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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday August 4th, 2023


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Happy Birthday to the Coast Guard. They play such an important role in protecting our nation. The training center in Cape May NJ is such an important part of the local community The community hosts the recruits at the holiday time and when the budget  shutdown occurred, they started a food bank to help the families survive.

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45 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Tina, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Happy 232nd Birthday to the U.S. Coast Guard that I was proud to serve in for six years. Many memories!


Congratulations @Mr. Boston on your well earned retirement!


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need today.


- Jack




One time during my service I was chosen to be in an Honor Guard for a parade, That is me second from the right wihen beards were allowed.



That is me carrying the Coast Guard flag.



47 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Tina, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Happy 232nd Birthday to the U.S. Coast Guard that I was proud to serve in for six years. Many memories!


Congratulations @Mr. Boston on your well earned retirement!


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need today.


- Jack




One time during my service I was chosen to be in an Honor Guard for a parade, That is me second from the right wihen beards were allowed.



That is me carrying the Coast Guard flag.


Jack a crisp salute for your service.🇺🇸 

Thank You and all Coasties.

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55 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Tina, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


Happy 232nd Birthday to the U.S. Coast Guard that I was proud to serve in for six years. Many memories!


Congratulations @Mr. Boston on your well earned retirement!


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need today.


- Jack




One time during my service I was chosen to be in an Honor Guard for a parade, That is me second from the right wihen beards were allowed.



That is me carrying the Coast Guard flag.


You marched on Michigan Boulevard in Chicago, that’s the Prudential Building in the background, when it was built in 1955 it was the tallest building in the city, there are now many buildings taller in the Windy City. 
Thanks for your service.

Edited by MISTER 67
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Just had an email from Barb’s husband, they must have moved up the surgery to yesterday. The surgery took 11 hours due to some inflammation. The surgeon believes he got it all. He hopes to get tp see her sometime today. 
Thank you Lord.🙏🙏🤞

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7 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Just had an email from Barb’s husband, they must have moved up the surgery to yesterday. The surgery took 11 hours due to some inflammation. The surgeon believes he got it all. He hopes to get tp see her sometime today. 
Thank you Lord.🙏🙏🤞

Thank goodness it is over and I hope  the recovery goes well.

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Good Friday Morning Dailyites!  Its cloudy and 74 degrees.  We got some great rain yesterday, while I was driving in it.  Lots of thunder and by the time we got home, it rained for about 20 minutes. Because its not hot outside, the air conditioner thinks i'm fine.  I'm not. I'm hot, so I have all the fans going.  DH is sleeping in.  And today is one of three days this month that other than work and walk the neighbors dog, there is nothing else planned. BUt I found out yesterday that I have a test over the phone with one of my CA bosses at 6 tonight.  So my afternoon will be filled with printing and studying, and gathering my questions.  At least I do get paid for this time.


@smitty34877 When DH got on chemo on his first treatment type, he lost his appetite, things like prime rib, his favorite food, he just didnt want, or steak, or salad.  He wanted ice cream, and sweets.

I kept reading (and again with this new medication they are starting) to feed him several small meals through out the day.  A hard boiled egg, a baked potato, something that he can control the flavor of, and once prepared, you can just give to him, so you are not cooking all day. A sweet potato would be good, as you can make them sweet.  DH went from 240 to 180.  He got rid of a lot of clothes.  Then he decided he looked good at 185, he eats sweets all the time, and I let him.  BUT!! the new treatment recommends that he have a nutritional  diet. Fruit flavored  jelly beans do not count.  What I am trying to say is, right now, your DH doesnt have an appetite, so let him eat what he wants, and add some Boosts. or equivalent.  And dont be upset if he doesnt want to eat what you fix.  I became a mediocre cook after 3 years......







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@Mr. Boston Happy Retirement Day!  Oh what a day of mixed feelings and prelude to a new chapter!  Congratulations!  

@Heartgrove What a proud moment to carry the USCG flag,  and I bet that flag got feeling pretty heavy by the end of the parade. Thank you for your service, and thank you for posting your photos. 

@1ANGELCAT What a relief that Barb made it through such a very long surgery. 

@Denise T Wishes for success!  

@marshhawk You have a lot happening.  Good luck on the exam. Envisioning all good news!  

@smitty34877  Glad to hear that Lou can eat something. I changed our entire approach to food when DH was in treatments. One day at a time. Wonderful you found someone to help Tana during her aides time off. The pups sound good for you both!  

@Cruzin Terri You’re making it all happen!  Hoping the floors recover. And that you too can recover. 

Emailed our TA last night. He had some questions this morning. We’ll see what he comes back with. Maybe a Sept cruise?  DH is ready!  Finally today I get my haircut. Boy is it beyond due. But glad we were conservative and able to get DH through his procedure. They asked if he had any COVID symptoms in the last 3 weeks. Worth everything!  He showed me his daily pressure graph today, the pressure drop after the procedure is quite dramatic. Will learn more next week. Maybe he can reduce the eye drops?  One day at a time, and very grateful. 

Blessings to all in need, all who are waiting for tests, for appointments, for results. 
Cheers to all celebrating. 👏 Life is Good. 
Smooth travels to all away, especially thinking of our cruisers. 🛳️



Edited by RMLincoln
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I'll take the Daughter's Day celebration, a definite yes on the chocolate chip cookies, and 3 cheers for the Coast Guard who keep waters safe and provide such a valuable service!


Wow, someone must have gotten hail last night because did it ever cool down overnight!  When we went to bed at 11, the air conditioning was still running, but DH turned it off at some point after that.  I guess when he got up for one of his nightly trips to the bathroom, decided to open the windows and realized how cool it was outside.  This morning all the windows are open and will be for a good while, as it's only 16C (60F), compared to yesterday's 35 (95)!   That will be helpful, as I have to make Grandma's Special Chocolate Chip Cookies today . . . once I buy the dough.  LOL


This morning we're heading out for groceries - I cleaned out the fridges so there's lots of room for everything we're going to need for the long weekend and our family's preferences.  We have 3 different stores to hit for their specials, so we have to get going right after I finish this post.


@Mr. Bostoncongratulations on your last day of work - I hope it's memorable for you in a good way.  Welcome to the planet of "Retirement" where every night's a Friday and every day's a Saturday!!!

@aliaschief I'm pretty sure that car seat was from the 50's or early 60's, looking at the apparel and car's interior, but it's adorable!

@1ANGELCATI'm so happy to hear your friend Barb's surgery was done earlier, and that the surgeon figures all cancer has been removed.


I'm going to give the drink of the day a pass, and think I'd add even more orange to the salmon when I make it.  I know I'd like the wine today, especially with the directions of "Drink now."  For tonight I've got a roast beef that will be going into the crock pot, and it'll be served alongside a myriad of vegetables and crunchy coleslaw that we'll be able to enjoy on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially baby Murphy, and cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Thanks for our TGIF Daily, Rich.


LOL on the quote - I just use the “Money may not be able to buy happiness but I’d sure like to give it a try”.  😉 

Tina @0106 I use parchment paper a lot here.  Love it.


It’s a real TGIF for @Mr. Boston - congratulations on your retirement!


@1ANGELCAT so glad to hear Barb’s surgery results.  Prayers for her 🙏 


@aliaschief and @Heartgrove thank you both for your service.  Loved the pics.


@smitty34877 good news that you can get some food down Lou 👍 


Thinking and praying for Baby Murphy.


Very far behind this morning.  Air Canada graciously changed one flight - that was easy to fix and then changed my flight home.  Options on line were not acceptable so I did some digging and got on the horn.  (Which means going through that stupid voice thing and then being on hold).  It’s the best of a bad deal, to put it mildly but it’s better than what they were moving me to.  It was one flight that never gets changed - been in place for years so I thought I was safe - Stupid me.


My BFF’s husband is still in the hospital getting his chemo drug.  they won’t let him out until they solve his pneumonia.  He told her to take a mental heath day so we are getting together for a bit in a couple of hours.  So, I better get moving.


Prayers for everyone on the Care list and all those who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating! 




Have a Good Friday everyone !

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28 minutes ago, ger_77 said:


@aliaschief I'm pretty sure that car seat was from the 50's or early 60's, looking at the apparel and car's interior, but it's adorable!

28 minutes ago, ger_77 said:



Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️

I agree I also was thinking 50’s but that’s what was posted. I can remember having a seat belt installed on my dad’s 60 chevy. Dang I thought I was a race car driver. Luckily, survived that era!😁🙏

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Good morning from a sunny and warming central Texas.   It's not quite 9 am, and it is 86F, but feels like 93F.  The humidity is low, 62% with a dew point of 71F.  Most of my walk was pleasant when I went out about 7:30.  We are still under an excessive heat warning with an expected high of 104F to 106F.


Chinese Valentine's Day is an interesting day to celebrate.   However, I'll be celebrating Daughter's Day, chocolate chip cookie day and U. S. Coast Guard Day.  Sadly, it is too hot to bake chocolate chip cookies, so that will have to wait another month or two.


An amusing quote today from Bill Vaughan.


I think we'll pass on the meal and the drink.  We haven't had Grenache wine in a great many years.  I'd like to try today's wine sometime.


We were in Bari in 2016 on Prinsendam.  It was a substitute port when the Black Sea cruise was canceled after the attempted coup in Turkey.  I'll go through my pictures in a few minutes.


It was a sad day in history when Ann Frank and her family were arrested because of a tip from an anonymous person.


@StLouisCruisers   Sandi, I thought I'd posted pictures of Bari before, but I also couldn't find a link, and there are no copies of pictures from Bari in my file of pictures that have been posted.  

@aliaschief Bruce, when I was a very young child, my parents made a car seat for me.  Using a wooden box, my mother covered it in padded material and made a long  sash from sturdy material.  Once I was seated on the box, the sash was put across my lap and threaded under the fold down seat back.  My father rigged up a sturdy pole to wedge between the front seat and the back seat, and the sash was tied around the pole.  I could ride in the front seat and was high enough to see out.  They even got me one of those play steering wheels with a horn so I could "help" drive.  🤣  When seatbelts were first introduced, he had them installed in our 1956 Plymouth, which I drove in high school and college years later.

@Denise T Denise, I hope you feel better soon.

@Heartgrove  Jack, thanks for the pictures of you carrying the flag in the parade.

@1ANGELCAT  I hope all goes well with Houdini for the blood draw.  I'm glad Barb's surgery is behind her, and wish her a speedy recovery.  I'm happy the surgeon feels he got all the cancer, but sorry the surgery was so long.

@cat shepard  Ann, I hope the quest for a good supplemental health insurance policy goes smoothly.  We have ours through AARP, and with the best policy, we don't pay anything except the premium.  That policy is no longer offered unless you were born before a certain date which I don't remember.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm sorry your DH is suffering from the expected side effects and does not have much of an appetite.  I liked Annie's @marshhawk suggestion of small meals during the day, but that will mean more work for you.  Dogs are sometimes the best medicine for those not feeling well.  I'm glad you have help a few hours a day while Tana's aide is on vacation.

@ger_77  Gerry, enjoy your family visit.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope the flight changes are one and done.  I think it's good that the doctor is keeping your BFF's DH in the hospital until the cause of pneumonia is found and it is cleared up.  I'm glad she is taking a mental health day, and you two can have a good visit.













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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

    I prefer oatmeal raisin to chocolate chip. A huge salute to the Coast Guard. We see them often bringing an ill or injured person from the many cargo or cruise ships in the area.  @Heartgrove Thank You for your service.

     We went out on the river last night for the bioluminescence . It was OK . I thought it was really pretty but because of our heavy rains a lot is gone. Maybe it will return. 

       @Mr. Boston Congratulations on your retirement. May you enjoy many years of health and happiness. 


Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning all!

We may get a little rain in the next few days -- we shall see.  It has been so dry this summer.

Not much on the agenda today, but feeling much better after 9 hours of sleep last night.  

Prayers for all on the care list and big cheers for all who are celebrating!

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Happy Friday to all!!

@Mr. Boston Happy Retirement!!




I guess I don't remember Chinese Valentines/Daughter's Day but......... I will eat a chocolate chip cookie anytime, and I salute the Coast Guard.  My brother and his wife were both in the CG.  Not sure I like the odd quote.  I do fish in parchment many times; will have to try this recipe (thanks @0106).  The drink sounds interesting, not a fan of Grenache, and never been to Bari.  It was definitely a sad day when Anne Frank was arrested.  I wasn't able to go to her house when I was in Amsterdam a couple of years ago; it was rainy, I was super tired (long story) and it just didn't happen.


What a week.  The BP study is going well; it is super easy and doesn't take up much of my time.  A cognitive study at the UofA called yesterday so hopefully I will be approved to participate. I enjoy being in studies as I am relatively healthy (no meds or chronic conditions) and don't mind being a ginny pig.  But many of the studies want people with chronic illness (a research center called yesterday but nope - I don't have that condition) so.  I really want a vaccine study - I did the Moderna Covid study for 2 years.  I hide my horns well!!  🙂 


Trying to decide if I am going to the beach Sunday.  I have an appt in CA Monday so.  I probably won't decide until early Sunday morning.  


Good Luck @Denise T on defending your dissertation.  Thoughts for all those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating and sailing now/soon!!


Have a great Friday everyone!!

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Good morning Dailyites. 


@Mr. Boston Congratulations on your last day before retirement!




Thinking of all who are going through procedures and enduring illnesses. 

Prayers going out to you. A special hug for Sweet "S"


Today would have been my dad's 96th birthday and Allen's parent's Anniversary. 


Thank you for your Coast Guard service!


Have a great weekend. Blessings and kindness to you.




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The Prinsendam stopped in Bari on October 13, 2016.  It is a small town on the east coast of Italy down near the top of the heel.  It is know for the local ladies who sit outside their homes and make pasta each morning.  By the time we got our act together and got off the ship, the pasta making was finished for the day.  We walked around town and enjoyed our day in port.


This memorial honors the victims of an air raid on Bari on December 2, 1943.



Some of the streets, houses and piazzas in Bari.







The narrowest street in Bari



Basilica San Nicola with a crowd of locals and tourists waiting outside for the bridal couple to emerge after their wedding.  We never did get to see the inside of the church.





Statue of San Nicola, Patron Saint of Bari



Piazza Mercantile



The water fountain in the piazza



Colonna  Infama (Infamous Column)  where debtors were placed to face humiliation.  It was erected in 1546.



Cathedral of San Sabino





Isabella d'Este, a professional school.



Swabian Castle built in 1131 by Ruggero II the Norman.





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That is funny, we were in Bari on October 13, 2016 on Prinsendam also, but we had not yet met Linda!  We went on one of @sailingdutchy's Tantalizing and Tasty (and Tiring) Tours to Alberobello and Ostuni, and on the way back a quick walk around Bari, where my pictures are much like Lenda's. 




Alberobello, the home of the famous "beehive" houses, is fascinating.  Unfortunately, DD, DH, and I had not learned at that time that we needed to carefully synch our cameras, so the photos are a bit mixed up.

Ostuni, up in the hills was also interesting, and we had a nice meal there.  Then back through Bari to our home away from home!












We're just about to go out, so I'll post more when we get back...



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