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The Crew Getting Vaccinated


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19 minutes ago, LGW59 said:

but what happened to 20 million being vaccinated by end of year (2020), according to warp speed?


Warp Speed only gets it there, and manages the contracts for long term care facilities. CDC says there are over 15M doses distributed, but the delays now apparently are at the local level, which isn't necessarily surprising. I am a little surprised that the commercial contracts with CVS and Walgreens  to go into long term care facilities are running at about half of the overall rate, but a lot of people travelled over the holidays, even in a pandemic. Reporting is running about 72 hours behind, but unless there's a big spike in reporting this week, that's probably on the margins and not the main reason numbers are lower than everyone hoped.


Was actually discussing my timing with my specialist today, and even their facility is running slower than he would have expected. He thinks part of it is just the reality of rolling it out over the holidays when people who could were taking time off. And I can't find the stories tonight, but I remember reading some health care facilities were staggering their providers as there are reports from the trials that lost time is more likely from the second dose, so you don't want your entire emergency department vaccinated on the same day. That's adapting the plan during execution, and I expect them to continue to adapt.


I'm curious who's administering the vaccine in the places that are vaccinating some version of the general public now, whether age cohorts or occupational cohorts or both. If that's local/county/state/tribal public health departments, they've been notoriously underfunded and undermanned for years, and if they're trying to contract for staff, they're competing with hospitals and CVS/Walgreens etc., for people to administer the vaccine and be available to manage adverse events. Back in the dark ages (when I was in elementary school), it was the local public health department that came to school with our sugar cubes, but I don't think they do that much anymore, and we weren't worried about social distancing during processing, administration, and observation.


In the DC area, CVS is apparently administering to some of the 1a group as there was a story yesterday about two guys who happened to be at a CVS when a couple of folks in 1a didn't show for appointments and the vaccine was mixed, ready, and coming up on its time limit; they got vaccinated. The guidance is to use the vaccine in those circumstances and not lose it.


Also, the official sources are pretty horrible, and the original press was 3 weeks or so ago, but my memory was that the manufacturers were specifically managing the second dose centrally for shipment to meet the 21 day or 28 day timeline. They almost certainly have more storage capacity than most facilities in the field, and the shipments apparently went pretty smoothly. There's probably info on Pfizer and Moderna's web pages, but the info sheet from HHS doesn't have that detail, but that matches the information posted in this thread. FWIW, this is what HHS has posted https://www.hhs.gov/sites/default/files/ows-vaccine-distribution-process.pdf

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11 hours ago, LGW59 said:

but what happened to 20 million being vaccinated by end of year (2020), according to warp speed?

Operation WARP Speed has turned into Operation SNAIL Pace.  Where is the sense or urgency???

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On 1/3/2021 at 11:45 PM, miched said:

I am 74 and live in MI.  People that at 65 to 75 are 1C    I guess we need to travel to FL.    I will be 75 in July and that would bump me up to 1B.  Hopefully by that time I would have had it but my wife would still be 1C 


I guess the vaccine distribution depends on how majority in the states voted.  


Happy cruising 🌊🚢🇺🇸🌅


I am in NJ and also in the 1C group for 65 to 75.  I just got an email alert that indicated NJ estimates the 1C group to be March/April timeline.  Let's see as time progresses if that timeline holds true.

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19 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

Operation WARP Speed has turned into Operation SNAIL Pace.  Where is the sense or urgency???


If I was being cynical I would say that Governments at most levels have been given unprecedented control and authority over our lives and they like it.


It was stated by the WHO and the UN that one of their major concerns was that governments may be reluctant to relinquish the authority and control given to them to help keep us safe during this pandemic, they could be right. 


We were told yesterday by the Prime Minister that the latest lockdown in England could start being eased mid February due to the ramp up in the vaccination schedule, today we are told by senior politicians it could well be March before we will see the easing of lockdowns. I am waiting for them to move the goalposts again.


In Wales there is growing concerns that the rollout of the vaccine is being slowed by bureaucracy and politics, the Welsh health minister would not set a target for the scheduled rollout of the vaccines moving forward when asked by journalists, the UK military are on standby to help but the Welsh government has been reluctant in asking for their help as they would need to ask the UK government for permission, yet we hear from GP surgeries and hospitals that they are ready and eager to get started.

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11 minutes ago, markeb said:

I'm not now nor have ever been a moderator, but the last couple of pages here have drifted away from the original intent which I think was to discuss the crew. That includes at least one or two of my posts.



Cruise lines are going to struggle get crew vaccinated if Governments in high income countries are struggling to vaccinate their populations.


IMO the first vaccine producer who puts a private company before a countries need will not be looked upon favourably.


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Lets get back to topic I agree with Markeb.  So maybe cruising cannot resume until vaccine is available to private companies like cruise lines so they can get their entire crew vaccinated?  If left up to individual countries the crew vaccinations will be highly variable at best.  So if crew is required to be vaccinated two months before boarding a ship (2 doses plus wait time) then where does that leave us and cruising?  Perhaps cruise lines will be able to start crew vaccinations with generally available vaccine doses by May?  So first sailings in August?  That is perhaps the rosy scenario.  This will be a dominating issue for our safe return to cruising.

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20 minutes ago, TeeRick said:

Lets get back to topic I agree with Markeb.  So maybe cruising cannot resume until vaccine is available to private companies like cruise lines so they can get their entire crew vaccinated?  If left up to individual countries the crew vaccinations will be highly variable at best.  So if crew is required to be vaccinated two months before boarding a ship (2 doses plus wait time) then where does that leave us and cruising?  Perhaps cruise lines will be able to start crew vaccinations with generally available vaccine doses by May?  So first sailings in August?  That is perhaps the rosy scenario.  This will be a dominating issue for our safe return to cruising.


Ehh, if passengers are all vaccinated, then depending on how low the local prevalence is, I can see the cruise lines testing a cruise with just a crew quarantine and vaccinated passengers.  No one will care unless a passenger gets COVID... the sad state of reality.

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1 hour ago, nomad098 said:


If I was being cynical I would say that Governments at most levels have been given unprecedented control and authority over our lives and they like it.


It was stated by the WHO and the UN that one of their major concerns was that governments may be reluctant to relinquish the authority and control given to them to help keep us safe during this pandemic, they could be right. 


We were told yesterday by the Prime Minister that the latest lockdown in England could start being eased mid February due to the ramp up in the vaccination schedule, today we are told by senior politicians it could well be March before we will see the easing of lockdowns. I am waiting for them to move the goalposts again.


In Wales there is growing concerns that the rollout of the vaccine is being slowed by bureaucracy and politics, the Welsh health minister would not set a target for the scheduled rollout of the vaccines moving forward when asked by journalists, the UK military are on standby to help but the Welsh government has been reluctant in asking for their help as they would need to ask the UK government for permission, yet we hear from GP surgeries and hospitals that they are ready and eager to get started.

Good to see some of our Friends over the pond feel this way too...I know I do. Once power is obtained, people (Govts) are reluctant to give it up.   Good post.  

Edited by PTC DAWG
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2 hours ago, UnorigionalName said:


Ehh, if passengers are all vaccinated, then depending on how low the local prevalence is, I can see the cruise lines testing a cruise with just a crew quarantine and vaccinated passengers.  No one will care unless a passenger gets COVID... the sad state of reality.

Strongly disagree. Your scenario leaves the crew vulnerable to infection, which would shut down the cruise. You may not care, but the public health authorities in every country that ship touches certainly would.

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3 hours ago, TeeRick said:

Lets get back to topic I agree with Markeb.  So maybe cruising cannot resume until vaccine is available to private companies like cruise lines so they can get their entire crew vaccinated?  If left up to individual countries the crew vaccinations will be highly variable at best.  So if crew is required to be vaccinated two months before boarding a ship (2 doses plus wait time) then where does that leave us and cruising?  Perhaps cruise lines will be able to start crew vaccinations with generally available vaccine doses by May?  So first sailings in August?  That is perhaps the rosy scenario.  This will be a dominating issue for our safe return to cruising.

If Florida going to vaccine Canadian Snowbirds , i could them allowing crew to get vaccinated to get cruising back up and running for the tourism dollar 

i could also see them allow ships to sail if the crew only has the first shot , and get the second shot in 6-12 weeks later 

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The Washington Post had an article yesterday asking several experts when they expected their daily life to feel similar to pre-pandemic times (in the U.S. of course).  The answers were varied and based on how successful the vaccine rollout is.


Longer-term expectations:


"December 2021"


"late this year"

"second half of this year"

"2021 will feel more like 2020 than 2019"

"I expect daily life to feel more normal by sometime this summer, but i think it will be 2022 before some mitigation measures can be fully relaxed"


Only one said something more short-term: "...I anticipate that American society will start to feel more like normal by April 2021."  Lots of caveats in that one sentence (and also in his full quote). 


Bottom line is that the sooner we pick up the pace on vaccinations, the sooner we can hopefully have this behind us. 

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Don't count on Fla.. The distrbution here  .gives new meaning to " floriduh"!


 Appts in most places are offered online like Concert tix and sell.out immediately.  Our friends in Lee County  lucked out via phone appt  but everyone else we know, like us,  are wasting time trying to win the lottery!


Poorly staffed and ill organized!



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Link to article I mentioned above, though it may be behind a paywall (I subscribe so I'm not sure; some of their newsletters like this are free to read):





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21 minutes ago, Airbalancer said:

If Florida going to vaccine Canadian Snowbirds , i could them allowing crew to get vaccinated to get cruising back up and running for the tourism dollar 

i could also see them allow ships to sail if the crew only has the first shot , and get the second shot in 6-12 weeks later 

Very few Florida counties are allowing Canadian or other foreign Snowbirds to get vaccinated, even though many own property and pay taxes to the state. Consequently, I doubt that they would allow foreign crew members to get vaccinated. In the case of Miami-Dade and Broward counties, where the two major cruise ports lie, you have to be a county resident. I haven't looked at Tampa, but Brevard County (Port Canaveral) allows foreigners as long as they meet the other criteria, such as age (currently 65+) or health workers. I really don't see Florida as a panacea for crew members or cruise lines.

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On 1/3/2021 at 8:22 PM, LGW59 said:

The rich countries need to share this and they CAN.  In addition to India, China has their vaccine, with a 79% efficacy rate, from what I have read is high?!?  Others on CC know better than me.  Anyway, my point is of course, each country needs to protect their people first, but then it must be shared.   

US is a long way from protecting its citizens

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11 minutes ago, Fouremco said:

Very few Florida counties are allowing Canadian or other foreign Snowbirds to get vaccinated, even though many own property and pay taxes to the state. Consequently, I doubt that they would allow foreign crew members to get vaccinated. In the case of Miami-Dade and Broward counties, where the two major cruise ports lie, you have to be a county resident. I haven't looked at Tampa, but Brevard County (Port Canaveral) allows foreigners as long as they meet the other criteria, such as age (currently 65+) or health workers. I really don't see Florida as a panacea for crew members or cruise lines.

Anyone  where we are..w coast fla, who has proof of age and can snag an  appt will be given the shot if they agree to stay around for 30 days  where they need to get the second shot.


Not many  Canadians here due to travel and health ins restrictions


Edited by hcat
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Obviously, those countries that went into to this with a coordinated plan are making strong progress quickly.  Best example is Israel, where about 12% of the total population, and approaching 50% of 65+ have had the first jab. 

Maybe when they are up to 100% of those who desire it the crew can head there. 🙄

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Due to the big mess in Fla and press coverage..things may start to move.


A few PUBLIX grocery stores may start to give the vaccine.  ! 


Not sure crew could get it there b/c they will probably  need  to have it before they can join a ship!

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2 hours ago, Airbalancer said:

If Florida going to vaccine Canadian Snowbirds , i could them allowing crew to get vaccinated to get cruising back up and running for the tourism dollar 

i could also see them allow ships to sail if the crew only has the first shot , and get the second shot in 6-12 weeks later 


Only a minuscule number of crew are actually in US, and with travel restricted around the globe can't see thousands of crew being allowed to travel to Florida from Asia, India, etc,  Even if they could they'd have to worm their way into a very long vaccine queue.  Unrelated point, unlike GB, US is adamant that second shot be administered 3-4 weeks after first one.

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8 minutes ago, UnorigionalName said:

Why the heck would florida vaccinate crew members?


They aren't US citizens, they aren't Florida residents, and the cruise lines are not US companies.

Florida has a huge economic interest in getting the cruise industry going. Putting aside limited availability, the revenue from lodging, sales and other taxes paid by cruisers is enormous,  plus other benefits like getting Floridians in ancillary industries back to work. 

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3 hours ago, UnorigionalName said:

Why the heck would florida vaccinate crew members?


They aren't US citizens, they aren't Florida residents, and the cruise lines are not US companies.

Agree but then why are the Canadian snowbirds getting vaccinated in some places.  
We live in a rural county and so far, from what is reported 1clinic received 100 doses  2 weeks ago and tonight the news said the hospitals in the county (3) received 300 doses which will go to health care workers.  Glad that some of the health care workers will be vaccinated. But so far we have received vaccine for less than 1% of the population and there is no structure in place to register for or find who may have the vaccine.  First responders have not been given any idea of when they can be vaccinated. 

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