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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday July 16th, 2024

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Good morning all!

More sunshine and no rain in the foreseeable future.  Going to a high of 83 today.  It seems like we're getting our August weather in July.  Makes me wonder what August will be like...


Interesting days, and I'll pass on the snakes too.  They don't scare me, but I'm not especially fond of them.  Will pass on the drink and Minestrone, but would like the wine.  We were in Nuku Alofa in March on the Grand Australia/NZ -- photos below.


Today DH has a couple appointments and I'm going to Mount Vernon for lunch with BFF.  It's her early birthday lunch at our favorite Italian restaurant.  


Lorraine @cruising sister Thank you for the photo of Baby Murphy -- she's such a pretty, happy baby.  I hope her medical issues can be resolved soon and wow on the new baby coming 🙂  


Jacqui @kazu I hope all goes well today for Ivan's surgery.  What a good dog!


Bon Voyage @Norseh2o!


We took a tour when we were in Nuku Alofa.  It was a hot, steamy day but very interesting. Our guide also works at the prison as a guard, he had some very interesting stories!


We stopped by the Royal Palace first and looked through the iron gates.



And saw the Royal Burial spot



The Free Church of Tonga



We went to an ancient site and saw the Ha'amonga Trilithon stone arch (circa 1200)HaamongaTrilithonstonearch(circa1200).thumb.jpg.5e233b24a1960155e8eb73c9bdca5711.jpg


An ancient stone marker



Then to an ancient burial area



Beautiful plants grow from the cracks in the stone. I think this is called "Moses' Cradle".



We saw many, many cemeteries along the roadside



And another



We saw where Captain James Cook landed in 1777.



And supposedly the Banyan tree that he tied his ship to.



A roadside market



Back on the ship, a view of the Royal Palace from our balcony.



Have a great day everyone!



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Posted (edited)

Quick update - I tested positive for COVID this morning and we assume DH is also positive. He is in worse shape than me with muscle fatigue along with a fever and cough. We have had all but one of our boosters but my daughters tell me the strain currently causing havoc is pretty virulent. I just cannot place where I might have picked it up. 

Edited by superoma
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Good morning, or what is left of it.

Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the FR&D and to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration List, Debbie @dfish Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope in the F&B department.

Thank you Graham @grapau27 for explaining the Atomic Veterans Day.

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, welcome back to the USA.  Hope you are enjoying the ending days of your cruise.

@Norseh2o Bon Voyage.  May you enjoy the lovey Marina—especially since it has been newly renovated.

@smitty34877 Terry,  i hope things are improving for you and Tana

@Seasick Sailor i am sorry that Allen has lost 2 pounds, despite all your efforts.

@cruising sister Thank you for the update on Baby Murphy.  Prayers for her an also for her family and especially for her Mom as she expects another precious little one.


i am still dealing with fatigue and pain.  Last night I slept 10 hours.  Trying hard to get things done.  Not always successful. I need to iron some clothes but the iron is too heavy to hold.

Today I will work on some financial stuff for the month.


Thats all for today.

God Bless,


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@ger_77 Thanks for asking about Sam, Gerry. It is rough on him so he is inside most of the time. I feed him about 6:45 or so in the morning and then out to the yard. He lets us know that he wants in by whimpering. We then take him for his short walk before 8 before it starts getting warm. Then its lying beneath ceiling fans and in front of a portable fan down on the floor for most of the day. Dinner feeding about 3:30, a quick trip outside, and back to laying by the fan. These days are very hard on the Northern breeds so we just have to watch out for them.  Quite the contrary to the winter when he loves to stay out all day!


What a tough life Sam leads!


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Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to all for the daily news.  I don't mind snakes, DS used to collect them as a child, as long as they are harmless!  We had a "personal chef" when we lived in Kenya, how I wish we had him now!  His name was Makarios and he was a bishop in his religion, and he and his No.2 wife (No. 1 wife stayed on his farm) would dress up in long blue robes on Sundays and head for his church.  He had worked for the British Embassy at one time, and knew some wonderful recipes.  He could read most English recipes, although sometimes I had to read them for him if I wanted something special.  I am not a soup lover, so will stay away from soup recipes, especially in the summertime.


The part for the fridge has arrived, and the technician should be here tomorrow morning to install it.  Then we just hope it works for a while longer.  I have my appointment with the surgeon on Thursday to find out what happens next.  I keep checking my health app to see if the pathology results are in, but nothing so far.   Pat does have an appointment with the cardiologist on the 28th - last time he called they said it was August 28th - but now it's back to July.  I'm hoping something can be done soon, as he is breathless and fatigued most of the time now.   He's not even playing his beloved golf.  


We have been to Tonga, but not Nuku Alofa, we docked in Lautoka, just a couple of days after the king had died.  The country was in mourning, and we were encouraged to wear black.  


I hope Tana and Allen can gain a bit of weight, and Ivan's surgery is successful.  Thinking of Sam, too, our big (Alaskan) Lab would lie on the tile floor of the bathroom when the heat got to be too much for him.  No fun wearing a fur coat in the summer.  


Pat is off to the dentist this morning, so I will do a bit of gardening, deadheading and weeding are always with us!  It's supposed to get to 24 today.  No rain in the offing, and the reservoir is down to 85%.


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It turns out that in my zeal to get the trash to the curb, I forgot to take my blood-pressure medicine.


Yesterday around 5:00 p.m. we had a big thunderstorm. It caused little damage in my immediate neighborhood, but the office at the synagogue, only four blocks away, is closed today because internet and phone (VOIP) are out. More than half the medical offices in the area are closed: no power at a big health campus on the east side and also at some freestanding offices on the west side. Emergency management is distributing water and ice and has opened cooling stations. One TV station was off the air; it's back on now but can't produce news broadcasts.


1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

We had rattlesnakes on rare occasions in the desert terrain around Albuquerque but they are very quick to leave people alone. As an EMT we’d get called out for snake bites- usually the patient provoked the critter; typical scenario is a young adult male with bite to hand!


Two places that I hike occasionally have warning signs about timber rattlers, but they are rare and I've never seen one. It was unnerving to walk in parks in southern California with numerous warning signs about both rattlesnakes -- not rare at all -- and mountain lions.

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5 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Sam, too, our big (Alaskan) Lab would lie on the tile floor of the bathroom when the heat got to be too much for him.


Addison, to all intents and purposes a Maine Coon cat, long-haired and double-coated, would do this, too.

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Good morning and Happy Tuesday. Around 6am we had rain preceded by some thunder. I was able to get back to sleep since it didn’t last long. Weird to have rain early in the morning. 

Have had a few busy days so am taking it easy today. 

I sometimes think that I’m DGD’s personal chef. She’s quite the picky eater and has lately been even pickier. She used to eat chicken nuggets and hamburger sliders but no more. I’m trying to get as much protein in her as possible. 

We had two different snakes in our backyard last month which was unusual. The first one was behind our pool fountain and I could only see part of it and when I went inside for a few minutes it was gone. I forgot to take a picture because Craig wasn’t home and he didn’t believe me. The second one came out of nowhere when Craig was watering and then disappeared. Now I’m on the lookout. 

Pass on the soup, drink, and wine. I’m making hummus this morning, to go with the pita I made the other day. I’m going to try to make wraps with a new recipe. Some of the pitas don’t have pockets, it was like every other batch was pocket-less. They are cooked in a very hot oven and I cook 2 at a time. So those are going to be the ones I use for the wraps. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, I’m sorry to hear that Allen lost 2 pounds. Maybe more desserts?  Good on lowering his sodium. 

Have a great day everyone!


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Happy Tuesday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Love the quote and minestone (but not today), pass on everything else, never been to the port, I salute veteran's of any kind, I am my own personal chef, and, not like everyone else, I like snakes.  During my first marriage we had a couple.  One was a little guy with different shades of brown spots.  He would lay in the plant next to where I would sit and then slither over and lay across the back of my neck.  Then we also had a red racer who did not like me at all!!  He was about 4 ft and we kept him in a water bottle (the one that you would find on a water dispenser).  He was too big for that so we ended up attaching ~4ft high card board box to it so he could move around.  I would walk by his little abode and he would strike at me; never anyone else - just me.  My husband would feed him dead mice once a week in the bathroom.  Well, one day, after setting our oldest on the toilet after a nap, when she called me saying "I'm done", I went to get her off and there was Mr. Red Racer in the corner.  I told my husband he had to go.  I still smile when I think of all the snakes I have had encounters with.  Ok, I know, I know - TMI!!  LOL!!




It is cooler today but the humidity is up there.  We are expecting thunderstorms this evening; monsoons are definitely back.  I still have stitches at least for 2 more weeks.  The surgeon stated it was ~90% healed but he was being cautious.  The hardest part is where it is on my back - right where the curvature is and really any movement causes tension on it.  Oh, well, I would rather keep them in for awhile rather than have it open up again.  




The staining on my hutch is complete.  My blue penny round sample will probably be here tomorrow (early) so I may add them to the design.  Today, I probably will attach the wood border; I am not going to lay the tiles until tomorrow with hopefully the grouting done on Friday or Saturday.  🤞  Tonight I have a focus group - which should be interesting based on all the things that have happened lately.




@kazu I hope Ivan does well in surgery.  I am sure he is in good hands.

@superoma I am so sorry you tested positive.  Yes, the current strain is very virulent but not as deadly.  Hugs to you and your DH.

@Norseh2o Bon Voyage and welcome to Tucson!!




Thoughts for everyone needing support and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!



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Good afternoon, it's a warm, partly sunny/cloudy day here.  The soup sounds good, NO to snakes, and haven't been to the port.  I remember "going" to Tonga at the Polynesian Cultural Center in Hawaii.  So far, I haven't heard any bad news from the convention going on...that's a good thing. DSIL had a busy day downtown yesterday.  

@kazuhoping Ivan does well today! 

@superomasorry to hear about your + covid test.  I've read, maybe here, that this variant is wiping people out for a long time. DD had a virus before July 4th, covid test was negative and she is still feeling poorly.  

My dear niece and her DH live in Tucson.  She sends me lots of snake videos.  She said they're taking a class from the fire dept on how to get rid of rattle snakes.  The other day she sent videos of rain and lots of hail.  

Tonight is another Concert in the Park, one of our favorite groups is performing.  They sing country, folk and Americana music.  

Have a good day, blessings to all ! 

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5 hours ago, cruising sister said:

I thought I would update everyone on baby Murphy. She is having difficulty with fluid overload. She is on multiple diuretics and still struggling. She is a happy little girl and prayers that her body will kick in so she can get off the high flow oxygen making it easier to travel. Her mom is due to have another baby in September. She did not share the news until she was 20 weeks. She was waiting for the high risk ultrasound and appointment to make sure everything was ok. This little family will have their hands full!


Prayers for Baby Murphy.  She is such a fighter and so sweet. 



4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@kazuIvan is a good dog, and I hope has a swift recovery.  I know I somehow missed how this adventure started with him, but I hope all goes well, and I pray that he will be much better post surgery.


I won’t go into a long story Annie but Ivan was senior who needed to be rescued badly.  I hemmed and hawed and decided I would try him.


He was seriously overweight, with mangled fur and full of lumps and bumps that had grown too big.  





If he had seen a vet when they were smaller they could have been sanctioned off but since he hadn’t seen a vet in at least 5 years…





This is Ivan’s before and after picture - we had to start fresh.




After 2 rushes to the emergency vet for his pain, X-Rays, etc.  His arthritis was much more sever and had ruined some of the bones in his back.  Fortunately my vet felt Librela might help and Ivan is now a lighter, healthier and happy dog.  he doesn’t know he’s 10/. Ivan now:






2 hours ago, superoma said:

Quick update - I tested positive for COVID this morning and we assume DH is also positive. He is in worse shape than me with muscle fatigue along with a fever and cough. We have had all but one of our boosters but my daughters tell me the strain currently causing havoc is pretty virulent. I just cannot place where I might have picked it up. 


Oh NO!  I am so sorry to hear this 😔. I hope you both do not suffer too much and can recover very quickly 🙏 



1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

What a tough life Sam leads!


Well, we all know that Sam has the good life with you 💞 


My winter dogs didn’t care for the high heat either.  they bypassed their bds and either laid on the hardwood floor or the brick porch outside (very cool).

DD DG gave them fans too, of course.    Hope the heat dissipates for Sam soon 🤞 


I sure hope so 🤞 




1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:


 I have my appointment with the surgeon on Thursday to find out what happens next.  I keep checking my health app to see if the pathology results are in, but nothing so far.   Pat does have an appointment with the cardiologist on the 28th - last time he called they said it was August 28th - but now it's back to July.  I'm hoping something can be done soon, as he is breathless and fatigued most of the time now.   He's not even playing his beloved golf.  


Best wishes to you both for your upcoming appointments .  I hope your pathology report is good and the cardiologist can help Pat



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2 hours ago, superoma said:

Quick update - I tested positive for COVID this morning and we assume DH is also positive. He is in worse shape than me with muscle fatigue along with a fever and cough. We have had all but one of our boosters but my daughters tell me the strain currently causing havoc is pretty virulent. I just cannot place where I might have picked it up. 

I was afraid that you would test positive for COVID. My DSIL just went on a cruise with her extended family and three out of eight are ill with it now. I hope your case is mild and that you  and your DH feel better soon.

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Thank you everyone for your best wishes for Ivan.


He is out of surgery and in recovery minus 2 teeth.


I can pick up in a couple of hours.



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5 hours ago, cruising sister said:




Miss Murphy is absolutely adorable.  Let's hope that all her medical issues resolve soon because she will be a busy big sister!  


5 hours ago, kochleffel said:


No soup today unless it's a cold soup, and I am still avoiding cold foods, so no soup today, but I think that a mom who puts butternut squash in minestrone deserves rocks in her socks.



My mom didn't put butternut squash in minestrone.  Well, she didn't make minestrone.  My sister makes it sans squash and would bring a big tub over to Mom and Dad.  They didn't have the heart to tell her they didn't like minestrone.  Sue used to make them venison stew.  Now, Sue is not a cook.  For some reason she thought Mom and Dad loved the venison stew.  She would come in all excited and tell them she brought them some venison stew and you should have seen the looks on their faces.  


16 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thank you everyone for your best wishes for Ivan.


He is out of surgery and in recovery minus 2 teeth.


I can pick up in a couple of hours.




Great news!  Thanks for keeping us informed.  Ivan isn't just a dog.  He is a Dailyite Dog and that is a big deal! Just as Sam is!  

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3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

I don't normally do this, but today is an important day for us, as it was exactly 35 years ago that DH, our DS and I embarked on our first ever cruise and we have a photo to prove it.  What a memorable time it was and how it changed our holiday travel plans from over the years, bringing us to so many destinations that we'd only ever dreamed of.  We really are blessed.




Gerry, that's a great picture of the three of you.  Our first cruise was on Costa Daphne in March 1987, and we were hooked.


3 hours ago, GTVCRUISER said:

My first Carnival Cruise 



Our first Carnival cruise was on the Tropicale out of San Juan during spring break in March 1991.


2 hours ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning, 


It's quite pleasant out at the moment and I have windows open (it's just after 8 AM) to keep the house cool but it's supposed to get up to 83 today. 


It's nice to be home but haven't fully unpacked yet. Yesterday was the pool which I sorely needed. My stuck hip flexor muscle finally felt a bit better. I took it easy in the afternoon but did make up two different cookie doughs - soft sugar and double chocolate walnut. They are in the fridge and I may bake them up this morning before it gets too hot. 

DM continues to plug along. She wasn't home when I called yesterday which worried me but she called about 45 minutes later and she'd been to the doctor. She'd had some swelling in her legs and feet and her feet felt cold. The doctor took her off a med the hospital gave her and put her back on her normal one which should take care of the issue. He also checked the gash on her forehead and the area where her pacemaker was implanted, declared them both looking good and said she could have a shower and wash her hair. She was so tickled to tell me that the care aide will be in this morning to help her do both! She'll be 98 on Aug. 12th and she just keeps on ticking. 




Karen, I'm so glad your DM got a good report from the doctor yesterday.


2 hours ago, superoma said:

Quick update - I tested positive for COVID this morning and we assume DH is also positive. He is in worse shape than me with muscle fatigue along with a fever and cough. We have had all but one of our boosters but my daughters tell me the strain currently causing havoc is pretty virulent. I just cannot place where I might have picked it up. 


Eva, I'm sorry you and your DH have covid.  I hope you can recover quickly.


2 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning, or what is left of it.

Thank you to Rich @richwmn for the FR&D and to Vanessa @JazzyV for the Cares and Celebration List, Debbie @dfish Ann @cat shepard and Dixie @summer slope in the F&B department.

Thank you Graham @grapau27 for explaining the Atomic Veterans Day.

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, welcome back to the USA.  Hope you are enjoying the ending days of your cruise.

@Norseh2o Bon Voyage.  May you enjoy the lovey Marina—especially since it has been newly renovated.

@smitty34877 Terry,  i hope things are improving for you and Tana

@Seasick Sailor i am sorry that Allen has lost 2 pounds, despite all your efforts.

@cruising sister Thank you for the update on Baby Murphy.  Prayers for her an also for her family and especially for her Mom as she expects another precious little one.


i am still dealing with fatigue and pain.  Last night I slept 10 hours.  Trying hard to get things done.  Not always successful. I need to iron some clothes but the iron is too heavy to hold.

Today I will work on some financial stuff for the month.


Thats all for today.

God Bless,



Terri, I hope you can shake the fatigue soon, and the doctor has a solution for your pain.


1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to all for the daily news.  I don't mind snakes, DS used to collect them as a child, as long as they are harmless!  We had a "personal chef" when we lived in Kenya, how I wish we had him now!  His name was Makarios and he was a bishop in his religion, and he and his No.2 wife (No. 1 wife stayed on his farm) would dress up in long blue robes on Sundays and head for his church.  He had worked for the British Embassy at one time, and knew some wonderful recipes.  He could read most English recipes, although sometimes I had to read them for him if I wanted something special.  I am not a soup lover, so will stay away from soup recipes, especially in the summertime.


The part for the fridge has arrived, and the technician should be here tomorrow morning to install it.  Then we just hope it works for a while longer.  I have my appointment with the surgeon on Thursday to find out what happens next.  I keep checking my health app to see if the pathology results are in, but nothing so far.   Pat does have an appointment with the cardiologist on the 28th - last time he called they said it was August 28th - but now it's back to July.  I'm hoping something can be done soon, as he is breathless and fatigued most of the time now.   He's not even playing his beloved golf.  


We have been to Tonga, but not Nuku Alofa, we docked in Lautoka, just a couple of days after the king had died.  The country was in mourning, and we were encouraged to wear black.  


I hope Tana and Allen can gain a bit of weight, and Ivan's surgery is successful.  Thinking of Sam, too, our big (Alaskan) Lab would lie on the tile floor of the bathroom when the heat got to be too much for him.  No fun wearing a fur coat in the summer.  


Pat is off to the dentist this morning, so I will do a bit of gardening, deadheading and weeding are always with us!  It's supposed to get to 24 today.  No rain in the offing, and the reservoir is down to 85%.



Ann, I'm glad the part came in and that you should have a working refrigerator tomorrow.  I hope your appointment with the surgeon goes well.  I hope Pat's appointment with the cardiologist next week will see him approved for the procedure he needs.


59 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:



Happy Tuesday to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Love the quote and minestone (but not today), pass on everything else, never been to the port, I salute veteran's of any kind, I am my own personal chef, and, not like everyone else, I like snakes.  During my first marriage we had a couple.  One was a little guy with different shades of brown spots.  He would lay in the plant next to where I would sit and then slither over and lay across the back of my neck.  Then we also had a red racer who did not like me at all!!  He was about 4 ft and we kept him in a water bottle (the one that you would find on a water dispenser).  He was too big for that so we ended up attaching ~4ft high card board box to it so he could move around.  I would walk by his little abode and he would strike at me; never anyone else - just me.  My husband would feed him dead mice once a week in the bathroom.  Well, one day, after setting our oldest on the toilet after a nap, when she called me saying "I'm done", I went to get her off and there was Mr. Red Racer in the corner.  I told my husband he had to go.  I still smile when I think of all the snakes I have had encounters with.  Ok, I know, I know - TMI!!  LOL!!




It is cooler today but the humidity is up there.  We are expecting thunderstorms this evening; monsoons are definitely back.  I still have stitches at least for 2 more weeks.  The surgeon stated it was ~90% healed but he was being cautious.  The hardest part is where it is on my back - right where the curvature is and really any movement causes tension on it.  Oh, well, I would rather keep them in for awhile rather than have it open up again.  




The staining on my hutch is complete.  My blue penny round sample will probably be here tomorrow (early) so I may add them to the design.  Today, I probably will attach the wood border; I am not going to lay the tiles until tomorrow with hopefully the grouting done on Friday or Saturday.  🤞  Tonight I have a focus group - which should be interesting based on all the things that have happened lately.




@kazu I hope Ivan does well in surgery.  I am sure he is in good hands.

@superoma I am so sorry you tested positive.  Yes, the current strain is very virulent but not as deadly.  Hugs to you and your DH.

@Norseh2o Bon Voyage and welcome to Tucson!!




Thoughts for everyone needing support and cheers to those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!




Pennie, you're making good progress with your project.  I'm glad you incision is healing, but am also glad the surgeon is erring on the side of caution and keeping the stitches in longer.


23 minutes ago, kazu said:

I won’t go into a long story Annie but Ivan was senior who needed to be rescued badly.  I hemmed and hawed and decided I would try him.


He was seriously overweight, with mangled fur and full of lumps and bumps that had grown too big.  





If he had seen a vet when they were smaller they could have been sanctioned off but since he hadn’t seen a vet in at least 5 years…





This is Ivan’s before and after picture - we had to start fresh.




After 2 rushes to the emergency vet for his pain, X-Rays, etc.  His arthritis was much more sever and had ruined some of the bones in his back.  Fortunately my vet felt Librela might help and Ivan is now a lighter, healthier and happy dog.  he doesn’t know he’s 10/. Ivan now:







Jacqui, after seeing the before and after pictures of Ivan again, he is the Daily miracle dog.  That is such a dramatic change thanks to you and your vet.  I've never understood how anyone could neglect much abuse an animal.  I'm glad he's out of surgery and will be home soon.



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Glad to hear that Ivan did well with surgery.  Cooper had some teeth extracted in April.  He's kind of dramatic, and I was expecting the worst.  He did very well after surgery and eats whatever he likes...the same as before!  


@cruising sisterBaby Murphy is adorable, prayers that all goes well for her and the new baby.   

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Posted (edited)

Thanks all for your good wishes. I know some of you have been through COVID . This has been an up and down day. Up to do a little something then lay back down. Both of us! I have managed to clear everything out of the car but it is sorted to be dealt with later. Tent, etc in one pile, camping cooking equipment downstairs waiting to be sorted and packed away, clothes put away, you get idea. What normally would take an hour, two at the most, has been an all day affair. Hopefully by the end of the week the seats will be back in the mini van and everything will be stashed away properly. I haven’t felt this poorly in a long long time. And we have cooler and less humid weather coming over the next couple of days which will be a nice change.

Edited by superoma
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HELP.....daily reader here, not a daily poster.


Looking for experienced HAL cruiser advice.  We are seriously considering booking the 35 day Hawaii Tahiti cruise with the $1 deposit.


Advice I am looking for is can I book this directly online, is that advisable or should I go thru calling HAL with a PCC?


Thanks in advance.


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5 minutes ago, Hogladyrider said:

HELP.....daily reader here, not a daily poster.


Looking for experienced HAL cruiser advice.  We are seriously considering booking the 35 day Hawaii Tahiti cruise with the $1 deposit.


Advice I am looking for is can I book this directly online, is that advisable or should I go thru calling HAL with a PCC?


Thanks in advance.


I always called and talked with a representative at least.  My PCC seems to be able to work some magic and get around the price difference on picking a cabin.  

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1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thank you everyone for your best wishes for Ivan.


He is out of surgery and in recovery minus 2 teeth.


I can pick up in a couple of hours.




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