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Royal Caribbean - do they compensate for bad cruises?

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9 hours ago, fla gang said:

We booked a cruise going to the Eastern Caribbean two years in a row but plans got changed because of a hurricane each time, but that didn't stop us from having a great time! Just remember, your not at work, so have fun and make the most of it!

Agree, over the years have had Ports changed, canceled, and times changed couple dozen times. Weather, Hurricane, Medical Emergencies, even Civil Way. Happens. Most got was 2hrs Free Drinks for Missed Port and Port Tax refunded. Once might got $50 OBC, cant remember if was compensation for missed Port or Port Tax refund. Unfortunately things happen, they can take you to alternate Ports or have all Sea Days Cruise

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I can't imagine going on a cruise and just eating Pizza. Part of the pleasure is the food for us, eating things we wouldn't normally eat at home.I am very very picky but have always been very happy with the food on my cruises. Yes there will be a couple of meals that aren't as good as the others but nine times out of ten the meals have been great on board.

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On 6/8/2019 at 7:49 AM, missyhol said:

Hi there,


Last year we arranged and booked with RC to cruise  on the Islands of Japan and Philippines tour in August.    Already we have been informed that we are no longer stopping in the Philippines so a fundamental mis-sell already. Anyway, not particularly a showstopper in itself  but nonetheless annoying - unfortunately we had already paid out for flights from UK to Hong Kong and return so we couldn’t really pull out.   However, really concerned of the reviews on this site with regards to the RC Voyager ship and current onboard staff and amenities.   We sailed with RC last year from NY to the Bahamas and really enjoyed ourselves so convinced others to join us.   I’d hate to get on board and find it is really as bad as the reviews have said.  I am hoping its not the case and that we all have a fab time.  We know its an older ship and I do know that some people have higher/lower expectations etc. However, i would feel more comfortable if I’m prepared if it does turn out to be a “motel” on sea i want to make sure that i collect all the relevant data/photos i need to claim refunds etc (and whether indeed this may be a mute point with RC -?)  We have already lost first deposit as they sold us a “you won’t get it cheaper than this deal” which transpired to be £2000 more expensive for our group of 9 than the cost 6 months later - we lost deposit (over £1000) and rebooked saving £1000 but as you can imagine it has already left a very bitter taste already with regards to the customer service of RC. 


So back to my question - has anyone claimed and been successful to receive a refund?


What sort of things do i need to record/photo/talk to if things are bad?  By the way, I’m hoping that I really don’t have to - but like the girl guide i was - i like to be prepared !


Many thanks


I am sorry that your cruise itinerary was not as you planed  Unfortunately in the Royal Caribbean Passenger contract they are able to change, alter or cancel the itinerary so therefore there is no compensation due. If you had purchased Trip Insurance with Trip Delay you may be able to recoup any funds for the flights etc.


Its not a mis-sell or misrepresentation if the cruiseline cancels or omits a port its part of the contract and airlines can do the same thing and decide not to fly from  Manila to Los Angeles and refund your ticket. You would be responsible for any fare difference or to accept an alternate flight. 


The only way Royal Caribbean can  offer you compensation is service related like stateroom issues etc. I am sorry your trip did not go as planned but perhaps as a gesture of goodwill they will give you a Future Cruise Credit but this again is only as a gesture of goodwill. 

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On 6/8/2019 at 8:40 AM, BNBR said:

This is definitely not the type of attitude I'd go in with.  Ready to take pictures of all the problems so you can claim a refund after?  Goodness.


Voyager is a great ship (and quite big).  You'll have a fantastic time just like any other cruise.  Don't be negative, there is no reason for that.

I love the Voyageur Class! The OP is going to get a refund before something goes wrong is a bad attitude. Sure I have read bad reviews but I take it with a grain of salt. Sure my ports have been cancelled due to weather and I took it in stride. 


I do not like people who think up every bad possibility that could go wrong and want a refund off the bat. The OP decided to purchase non-refundable tickets, decided to go ahead with the deposit and soon Final payment.   I never purchase non-refundable tickets if I  know there is a chance for plans to change.


If I had to be in Manila I would have booked it pre or post cruise.   I met my Cousins in Rio and they took us around. I told my Cousin that there is a chance that the cruise  may not dock and she understood. Point is if I really wanted to see her in Rio for a few days  I would have booked it before or after the cruise or on another trip.


A cruise does not guarantee you will see Alaska,  Southern France or Thailand. When you book a cruise you are never guranteed that you will be docking at the ports listed  on the itinerary and it says in small print"subject to weather, government regulations etc".  The same goes for any land based escorted tour. 


If the OP is looking for a free crusie or a discounted one before it even begins then I  hope Royal will stand firm and give the option of cancelling before Fianl Payment. If the OP already paid his/her Final Payment then I hope Royal will not let them switch or cancel unless a percentage is owed back.Royal will not give 100 percent back after a certain date post Final Payment.


I wonder why did the OP not due his/her due diligence before booking this ship/itinerary? If you don't like a hotel  after reading the reviews then why would you book it in the first place? Whenever I book  something I read as many reviews before the fact and before spending thousands of dollars.


The OP I am sure knew what they were getting into especially if using a Travel Agent. A Travel Agent cannot be sued after telling them about the ship and itinerary and the OP not liking it.

Its just like  someone plans to go to a restaurant and wants the dinner for free before consuming the product. Wow just wow the OP has the nerve to post here about wanting compensation before a trip even started with time to change their minds!  Sorry to be firm but  I would not want to travel with people who nit pick and complain about every damn thing. 


If it were me OP just go and have a fun time and not worry about what will happen  or won't happen! Travel is all about expecting the  unexpected!  When we were in the Basque Country in France/Spain we did not expect  to meet a woman who offered to take us around as  a tour guide. She took us on many long days when she could have been with her family On the last night she invited  us to her house and cooked us dinner! We were planning to go on our own with our own car!


I love surprises and not seeing one country will not spoil my entire cruise.

Just my 2 cents.

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On 6/8/2019 at 9:19 AM, twangster said:

Few negative reviews have merit for any cruise line or ship.


Most negative reviews are a result of people having the wrong expectations going into the cruise. 


Some people think that every thing is inclusive.  They may have read about a luxury cruise line where every thing is inclusive that costs £20,000 so they book a £3,000 cruise assuming it will be just like the £20,000 cruise.  When they find out it isn't instead of accepting responsibility for their mistake and bad assumptions they write a negative review as retaliation.  


I've read negative reviews where someone booked the smallest and oldest ship at bargain prices then they find out it doesn't have all the things they saw in a commercial for the newest ship.  What do they do?  Blame the cruise line rather than taking ownership of the fact they did no research and assumed a cheap cruise would have everything a more expensive cruise would have.


Nine of ten bad reviews result from the human need to blame someone else rather than accepting personal responsibility for bad assumptions. 

Whenever I read a review I  always question the reviewer and look at his or her profiles and read their other reviews. Then I think about how it applies to me.   If the food is bad compared to what?   Royal Caribbean is  a mass cruise line. If I wanted to go on a more upscale cruiseline then I will fork over the money.


 I have almost 80 nights with Royal because they took good care of my Father and I . We have ran into the same crew on different sailings and they remembered us. We have had great food better than  a school cafeteria. We love to be served in the Main Dining Room. Not having to do dishes, our stateroom cleaned nightly. Its pure luxury!   I cannot think of another vacation that is as relaxing as a cruise mixed in with new cultural experiences, talking  with fellow passengers etc.


I rank a cruise over an Amtrak trip anyday because you can go up on deck and enjoy the ocean and it  costs me less money .   I  kick myself in the butt every now and then why I did not take  a  cruise when I was much younger.  Now I know what I have been missing.


Royal will continue to have a  special place in my heart. 

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On 6/8/2019 at 10:20 AM, Snit13 said:

Been a member of Cruise Critic for quite a few years.  OP, your post is a first for me.  I have never read a post requesting information on how to get a refund for a cruise not taken.  By the way, if you watched the news yesterday you may be glad the itinerary has been changed as things were not calm in the waters near the Philippines yesterday.


I have not sailed on the ship you reference but every RCCL ship I have sailed on has been fine.  Some needed a little elbow grease and tender loving care but that had no impact on me enjoying my cruise.


If you have not already done so you might want to price a beverage package and really enjoy your cruise.  Things do happen and there is much less stress and much more fun if you go with the flow.

The OP should Google the Morans who were banned from Royal Caribbean for life for trying to tell people how to scam the system and others have written to Adam Goldstein and they were finally banned from Royal Caribbean. This was AFTER Royal have given them  compensation. They wrote here on Cruise Critic about their cruise and Royal asked them to take down the review and they refused.

Now the Morans are sailing on Norwegian and are happy cruisers! Perhaps the OP should look at another cruiseline or itinerary before trying to ask us how to get compensation before the cruise. Unfortunately if they are trying to scam the system we are of no help as I am sure its embedded somewhere in the Cruise Critic terms that this is not allowed.


I would not be surprised if this post gets closed and perhaps the OP banned from Cruise Critic. 


There is a better way to phrase the question  What will Royal Caribbean do for us for a missed port and how can we still enjoy our cruise! This is one i would be happy to respond to no tone asking how to get a free or heavily discounted cruise before the fact. Knowingly asking for something tha that is not owed to you and trying to document it is fraud.

Is the OP trying to fraud Royal? They have a large legal team waiting to take action.  To the OP  I would be very careful as Royal has experiences like yours where they post on a board about finding ways how to scam them and then there is a  paper trail  and when they do the research they find out that you had an opportunity to back out of the deal but you decided to go ahead  with it and then ask for a free or heavily discounted cruise after the fact. 


I am sorry but I  will not participate  in this because its just wrong.  I will give tips on how to enjoy a cruise but something here sounds fishy to me.  I hope the Mods will take action if need be.


Sorry but this is my 2 cents and  I am just treading carefully.

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On 6/8/2019 at 10:31 AM, gerif said:

If you read the OP’s post you will see that she has gone through nothing as yet. Just expecting a bad experience so she can get a refund. While I will admit that my one Carnival cruise was one too many, I still had a fun vacation. Question, when you were placed at a poor table with a less than stellar server, did you just tough it for out hoping for compensation or bring your dissatisfaction to the attention of someone (e.g., the head waiter) who could actually do something about it? We had just one poor experience in the dining room. Spoke to the headwaiter and the next night had a table of great people and terrific waitstaff. 

How much did the OP lose from Royal? Perhaps $0 or the Non-Refundable Deposit which I believe can be used for a new sailing?  Airfare of $500-$700 x Passengers is about the only thing that cannot be refunded.

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18 hours ago, Balsam12 said:

We sailed on Voyager out of Singapore in March this year.


Yes, if you go looking, you will find signs of wear and tear... scuff marks on walls, worn carpet etc... after all, we're talking about a ship that is 20 years old. If you are sailing in August, the ship is going in to dry dock for refurbishment shortly after your cruise, so some of these things will be addressed then.


Did this affect our enjoyment of the cruise? Absolutely not.


No issues with the crew, they were great and pretty much as helpful as we would expect.


The funny thing was that our cruise had a high proportion of passengers from Australia, the UK and Germany. Talking to one of the bar staff, he told me the thing he liked most about that cruise was that the passengers said Please and Thank You... unlike what he had experienced  on previous cruises in the region.


Goes to show that your attitude toward the crew can have a huge bearing on their attitude towards you...


We missed an onboard activity because the time and date was changed, and received a full refund for that, but not once did we even have cause to complain about anything else on the cruise.

You brought up a good point. Will the OP ask for a refund of the  flight if they end up on  an Airbus 330 or a Boeing 747  on Air China or China Southern if the crew did not clean the lavs,  non reclining seats, beer is hot and poor wine?   

The OP is not guaranteed a happy flight. If the OP self-assigned them the non-reclining seats on the plane and did not consult Seat Guru its their own damn fault. The OP decided to fly on a cheap carrier and its their own damn fault and must take responsibility. If they repeat it a second time and ask for compensation again then woe is me.


Companies do track complaints and compensation if its for the right reasons then fine but if its for the wrong reasons then they have every right  to ban them for life and the right to refuse service.

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On 6/8/2019 at 1:31 PM, gerif said:

If you read the OP’s post you will see that she has gone through nothing as yet. Just expecting a bad experience so she can get a refund. While I will admit that my one Carnival cruise was one too many, I still had a fun vacation. Question, when you were placed at a poor table with a less than stellar server, did you just tough it for out hoping for compensation or bring your dissatisfaction to the attention of someone (e.g., the head waiter) who could actually do something about it? We had just one poor experience in the dining room. Spoke to the headwaiter and the next night had a table of great people and terrific waitstaff. 

No, it was more than just horrible dining experience. We also had a sewage issue in the room (not ours, LOL) but the other three nearby cabins affected had it too. I think that was the nail in the coffin for us that prompted my letter. The crew just seemed exhausted as well, any sense of customer service was adroit. I think it may have been the last of a long run for them but there was no contemplating during the cruise on my behalf, and do remember we talked with the head waiter who didn't seem to care. It changed our whole outlook on Carnival. Just didn't get the same stellar care we received on RCL. And yeah, I re-read the OP's post and you are right, I missed that the first time around.

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You will never get a refund cause you say you didn't like the cruise, ports, food, etc. Wow imagine setting that precident, all cruise lines and all other vacation type businesses would fold up in a second. Quite honestly I really cannot believe you asked this question or even have one iota of a thought that you could win such a case. Sheesh!

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8 hours ago, loveheart said:

I can't imagine going on a cruise and just eating Pizza. Part of the pleasure is the food for us, eating things we wouldn't normally eat at home.I am very very picky but have always been very happy with the food on my cruises. Yes there will be a couple of meals that aren't as good as the others but nine times out of ten the meals have been great on board.

Escargot, Kummwekker sandwiches, Red Velvet Cake, French Onion Soup, Tutti Frutti Salad Bar, Fruit Soups, I just love the themed menus on Royal Caribbean. And if I 'm bored then I ask for Indian Curries!   I have had some delicious curries for lunch in the Windjamner!


I also like sampling local cuisine when in port. In fact I look forward to enjoying a picnic or a nice lunch or dinner with local beers and wines.  


I am a cultural chameleon!

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37 minutes ago, Hogbay said:

Op states on a public forum that before the fact { the cruise} is seeking  information on how to make a claim ie compensation .🤔

Well guess who it makes it easier for to deny them compensation? The Executive  pre and/or post  cruise guest relations experience department. What would happen if  some of us here on CC informed Adam Goldstein  or Michael Bayley of this thread right now?  All we would have to do is write in to Mr.Goldstein and Mr.Bayley  as a concerned Royal Caribbean customer . His team would look into this! The OP may   then go onto the Royal Caribbean website to see that 0 Cruises are booked!   Seriously for all we know there could be someone lurking here from the Royal Caribbean Social Media Team. 



Then the OP will come on here to complain that someone turned them in even before they could enjoy their cruise! Their flight would not be refunded at all.  It could turn into a very different post here. And besides the OP I am sure knows right from wrong. 


I myself would not waste my entire cruise documenting every damn thing but will report any issues that I feel need reporting in a calm , empathetic and professional manner  to Guest Services while I am on the cruise to rectify it then and there.  I mean the OP is not the only one who is missing the ports. How about the 2000 other passengers?  And yet the OP for now is the only one to try and get a free cruise or a major discount.


When the Morans were banned there were concerned people from Cruise Critic writing in to Mr.Goldstein until someone from the Executive Office sent them a letter and $500 ch

eck and  told them that they are on the "Do Not Sail List" from all Royal Caribbean owned companies.


Who here remembers the Morans? It was on the TV news!  


My point here is don't advertise what you are going to do with 1000s of CC members on this forum who have been here for years. If it quack like a duck smells like a duck then it has to be a duck! 


Honestly  what is the OP's posting history here on CC?  I am only trying to prevent the OP from doing what he/she says  here when in fact Royal Caribbean is trying to accommodate passengers despite the changed port. 


If you book a cruise very early then you are bound to have changes.  Sorry to rain on your parade OP. 


What says you? 





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3 hours ago, WeLuvVacation said:

You will never get a refund cause you say you didn't like the cruise, ports, food, etc. Wow imagine setting that precident, all cruise lines and all other vacation type businesses would fold up in a second. Quite honestly I really cannot believe you asked this question or even have one iota of a thought that you could win such a case. Sheesh!

Lets picture for a moment that the OP is Gordon Ramsey in disguise and this is Kitchen Nightmares. Gordon has read reviews about the abysmal dining and decides on a  plan to demand compensation when his burger is dry, the soup is too salty and the service is bad.   Then Gordon writes in and asks for compensation.


Some people have complaint form letters ready to go for situations such as this and have been taking such a cruise on purpose in order to get compensation. Guess who it hurts? Legitimate complaints who really do have an issue and are due compensation. At the most 15-20 percent of the fare paid.


Then Gordon books the cruiseline again and makes the same complaint yet again. Royal may give the benefit of the doubt and give a Future Cruise Credit yet again.


Third time then Royal says' Ah we have a problem". Said Customer is being unfair and  has not reported it to the Hotel Manager at Guest Services and is looking for discounts.  Now if there was a major issue of cabin maintenance Royal will initiate the compensation.


Picture Gordon posting here on CC his epilogue of  the Nightmare after taking the Galley Tour and sees the staff not up to par and is rude towards the staff when something isn't right. Would you want Mr.Ramsay as your tablemate?  Perhaps Regent or Crystal are better suited for Gordon. 


The Executive Guest Relations writes to Gordon asking him to remove his baseless review and he refuses. Then the next day he gets a call saying he is banned from Royal Caribbean for life followed by a letter in the mail with a check that equals the FCC given to him? 


Why would Gordon go to lenght to book a cruise that is not up to his standards? If you expect 5 star service on Royal you may not get it! If your expectations are too high then you may need to reconsider if going to an upscale line is for you.


Yes there are people with lots of money who enjoy Royal Caribbean but they do realize that Royal will never be Crystal or Regent not by a longshot. And you know what if I were a millionaire I would still sail Royal because I love them for who they are!  And yes I may venture to Crystal but 10,000 per cruise is not something I am wiling to part with every time I cruise.


I like the relaxed attitude of Royal Caribbean and my habits would not change. I know that ship happens and ports of calls are cancelled or changed but that is half the fun


Look last year on our Brilliance Tampa-Amsterdam cruise our port of call to Dublin was cancelled. I was so looking forward to it. But we spent the night in Cobh and had so much fun at a local pub where the crew hung out. I got a chance to socialize with the Crew and we had so much fun chatting about where they come from and what they like about cruising.   I would have never had this experience if we were in Dublin. I asked a crewmember where they go in Cobh and we had a blast.


I can always go to Dublin!  And I got to see Blarney Castle!


Once we missed Villefranche due to weather and will hopefully be going back there. I do understand that tenders need calm seas and I am all for them canceling the Port if need be. 


The OP is missing the Philippines  and that sucks but do you realize you can fly there for a really good price for another trip? I have known people to have come back from a cruise and  then turn around and fly to the cities they had hoped to see. Perhaps it would cost the OP less to rebook his ticket to see the Philippians before or after the cruise and then fly home much less that returning to NY and flying out again! Or postpone it for next year. 


The OP  must have something so important that he or she cannot miss but is not telling us and if so well then perhaps the cruise is not the appropriate trip for them. If I had a wedding that was during a cruise and I had to be at the port of call for the wedding  I would highly consider not taking a cruise.   A cruise can change course for a medical emergency or mechanical issue at anytime.


For me a Cruise is just that a way to go from country to country while taking the long 3 week way home!


But for the OP to come here asking us to help him work the system that does not bode well with me. If the OP had been more gracious asking us what would we Cruise veterans do if the port was changed we would have been so much kinder and offering ways to change the airline ticket to do a  land based tour of the Philippians as part of the cruise.


Just my 2 cents.   

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I'm usually pretty tolerant of these discussions -- even when posters haven't bothered to spend even 5 minutes researching their questions before posting -- but this one takes the cake. I agree with so many before me who have basically deemed it so entitled and hypothetical and ridiculous. OP has his/her answer. Please someone shut this down before it wastes anyone else's time being read through. (Yes, I realize this response has bumped the thread up just a tad bit more than it had been, but am hoping to spare future readers.)

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16 minutes ago, zooma said:

I'm usually pretty tolerant of these discussions -- even when posters haven't bothered to spend even 5 minutes researching their questions before posting -- but this one takes the cake. I agree with so many before me who have basically deemed it so entitled and hypothetical and ridiculous. OP has his/her answer. Please someone shut this down before it wastes anyone else's time being read through. (Yes, I realize this response has bumped the thread up just a tad bit more than it had been, but am hoping to spare future readers.)

I agree with you wholeheartedly zooma. The OP is entitled and he/she knows it. If I were in the same situation I would make lemons out of lemonade and just roll with the punches whether I am Bill Gates or not! I don't care if I am the President of Royal Caribbean I expect to be treated like everyone else no more no less. 


For me I would not want to be one foot near the OP and his/her family as I would be afraid they will be mistreating the staff and their stateroom attendant.  If and when I do complain I do it with grace and try to show empathy and sympathy towards the staff.


 My Father and I had a not so good dinner at Chops and we brought it graciously to the Head Waiter who apologized. He not only invited us back to Chops and gave us a bottle of wine but invited us to the Galley Brunch and Tour without us asking!   We could not have been happier. 


We understand that ship happens and we are not entitled or compare it to a landbased steakhouse. We understand that things may not be up to par. Did we expect compensation? Hell no! If we did not get half of what was given we would have been fine. 


Remember Royal Caribbean will "Answer It Royally' if given the opportunity. The OP has not even given Royal the opportunity! 


We had a Head Waiter on one cruise who was then the Maitre D on another cruise and remembered my Father and I and he treated us so well and made sure everyone would give us top notch service! He came around to our table nightly to check on us. The same Maitre D even arranged for a special Luncheon at the Chef's Table after telling him how much I have heard about it.  He even made sure we got Chai Tea from the Crew stash after jokingly mentioning it!


Royal has given us so many memories that I can't wait to share with my Mother as this will be her second cruise on a 3 week cruise 1 week around the Med and a 2 week Trans Atlantic back to  Tampa. Why did I want to do this? Because Royal has been so kind to my Father and I and I wanted to introduce my Mother to cruising and Royal in hopes she will be Loyal to Royal!


Thank you to all here on CC who have helped me to love Royal Caribbean and cruising! I owe it to Host Clreaa and all of you fine people! I hope that I  can make up for this OP!  I love attending the Meet and Mingles and other CC events as well as tours setup by CC members.


If I can Pay It Forward to all of you the honor is mine!   

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12 hours ago, loveheart said:

I can't imagine going on a cruise and just eating Pizza. Part of the pleasure is the food for us, eating things we wouldn't normally eat at home.I am very very picky but have always been very happy with the food on my cruises. Yes there will be a couple of meals that aren't as good as the others but nine times out of ten the meals have been great on board.


This gave me a chuckle. On our upcoming cruise, we are taking our DD, her partner and her 13 year old son. We took the son with us on a land-based vacation last year, ate at a different restaurant every night (in Spain, away from the touristy areas) and what did the 13 year old choose to eat every night?



His mom told him yesterday "don't think you're eating pizza every night on the cruise".


His reply "try and stop me".

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7 hours ago, zooma said:

I'm usually pretty tolerant of these discussions -- even when posters haven't bothered to spend even 5 minutes researching their questions before posting -- but this one takes the cake. I agree with so many before me who have basically deemed it so entitled and hypothetical and ridiculous. OP has his/her answer. Please someone shut this down before it wastes anyone else's time being read through. (Yes, I realize this response has bumped the thread up just a tad bit more than it had been, but am hoping to spare future readers.)

Well said. Agree.


Unfortunately...these kinds of original posts and their subsequent threads are the kind that inspire certain posters (who justify them) to create "the Never-Ending Story". 😕

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On 6/8/2019 at 4:08 PM, missyhol said:

Hey there - please can some of you dismount your high horses and read my post properly?  I don’t need to be brought down about my attitude.   I am actually quite positive and looking forward to the trip and  I am sure that everything WILL be fine and that the reviews made over the last few months (which are pretty much all negative) will be from those that have higher expectations than myself.   All i wanted to do was ask what happens if things go wrong? Has anybody fared well with getting a refund etc from royal Caribbean when things did go wrong?   (Please remember I’m a Brit and we are way behind certain continents on the suing/compensation culture. 😉 )


When I have paid out over £1300 per person i would like to be comforted by the fact that i have some recourse if things do go wrong - (yes i can read the Ts& Cs of the contract -  but hell i thought i was going to get some posts from those that have had experience of good/bad cruises rather than from those that feel they need to appear superior to others and state the obvious - or those that are vindictive and spiteful  “maybe just trolls in training” ?) I’m an experienced traveler and have had flights delayed, poor hotels, excellent hotels etc. BUT, the way i was treated during the booking process left a lot to be desired and I guess my question was really about the ethos of RC and whether they just take your money and its tough poop if their ship and staff don’t meet the normal standard.      Ok, hope you’ve all untangled your knickers now -  this was not meant to be a serious post by the way - just a “ what’s been your experience” and how best to deal with it -    Yes, we have the full alcohol package btw so we will be ok come what may !!   



Seriously, if you think you are going to get compensation just because you don't like something, think again.

You will find bad reviews on every ship in the world

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