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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday August 25th, 2022


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Good morning and thanks all!
@aliaschief agree about Canaletto, and also Tamarind.  Our neighbours lived in Stavanger for years. 
I’m truly sorry to hear the sad news from @Seasick Sailor and @StLouisCruisers life truly turns on a dime. 

@kazu glad your wrist is improving, and that you are seeing your dr. 


 We got very near Kobe and enjoyed a lot of the beef, which is actually raised near a smaller town, Kinosaki.   Kobe is also near one of the top three gardens, Okayama,  as well as the beautiful castle at Himeji.  

Kobe beef



Okayama gardens


Himeji Castle


Edited by bennybear
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Well, it the lull between a busy morning and a busy afternoon.  I'm trying to catch up on some things I didn't get finished yesterday.  After the haircut, I feel lighter.  My hair had grown so fast over the last four weeks, that my stylist cut it even shorter this time.  I think after about 25  years with really short hair DH is getting used to it.  It is so much easier to take care of than when it was shoulder length, not to mention cooler too.


4 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Thursday Daily, Rich.


I guess I will celebrate National Park Service Day - I don’t have anyone to kiss and no one to make up to 😉 


I am not sure I completely agree with the quote.  People don’t necessarily disappoint.  You can be alone by circumstance.


Well, it was a busy day yesterday.  I was trying to take care of Jack and Henry with a very sore knee.  I stepped over Jack the night before and my foot went on the dog bed.  No big deal I’ve walked on it many times.  Sadly, I tend to shake at times including my legs and it happened and I went down.  Talking about the shaking & lack of focus at times with my doctor tomorrow, never fear.  And, yes, I’m doing RICE & a cane.  The boys left last night so I am on my own again.  Missed them this morning. ♥️ 




And of course yesterday morning, I had an email greeting me that our disembarkation port was changed to Miami.  Not good for people just flying to Toronto out of FLL with flights at 11:25 so I had to have long discussions with my sisters.




Me?  I was going to have to stay overnight to get home - whether I stayed in Florida and just connected and got home or stay at Pearson and recheck my luggage.  I don’t want to go through that zoo at Pearson again so I had opted to stay in Florida.  Fortunately, I didn’t use Flight Ease so I think I will now be flying out of Miami.  I’m really not sure what the right decision is - but I think that’s it.


our roll call was busy yesterday venting and trying to figure out best options and one of my guides has been forced to raise prices.  It’s not serious and a very cheap tour by European standards but that had to be dealt with too.


@aliaschiefso sorry about Stavenger.  I wonder if that nice boat tour was still running?  Such a shame that you couldn’t take in more but it’s a beautiful town.


@cat shepardAnn, if no one else steps up, I will do the wine du jour if needed. If someone else is willing, it’s all theirs 😉 


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


have a great Thursday everyone !!!!!




Stay safe and please don’t forget your 😷 when / where needed.



Jacqui, I'm sorry you had another spill.  I hope the knee heals quickly, and I'm glad the wrist is all right now.


3 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily! We have nothing to make up for, so we'll just kiss today.  I don't remember the last time I had a banana split, although for dinner last night I had a banana with some peanut butter on it.  Yay for the National Park Service founders - there are so many beautiful parks out there.


It's going to be a warm one out there again for us with a forecasted high of +30(85), a day of rain tomorrow then back into the mid 30's for all of next week.  We were treated to a morning of rain yesterday - a gentle rain with no wind, which was good for all the lawns and plants in the yard.


Well DH and I went out yesterday for pork chops - he couldn't wait for dinner, so we went for a late lunch around 2PM.  I decided I might as well order pork chops too, as nothing else on the menu seemed to appeal to me.  They were good, but I still don't have my regular appetite back (which is a good thing!), so I ended up bringing at least half of my meal home.  I did order wine though, and being a red wine drinker, (I know white with white meat, etc.), ordered a glass of Malbec.  Well @Horizon chaser 1957, you were right, it didn't taste the same, in fact, it tasted somewhat metallic to me.  I had DH try it, but he didn't get the metallic taste, so I'm pretty sure it's my taster.  I'll have to tweak that before we get on a BHB!!!   DH ended up eating my leftovers for dinner and as I mentioned, I wasn't hungry, so had a banana with some peanut butter on it.


I like today's menu suggestion, but looking at the pictures makes me want to take out my dental floss right away.  LOL   Although I love corn, I always get it stuck in my teeth, so keep the floss and picks on standby in the nearest bathroom.  DH wants to get the barbecue going tonight, so has suggested that we grill some smokies,  I'll head to the freezer and pick out a package of them and will likely just make up a small coleslaw to go as a side.  And wine - hey, I'm no quitter!


Prayers for everyone who is hurting - especially the people of Ukraine who have been fending off the terror for 6 months.  Cheers for the happy celebrations.


Stay safe everyone!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂



Gerry, I hope you can reeducate your taste buds about wine.  Remember, "If at first you don't succeed, try, try again".  🤣 🍷🍷🍷 


3 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Kobe was actually my embarkation port in the middle of a strange trip.  I started with a Queen Elizabeth Transatlantic, then a long flight to Angkor Wat for a few days and another long flight to Japan for a trans=Pacific cruise,  Although we started with an overnight in Kobe, the first day I was pretty wiped out from the travel and did just a bit of sightseeing the second day.


An overview of Kobe:




The Kobe tower:


Kobe experienced a serious earthquake in 1995. 




There was a plaque in the monument with a tribute to the victims of the quake.  My photo of the plaque did not come out but here's the inscription:


This Earthquake took some things.
Lives, Jobs, Communities, Cityscape, Our Memories.
These things appear safe, permanent.
Even moments before, we cannot know,.

This earthquake left many things behind.
Kindness, Compassion, Human Bonds, Friendship

This flame links the lives which were taken away,
With our thoughts, the survivors.




Roy, thanks for the pictures of Kobe.  It's on my bucket list, but I think it will be sometime before we get back to Asia.


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thanks Roy @rafinmdfor the Kobe photos.  Sad news about the earthquake.


Unfortunately I just got some sad news here, too.  A neighborhood email went around a short time ago telling us some news about our neighbors.  They live across the street and down one house from us.  They were involved in a single car accident just north of Knoxville on their way to Detroit.  This is the same route we take to visit our kids and just did that a couple weeks ago.  David was driving and ran off the road and died at the scene. Linda is in critical condition in a Knoxville hospital.  No mention of their dog which they adopted last winter.  I am so sad for them.  Even though they kept to themselves a lot (like we do), you get used to seeing them coming and going.  David always went right out to the mailbox whenever the mail truck went by.  Always anxious to get his mail.  I'll be praying for dear Linda that she recovers fully and quickly returns home.  You never know what the day will bring.


Sandi, that is such sad news about your neighbors.  Our condolences to you, your neighbors and David and Linda's families on the loss of David.  Sending good thoughts that Linda makes a full recovery, and also that their dog is found and is safe.


2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Sandi my heart goes out to Linda for the loss of David. Prayers Linda can heal and come home. Hoping the dog is found.


I told you our friends brother passed away last week. We finally found out he died in his sleep and after repeated phone calls unanswered they requested a wellness check and police found him. Looks like he was dead 6 or 7 days.


Joy, such sad news that your friend's brother died alone, and that no one knew for several days.  People living alone need a buddy system so that if they have not heard from the person, they know to check on them.  @JazzyV  Vanessa is lucky to have her BFF who knows to check if he doesn't hear from her each day.


DH just looked up the list of US National Parks, and we've been to 45/46 of the 63 National Parks in the almost 55 years we've been married.  This does not include National Historical Parks, National Monuments, National Recreation Areas, etc.  We've also been to several national parks in Canada.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Good morning!  Thank you for the Daily and Fleet Report Rich. Thanks to all for sharing. 

I’ll pass on the banana Split. I actually don’t think I’ve ever had one, I don’t like bananas, plus I don’t like mixing ice cream flavors. Just give me a scoop of vanilla please, and sometimes with chocolate sauce.  I’ve eaten cooked bananas, but still not a fan. 

I love corn and it’s on my grocery list right now. Today we are having miso marinated sablefish though. Craig is on his pre cruise diet so he’s been eating low carb. We leave in five and a half weeks for Quebec City. 

I have been posting irregularly on the Daily and am not caught up with all the news. Lots of appointments for DM and I started PT for my hip. Hopefully it will help with my balance and pain. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, I’m sorry about your neighbors. How tragic. 

Joy @Seasick Sailor, I’m sorry about your friends brother. 

Jacqui @kazu, take care of yourself. 

Gerry @ger_77, yuck on the taste buds with wine!  I know Craig didn’t have a taste for wine for about a week after his covid quarantine but still liked his Negronis. 

Have a great day everyone!


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11 minutes ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!
@aliaschief agree about Canaletto, and also Tamarind.  Our neighbours lived in Stavanger for years. 
I’m truly sorry to hear the sad news from @Seasick Sailor and @StLouisCruisers life truly turns on a dime. 

@kazu glad your wrist is improving, and that you are seeing your dr. 


 We got very near Kobe and enjoyed a lot of the beef, which is actually raised near a smaller town, Kinosaki.   Kobe is also near one of the top three gardens, Okayama,  as well as the beautiful castle at Himeji.  

Kobe beef



Okayama gardens


Himeji Castle



Brenda, thanks for the wonderful pictures.  We had a taste of Kobe beef at DH's retirement party.  Two of the three people who worked with him the last 17 years he had his company met us in Las Vegas for a celebratory weekend.  The retirement dinner was at Le Cirque, and one of the guys ordered the Kobe beef at a supplement price of $100.  (Their company was paying).  Even at that price, it was a very small piece of steak that he shared,  Our bite was wonderful, but we wouldn't pay $100 for it.  😉



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3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thanks Roy @rafinmdfor the Kobe photos.  Sad news about the earthquake.


Unfortunately I just got some sad news here, too.  A neighborhood email went around a short time ago telling us some news about our neighbors.  They live across the street and down one house from us.  They were involved in a single car accident just north of Knoxville on their way to Detroit.  This is the same route we take to visit our kids and just did that a couple weeks ago.  David was driving and ran off the road and died at the scene. Linda is in critical condition in a Knoxville hospital.  No mention of their dog which they adopted last winter.  I am so sad for them.  Even though they kept to themselves a lot (like we do), you get used to seeing them coming and going.  David always went right out to the mailbox whenever the mail truck went by.  Always anxious to get his mail.  I'll be praying for dear Linda that she recovers fully and quickly returns home.  You never know what the day will bring.

I'm so sorry to hear your news about your neighbours Sandi.

Prayers 🙏 for Linda's recovery and condolences for all David's family and friends.


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Thanks to Brenda @bennybear, Sharon @Sharon in AZ , Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Graham @grapau27 for your condolences.  


I have just gotten an update on Linda from our POD captain.  She broke both wrists and has a badly broken back.  She is alert though and was made aware of David's passing.  Her family is with her now.  This sounds like it will be a long, difficult recovery.  Your prayers for her and the family are no doubt appreciated.


Thanks Brenda for your Kobe photos.  I wouldn't mind trying the beef if it was slightly more cooked.  I bet it's delicious.

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34 minutes ago, Crazy For Cats said:

I finally got to speak with my PCC, I’ve been trying since 8/12.  He says he was on vacation despite his voicemail saying he was in the office.  I managed to save some money on our March cruise.  Sadly our Zaandam cruise was not so lucky, but only because it took so long to speak with someone.😡


Oh, that's not good 😞  In the past the PCCs always had someone else take their calls and emails -- sounds like that isn't happening now?  

28 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

  Pretty exciting news for the boys, moving up a level.  They look so excited.


Almost as excited as their Nana!  😂

12 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:



DH just looked up the list of US National Parks, and we've been to 45/46 of the 63 National Parks in the almost 55 years we've been married.  This does not include National Historical Parks, National Monuments, National Recreation Areas, etc.  We've also been to several national parks in Canada.



You sure have our 26 National Parks beat! We need to get to it!  😅

9 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:


I love corn and it’s on my grocery list right now. Today we are having miso marinated sablefish though. Craig is on his pre cruise diet so he’s been eating low carb. We leave in five and a half weeks for Quebec City. 


Looking forward to meeting you and Craig!  😄😉  

Not long now!

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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Sandi my heart goes out to Linda for the loss of David. Prayers Linda can heal and come home. Hoping the dog is found.


I told you our friends brother passed away last week. We finally found out he died in his sleep and after repeated phone calls unanswered they requested a wellness check and police found him. Looks like he was dead 6 or 7 days.

That is really sad news Joy.

Several years ago one of Pauline's colleagues never contacted work and after a few days a couple of managers went to his house and he was found slumped over in a chair and had passed a few days earlier.


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The Lady Debbie ran aground on August 16, just south of our condominium in Westport, WA. It is still waiting for a salvage company to remove it from the beach.

All six crew members were able to walk to the shore and nobody was hurt. The commercial catch of cod has been offloaded and all fuel has been removed without any spillage.



1190770530_LadyDebbie2.thumb.jpg.21a22618a5b7445d5d605100d06c5c77.jpg    2017212452_LadyDebbie3.thumb.jpg.1e9afb6be2354396ab2303edf6df7712.jpg


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16 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thanks to Brenda @bennybear, Sharon @Sharon in AZ , Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Graham @grapau27 for your condolences.  


I have just gotten an update on Linda from our POD captain.  She broke both wrists and has a badly broken back.  She is alert though and was made aware of David's passing.  Her family is with her now.  This sounds like it will be a long, difficult recovery.  Your prayers for her and the family are no doubt appreciated.


Thanks Brenda for your Kobe photos.  I wouldn't mind trying the beef if it was slightly more cooked.  I bet it's delicious.


Sandi, thanks for the update about Linda.  It does sound like a long recovery. I'm glad she is alert and has family with her.


9 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

The Lady Debbie ran aground on August 16, just south of our condominium in Westport, WA. It is still waiting for a salvage company to remove it from the beach.

All six crew members were able to walk to the shore and nobody was hurt. The commercial catch of cod has been offloaded and all fuel has been removed without any spillage.



1190770530_LadyDebbie2.thumb.jpg.21a22618a5b7445d5d605100d06c5c77.jpg    2017212452_LadyDebbie3.thumb.jpg.1e9afb6be2354396ab2303edf6df7712.jpg


340044483_LadyDebbie4.thumb.jpg.6743dd5941354a3c5c938071428e9bdc.jpg    1846557443_LadyDebbie1.thumb.jpg.40caa12082dda0555fd3079e4fb981c4.jpg


 That is interesting.  Was there a storm?  It's good the crew escaped safely, and that they got the catch and fuel removed.  Thanks for the interesting pictures.



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34 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Oh, that's not good 😞  In the past the PCCs always had someone else take their calls and emails -- sounds like that isn't happening now?  

Almost as excited as their Nana!  😂

You sure have our 26 National Parks beat! We need to get to it!  😅

Looking forward to meeting you and Craig!  😄😉  

Not long now!

Yes!  Not long at all and I’m so unprepared. We only have two tours scheduled so far so I need to get busy with that too. I saw how big the roll call has gotten, crazy, I think it’s over 100 now. I’ve never been with such a big roll call. I booked this cruise back in February 2021 and can’t believe it’s finally here!  We fly out on the 4th and stay 4 nights at the Château Frontenac (big splurge for us). I think Debbie is staying there also but I think just one night. Where are you staying?

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5 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good Morning All,

Just a brief post as I have to be in the dentist’s chair in a little bit. 😞


@aliaschief Sorry to hear about your port today. Stavenger is such a lovely port. The story about the man wandering (pobresito) reminds me of a story @Copper10-8 told about an entertainer who was a bit sleepy…..


@cat shepard I’m willing to hold the wine fort down for you. I can email you after the dentist and errands.


Have a great day everyone!




Thank you Laura.  I was hoping to have someone step up and save Jacqui’s wrist & you saved the day!

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thanks to Brenda @bennybear, Sharon @Sharon in AZ , Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser and Graham @grapau27 for your condolences.  


I have just gotten an update on Linda from our POD captain.  She broke both wrists and has a badly broken back.  She is alert though and was made aware of David's passing.  Her family is with her now.  This sounds like it will be a long, difficult recovery.  Your prayers for her and the family are no doubt appreciated.


Thanks Brenda for your Kobe photos.  I wouldn't mind trying the beef if it was slightly more cooked.  I bet it's delicious.


Sandi my goodness. Looks like a very long recovery. God bless her.

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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Yes!  Not long at all and I’m so unprepared. We only have two tours scheduled so far so I need to get busy with that too. I saw how big the roll call has gotten, crazy, I think it’s over 100 now. I’ve never been with such a big roll call. I booked this cruise back in February 2021 and can’t believe it’s finally here!  We fly out on the 4th and stay 4 nights at the Château Frontenac (big splurge for us). I think Debbie is staying there also but I think just one night. Where are you staying?

Wow!!  Four nights at the Chateau Frontenac!  I'm so excited for you!  Yes, Debbie is staying there one night.

Our flight won't get into Q.C. until 8:30 pm the night of the 7th, so it looks like you and Debbie will have to start the party without us 😉  We're staying at the Hotel des Coutellier.  Good reviews and a tenth of a mile from the port.  

I'm getting very excited for this cruise (and staying on for 2 weeks afterwards).  I think we're pretty much ready, other than the worry about the testing for Canada!  Yes, the roll call is growing!

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2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Yes!  Not long at all and I’m so unprepared. We only have two tours scheduled so far so I need to get busy with that too. I saw how big the roll call has gotten, crazy, I think it’s over 100 now. I’ve never been with such a big roll call. I booked this cruise back in February 2021 and can’t believe it’s finally here!  We fly out on the 4th and stay 4 nights at the Château Frontenac (big splurge for us). I think Debbie is staying there also but I think just one night. Where are you staying?


I am staying at the Chateau Frontenac for one night, fulfilling my grandmother's dream.  I get in at 3:41 pm on the 7th.  The area around the Frontenac has some fun shopping.  I booked this last November so I didn't have to wait as long, but I also had Norway in July to help me through the wait. 

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4 hours ago, kazu said:


I am so sorry to hear this Sandi. 😔 My prayers for David & Linda 🙏🏻 



Thanks.  My wrist is nearly completely healed now.  probably because i wasn’t picking up heavy objects and dogs 😉 



Oh I am so sorry to hear this 😔. So sad dying alone and not being missed all that time 😢 .  Prayers for him 🙏🏻 


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A nice warm day here in the Pacific Northwest.  Went with the DW to a Dr.'s appointment this morning.  She is scheduled for cataract surgery next month, so this was the pre-op checkup.  Last week our daughter flew in from Iowa to attend her 40th high school reunion.  I was thinking that it might be too late for me to attend another one.  But I just got an email from one of my classmates asking if there was interest in having our 65th next Fall.  Hope it will happen.

Kobe brings up some memories.  We were on Amsterdam's Grand Asia in 2010 and we stopped in Kobe.  Here is some background.  In the early 1900s my grandparents immigrated from Siberia to Hawaii.  About 1914 they were living in Honolulu and he was having heart problems.  His doctor said the warm climate in Hawaii didn't agree with him and they should move back to Siberia.  He agreed and they got on a ship for Vladivostok.  Unfortunately, he had a heart attack on the ship and was buried when it stopped at Kobe.  Fast forward to 2010 and when we got off the ship there there were some Japanese ladies who said they would show us whatever we wanted to see in Kobe.  I told one of them my grandfather was buried here almost 100 years ago and I would like to find his grave.  I gave her his name and approximate death date and she got on the phone with a government office.  In a few minutes she said he is buried in a National Park above Kobe and we could hire a taxi and she would help us find it.  We did, and found the grave, well tended with his name and date of death (22 June 1914) on it.

Originally he was buried outside the city, but after WW2 the graves were relocated to the National Park with areas for each countries citizens.  That experience was an example of why I enjoy going back to Japan.  We are scheduled to stop in Kobe next April on the Westerdam if Japan opens up for cruise passengers by then.


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We just got back from the opthmaogist, and he gave a clean report.  They were worried a lesion near the optic nerve might be pressing on the nerve and causing some or all the ptoblems.  With this report, we guess the  NPH is the culprit.  There were a lot of different tests, and the exam took two hours.


The doctor's only concern was one eyelid is drooping, but it wasn't when Steve saw him three years ago.  We wonder if it is also caused by the NPH too.


Now, if they will just move the appointment with the neurosurgeon to an earlier date.  It was set fot late September in case it took a while to get the appointment for the eye exam.





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5 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

 That is interesting.  Was there a storm?  It's good the crew escaped safely, and that they got the catch and fuel removed.  Thanks for the interesting pictures.


No storm, and no explanation as to why they ran aground. The Coast Guard is investigating the cause.

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Good afternoon from a fairly warm (for us) Pacific Northwest. It was close to 90 today! We rain to town for errands and got our Covid test at our local health department site. In 15 minutes we were told we were negative not only for Covid but also two strains of flu! Who knew? Now on to packing. We are on the Crown Princess on Saturday so DH can ride the train in Skagway. When we get back on the 3rd to Seattle we walk across the pier and get on the Eurodam. 


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Good evening.

I will try to read the posts tonight but have not yet done so yet.

I something very disturbing happen to me today that hurt me very much and I am trying to figure out how to handle it.  DH keeps trying to make me feel better but it is not working. It may mean the end of a friendship that I treasured. Just don’t know what to do.

Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow and somehow figure out how to resolve this situation.

Hope everyone had a good day.

God Bless,


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7 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening.

I will try to read the posts tonight but have not yet done so yet.

I something very disturbing happen to me today that hurt me very much and I am trying to figure out how to handle it.  DH keeps trying to make me feel better but it is not working. It may mean the end of a friendship that I treasured. Just don’t know what to do.

Hopefully I will feel better tomorrow and somehow figure out how to resolve this situation.

Hope everyone had a good day.

God Bless,


Terri, I know that pain.   Reach out if you'd like.  

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