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The Daily for Monday 05/16/2022


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3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Thank you for the Monday Daily, Rich.  I think I'll pass on the sea monkeys.  I certainly crave peace but have never heard of it as a connection with purple.  I have some purple I can wear today.  Trees are both beautiful and essential to our climate.  While not really true, I think there is a lot of wisdom in the Schultz quote.  I have never been to Croatia.  The Calzone roll sounds nice.  My alternative is Chilled Blueberry Soup, Grilled Herb Strip Loin Steak, and Pistachio Ice Cream, as served on MS Veendam May 16, 2016.


Today’s care list:


Tops market victims
smitty34877 DB with cancer and now with Covid
Lady Hudson SIL back in hospital with infection
Marshhawk DH mouth pain
Heartgrove older sister in hospice nearing the end
Heartgrove DDIL with covid while Heartgrove needs to visit older sister
Vict0riann’s DBIL and DSIL with Covid in Australia
From the rotation:
St, Louis Sal with weakening legs and panic attacks
1Angelcat facing expensive medicines
Cruising along niece awaiting a kidney
Strength, peace, and healing for kazu


Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Volendam housing refugees
All but 1 BHB with guests
Happy Anniversary Aliaschief
Quick dental appointment for Cruzin Terri
Hawaii getaway forRowsby
Great River Cruise for NextOne
msmayor on well deserved work break
Horizon Chaser 1957 nephew helping with sister’s 50th Anniversary
Surgery set for dfish 1 June
5 days for rafinmd (Adventure OTS 5/21 to 5/28)
6 days Atexsix( Discovery Princess May 22-29)
St Pete Cruiser (Wind Surf to 5/17) and Lady Hudson (Oasis OTS  to 5/22)  at sea
Koningsdan Staff Captain Sabine - Our first female Staff Captain and HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)



Thanks for the shout out, have a great time on your cruise as well!

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22 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well in searching on the Walgreen's website I see no rapid antigen testing within 100 miles so the rapid NAAT will have to do.  Thanks anyway!  Still would like to hear what everyone else has done.

For the 2nd cruise in a row, we're scheduled at an actual popup clinic in downtown Bellevue, we took the tests in the afternoon and had the results by midnight, so we decided to use them again, that gives us plenty of time to get the results back and fill out the health questionnaires.  We're not stressed since Princess will offer tests to people that don't get results back in time, unlike HAL last year when you were pretty much SOL if that happened.


We have a lot of drug stores around us, but haven't found that option to be reliable. 


You might consider the proctored home test kits, people in the Princess roll calls have had good experiences with them, I'm hearing nothing bad at least.  

Edited by atexsix
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Good morning from a slightly overcast central Texas, and it will be hot again today.  This year, it has been hotter in May than normal -- if there is still a normal.


Today is laundry day, and tomorrow will be house cleaning day.  😒  Since I don't like cleaning house, I do it all in one day and then just the minimum touch ups until I have to clean the whole house again.


1 like trees, but having grown up in west Texas, I also want them spread out enough so I have a view.  What I don't like are the leaves in the fall, and whatever it is that comes off the cedar trees in the spring and finds its way into the carport.  I must have had a deprived childhood since I never ordered sea monkeys.  I hope wearing purple for peace helps, and I found my clean purple shirt to wear today.


The Charles Schultz quote is interesting, but I'm not sure I totally agree with it.


The meal suggestion sounds interesting and @dfish Debbie's recipes are different from the calzones I've seen.  The wine also sounds nice, but we'll pass on the drink.


We have been to Dubrovnik many times on BHBs and once on the old Regal Princess..  I'll look for the pictures I posted when I finish writing this.


@marshhawk  I'm glad you found DH's picture of the two galaxies I posted.  It took me a while to find it too.  


For those who might have missed the picture, here it is again. 


In honor of Astronomy Day, here is a picture of M51, Whirlpool Galaxy, with another smaller galaxy above it.  The larger galaxy is pulling the a smaller one into it.  DH took this picture with his new telescope on January 6 this year.




@Heartgrove  I'm glad your sister felt well enough to attend the bridal shower.  I'm still sending positive thoughts that she will be at the wedding wearing her golden slippers.  Hope the infusion today helps your DSIL.  Sorry to see that you may have to postpone your trip to Chicago.


@HAL Sailer  We have noticed Dubrovnik becoming more crowded since we first visited in 2002.  It is not as bad when there is only one ship in port.  While the crowding is mainly in the old city and and the area outside the gate where the shuttle buses drop you off, it is worth walking through the old city.  It is easy to get city bus tickets in the port.  After Game of Thrones was filmed there, tourism really increased.  Often we take the city bus out to other areas where it is not as crowded.  While split does get a lot of tourists, we have not found it to be as crowded.


@durangoscots  Safe travels and enjoy the dog show.


Last night, DH got his little telescope out to take pictures of the eclipse.  Some of the early pictures were great, but then the clouds moved in and partially covered the moon.  When the moon first came up it was really red.  Usually, a blood moon when we're in Quartzsite, is not really red, but las night it lived up to it's name.




Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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This is the first post of Dubrovnik pictures from August 23, 2021.


We have been to Dubrovnik nine times, and all but one time on a BHB.  These pictures are from our two cruises on the old Noordam in 2002 and 2004.  We were also there in 2003 on the old Regal Princess.  Then, Croatia and all the Balkan area was still recovering from the Balkan War and a lot of damage was still visible.  At that time, the area was just opening to tourists and Dubrovnik was not crowded like it is now, especially since the Game of Thrones was filmed there.


In 2019, when we were there three times on Veendam (b2b2bs), one of the shop clerks told us she did not like all the extra tourists as all the wanted to know about was the movie, not the history of the area.  We were glad we were there early when it was not really crowded and it was easy to walk around the town and see everything.


In 2002, we walked around Dubrovnik before walking the wall.





This is one of the pictures from our wall walk.  It is an overhead view of the big fountain just inside the gate.



That day, we took a small boat out to Otok Lokeum, the small island off shore from the small boat harbor.



The Benedictine Monastery of St. Mary



The island and a local resident




Returning to the old city.


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The 2004 pictures from our Noordam cruise.  We decided to take a tour to the Neretva River area and a boat ride on the river.


After the Balkan War and the realignment of the countries in that area, Bosnia-Herzegovina was given a 10 kilometer strip of land, so it could have a coast line, and the strip, cut Croatia into two parts,   Our bus stopped in Neum in that strip so we could get off and say we had been to Bosnia-Herzegovina/







Croatian countryside



The river cruise and the surrounding area.






The restaurant where we had lunch



Signs of the war damaged 




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Our second tme in Dubrovnik was in 2003 on the Regal Princess.  After walking around the old town, we took a city bus out to a beach area.  We also found a taxi to take us to the top of the mountain that is now serviced by a cable car.


The beach area





The mountain top with views of the old town and the war damage.  We have not been back up there since it was restored and the cable car was running again.









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One last group of pictures.  These are from last of the three times we were in Dubrovnik in 2019 on the Veendam.  This time, we took a city bus out to a resort area and enjoyed sitting on their patio with a coke.







The hotel as we sailed past on our way to the next port.



The top of the mountain in 2019. after the war damage was repaired and a new cable car installed.



The Croatians will flock to any beach even small ones.  This was outside the city walls.




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@StLouisCruisers Sandi, we have had rapid antigen for the 3 cruises we have been on since December. The first was at CVS, then we found an urgent care doc that will take appointments months in advance so have used him for the last two and will be there next Tuesday at 9:30am for the test for "our" cruise 🤩



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Good morning everyone and Happy Monday!


We will be in Dubrovnik June 10th so I’ll be reading all the posts and pictures with great interest. We were actually doing some excursion shopping yesterday for Dubrovnik and Kotor and Corfu. We ended up not picking anything yet for Dubrovnik but I did see the walking of the walls and decided against it since I’m so afraid of heights. I saw one of Sandi’s @StLouisCruisers pictures on the wall and know I would have problems. I’m sure there are many other things we can do. 

Have a great day everyone!





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@StLouisCruisersI saw these images on Twitter of last night's lunar eclipse.  Although I was excited about the event, I was unable to stay awake to see it.


Taken by Chris Fukuda, Cityscape and Landscape Photographer based outside of Washington DC.




Taken by James Willinghan in Frostburg, MD:  Amateur Astronomer, Astrophotographer
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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

I do love some trees. No experience with sea monkeys, but I remember the ads. Growing up, purple was my favorite color; I always wore it for exams. I'll have to put it on for Peace, which we all hope will occur soon. Funny quote.

I like calzones, although these are different than the ones I know. Pass on the drink, but take the wine.

I haven't been to Dubrovnik. Thanks for the great pictures.


Early this morning it was really dark, with 50mph wind, thunder, and pouring rain. It's finally stopped, but perhaps another round around noon. I was worried about my few tomato plants that were sitting on my back steps, but they didn't blow over. I stayed up last night to watch the lunar eclipse; it was cool; I later regretted I hadn't set up my tripod and DSLR.


@aliaschief Happy Anniversary!

@kazu Enjoy the gardening and good luck talking to the accountant. 

@Heartgrove Good to hear that your older sister was able to attend the shower, and is stable for now. Prayers for DSIL and that the infusion helps her Covid infection. 

@durangoscots Enjoy the Kennel Club shows. Exciting to get the kitchen renovation going.

@St. Louis Sal Thinking of you and I hope you're doing well.


Prayers for the Care List and Ukraine. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.


From photographer Dave DiCello, the lunar eclipse over the PPG building spire last night.

May be an image of outdoors

Edited by JazzyV
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12 minutes ago, kb4683 said:

@StLouisCruisers Sandi, we have had rapid antigen for the 3 cruises we have been on since December. The first was at CVS, then we found an urgent care doc that will take appointments months in advance so have used him for the last two and will be there next Tuesday at 9:30am for the test for "our" cruise 🤩




Thanks, I'll keep CVS and urgent cares in mind as I make plan A, B, and C appointments.

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Good morning everyone.  Thanks for the report and lists and recipes.  All trees deserve love.  I remember my sea monkeys, they hardly did what the comic book said that they would!  I don’t own anything purple so I can’t help there.  I can relate to the quote from time to time.  The meal suggestion sounds very tasty but not the drink.  I haven’t been to today’s port but will next year God willing.  Prayers for everyone on our prayer list.  Cheers to all of you celebrating happy events!

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well in searching on the Walgreen's website I see no rapid antigen testing within 100 miles so the rapid NAAT will have to do.  Thanks anyway!  Still would like to hear what everyone else has done.


We did the free rapid NAAT test at Walgreens for our November and February cruises. Scheduled them 15 minutes apart (only 1 can schedule per time slot) but were able to do both at the same time as I was sitting behind DH. No line at the drive-thru when we arrived and only 2 cars behind us as we left. Had our results via e-mail in less than 45 minutes. The e-mail does not give you the results - it just has a link to the results with a QR code. You can also print the results or save as a PDF.


When we scheduled them, DH was on his computer and I was on mine so we could tell which time each other selected. 


We found that how far in advance tests can be scheduled varies from time to time. So do a mock scheduling about a week before you need to test. Sometimes our local one is 3 days out, sometimes it's a week out and sometimes it's 10 days out.

Edited by Cruise Suzy
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12 minutes ago, Cruise Suzy said:


We did the free rapid NAAT test at Walgreens for our November and February cruises. Scheduled them 15 minutes apart (only 1 can schedule per time slot) but were able to do both at the same time as I was sitting behind DH. No line at the drive-thru when we arrived and only 2 cars behind us as we left. Had our results via e-mail in less than 45 minutes. The e-mail does not give you the results - it just has a link to the results with a QR code. You can also print the results or save as a PDF.


When we scheduled them, DH was on his computer and I was on mine so we could tell which time each other selected. 


We found that how far in advance tests can be scheduled varies from time to time. So do a mock scheduling about a week before you need to test. Sometimes our local one is 3 days out, sometimes it's a week out and sometimes it's 10 days out.


Thanks for that information.  I checked this morning and Walgreen's was 7 days out.  Now when you say you were sitting behind DH, you mean he was driving and you were in the back seat on the driver's side so that the person can watch you take your test?  I'm assuming you were in the drive through line outside.


Do you think I could schedule both of ours (15 minutes apart) if I have two tabs open to the Walgreen's site?  Rather than on two computers, I mean.

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Good morning all!

Another drizzly, cloudy morning here (and last night, so no eclipse viewing here).  I really appreciate all the eclipse photos that have been posted!  This afternoon promises to be better, so I hope to get outside.  Other than a trip to Total Wine yesterday (priorities!)  I haven't been out much since getting my 2nd booster a couple days ago.  Slept better last night, but that arm is still very sore. No other side effects, so no complaints!


Today is our oldest grandson's 9th birthday. 🙂  We will be seeing him tomorrow, and his party will be on the 22nd when he and his brother have their yearly joint birthday party (little brother's birthday is June 2).


I'll pass on the drink and wine today, but Debbie's @dfishrecipes look very good.  We've been to Dubrovnik several times, but most of my photos are too similar to those already posted so will just share a few of my favorites.  We've taken winery tours, toured to Bosnia, and just wandered around the town.  Like @Sharon in AZthe heights problem has kept me off walking the wall.  Just seeing Sandi's photo looking down made me dizzy.  


@msmayorConnie so happy to hear that your DD is doing so much better, and that you're getting a little time off.

@aliaschiefBruce Happy Anniversary to you and Sue!

@mamaofamiCarol, lovely view you have from your patio!


For our cat lovers in the group, one of the scenes in Dubrovnik that held me captive last time we were there.  (there are many more cats lounging around nearby, but this group struck me funny, guarding the private area.





I'm always drawn to the side streets







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Good morning and thanks all! A special shout out to Rich, Roy and Jacqui for the time spent making  CC  a good place by the value you add helping others by your quality posts!   We missed the eclipse due to clouds so thanks for the photos.  
We’ve visited Dubrovnik many times, if you’re looking for an enjoyable less crowded spot, we took a taxi to and a boat back to Cavtat.  Very relaxing and we got a good view of the coast, sadly some of the shelled hotels,  and the incredible super yachts.  
@HAL Sailer it will depend on how many ships are in port, but I think there will always be options.  In Split we took a taxi to the lovely small town of Trogir,  my dentist is Croatian and he recommended this,  










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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Well in searching on the Walgreen's website I see no rapid antigen testing within 100 miles so the rapid NAAT will have to do.  Thanks anyway!  Still would like to hear what everyone else has done.

In the UK we made an appointment with Lloyds pharmacy a week before then we called in on our way to Southampton to take our tests.

The pharmacist took our passport details etc and we then took our 15 minutes Antigen nose tests then after 15 minutes they were negative and we got our certificates paid our £60 then started our 310 mile journey to Southampton pre cruise 


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