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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday March 24th, 2023


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1 hour ago, richwmn said:

We are now at 0 degrees latitude and 0 degrees longitude. King Neptune Ceremony has ended and we already have the certificates


The Captain just announced that he is trying to position Zuiderdam along the lat / long lines so that bow is in northern hemisphere, aft in southern hemisphere, port and starboard are in the western / eastern hemispheres


What a wonderful experience your Captain is bringing to everyone on board!  Cruising is a fantastic way to travel.




50 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! If you didn’t get to read my late post on Thursday’s Daily my dinner of choice last night was Chinese takeout. It was so bad I took a few bites and tossed it out. Definitely need to prepare my own meal tonight.

Up early as DW likes to text me at 5:30 in the morning!😱 They have become Cabana girls so I guess that means another $600 per cruise. I was directed to reserve one for our upcoming Eurodam cruise but they are sold out.

Maybe I need to get out and walk the neighborhood and just  maybe find someone to have an adult conversation with. Tired of talking to tv and Alexa.

Thanks for the company and post. 





Sorry about that Chinese dinner last night.  Love the memes!  Don't worry @DWAliaschief will be home soon.



Debbie @dfish I'm happy the antacids did the trick last night for you.  Hope everyone there has a fabulous Farkle Friday.



Carol @mamaofami sorry about your delay yesterday but great to hear all went as planned once it commenced.  Good luck with healing!



After breakfast I went to the gym again today instead of tomorrow since the weather is beautiful right now and tomorrow will not be a nice day.  Now I'm ready for my dental appointment.  After his exercise, DH put his car up on the ramps and is changing the oil.  I am fearful when he does that so he has decided he has graduated from changing his own oil and will just take the cars in to the shop to have them do it in the future.   (Like everybody else does.  Maybe I should say MOST people do)

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2 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:



@aliaschief, Bruce, I am sorry your take out was so awful. Even when it tastes good I usually think “I could make this better”. Maybe you could get on a wait list for a cabana,is that a possibility? It does sound like the height of luxury.


They do not have wait list. Only alternative is to check after boarding.

The egg roll was so overcooked it was hard as a rock. The spicy beef stir fry had no spice but worse only two slivers of beef. The fried rice was white rice with a few peas, and no egg, onion or any seasoning. I have used the restaurant in the past but never again.

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Thanks for our TGIF Daily, Sandi.


I suspect a number of people will gladly celebrate national cocktail day 😉 And a cheesesteak sounds tempting indeed 👍 I completely agree with Dr. Seuss but I’ve been a fan of his for years.




@richwmnwow - that sounds like quite the experience on the Zuiderdam, Rich. 


@puppycanducruisePlease keep your impending storms in Ontario.  We have enough coming here already.  I’m trying to figure out if my elbow is hurting from the new exercises or another storm today. ‘Sigh’


Carol @mamaofamisorry you had to wait for your surgery and starve longer but glad to hear all went well 👍 Take care and don’t forget your drops.


What a shame on your take out, Bruce @aliaschief - I think I would be complaining big time. 😡 




Not much on the agenda today other than more sorting and attempting to bring one of my greenhouses upstairs and get it together for the babies and with luck, converting one spread sheet 🤞 




Prayers for everyone on the Care list and for those that need them and a toast 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.




Have a great Friday everyone !!!!

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Sandi could this be true? Redneck Bob a little weak today on humor so one more.


Bubba and Billy Joe were on vacation, walking downtown, window shopping, and they see a sign on a store which reads, "Suits $5.99 each, shirts $1.99 each, trousers $2.49 each.

Bubba says to his pal, "Billy Joe, Lookee here! We could buy a whole gob o’ these, take ‘em back to Georgia, sell 'em and make a fortune. Just let me do the talkin', 'cause if they hear your accent, they might think we're ignorant, and not wanna sell that stuff to us.”

Now, I'll talk in a slow Texas drawl so's they don't know we is from Georgia."

They go in and Bubba says with his best fake Texas drawl, “I'll take 50 of them suits at $5.99, 100 of them there shirts at $1.99, 50 pairs of them there trousers at $2.39. I'll back up my pickup and...."

"The owner of the shop interrupts, "Y'all from Georgia, ain't ya?"
"Well...yeah," says a surprised Bubba. "How come y'all knowed that?"
"Because this is a Dry-Cleaners."


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Good morning all,

I am off early tonsee my Financial Advisor. That should cheer me up!  Haha!  My son has wanted to go with me since DH died. I think he is trying to make sure I will be ok. Funny how the table turns. My FA is used to this and we already discussed how to handle this. 

The new splint is not comfortable. I have a sore spot from my cast on my thumb that rubs when wearing the splint. She mainly wants me to wear it at night.  I will work on making it more comfortable. 

I am glad everyone’s surgery went well. Prayers and hugs to all in need. I better get going or I will be late. 

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1 hour ago, richwmn said:

We are now at 0 degrees latitude and 0 degrees longitude. King Neptune Ceremony has ended and we already have the certificates


The Captain just announced that he is trying to position Zuiderdam along the lat / long lines so that bow is in northern hemisphere, aft in southern hemisphere, port and starboard are in the western / eastern hemispheres

Very cool!  That’s a once in a lifetime experience.  I’ll have to add that one to my HAL bucket list!

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20 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning to all. It is rather dark and gloomy but fifty degrees already so I will take it. Cheesesteak sounds good to me but they truly are better in Philadelphia. I will give my cocktail to someone else and prefer raisins without chocolate. We have not been to the port,love the quote and really like the recipes.

DH and I returned home to a tasty lentil stew on the stove that my friend made. We all had a nice lunch together and  caught up on our lives the last several years. It was a very nice surprise.

It is always fun to see our beautiful pets and I enjoyed seeing all the pooches yesterday.  

@aliaschief, Bruce, I am sorry your take out was so awful. Even when it tastes good I usually think “I could make this better”. Maybe you could get on a wait list for a cabana,is that a possibility? It does sound like the height of luxury.

@grapau27, Graham, I used to be great at parallel parking and backing up into tiny garages as it was necessary in places where we lived. I have found that it is harder now to have confidence in performing that activity accurately. My very good friend was never a comfortable driver and her husband always drove and took care of getting gas etc. We had to have a crash course in driving survival in an urban area after her dear husband died four years ago. She still will not drive on a highway but does manage the rest reasonably well.Practice helped with a lot of repetition!

Thank you Terry.

I keep trying to encourage Pauline to drive more but she likes being chauffeured around.

Paulines car is a small Renault Clio that we bought 20 years ago and she used to drive 3 miles to her late mam's house on Saturday and Sunday for several hours while I went to play golf and took my company car.

My car has a rear camera and front and side sensors so I'm sure she would be fine driving it if she wanted.

When we cruise Pauline sorts all my clothes and packs everything and I do the driving.

Southampton is 315 miles from home and I stop for 10 minutes on the way to post on the daily.

We always take snacks with us which I often eat while driving.

I hope you are all well and Tana's helper is looking after her well.




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Good Friday morning.  We are getting ready to go to Costco to restock.  Our 6 bags arrived yesterday and I have one unpacked already in addition to two giant tubs of mail dealt with.    My afternoon will be unpacking and getting my nails dealt with.    

Thanks for doing the Daily and Fleet Reports for us Sandi!    Vanessa thanks for doing the Celebrations and Care Reports!    All of today's comestibles look wonderful.  The Volendam had Vegetarian Enchiladas as an MDR offering a couple of weeks ago and the feedback on them was wonderful.  We had a great Spanish Chef for the entire cruise.    Debbie and Carol I am glad that your surgeries went well.    Prayers for all on our care list and for the people of Ukraine.   

So sad that MSU lost to Kansas State in overtime last night.   Have a wonderful Friday!!  Nancy 

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Good morning all. It was 70 degrees at seven this morning so I am out on the deck with my coffee. My other suitcase came last night. The UPS man was so upset to bring me another suitcase that was ruined. He recorded that it was even worse then the one yesterday. I don't understand how Holland America would hire a company that ruins luggage. Three out of three were trashed. Two were brand new, purchased while I was on the cruise. This last one the wheel is totally off with the other one cracked. But a least my stuff was ok. 


On a lighter side, I love Doctor Suess. The meal sounds good, as does the drink. It's warm here and I plan  a good day of spending time with family.  

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Good morning from a sunny and warm Jacksonville.

i am writing while DH finishes his breakfast.  I eat fast, while he is a slow eater.

Thank you to all who keep this thread going—Sandi, Vanessa, Dixie, Ann and Debbie’s fill-in this week.

Yesterday my visit with my PCP went well, However my prediction came to pass.  I have to go back on Prednisone and will probably have to stay on it forever at a low dose.  

Other from that, everything else checked out and all the blood work was good.  Don’t have to see him until August.

Hope everyone has a good day.

God Bless,


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Good morning all. President Biden is in Ottawa today. There is a dinner tonight in his honour and I thought you might like to have the menu. Most of our provinces are included in this menu including our area with the pelee island jus.


The full menu for Friday night:

First course

  • Cedar salt and seaweed crusted rare-seared East Coast yellowfin tuna
  • White bean hummus, cucumber, pickled radish and bitter greens
  • Flaxseed cracker and lemon parsley emulsion

Main course

  • Alberta beef braised short rib
  • Butternut squash puree and Yukon gold potato pave
  • Wildflower honey roasted carrots and fine green beans
  • Pelee Island cabernet sauvignon jus


  • Wild blueberry and Quebec maple mousse cake
  • Screech rum caramel and sweetgrass meringue
  • Fresh berries



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Greetings from gloomy but warmish (only this morning) Maryland. The Cherry Blossoms are near peak in Washington DC, not that we will make the trek to see them. We are laying low, just waiting for Tuesday’s glaucoma stent and cataract lens surgery for DH.  So glad Carol @mamaofami was able to finally get her surgery behind her- but what a long day with a 6hr delay. You’d think they’d have generators!  I am so sorry Carol that you had to deal with that, but good on you for managing to get through it. May your healing go well. 

Yesterday would have been my mom’s 112th birthday. I was very glad to talk with my sister. Our relationship with mom was stormy but she taught us many useful strengths too. She’ll be with me forever and beyond. It was a good day of reflection. 

Haven’t been to Tanzania.
Very interesting and exciting that the World Cruise passed through 0,0!  🌍

Roy, the very favorite dessert on our family cruise was the Ricotta Raspberry Torte. Everyone loved it!  Thanks for your alternative menus and pictures. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. 

Cheers to all celebrating. Life is good. 🌈 Smooth sailing to all the cruisers, enjoy it all!

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5 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

Greetings from gloomy but warming Maryland. The Cherry Blossoms are near peak in Washington DC, not that we will make the trek to see them. We are laying low, just waiting for Tuesday’s glaucoma stent and cataract lens surgery for DH.  So glad Carol @mamaofami was able to finally get her surgery behind her- but what a long day with a 6hr delay. You’d think they’d have generators!  I am so sorry Carol that you had to deal with that, but good on you for managing to get through it. May your healing go well. 

Yesterday would have been my mom’s 112th birthday. I was very glad to talk with my sister. Our relationship with mom was stormy but she taught us many useful strengths too. She’ll be with me forever and beyond. It was a good day of reflection. 

Haven’t been to Tanzania.
Very interesting and exciting that the World Cruise passed through 0,0!  🌍

Roy, the very favorite dessert on our family cruise was the Ricotta Raspberry Torte. Everyone loved it!  Thanks for your alternative menus and pictures. 

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope. 

Cheers to all celebrating. Life is good. 🌈 Smooth sailing to all the cruisers, enjoy it all!

For your mam's 112th birthday Maureen.


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Good morning from a partly cloudy and windy central Texas.  It is currently 71F and our high is supposed to be in the 80s.  There is a thunderstorm warning for this morning, but from looking at the radar, most of the rain will be north and east of us.


We both enjoy a good cheesesteak, but haven't had one in years.  When we lived in southeast Pennsylvania, we'd get cheesesteaks from a small shop in Newark, Delaware.  They might not have been Philly cheesesteaks, but they were very good.  Sadly, when we were back there in 2012 , the shop was gone, and the site was home to apartments for University of Delaware students.  I'll pass on the chocolate covered raisins.  Actually, I'll pass on anything having to do with raisins. 😁 There are a few special cocktails that I like, but I don't have them often.


The Dr. Seuss quote is very good.


We'll pass on the meal today, but younger DD makes very good vegetarian enchiladas, and I intend to try her recipe sometime.  It uses black beans, onions and either green chilis or jalapenos.  DH might like the Bloody Maria since he likes Bloody Marys and Bloody Caesars.  We might like the wine, though I prefer red or while.


We have not been to Dar Es Salaam.  In 2004, we were supposed to go to Zanzibar, but that port and Kenya were canceled and two other ports added.  Our cruising friend got her TA to transfer our booking and hers to a Cook Island and Tahitian cruise at no charge.


@seagarsmoker  Enjoy your last day on board NS.

@richwmn  Rich, I hope the Captain managed to position the Zuiderdam where it was in all four hemispheres at once.  That would be a once in a lifetime experience for most people.

@aliaschief  Bruce, that was a shame about your take out last night.  Since it was the first time you had a bad meal from them, I'd let them know what was wrong.

@cat shepard  Ann, I'm sorry the cable installation was so chaotic yesterday.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm glad you are feeling better, and that the calcium and parathyroid hormone levels were normal.  Enjoy your outing with Sue and her DGD this afternoon and Farkle Friday tonight.

@mamaofami  Carol, I'm glad the cataract surgery went well, but sorry about the delay.

@smitty34877  Terry, that was very nice of your friend to fix lunch while taking care of Tana.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm sorry the splint is not comfortable.  I hope you can pad it enough for it to be comfortable.

@lindaler  Oh no, Linda, about the third piece of luggage ruined.  I'd certainly let HAL and the shipper know about the damage.  

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I'm glad your visit with your PCP went well and everything checked our well.  I'm sorry you will need to go on Prednisone again.  Hopefully, a low dose won't cause many problems.

@superoma  Eva, thanks for sharing the menu.  It looks interesting.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I don't blame you for laying low until time for your DH's surgery Tuesday.  Sending good thoughts that nothing interferes with the surgery.


The new washer has finished one load, and it looks like everything worked as expected, once the operator figured one thing out. 🤣  It does take a little longer to wash, but it will hold two loads of clothes, so that's not a problem.  




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No cheesesteak for me. Chocolate-covered raisins are OK but would be better without the raisins. As for cocktails, it depends--some are wastes of good liquor.


Definitely in favor of nonsense although there is too much of it masquerading as sense. Vegetarian enchiladas might be OK if you can find good vegetarians to make them from. No on the cocktail, yes on the wine. I haven't been to Tanzania.


With pharmaceutical help, I slept better last night, but I'm still tired. I need to shop at Wegmans but preferably not on a Friday, so may choose to make do with Aldi today. I also need to pick up some cardboardeaux. Dinner will probably be ratatouille with tofu, because the zucchini won't keep long. I also need to do something with the largest romanesco I've ever seen.


Animal news, about escape artists:

--A zebra that escaped in Seoul has been captured. https://apnews.com/article/zebra-escape-zoo-south-korea-9af961eeca1a232fd4086ba648c2a052


--A multiple-escape bear in St. Louis is being moved to a maximum-security compound in Texas. https://apnews.com/article/bear-escape-zoo-missouri-15d5a7252a58b2abb4f2ac9094ccb772








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Good Friday morning.

I haven't had a Philly cheesesteak in many years. Growing up Raisinets were my movie candy of choice. I will salute cocktails and look forward to having a couple on my TA cruise. Good quote. Maybe on the meal, pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Dar Es Salaam.


We had rain all day yesterday, sometimes heavy, and again this morning. It's quite gloomy. We'll go into the upper 40's later. But, better than snow. No great plans today, other than a trip to the pharmacy. 


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting up the FR/Daily today. Sorry to hear about the passing of Lana.

@richwmn Enjoy the ceremony, I've never crossed the Equator. Cool on the ship positioning the Captain was trying to do.

@seagarsmoker Enjoy that last full day aboard!

@0106 Thanks for the recipes. I like the first one I think.

@rafinmd Excellent news about your sleep last night. I like your alternative meal.

@aliaschief Sorry you had a bad meal last night. Thanks for the memes.

@cat shepard Ugh on the cable installation, but I can picture you enjoying the sprinklers!

@dfish Woohoo on your blood test results! Enjoy the butterfly exhibit and Farkle Friday.

@mamaofami Wow on no power at the surgery center and the delay in your procedure. But it's over and done and now you can relax.

@smitty34877 How nice of your friend to prepare a meal. 

@kazu The BC meme is totally me. 

@cruising sister Sorry to hear the splint is uncomfortable and I hope you can do something to make it more tolerable.

@cruzngal Welcome to the Daily!

@ottahand7 Good to hear your bags arrived. Lots to deal with when you get home after being away. 

@lindaler Oh my on the suitcases. Can you file a claim under your travel insurance? At least let HAL know. 

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad your visit with the PCP went fairly well. When I first went on Prednisone for my eyes, I thought it would be for 4-6 weeks. I'm still on it 4 years later, but now at a low dose, and suspect I will stay on it forever. 

@Quartzsite Cruiser New appliances are always fun (when they work).

@kochleffel Good to hear you slept better last night, but sorry you're still tired. 


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Be well everyone.

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Good morning and thanks to everyone!  Especially the memes! 
@kazu love the coloured garden soil!
@aliaschief your memes are wonderful!  almost thought I recognized someone yesterday! I wish your take out was better!

@kochleffel I live the cartoon, makes me think of robins! 

Glad to hear of the successful surgeries, Debbie and mamaofami.   
@superomaappreciate seeing that menu,  that dessert looks amazing!  And Alberta beef. 
@grapau27 you might want to consider a refresher during course for your DW.   When I got my last new car they offered a defensive driving private lesson, which I took.  The instructor said it was very important for women to drive regularly because you never know what lies ahead and it is a skill you can get rusty at.  And I learned some new things.  Please and I mean this in the kindest way, if you have further heart symptoms do not drive yourself,   It is much too dangerous for yourself and others.  

Last year I found myself in a situation where DH had to go to the hospital in the night when we were at our rural lake campground.  It was a several hour round trip in the dark on unfamiliar roads, driving his huge 3/4 ton diesel 4x4 truck.   But I was familiar enough that I could do it without too much trepidation.  And we had a great outcome. 

Last evening we were fortunate to see some lovely aurora very nearby.  















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Good morning all!

Winter just doesn't want to let go here.  "Frozen mix" forecast in the next several days, even though our daytime temperatures won't be very low (up to high 50's but down in the 30's at night).  Come on spring!


I've never had Cheesesteak, but it does look tasty in a comfort food kind of way.  I wouldn't turn down chocolate covered raisins, but would choose chocolate covered peanuts over raisins if given the choice.  There are some cocktails I like, but I'm more of a wine gal.  Will pass on the wine and drink, and "maybe" on the meal. Enchiladas aren't my favorite Mexican food.  Have not been to the port.


Jumping in on the driving discussion from yesterday -- I have no problem at all driving or putting gas in the car, but I will not parallel park and am terrible at backing up!  I can't back up straight to save my life.  I think my depth perception isn't good, so if DH's car is already in the garage I won't drive into or out of the garage (no problem if his car isn't there). It's a tight squeeze with both cars in there.  I don't know how he does it.  He backs his car in and my car goes in frontwards.  The family got me a backup camera for my car, they all know how bad I am at it. 😉  Also I agree with others who hate all the little warning sounds if another car gets within a few feet from you.  Thank goodness my car is older and doesn't have that -- but DH's car does and I hate it. Very annoying and Big Brother. 😂


Debbie @dfishI'm SO glad your surgery was successful and your levels are normal now.  I'm sorry about the acid reflux but glad you had antacids on hand. Hopefully it lasted only one night.  My BFF has been advised to have the same surgery and she's balking at it -- I'll tell her how well you're doing.  Have fun today!


Carol @mamaofamiI'm sorry about the LONG delay for your cataract surgery yesterday. I probably would have told them to reschedule it -- I'm not patient about those things.   I'm puzzled -- when DH had his, he didn't have to fast and wasn't told not to bend over longer.  Interesting how things are done differently by different doctors.


Linda @lindalerThat's terrible about your luggage!  We've used luggage direct (forwarding) before and had no problem.  I wonder if they have different people handling it now.


Welcome @cruzngal!


Brenda @bennybearThank you for the awesome aurora photos!





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