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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday February 21st, 2023


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@StLouisCruisers Sandi we do have the Boi Bumba show scheduled.   A year or so ago  someone shared a port video of the show and it looked fantastic.  

Crime in Brazil is bad.  Someone from the ship their iPhone snatched from their hand while taking

a photo today near the Mercado.  We walked over to the Mercado bought a couple t shirts and took an alternate route back. This is just a beginning of the heat we will have further north. 

Cooling off with a nap.  💤




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1 minute ago, ottahand7 said:

@StLouisCruisers Sandi we do have the Boo Bumba show scheduled.   A year or so ago shared a port video of the show and it looked fantastic.  

Crime in Brazil is bad.  Someone from their iPhone snatched from their hand while taking

a photo today near the Mercado.  We walked over to the Mercado bought a couple t shirts and took an alternate route back. This is just a beginning of the heat we will have further north. 

Cooling off with a nap.  💤


Nancy, we stood on the cat walk structure in the back of the room and it was very loud even back there.  One poor man in the last row put his head down and covered his ears so it must have been hurting his ears.  If you have sensitive ears take some of those soft foam earplugs.  Don't worry you will still hear everything quite loud enough.  I always have those in my purse for overnight plane trips.  You will be surprised at how small that room is by the way.


Sorry to hear about the IPhone taken from someone.  I'm sure that happens constantly there.  Enjoy your nap and cool off.  The heat is so draining, isn't it?




6 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Today is finish packing day, and arrange food for our road trip. Shrove Tuesday (aka Mardi Gras but I didn’t know that until later in life…) was never a big celebration other than a good day for pancakes. 

I enjoyed HALs ferry to St John more than the ride around the island.  Pretty place but the tour wasn’t stellar. 

@erewhon glad to see the number of missing coming down for your country! May it continue to improve.  Appreciate your good wishes for us!  

Looking like good weather at all our family’s airports Friday, but if there are planes available is another issue due to expected mid-country storms brewing. Just have to continue hoping for the best, airports and our 3days trekking down I-95!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, near and far!  Cheers to all celebrating milestones and accomplishments. Life is good!  

I posted by memories of Gene Young elsewhere. He did a beautiful service for Remembrance Day / Veterans Day / Armistice Day on our Tales of the South Pacific cruise. Condolences to his loved ones. 

I won’t have internet onboard though some family should with their HIA, but most likely I will be offline for a couple of weeks. Grateful for each of you and this uplifting place we can share. 

For sailaway we’ll be out on 2 balconies, Rotterdam’s port side forward, deck 5. I’ll wave a bandana to show my appreciation for all of you!  (When I can I’ll check for screenshots to share with the family !). Hopefully there’ll be 8 of us on 2 connected balconies if we can get the partition opened before departure!  (The other two rooms are OVs, one is a single.). 


Everybody keep healing, stay well and safe!  ❤️


Best of luck with the weather for your trip to the port and I hope the airlines cooperate, too.  An exciting cruise for you all!  We will watch for you and your family.  With that many waving the camera should zoom in.  You did let them know at PTZ, right?  Sorry we won't get to hear from you though for a while.  Have a wonderful cruise!

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Good morning everyone and Happy Tuesday. Our weather is going to be cooler for a few days and even rain. We are also on a wind advisory. 

I haven’t been to St John but will next time we go to St Thomas. It looks beautiful.  Thanks to all who shared pictures. 

Thank you for the recipes Debbie @dfish. I’m saving your father’s marinade, it sounds good. 

All the talk about sleep and the lack of sleep hits home. I’ve had two bad nights in a row and both times finally got back to sleep about 4 hours later. I hope we all can get better sleep. 

Have a great day!

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Good morning all!

It's been a busy morning already, this morning I discovered that one of the kittens (Captain Soot) has conjunctivitis in one eye.  DD, DSIL and the boys are planning on coming here tonight for the night (to get some kitten time before heading to Whistler tomorrow) so DD is now looking for an appointment at a nearby vet for him.  Never a dull moment!


It sounds like many of us have similar sleep issues.  Sharon @Sharon in AZawake 4 hours is the worst!  Last night for me wasn't bad, I was awake only 1 hour (that's a good night!) between 1:30 and 2:30.  Other awake-times I got right back to sleep last night.  


We've been to St. John once, last fall.  Our tour looked a lot like Sandi's @StLouisCruisersso my photos are very similar.


Debbie @dfishthe recipes today look great!  I've printed off the 2nd one.  I think the marinade would be good on other steaks too -- yum!


Have a nice day everyone!

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I slept nine hours and feel better today, but I'm still eating very cautiously. Many other people who also had lunch at the synagogue on Saturday were also sick and the suspicion falls on the salad since it's the only thing that all of us ate.


I would be happy to have flank steak but none of my kosher supplies has it. I'd also be happy with paczki or fasnachts or pancakes, not that I have any, but the Misfits order that's due today includes maple syrup, so maybe pancakes are in the offing.  I've been to St. Thomas and St. Croix but not St. John.



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Thank you Sandi, thank you Vanessa, thank you Debbie, and thank you Dixie for your daily contribution!  And thank you all for being here!


Wishing I could enjoy a paczki today like I use to have when I grew up in Chicago. Even though we lived in a German neighborhood, they were still available in our local food stores. Next to Warsaw, Chicago's Metropolitan area are second in Polish population. That is why I would also enjoy an occasional Zywiec or Tyskie brew.


Stay Safe!


- Jack

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Good day all. Our excitement today is watching the city take down an old maple in our neighbours yard. No one is climbing the tree. They have a machine with a claw and a saw on the end and are taking huge limbs down and chopping them up on the ground. Have not seen it done this way before.


We are waiting for this winter storm coming across from the west. Predicted to start late Wednesday as snow or ice pellets and turning to freezing rain. We will just hunker down and hope our one daughter can either work from home tomorrow or leave work early. 

our DSIL makes the best flank steak on the bbq. I don’t even try! 

prayers for all that need them and a celebratory shout out to those celebrating! Never knew tree removal could be this interesting.!

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4 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning on this Shrove Tuesday/Fat Tuesday.

No pancakes for me today, as I used to do on Shrove Tuesday. I only once had my cards read. If it means greeting cards, I have saved Birthday and Christmas cards from BFF for years. I'll salute my Mother language of English! Funny quote. I make flank steak fairly often, marinating, then cooking on my indoor grill. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine.

I haven't been to St. John Island, USVI, only to St. Thomas, on my first ever cruise in 2004.


It's rainy and windy here, although not cold. I'm having my coffee now, as I can't have any caffeine or even decaf coffee or tea after 10:30AM, due to my stress test tomorrow. Today I need to go through some of the way too many clothes I have and organize by size (lol) and decide what to donate.


@StLouisCruisers Thank you for today's FR/Daily and the St. John photos. That's not much sleep you're getting. 

@rafinmd I hope you are starting to feel stronger, and that your sleep will be better tonight.

@dfish Thanks for the recipes and Dad's marinade. Good luck with the tests.

@kazu What a pain with the paperwork! I hope the weather tomorrow doesn't interfere with your going to PT.

@ottahand7 Thank you for sharing photos from your cruise.

@grapau27 I hope you will find Sarah doing well when you see her on Thursday.

@ger_77 Ah, a nice new fast computer! My last one couldn't update to Windows 11, so I got a new one last year.

@GTVCRUISER Nice photos!

@Cruzin Terri I was sorry to read the MBR wasn't going to be finished when you got home. I'm sure you were tired and good that you slept well last night.

@erewhon I'm glad you are safe, but so sad about all that's going on in New Zealand.


Prayers for the Care List and a toast to the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone.

Thank you Vanessa.

Sending you our best wishes for your stress test tomorrow.


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Good afternoon/evening.  It’s a sunny day here in San Diego, but rain and wind is apparently coming soon.

We had pancakes for breakfast and will have gumbo for dinner.  I keep green, gold and purple sprinkles in the pantry, so need to find a sweet to sprinkle them on.  Tomorrow will be cutting back on internet, food and drink.


Taken as reading greeting cards, I have a correspondence file full of them and enjoy them from time to time.  Taken as fortune-telling, I got it in my head to learn to read tarot cards as a way to exercise my aging memory.  There are lots of configurations to memorize.  I bought a book all about it, but forgot to follow through.
All languages are interesting.  I like the quote from John Cleese.


 @dfishDebbie, we make a flank steak very similar to your dad’s.  It’s a foolproof bbq.  We call it “birthday flank steak” because that’s what we all want on our birthday.

The cocktail and wine sound good, as does a visit to St. John.

@StLouisCruisersSandi, DH sleeps like a brick, too.  So lucky!  I used to have a sleep med prescription and would take it one night a week, just to catch up.  I liked that system, but my doctor doesn’t like to prescribe them at all, so now I just get by.  It’s so weird how women wake in the middle of the night.


@summer slope, thanks for the St. John photos.  You and your friends must have many good memories about St. John.

@ottahand7, scary about the iPhone.  
@RMLincoln, it sounds like you have a wonderful vacation planned.  😍


Many thanks to all who contribute to the Daily. Hello to those who just read and enjoy. 😊


Stay safe and warm out there.



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Garfield on Twitter: "Happy Fat Tuesday! Let the feast begin! #fattuesday  #CatsofTwitter #Diet #IHateMondays https://t.co/pi9XuySYzq" / Twitter


@Crazy For Cats  @1ANGELCAT All of my grandparents are PA Dutch and my grandmothers made the BEST fastnachts.  We always poured King syrup over them.  If anyone is interested in their history it is contained in the link.  One made a recipe that included potatoes and my favorite was a recipe similar to the one in the link. https://www.amish365.com/old-fashioned-amish-fastnachts/


St. John, USVI is my favorite Caribbean island.  As always, thanks for the photos @StLouisCruisersand @Overhead Fred (mine are all pre-digital). I think the fact that there is no airport, you must take a ferry, makes it special.  We spent our honeymoon at what is now the Westin in July 1989 during Hurricane Hugo.  What an adventure,  the children that were were participating in a summer camp at the National Park were evacuated to our hotel.  We arrived to rain and over 300 children in the pool.  Luckily it cleared the next day and all the children returned to the campground. Over the years we have rented several villas on the island.  There is excellent snorkeling in some of the more "undiscovered" bays. @tupper10We call then no-see-ums (instead of sand fleas), they are the worst at sunrise and sunset.  We use Avon Skin So Soft and never have a problem.  (I actually think they drown in the oil before they can bite me.)   Unfortunately, the island was devastated by Hurricanes Irma and Maria in September  2017. Thanks for including the picture after the hurricane  @summer slope.  Have you been back since the hurricane?   I look forward to returning there for another week long vacation in the near future.


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Good afternoon.  It is still partly sunny and 85F.  The sun made it hot during my walk this morning to get the mail.  Not an exciting day, I just caught up on bills and banking.


4 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Back from Podiatrists and groceries from the store in that direction.  Not the greatest as the feet have been swollen since my hospitalization but we were both pleased that the swelling is receding and he did not see evidence of infection.




Roy, that is good news there was no sign of infection and that the swelling is going down.


4 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Good morning from sunny Durango. High is supposed to be in the mid-40's today and then...... a winter storm with snow and high winds beginning later tonight. Since a number of our Humane Society Board members live out of town, I have postponed tomorrow nights meeting until next week. Thought I would do it early so they don't have to worry about the weather. The neighbor who usually clears my car and drive is out of town so I will have to deal with any of the white stuff myself.


Have been to St. John and loved it. Would like very much to go back. And I think I had better skip the pancakes as much as I enjoy them. We will see. Today is going to be laundry day and continuing to intense clear out. Did not get far yesterday... the contents of one box took me nearly all day.




Susan, be careful during the storm and dealing with the white stuff.  Glad you canceled the board meeting.


3 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

Today is finish packing day, and arrange food for our road trip. Shrove Tuesday (aka Mardi Gras but I didn’t know that until later in life…) was never a big celebration other than a good day for pancakes. 

I enjoyed HALs ferry to St John more than the ride around the island.  Pretty place but the tour wasn’t stellar. 

@erewhon glad to see the number of missing coming down for your country! May it continue to improve.  Appreciate your good wishes for us!  

Looking like good weather at all our family’s airports Friday, but if there are planes available is another issue due to expected mid-country storms brewing. Just have to continue hoping for the best, airports and our 3days trekking down I-95!  

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, near and far!  Cheers to all celebrating milestones and accomplishments. Life is good!  

I posted by memories of Gene Young elsewhere. He did a beautiful service for Remembrance Day / Veterans Day / Armistice Day on our Tales of the South Pacific cruise. Condolences to his loved ones. 

I won’t have internet onboard though some family should with their HIA, but most likely I will be offline for a couple of weeks. Grateful for each of you and this uplifting place we can share. 

For sailaway we’ll be out on 2 balconies, Rotterdam’s port side forward, deck 5. I’ll wave a bandana to show my appreciation for all of you!  (When I can I’ll check for screenshots to share with the family !). Hopefully there’ll be 8 of us on 2 connected balconies if we can get the partition opened before departure!  (The other two rooms are OVs, one is a single.). 


Everybody keep healing, stay well and safe!  ❤️


Maureen, safe travels the next three days as you head to Ft. Lauderdale.  Also, safe flights for your family on Friday.


3 hours ago, cruising sister said:



posted on yesterday’s by mistake so you will see this twice


Good morning,

How horrible the loss of life is with our recent natural disasters! Prayers to all. Hopefully help will make things a bit easier. 

Roy I know how worrisome it is not to have a good nights sleep. My DH always struggled when he felt he wasn’t sleeping well. Me,I haven’t sleep well since medical school then the nasty “women of your age” hit me. I am sure I have lost years off my life due to insufficient sleep. Sometimes it takes a mild sleep aid for a short time to break the pattern. Please ask your doctor what they think. 

I broke down and hired someone to come clean for me. I am stressing my right hand that has the same problem. I am hoping to put off or hopefully not need surgery in the future. I had someone for years but since retirement I have been doing it on my own. 

Fat Tuesday came fast. I will need to take advantage of some treats today. 

Have a great day everyone. 



Lorraine, that was a good idea to hire someone to clean so you don't stress your other hand.


3 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

It's been a busy morning already, this morning I discovered that one of the kittens (Captain Soot) has conjunctivitis in one eye.  DD, DSIL and the boys are planning on coming here tonight for the night (to get some kitten time before heading to Whistler tomorrow) so DD is now looking for an appointment at a nearby vet for him.  Never a dull moment!


It sounds like many of us have similar sleep issues.  Sharon @Sharon in AZawake 4 hours is the worst!  Last night for me wasn't bad, I was awake only 1 hour (that's a good night!) between 1:30 and 2:30.  Other awake-times I got right back to sleep last night.  


We've been to St. John once, last fall.  Our tour looked a lot like Sandi's @StLouisCruisersso my photos are very similar.


Debbie @dfishthe recipes today look great!  I've printed off the 2nd one.  I think the marinade would be good on other steaks too -- yum!


Have a nice day everyone!


Carolyn, I hope the vet can help clear up Captain Soot's conjunctivitis.


2 hours ago, kochleffel said:

I slept nine hours and feel better today, but I'm still eating very cautiously. Many other people who also had lunch at the synagogue on Saturday were also sick and the suspicion falls on the salad since it's the only thing that all of us ate.


I would be happy to have flank steak but none of my kosher supplies has it. I'd also be happy with paczki or fasnachts or pancakes, not that I have any, but the Misfits order that's due today includes maple syrup, so maybe pancakes are in the offing.  I've been to St. Thomas and St. Croix but not St. John.




Paul, I'm glad your are feeling better today and got a good night's sleep.  I hope the others who go sick from the salad are doing better.  



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Thanks for the skin so soft hint unfortunately it doesn't work for me. I am allergic to the bites so though I try to avoid them it is not possible for me.  My husband doesn't get one bite and I get them all over and even with Deet the bugs just say hmm - she's delicious.  St John is one of the most beautiful islands we have ever been too. We did loads of great hikes there as well as beach time.  I loved seeing the pictures.  The devastation of the island after the hurricanes is so sad to see.  

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17 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Carolyn, I hope the vet can help clear up Captain Soot's conjunctivitis.

Thank you Lenda.  The appointment went well and Soot was a little gentleman 😉  We have 14 days of antibiotics now (I only have to worry about the next 5 days).  But now I worry that Smudge will get it too and we start all over again.  

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Well, I have a bit more information as to why my Master Bath is not finished.  After we left for our cruise and they started to pull up the old tiles and move the drain, it became apparent that the bathroom floor was not level and it required a lot of grinding down prior to moving the drain and setting the new tile floor in the bathroom. This took more time than anticipated and because of doing this, the contractor lost the window for his tiling subcontractor.

So now it is a waiting game until he can get the tilers back to do the work.

At least I understand the reason for the delay.  it doesn’t make me happy, but I know why.


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Things went down hill after the Podiatrist.  My lung doctor ordered one more test and I now now more about it.  It;s an overnight with a recording pulsox, and requires me to wear a small device tomorrow night.  The problem is that the lab insists that they deliver the device in person and then pick it up the next day.  All they could tell me is that it would be between 10 and 6, so I may be effectively homebound the next 2 days.  They may be able to give me a shorter window tomorrow after 1o but I'm dreading the next 48 hours.



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15 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Things went down hill after the Podiatrist.  My lung doctor ordered one more test and I now now more about it.  It;s an overnight with a recording pulsox, and requires me to wear a small device tomorrow night.  The problem is that the lab insists that they deliver the device in person and then pick it up the next day.  All they could tell me is that it would be between 10 and 6, so I may be effectively homebound the next 2 days.  They may be able to give me a shorter window tomorrow after 1o but I'm dreading the next 48 hours.




I'll be saying an extra prayer that you receive your device without delay and that the results of the test are favorable.  Hang in there, Roy.  Medical stuff is not any fun.

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21 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Things went down hill after the Podiatrist.  My lung doctor ordered one more test and I now now more about it.  It;s an overnight with a recording pulsox, and requires me to wear a small device tomorrow night.  The problem is that the lab insists that they deliver the device in person and then pick it up the next day.  All they could tell me is that it would be between 10 and 6, so I may be effectively homebound the next 2 days.  They may be able to give me a shorter window tomorrow after 1o but I'm dreading the next 48 hours.



Well that is a bummer. And I know as soon as you are homebound by a delivery or pickup....you suddenly want to go out. Hopefully they can give you a shorter window, although I would not count on it even if they do. And that the test rules our whatever the lung doctor is thinking about.



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22 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

Things went down hill after the Podiatrist.  My lung doctor ordered one more test and I now now more about it.  It;s an overnight with a recording pulsox, and requires me to wear a small device tomorrow night.  The problem is that the lab insists that they deliver the device in person and then pick it up the next day.  All they could tell me is that it would be between 10 and 6, so I may be effectively homebound the next 2 days.  They may be able to give me a shorter window tomorrow after 1o but I'm dreading the next 48 hours.






4 minutes ago, AncientWanderer said:


I'll be saying an extra prayer that you receive your device without delay and that the results of the test are favorable.  Hang in there, Roy.  Medical stuff is not any fun.


Well said, Maxine.  Good wishes from all of us concerned about your health, Roy!

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Interesting reading on the Daily today about the Pennsylvania Dutch baking "Fastnachts" for Fat Tuesday. Amazingly even though growing up in a predominately German neighborhood (we are Irish and Swedish descent), the heavy Polish influence in Chicago always referenced Paczki for Fat Tuesday. An interesting aside, while growing up our parish had a monsignor as our pastor. His name was "Monsignor Fastnacht" and what I recall was rather heavyset. He passed away while I was in 1st Grade and a new priest (also of German descent) was appointed as pastor. While in 2nd Grade, we were the first class for him to preside over our First Communion. All 191 of us. A "good" Catholic family parish!

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