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Monday November 27th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good morning. Sunny and cold (7F) with highs in low 30's. There are ice patches in the driveway, so walking is slow and limited. The dogs were happy to rush out and back in. Sending positive thoughts to all and especially to Roy .... hospitals are rarely restful but it sounds like that one is especially disorganized. Hope you can get some sleep today.


Little news from here. I am starting to do serious packing and continuing to sort. Dogs have to go get a shot this afternoon in preparation for boarding. With the doggie flu, I am worried about that.


Take care all.



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I once won a pie eating contest and it was one of those no hands pie eating contests, so I definitely know that pie in the face feeling.  It was about 50 years ago when I was in college and it would have been fine, but the paper put a picture of me covered with pie on their front page, and unfortunately someone thought it would be a good idea to show the picture to my mother, and I then received a telephone call asking me if that is why I was going to college.   I had thought I would be safe as the school I went to was over 200 miles away from home, but she found out anyway.   I wish it had been Bavarian Cream but if I recall correctly, it was a lemon cream pie.  


Thoughts and prayers with Roy, and hope that he will soon be back on his feet and able to travel home safely.  

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Good early morning (at least here) to all!  Thanks for the daily and fleet reports. I am so sorry to read about Roy.


Yesterday was a beautiful day at sea. Sun out and warm. We are still rocking and rolling. We did have a brief rain shower that I guess caught some people who were lounging around the SeaView pool. I’m ready - sort of - for my recital at 3pm!  The shows have been good - an hilarious comedian and a trio of female singers from the UK. Food, IMHO, delicious and of course the crew - superb!


First port tomorrow in Kuaui. I am taking a plane ride. 

thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating!  Have a great day everyone!IMG_1592.thumb.jpeg.41460191314d86ba5c3a4107e0ab06a8.jpeg

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Thinking about Roy today and hoping all is going well.   I guess his bags are sitting in his hotel room.  Wasn't he planning to take the train tomorrow?  Wish we  had someone nearby to help out...


When we lived in Virginia our community owned a lake.  We had box turtles come into our garden to eat our Mayapples and when their babies hatched, we had to help them cross a street  to get down to the lake.  There were always a lot of little squished bodies, but we did get many safely down to the water.  Our other turtle rescue was a red-eared slider DD acquired in university in London, Ontario, and of course brought home to Mom and Dad.  Eventually Dork went to live out his days at the National Zoo in Washington, with friends, in a heated moat around the monkey island.  

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Good morning. It is a beautiful sunny day that will get up to 50 then drop to the mid twenties tonight. I took the dogs for a really long walk and they were so happy to be out and about.

I will give turtles their day and remember a local NY TV show called “Soupy Sales”. There were frequent pies in the face and my brothers and I would roar with laughter. He eventually went off the air with a bit where he told kids to mail in the money to him from Daddy’s wallet. We were not dumb enough to do this but plenty of people did.

i would enjoy the squash soup but I don’t think anyone else would here. I made “gravy “ aka tomato sauce this morning and just finished the meatballs and sausage to go with it. My teenager had requested this before I went away. He likes to have this with manicotti so I will get that ready next.

Thanks to @kazu, Jacqui, for the update on Roy.I hope to hear he is feeling better.

@aliaschief, Bruce, I hope the orthopedic issues can be resolved quickly. The knee is tricky as you know.

@RMLincoln, I am sorry to hear of the passing of your good friend of many years. It is hard to get news like this when one is no longer close by.

Have a great day everyone.

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No to pies in the face and Bavarian cream pie. Protecting turtles is important. Good quote. I like the soup, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Maputo. Interesting days in history. 


Brrr. It's cold and very windy, with snow flurries. But I won't complain as up near Erie they are getting 36"+ of snow. Yesterday afternoon BFF and I picked up our UK friends, went to have a meal and kill some time, then dropped them at the airport. Last night I tried the recliner, but as soon as the footrest went up, my leg was tingling and painful. After about 15 minutes I went upstairs to my bed. I got about 2.5 hours of sleep. Sigh. Today is the 1 year anniversary of the passing of BFF's Father.


@rafinmd Prayers for you Roy. I'm sorry they constantly interrupted your night getting tests, but hope the tests reveal a diagnosis. I hope you can get some rest today.

@StLouisCruisers I hope your stomach is more settled today. 

@aliaschief Good luck with your Orthopedic appointment today. 

@seagarsmoker I hope you can change your cruise. And good luck with the job search.

@kazu Thanks for passing on Roy's message. The weather there sounds like no fun.

@Heartgrove Sorry to hear that Sue has tested positive, Jack, and that you still have symptoms. When I had the hyaluronic acid injections in my knee, it was done in 3 sittings.

@cruising sister I'm glad the roads are clear so you can go to get your sutures out.

@marshhawk Sorry to hear you're still coughing. Any news on the oxygen? Your friend is in a bad way; and the nurses and doctors are only trying to help him, as is his ex-wife, I'd think. He'll drive everyone away.

@RMLincoln I'm sorry to hear about the trials of your old friends. I'm glad you're closer to what you may need; something I think about as someone with no family.

@Nickelpenny Break a leg (figuratively) at your recital. Will there be video? 

@smitty34877 Growing up in NJ, I remember Soupy Sales!  I hope Tana is at least stable currently.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning all!

Another clear, frosty morning here.  

I've never thought pie in the face was funny.  I love Bavarian Cream Pie but haven't had any in a long time.  I had a box turtle when I was in my teens, as did our DD.  I'll pass on the meal, red wine and drink, the quote is a good one.  Have not been to this port.


Luggage forwarding will be picking up our bags in a couple weeks.  Yesterday I went through the closet choosing what to bring for the dressy and formal nights for the cruise.  That involved trying on everything to see what still fits!  Thankfully most of it does.  I'm getting frustrated that HAL still hasn't let us know what the Theme Nights will be...hope to hear something this week. Meanwhile I'm just making educated guesses.  The cruise may be a month off, but most of us are having our luggage picked up in mid December.


DH is having a tooth pulled today, so I have no idea what we (I?) will have for dinner.  


Thank you Jacqui @kazu for sharing Roy's @rafinmd update.  What a night!  I hope it was all for good, and they can quickly get him feeling better.  I also hope he got something to eat last night!

@quilty964 I'm so sorry you've tested positive for Covid.

Jack @Heartgrove I hope your DW improves quickly and sending good wishes on the job hunt.



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Good morning from a chilly Quartzsite.  It is 50F and feels like 48F with a 5mph wing from the north,.  The humidity is lower at 38% with a dewpoint of 26F.  I'm glad I ordered more hand cream during the Black Friday sale.  We should reach 67F today and 70F tomorrow, and then back to the mid to upper 60s.  We're waiting for the gut to bring the new HVAC system.  He said between 8 and noon, but probably nearer 8, but that didn't happen.  Depending on how that goes, I will be going to Blythe for groceries later or maybe tomorrow.


We had a little excitement(?) yesterday afternoon and early this morning, but everything is fine now.  All the systems in our new motorhome are controlled from a central touch screen panel, and DH can access the panel from his tablet.  (We still have to set up my tablet and phone to do that too.)  Shortly after I put the bedroom slide in yesterday, DH could not access the panel to check something.  It was not working which meant the 12V system was not working.  We tried a few things that didn't work, but this morning he called the manufacturer's help line, and the tech walked us through getting it going.  It's too complicated for me to know exactly what they did, but it is working.  It turns out that in this motorhome we should not turn the 12V batteries off since they are charged when the motorhome is plugged in or the engine is running.  They are somehow tied into the engine battery charging system.  Now, we just have to get the water heater fixed.  I'm not sure if I mentioned it, but we could never get it to work.  I'm just glad the campgrounds had nice showers for us to use.


I'm ready for a little stretch of dull normality, or whatever passes for normality.


While I don't want a pie in my face, some of the pie fights in movies have been funny.  My favorite is the pie fight in "The Great Race".  Bavarian Cream Pie would be good today.  I like the idea of Turtle adoption day.  We need to do all we can to save the turtles and tortoises.


The Charlotte Bronte quote is very true.


We'll pass on the butternut squash dish and the drink.  I would like to try the wine.


We have not been to Maputo, Mozambique.  It may have been on the itinerary of a cruise we canceled in  2004 when Kenya and Tanzania were dropped.  They were the reason we booked the cruise to begin with.  


In 1807, the Portuguese royal family made a wise decision to escape Napoleon.

Alfred Nobel's establishment of the Nobel Prize was a good idea in 1895.  We've been to the Nobel Museum in Stockholm and the Nobel Peace Museum in Oslo, but were very interesting.


@rafinmd  Roy, I hope you are feeling better today.  Your night sounds like what we went through in September at UTSW.  I hope you get some rest and food today.

@grapau27  Graham, thanks for the information on adopt a turtle day.

@aliaschief  Bruce, hope today's appointment goes well.  It would be good if you could avoid surgery, but if it is needed, I hope it is done quickly so you can go on your cruise and enjoy it.

@seagarsmoker  I hope you can get your cruise moved to next month.  I hope you find a new job soon.

@kazu  Jacqui, thank you for sharing Roy's @rafinmd update.

@Heartgrove  I'm sorry Sue tested positive over the weekend.  I hope your DSIL does not get Covid.  Jack, I hope both of you feel better soon.

@cruising sister  Lorraine, I'm glad the roads are clear, and hope the appointment to remove the sutures goes well.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope you and Ivan stay safe during the storm, and that there are no power outages.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope your cough goes away soon and you can get more rest.  I'm sorry your friend is feeling so bad and is still in the hospital.  From what you  said, I also feel sorry for the doctors, nurses and his wife.

@mamaofami  Carol, it was good to hear from you and that things are quiet there.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, our condolences on the passing of your friend.  I'm glad you are close to your family and settling into your new life.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, the Hula show should be good today.  Have fun.


The guys with the new HVAC unit are here, and are already installing the new unit.  They are working fast.  The new unit is about twice as tall as the old one since the new one is more efficient.  We had to trim some more branches off the ironwood tree.  It will be a battle to keep the branches way from it.
















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We visited Maputo, Mozambique, earlier this year while aboard the Zuiderdam.   Our ship’s excursion first stopped at the railroad station that was built in 1910 by the Portuguese.  The bronze dome was constructed in South Africa and was innovative for the time.  We next stopped at the Central Market and then at Independence Square, where the city hall as well as a large Catholic Church are located.  Nearby was a house designed by Gustave Eiffel that is all metal, pretty strange considering the hot temperatures in Africa.  We spent a short while at a fort built by the Portuguese during the time this area was its colony.  Our next stop was the Natural History Museum, which has many stuffed animals as well as a collection of elephant fetuses.  We then went to the Feima market, a market for African crafts.  Our last stop was at a five star hotel where we had lunch.


Train Station 






Statute near the train station.


Central Market.


Government Building.


At the Portuguese fort.




Natural History Museum.




Feima market.


Hotel pool where we had lunch.


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Good morning everyone.  Thanky-you for the daily report and lists.  I’ll happily celebrate Bavarian cream pie in my mouth and not my face!  Hats off to all of the turtles who get adopted.  Very sage quote and good reminder to seek out happiness.  I think the meal suggestion sounds tasty and the drink sounds refreshing.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Cheers to those of you who are celebrating happy events today!

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1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

No to pies in the face and Bavarian cream pie. Protecting turtles is important. Good quote. I like the soup, pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Maputo. Interesting days in history. 


Brrr. It's cold and very windy, with snow flurries. But I won't complain as up near Erie they are getting 36"+ of snow. Yesterday afternoon BFF and I picked up our UK friends, went to have a meal and kill some time, then dropped them at the airport. Last night I tried the recliner, but as soon as the footrest went up, my leg was tingling and painful. After about 15 minutes I went upstairs to my bed. I got about 2.5 hours of sleep. Sigh. Today is the 1 year anniversary of the passing of BFF's Father.


@rafinmd Prayers for you Roy. I'm sorry they constantly interrupted your night getting tests, but hope the tests reveal a diagnosis. I hope you can get some rest today.

@StLouisCruisers I hope your stomach is more settled today. 

@aliaschief Good luck with your Orthopedic appointment today. 

@seagarsmoker I hope you can change your cruise. And good luck with the job search.

@kazu Thanks for passing on Roy's message. The weather there sounds like no fun.

@Heartgrove Sorry to hear that Sue has tested positive, Jack, and that you still have symptoms. When I had the hyaluronic acid injections in my knee, it was done in 3 sittings.

@cruising sister I'm glad the roads are clear so you can go to get your sutures out.

@marshhawk Sorry to hear you're still coughing. Any news on the oxygen? Your friend is in a bad way; and the nurses and doctors are only trying to help him, as is his ex-wife, I'd think. He'll drive everyone away.

@RMLincoln I'm sorry to hear about the trials of your old friends. I'm glad you're closer to what you may need; something I think about as someone with no family.

@Nickelpenny Break a leg (figuratively) at your recital. Will there be video? 

@smitty34877 Growing up in NJ, I remember Soupy Sales!  I hope Tana is at least stable currently.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.

I am having someone video it for me🥴

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

@Vict0riann the bags are in my car at the hospital valet parking.  I was able to cancel my train, apparently for a full refund.


I know we have a number of dailyites in Florida but don’t have any closer than my niece in Orlando.




I'm not sure whether one Ft. Lauderdale resident on Cruise Critic has ever posted on the Daily but I wondered whether you know him, Roy.  I know Rich @richwmn knows him personally.  That person is @POA1.  If you needed something taken care of desperately he might be able to handle it for you.  I'm glad to hear the bags and car are nearby and that the train reservation was already cancelled.  We are worried about you and hope things are being sorted through right now to get you back on the road to recovery.

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In happier news, DD set up her classroom Christmas tree over the weekend.  Then she went to work making wooden ornaments for each student on her Glow Forge machine, and painting them.  Each student can take their ornament home at Christmas break to put on their own tree at home.  She was thinking ahead and picked up the Grinch tree last summer.



Of course this tree is a Grinch Free Zone!



She told me she was busy all weekend but I had no idea!



Bet the kids (and parents) will love it.🎄

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

@Vict0riann the bags are in my car at the hospital valet parking.  I was able to cancel my train, apparently for a full refund.


I know we have a number of dailyites in Florida but don’t have any closer than my niece in Orlando.



Roy, are you still in Hollywood?  We are about 2 1/2 from there. 

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I'm not sure whether one Ft. Lauderdale resident on Cruise Critic has ever posted on the Daily but I wondered whether you know him, Roy.  I know Rich @richwmn knows him personally.  That person is @POA1.  If you needed something taken care of desperately he might be able to handle it for you.  I'm glad to hear the bags and car are nearby and that the train reservation was already cancelled.  We are worried about you and hope things are being sorted through right now to get you back on the road to recovery.

If someone will provide me @rafinmd's information I will be happy to contact @POA1

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1 hour ago, richwmn said:

If someone will provide me @rafinmd's information I will be happy to contact @POA1


Will do, Rich.  


31 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Just finished with ortho. Drum Roll Please! I have been walking around since June with a small fracture of my tibia. It’s healing, no further treatment required just be careful.

Did not see that one coming. 🙏



Wow Bruce!  glad to hear it is healing and doesn’t need further treatment.  thank heavens!

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Latest update from Roy who is now admitted:



Well It’s Monday afternoon.  Tech for echocardiogram came 8:15 and breakfast 8:30.  By the time the tech left 9:30 most had to be microwaved.  More tests and other stuff but I did spend some time in a chair.  Lunch about 12:30 and at 2 I was told I’m being moved to 379 (admitted vs observation) and am now there.  No reports on the latest tests yet.


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1 hour ago, aliaschief said:

Just finished with ortho. Drum Roll Please! I have been walking around since June with a small fracture of my tibia. It’s healing, no further treatment required just be careful.

Did not see that one coming. 🙏


Bruce, that is good news! The alternative is what I have which is a plate 15cm and eight screws from when I broke the right one eight years ago.


- Jack

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Good afternoon from a partly sunny day in SE wisconsin.   Had a few more flurries overnite to cover the roads again.  Luckily we don't need to fo out.  I'm feeling well today, and take the last dose of paxlovid tonite!  Yay!  

bavarian cream pie sounds good, but not in the face!  I remember seeing turtle nesting spots and fences  around them when visiting St. Pete Beach.  Always wanted to see one when snorkeling g, but never did.  

@rafinmd, praying you feel better soon and get some answers.  I also hope you're well fed, and can get some sleep. 

@StLouisCruisersthat tree is so cute!  I'm sure they are all enjoying  it!

Have a good evening, Karen


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