday didn't turn out as we'd thought - in the middle of the afternoon the doorbell rang and there was our dear friend, Ollie, in tears.  She said she just felt so alone and needed to be with people, so she came over.  We sat around a while just talking through things, and I knew she'd have to stay for dinner with us, as she wasn't in any frame of mind to make anything for herself.  I asked if she was at a restaurant what she'd want to order and she said "shrimp scampi", so instead of DH and I eating leftover stew, I put together a reasonable facsimile, my  lemon garlic shrimp pasta dish and the 3 of us enjoyed it at the kitchen table.  During dinner we had a phone call from our Ukrainian family who asked if they could drop in for a visit, so about an hour later all 6 of us were together in the living room, enjoying tea and a delicious cake they'd brought from a specialty store that they said reminded them so much of home.  It makes us feel good knowing that people are comfortable just showing up at the door or inviting themselves over, and they know they'll be welcome.  I guess we're doing something right.


This morning we'll do a run over to the Salvation Army store to drop off a bunch of things (cleared out a cupboard downstairs. . . who needs 3 toasters???).  Last night after our guests departed, we had a call from our friend Wayne who wants to take us out to dinner as a thank you for the concert tickets (which DH still doesn't know I gave them), so instead of dinner at home, we'll be enjoying the company of Wayne & Fran and good Greek food at a restaurant across town.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, your friends feel free to drop in or invite themselves because you and your DH are such caring and welcoming people.



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Blessings for Ann @Vict0riann and her care team. Also for Elizabeth @Haljo1935 on permissions and procedure. Also for Tana and Terry @smitty34877 

Bryce and Pennie fir smooth dental visits; Jacqui for a smooth injection fid Ivan 

And Susan, great you have a handyman!  

And Roy’s appointment. 

And for all the Care list needs!  

Cheers for @Mr. Boston on the transition successes!  And for all celebrating, Life is Good🌈

Today I’ll take a stab at the Social Security website. The recent phone call get me a phone appt in late July so if I can manage to apply for benefits successfully that phone appt will evaporate… otherwise it will stay as my fallback. 🤞

Have a day to enjoy living! Thank you all for being here.

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We arrived at our Canada Cottage Saturday safe and sound. Our internet was down and I just got it fixed yesterday. 


Everything seems fine with the cottage, except the grass was almost up to my knees! It is going to take a few mowing/raking sessions to get it tamed. 


We stayed with the SIL in Bessemer, MI (in the UP) on Thursday and she made blueberry muffins for us on Friday morning. 


We went to a brew pub called Cold Iron Brewing (https://coldironbrewing.com/) in Ironwood. It was Open Mike night and there were some very talented singer/guitar players to go along with some delicious brews. 


Here are some Clematis that I stumbled upon in Guernsey, April '24








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Good morning, 


We have a cloudy showery start to the day and that seems to be how the day will go. Yesterday was back to routine with going to the pool for water aerobics. My body really needed it! I also decided to do some time on the old rowing machine on the back porch and did 300 pulls (100 at a time). I finally finished the laundry but still need to fold the last batch. 

Today is staying home and I will finish unpacking and put the suitcases aside for 3 weeks before I have to start packing again. It's time to start advocating again. The care facility where DD DH was has been great in so many respects except refunding money. I know  - it's an issue. We were private pay as we'd run out of DH's 100 days of Medicare benefits and I paid copays for a bunch of therapies for May and June. Meanwhile our secondary insurance covered them and paid the care facility so I should be getting that money back. So far, almost a year later, I've only had Explanations of Benefits for May and am still waiting on June. Anyway, the wheels of insurance reimbursement are running slow so will call again today and see where we are in getting the money reimbursed. It's around $500.00 so not the end of the world but it still should be taken care of. 


I have a student graduating from our alternative high school and grad is tonight so may go to that. It was very nice to watch the rest of the students graduate by watching it on my computer on the Majestic Princess. Westerdam in less than a month! 


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Good morning all!

Another cloudy morning, and a little wind too.  It's probably the wind that BFF said they had in Bellingham a couple days ago.  Only up to the mid 60's and a bit drizzly today.


I'll get outdoors today as usual, if we don't get too much drizzle.  I like Gerry's @ger_77 idea of counting our blessings to make life beautiful.  Since it's just DH and me in our home, we don't have a crowded nest.  But it made me think of the house down the street where they had 9 people living in the same size/floor plan that we have.  Three people have moved out, so now there's "only" 6 there.  Still a crowded nest IMO. 


I like blueberry muffins but leave out the oatmeal please.  I like oatmeal in cookies sometimes, but not in muffins.  I'd like the wine and the drink, but always ask to leave the rim of salt off (kidneys). 

We haven't been to Kodiak but it's on the itinerary for the 28-day Alaska we're taking next year.  Thank you Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Sandi @StLouisCruisers for the great photos!  We haven't decided yet what to do that day, either rent a car or just walk around.  The ship excursions are very few, sold out already, and extremely expensive.  Lenda do you remember how easy it was to rent a car there?  Did you have to go to an airport to get it?


Terry @smitty34877 I'm sorry to hear that Tana has a stomach bug and hope it's short-lived.

Jacqui @kazu I'm very sorry to hear that your friend has a clot in his lungs.  Prayers that the situation is resolved quickly.

Elizabeth @Haljo1935 Happy Birthday to your sister!  Both of my sisters' birthdays are in June too.  Growing up I always wished I had a summer birthday too (January here).  



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Taking a break. I worked getting set up for Leo (handyman) or his son but my back was starting to hurt so I have pathways cleared and some things moved and now I am done for awhile. I am reminded that I should find someone to help with the heavier cleaning but that is easier said then done. Anyway, they should be here shortly, I hope. The ceiling fan is the first issue.


One of my neighbors is going to install a mini-split..... I am going to see how that works before investigating further but up here on the 2nd floor it gets hot!!!. I am sure the dogs would love it and I would sleep much better at night.


Hope my downstairs neighbor is enjoying Glacier Bay. I always did. I have been to Kodiak and found that interesting even though 1) it was raining and 2) I was just starting a rotten cold. Would like to go back sometime.







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My nest doesn't feel crowded, even though my son lives with me. I enjoy having him here - he does most of the cooking!

@kazu Jacqui - a friend just gifted me with a plant that looks very much like the one with the little pink flowers in your last photo. What is it? She told me & I promptly forgot! I'm trying to figure out whereto plant it where the deer won't eat it! I'm mad at those pesky creatures right now because they ate all of my beautiful day lily blossoms, even though I had sprayed with deer repellant and planted marigolds right next to them. Oh well...

I just got a notice from the gastroenterologist that I'm due for a colonoscopy -- ANOTHER thing to get done before the hip surgery! I guess it's a good thing that it won't happen until August, although my hip would like it sooner!

Prayers for all of my Daily friends & cheers for all who are celebrating and/or sailing on a BHB!

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