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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday July 26th, 2024

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4 minutes ago, highscar said:

Anybody watching Olympic opening ceremony?  Very disappointing. 

We watched 

Judge Judy then 

Below Deck from St Lucia at 20.00pm

We are watching Coronation Street now at 21.19pm.

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Good afternoon from a partly cloudy and windy central Texas.  It is about 84F currently.  Most of the time I was mowing and trimming the yard, it was not too bad out.  The temperature in the 70s most of the time, the breeze and the clouds certainly helped.  I was finished before noon, and have been watching the opening ceremonies for the Olympics.  I will say they are quite different, but interesting.  After the opening ceremonies in Beijing, the host nations have a big challenge to compete with them.


I forgot to mention earlier, that I like bagels, but also prefer English muffins.  I've found most bagels are too thick for me, but I do like the bagel thins with cream cheese.


6 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  It would be nice to speak with One Voice to unite the world, especially these days.  All my adoptive aunts & uncles are gone, but I have 1 birth aunt still alive; unfortunately she is in advanced dementia in another province, so won't be seeing her.  I really miss the Great Canadian Bagel Company shops that were so prevalent a few years ago - my favourite was their chocolate chip bagel, toasted with peanut butter.  Yum!  Good quote today.


DS arrived yesterday and what a great feeling having him back in the house again.  At breakfast I told our friends he was coming home for the weekend but DH corrected me saying "His home is in Calgary, he's coming to our house."  Killjoy.  No worries, later in the evening, DS said he has photo albums on his phone with pictures of their place in Calgary which he's labeled "Our House", but the photos of ours in Saskatoon is labeled "Home".  


It seems a cooling trend is happening all over, as this morning when I got up it felt cold - I checked the house temp and it was the same as outside 14C(57), a distinct change from the past few days.  It's going to go up to 24(75) which is what our morning temps were starting at most of the past week - very comfortable.


@StLouisCruisersHappy Birthday to your DGD Morgan!

@smitty34877I'm glad you got some rest last night - hopefully Tana will feel a little better and you'll both get some sleep tonight.  

@kazuyou're making amazing progress, especially considering that you're doing it by yourself and while trying to recover from surgery.  You know if I lived closer, I'd be there helping you, but can only send good vibes from afar.


I'm going to pass on the drink of the day (bourbon), will let others enjoy the SB, but would love the menu suggestion, especially the chimichurri sauce as I do like cilantro.  DS has his friend's wedding to go to this evening, so he's requested take-out from his favourite pizza place (great cause we normally have pizza on Friday!) for dinner tonight.  I'm thinking we're going to have a "Vern's special" for the 3 of us to enjoy comfortably on the deck.  And wine.  


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil and in the paths of destructive storms and wildfires.  Special prayers for the people of Jasper, and those in California who are dealing with loss due to fire.  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️





Gerry, enjoy your weekend with DS being home.


4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I like One Voice Day, sadly no aunts or uncles, and I love bagels and have one almost daily. I like the quote. I'll take the steak without chimichurri , and pass on the drink and wine. I was supposed to go to Tunis on my 2020 HAL Ancient Treasures cruise, but we know what happened to that. 2 good days in history.


It's going to be a lovely day. Sunny, warm and lower humidity. I'll be heading out to PT shortly. I'll see if I'm doing the vertigo maneuvers correctly. It helps, but doesn't last, so far. Then I'll pop into the grocery store after. This afternoon I have a Covid-19 booster vaccine shot scheduled at the pharmacy.


@StLouisCruisers Happy 22nd Birthday to Morgan! 

@kazu Good luck with getting things finished up at the house, along with taking breaks. Safe trip to the grocery store. BFF is just starting to drive after his surgery.

@cunnorl I sure hope you can get into Greenland.

@smitty34877 I'm glad to hear that last night was better with DD being with Tana, and that DD and DSIL are able to help today. Pippin is cute.

@dfish Such good news that you aren't waking up with back pain. 

@marshhawk I hope the vein doctor has a way to help the swelling. Nice photos from Mexico.

@ger_77 Aww, what a nice sentiment that DS still thinks of your house as home. Enjoy the time with him.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I hope the vertigo maneuvers will help.  I think sometimes, it takes a bit for them to work completely.  


4 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Another beautiful day, forecast is for the low 70's.  We're enjoying the lower temperatures before it heats up again in a week.


All good days to celebrate.  All my aunts and uncles are gone, my last aunt passed about 5 years ago at age 99.  Like Roy @rafinmd, I prefer English Muffins over bagels. I'll pass on the drink, am sure I would like the NZ wine, and would try the meal but definitely minus any cilantro and would need to go easy on the heat.  We haven't been to the port.  


Today we're going to DD's house to do one final watering of the garden, and I'll leave brownies and balloons for their homecoming tomorrow.  Hard to believe their trip is coming to an end!


I have an appointment at the breast center for advanced imaging on Aug. 23.  I may have been able to get in sooner if I'd been ok with an early morning appt., but the traffic getting into Everett that time of morning is atrocious and there's no big rush for this.


Terry @smitty34877 I'm very glad you got more rest last night.  Cute pup!

Debbie @dfish So glad you're having less pain!

Sandi @StLouisCruisers please tell Morgan happy 22nd birthday!

Annie @marshhawk I'm enjoying all of your Happy Pictures 🙂 

Gerry @ger_77 Enjoy your DS' visit!




Carolyn, safe travels the last day home for your DD and her family.  They have had quite an adventure.


3 hours ago, luvteaching said:

GOod morning, 


The last few days have been busy so have read the Daily but haven't posted. Yesterday was a trip to BC to see DM and she is doing well. Her face looks like she went a few rounds in the boxing ring - and lost - but her energy and spirit is great for someone turning 98 in a few weeks! I picked up my friend of over 50 years and we went to visit Mom then left her for a bit and went to the bakery to get scones (I got a cinnamon one and an apple pie one) and then to White Spot for shrimp sandwiches to have at Mom's little table. By the time the day ended and I spent a few hours at my friend's house (and saw my god adults) it was 7:30 when I got home. I was tired. Today is the pool and some errands and I'll get the filling made for spinach and ham enchiladas for Sunday. 



Karen, I'm glad your DM is doing so well, and I hope her face heals soon.


2 hours ago, Haljo1935 said:

Hi @JazzyV I think you can remove my frozen shoulder from the Cares List as I've made much progress. Ortho just wants to see a bit more strength in it to schedule surgery for the tears. 

Thanks so much to everyone for your 🙏 and words of encouragement; I know our village here helped get me this far.


Still waiting on results from the Urologist to see what plan he has on the remaining kidney stones (3) and prevention going forward. 🤞the diet isn't full of stuff my picky taste buds will reject🫣


Elizabeth, I'm glad your shoulder is doing better and hope you can get the surgery scheduled soon.  I also hope the plan for the kidney stones and the diet is one you can handle.


34 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Well the decision has been made- no Paamiut tomorrow. Dr Douglas gave a talk this afternoon and showed all types of pictures. He said this is like a 50 year event. So many schedules have been disrupted by the ice. We are going to cruise the fjords instead. Should be beautiful. 
   We will try for Nanortalik on Sunday. Looks promising. 
 Somethings are just beyond our control. 
there is a Lido Fun Fair scheduled this evening. Should be fun! 


Charlene, I'm sorry you are missing a port, but the scenic cruising should be wonderful.  I hope the rest of the ports in Greenland are a go.


26 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Sorry to hear about the earthquake in Dallas Texas today.

I hope all of our Dailyite friends are safe and well.


Graham, the earthquakes, were actually in a small town 250 miles west of Dallas, and 231 miles west of where we live.  There have been a series of about three or so earthquakes near Hermleigh which is close to the epicenter.  There have been more in Texas since the oil patch started fracking several years ago.  We did not feel any of them.  We have felt earthquakes centered south of El Centro, CA, in Mexico when we were in Quartzsite.



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Posted (edited)

Good afternoon from beautiful Port Charlotte.

Its 94 right now with scattered showers, looking at the radar I don’t think we will get any rain. 
The quote makes sense.

I’ll try the meal.

Good selection of days, I am an uncle and one of the great and wonderful persons in my life was my favorite uncle who never married so my mom, my sister and I were his close family. He was not only generous but a truly nice person liked by all and loved by us and without an enemy.


My father worked evenings so Uncle Jim would pick us up every Sunday night for dinner at some of the nicest restaurants in Chicago. He treated me like a son taking me to my first baseball and hockey games also to the 1959 White Sox-Dodgers World Series. He bought me my first set of golf clubs when I was 14 years old, also my first bowling ball along with shoes and bag. He worked for the Chicago Sun -Times and had connections all over town and would get comp tickets for just about anything happening in town including The Beatles in 1964. He bought me a new car when I returned home from Vietnam in 1969, I did chip a bit from money I saved while in Vietnam. He died in 1970 from a car crash at the age of 52, I think about him just about every day.

Had a nice round today shooting one over my age and our team came in first place.

Have a great rest of the day.

Edited by MISTER 67
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Posted (edited)
54 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Sorry to hear about the earthquake in Dallas Texas today.

I hope all of our Dailyite friends are safe and well.

I didn't even know about it, so thanks for letting us know. Our Daily family sure looks after each other ❤️

It was about 250 miles west of us, according to a local news station.

From what I've read, no people were injured, so that is good news.

Edited by Haljo1935
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Good Afternoon to all.

Sorry I am so late and did not get to post yesterday.

We are doing okay and things have finally calming down around here.

i am taking one day at a time and trying to do the best I can.

While I have not read all the posts, I did note that today is Aunts and Uncles Day.

i do want to pay tribute to the only Aunt and Uncle I knew growing up.

Especially my Aunt Josie, who was like a second Mother to me.  She took care of me every day when i came home from school because my Mom had to work.  i also spent every Summer with her out in Long Island for the very same reason.  She was very dear to me and I miss her very much.

Here is a photo of her and my Uncle Angelo on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary.


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7 minutes ago, summer slope said:

This is the strangest lighting of the Olympic flame, and opening ceremonies I have ever seen.

I agree. Only watched early on and now near the end. Just found them too strange. Must say our Celine Dion did a wonderful job!

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Posted (edited)
1 hour ago, MISTER 67 said:

Good afternoon from beautiful Port Charlotte.

Its 94 right now with scattered showers, looking at the radar I don’t think we will get any rain. 
The quote makes sense.

I’ll try the meal.

Good selection of days, I am an uncle and one of the great and wonderful persons in my life was my favorite uncle who never married so my mom, my sister and I were his close family. He was not only generous but a truly nice person liked by all and loved by us and without an enemy.


My father worked evenings so Uncle Jim would pick us up every Sunday night for dinner at some of the nicest restaurants in Chicago. He treated me like a son taking me to my first baseball and hockey games also to the 1959 White Sox-Dodgers World Series. He bought me my first set of golf clubs when I was 14 years old, also my first bowling ball along with shoes and bag. He worked for the Chicago Sun -Times and had connections all over town and would get comp tickets for just about anything happening in town including The Beatles in 1964. He bought me a new car when I returned home from Vietnam in 1969, I did chip a bit from money I saved while in Vietnam. He died in 1970 from a car crash at the age of 52, I think about him just about every day.

Had a nice round today shooting one over my age and our team came in first place.

Have a great rest of the day.


Your Uncle Jim sounds like a very extraordinary person, and you were lucky to have him in your life.  It's a shame he died so young.


20 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:


Good Afternoon to all.

Sorry I am so late and did not get to post yesterday.

We are doing okay and things have finally calming down around here.

i am taking one day at a time and trying to do the best I can.

While I have not read all the posts, I did note that today is Aunts and Uncles Day.

i do want to pay tribute to the only Aunt and Uncle I knew growing up.

Especially my Aunt Josie, who was like a second Mother to me.  She took care of me every day when i came home from school because my Mom had to work.  i also spent every Summer with her out in Long Island for the very same reason.  She was very dear to me and I miss her very much.

Here is a photo of her and my Uncle Angelo on the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary.



Terri, you Aunt Josie left a wonderful legacy in your memories of her.  A great picture of her and your Uncle Angelo on their 50th anniversary.


19 minutes ago, superoma said:

I agree. Only watched early on and now near the end. Just found them too strange. Must say our Celine Dion did a wonderful job!


She was outstanding.  What a voice.


4 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I wonder how much of it is the ceremony itself and how much is the coverage.




Roy, I think as spread out as everything was during the ceremony, it was better to see it on TV instead of in person.  I was glad to see they included two para-Olympian's in the torch relay.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Posted (edited)

We just finished watching the opening.  So wonderful to see a 100 year old Olympian take part!    While I initially had doubts it worked,  such amazing energy and so good to see Celine sing.   She is an amazing entertainer.   Paris est Tres Magnifique!  I need to go back!

If you ever get the chance to be part of an Olympic ceremony,  it is amazing.  We were so lucky when we hosted them here in 1988.   The energy was electric. 

@grapau27 our doctors will instruct if there are any driving restrictions after surgery, so no need to worry.  


Edited by bennybear
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Since we are in a different time zone so we will see the opening ceremonies later but I did happen to change the channel and see Celine Dion’s performance. Wow!  And she has been through so much.  Amazing. 

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I have a novel to write about this Olympic introduction.   As a many years ago competitor and volunteer I am very disappointed with this introduction to the Olympics. I understand France wanting to due a different introduction but in my opinion they failed. To see the athletes enter the arena led with their flag , followed by their friendly compretitors  all seated for the entertainment and formal raising of the flag, followed by the emotional flag travel with former campions. Lighting of the torch.  That was my vision of the Olympics. 

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I really liked the Opening Ceremony!

It was beautiful, very French, European and showed the city of Paris well.

IMO the different venues made it more exciting with anticipation to light the cauldron.  Having the French athletes in the lighting process showed wonderful loyality to their own citizens.

The jury, for me, is still out on the Cauldron. 😄

Agree, Celine's performance was stunning.


Have a good weekend everyone!

We will be living in a furnace this WE. 🌞

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Good evening, I watched the opening ceremony from the beginning to the end. 
I thought it was fantastic, to see all the landmarks of Paris on the torch journey, especially Notre Dame and hear the bells ring was emotional. 
Celine Dion was fantastic. 
I hope everyone has a good evening.

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Intermittently watching the ceremonies as I attempt to finish a work project.

I saw part of Céline Dion's performance and will watch a full replay online when I can focus - she deserves my undivided attention!!


My only aunt passed away years ago; per her request, spread my mom's ashes where hers are so they're together. Their brother, 1 of my 2 uncles, is now there, as well. ❤️

My other uncle is hanging on although I don't get to see him very often. His wife never gelled with the family and it really caused some permanent hard feelings. 😪

I am an aunt to 14 amazing, goofy, lovely wackadoodles - wouldn't trade any of them. 

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Good evening, 


The filling for the enchiladas is in the fridge, the pool was great today, and I had a friend call and we talked for an hour! How good is that? 

I have 3 aunts still with us but no uncles. I'm an aunt to 11 (1 deceased) and a great-aunt to 7. I have one great-niece who, at 10, has permission to email and I'm on the approved list to email. I love getting her little notes and getting back to her as soon as I can. 



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21 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Love it!  What was your event?  Our son swam from age 8 into college for the Naval Academy -- backstroke and 50-yard freestyle. He got 2nd in State in high school, and swam against a boy who went on to swimming in the '94 Olympics. We loved watching all the events.

Depending on my growth, I did the 100M Fly or Breast or Backstroke.  I couldn't do Free as fast as others.  I was possibly going to Munich for the Backstroke and the Fly in the Medley Relay.  I swam with Shirley Babashoff and Sandy Neilson (I used to beat both of them) and we were planning on who was taking what and I was taking German my freshman year in HS.  ~13 months before the Olympics, my parents moved us to a very small town in AZ.  Tried for ~ 4 months traveling the 150 mile round trip to Tucson every day for practice but it was all for naught.  I was bitter for years but I probably would have never become a nurse and traveled the world!🤷‍♀️

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6 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Depending on my growth, I did the 100M Fly or Breast or Backstroke.  I couldn't do Free as fast as others.  I was possibly going to Munich for the Backstroke and the Fly in the Medley Relay.  I swam with Shirley Babashoff and Sandy Neilson (I used to beat both of them) and we were planning on who was taking what and I was taking German my freshman year in HS.  ~13 months before the Olympics, my parents moved us to a very small town in AZ.  Tried for ~ 4 months traveling the 150 mile round trip to Tucson every day for practice but it was all for naught.  I was bitter for years but I probably would have never become a nurse and traveled the world!🤷‍♀️

Wow, amazing story!  Very impressive, thank you for explaining.  You were very young, who knows what you could have accomplished.  On the other hand you accomplished a lot in your life, just in other ways!  

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22 hours ago, dfish said:

Enjoy your dinner!



Our dinner was great,  Along with the flank steak, we had stuffed potatoes and grilled some crescendo peppers and some (homegrown) eggplants.  I opened a bottle of Napa Valley Cabernet Sauvignon (my go-to wine with red meat), and Mrs. XBGuy (all Chardonnay, all the time) had a Napa Valley Chardonnay.


I also found that the adding Chimichurri Sauce to grilled vegies is sensational.



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