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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday August 15th, 2023


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We have been to Hubbard Glacier once on June 5, 2019 on the Oosterdam. It really feels like the glacier is floating in the sea because it’s so big. Absolutely beautiful. 







I’ll have to check Craig’s pictures to see if he has some close up ones. All of my others are videos. 


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Good morning Dailyites. 

Rough night sleeping. My sweet husband was a wiggle worm. I got up at 5 and now he's out like a light..


I don't know what I would without my best friends. They bring support and comfort as well as laughter and love.


Relaxation for me doesn't happen too much in this house! DH and DP (dear pup) keep me hopping!


Prayers said for our cares list. Love to sweet "S", baby Murphy, Sandi's family member and friend, Lou, Tana and all others that need a virtual hug today.


Graham your garden looks beautiful and private. I would love to have those high hedges.


I will post a few pictures that I think are Hubbard. Please correct me if I'm wrong. 








Wishing you all a relaxing, great day. Blessings and Cheers. 







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Good morning everyone,

Sorry I have been sort of AWOL these days.  Truth is that my Polymyalgia Rheumatica has returned with a vengeance and it is also affected my cervical spine or my neck, making it difficult to sleep or to lift my arms.  Hard to do almost everything

i have an appointment with the doctor at the Mayo, but it is not until the end of the month.  i am a bit reluctant to increase the prednisone on my own.  It is just so hard to do anything that needs to be done.  

With all the others with problems that others have, mine seem minor.


Anyway, enough of my problems.  

Thank you to Rich for the Fleet Report and Daily.  

I like the days—especially Best Friends Day.  i also like to relax and these days, I have to do a lot of that just to keep the pain at bay.

I agree with the quote.

i will skip the meal because these days, simple is the rule around here.

The wine and drink look good.

I have been to Alaska, but not sure we stopped at Hubbard Glacier.


@smitty34877, glad to hear that Lou is making improvements and may be going home soon. Prayers for him and for your whole family.  

@cruising sister I am happy to hear of Baby Murphy’s progress.  I pray it continues.


Prayers for all who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating or cruising.


The flooring man is coming on Friday and I am praying that they don’t have to rip up a lot of the house to fix the buckling.   It is affecting the living room, bedroom and den.  Not happy about this.


thank you to @StLouisCruisers, @Sharon in AZand @Seasick Sailor for the great photos.


Have a great day everyone.

God Bless,


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Hurray for the Acadians!  Since being retired, there could be many relaxing days, but it seems they're always filled with things to do.  Best friends are wonderful.


We have a very apricot coloured sunrise this morning which means there is lots of smoke in the air.  As soon as I turned on my phone this morning, an alarm came on indicating there was a special Air Quality Statement worth looking at.  The especially young and old are advised to stay indoors as much as possible today, as it could cause severe breathing problems.  Thankfully I don't fit into either category, but will still limit my time outdoors to watering the plants and only doing the necessities.  It isn't going to be as warm today, only a predicted high of 29C (84), so it will be quite pleasant.


DH and his son are heading out to check the acreage this morning so that means I'll have the house to myself and I can do some serious cleaning without having to assign a task to my "helper".  LOL  


An update on my fractured tooth - it was salvageable, so my wonderful dentist filled it and sent me on my way.  Thankfully insurance paid for 80% of the bill, but as I was leaving, the receptionist said "I guess that was a $79 bowl of popcorn."  Yes, it was.   Sigh.


@smitty34877I'm happy to hear that Lou is progressing nicely; hopefully the doctors and nurses can get him back on track again and help relieve some the anxiety that I'm sure you must be experiencing.  Continued prayers for his recovery and for strength for you as well.

@ktbraun you're sailing on the Feb 4th West/East as well?  That's great; I'd love to be able to meet you onboard!


I like flavoured balsamic vinegars - we have a store that sells a huge variety of them; a couple of my faves are butter pecan and chocolate cherry.  They are great drizzled over ice cream . . . yum!  The only thing I'd take from the drink of the day is the maraschino cherry, LOL.  And the wine is another Rioja from Spain, I'm sure I'd appreciate that one!  


Dinner last night didn't turn out as planned - I had just turned on the air fryer to pre-heat and ran downstairs to get the tempura shrimp from the freezer when the lights went out.  The power was out for nearly 2 hours, so instead of having what was planned, DH went out and got a couple of burgers for us.  So, it's looking like tonight we'll be having tempura shrimp and Greek Salad, but depending on the air quality, we might be enjoying it at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Edited by ger_77
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Good morning to all. Thanks for the update. Nice collection of days, interesting quote and the meal and drinks sound scrumptious. 

Internet is out so trying this on my phone. Got back from CA late   I passed all the criteria for inclusion in the study so I had X-rays done. If I meet the criteria there I get included. I won’t know for a couple of days. Doing a study today at the UofA on memory. 

Other that that it is relaxation day. The pictures of the flowers are beautiful and I love them!!


Thoughts to those on the care list and cheers to those celebrating. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!

I admit, I slept until 8, but i went to bed at midnight, was up at 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6.  I had a very salty lunch yesterday, and I drank water all afternoon and evening.  Wont do that again.  (eat a very salty lunch).


Yesterday was a very long day, and for some reason DH was pretty much confused all day.  When he went in for the PET scan, he wanted me to go with him, and the attending nurse said not at that time, but she would come back for me.  This was the second time in two weeks, that he has wanted me there with him.  When I got into the room where he had to wait for an hour after the dye was injected, he said he was cold (he is always cold) and I went and hunted down the nurse for a blanket. She said she had offered him a blanket 3 times, and he kept saying he was fine.  

He hates eating sandwiches, and he ordered one for lunch...which of course he disassembled, and ate piece by piece. He said it was good, but also said he had no idea why he ordered a large Italian sub.

At work, he couldnt think through making a sale. He forgot that he can sell a two opera series if the person said 3 was too much.


I on the other hand had to work until 10:30, and this morning when i looked in the mirror the rims of my eyes are bright red, I look like a vampire.....I wish I had a day of relaxation, but at least I wont be working past 6:30.  Yay.


Pilgrims.  My dad researched his heritage on his mothers side, and yes, the family Strong came over on the Mayflower.  I remember looking at the names of the children, one of the older girls was named Darkness.  He told me that since most children didnt live very long, their names were sad.  No Daisy or Sunflower in the bunch.  I was in charge of cleaning out his apartment, and every weekend for a month i drove down to florida and get rid of, pack up, or threw out, but I never saw that book he had written.  My brother who was living in Japan at the time, was in charge of the finances on the apartment in the  retirement community, and the weekend of a hurricane when I was down there, he stopped the payments, and I couldn't go back in and finish cleaning out.


When I read about all of you getting rid of STUFF, giving it to family or just getting rid of it, so someone else can use it, I cheer you on ! DH and I dont have kids, and I decided years ago, that my BFF, Dan would get the house if we passed.  I guess I need to do a will and pronto!  And I need to start getting rid of stuff... do I keep the cat stuff or the bird stuff, or the ocean stuff... or two rooms filled with books??? 







Edited by marshhawk
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1 hour ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!

I admit, I slept until 8, but i went to bed at midnight, was up at 1, 2, 4, 5, and 6.  I had a very salty lunch yesterday, and I drank water all afternoon and evening.  Wont do that again.  (eat a very salty lunch).


Yesterday was a very long day, and for some reason DH was pretty much confused all day.  When he went in for the PET scan, he wanted me to go with him, and the attending nurse said not at that time, but she would come back for me.  This was the second time in two weeks, that he has wanted me there with him.  When I got into the room where he had to wait for an hour after the dye was injected, he said he was cold (he is always cold) and I went and hunted down the nurse for a blanket. She said she had offered him a blanket 3 times, and he kept saying he was fine.  

He hates eating sandwiches, and he ordered one for lunch...which of course he disassembled, and ate piece by piece. He said it was good, but also said he had no idea why he ordered a large Italian sub.

At work, he couldnt think through making a sale. He forgot that he can sell a two opera series if the person said 3 was too much.


I on the other hand had to work until 10:30, and this morning when i looked in the mirror the rims of my eyes are bright red, I look like a vampire.....I wish I had a day of relaxation, but at least I wont be working past 6:30.  Yay.


Pilgrims.  My dad researched his heritage on his mothers side, and yes, the family Strong came over on the Mayflower.  I remember looking at the names of the children, one of the older girls was named Darkness.  He told me that since most children didnt live very long, their names were sad.  No Daisy or Sunflower in the bunch.  I was in charge of cleaning out his apartment, and every weekend for a month i drove down to florida and get rid of, pack up, or threw out, but I never saw that book he had written.  My brother who was living in Japan at the time, was in charge of the finances on the apartment in the  retirement community, and the weekend of a hurricane when I was down there, he stopped the payments, and I couldn't go back in and finish cleaning out.


When I read about all of you getting rid of STUFF, giving it to family or just getting rid of it, so someone else can use it, I cheer you on ! DH and I dont have kids, and I decided years ago, that my BFF, Dan would get the house if we passed.  I guess I need to do a will and pronto!  And I need to start getting rid of stuff... do I keep the cat stuff or the bird stuff, or the ocean stuff... or two rooms filled with books??? 







Love the Maxime  (hoarders) cartoon. Why haven't I thought of that?



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Hmmmm. I was typing and  everything disappeared. You may see some half finished thoughts from me. Have been to Hubbard glacier. Not sure about the food and wine offered. I seem to be a bit fussy about food - will be glad when I have choices prepared by someone else.


It is partly cloudy and cool this morning. When I got up around 6:30 the sky was really red but no rain in our forecast. I have a doctors appointment this afternoon so if rains come it will be then. Otherwise it will just be another day of sorting with more reading as I go. Since I don't have deadlines I seem to taking things very slowly.


Take care all.







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Good. Morning and thanks all!  We enjoyed Hubbard Glacier and I am enjoying everyone’s photos. 


We spent some time near Modena, and visited Spilamberto where they have a balsamic museum.  The nearby three star Michelin chef has his made there.   I did succumb to buying the very pricey one, over twenty years old.  But worth every euro!  Highly recommend a visit! 







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2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

An update on my fractured tooth - it was salvageable, so my wonderful dentist filled it and sent me on my way.  Thankfully insurance paid for 80% of the bill, but as I was leaving, the receptionist said "I guess that was a $79 bowl of popcorn."  Yes, it was.   Sigh.


Yay on the tooth being salvageable.  $79 sure beats the cost of a crown 👍 



2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Yesterday was a very long day, and for some reason DH was pretty much confused all day.  When he went in for the PET scan, he wanted me to go with him, and the attending nurse said not at that time, but she would come back for me.  This was the second time in two weeks, that he has wanted me there with him.  When I got into the room where he had to wait for an hour after the dye was injected, he said he was cold (he is always cold) and I went and hunted down the nurse for a blanket. She said she had offered him a blanket 3 times, and he kept saying he was fine.  

He hates eating sandwiches, and he ordered one for lunch...which of course he disassembled, and ate piece by piece. He said it was good, but also said he had no idea why he ordered a large Italian sub.


Oh dear on your DH 😔. Praying for a quick improvement for him 🙏 



@Cruzin Terri so sorry for your pain 😔. Hoping you can feel better soon and your doctor can help 🙏 

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Oooh, Hubbard!  On one of my first HAL cruises in 2010 (can't remember which ship, think it was Statendam) we went to Hubbard.  We watched the relatively small chunks calving for a while.  Then there was a sound like the loudest thunder I've ever heard and seemed like the WHOLE FACE of the glacier fell off, causing an ENORMOUS wave!  Captain shouted over the PA "Everyone grab a hand rail.  That tsunami (yeah, he really used that term) will hit us".   And it did.  Really rocked the ship.  Been up there many times since...most recently last week...but have never observed a repeat of that phenomenon.

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Good morning!


Love Best Friends Day....I'll be visiting with mine in September! She lives in NC, and we try to get together at least twice a year, once down south and once in NY.


@grapau27Graham, your garden pictures are beautiful - what a beautiful relaxing location!


We've been to Hubbard Glacier a few times on our 5 Alaskan cruises. The last one (Maasdam, 2019), we took an excursion on a small boat to get closer to the glacier. When we've seen it from the cruise ship, it looks like we're right near, but when you get on a small boat you realize exactly how BIG it is!

A few pics from our tour:











Prayers for all in pain and suffering, and special prayers for the people of Lahaina. We were there last year, and had lunch at Kimo's on the waterfront and then sat under the banyan tree for a while.


Cheers for all celebrating good times!


Take care,


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7 minutes ago, kplady said:

Good morning!


Love Best Friends Day....I'll be visiting with mine in September! She lives in NC, and we try to get together at least twice a year, once down south and once in NY.


@grapau27Graham, your garden pictures are beautiful - what a beautiful relaxing location!


We've been to Hubbard Glacier a few times on our 5 Alaskan cruises. The last one (Maasdam, 2019), we took an excursion on a small boat to get closer to the glacier. When we've seen it from the cruise ship, it looks like we're right near, but when you get on a small boat you realize exactly how BIG it is!

A few pics from our tour:











Prayers for all in pain and suffering, and special prayers for the people of Lahaina. We were there last year, and had lunch at Kimo's on the waterfront and then sat under the banyan tree for a while.


Cheers for all celebrating good times!


Take care,


Thank you Laura.

Lovely photos of today's port and of your two selves too.


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3 hours ago, Seasick Sailor said:

Good morning Dailyites. 

Rough night sleeping. My sweet husband was a wiggle worm. I got up at 5 and now he's out like a light..


I don't know what I would without my best friends. They bring support and comfort as well as laughter and love.


Relaxation for me doesn't happen too much in this house! DH and DP (dear pup) keep me hopping!


Prayers said for our cares list. Love to sweet "S", baby Murphy, Sandi's family member and friend, Lou, Tana and all others that need a virtual hug today.


Graham your garden looks beautiful and private. I would love to have those high hedges.


I will post a few pictures that I think are Hubbard. Please correct me if I'm wrong. 








Wishing you all a relaxing, great day. Blessings and Cheers. 







Thank you Joy.

Nice photos of today's port and Allen and also today's funny memes you posted.

Edited by grapau27
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The parents of a friend were both graduates of Acadia University in Nova Scotia. I will relax as ordered.


Chicken kabobs would be fine with me, but since I got feta from sheep's and goat's milk yesterday, I'll actually be making chickpeas, cherry tomatoes, and feta roasted together. A Manhattan would be nice, too, not that I have the ingredients. None of the grape varieties in the wine of the day is grown near here, so I'll suggest a Saperavi from Dr. Konstantin Frank. I haven't been to Hubbard Glacier.


OTOH, I used to live in Plymouth County, Mass. People who came to see Plymouth Rock often expected it to be like the Rock of Gibraltar, and went home disappointed.


I slept better last night, waking too early but getting quickly back to sleep. When I woke again it was still in time to take the trash out. Having accomplished that, I feel no obligation to do anything else today.




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Greetings, everyone, from Nanortalik, Greenland.  

I woke up today with a raging sinus headache.  I get them from time to time.  I was tempted to stay on the ship since I have been there before, but a good walk around town helped a lot.  Now that I’m back on board the headache is returning.  

Here’s a few pictures from around town.









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Good morning all!

I have Acadian ancestors on my Mother's side. My great-grandfather came from France, settled in the Gaspe area in Canada, and then the family came down to the states.   Today will be a day of relaxation, it will be too hot to do much else.  Sure glad we had the A/C put in last year!  I celebrated my best friend's birthday a couple weeks ago with her, and we'll be getting together again later this month.  Good quote, but I would add "travel" to the list 😉  The meal would be yummy, but we just had chicken with balsamic last night so I think tonight we'll bbq a steak.  Will pass on the drink and red wine.  I'm not sure if we've seen Hubbard Glacier -- I get all the glaciers mixed up, and have only been to Alaska twice.  Will be on another Alaska cruise (Celebrity) next month, but I don't think we'll see Hubbard.  Thanks for the GREAT photos!!


We have 3 more days of high-80's-low 90's, then it will cool off.  I know that doesn't sound hot compared to what many of you are having, but we aren't used to that in the PNW.  Yesterday I had to finally take down my Fuchsia hanging basket, it gave up the ghost in this heat.  But it lasted a long time, so no complaints.  On the other hand the tomatoes and peppers are doing great. 🙂  We had some more Bruschetta last night from the latest ripened tomatoes -- yum.


Prayers for all on the care list and a big cheer to all who are celebrating!



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Today is also the Feast of the Assumption. I had never heard of this until I was in Vienna and needed to get to the Südbahnhof (this was long before the present Hauptbahnhof was built) for a train to a Postautobus to a mountain resort. The streetcar line (this was also before the U-Bahn was built) I needed wasn't running, and because of Maria Himmelfahrt I had to take three streetcars instead of one.

Edited by kochleffel
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