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The Daily for Tuesday December 07, 2021


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Good morning.  I write letters (short ones) often, love cotton candy, but it's too sweet, and Pearl Harbor needs to be remembered daily.  Interesting quote.  Will pass on the meal.  Have not been to today's destination.

Prayers and toasts to our lists, and Happy birthday to all today.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.


The Kamikaze is made of equal parts vodka, triple sec and lime juice. Garnish is typically a wedge or twist of lime. Kamikaze is a Japanese word literally meaning "divine wind". Dozens of variations exist in online databases today. Some include the addition of cane sugar. Wikipedia
Main alcohol: Vodka, Triple sec
Ingredients: 1 oz (1 part) Lime juice, 1 oz (1 part) Triple sec, 1 oz (1 part) Vodka
Preparation: Shake all ingredients together in a mixer with ice. Strain into glass, garnish and serve.
Served: Straight up; without ice
Standard garnish: Lime slice
Drinkware: Cocktail glass


Screen Shot 2021-12-07 at 9.02.25 AM.png

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Good Morning from a very cloudy but warm day here at the beach

      This day certainly is a date we all remember. We honor the many who died that day and the those that followed.  Have visited Pearl Harbor a few times, very moving experience.

    Havent had cotton candy in a very long time. We do have cotton candy grapes in the early fall. They are delicious!

    @JAM37 A very happy birthday to your DH. Enjoy your time in East Orlando. We lived there for almost 25 years before moving to the beach.

    @StLouisCruisersA Happy Birthday to Travis! That display is amazing!  

Going shopping today. Have to put something under my beautiful tree! 


Stay safe and enjoy today.


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5 minutes ago, JAM37 said:

Happy birthday to Travis. 


Safe travels Thursday and Sunday and congratulations to your DGD.


Thanks, Julia.  Flying up there seems like a big hassle instead of driving, but DH said if we drive up to Ohio for Christmas, he didn't want to drive it twice this month, especially after the trip to Orlando!  DGD Ashley completed her degree 6 months early.  She was due to graduate in May of 2022.  


Well, I've checked my photos of Manta and they aren't the ones I remember posting so I must have my cities mixed up.  So here are some photos I took while in Manta.  It seems we took a tour which first stopped at a museum and then went out into the countryside to see the home and work of a Panama hat maker.  Yes, they are made in Ecuador not Panama!  Funny thing is I don't remember the stop at the museum at all, but I have photos of it so I guess it really happened.  🙃00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJT4sGR3alVvQSssvyPSbSO?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1638884294






Driving through the city.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLYfWBLJQB4cxkRRtYzx1il?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1332645016




The area near the ship was a boat building area.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKT7By4e6WkmwCUGmAAX-Ok?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1332645048




Then we stopped at a nearby fish market because who doesn't love the smell of a fish market?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJOF4jyC-gQNT2zvJ4BM13q?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1332645101


Oh, boy!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIZYhr_BDeLe7wVyDMrYSHn?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1332645110




We drove out to the countryside and arrived at the home of the hat maker.  A bus was there ahead of us so we sort of dawdled a bit to wait for them to move along.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJUYfh3Yr5yz24z9pus-q6W?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1332645219


Preparing the straw to make the hats.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKfyrvCD9s_3XR2tciSFIXX?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1332645238


It looks like back breaking work.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKdbsRd6Qp_B-yjsFdqeTf-?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1638884207






When we left they gave everyone a tiny hat similar to the ones on the table.  I still have it.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIlzLGJ6TLzRd1rk6w8jkML?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1332645238


On our ride back we ran across some cattle and horses on the road, so had to dodge them all because they seemed to think the road was theirs.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIzfmnVmon6QsGa5xsbukpL?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1332645288


Next we stopped at a market area near this pretty church.  Lots of people decided they had to have a Panama hat, so they did their haggling here in this village.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKPuTnLMcorJ2ij6oBGIW55?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1638884180


Once back on the Star Princess, we watched the tuna boats unload their frozen catch into the containers on the trucks.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIGIYpL8_HNOmnzc-RSknOa?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1332645350




Once in a while a huge frozen tuna would miss the opening on the top of the container and fall to the ground.  Clunk!!  Didn't seem to hurt them much, so they just picked them up and tossed them back up there.  What an entertaining way to spend the afternoon.


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Good morning! Back on Central Time and adjusting. Our flight was normal but there was a lot of turbulence across America yesterday so there were quite a few stay seated moments.


Of course we will never forget Pearl Harbor Day and the sacrifices of so many.


It will be a day of unpacking, a trip to grocery store and yes the never ending laundry day!


So time to get moving and start checking off items on the must do list!


Thanks Rich and too all our Daily contributors.



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22 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@StLouisCruisers,Happy Birthday to Travis. DD  advertised it well.


Terry, besides being a teacher, DD is a realtor and sells homemade crafts.  Sometimes she sells at shows especially during December.  She knows everybody in town!  She proably called one of her contacts and set this up.  When DGD Ashley graduated from high school DD traded some of her homemade crafts for a photo bus at the graduation party.  What a fun time that was!  Everyone young and old posed in that bus (VW van).  🥳

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Good morning everyone. In Cozumel today on Allure. There are 7 ships in port. The cruise is going well, I have noticed some relaxing of protocols since last months cruise, we can now use the coffee machine in the diamond club under supervision. The machine still has limited hours though, it used to be all day before the Pause. Mask wearing is still enforced as before.

It is really great to be sailing again and seeing the world slowly getting back to normal.


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Thanks for the DAILY Fleet Report and Thanks for remembering the anniversary of the attack on Pearl Harbor. Too often we forget this day, a day FDR said would live in infamy.  I have stood on the Arizona Memorial.  It was a moving experience.

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Memories of our ancestors.....every one having a lifetime story....:)


And...on this day....one of my memories is of my Father....who joined the U.S. Navy Seabees the very next day...on December 8th, 1941.....


Family Tree.jpg

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1 hour ago, Rowsby said:

Memories of our ancestors.....every one having a lifetime story....:)


And...on this day....one of my memories is of my Father....who joined the U.S. Navy Seabees the very next day...on December 8th, 1941.....


Family Tree.jpg

my mom's three brothers all joined on December 8th as well. 

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Good morning, I hope everyone is having a great day. It’s cold and cloudy here and supposed to get about an inch of snow tomorrow.

     I had a Dr appointment yesterday and all is good, see her in 6 months. Next up is the Neurologist appointment that took months to get. That’s next Tuesday 🙏

       Blessings and prayers to all on our lists ❤️




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Good morning.  We were away for a long weekend, so busy here doing laundry, etc.  We went to Palm Springs area to celebrate Dear Nephew's graduation from MBA program.  The ceremony was online, so we watched together and enjoyed the day; then went to the Palm Springs Festival of Lights Parade.   There was a huge turnout for the parade, very few wearing masks.  Fortunately, we had access to a quiet and uncrowded viewing area.    Palm Springs has had a strict mask mandate until very recently, so it was a surprise that so many gave them up readily.


I skimmed a bit and saw Dailyites have been very busy during our time away -- ferocious soccer tournament, dinner in a castle, beautifully baked German fruit bread...lots of activities.  Today, very HAPPY BIRTHDAY to @JAM37's DH and @StLouisCruisers' DSIL.   🎉  🎈  🎂


December 7 truly is a day we all remember.  My grandfather was a Seabee commander in the Philippines.  He was a civil engineer with a construction company in Chicago, so his skills were utilized well during the war in the Pacific.


Everyone, enjoy your day and stay safe.  Keep those masks on, no matter what they're doing in Palm Springs.  ❤️



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A bit brisk here this morning, but not as cold as it has been. And we got some rain during the night. The snow line was just above town..... I could see it on the ridge across from my condo. The mountains will be white when the clouds lift which may be a day or so. Supposedly we are due for more moisture on Thursday and Friday. We certainly need it.

Have been to Manta and very much enjoyed the time there. I did not get a Panama hat.... guess I will just have to go back.


Take care all



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Good Morning everyone from Cabo San Lucas!


I have been to Pearl Harbor four times, the first time 49 years ago while in the Coast Guard. We were transiting through on the way to Guam to decommision my ship. It was then commissioned in the South Vietnames Navy. The morning we were leaving Pearl, a hatch fell on my head which required seven stitches. The corpsman had had a rough night ashore so they sent me to the hospital on base. Made it back in time so I didn't miss the movement. A nice souvenir to help remember that by!


Sue and I last paid our respects on our Eurodam cruise to Hawaii. The Arizona Memorial was still closed at the time just did a sail-by of where WWII began and ended.


- Jack



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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It was a little colder than predicted this morning so instead of walking to the gym we stayed home and did our treadmill walk.  We shall never forget those who died in Pearl Harbor on Dec. 7, 1941.  I salute Civil Aviation Day, encourage letter writing, and really don't care about cotton candy anymore.  Maybe when I was 7 I did!


Happy birthday to @JAM37's DH on his 61st birthday.  Today is also my DSIL's 50th birthday and this is what my DD sent me a photo of today.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ4IV5-RFMehjZRHNwLhkzUKwg5ydwHipy3aIZBf9dNYQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1638883142


I'm sure Travis isn't embarrassed at all!!


The Instant Pot Lasagna sounds very good, but I don't have an Instant Pot either.  We sure have some interesting quotes, don't we?  Anyway, thank you Rich for your Daily report today.  Thank you Roy for including me and my friends and DMIL on your lists.  We have so much going on here that we need someone to keep us all straight on the prayers and celebrations.  DH and I are booked on a flight Thursday to Cincinnati to attend our DGD's college commencement ceremony Friday.  We fly back on Sunday. Meanwhile, everyone is on pins and needles awaiting word on DMIL.  She's surprised us in the past and may do that this time too, but...🤷‍♀️


Our port today of Manta, Ecuador was visited by us on the Star Princess in 2012, and is booked again in 2023.  I remember posting photos from there before for some reason.  Does anyone else remember Manta?

Happy 50th birthday to your DSIL.



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Went to Manta, Ecuador, on the Zaandam in April of 2019. Took the HAL tour called "Machalilla".

The food, culture, walk, beaches, and people were all pleasant and enjoyable.

Guided tour at the museum plus a guided walk.

P1060352.thumb.JPG.91921bb40aa51175c73d167ac4457703.JPG  P1060381.thumb.JPG.6c6260b4917a51aa8a68dfb038dc5099.JPG


Rode in a Tuk-Tuk to the beach

P1060329.thumb.JPG.f0addd5f0470afdaacce1d0b277667f8.JPG  P1060340.thumb.JPG.3bf433c91c00b9fb12902fd38a8bea81.JPG


P1060320.thumb.JPG.486f978647b365509e023feb59e9dc84.JPG  P1060350.thumb.JPG.31a84ab8e1ac323bffb6aac8a6214478.JPG

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Good morning, all! 80 years since Pearl Harbour! A moment to remember those lost, and to reflect on the influence the event had on the rest of World War II. I like the quote.

The meal sounds good, and I love my Instant Pot, but have never made lasagna in it. DH has a lasagna recipe he swears by, starting with making the sauce from scratch. While I do most of our cooking, that is one area where I’ve learned to stay in my own lane! @Seasick Sailor, I was leery of my Instant Pot at first, but use it a lot now. Just for mashed potatoes alone, it’s worth having!

Yesterday was busy, so I just let the gremlins have their way. @dfishDebbie, deepest condolences for the tragedy in your family and the loss of your cousins DGS. Prayers for the road ahead for her and the rest of her family. Life will never be the same, but prayers they find the most peaceful and comforting path through it. @StLouisCruisers, Sandi, condolences for the passing of your friend John, and to his wife Jean. Prayers also that your DMIL has a gentle and peaceful road ahead, and that you can draw comfort from that.

Yesterday we went to my great niece’s nutcracker performance. She is one of the grads this year, and danced the Fairy of Light in her final performance. After watching her dance since she was a tiny snowflake ushered on and off the stage, it was very moving.

Happy Tuesday to all, and to all the BHB elevator mats in our futures!



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While  going from Santiago , Chile to Vancouver , Canada on the Zaandam on April 13th 2017 we visited the port of Manta , Equador .  I made a short tour on shore to the fish market and when back onboard ship we watched the huge trawlers with helicopters on deck so they can spot the large schools unload tons and tons of tuna.
There was a lot of action going on in the market with restaurants , middlemen  and small dealers buying and selling all kinds of fish.
When we left the port we saw lots and lots of tuna swimming around .
Have a very nice day everybody , and Thank You again for this nice Daily , Rich and all other CC friends !  Please Take Care and Stay Safe ! 
Tony 😁
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Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday!


First, before I forget, thank you Vanessa @JazzyV for the small appliance mat info. I have ordered the 3 pack and plan to use one for the Kuerig along with the mixer. Now I will be able to move it easier. 

Happy Birthday to @JAM37 DH and @StLouisCruisers DSIL. 

I have been to the Arizona memorial twice. The first was as a teenager in 1969. I spent the summer with friends on the airbase. I’m sure most here remember me saying that it was an eventful summer. I saw Richard Nixon on his way to Midway for Vietnam talks and saw the Apollo 11 astronauts drive by the base on their way to quarantine. They were also filming a Pearl Harbor movie. I don’t remember the name but I think it might have been Tora Tora Tora. We went to the Arizona memorial sometime that summer and it made a huge impression on me. I also vividly remember seeing all the buildings on the base pitted with holes from the attack. They were never repaired.  Never forget. 

I got our covid tests scheduled for the 20th at CVS. And I got all our apps up to date for the trip.  We hadn’t flown on AA for so long that our FF #’s changed. Next week I’ll start setting out clothes to take. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Thanks for all the pix of Manta. We visited in 2015 when we were using a Celebrity ship to transport us from FLL to Valparaiso to disembark and embark same day the Zaandam for an Antarctic cruise. It certainly was more comfortable transportation than a flight would have been.


We did an independent tour and we found the fish market and shipbuilding area fascinating. We also went outside the city and visited the Pacoche rain forest and had an interesting lunch at Cabanas Rositas.


Since photos have been posted of the fish market and ship building, I'll post some of the rain forest and some take from our lunch location.First are pix from our lunch location. Last one is of our guides.

Lunch at Cabanas Rositas (3).JPG

Lunch at Cabanas Rositas (6).JPG

Lunch at Cabanas Rositas (15).JPG

Pacoche Rain Forest (1).JPG

Pacoche Rain Forest (14).JPG

Pacoche Rain Forest (26).JPG

Pacoche Rain Forest (35).JPG

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

Remembering Pearl Harbor Day. My visits to the memorial have always been very moving.

A salute to civil aviation and letter writing. I never liked cotton candy; too sugary!

Good quote.

I like the meal, but too carby for me. I'll pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to today's destination. Thanks for the pictures @StLouisCruisers @HAL4NOW @sailingdutchy @tjcox9


Not much going on here. I'm trying to gather some things to take for donation. It's cold here. We're expecting snow overnight, but only 1".


@JAM37 Happy Birthday to your DH! 

@StLouisCruisers Congrats on DGD's commencement, and safe travels. HBD to Travis. 


Prayers for the care list and a toast to the celebration list.

Stay safe and wear your mask. Our numbers are high here, probably from Thanksgiving get-togethers.




Edited by JazzyV
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