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The Daily for Monday 01/24/2022


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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Very sad news from Baltimore.  3 Firefighters just confirmed dead in a vacant house fire with a 4th apparently in critical condition.




So sad to hear this. Heroes working to help, who put their lives on the line. Also sad about the recent rash of police being shot and killed. And here it seems every day on the morning news, there's a report of someone being shot and killed. Praying for our world.

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6 hours ago, puppycanducruise said:


@AncientWandererPlease post Pomeranian puppy pictures.  What will you call the new fur baby?


I will post pictures!  We are working on a name -- and think we might be inspired when we get to know puppy better.  His predecessor had a "Dickens character" name, so this guy probably will, too.


5 hours ago, lazey1 said:


@AncientWanderer You must be an excellent provider and caregiver for your MIL to have progressed so far.



No, not really, Jane.  The situation is that DMIL is in relatively good health -- for 89.  She had been calling 911 for various things, mostly because she was lonely.  The pandemic has been tough!  So we decided to bring her home, give her some TLC, and let her decide what she wants to do -- stay or go back to her own house.   Her mood is good and she has a young lady coming in to help who has worked with her before.  Luckily she is available for more hours now.  So things have just worked out well.



2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Very sad news from Baltimore.  3 Firefighters just confirmed dead in a vacant house fire with a 4th apparently in critical condition.




Oh...very sad news indeed.

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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Very sad news from Baltimore.  3 Firefighters just confirmed dead in a vacant house fire with a 4th apparently in critical condition.



So sorry to hear about this Roy.  Our thoughts and prayers are with their families.  First responders put their lives on the line for us every day and deserve our thanks and prayers.

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

RIP Lt. Paul Butrim, Firefighter/Paramedic Kelsey Sadler, and EMT/Firefighter Kenny Lacayo.  According to the update   John McMaster, an EMT/Firefighter, appears to be in worse condition than I originally heard.  The head of Maryland Shock Trauma indicates he is on life support with injuries that can get worse before they get better.




Roy, so sorry to hear about this tragedy. My prayers out for them and families. A sad day indeed.

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Good evening.  We are going to have another awesome sunset tonight.  We were able to walk along the beach and the waves crashing on the rocks were great medicine for all of us. 

So sad to hear about the firefighters in Baltimore.  In our life, we have been fortunate to call several firefighters close friends.  Such awesome, kind, hard working people.  

Been a productive day here.  Mowed the lawn.  That is twice for me in January.  

Beer has never been my favorite.  But it just amazes me the amount of different kinds.  All our kids enjoy beer and when they come to visit I tell them to bring along what they like....their tastes and favorites are hard for me to keep track of.  I can provide the wine...not beer!!

Prayers to all on the prayer list.  Thank you Roy for keeping it up so faithfully every day.  Rick, I do enjoy knowing where all the ships are and seeing what the days are for!!  Today's quote was very good.


Happy celebrating to you all...even if you aren't on the cheer's list.  I feel that there is something for me  to celebrate everyday if I look hard enough!!  

Stay well and safe.  

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3 hours ago, srdancer said:

Happy birthday January Girls!🎂


I’m one too. Birthday was this past Friday. I’m a typical Aquarius.



Happy Belated  Birthday.Hope you enjoyed it.


2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

RIP Lt. Paul Butrim, Firefighter/Paramedic Kelsey Sadler, and EMT/Firefighter Kenny Lacayo.  According to the update   John McMaster, an EMT/Firefighter, appears to be in worse condition than I originally heard.  The head of Maryland Shock Trauma indicates he is on life support with injuries that can get worse before they get better.



I am so sorry to hear this.Prayers for their families and fellow first responders. 

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Good evening.  We are going to have another awesome sunset tonight.  We were able to walk along the beach and the waves crashing on the rocks were great medicine for all of us. 

So sad to hear about the firefighters in Baltimore.  In our life, we have been fortunate to call several firefighters close friends.  Such awesome, kind, hard working people.  

Been a productive day here.  Mowed the lawn.  That is twice for me in January.  

Beer has never been my favorite.  But it just amazes me the amount of different kinds.  All our kids enjoy beer and when they come to visit I tell them to bring along what they like....their tastes and favorites are hard for me to keep track of.  I can provide the wine...not beer!!

Prayers to all on the prayer list.  Thank you Roy for keeping it up so faithfully every day.  Rick, I do enjoy knowing where all the ships are and seeing what the days are for!!  Today's quote was very good.


Happy celebrating to you all...even if you aren't on the cheer's list.  I feel that there is something for me  to celebrate everyday if I look hard enough!!  

Stay well and safe.  

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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@Cruising-along  🎂 HAPPY BIRTHDAY, CAROLYN 🎈 and HAPPY BIRTHDAY to your DD on Thursday.





Thank you Lenda!


4 hours ago, TheKingD said:

I am also a January Girl, and my birthday is tomorrow.  @smitty34877and @Cruising-along, I like the description of "sunshine with a little bit of hurricane", and I have also been called a "velvet sledgehammer" which probably has a similar connotation, and I just respond with "compliment accepted!"


Thanks to everyone for the kindness, humor and interesting tidbits here.  And sending prayers for all on the lists and for all of us.

Velvet sledgehammer works too.  Happy birthday tomorrow!  


3 hours ago, srdancer said:

Happy birthday January Girls!🎂


I’m one too. Birthday was this past Friday. I’m a typical Aquarius.



Happy belated birthday Sandy 🙂  



1 hour ago, ger_77 said:



@Cruising-alongHappy Birthday to you today!


Thank you!  I had a nice afternoon of chatting with neighbors 'round our fire pit with a good bottle of  white blend. 🙂  

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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Very sad news from Baltimore.  3 Firefighters just confirmed dead in a vacant house fire with a 4th apparently in critical condition.




Extremely sad.  Prayers for their families

2 hours ago, 0106 said:

I cannot believe yesterday’s post got 29 likes.  I believe I’m hooked.  Nothing like a compliment to keep a person coming back.


I think vegducken is weird.  (I’m a pescatarian) Why try to make vegetables look like a duck?  Just eat the vegetables.  I feel the same way about oat milk (which I drink) it’s not milk , why pretend it is.  I think the food suggestions and recipes are going to be my favorite part of the daily. 

In the words of Baltimore Fire Chief Ford, “ We will honor those who lost their life today.  For their bravery.  For their courage.  For their love and compassion for this great city.”

I am glad I can provide you with something to look forward to every day!   As for vegducken, I think sometimes it is the presentation as much as the dish.  It is kind of fun to try and do something like that.


5 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

With all the prayers from our Dailyites, surely someone above has heard and will begin to answer them.


I am sure your prayers have been heard.


2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thank you Gerry.  It's not looking good this evening.😢 


That is so sad.  I am sorry.


56 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:

No, not really, Jane.  The situation is that DMIL is in relatively good health -- for 89.  She had been calling 911 for various things, mostly because she was lonely.  The pandemic has been tough!  So we decided to bring her home, give her some TLC, and let her decide what she wants to do -- stay or go back to her own house.   Her mood is good and she has a young lady coming in to help who has worked with her before.  Luckily she is available for more hours now.  So things have just worked out well.


A friend of mine who is a physician had that problem with his mother.  She didn't want to bother anyone so would call 911 to go to the ER.  Once there she still didn't want to bother anyone, so said not to call any family members.  Usually it was something minor.  He was so embarrassed.  


2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

RIP Lt. Paul Butrim, Firefighter/Paramedic Kelsey Sadler, and EMT/Firefighter Kenny Lacayo.  According to the update   John McMaster, an EMT/Firefighter, appears to be in worse condition than I originally heard.  The head of Maryland Shock Trauma indicates he is on life support with injuries that can get worse before they get better.



May they Rest in Peace.  

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Thanks for all the daily reports, humour, recipes and photos.

@rafinmd Roy, such tragic news of the firefighters.

@aliaschief Belated Birthday wishes to Sue.

@Cruising-alongHappy Birthday to you and to your DD on Thursday.

@lazey1 good news for Kakalena, hope she quickly settles into her new home.

@kazuhope your visit with the financial planner went smoothly..Sending you hugs.


It's a cool grey day, having to turn on heating in January is unusual.

Supermarket shopping this morning, not too many empty shelves, some media reports of folk panic buying.  Enjoyed  lunch out 


A Big Thank you to members of the "Daily'" who multiquote, asJacqui taught us, certainly makes for easier reading.

Stay safe, take care everyone.


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Amid all the gloom today I got a snippet of good news.  I got word that my NEXUS card renew has been approved.  Not conditional approval pending an in-person interview but actual approval with my new card in the mail.



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12 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It's cold so I'm getting a sluggish start to the day.  It was 29F but I'm stunned to see my Florida friends with equal or lower temperatures than we are!  The iguanas must be falling out of the trees! 🦎 Hoping for warmer temperatures for all of us.


What a nice group of days for us to celebrate.  Cans are important to the beer companies.  DH says Anheuser-Busch had their own beer can company in some locations.  Otherwise they bought them from companies like Ball Metal.  He prefers his beer draft or in a bottle though.  I love the compliment and belly laugh days being on the same day.  A real feel-good day for sure.  A super special quote for today too.  No way do I want to try the vegducken!  Sorry!  


To @aliaschief's DW a happy belated birthday!  @Cruzin Terrisafe travels and prayers for great results on the blood work and the lump removal.  Thanks go to Rich @richwmnfor the excellent Daily.  Much appreciation to Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration lists.  Prayers for all concerned.  Roy, could you update my niece's DH on the list for his chemo which starts tomorrow?  The surgery was a month ago and he is healed enough to begin the chemo, which his doctor warned the second week would be rough.  I'm sure he is dreading that.  Meanwhile the news out of Florida for DSIL's Mom is still not good.  They took her to a 3rd hospital for an angiogram and then returned her to the 2nd hospital ICU.  They are sure she has PRES now (posterior reversible encephalopathy syndrome - worse end of the spectrum unfortunately) caused by her high blood pressure.  It all started with headaches.  They are going to break up a clot in her leg, feed her with a tube, and do another MRI today.  She is unresponsive.  DSIL's sister was supposed to fly home Sunday but changed her plans due to the critical condition their Mom is in.  She is at the top of my prayer list.  But the rest of the Care list is certainly included.  Thanks to all for your prayers.🙏  Cheers to all our Celebration list people.  I hope everyone enjoys their cruises, family visits, and good medical reports.

And last of all we have not stopped at Motril (Granada), Spain.  The last time we had that port was April 3, 2021.  I would love to revisit your photos if you have any to share.  


Have a wonderful day!

Thank you for your thoughts and prayers for my procedures tomorrow.  I will certainly remember your family in mine.  I hope that things start to improve.


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Greetings from Jacksonville.  Staying at the Courtyard on the Mayo Clinic Campus.  Got an upgrade to a suite.  This is great so that I don’t really have to wake DH tomorrow when I have to leave for my appointments. I can use the bathroom, take a shower and dress in the living room without bothering him.


I have an 8 am appointment for blood work.  This will give me some idea of where I am with the inflammation in the blood with a Sed Rate and C-Protein Reaction. If it is normal I may be able to reduce the prednisone.  

My lumpectomy is at 9:15 am.   

After that we expect to make one at a store and have lunch and then go home.  Probably be home in late afternoon.  

I appreciate all your prayers and ask that you pray for me tomorrow and for my doctor too.  (He is such a sweetheart—I have total confidence in him)

I will post tomorrow when I am able.

Need to get up at 6 am tomorrow so I am off to bed.

God bless and Good night.


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2 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Greetings from Jacksonville.  Staying at the Courtyard on the Mayo Clinic Campus.  Got an upgrade to a suite.  This is great so that I don’t really have to wake DH tomorrow when I have to leave for my appointments. I can use the bathroom, take a shower and dress in the living room without bothering him.


I have an 8 am appointment for blood work.  This will give me some idea of where I am with the inflammation in the blood with a Sed Rate and C-Protein Reaction. If it is normal I may be able to reduce the prednisone.  

My lumpectomy is at 9:15 am.   

After that we expect to make one at a store and have lunch and then go home.  Probably be home in late afternoon.  

I appreciate all your prayers and ask that you pray for me tomorrow and for my doctor too.  (He is such a sweetheart—I have total confidence in him)

I will post tomorrow when I am able.

Need to get up at 6 am tomorrow so I am off to bed.

God bless and Good night.


Good luck tomorrow and sleep well. Prayers for a positive outcome.

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5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Very sad news from Baltimore.  3 Firefighters just confirmed dead in a vacant house fire with a 4th apparently in critical condition.




5 hours ago, rafinmd said:

RIP Lt. Paul Butrim, Firefighter/Paramedic Kelsey Sadler, and EMT/Firefighter Kenny Lacayo.  According to the update   John McMaster, an EMT/Firefighter, appears to be in worse condition than I originally heard.  The head of Maryland Shock Trauma indicates he is on life support with injuries that can get worse before they get better.




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44 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Greetings from Jacksonville.  Staying at the Courtyard on the Mayo Clinic Campus.  Got an upgrade to a suite.  This is great so that I don’t really have to wake DH tomorrow when I have to leave for my appointments. I can use the bathroom, take a shower and dress in the living room without bothering him.


I have an 8 am appointment for blood work.  This will give me some idea of where I am with the inflammation in the blood with a Sed Rate and C-Protein Reaction. If it is normal I may be able to reduce the prednisone.  

My lumpectomy is at 9:15 am.   

After that we expect to make one at a store and have lunch and then go home.  Probably be home in late afternoon.  

I appreciate all your prayers and ask that you pray for me tomorrow and for my doctor too.  (He is such a sweetheart—I have total confidence in him)

I will post tomorrow when I am able.

Need to get up at 6 am tomorrow so I am off to bed.

God bless and Good night.


Prayers going out for you and your doctor. 🙏 Nice that you got an upgrade to a suite. 🙂 Good night. 😴

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13 hours ago, TheKingD said:

I am also a January Girl, and my birthday is tomorrow.  @smitty34877and @Cruising-along, I like the description of "sunshine with a little bit of hurricane", and I have also been called a "velvet sledgehammer" which probably has a similar connotation, and I just respond with "compliment accepted!"


Thanks to everyone for the kindness, humor and interesting tidbits here.  And sending prayers for all on the lists and for all of us.

Happy birthday @TheKingD.


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