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The Daily for Tuesday 04/19/2022


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50 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

My only visit to Trinidad and Tobago was a doubleheader on the Maasdam in February 2015. February 1 was Port-Of-Spain, Trinidad on February 1 followed by Scarborough, Tobago on February 2.  Trinidad is the larger island but Tobago has the airport and the 2 are linked by a ferry service:




Scarborough is a nice little town"


My tour went to the south end of the island stopping first at a nice looking beach, Store Bay, and then at Fort James, used in the 17th to 19th centuries:



Our main stop was an old sugar mill stopping first at the mill itself and then huge vats used in the refining process:



Our final stop was Fort King George, occupied by the British 1777-1854. 



Finally,from town,  my ride.  It was, sadly, my only voyage on her:



Nice collection of photos Roy.

Thanks for sharing.


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Good afternoon from a very grey and windy Quartzsite.  I almost made it in time to post this morning.  It was a busy morning, but now all our hard work over the past week has paid off, and there is very little to do this afternoon and in the morning.  It is the earliest on the day before we leave that we've gotten everything stored except putting the car on the front patio and putting the cover on it.  That will happen when we get back from Blythe with the missing prescription.  It was called in early this morning and is supposed to be ready at 1:30 this afternoon.


The Daily has certainly been a blessing the past two years in relieving stress.  And the Daily also brings us a lot of humor everyday.  It's been longer than I can remember since I rode a bicycle.  I prefer to walk for exercise.


An interesting quote today about the soul and our bodies.


Regular crust for our pizza please.  We'll pass on the drink and the wine.


We have been to Trinidad, but not Tobago -- yet.  We have a friend, a former officer on HAL who married an officer from Seabourn who is from Tobago.


@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm sorry your DW's twin's family is battling covid.  You were wise not to fly up there.

@Cruzin Terri  I'm glad your temperature is now normal and all you have is a lingering cough.

@kazu  Jacqui, hope you were able to make it to the hospital and back today before the roads flooded.  The face shield is an improvement over the goggles for both Jose and you.

@Heartgrove  Welcome home to Sue and DSIL.  Jack, thank you for the pictures of the azipod seals.

@Leafnation  Welcome to the Daily.  Bon Voyage on your cruise Sunday.

@ger_77  Gerry, safe travels tomorrow to Calgary.  Hope the weather cooperates.

@cunnorl  You should be very proud of your niece and the good time she made.  I'm sure having family and students along the route cheering her on helped a lot.

@grapau27  Graham, thank you for the description of P&O.  We did the world cruise on Oriana in 2000 and enjoyed it.  We met many lovely people who welcomed us.  There were six of us from the US who were going all the way around, and never more than 100 on any segment.  We felt like we had spent three months in England.  I had read enough books set in England that I understood most of the jokes the comedian told.  However, a very nice lady one one side of DH and I had to "translate" many of the jokes into US English for him.🤣  We were welcomed by four Brits as members of their trivia team, since we were good for the odd US question.

@marshhawk  Ann, I'm glad your test are done and were normal.  Hope the MRI in 6 months does not show any surprises.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for sharing the picture and sentiments about Gracie.  Those fur babies take up a big place in our hearts.

@Cruising-along  Carolyn, that counted cross stitch is wonderful.  I don't think I'd have the patience to do one.

@Sea Viewer  I'm glad your DH is doing his cardiac rehab again and that they are monitoring him closely.  Sorry your needed to cancel the cruise, but can understand why you felt the need.

@rafinmd  Roy, thank you for the lovely pictures of Tobago.


Well, since I started typing this the wind has blown the clouds away.  



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

I am aware of stress these days, we can all use some "Daily" humor, and I haven't ridden a bicycle in many years. Interesting quote.

The zucchini crust looks interesting for lower carbs, but of course I'd prefer a regular crust. I'll pass on the wine. White Russians are one of my favorite mixed drinks.

I haven't been to T and T. Thanks for the pictures.


It's been snowing off and on today, mixed with rain. At times so hard you can't see across the street. I'm just back from my hand ultrasound. They kept looking at my left hand (not the one hurting) due to seeing some type of cyst or something. I'll see what my rheumatologist has to say.


@Seasick Sailor Condolences on the loss of your friend's DH.

@aliaschief Sorry to hear about more Covid cases in the family.

@Cruzin Terri Good to hear you're feeling better. 

@kazu I hope the road stays ok near the hospital. Prayers for Jose and you.

@smitty34877 Enjoy getting a haircut. Continued prayers for Tana and the family.

@StLouisCruisers Hugs to your family as you deal with the loss of Gracie.

@leafsnation Welcome to the Daily.

@cunnorl Congrats to your niece on completing the Boston Marathon.

@Horizon chaser 1957 Great that you got a nicer cabin.

@Cruising-along Wow, beautiful cross-stitch! I have one of Neuschwanstein Castle that I started about 8 years ago, and still need to finish. Hopefully once my eyesight settles down I can start on it again.

@Sea Viewer It's good to hear that DH seems somewhat better and started cardiac rehab. I do hope you get to take some trips, but understand being prudent right now.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List. Extra prayers for Ukraine and its people.

Stay safe everyone.


Edited by JazzyV
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It is now 10:00 pm.  I am going to bed soon.  It has been a rough sailing day with 23 foot waves.  Because of this the Nautica has had to slow down.  We have been rocking and rolling all day.

Our scheduled arrival time in Cadiz has been changed from 10 am to 3 pm.  We are still leaving at 10 pm tomorrow night for Portimao, Portugal (Algarve coast)

I hope the Atlantic Ocean decides to calm down a bit.

I will venture out tomorrow for the first time for just a short time.  Need a few things and want to see the Cathedral. Also need some wine.  

We originally had a tour of the White Villages planned, which I cancelled when I became ill.  Now it is just as well because we would never have been able to do it.  

After Portimao we sail on to Lisbon for an overnight.  This is also the end of the first segment of our cruise and the beginning of the next.  We have two tours planned for those days.  On the first day, a private tour of Lisbon for just DH and myself and on the second day a full day tour to  the shrine at Fatima and western Portugal.  There is a third person joining us.  I am excited to be going to Fatima. I have been to Lourdes but never Fatima so it will be a new experience for us.

I hope and pray that I stay well enough to be able to do this.  

Thank you again for all your prayers for my recovery.  They meant a lot.   Jim thanks you for the birthday wishes.

So for now, that’s all she wrote.

Take care, stay safe and well, and as always, God Bless,


Edited by Cruzin Terri
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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:

Just gorgeous, Carolyn. Definitely deserves to be framed. 

Thank you so much, Ann.

1 hour ago, JAM37 said:


Thank you Julia!

31 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


@Cruising-along  Carolyn, that counted cross stitch is wonderful.  I don't think I'd have the patience to do one.


Thank you Lenda.  So many people say that, but for me it's my therapy when I can't garden. 😄

25 minutes ago, JazzyV said:


@Cruising-along Wow, beautiful cross-stitch! I have one of Neuschwanstein Castle that I started about 8 years ago, and still need to finish. Hopefully once my eyesight settles down I can start on it again.


Thank you Vanessa.  Gosh, I bet that one will be beautiful.  Prayers your eyesight will get better too.  That castle is where DSIL proposed to our DD 🙂  

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Good afternoon!  We are now in New Orleans!  We usually come here on weekends for jazz and brunches, so hope we find some good music and food before we leave on Thursday!  Parking was easy and the Hyatt gave us a big suite, so it does not appear to be busy.

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I had also been thinking of a memorial stone for the garden with name and dates, etc. on it.


We did that for our first dog, Maverick & saved a few of his ashes that are still in his urn.  I am glad we did as now, we have decided that whomever goes first will have the dogs join them and they will all be together.  I have 5 urns upstairs waiting to join one of us.


1 hour ago, HAL Sailer said:


@kazu The moment I saw your face shield picture, I noticed the obviously well-deserved HALO it forms around your head. That may not have been by manufacturer's design but you are clearly an angelic vision in it.


Awww….you are too kind.  I don’t think I deserve a halo.  I get too upset with too many scenarios too easily these days (although I have all the patience in the world for DH) 😉 


25 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@kazu  Jacqui, hope you were able to make it to the hospital and back today before the roads flooded.  The face shield is an improvement over the goggles for both Jose and you.



19 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

@kazu I hope the road stays ok near the hospital. Prayers for Jose and you.


Thanks both but there was no hospital today.  By 10 am it was wild.  It still is.  The winds are really whipping and the rain (it was ice earlier) is really pelting.  It would have been a hair raising drive for sure if I could have gone.  I decided not to risk it - too tired to deal with that and called the ward clerk nurse (who is very nice) and told her I was not at the door to be let in.  LOL.  Asked her to let the 2 people who I thought would help to please open a can of gingerale for Jose and help him have a drink and give him some of the apple sauce I have there with his lunch.  it’s my first “day off” in over 2 weeks so hopefully they will take good care of Jose for me today 🤞 


I leave extra supplies on his bed table in case something happens and he either wants more or I can’t get in. 😉  The rain and winds were supposed to have subsided by now and there is no sign of things letting up.  Not sure if my way to get there and my back up will still be flooded tomorrow or not.  Hope not.


8 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

 I am excited to be going to Fatima. I have been to Lourdes but never Fatima so it will be a new experience for us.

I hope and pray that I stay well enough to be able to do this.  


I sure hope you are feeling well enough to enjoy LIsbon, Terri and especially Fatima 🤞 

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Another sad day for April 19; 27 tears ago we had the bombing of the Oklahoma City Federal building. 


I haven't said much personally the last couple of days.  While others have had snow, not quite here but it's been a return to wind chills if not actually temperatures that should be mid-February.  Yesterday was also not a dry day.  I had pretty much determined to hunker down for the afternoon and not even go out to the mailbox.  Not to be.  A coincidence that it was also tax day but I got an email from the Fire Department accountants that our tax return draft was done.   I needed to go to the station to start that process so I left home right after lunch to miss the worst of the weather.  I also wanted to try to get to the grocery store and UPS store.  It was dry when I left home, and just a light drizzle coming out of the station.  I managed to get my groceries and check UPS store with a slightly heavier drizzle but still possible to walk.  Back home, when I got out of the car, not quite snow but definitely sleet.  Decided not to check my street mailbox as the storms continued to get worse.


Today was dry but still a very nasty wind chill.  Did walk inside out mall and visited my Tuesday grocery store and Panera, but pretty well hunkered down for the rest of the day, although I will check my street mailbox this evening.



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4 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Maxine, that sounds like such a nice way to celebrate a pet's life.  I had also been thinking of a memorial stone for the garden with name and dates, etc. on it.




Thanks for your remarks.  And don't think anything of the name.  It's hard to keep everyone straight sometimes.

Sandi - we did the stone to honor our Libby when the time came.  I think it’s a nice tribute! 

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We made it back from Blythe safely, but with our 20-24 mph winds, the trucks and motorhomes were having trouble staying in their lane.  Tomorrow's winds are going to be below 10 mph, which is not too bad especially since they will be tail winds.  That helps with the gas mileage too.  Putting the car cover on will be interesting with these winds, but we'll manage.


@Cruzin Terri  Enjoy Cadiz tomorrow, but please don't overdo.  If you haven't been to Portimao, it's an interesting town not often visited by cruise ships.  At least, that was the case in 2008 when the Prinsendam stopped there.  The town has an interesting square and neat shopping streets.  There is also a beach area with more modern buildings.  We enjoyed our day there, and it is easy to do on your own and at your own pace.  With the private tour for just the two of you, you can enjoy Lisbon at your own pace too.  With just three of you going to Fatima, it should be easy to pace yourself, and if necessary skip some sights out of town.  Sending postiive thoughts that you can be well rested and well enjoy to enjoy both tours.


@kazu  I'm glad you erred on the side of caution and stayed home today.  No need for the added stress of trying to drive in that mess.  Rest and be ready for tomorrow.  I like the idea of your plans for the dogs joining one of you.  




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2 minutes ago, Kurtybee123 said:

Sandi - we did the stone to honor our Libby when the time came.  I think it’s a nice tribute! 


Aww, she was a cutie.  The stones are nice especially if you put them right near where you lounge outside, to remember your beloved pet.  My DD called Gracie sweet girl, too.

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This may be unpopular but if you still have any symptoms  or haven’t tested  test negative twice two days in a row you shouldn’t be out in public.   It’s far too easy to spread. It’s called stealth omicrom for a reason. The Chinese who are testing everyone, have found you can test positive on the rapid tests and negative on the PCR.  I was aware of the reverse, so please stay safe and assume you are contagious if you have any symptoms. 

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Quick post today from me.  Don't know how the day got away from me.  This day always cause me "pause."  I learned of the OKC bombing just before I left home to go to downtown Orlando for my retirement after 30 years with Ma Bell!  27 years since that fateful day.


My continued prayers for the Care List persons and extra special prayers for all of our dedicated caregivers.  

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It sounds like we're in the minority weatherwise. It's been a sunny, calm day after a bit of morning drizzle. The dandelions are enjoying the sun too!  And I'm doing the happy dance-sort of. After waiting for several months for a date for hip replacement surgery I received a phone call yesterday asking me if I still wanted a June date that showed up on the cancellation list. Yes-really didn't want to wait until July or August. Was sad when our May Volendam cruise was cancelled but probably the best for me even though I was ready to limp through Norway.

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26 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

It sounds like we're in the minority weatherwise. It's been a sunny, calm day after a bit of morning drizzle. The dandelions are enjoying the sun too!  And I'm doing the happy dance-sort of. After waiting for several months for a date for hip replacement surgery I received a phone call yesterday asking me if I still wanted a June date that showed up on the cancellation list. Yes-really didn't want to wait until July or August. Was sad when our May Volendam cruise was cancelled but probably the best for me even though I was ready to limp through Norway.

Very pleased to hear that.



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Well, the time has come to turn off the laptop, and take it out to the motorhome.  I'll check in and post when I have a chance while we are on the road.  This will be last load to go out tonight.  We've got the cover on the car and the Polaris Ranger secured behind the car.  All the storage buildings are locked.


@SusieKIslandGirl  Good news that there was can cancelation and your can have the hip replacement sooner.  It's not that long until June. 



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2 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Well, the time has come to turn off the laptop, and take it out to the motorhome.  I'll check in and post when I have a chance while we are on the road.  This will be last load to go out tonight.  We've got the cover on the car and the Polaris Ranger secured behind the car.  All the storage buildings are locked.


@SusieKIslandGirl  Good news that there was can cancelation and your can have the hip replacement sooner.  It's not that long until June. 



Have a safe and pleasant trip.



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2 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Well, the time has come to turn off the laptop, and take it out to the motorhome.  I'll check in and post when I have a chance while we are on the road.  This will be last load to go out tonight.  We've got the cover on the car and the Polaris Ranger secured behind the car.  All the storage buildings are locked.


@SusieKIslandGirl  Good news that there was can cancelation and your can have the hip replacement sooner.  It's not that long until June. 




Drive extra safe!  It's a long trip. 😎

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5 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Well, the time has come to turn off the laptop, and take it out to the motorhome.  I'll check in and post when I have a chance while we are on the road.  This will be last load to go out tonight.  We've got the cover on the car and the Polaris Ranger secured behind the car.  All the storage buildings are locked.


@SusieKIslandGirl  Good news that there was can cancelation and your can have the hip replacement sooner.  It's not that long until June. 



Safe travels!

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15 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Well, the time has come to turn off the laptop, and take it out to the motorhome.  I'll check in and post when I have a chance while we are on the road.  This will be last load to go out tonight.  We've got the cover on the car and the Polaris Ranger secured behind the car.  All the storage buildings are locked.


@SusieKIslandGirl  Good news that there was can cancelation and your can have the hip replacement sooner.  It's not that long until June. 



I hope your trip is a good one. Please stay safe.

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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

  Enjoy Cadiz tomorrow, but please don't overdo.  If you haven't been to Portimao, it's an interesting town not often visited by cruise ships.  At least, that was the case in 2008 when the Prinsendam stopped there.  The town has an interesting square and neat shopping streets.  There is also a beach area with more modern buildings.  We enjoyed our day there, and it is easy to do on your own and at your own pace.  With the private tour for just the two of you, you can enjoy Lisbon at your own pace too.  With just three of you going to Fatima, it should be easy to pace yourself, and if necessary skip some sights out of town.  Sending postiive thoughts that you can be well rested and well enjoy to enjoy both tours.

Sorry for the late reply.  We lost internet connection right after I posted.  Thank you for the info on Portimao.  We really had none.  We had a boat ride planned that someone else arranged.  I told her I was iffy about it after I got sick.  I will not go if it is cold or the weather is bad.  So your info is really helpful.  We don’t plan on doing much tomorrow in Cadiz.  Just really need to get to a pharmacy and if possible visit the Cathedral and then a wine shop. This will be my first venture out since Friday.

The private tours were arranged purposely so that we would go at our own pace and see what we wanted to see and not what the ship wanted us to see or have to keep up with others.  Glad we decided on that.

Thanks for your helpful suggestions on Portimao.


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