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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday September 12th, 2022


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@kazuI am gobsmacked by the beautiful celebration of life you created in honour of your dear Jose’.  Well done sweet Jacqui!  Well done!   Now time for some rest! 

@TiogaCruiser thanks for the wine information, todays looks like an interesting one! 
@StLouisCruisers thanks for the photos of Bangkok. 

The smoke has been nasty here for a couple of days, makes for amazing sunsets.  I think there’s a lesson in that. 


Edited by bennybear
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It looks like today may not be as productive as I had planned.  We've been enjoying our comfortable weather this morning.  Now if it would just stay this way all year, we'd be very happy campers.  We just got back from a short (for us) ride in our Smart with the top down.  I don't think we went where DH originally intended since there was construction on the road into town.  Instead, we drove around some of the back roads near the lake.


@HAL4NOW  Thank for the good news about the Bolt Creek Fire.  It's good to know there has been no loss of life and only minor property loss.  With the lower wind and higher humidity, I hope they can get it under control soon.


@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad everything went well this morning and there is now a sign in front of the house.  I am sending positive thoughts that your realtor is correct about an easy sell.  🤞


In 2000 on the world cruise on P&O Oriana, we spent a day touring Bangkok.  We took a ship's tour since we had not been there before.  After a driving tour of the city, we had a walking tour of the Grand Palace compound.  The compound has many ornate buildings crowded into the site.  Following the visit to the palace, we took a boat on the Chao Phraya River to a hotel for lunch.


Pictures from our drive through Bangkok.  I'm not sure if the first picture was in Laem Chabang or Bangkok.







These next pictures are from the palace compound.  There are many Wats or temples within the walls of the palace compound.





There are also many statues around the buildings.



Many of the buildings are covered in gold leaf, and this one had statues "holding up" part of the building.



A close up of one of the faces



The Temple of the Emerald Buddha



Another Wat



Wat Arun



We did not go in any of the Wats, but just walked around the compound.  This next picture is the traffic outside the palace grounds.



The Grand Palace from the river



On the way to the hotel for lunch, we passed some of the less nice areas of Bangkok.



Our stay in Laem Chabang had a late departure.  When we returned to the ship, we hire a taxi for a quick tour to Pattaya, which is south of Laem Chabang.   Our driver took us through several of the streets.  The Dailyites who served in Vietnam may be familiar with the town, as it was one of the places the GIs went for R&R.


The beach in Pattaya



We saw this familiar restaurant from home.



Some of the places we saw on our walk around Pattaya.









Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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2 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Sandi you and Dennis seemed to have traveled the world! Is there a place that is still on your bucket list?


Joy, I'm very lucky to have traveled to many ports of call on our cruises.  From our first cruise in 2002 to our first Mediterranean in 2008 we stayed pretty close to the US.  Alaska, Caribbean, Mexico and Hawaii.  Dennis retired in 2008 and we began to cruise for extended time periods to many interesting and far-flung places.  As for places on the bucket list, how about the last four days?   Hadn't been to any of them!  🤑


Boracay, Philippines
Agios Nikolaos, Crete, Greece
Tadine, Mare, New Caledonia
Brest, France




2 hours ago, DeeniEncinitas said:



Dearest Jacqui,

Beautiful, just beautiful!!!

I remember how welcoming you made me feel when I first joined CC back in 2009!!! I have traveled through you and Jose over all these years

and remember how you both enjoyed your wonderful parties in your backyard and all of your photos and pictures of Jose  and his chili 🌶 peppers!! Your adventures at sea and videos of both of you kicking up your heels dancing which was fun to watch!! Your blog on Oceania all your pictures and how the butler set up for Jose’s birthday on board!!  And how you enjoyed buying new shoes on your travels as well as Jose and dressed to the nines!!

The food porns of both of you and your gatherings of fellow friends on board the ships! So this morning I had my celebration of memories of both of you!!

Your an amazing person Jacqui and Jose is the love of your life. God bless you both and THANKYOU❤️



Denise, I'm glad to see you posting on the Daily today!  You have some wonderful memories of your times spent with Jacqui and Jose.❤️

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5 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

It looks like today may not be as productive as I had planned.  We've been enjoying our comfortable weather this morning.  Now if it would just stay this way all year, we'd be very happy campers.  We just got back from a short (for us) ride in our Smart with the top down.  I don't think we went where DH originally intended since there was construction on the road into town.  Instead, we drove around some of the back roads near the lake.


@HAL4NOW  Thank for the good news about the Bolt Creek Fire.  It's good to know there has been no loss of life and only minor property loss.  With the lower wind and higher humidity, I hope they can get it under control soon.


@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad everything went well this morning and there is now a sign in front of the house.  I am sending positive thoughts that your realtor is correct about an easy sell.  🤞


In 2000 on the world cruise on P&O Oriana, we spent a day touring Bangkok.  We took a ship's tour since we had not been there before.  After a driving tour of the city, we had a walking tour of the Grand Palace compound.  The compound has many ornate buildings crowded into the site.  Following the visit to the palace, we took a boat on the Chao Phraya River to a hotel for lunch.


Pictures from our drive through Bangkok.  I'm not sure if the first picture was in Laem Chabang or Bangkok.







These next pictures are from the palace compound.  There are many Wats or temples within the walls of the palace compound.





There are also many statues around the buildings.



Many of the buildings are covered in gold leaf, and this one had statues "holding up" part of the building.



A close up of one of the faces



The Temple of the Emerald Buddha



Another Wat



Wat Arun



We did not go in any of the Wats, but just walked around the compound.  This next picture is the traffic outside the palace grounds.



The Grand Palace from the river



On the way to the hotel for lunch, we passed some of the less nice areas of Bangkok.



Our stay in Laem Chabang had a late departure.  When we returned to the ship, we hire a taxi for a quick tour to Pattaya, which is south of Laem Chabang.   Our driver took us through several of the streets.  The Dailyites who served in Vietnam may be familiar with the town, as it was one of the places the GIs went for R&R.


The beach in Pattaya



We saw this familiar restaurant from home.



Some of the places we saw on our walk around Pattaya.











Thanks for the great photos, Lenda!  

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36 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

It looks like today may not be as productive as I had planned.  We've been enjoying our comfortable weather this morning.  Now if it would just stay this way all year, we'd be very happy campers.  We just got back from a short (for us) ride in our Smart with the top down.  I don't think we went where DH originally intended since there was construction on the road into town.  Instead, we drove around some of the back roads near the lake.


@HAL4NOW  Thank for the good news about the Bolt Creek Fire.  It's good to know there has been no loss of life and only minor property loss.  With the lower wind and higher humidity, I hope they can get it under control soon.


@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad everything went well this morning and there is now a sign in front of the house.  I am sending positive thoughts that your realtor is correct about an easy sell.  🤞


In 2000 on the world cruise on P&O Oriana, we spent a day touring Bangkok.  We took a ship's tour since we had not been there before.  After a driving tour of the city, we had a walking tour of the Grand Palace compound.  The compound has many ornate buildings crowded into the site.  Following the visit to the palace, we took a boat on the Chao Phraya River to a hotel for lunch.


Pictures from our drive through Bangkok.  I'm not sure if the first picture was in Laem Chabang or Bangkok.







These next pictures are from the palace compound.  There are many Wats or temples within the walls of the palace compound.





There are also many statues around the buildings.



Many of the buildings are covered in gold leaf, and this one had statues "holding up" part of the building.



A close up of one of the faces



The Temple of the Emerald Buddha



Another Wat



Wat Arun



We did not go in any of the Wats, but just walked around the compound.  This next picture is the traffic outside the palace grounds.



The Grand Palace from the river



On the way to the hotel for lunch, we passed some of the less nice areas of Bangkok.



Our stay in Laem Chabang had a late departure.  When we returned to the ship, we hire a taxi for a quick tour to Pattaya, which is south of Laem Chabang.   Our driver took us through several of the streets.  The Dailyites who served in Vietnam may be familiar with the town, as it was one of the places the GIs went for R&R.


The beach in Pattaya



We saw this familiar restaurant from home.



Some of the places we saw on our walk around Pattaya.









I enjoyed looking at all your photos Lenda.


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I have a few more pictures from Bangkok.  These were taken in 2003 during our two days in Bangkok before boarding the old Regal Princess for a 30 day cruise to Rome.  That was the "mystery" cruise I've mentioned before.  The cruise started less than a month after the US invaded Iraq and during the height of SARS.   We had insurance, and debated up to the last minute, whether or not to go.  We decided we'd take a chance, and we were very glad we did.  That was the cruise that we only made six of the thirteen original ports.  There was some good ports substituted though.


It was adventure from the beginning.  Our plane sat on the runway at DFW for more than a hour due to a ground stop caused by thunderstorms in the area.  We arrived at LAX at the time our plane to Tokyo was supposed to leave, and in a different terminal.  Thanks to a glitch, the plane was late leaving and we made our flight.  The glitch was that every time they closed the door, the automatic announcement about putting on your oxygen masks came on even though the masks did not drop down.  It took a while after we boarded before they had it fixed.  We had seats in row 3 of a 747 by the window, and we were not popular with the two passengers who had to moved back to their seats in the middle.


The adventure did not end when we landed in Tokyo.  It was raining when we changed planes, and the luggage got wet, but fortunately not the contents.  We arrived in Bangkok late, but did not go to the terminal.  We were taken to a warehouse, where medical personnel took our temperature and looked at a form we filled out.  They were checking people for SARS.   We were then taken to the terminal, collected our luggage and boarded the bus to the Shangri-La Hotel.  


At the hotel, check in was easy, and we were told about a tour the next day to the floating markets.  We said no since the tour left about 8 or 9 am, but the Princess representative said to book it because we'd be up in time.  Surprisingly we were, and had a good tour.


On our way to the floating market, we saw vast "fields" where they were gathering salt crystals.  Some of the salt was sold in bags at the market.





Flowers for sale at the market



Our boat and going through the floating market.  We stopped at one pavilion and walked around, but it was hot off the water.







Our next stop was a furniture factory.  They made heavy and ornately carved furniture.  They also made carved gift items.  This is one of the bigger carvings and the workshop.





In the afternoon, we rested in our hotel room. We'd joined the hotel club and got a two room suite for $25 extra.


That night, we took a taxi from the hotel to an area where there were many open air restaurants.  I don't remember what the dish we had was called, but it was very good.  Our mistake going back to the hotel was to get a taxi on the street and not at a nearby hotel.  We agreed on a price, and halfway back, in a fairly deserted part of town, the driver raised the price by a factor of about 10.  We made him stop, got out and paid the original price.  Shortly afterwards, another taxi stopped, and took us to the hotel for the agreed upon price.  He was not happy about what had happened to us as it made all the taxi drivers look bad.  Moral of the story is to get a taxi at a hotel in Bangkok.


The next morning, we took the sky train into the main part of Bangkok and later back to the hotel.  There was a stop just a few blocks from the hotel.  



One of the main shopping streets



A shrine on the same street.



On the advice of someone we met, we visited the Jim Thompson House, which is set in an area of big buildings, but is a quiet oasis in the city.  Jim Thompson, an American, was a self-made entrepreneur who worked in the silk trade after WWII.  He mysteriously disappeared in Malaysia  A relic of an older era, his house is a museum to that time and the silk industry in Thailand.





Once back in the main part of town, we took a Tuk-Tuk to see another statue of Buddha.





After two busy days, we decided to try the Chinese restaurant in the hotel where we shared appetizers.


The next morning we set out bags outside the room before breakfast.  Later that morning, we headed to Laem Chabang by bus and boarded the Regal Princess.  Fortunately, we had a much better experience on the bus than Sandi @StLouisCruisers.




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24 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

I have a few more pictures from Bangkok.  These were taken in 2003 during our two days in Bangkok before boarding the old Regal Princess for a 30 day cruise to Rome.  That was the "mystery" cruise I've mentioned before.  The cruise started less than a month after the US invaded Iraq and during the height of SARS.   We had insurance, and debated up to the last minute, whether or not to go.  We decided we'd take a chance, and we were very glad we did.  That was the cruise that we only made six of the thirteen original ports.  There was some good ports substituted though.


It was adventure from the beginning.  Our plane sat on the runway at DFW for more than a hour due to a ground stop caused by thunderstorms in the area.  We arrived at LAX at the time our plane to Tokyo was supposed to leave, and in a different terminal.  Thanks to a glitch, the plane was late leaving and we made our flight.  The glitch was that every time they closed the door, the automatic announcement about putting on your oxygen masks came on even though the masks did not drop down.  It took a while after we boarded before they had it fixed.  We had seats in row 3 of a 747 by the window, and we were not popular with the two passengers who had to moved back to their seats in the middle.


The adventure did not end when we landed in Tokyo.  It was raining when we changed planes, and the luggage got wet, but fortunately not the contents.  We arrived in Bangkok late, but did not go to the terminal.  We were taken to a warehouse, where medical personnel took our temperature and looked at a form we filled out.  They were checking people for SARS.   We were then taken to the terminal, collected our luggage and boarded the bus to the Shangri-La Hotel.  


At the hotel, check in was easy, and we were told about a tour the next day to the floating markets.  We said no since the tour left about 8 or 9 am, but the Princess representative said to book it because we'd be up in time.  Surprisingly we were, and had a good tour.


On our way to the floating market, we saw vast "fields" where they were gathering salt crystals.  Some of the salt was sold in bags at the market.





Flowers for sale at the market



Our boat and going through the floating market.  We stopped at one pavilion and walked around, but it was hot off the water.







Our next stop was a furniture factory.  They made heavy and ornately carved furniture.  They also made carved gift items.  This is one of the bigger carvings and the workshop.





In the afternoon, we rested in our hotel room. We'd joined the hotel club and got a two room suite for $25 extra.


That night, we took a taxi from the hotel to an area where there were many open air restaurants.  I don't remember what the dish we had was called, but it was very good.  Our mistake going back to the hotel was to get a taxi on the street and not at a nearby hotel.  We agreed on a price, and halfway back, in a fairly deserted part of town, the driver raised the price by a factor of about 10.  We made him stop, got out and paid the original price.  Shortly afterwards, another taxi stopped, and took us to the hotel for the agreed upon price.  He was not happy about what had happened to us as it made all the taxi drivers look bad.  Moral of the story is to get a taxi at a hotel in Bangkok.


The next morning, we took the sky train into the main part of Bangkok and later back to the hotel.  There was a stop just a few blocks from the hotel.  



One of the main shopping streets



A shrine on the same street.



On the advice of someone we met, we visited the Jim Thompson House, which is set in an area of big buildings, but is a quiet oasis in the city.  Jim Thompson, an American, was a self-made entrepreneur who worked in the silk trade after WWII.  He mysteriously disappeared in Malaysia  A relic of an older era, his house is a museum to that time and the silk industry in Thailand.





Once back in the main part of town, we took a Tuk-Tuk to see another statue of Buddha.





After two busy days, we decided to try the Chinese restaurant in the hotel where we shared appetizers.


The next morning we set out bags outside the room before breakfast.  Later that morning, we headed to Laem Chabang by bus and boarded the Regal Princess.  Fortunately, we had a much better experience on the bus than Sandi @StLouisCruisers.




Fantastic photos Lenda.

Great advice also about getting taxis from a hotel.


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Good afternoon, good friends!  Happy Monday, and hope that the rest of the day will be a stellar one for everyone!


First and foremost, thanks to @richwmnand @rafinmd for their daily diligence in keeping this wonderful Daily going.  I have been reading in the past few weeks, but not usually posting or even "liking" the posts at times.


@kazuyou tribute to your wonderful Jose was such a beautiful Celebration of Life!  I marvel that you did so much yourself!  What a wonderful gathering it must have been!!


I have loved all of today's lovely photos of Bangkok.  My husband went there on his R&R while in Vietnam.  He loved his visit to Bangkok!   I just got out his photo album from that year, and sadly, so many of the pictures are fading.  He was in Vietnam from 69-70, and I am sure many of us have color photos from that era that are so faded!  (The black and white pictures he took are still of very good quality.)


I have decided that I will just WILL myself into a better outlook.  So, this morning, I had a list of tasks to be done.  I started with the first one which was cleaning out the cabinet under my kitchen sink!  Of course, that led to cleaning out two more cabinets in the laundry area.  When I got down on the floor, something in my one knee reminded me that an 80-year old woman shouldn't be doing such things.  It seems fine now, but guess that was enough for one day!  Got most of my list done, and I am so proud!  Still need to put things out of the way for tomorrow's arrival of the cleaning lady!


Glad that the wildfires aren't gaining in strength, at least today.  Our valley has been inundated with the smoke from those fires.  We will gladly accept smoke as opposed to more fires!  We can't even see any of the surrounding landscapes which normally are quite visible.  From my home Colorado National Monument is barely visible even though it is less than 5 miles from me!


Have a great rest of the day, everyone!

Mary Kay



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8 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

Good afternoon, good friends!  Happy Monday, and hope that the rest of the day will be a stellar one for everyone!


First and foremost, thanks to @richwmnand @rafinmd for their daily diligence in keeping this wonderful Daily going.  I have been reading in the past few weeks, but not usually posting or even "liking" the posts at times.


@kazuyou tribute to your wonderful Jose was such a beautiful Celebration of Life!  I marvel that you did so much yourself!  What a wonderful gathering it must have been!!


I have loved all of today's lovely photos of Bangkok.  My husband went there on his R&R while in Vietnam.  He loved his visit to Bangkok!   I just got out his photo album from that year, and sadly, so many of the pictures are fading.  He was in Vietnam from 69-70, and I am sure many of us have color photos from that era that are so faded!  (The black and white pictures he took are still of very good quality.)


I have decided that I will just WILL myself into a better outlook.  So, this morning, I had a list of tasks to be done.  I started with the first one which was cleaning out the cabinet under my kitchen sink!  Of course, that led to cleaning out two more cabinets in the laundry area.  When I got down on the floor, something in my one knee reminded me that an 80-year old woman shouldn't be doing such things.  It seems fine now, but guess that was enough for one day!  Got most of my list done, and I am so proud!  Still need to put things out of the way for tomorrow's arrival of the cleaning lady!


Glad that the wildfires aren't gaining in strength, at least today.  Our valley has been inundated with the smoke from those fires.  We will gladly accept smoke as opposed to more fires!  We can't even see any of the surrounding landscapes which normally are quite visible.  From my home Colorado National Monument is barely visible even though it is less than 5 miles from me!


Have a great rest of the day, everyone!

Mary Kay




Mary Kay, when I was going through old color photos several years ago, many of ours were faded.  We have a scanner that can scan photos, and we found that that it not only made the colors stand out, but it brought back the original color in some that the colors had faded from blue to a red.  If you have a good quality scanner, or know someone who has one, those old pictures can be scanned into your computer and/or printed.  The advantage of scanning them into the computer is they will be available and will not fade again.  If you do this, be prepared to have a few that just won't be improved, but the vast majority will be better.


13 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Fantastic photos Lenda.

Great advice also about getting taxis from a hotel.



Thanks for your kind words.  That is the only time we've had a problem like that with a taxi.  We were lucky that one found  us in the deserted area.  We've found around the world that generally, the taxi drivers stick to the agreed price.  They know that upsetting and overcharging foreign passengers is not good for business as word will get around.  



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2 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad everything went well this morning and there is now a sign in front of the house.  I am sending positive thoughts that your realtor is correct about an easy sell.  🤞


Please do send those positive thoughts.  We just received a counter to our counter and it is in the ball park.  The only thing our realtor there is concerned about is the contingency clause that allows them to continue to show the house until we have cash in hand.  My realtor here gave me some ideas to get around that and I am going to the credit union tomorrow to set one up.  

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Just now, dfish said:


Please do send those positive thoughts.  We just received a counter to our counter and it is in the ball park.  The only thing our realtor there is concerned about is the contingency clause that allows them to continue to show the house until we have cash in hand.  My realtor here gave me some ideas to get around that and I am going to the credit union tomorrow to set one up.  


Good luck, and I hope the plan works.


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4 hours ago, Dismomx5 said:


@kazu what a lovely Celebration of Life that you had for José! I hope that it brought you joy and comfort to share with your family and friends.



Thank you ♥️ 


5 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

@kazu It looks like you had a very lovely remembrance for Jose. Praying for comfort and peace for you.


Thanks ♥️ 


5 hours ago, DeeniEncinitas said:



Dearest Jacqui,

Beautiful, just beautiful!!!

I remember how welcoming you made me feel when I first joined CC back in 2009!!! I have traveled through you and Jose over all these years

and remember how you both enjoyed your wonderful parties in your backyard and all of your photos and pictures of Jose  and his chili 🌶 peppers!! Your adventures at sea and videos of both of you kicking up your heels dancing which was fun to watch!! Your blog on Oceania all your pictures and how the butler set up for Jose’s birthday on board!!  And how you enjoyed buying new shoes on your travels as well as Jose and dressed to the nines!!

The food porns of both of you and your gatherings of fellow friends on board the ships! So this morning I had my celebration of memories of both of you!!

Your an amazing person Jacqui and Jose is the love of your life. God bless you both and THANKYOU❤️



How very kind, Denise. ♥️ Thank you.


5 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Jacqui such a beautiful celebration for Jose. Looks like many hours were put into food, drink and memories. I noticed Teddy in one of your pictures.


Yes, the table with the tribute for Jose had the heart I keep on my glass stand with his ashes, ‘Jose” (the teddy bear) who also has a heart with his ashes, an urn with some of his and the dogs’ ashes & a sign he loved that a patient carved for him.  I confess it took a lot of time to do 😉 


5 hours ago, durangoscots said:

What a wonderful way to celebrate his life. 


Thank you ♥️ Jose loved to host summer parties so it seemed right.


3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

@kazu  Jacqui, thank you for the pictures of Jose's celebration of life.  Your deck and gardens looked lovely for the occasion, as did the food.  Everyone in the pictures seemed to be enjoying themselves.  You can be proud of the hard work you did to honor Jose.


thank you ♥️ 


3 hours ago, HAL4NOW said:

As I write this my eyes are watering, and I don't think it is all from the smoke. I think they started watering when I was reading @kazu Jacqui's post about Jose's celebration of life. May the Lord bless you and keep you at peace, Jacqui.


Thanks, Joy ♥️ 


3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

It looks like everyone had an amazing time.

Beautiful garden and photos.


thanks ♥️ 


3 hours ago, irishjim said:

You should  of  all be  very  proud as I   am sure Jose was

looking down  from  Heaven  and I agree with your Sister.



Ahh - thanks Jim ♥️ 


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

@kazu With all your hard work, the setup for Jose's Celebration of Life looks lovely. I'm glad it was so well attended and that people shared their memories. The food and desserts look wonderful too. I hope it was healing for all. Thanks for sharing your photos.


Thanks so much ♥️ 


2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Jacqui @kazuyour Celebration of Life for Jose looked amazingly perfect.  Everything was absolutely gorgeous.  You did yourself proud and I know he was looking down and smiling. Thank you for sharing your photos.


Thanks ♥️ I hope he approved and was smiling 🤞 


2 hours ago, bennybear said:

@kazuI am gobsmacked by the beautiful celebration of life you created in honour of your dear Jose’.  Well done sweet Jacqui!  Well done!   Now time for some rest! 


Ahh - thanks Brenda ♥️ 


55 minutes ago, cruzn single said:

@kazuyou tribute to your wonderful Jose was such a beautiful Celebration of Life!  I marvel that you did so much yourself!  What a wonderful gathering it must have been!!


I think everyone had a good time - not too many tears and a lot of ‘Saluds” to Jose.



@dfishsending many positive thoughts your way and that your realtor’s ideas come to fruition and work 🤞 


@marshhawkBon Voyage!!!



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Hello Dailyites!


Greetings from rainy and still humid Central Virginia. Thanks to all who contribute so regularly to this thread. It is absolutely wonderful to read each day.


Today's suggestions definitely resonated in this house.


Roasted chicken, always a good idea here, will morph into Cornish Game Hen for these two empty nesters. With wine. Of course.


Today's wine sounded quite familiar.  Over the weekend, we went wild and streamed a film, From the Vine, on a whim and quite enjoyed it immensely. Funny. Wine. Italy. What's not to like? Bonus: it's a Canadian production! Free if you have Amazon Prime. And the wine that was part of the storyline was an Anglianico!  https://www.calabriatheotheritaly.com/from-the-vine-film/      So many of you are so well travelled, you may have visited Acerenza. It looks absolutely amazing. Now on the ever-growing Bucket List. (Note to self: Lotto tix!)


DH spent years in Thailand, including some of that time in Bangkok. Long before we met, I visited there for a few days decades ago. It was long before I ever set foot on a cruise ship. I stayed in the Authors' Wing at the Oriental Hotel. Fabulous. So many of you posted beautiful photos today that are just terrific to look at and see such incredible changes. Thank you.


@kazu  Jacqui - the photos and description of Celebration of Jose's life were so lovely. Thank you so very much for sharing them with us.


@difish  Debbie - I am a fan of your culinary descriptions and recipes, in addition to your many other contributions. However, I am in awe of the heavy lifting you have gone through to prepare your current home for sale and then relocate with your sister 'back home.' All your hard work will probably result in your current home selling quickly. I do hope your offer to purchase is accepted. We sold our home in May, have been living in a rental since then, and have now been given a closing date as our Forever Home  is nearing completion. Yay! I just did a Zoom moving estimate this morning for the move. Obviously, I do not have your energy level. That being said, we are looking forward to finally unpacking and staying put (except for the occasional vay-kay) . 


Thank you all for your wonderful memories & photos each day. Sharing your triumphs and less pleasant whoopses of life. The humor and the memes brighten the dullest of days. And thank you Rich & Ray for bringing us together.


Wishing you all the very best,

-Cat & David





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5 minutes ago, Ichiban Nekko said:

Hello Dailyites!


Greetings from rainy and still humid Central Virginia. Thanks to all who contribute so regularly to this thread. It is absolutely wonderful to read each day.


Today's suggestions definitely resonated in this house.


Roasted chicken, always a good idea here, will morph into Cornish Game Hen for these two empty nesters. With wine. Of course.


Today's wine sounded quite familiar.  Over the weekend, we went wild and streamed a film, From the Vine, on a whim and quite enjoyed it immensely. Funny. Wine. Italy. What's not to like? Bonus: it's a Canadian production! Free if you have Amazon Prime. And the wine that was part of the storyline was an Anglianico!  https://www.calabriatheotheritaly.com/from-the-vine-film/      So many of you are so well travelled, you may have visited Acerenza. It looks absolutely amazing. Now on the ever-growing Bucket List. (Note to self: Lotto tix!)


DH spent years in Thailand, including some of that time in Bangkok. Long before we met, I visited there for a few days decades ago. It was long before I ever set foot on a cruise ship. I stayed in the Authors' Wing at the Oriental Hotel. Fabulous. So many of you posted beautiful photos today that are just terrific to look at and see such incredible changes. Thank you.


@kazu  Jacqui - the photos and description of Celebration of Jose's life were so lovely. Thank you so very much for sharing them with us.


@difish  Debbie - I am a fan of your culinary descriptions and recipes, in addition to your many other contributions. However, I am in awe of the heavy lifting you have gone through to prepare your current home for sale and then relocate with your sister 'back home.' All your hard work will probably result in your current home selling quickly. I do hope your offer to purchase is accepted. We sold our home in May, have been living in a rental since then, and have now been given a closing date as our Forever Home  is nearing completion. Yay! I just did a Zoom moving estimate this morning for the move. Obviously, I do not have your energy level. That being said, we are looking forward to finally unpacking and staying put (except for the occasional vay-kay) . 


Thank you all for your wonderful memories & photos each day. Sharing your triumphs and less pleasant whoopses of life. The humor and the memes brighten the dullest of days. And thank you Rich & Ray for bringing us together.


Wishing you all the very best,

-Cat & David





I'm pleased to hear your Forever Home is nearing completion.

You have a lovely new Avatar picture too.


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Finally after months I can read posts from later in the day.  Thank you for the photos of Bangkok!  We are almost caught up after 4 months gone.  Happy surprise that the paperwork for our Grand South America was on the front porch yesterday.  More to work on going forward.  So nice to find out what is happening in everyone's lives!  

As promised photos from my plant load on Saturday to unload today. 



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5 hours ago, Ichiban Nekko said:


@difish  Debbie - I am a fan of your culinary descriptions and recipes, in addition to your many other contributions. However, I am in awe of the heavy lifting you have gone through to prepare your current home for sale and then relocate with your sister 'back home.' All your hard work will probably result in your current home selling quickly. I do hope your offer to purchase is accepted. We sold our home in May, have been living in a rental since then, and have now been given a closing date as our Forever Home  is nearing completion. Yay! I just did a Zoom moving estimate this morning for the move. Obviously, I do not have your energy level. That being said, we are looking forward to finally unpacking and staying put (except for the occasional vay-kay) . 



Thank you so much!   We are closer on the purchase of the house in Michigan and the realtor up there thinks we will land right where we wanted.   The listing on my house went public at 5:16 pm and I already had one showing.  I have five more scheduled for tomorrow and one for Wednesday.


5 hours ago, kazu said:


@dfishsending many positive thoughts your way and that your realtor’s ideas come to fruition and work 🤞 


I think they will.  In addition to the formal showings, I took a couple neighbors through.  One is looking for a house for  her son and the other has friends who are looking for a house.  


5 hours ago, Cat in my lap said:


Debbie, I hope all goes well with your transactions and move!


Thank you so much.  I know I can't go wrong with my Daily family behind me.


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5 hours ago, Ichiban Nekko said:

@kazu  Jacqui - the photos and description of Celebration of Jose's life were so lovely. Thank you so very much for sharing them with us.


Thank you - much appreciated -  I didn’t know if it was appropriate or not - but you have all been through this with me so….


1 hour ago, dobiemom said:

@kazu What a beautiful Celebration of Jose’s life. 😘🤗


Thanks Marcia - so glad we met you when it was the two of us


16 minutes ago, dfish said:


Thank you so much!   We are closer on the purchase of the house in Michigan and the realtor up there thinks we will land right where we wanted.   The listing on my house went public at 5:16 pm and I already had one showing.  I have five more scheduled for tomorrow and one for Wednesday.


All good news. Hang in - I am betting it works out 🤞 🙏🏻 


@Cat in my lapsorry, lost your post (hope I didn’t lose any one else’s.  thanks for the kind words.


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My DW decided to stay in Skykomish and help with the meal preparation for evacuees while I did the fuel run to Leavenworth. I took another neighbor and gas cans from four households.



59'er Diner did not disappoint. 



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2 hours ago, dfish said:


Thank you so much!   We are closer on the purchase of the house in Michigan and the realtor up there thinks we will land right where we wanted.   The listing on my house went public at 5:16 pm and I already had one showing.  I have five more scheduled for tomorrow and one for Wednesday.


Debbie, that's great!  Especially 5 scheduled for tomorrow -- wow!  

24 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:


59'er Diner did not disappoint. 



Yum!  Now I really can't wait until Saturday. 😀

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