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The Daily for Saturday Jan 30, 2021


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today is National Inane Answering Message Day, National Seed Swap Day, and National Croissant Day


The Roman Rule
    The one who says it cannot be done should never interrupt the one who is doing it.

Meal suggestion for today - Smoked Pork Chops & Pierogi Dinner

Drink of the Day - Mojito

Wine of the day - Craggy Range Pinot Noir - New Zealand - Red vintage

at Sea Pacific
Nieuw Amsterdam

Long Beach Anchorage

Great Stirrup Cay
Nieuw Statendam





Edited by richwmn
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Thank you for the penultimate January Daily, Rich.  A very interesting collection of days; I expect for me it will be the final snowless January day.  I love the quote and the meal selection sounds quite nice.  My alternative is Assorted Melon Wedges and Pineapple, Rigatoni with Chicken Meat Balls, and Cherry Crisp, as served on MS Prinsendam January 30, 2019.




Today's care list(sadly longer than the other list):

Mrs Vmax undergoing radiation treatment

Caregiver Gsel and her DH battling Alzheimers

NextOne DH with Renal Cancer

doobieb quarantined until February 12; DD and DGS with Covid

durangoscots and I hoping for safe travel to our shots

Sharon’s mother and daughter

Mamaofami’s friend’s final days, but resting comfortably

HAL (and other crews)

Kazu’s nephew and her BIL’s mom

and Krazy Kruisers and Joe


Today's Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Occasional posters including

Teachers, school workers and at home surrogates

Front Line Health Care Workers

Improvement for Jose’s nephew

Second jab for Sea Viewer

New recliners for Vict0riann

and Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



PS: Australian Open running maskless and safely--Well done Australia

Edited by rafinmd
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Thank you Rich and Roy. It is 11pm on Saturday night here, and it continues to rain, and rain and rain. Lovely soaking rain, so good for the garden. It’s a pity for the tourists who flock to the coast for their summer holidays, they have really only had a few really hot days this year. The children go back to school on Monday after their long summer break. Because of Covid restrictions parents and volunteers are not allowed on the school grounds. But at least the kids can go to school, and only had to do a few weeks of home schooling at the beginning of the pandemic.

We have croissants for breakfast every Saturday, so pleased to see it is National Croissant Day. 
Hope all those who are sick soon improve, and everyone stays safe and gets the vaccine as soon as it is available. 
Good night from Australia.

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Good morning.  Rich and Roy, thank you for your dedication.  Interesting group of days.  The quote is so true.  Both meals sound great.

Safe travels Roy and durangoscots for your vaccine shots.

Prayers and virtual hugs for our care list and 🍹to the celebrations.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.



Ingredients: 1 1/2 oz White rum, 1 oz Fresh lime juice, 2 teaspoons Sugar, 6 leaves of Mint, Soda Water
Preparation: Mint sprigs muddled with sugar and lime juice. Rum added and topped with soda water. Garnished with sprig of mint leaves. Served with a straw.
Served: On the rocks; poured over ice
Standard garnish: Sprig of mint, Yerba buena

Screen Shot 2021-01-30 at 7.02.13 AM.png

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Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our morning smile 🙂 


Interesting collection of days.  I’ll happily make some croissants for DH to celebrate croissant day and although not a swap I did celebrate Seeds day by sharing  some earlier to be planted now and picking up my seed starting stuff so I hope that counts.  


Love the Roman rule.  No pork chops but I bought a lovely ham which we will have tonight so I hope that is close enough to the meal suggestion?


a Mojito - yum - on a blue hulled beauty in warm weather would be great.  It’s too cold for one here at -20 C (-4 F).


Well, DH was a bit of curmudgeon when I came home with what he perceived as too many bags when I picked up my grocery curb side order.  What he didn’t know was that 4 bags held seed starting supplies, earth & a couple of seeds.  I placed the rest of the order last night.  Luckily he didn’t complain too much because he knows what I would say 😉 




Seriously, some seeds have to be started in a couple of days.  @bennybear and I have some chili seeds I saved from last year that we hope are going to sprout.  I did buy some other varieties as a back up, though.


Not everything succeeds of course and I have my reply ready when DH asks if it was worth it:




Just kidding - DH loves my flowers and doesn’t bash me when I don’t succeed 😉 


Prayers for everyone on Roy’s Care list & for those that need them & a toast to everyone on the Celebratory/Shout Out list.


Have a great Saturday everyone.  Stay safe and don’t forget your masks 😷 

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Good morning.  Thanks for the Daily Report.

Another cold one here, so I'll be staying inside, except for Bertie's walk.

Interesting collection of days.  I'd love a croissant, but I don't have any.

Love the quote.

The meal suggestions sound great, not sure what we'll have.

Sending prayers for everyone.

Have a wonderful day.

Stay safe.

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It  is  16  degrees  here  and  a  large  storm  is  headed  our  way. Our  neighbor,  who  says  he  gets  his  weather  information "from  God"  just  informed  me  it  could  be  a  foot  or  more.  Oh  my.


Yesterday  my  DH  and  I  got  our  first  jabs  with  no  difficulties  at  all. The  pharmacy  called  Thursday  night  and  said  they  had  more  vaccine  than  expected  and  could  see  us  at  noon. I  was  so  excited  I  hardly  slept. Our  greatest  joy  was  when  both  grandchildren  said  they  would  see  us  very  soon. Like  so  many  others,  we  have  not  seen  them  in  a  year. We  are  so  grateful.


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Good Morning, thanks for the daily report. It’s cold here in MA so we are staying home and roasting a turkey for dinner.  Of course wine will be involved.  I may join the cats for a nap this afternoon.

Edited by Crazy For Cats
Spell check error
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Good morning and thanks for the update.

  Its a cold day and tomorrow doesn’t look any better. Expecting a major snow storm late Sunday night thru Monday, 6 inches or more 😱

      Next Saturday at this time we should be able to see Nieuw Statendam in PEV . 
Only in for the day but that’s better than nothing .

        Blessings and prayers to all on our lists. 

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27 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good morning and thanks for the update.

  Its a cold day and tomorrow doesn’t look any better. Expecting a major snow storm late Sunday night thru Monday, 6 inches or more 😱

      Next Saturday at this time we should be able to see Nieuw Statendam in PEV . 
Only in for the day but that’s better than nothing .

        Blessings and prayers to all on our lists. 

Your storm is heading our way and they are suggesting 11” for us.  Glad it will be a work from home day on Tuesday.

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Thank you for today’s Daily, Rich! Another great combo of days, though I am partial to croissant day! I immediately thought of @kazu& @bennybear at “seed swap day” - though technically it was not a swap. Perhaps there is a “seed sharing day”?


Roy - I do appreciate your dedication in keeping our lists current. I must admit that I am having a tough time getting the visual of @durangoscotsusing a team Shih Tzus to get the COVID vaccine! Morning/Evening Dailyites! Love the quote &  the meal sounds great, though it is a vegetarian meal at a friend’s place for me tonight. Not a fan of mint & unless it is paired with chocolate in ice cream or cookies. Another quiet day here. 

Prayers for all who need our support. Cheers to all who are celebrating. 
Stay well everyone!



This New Zealand Pinot Noir has excellent ratings. The 2016 vintage’s prices start at $21.99. Not bad for a wine with a “muscular tannic backbone”. 
Winemaker Notes

This Pinot Noir exudes mouth-filling fresh red fruit flavors. With structurally integrated tannins, this wine is instantly appealing and deliciously 'Martinborough'.
WS92 Wine Spectator: Firm and distinctive, with a muscular tannic backbone that adds some appealing tension to the dark spiced plum and tobacco notes. An edge of acidity keeps the flavors energetic and lively. Drink now through 2023.
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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  In the deep throes of winter, it's hard for me to even think of seeds, let alone swapping them.  Love croissants, but none on hand, so will add them to the grocery list for next week.  Delayed pleasure.  A friend once had this on her answering machine:  "Say something."


Great menu suggestions Rich and Roy, but it's looking like today is going to be Hamburger Soup day.  That's where I brown up some ground beef and onions, then open about eleven-teen cans of whatever's in the pantry and put it all together.  We haven't had it in ages, and it freezes well, so that'll be on our dinner table tonight along with the last of the buns.  And wine.


The last mojito I had was while sitting at the Ocean Bar with the sun shining brightly and warm air around my face on the beautiful Nieuw Statendam.  Sigh, sure miss those Dam ships.


Best wishes to @rafinmdand @durangoscotsas you get to your destination for your Covid jabs.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Raising the wine glasses tonight to toast all on the happy list.  Stay safe, be well, wash your hands and wear your mask.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Morning everyone. Thank you Roy and Rich for the daily.


It’s 19 degrees here this morning and we are expecting that huge storm tomorrow night. I don’t mind the snow since we don’t have to shovel, but I always worry we will lose power. We could always go to my daughter who is 25 minutes away, but we’d have to first drive through the snow.


My grandson leaves tomorrow to fly tomLA to take care of his car on Monday. He’s hoping to do it in one day and turn around and fly back Monday night, but with snow coming he might wind up stuck in the airport waiting to get out.


Another grandson is returning to a university of Rochester on Sunday morning. My daughter is planning to make the trip from  NJ  to Rochester , NY in one day to beat the snow.


We are patiently waiting for enough vaccine to reach NJ so we can get our shots.


Stay safe everyone and double mask.



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31 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

Your storm is heading our way and they are suggesting 11” for us.  Glad it will be a work from home day on Tuesday.


I’ll be happy if that’s all we get.  If it tracks the way they are forecasting, it will be a full blown ‘Nor Easter.  Very high winds, lots of snow and a mess.


Maybe we’ll all be lucky and the weathermen will be wrong? 

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Good morning, everyone.   


I took yesterday off from all the fun of painting my bedroom.  I went to the grocery store and that was my fun limit for the day.   LOL.  So, today I am back at the painting.  I need to finish the trim and then I can start on the walls and ceiling.  Everything is white, so that should make things easier.  I figure this will be a good activity today and tomorrow while the snow flies.  


We aren't expected to get as much snow as others.  All the alerts are for counties south of me.  By Monday night we could end up with 5-6 inches on the ground, but it should come slowly enough for road crews to keep up.  I will gladly pay the plow bill when it comes so I don't have to do the driveway myself. 


Today's meal sounds interesting.   I like pierogies, but don't often have them due to the carbs involved. The comments mention a number of substitutions that have been tried, so if you can't find smoked chops, sub away!   https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/smoked-pork-chops-pierogi-dinner/


I'll be finishing off the meatloaf from last night.  The beef hoagie sandwiches yesterday triggered a desire for Muzzy's Marvelous Meatloaf.   A few years back I put together a family cookbook of all our favorites from growing up as well as some new ones we had discovered as adults and wanted to share with others.   We did have some imaginative titles and the meatloaf one is an example.  My favorite is Colonel Cinders Blackened Beauties - a tribute to my dad's grilling technique.  


Prayers for all who need them.  Let's turn some of those prayers into cheers.   

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9 minutes ago, dfish said:

Good morning, everyone.   


I took yesterday off from all the fun of painting my bedroom.  I went to the grocery store and that was my fun limit for the day.   LOL.  So, today I am back at the painting.  I need to finish the trim and then I can start on the walls and ceiling.  Everything is white, so that should make things easier.  I figure this will be a good activity today and tomorrow while the snow flies.  


We aren't expected to get as much snow as others.  All the alerts are for counties south of me.  By Monday night we could end up with 5-6 inches on the ground, but it should come slowly enough for road crews to keep up.  I will gladly pay the plow bill when it comes so I don't have to do the driveway myself. 


Today's meal sounds interesting.   I like pierogies, but don't often have them due to the carbs involved. The comments mention a number of substitutions that have been tried, so if you can't find smoked chops, sub away!   https://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/smoked-pork-chops-pierogi-dinner/


I'll be finishing off the meatloaf from last night.  The beef hoagie sandwiches yesterday triggered a desire for Muzzy's Marvelous Meatloaf.   A few years back I put together a family cookbook of all our favorites from growing up as well as some new ones we had discovered as adults and wanted to share with others.   We did have some imaginative titles and the meatloaf one is an example.  My favorite is Colonel Cinders Blackened Beauties - a tribute to my dad's grilling technique.  


Prayers for all who need them.  Let's turn some of those prayers into cheers.   



Just a note to thank you for sharing the recipes with us!  Love the idea of a family cookbook!

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Good morning all and happy Saturday, albeit a freezing one here.  Thanks Rich for your continued effort to keep us coming back each day to this thread.  A interesting trio of days to celebrate, the squirrels got the last really stale croissant that we had.  Our menu tonight features a different variation of chili, along with the normal ingredients the recipe calls for macaroni elbows.  I do like a well made Mojito, so it's been added to my “to drink list”.  No sign of the vaccine here except for LTC and health workers.  I am fearing that it will take quite a while before it reaches us.  All the best to those on both of Roy's lists.  

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Good morning everyone,

I'm feeling no effects so far from my 2nd Pfizer jab yesterday, not even a sore arm this time!

Stay safe to everyone in the path of the nor'easter, hopefully it does not mess up anyone's scheduled appointments.



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