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Face Masks and Cruising

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None of our restaurants require masks of the patrons only the employees.  Finally got a new doctor after our move last year and they didn't require masks either.  Things are getting more normal here and positive test numbers are way, way down.

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On 4/19/2021 at 6:00 PM, DirtyDawg said:




And to add insult to injury our province just closed all the golf courses for the next six weeks. (Can you tell I'm a bigger sports nut than a cruising nut?)




What the hell is happening on a golf course that is causing it to be shut down? It's outdoors, It's non contact and you can certainly maintain six ft distance. 

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11 hours ago, DCGuy64 said:

There's a saying about the 1st Amendment that "your rights end at my nose." IOW you have the right to your opinions, but the moment you attempt to dictate what I can and cannot say, we've got a problem.

Similar thing with masks. You want to wear one for you, great. Try and force me to wear one, especially when I'm vaccinated, then yeah, we've got a problem. I respect the rights of private businesses to determine what people must do on their premises, but when I'm out in public, if you try and shame me for not wearing a mask, there's gonna be trouble. Fortunately, so far it hasn't happened.

I would never ever engage with someone who is not masked; not even a look or a sneer from me.


The following is the mantra I live by when it comes to encountering maskless people in indoor public spaces...........


"It is very difficult to win an argument with a smart person but damn near impossible with a stupid person" - Bill Murray

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10 hours ago, atgood said:

You just see what you want and then twist what isn’t there to suit yourself.  

First.  Me relating several direct observations that a lot of people improperly wear their mask is not mask shaming.  It’s me telling of my experience while out in public.  Also, me putting out a link to an article is hardly mask shaming either.  An example of mask shaming would be telling someone that is properly wearing a mask their mask isn’t doing them any good and/or that they’re silly for wearing one.  I didn’t and don’t do either.  

Second.  I didn’t say everyone wearing a mask is participating in cosmetic theater. Re-read what I typed.  I said, probably over 50% was my unofficial guess.  I’d bet it’s even higher though with mask re-use , gaps, improper touching, etc. 

It's OK to "improperly touch" the mask. Better to have the mask covering the nose and mouth than to touch the bare nose and mouth. Seriously, when people properly wear their mask, that is a reminder and an aide for them not touching their bare hands to their nose and mouth. Who cares if someone touches the mask? Just don't touch your nose and mouth.

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9 hours ago, Xkontour98 said:


Good point, and getting vaccinated is by far the most effective way to train our bodies to increase our immune response when presented with the virus. 

Agree with this. My immune system kicked into high gear with my second Moderna shot. I'm older but have a very robust immune system like a younger person.

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39 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

The failure of masking, IMHO, is that so many people do not wear their masks properly. Keeping the nose exposed is just like not wearing a mask at all. Why bother if you are still going to breath all over the place and not keep your aerosols contained?

I was in a doctors office last year.Everyone working there ,the office staff and doctors wore masks not covering their nose.I walked out .

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8 hours ago, atgood said:

Here’s the thing about the Pfizer vaccine (for example) that I didn’t realize until recently.  Not much has been said about the control group who received the placebo during the trial.  

We’ve all heard about how great the Pfizer vaccine works and how very few (8 out of 17,411,=0.04%), who received the vaccine during the trial, ending up getting CV19.  

Well guess what?  Very few in the placebo control group ended getting CV19 (162 out of 17,511 participants,=0.9%).  That’s less than 1%.  See pg 29 in the link if you want see it for yourself. 



It’s similar with other vaccines too.  

I'll take those odds. Thank you. Oh wait, I already did, thankfully.

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7 hours ago, Shorewalk Holmes said:


A week ago Saturday, I was wearing a mask to pick up takeout from a restaurant. Crowded, indoors, no other masks in sight, including the employees.


While I'm waiting, a guy walks over from the bar and puts his (unmasked) face literally about four inches from mine and stares at me.  I think he was trying to see if I would move to maintain social distance. 


I didn't say a thing, just looked at him.  After awhile, he went back to his buddies at the bar.


I'm just curious -- what do you think I should have done?

In no uncertain terms, I would have told him to "get out of my face!!!" I've already done that when someone encroached to close to me and I could not move or get closer to someone in front of me on line.

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4 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

In no uncertain terms, I would have told him to "get out of my face!!!" I've already done that when someone encroached to close to me and I could not move or get closer to someone in front of me on line.

That would have been way too close for me even in pre-CovId times. I would have been assertive and direct in telling ng him to move away. 

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8 minutes ago, coffeebean said:

In no uncertain terms, I would have told him to "get out of my face!!!" I've already done that when someone encroached to close to me and I could not move or get closer to someone in front of me on line.


3 minutes ago, MommaBear55 said:

That would have been way too close for me even in pre-CovId times. I would have been assertive and direct in telling ng him to move away. 


These are viable options for sure.  But I'll bet he was doing it mainly to try to get some kind of reaction.  When he didn't, he got bored and walked away.  

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1 hour ago, coffeebean said:

The failure of masking, IMHO, is that so many people do not wear their masks properly. Keeping the nose exposed is just like not wearing a mask at all. Why bother if you are still going to breath all over the place and not keep your aerosols contained?

And that is the biggest bone of contention about masking, you can't police it.  And that answers your question above, Why are they ineffective now...

Edited by BecciBoo
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9 hours ago, Shorewalk Holmes said:


A week ago Saturday, I was wearing a mask to pick up takeout from a restaurant. Crowded, indoors, no other masks in sight, including the employees.


While I'm waiting, a guy walks over from the bar and puts his (unmasked) face literally about four inches from mine and stares at me.  I think he was trying to see if I would move to maintain social distance. 


I didn't say a thing, just looked at him.  After awhile, he went back to his buddies at the bar.


I'm just curious -- what do you think I should have done?

I would have started laughing at him. He was probably trying to get a reaction out of you and that wouldn’t be one that he was hoping for.

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2 hours ago, lenquixote66 said:

I was in a doctors office last year.Everyone working there ,the office staff and doctors wore masks not covering their nose.I walked out .

I hope you told them why you were walking out. 

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10 minutes ago, Shorewalk Holmes said:


Good idea!  I'm not much of an actor though.

I was in a mall parking lot years ago when some jerk was standing by his car looking at me grabbing his junk. I started laughing and asked if that was all he had. I could tell by the look on his face that wasn’t the reaction he was looking for. I went back in and reported him and shopped until he and security left. I didn’t want him following me. It was uncomfortable saying that to him, but people like that need to be put in their place. Glad you stood your ground. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.

Edited by ReneeFLL
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10 hours ago, Shorewalk Holmes said:


A week ago Saturday, I was wearing a mask to pick up takeout from a restaurant. Crowded, indoors, no other masks in sight, including the employees.


While I'm waiting, a guy walks over from the bar and puts his (unmasked) face literally about four inches from mine and stares at me.  I think he was trying to see if I would move to maintain social distance. 


I didn't say a thing, just looked at him.  After awhile, he went back to his buddies at the bar.


I'm just curious -- what do you think I should have done?

I would have leaned in even closer to him and whispered to him.....”you smell different when you’re awake”. 

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8 minutes ago, ReneeFLL said:

I was in a mall parking lot years ago when some jerk was standing by his car looking at me grabbing his junk. I started laughing and asked if that was all he had. I could tell by the look on his face that wasn’t the reaction he was looking for. I went back in and reported him and shopped until he and security left. I didn’t want him following me. It was uncomfortable saying that to him, but people like that need to be put in their place. Glad you stood your ground. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.


Sorry you had to go through that.  A much more serious thing.  But that was quick thinking!

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1 hour ago, Shorewalk Holmes said:


Sorry you had to go through that.  A much more serious thing.  But that was quick thinking!

Thanks. Sometimes people get a kick out of shocking others. Not sure if that was what he wanted or if he was up to something else. After laughing I walked fast back into the mall. I didn’t want him to get near me.

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9 hours ago, coffeebean said:

Well, let me just say this. It depends on the source where you get your information. This is truly BS. These theories have been debunked by reputable sources, including the scientific community. Believe what you like. I will stick with reliable sources for my information.


Masks have been used for more years than I have been alive (that a LOT of years)  in the medical field as source control. Why, now would they become ineffective and cause psychological and physical problems among our population. Why???? because what you have posted is BS. That's why.


You have to admit that is a pretty detailed scientific study and report. I think what makes it unreliable in your estimation is that the contents do not fall into your narative. So as a result, you wish to dismiss the study as unreliable, debunked from unreputable sources, and I quote, "BS".  I do not believe you even read this 'science' report and the findings. You're just another one that believes science is the be all and end all of everything, as long as the science fits into your beliefs. 

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9 hours ago, coffeebean said:

Masking in a restaurant when you are moving around, such as entering, exiting or going to the restroom is not cosmetic theater. It's all about being stationary while sitting and for people to be able to maintain a proper distance. When moving about, distancing becomes more difficult or unsuspecting. It makes sense to me why masking in a restaurant when someone is on the move is necessary and safer to take off the mask when a person is stationary while sitting.


Thank God those days are gone. Restaurants are finally wising up. They of course like all business' followed local and state requirements to remain open and obtain revenue. But finally here in Houston most business' have adopted the 'masks are now optional' which is how it should be.  

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9 hours ago, Iamcruzin said:

What the hell is happening on a golf course that is causing it to be shut down? It's outdoors, It's non contact and you can certainly maintain six ft distance. 

In Ontario right now your bubble is your immediate house hold. You are not to gather with anyone else.  You are not supposed to leave your house for other reasons except for groceries, medical appointments and work.  The government is imploring people to work from home if they can. 

The situation with golf courses overall is people are not playing with just those from their house, not wearing masks, and not staying 6’ apart. Last summer when the province was having nominal cases it didn’t really matter but now with variants running rampant the province said no.  No tennis, basketball, baseball are not allowed either at this time. Kids sports are not happening now, and nor did they last summer. 

I’m a member of a club and have seen it first hand.  I have also seen on FB photos of people I know together at clubs standing with arms around each other’s shoulders for group photos. They were not from the same household. It’s not everyone who is doing this but with a stay at home order for 6 weeks golf was added to the list this lockdown. Skiing was during the last one, and relaxed to be allowed after the lockdown was over. 

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3 minutes ago, A&L_Ont said:

In Ontario right now your bubble is your immediate house hold. You are not to gather with anyone else.  You are not supposed to leave your house for other reasons except for groceries, medical appointments and work.  The government is imploring people to work from home if they can. 

The situation with golf courses overall is people are not playing with just those from their house, not wearing masks, and not staying 6’ apart. Last summer when the province was having nominal cases it didn’t really matter but now with variants running rampant the province said no.  No tennis, basketball, baseball are not allowed either at this time. Kids sports are not happening now, and nor did they last summer. 

I’m a member of a club and have seen it first hand.  I have also seen on FB photos of people I know together at clubs standing with arms around each other’s shoulders for group photos. They were not from the same household. It’s not everyone who is doing this but with a stay at home order for 6 weeks golf was added to the list this lockdown. Skiing was during the last one, and relaxed to be allowed after the lockdown was over. 

Not to mention the additional three or four more cars on the road per foursome and crowded GC parking lots with all the attendant non-essential travel and ‘opportunity’ to take care of a few things while out and about.

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17 hours ago, atgood said:

Here’s the thing about the Pfizer vaccine (for example) that I didn’t realize until recently.  Not much has been said about the control group who received the placebo during the trial.  

We’ve all heard about how great the Pfizer vaccine works and how very few (8 out of 17,411,=0.04%), who received the vaccine during the trial, ending up getting CV19.  

Well guess what?  Very few in the placebo control group ended getting CV19 (162 out of 17,511 participants,=0.9%).  That’s less than 1%.  See pg 29 in the link if you want see it for yourself. 



It’s similar with other vaccines too.  

They're not controlled-exposure studies.  They don't take both groups and hose them down with covid to see what happens.  If they were, you would see something more akin to what we see in US right now:
~5000 identified breakthrough cases total in ~77 million vaccinated people across the country

Compare that with:

~50,000 identified covid cases last week in Michigan out of a population of ~10 million, about 1/3 of whom are either vaccinated or previously infected.

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