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The Daily for Sunday 02/13/2022


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14 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing! Have a great Sunday!


It's going to be a girl !!!  My first granddaughter.


- Jack


That is wonderful!Thanks for letting  us in on the secret.

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Good morning, everyone.


We got a dusting of snow overnight and it is supposed to be a cold one today and tomorrow. Then it warms up and we can melt more of the snow pack.  I think we stay above freezing for the rest of February.  That is good for me.  


@rafinmd I'm glad to know that everything is ok with @DeeniEncinitas.  She's allowed a break from CC if she wishes.  

@Heartgrove Congratulations on expecting a new granddaughter!   


Today's meal is a good replacement for those super expensive chicken wings.  And, they are easy to make.  This first one is easy and looks oh, so good.  https://damndelicious.net/2019/08/06/easy-chicken-tacos/




These look really good, too.  How to decide?   https://www.thecookierookie.com/baked-spicy-chicken-tacos/




And if you don't want to mess with cooking chicken, just pick up a rotisserie chicken and make this recipe.  https://littlesunnykitchen.com/shredded-chicken-tacos/




Of course, you can always throw the chicken in the slow cooker or maybe the instapot.   https://therealfooddietitians.com/slow-cooker-chicken-tacos/




And, what is nice is that you can always mix the recipes.  Like the chicken prep from one and the seasoning from another?   Mix it up!   


Prayers for all who need them and cheers to those celebrating.  I hope those watching the game enjoy it.  The best part is the company you watch with and the food you share.  Enjoy one another and be safe!

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Good morning friends and Happy Super Bowl Sunday!  Since I have 6 family members in Cincinnati, guess who I'm rooting for?  😁  Actually we won't be watching tonight.  DH gave up the NFL several years ago for reasons we won't go into here.  I could record it just to watch the ads but then again tomorrow they'll be playing the best of them on the news programs.  I just cheated and watched this year's Budweiser commercial online and IMO it isn't one of the best I've ever seen.  DH told me when Anheuser-Busch was bought out by the foreign company, they were going to ditch the Clydesdales!  They were all about the bottom line and didn't care about heritage.  Somebody must have forcefully changed their minds because they still have them around.  🐴


Like the days today - different name✔️  wingman day✔️ world marriage day✔️  Our marriage has lasted 52 years.  One of my high school friends went to college and his roommate was the man who would be my future husband.  The friend/roommate introduced us and the rest was history.  I was 17 when we met and 19 when we married.  👰


Isla Robinson Crusoe sounds like a good port of call.  I hope to go there someday.  The chicken tacos sound so good.  Thanks Rich for the Daily and Roy for the Care and Celebration lists.  Many prayers said for the Care people, and a big shoutout to the ever growing Celebration list.  A cheer for Joy and Denise showing up on the Bon Voyage thread yesterday.🥂  Love them!  @Heartgrovewonderful news about the little girl coming into your life.  Thanks to all posting the great memes on our Daily.  Safe driving to Jacqui and hope you have a good visit with Jose, provided the storm doesn't get there too early.  


Enjoy your Sunday!

Edited by StLouisCruisers
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Interesting collection of days. We will be watching the Super Bowl today mostly for the commercials. I’m a college football fan and my husband prefers baseball, so we’re not too invested in the Big Game. We were supposed to hang out at the neighbor’s home for the game and meet his new girlfriend, but he came down with strep throat and had to cancel. 

This time next month I will be sipping Pusser’s Painkillers aboard the Nieuw Amsterdam- can’t wait!!! Well, maybe not this early in the morning… lol


Prayers and congrats to those in need. 

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Good morning!  Yes, its' super bowl Sunday.  This year, has been odd.  DH has never really watched football in the 22 years we have been hanging out together.  But this year, for some reason,  he has enjoyed watching the games.  To me "games" are an appropriate word, I've never watched any unless it was the super bowl for the commercials.  Since my favorite sport to watch is anything that races, cars, motorcycles, cats.... horses... team sports not so much.  But this year, our entire day is planned around the super bowl game, not the hype before hand.  I did change the menu for dinner, so that one meal becomes at least two meals.  Tacos instead of dip.  But not chicken tacos, just ground beef.  


After our trip to the grocery store yesterday, DH and I will soon be eating air.  One of our cats developed an allergy from eating off plastic plates, so we switched to paper plates.  Two months ago the Krogers brand of paper plates was two packs for 4 bucks.  Yesterday, they were 3.29 per pack.  Groceries for book club tomorrow-"make a sandwich, make a salad" ,dinner tonight, (with left overs) and one pack of ribs was more than 100 bucks.  Looks like more soup in our future.


@Sharon in AZ that "puppy" has beautiful markings, making him look evil... I hope he has a cheerful disposition.


@cat shepardI loved your "spirit animal "


@grapau27Thank you again for the food porn, and the visit to church this morning.


Our feral Fawn, I left on the porch this morning,  we had an invasion of all those stray cats last evening, and she really wanted to defend her turf, but I think she got the raw end of the deal.  It is cold out too, and her buddy, Little Red has not been seen for several days now.  She seems depressed, so I need to bundle up and go out and sit with her.


Still trying to finish the book before tomorrow.  It's a good read, but a hard read.  Very depressing, and a whole lot of drama.




Edited by marshhawk
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Good morning and thanks for the update.

 It’s a snowy morning, about 3 inches and more in the country. 
Not sure about the game, I watch for the commercials.

Yesterday  was the first ox roast for the fire company in Lancaster county. They’ve decided to make it drive thru only for the future. They sold out by 3pm - 3100 meals.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists ❤️🙏❤️

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Good morning.

Happy Sunday, Happy Super Bowl Sunday, Happy World Marriage Day, And Change your name day.

Well, we are not big Super Bowl fans. But we will be visiting friends who moved away last year but are back on Hilton Head Island for a funeral yesterday.  Today we will spend the afternoon and evening with them at their timeshare.  Maybe stay long enough to watch the game, maybe not.. She is my really good friend and I was devastated when she moved to Virginia.  I will be so happy to see her today.

Well, I changed my name once—when I married DH.  I was happy to do so.  He has been the love of my life.  We have had a happy marriage.  God did not bless us with children.  However, we have spent most of our marriage as caregivers for his brother, who passed away two days after our 40th anniversary. We met through a mutual friend who was a priest and he, of course, officiated at our wedding.  So i was happy to change my name to his.

Not a big fan of tacos, so we will pass on that.  I will enjoy the wine.

We almost got to Isla Robinson Crusoe, but had to cancel that cruise the day before it left because of DBIL getting sick.

Still in considerable pain and hope I can get an injection in my hand (at least the right one) to get some relief.  The arms and shoulders are doing slightly better.

Prayers for all those who need them. And cheers to those celebrating.

Hope whatever team you’re rooting for wins.  We’re neutral. 

Enjoy the day and God bless.  Stay safe.


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Good Morning from a rainy day at the beach

        Marriage Day is celebrated every day around here. Once, we were at a hotel celebrating a nephews wedding. He entered the elevator and looked at all of us pointing- 40 years, 38 years etc. You are all a tough act to follow. I told him as long as he realized it is sometimes tough, they would be fine. 

    No Super Bowl for us. Love the idea of chicken tacos. 

    Went out on the boat yesterday and saw so many dolphins. It was amazing.  Never did get dinner, it was just too crowded everywhere. So we all just brought snacks. Worked out great. Stayed out until after dark. Luckily our DS joined us at the last minute and he drove the boat. One of the restaurants on the river always plays "Time to say Goodbye"  sung by Bocelli and Sara  Brightman at sunset.  It was so beautiful.  Everyone just stops to listen. 


   Stay safe and enjoy today


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@Navybikermom what is a Pusser's Painkiller?   Is it made with Pusser's Rum or just a cocktail recipe?   I absolutely love Pusser's Rum it would be great if it is onboard.  

The drink seems a little too sweet.  The chicken tacos look delicious.   The Merlot sounded like Australian. I imagine small production.  I am really hoping for pics of Robinson Island. I am hoping to book the Volendam South America/Antarctica next January and it is a listed stop. Very sad Volendam is going to dry dock in Spain.  There go the bath tubs.  72 days with no bath just a.fancy shower will be a stretch. I vow to take baths until I can no longer drag myself out of the tub.  


We are rooting for the Rams and will camp in a bar somewhere in the ship. Not really into watching it at the World Stage. We are serious football fans.  John is from MN so he is a Vikings fan. I lived in Maryland for 24 years so I remain a Ravens fan.  Bengals are in our conference and they beat the banged up Ravens twice this year.  We beat the Vikings this year. Made our annual trip to Baltimore and saw the Ravens beat the Vikings.


Prayers for everyone on Roy's care list. 🙏


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1 hour ago, Heartgrove said:

Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing! Have a great Sunday!


It's going to be a girl !!!  My first granddaughter.


- Jack



Congratulations, Jack & family!

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16 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

Good Morning from a rainy day at the beach

        Marriage Day is celebrated every day around here. Once, we were at a hotel celebrating a nephews wedding. He entered the elevator and looked at all of us pointing- 40 years, 38 years etc. You are all a tough act to follow. I told him as long as he realized it is sometimes tough, they would be fine. 

    No Super Bowl for us. Love the idea of chicken tacos. 

    Went out on the boat yesterday and saw so many dolphins. It was amazing.  Never did get dinner, it was just too crowded everywhere. So we all just brought snacks. Worked out great. Stayed out until after dark. Luckily our DS joined us at the last minute and he drove the boat. One of the restaurants on the river always plays "Time to say Goodbye"  sung by Bocelli and Sara  Brightman at sunset.  It was so beautiful.  Everyone just stops to listen. 


   Stay safe and enjoy today


Time to Say Goodbye (Con Te Partirò) is my absolute favorite song. I have the Italian words to it and it is so beautiful. Andrea Bocelli sings it so beautifully! 🥰

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Good morning all. What a great combination of days. I met my husband when I was in grade 13(no longer exists in Ontario) introduced by my geography teacher who was my husband’s wingman! He was our best man a year later when we married. 52 years coming up at the end of the month. 

sports overload here. The olympics are on tv (mens hockey), dh is watching a Liverpool burnley soccer game on the iPad , Super Bowl later at our daughter’s house and possibly a late women’s hockey game as the Canadian women play then. Like I said, sports overload.


i appreciate this group because it is a peaceful, loving, caring group of people. My last few days have been stressful watching events unfold in Canada and especially here in Windsor (making no further comment only giving context) and coming here just brings down my blood pressure. I look forward to reading what everyone is doing and where people are travelling. If things continue to go well with omicron and if we can get out of country health insurance we hope to drive to Virginia to visit with dh’s sisters. Two of them live near Fort Lee (retired army) and the third one hopes to fly over from Germany in April. Other than facetime we have not seen the family in Virginia  since March 2020, and the sister in Germany even longer ago. Fingers crossed.


prayers for those needing them, will lift a celebratory drink later. 

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23 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

One of the restaurants on the river always plays "Time to say Goodbye"  sung by Bocelli and Sara  Brightman at sunset.  It was so beautiful.  Everyone just stops to listen. 



When I cruised on MSC Divina this song was played at every sail away, it was magical sitting on the balcony as the ship left port, especially at sunset.


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Thanks @USN59-79 for the info on Loving vs State of Virginia. I too had a successful career when I married at 35 so I used my maiden name as my middle name when I took my husband’s name. I always wanted three names for a monogram. Not surprisingly I don’t have anything monogrammed 🤪. I also changed my birth name when I got my first passport. Hated it but kept part as my new first name. 
Im sure many marriages are tested on Super Bowl Sunday. My DH is a football fan so in the spirit of World Marriage Day I’ll be his wingman and sit with him to watch the game, of course paying most attention to the commercials. We did however make a bet, $.25 on what color the Gatorade will be poured on the winning coach. Keep your fingers crossed 🤞 it’s green.

 Thanks @grapau27for the sermon. Very nice. 
Snowing also in DC but ground too warm to stick as we’ve just had a few 60 degrees days. 
Have a good Sunday everyone. 

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@HeartgroveCongratulations on the pending arrival.  Grandkids are wonderful!

@kazuHow did Marley sleep last night?   Hope you don't get too much snow. Stay safe.

Met my husband taking the bus to school, and on the days when my brother had to drive me, I made him pick up DH.  I was 15.  Spent the next 4 years apart while he was away at university. 47 years this year.

The DD of a good friend married last year, and the groom took her name.  His was Black, so nothing weird.  She was attached to her name, and he wasn't, so he changed. 

Thank you to all who make this site great.

No tacos tonight, but chicken parm for DDIL's birthday. Her favourite.

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2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Good morning everyone! Thank you Rich for the Daily Report, and thank you Roy for the Cares and Celebration Report.  And thank you everyone for caring and sharing! Have a great Sunday!


It's going to be a girl !!!  My first granddaughter.


- Jack


Many congratulations Jack.

I'm delighted for you all.


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Good morning. Thanks Rich, Roy and all who are Dailyites. I didn’t even know it was Super Bowl Sunday until I started reading this morning’s Daily. I’ve been watching the steam from the river reflect in the sunshine and blow up and then down the river as the breeze changes. So peaceful. Prayers and cheers. 

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