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The Daily for Monday September 13, 2021


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Good  morning  to  all. I  am  not  superstitious  and  love  peanuts.The  recipe  looks  like  a  winner  here as  there  are  still  nice  farm  tomatoes  about.  I  can  relate  to  the  quote  and  we  have  not  been  to  the  port.


I  will  cheer  as  a  Garden  Club cheerleader for  the  good  outcome  Jacqui  had. I  love  seeing  those  flower  pictures  and  continue  to  have  a  good  laugh  at  the  jokes.


Today  is  a  busy  one as  Tana  and  I  will  travel  to  her  PT  appointment  and  then  to  one  of  her  doctors. It  is  a  nice  day  and  it  will  be  nice  under  my  oak  tree  waiting  spot. DD  has  started the  return  to  her  office 2  days  a  week and  looked  as  if  she  was  moving  in  when  she  left  this  morning. She  did  say  that  she  was  looking  forward to  seeing  people  other  than  family! DSIL remains here as  his  company  does  not  plan  a  return  until January,


My  best  to  all,  be  careful  and  safe

@irishjim, I  hope  all  goes  well  tomorrow



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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  I'm superstitious - you really think I'm going to try to defy them?  Uh, no.   And, I'm immature, so whenever we get fortune cookies, everyone has to read their fortune and then add the words "in bed".  Of course, gales of laughter follow.  We like going to Five Guys where, while waiting for your meal to be prepared, you can munch on handfuls of peanuts.


We had a great day yesterday - DH and I took off for a fall farmer's market about a half hour out of the city where we ran into friends we haven't seen in ages.  It was great standing in the bright sunshine, catching up on things.  While at the market I was able to buy another couple of malas to add to my collection, as well as the ever popular in our family, popcorn cake.  From there we went cross country to 3 different little towns and villages, checking out the crops and trees along the way.  Strangely, the trees in the city have much more colour to them than in the neighbouring countryside.  We figured though, maybe it was because there were more ash trees in the city than in the country, and they always lose their leaves first.  True to form, though at this time of year on the "frozen tundra", we started the day off with sweaters and the heater on in the car, and before we made the final turn home, we had to turn on the air conditioner because it was just too hot.


@Seasick SailorI'm glad to hear the antibiotics are doing their job, and that you're feeling better.

@kplady and @irishjimsending prayers for you and your medical teams as you undergo surgery.

@mamaofami hoping Sam gets the treatment he needs so he can be home with you again soon.


I like today's menu suggestion, but it reminds me of the wonderful Tomato Pie recipe we shared last winter - which reminds me, I haven't made that in a very long time.  I think I'm going to try it for dinner tonight.  Served with a crisp lettuce salad, I think that will make a nice light dinner for us this evening.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Clinking the glasses together to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay safe, wash your hands, wear your masks, be well, and hydrate!


Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂


Edited by ger_77
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Good morning all!

I have been busy and so have only peeked in once and awhile and not posted, so I am far behind on what is going on for everyone here.


Interesting days. I am mildly superstitious 🤞😊. Like @HeartgroveI once got an empty fortune cookie causing me to wonder, superstitiously, if it was a sign!?! Concluded it was just bad quality control at the fortune cookie factory. I love peanuts, especially in a Peanut Buster Parfait from my local Dairy Queen.


I’d heard this quote before, thought it came from a comedian, embarrassed to admit I didn’t remember who Claude Pepper was right away. 

I will probably skip the meal and drinks today, prefer my quiche with a crust, not a Jack fan or a Rose fan.


Haven’t been to the destination today, pictures will have to suffice.


I made three presentations (sermon, a program and a talk on our local food pantry), went to Branson and came back in time for my 9th lumbar puncture (one more to go). My DH bought me a new toy, a Pride mobility Go Chair. I used it on Friday to visit the Missouri Botanical Gardens, go out to high tea, and on Saturday to have a luncheon with some girlfriends (we hadn’t been together since September of 2019). Today I have nothing on the calendar so I will tackle my rather long to-do list. ☹️

Prayers for all on the cares list (especially for Sam and for his battle team of @mamaofami and DD) 🙏. And a toast to celebrating the good times for all of us 🍷


St Louis Sal


p.s. Not a very flattering picture, but here I am with wine at the Garden.

p.p.s. I received a booster shot of Pfizer vaccine!!



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Good morning all!  We've had several days in a row with sunshine and no rain.  Yay!  We needed a break.  This morning we walked to the gym and back, doing the resistance equipment (14 different ones).  Some muscle pain but not as bad as we thought it would be.  The nasal spray has helped with the coughing but it's not fully gone.  It might take a while.


Interesting menu suggestion.  Even the low carb version looked good.  Thanks to @kazufor presenting the recipes.  The quotation is fun.  We often say we're told old to buy green bananas.  @msmayorI agree with you about the peanut M&M's.  My favorite type of peanut, but if not those I'll take plain old chocolate covered peanuts.  


The port of Devils Island is still on the itinerary for the Grand South America and Antarctica cruise, if we ever get to go.  I can't count how many times we've had to cancel the Amazon cruise - too many!


Thanks go today to @richwmnfor the Monday Daily.  Thank you @rafinmdfor the long Care and Celebration Lists.  I pray everyone on the Care list improves and becomes whole.  Congrats to all celebrating.  Roy, great news about your negative test.  As for your alternate menu suggestions, the steak looked nice but I couldn't take my eyes off the notation of mint chocolate chunk ice cream!  No picture?  I would have wanted to start with dessert!  I love mint chocolate chip (or chunk) ice cream.


@kpladygood luck today with your surgery and I hope you recover quickly.  @irishjimthe same wishes for you tomorrow with your ear surgery.  Quick healing!  @VMax1700glad to hear you had a good drive this weekend in the new car.  Prayers for DW as she gets her infusion.  


@lindalerI hope the flights went well and you are waking up in Mobile at your DS's home.  Enjoy this nice getaway with him!  @dfishand Sue, enjoy Juneau today.  We will be watching for your ship to come up the channel and dock.  If you can, get to the front and wave to us!


@mamaofamimore prayers for Sam and your family!  I hope the warfarin levels are good and he can get home soon.  How thankful you must be for the help of your children with all these issues.  I'm glad to hear your daughter stood up to the doctor who isn't being vigilant with Sam's case. 🙏


@lcand1923your post about a clean house when leaving on a trip resonates with me.  I feel the same way about leaving the place all cleaned up.  It just makes you feel good when you get back home.  Someone told me once never forget to run the garbage disposal before you leave.  They didn't do that one time and there was food rotting in there for weeks.  Their house smelled awful when they got back.  Yuck!  Also remember to take the trash out of the house.  We don't even like to leave trash in the garbage bin in the garage, so our neighbors take it and put it out with theirs on trash day.


And @Quartzsite Cruiserthank you for your photos of Devils Island.  I love the grassy path to the tenders because it's so unique and pretty, too.  I'd love to get there.  Let's hope it's soon!

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55 minutes ago, lcand1923 said:

I’ve never considered myself very superstitious, but maybe I am.  


For example:  I was raised that you always leave a clean house when you are going away on vacation.  Why?  In case you are in an accident, you don’t want the folks entering your house in your absence to see that you are a bad housekeeper.  I’ve never been in an accident on a vacation.


I leave Thursday for a river cruise.  I spent yesterday cleaning my house.  


Am I superstitious?


I always clean my house before we go away.  Can’t have my person checking the house thinking I’m a total slob, can I?  Besides it’s always nice to come home to a clean house 😉. I don’t think that is superstitious at all.


@mamaofamiso sorry for all of your trials and tribulations.  Prayers for Sam and you.  Stay strong 🙏🏻 


@Seasick Sailorglad to hear the antibiotics are helping and you feel better 👍 


@irishjimbest wishes for your surgery today 🙏🏻 

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Just now, kazu said:

I always clean my house before we go away.  Can’t have my person checking the house thinking I’m a total slob, can I?  


I never even leave for the market without my house being clean. Our cleaning lady teases me by asking if someone came by earlier to clean before she showed up. My sister and I concluded it is due to growing up in a very messy home.

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3 hours ago, richwmn said:

Today is Defy Superstition Day, Fortune Cookie Day, and National Peanut Day


Since the first one and second one kind of cancel each other out, it's really just peanut day.


It's also International Chocolate Day and Positive Thinking Day.


I'm positively thinking about having a chocolate peanut butter cup.

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Like many of you, I also clean the house before we leave for a vacation.  Either we have a live-in, or a come-in, and I don't want them to think we don't care about our place.  Another thing I do (unless we have to leave in the middle of the night for the airport) is change the sheets on the bed and towels in our bathroom. I like coming home to fresh sheets and towels.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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Count me in as one who cleans the house a few days before we leave, and do my best to keep it that ways until we actually leave.  I also do the laundry.  including changing the sheets, day or two before leaving.  I wash the towels we've used the night before we leave, so that the only used towels are the hand towels we use that morning.


@Seasick Sailor  Glad the antibiotics kicked in and you're feeling better.


@St. Louis Sal  Great to see you back on the Daily.


@dfish  Enjoy Juneau.



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Good morning all!

The CC gremlins have attacked, lately I haven't been able to like any posts.  It happens in the middle of a thread suddenly, after working fine for awhile. 😡


I'm not superstitious, fortune cookies are "ok", and I like peanuts but like @St. Louis SalI love them in a Peanut Buster Parfait!  The quote is funny -- my Dear Dad used to say that too, about not buying green bananas.  He lived to be 101 1/2 though, and kept that wit all through to the end. 🙂  


The meal and wine sound good, and have never been to the port. Thank you to all who are posting photos! 


@kazuthank you for the Epsom salt tip. I have it and keep forgetting to use it.

@kpladyand @irishjimprayers for successful surgeries for you both.

@mamaofamioh my, it does seem that Sam's care fell through a big medical hole. Thank goodness for your DD and her persistence. I feel for those who don't have advocates and don't know how to stand up for themselves.  

@Seasick SailorI'm glad you're feeling better!

@St. Louis Salcongrats on getting your booster!!


We have another busy day ahead.  Another friend is in Seattle for a few days.  She was going to be on a cruise, cancelled that, and now is spending time here and down the coast instead.  We plan to have a good visit with her, seafood lunch out and Chihuly Gardens.  It will be nice to see her. 


Edited to say and now my "like" function is back -- for who knows how long lol.

Edited by Cruising-along
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2 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

The CC gremlins have attacked, lately I haven't been able to like any posts.  It happens in the middle of a thread suddenly, after working fine for awhile. 😡


The gremlins stuck me today too and all of a sudden I couldn’t like posts.


Just in case it is of help to you - I logged out and then logged back in and I was able to like posts again.  Weird, eh?

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7 minutes ago, kazu said:


The gremlins stuck me today too and all of a sudden I couldn’t like posts.


Just in case it is of help to you - I logged out and then logged back in and I was able to like posts again.  Weird, eh?


When my gremlins strike I just reload my page and it works.

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👍Thank You for The Daily, Rich @richwmn and to Roy @rafinmd for both the Care and Celebration Lists. 

We did visit Devil's Island with Viking Oct. 29, 2019...lasted only a short time on a self guided tour due to the extreme heat.....photos somewhere?

So glad to return to the a/c on the ship and watch Papillon in the theater on board and watched the remake (2017) with Rami Mallek as Louis Dega. Remember him as Freddie Mercury in Bohemian Rhapsody ?😉

🙏Prayers to all in need.🙏




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2 hours ago, St. Louis Sal said:

Good morning all!

I have been busy and so have only peeked in once and awhile and not posted, so I am far behind on what is going on for everyone here.


Interesting days. I am mildly superstitious 🤞😊. Like @HeartgroveI once got an empty fortune cookie causing me to wonder, superstitiously, if it was a sign!?! Concluded it was just bad quality control at the fortune cookie factory. I love peanuts, especially in a Peanut Buster Parfait from my local Dairy Queen.


I’d heard this quote before, thought it came from a comedian, embarrassed to admit I didn’t remember who Claude Pepper was right away. 

I will probably skip the meal and drinks today, prefer my quiche with a crust, not a Jack fan or a Rose fan.


Haven’t been to the destination today, pictures will have to suffice.


I made three presentations (sermon, a program and a talk on our local food pantry), went to Branson and came back in time for my 9th lumbar puncture (one more to go). My DH bought me a new toy, a Pride mobility Go Chair. I used it on Friday to visit the Missouri Botanical Gardens, go out to high tea, and on Saturday to have a luncheon with some girlfriends (we hadn’t been together since September of 2019). Today I have nothing on the calendar so I will tackle my rather long to-do list. ☹️

Prayers for all on the cares list (especially for Sam and for his battle team of @mamaofami and DD) 🙏. And a toast to celebrating the good times for all of us 🍷


St Louis Sal


p.s. Not a very flattering picture, but here I am with wine at the Garden.

p.p.s. I received a booster shot of Pfizer vaccine!!





Oh, I love the Missouri Botanical Gardens!  Really, I love any botanical garden.


Congrats on your new mobility chair.🙂

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1 hour ago, ger_77 said:

Like many of you, I also clean the house before we leave for a vacation.  Either we have a live-in, or a come-in, and I don't want them to think we don't care about our place.  Another thing I do (unless we have to leave in the middle of the night for the airport) is change the sheets on the bed and towels in our bathroom. I like coming home to fresh sheets and towels.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Gerry,  I have a friend who leaves the bed unmade and with sheets pulled back to "air" it out while she is away from home.  I couldn't do that!  Imagine your live-in or come-in seeing that?

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36 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

The CC gremlins have attacked, lately I haven't been able to like any posts.  It happens in the middle of a thread suddenly, after working fine for awhile. 😡


Edited to say and now my "like" function is back -- for who knows how long lol.


Another trick that works on my tablet is to click on the post count and after the information loads go back to the post and try the like button.   That has always worked for me.



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40 minutes ago, kazu said:


The gremlins stuck me today too and all of a sudden I couldn’t like posts.


Just in case it is of help to you - I logged out and then logged back in and I was able to like posts again.  Weird, eh?


I refresh the page and that always works for me.  


Whoops!  I see Joy does the same thing.  I had to refresh when we got back from grocery shopping a bit ago and I hadn't been on here for a while.  Normally works all day long.  At least we're not back to the the time when I had to log into CC 15 times a day!

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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@Seasick Sailor


Joy, glad the antibiotics have helped.

My friend is doing ok. Her Sister is with her this week, so that is good.  Her third of twelve treatments is this Thursday.  Her oncologist is pleased that she has not experienced any of the usual side effects.  She has picked out two fun wigs, in the event she loses her hair. She has been warned it usually starts after the third treatment. But this is a long journey for her. Thank you for asking. ❤️

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5 hours ago, kazu said:

 Recipe - 8 tablespoons of Epsom salts to 4 quarts of water.

Ahhh Jacqui, you really are confusing me now.  A Canadian using quarts! 🤣

So, I started gooooogling and now am more conflustered than ever.......a quart is a quarter of a gallon, but is that an U.S. Gallon (3.8 litres) or an Imperial Gallon (4.5 litres) ???? 😇

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Good morning, all, and thanks to everyone who posts.  All my best wishes go out to those on the Care List, and cheers to those celebrating!  I opt for Roy's dinner!  I got a steak out of the freezer.  


We went to Ile Royale (beside Devil's Island) on our last cruise on the Prinsendam.  What a terrible place, so hot, I would have died within a week in one of those awful cells, I think!  I see my photos are very like others posted, but I have them in order so you'll see them all again.  




Monkeys in the forest



Another small animal on the island - capybara?




The church




This was the hospital building, I think




Inside a prison building






Some of the guards' housesP1070731.thumb.JPG.ba1c0d21132f667ea4b5624263812f97.JPG


View of Devil's IslandIMG_9368.thumb.JPG.88beb67dc21ed258e68bc44ea760e572.JPG


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17 minutes ago, VMax1700 said:

Ahhh Jacqui, you really are confusing me now.  A Canadian using quarts! 🤣

So, I started gooooogling and now am more conflustered than ever.......a quart is a quarter of a gallon, but is that an U.S. Gallon (3.8 litres) or an Imperial Gallon (4.5 litres) ???? 😇

Oops did I say quart???  Oops no - it’s gallon.  So 8 tablespoons to 4 gallons of water (my sprayer is labelled in gallons).

I’ll go back and correct my post.

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