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Royal Caribbean Cruisers -- How Are Things Where You Are? (was "Routine" ​ 😁 ​day in lockdown... how was yours?)

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19 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

Question: Do you have to use your Diamond vouchers inside the Diamond Club?  Keeping fingers crossed that we'll be Diamonds in time for Bella 02! Having early seating, we'll have to get there after dinner.


I'll confirm what someone else said -- there are no more "freebie" drinks in the Diamond Club, other than using the coffee/cappuccino machine.  You get your daily voucher allowance, and any free drinks get taken off your allowance.  

If I still have unused vouchers at the end of the day, I grab a can of soda or a bottle of water to take back to my room.  I've even been know to ask my room attendant what their favorite soda or beer is, and use up my vouchers to leave them a little treat.

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9 hours ago, jmh2006 said:

Good evening all.  Just wanted to hop on to let you know that we are cleared for take off in the morning!  DH's procedure today (lithotripsy) to blast his kidney stone was a success!  Phew!  First flight is Detroit to JFK departure time 10:07am so our pickup to airport is at 7am.  We have a bit of a layover at JFK as flight to Venice departs at 6pm so we will be enjoying the Delta Lounge.  I will check in here from time to time to provide updates and pictures!  Ciao!

Great news!   Wishing you safe travels and a great cruise. 

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38 minutes ago, brillohead said:

If I still have unused vouchers at the end of the day, I grab a can of soda or a bottle of water to take back to my room.  I've even been know to ask my room attendant what their favorite soda or beer is, and use up my vouchers to leave them a little treat.

We do the same, and an unopened bottle of Grolsh works as well.  No opener needed with those flip tops. 

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13 hours ago, mets07 said:



above is Tobacco Bay ...


Omigosh, I've never been particularly interested in going to Bermuda, but this picture of Tobacco Bay has me sold!!!!  What an absolutely GORGEOUS cove beach setting... and from all the rocks, you just KNOW that they have good snorkeling, too!  😲

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Catching up this morning while enjoying some jets on my back in the hot tub.  Yesterday was a long day of yard work and outdoor cleaning.  More to be done today as we get ready for a Memorial Day party.  

This morning, I have to take Ricky to the vet again for another blood test.  Hopefully this will be the last one.   He seems to be doing well. 




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I missed out on the gas rollback yesterday, at the Sunoco station in Pittsburgh.  Selling for $2.38 a gallon.



Meanwhile, our stations increased their prices by $0.20 yesterday.  They must have realized Memorial Day travel is coming.  We are hovering close to $4.00 now. 

Edited by h20skibum
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3 hours ago, brillohead said:


As OB stated, they are "similar but different".  From my experience with administering these medications to patients in the hospital, Klonopin has a longer duration of action than Ativan.  A typical order will be for Klonopin every 8 hours or Ativan every 6 hours, for example.  

I would definitely recommend discussing your options with your doctor, as OB also recommended.  It may be as simple as taking your Klonopin earlier in the evening so it wears off more by the time you rise in the morning, or lowering your dose (or both).  Or maybe a different medication altogether, on its own or in conjunction with another med (like a daily maintenance med plus an "as needed" med when the situation warrants.

But your doctor/provider isn't likely to offer you any different choices unless you bring up the issues you're having with your current medication.  Keeping a written record of your symptoms and the times/dosages of medication you've taken and the resulting effects of the medication is something I recommend to everyone (for any type of medication).  That way you can show it to your doc/provider at your next appointment and say, "when I do A, then B happens for X period of time", and they can have something concrete to work with to find you a better option.   

I see my primary care physician twice a year, January and July, so I will address this issue at my July appointment . I did start taking the Klonopin a little earlier and that has seemed to help a bit. I’m still a little groggy when I get up but it’s nothing debilitating and I can still brush my teeth, shower etc without any problems. Many thanks to you and @Ocean Boyfor your comments and advice.

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8 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

Very weird of Katy chowing down on pizza.  I was disappointed that she didn't give her own personal goodbye.  I remember Simon Cowell's heartfelt goodbye when he left the show. Big difference. 

I am not sorry to see her go. 

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On 5/18/2024 at 8:06 PM, SteelCityCruiser10 said:



The last few days we’ve been taking Emma on the Montour Trail near our house.  She enjoys riding in the truck and we need to take breaks getting out of the house.  Too many memories of Oliver all over.  Luckily I have a good stock of bourbon 😁


That picture is the Montour Run Creek which is very high from heavy rains last night.  Cut the grass twice in 4 days it been raining so much.  😩 


Heres Emma conked out after her adventure.





She’s a beautiful dog. When one of our cats, Keiki, died the other one was very affected by it. I hope Emma doesn’t go thru what Chloe did. Positive thoughts for your doggie.

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On 5/19/2024 at 8:26 AM, dpostman said:

A slightly full day yesterday for us.  The in-laws just left a few minutes ago as I type this as they from out of town but stayed over last night.  We planned a celebratory supper yesterday with our DS as he just finished the final step in purchasing his first home.  He is in an apartment already, and the closing date is July 8th.  About an hour before his planned arrival time, he call us to sy that he was in a minor fender bender, he rear ended another car, but thankfully, no-one was hurt, and the damage is relatively minor.  Just added paperwork and stress for him at the time when he is already overwhelmed with the things involved in purchasing a home.


My DD, just adopted a new cat from the SPCA yesterday, so lots of exploratory roaming and meowing going on.


Meet Patches:



Here are a few pics of the Tomahawk steaks that were served up for yesterdays supper.


Prepping for the Sous-Vide



With the dry rub mix



Vacuum sealed before sous-vide.



We had 3 Tomahawks for our 7 people.  1 for my DD's boyfriend (320lb football player for Dalhousie University, Halifax).  Pics from after the grill.



And the other 2 were sliced up for the other 6 of us.



Also included, is this years first crop of asparagus from our garden.



Looking forward to a quieter day today.  And maybe a salad 😉.


We were still able to happily celebrate our DS's new home owner status.


Cute kittie. She is now the typical cat owner, if she wasn’t already before, with cat hairs all over the clothing. We have 3 kitties and even with all the daily brushings, the hairs get everywhere. There is no end to it, but wouldn’t change it for anything.

How long did it take for the asparagus to grow? I love asparagus.

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9 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

@jmh2006 Jennifer, thanks for the update on Dave's successful blast.  Full steam ahead for a glorious cruise!


@HBE4 Very weird of Katy chowing down on pizza.  I was disappointed that she didn't give her own personal goodbye.  I remember Simon Cowell's heartfelt goodbye when he left the show. Big difference.  I love Abi's choice for Katy's replacement: Lady GaGa.

I really liked both of the final two , I would love to see the original idol winner as a host Kelly Clarkson .

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@brillohead Thank you for your heartfelt response.I agree that good people enter our lives, if we are fortunate.

Wishing you good days! 😊 


It is a beautiful Spring day here on Eastern LI.

Sunny and high 70’s.

According to reports, NYC will be 80s today and a few days following. Please take note @George C!

Wishing a good visit to “my”city.


Hoping all posting here have a pleasant day!


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3 hours ago, brillohead said:


Omigosh, I've never been particularly interested in going to Bermuda, but this picture of Tobacco Bay has me sold!!!!  What an absolutely GORGEOUS cove beach setting... and from all the rocks, you just KNOW that they have good snorkeling, too!  😲

We were never very interested in Bermuda either. For me, it was just a place to cruise to. It turned out to be an awesome destination.

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1 hour ago, TravelGirlinDallas said:

I am not sorry to see her go.  



It seems to me that so many Idol winners as well as runners up made it big.  I don't think the same can be said for those competing on The Voice.

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39 minutes ago, MJSailors said:

@brillohead Thank you for your heartfelt response.I agree that good people enter our lives, if we are fortunate.

Wishing you good days! 😊 


It is a beautiful Spring day here on Eastern LI.

Sunny and high 70’s.

According to reports, NYC will be 80s today and a few days following. Please take note @George C!

Wishing a good visit to “my”city.


Hoping all posting here have a pleasant day!


Even though I have lived in the Dallas area a decade more than I lived in New York City, I will always consider myself a New Yorker , all I have to do is open my mouth and you will hear my New York accent. Although I do not regret my move via a job relocation to Dallas, I would not ever be able to own a 4 bedroom 3 bathroom house with a swimming pool if I still lived in the city. 

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I’m just catching up- I had a laparoscopic hernia repair on Friday, and I was more affected than I thought I would be. Actually, my stomach was entirely above the diaphragm, so hopefully it’s all back together in the appropriate anatomical arrangement! 

Probably the worst part of this is the daily headaches that happen just after midnight and persist until coffee and acetaminophen. It happened before as well, so if I ever have surgery again, I’ll mention it to the anesthesiologist.

@SteelCityCruiser10 my condolences on losing your very handsome and good boy.


We still have my son’s enormous German Shepherd, who doesn’t really understand why I suddenly won’t play with him, but he’s a good boy who doesn’t jump. My son picks him up tomorrow.

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25 minutes ago, StanleyandGus said:

I’m just catching up - I had a laparoscopic hernia repair on Friday,


Glad you're "after" and on the mend. Wishing you a quick and full recovery 🌺

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7 hours ago, brillohead said:


So many people never get to realize that family is about love, not blood/DNA.

My birthmother didn't want me, placing me for adoption at birth.  And my adoptive mother's mental illness means she is incapable of caring for anyone other than herself.  Being rejected by TWO mothers can do a number on your self esteem, lemme tell ya!

But then two decades ago I befriended a couple that I met through our local minor league hockey games, and I now call them Mom and Dad (and refer to them as my "surrogate parents") and they tell people I am their daughter (even though they have two biological sons and two biological daughters as well). I am their Patient Advocate when they go to the hospital, and I'm the only one they let stay with them at the hospital (they often don't even tell their bio-kids that they've been admitted until after they are back home).  


It's not that they are estranged from their bio-kids, either -- I actually ran into one of the sons at their house when I stopped by on Mother's Day.  (It was kinda awkward, b/c they had invited me for lunch but not him... they kept trying to encourage an end to the conversation so he'd leave so the three of us could have lunch without having him there! LOL)

My bio-mom passed away this week after spending almost three years on hospice for end-stage COPD, and neither of us had any desire to see each other for probably the past decade, if not more. Her passing means nothing to me mentally or emotionally, since she never really was a part of my life even though I've known her for three decades now.  My half-brother said they're not even having a service, b/c he doesn't think they could even find enough people to show up to fill a single row of seats.  

I haven't seen my adoptive mom in over two decades, and my life is ever so much better for her absence.  If she ever dies (pretty sure she's just too mean to die), I will have the same non-reaction to her passing as I did to bio-mom's this week.  

However, losing my birthfather and my surrogate parents -- which won't really even be a surprise when it happens, as they all have different health issues -- those will all be a gut-punch when they happen.  The difference is love, plain and simple.  

Family isn't who the legal system says is your family, nor is it who DNA says is your family... it's the people you love and the people who love you.  I'm so glad that in spite of the loss of your beloved child, you were able to find your own love-family to enrich your life, as you have enriched theirs.

People come into your life for a reason... and I'm glad that I have all my CC-family in mine!

I'm so sorry for your trauma. (Adoptive mom here.)

Edited by Etta1213
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5 hours ago, brillohead said:


Omigosh, I've never been particularly interested in going to Bermuda, but this picture of Tobacco Bay has me sold!!!!  What an absolutely GORGEOUS cove beach setting... and from all the rocks, you just KNOW that they have good snorkeling, too!  😲


My only caution would be that in warmer weather, it gets a lot more crowded!! Not sure of impact on snorkeling. 

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11 hours ago, BonTexasNY said:

@HBE4 Very weird of Katy chowing down on pizza.  I was disappointed that she didn't give her own personal goodbye.  I remember Simon Cowell's heartfelt goodbye when he left the show. Big difference.  I love Abi's choice for Katy's replacement: Lady GaGa.


Hope this doesn't sound like sexist body shamming but now that she no longer on the show & has to wear those crazy outfits, she can kick back, let herself go & enjoy some good (i.e. unhealthy) food.


If Lady GaGa was to be a judge on Idol, I would start watching again. I'm proud to call myself one of her "Little Monsters".


EDIT: I wonder why she didn't give a more heartfelt goodbye. I'm assuming it was her decision to leave. Simon gave a great, heartfelt goodbye. Maybe because he was one of the creators of the show as well, in addition to the original British version "Pop Idol"? He has soften with age, for sure


I think Paula had a nice goodbye tribute as well. Not sure about Randy Jackson, I might have stopped watching the show when he left.


Edited by HBE4
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39 minutes ago, Etta1213 said:

I'm so sorry for your trauma. (Adoptive mom here.)


Thanks.... it's been lot of years and a lot of therapy, but I've finally managed to get beyond my parenting.  

I hope that by sharing my story with others, I give someone else the courage to move forward with their own healing adventure.

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