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Thursday December 14th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good Afternoon,  after our bumpy landing we couldn't depart the plane until customs came and escorted a passenger off the plane.  The airport moved hotel shuttle pickup again and we followed the signs. The hotel shuttle drove past us about 30 minutes since we called.  I called the hotel and they said we were in the wrong spot, so we went to where they said to go.  After three more passes the driver said she could only pick us up in the original spot we went to.  We complained at check in. 

After check in we went to LA Bamba for a nice lunch with some adult beverages.  Went back to the room and we both napped for at least an hour.

Thank you everyone for the safe journey thoughts. 


Edited by Crazy For Cats
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2 hours ago, richwmn said:

I just saw this on FB and enjoyed it



That works for me and I don't have a dog.


1 hour ago, atexsix said:

Hello everybody, I know it's been a long time, I just logged in and noticed a number of people were asking about me a couple of weeks ago, I very much appreciate it, I couldn't reply to that thread though because they lock them now apparently.  I do pop in every so often to peek at the care list and drool over the pictures, which are a blessing and a curse, Dear Dad and I want to cruise so badly we can taste it.  


A lot has been happening and there's been good news and bad news.  To begin, Dad is doing okay, the kidney disease is still considered stable, but memory issues are becoming more of a problem and he was recently diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment, which is considered a precursor to Dementia or Alzheimer's, but not always.  Case in point, after the fire in Maui I showed him the pictures we took in Lahaina and he had no memory we were even in Hawaii, let alone a cruise to that specific port.  And over Thanksgiving we had family staying with us, I had to repeatedly remind Dad they were here, even as they slept in the next room.  


Neuropathy and Gout cause daily problems, and the current concerns are protein in the urine which indicates damage, and A1C, with kidney disease it's always something, but he hasn't given up hope which is remarkable, between the good attitude and quality at home care, his doctors feel he's living much longer than if he had been "placed" (euphemism for care home, nursing home, whatever you want to call it).   


We moved from our townhouse in July and now reside in a high-rise flat with fantastic city/mountain views for Dad.  The tower is beautiful and the conveniences within the building and everything nearby are numerous.  But despite having help from a number of family members, the stress of the move took a toll, and I had a 2nd stroke shortly after in late August.  It was small thank God, but I was immediately put on two months of rest, and no driving, so the convenience of being in an urban area paid off.  At least it resulted in no new deficits, and the main focus is to keep stress levels down and lose weight, which is next to impossible this time of the year.   


We are looking at cruises to Alaska next Fall and I'm going to discuss it with Lisa when she returns from her Caribbean cruise.  The Eurodam in a Neptune, they are the only staterooms with wide doorways which is all DD needs, we don't require accessibility elsewhere, and they are always booked up well in advance.  We looked at a number of other cruise lines, with Oceania a top choice, but only the owner's suite has a wide enough doorway and those are never available either.  But that's beside the point, we really miss the familiarity of HAL and because of specific health related needs, the Neptune lounge as close to our stateroom as possible will be a Godsend.  


So those are the highlights, caregiving takes up 95% of my free time, which keeps me away from the daily I'm afraid, but an upcoming cruise could change that as someone alluded to in the daily back in November.  Thanks again for the well wishes, I'm so happy I had a chance to stop in before the holidays.  Feel free to ask any questions and wish me to elaborate on something.


~Bruno and Dad (David)


So good to hear from you.  We get worried when we don't.  Sorry to hear about the stroke, but I am glad it was mild with no new deficiencies.  Also good that your DD is doing as well as he is!  I hope you can snag that Neptune suite for a cruise to Alaska.


@Niagarawine I am sorry to hear of the passing of your DFIL.  I hope there are many happy memories to guide and help you through this time.  Please accept my condolences to you and your family.


Coffee with classmates this morning was a ton of fun.  I hated to leave to get to my hair appointment, but my hair does look a ton better.  Not much else to report.  I wanted to bake cookies, but Sue reminded me that I really didn't want them around tormenting me to eat them.  

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13 minutes ago, dfish said:


That works for me and I don't have a dog.



So good to hear from you.  We get worried when we don't.  Sorry to hear about the stroke, but I am glad it was mild with no new deficiencies.  Also good that your DD is doing as well as he is!  I hope you can snag that Neptune suite for a cruise to Alaska.


@Niagarawine I am sorry to hear of the passing of your DFIL.  I hope there are many happy memories to guide and help you through this time.  Please accept my condolences to you and your family.


Coffee with classmates this morning was a ton of fun.  I hated to leave to get to my hair appointment, but my hair does look a ton better.  Not much else to report.  I wanted to bake cookies, but Sue reminded me that I really didn't want them around tormenting me to eat them.  

Thanks.  There are a lot of additional considerations when traveling with health issues, most have been worked out, but it'll be a different kind of cruise, a lot of time in the room resting, so the suite will be good for that.  

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@Sharon in AZCongrats on the anniversary-I'm happy to see someone else was crazy(?) to get married in December. Our anniversary is Dec. 27-even crazier!

As for ham, HoneyBaked Ham Co. usually has ham bones you can buy and they store them in their freezer. The bone still has a lot of ham attached and makes wonderful broth for beans or split peas. 

Gloomy today after a couple of nice sunny days but no rain yet and close to 50 degrees. DD in Colorado reported on their 4 inches of snow but roads were scraped so no snow day for the boys. Strange weather everywhere. 

Take care and enjoy the season.

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Good Afternoon Everyone,

       I haven't check in for a while............though I do read the daily almost every day to keep up!


      It has been 3 months since Dad passed and it still hits me some days that he is gone when I want to share something with him.  The other day I was driving across town and started to turn on the road to Dad's place I guess after 4 years of 1-3 times daily visits I was on auto pilot.

       My oldest daughters birthday is today.  I remember my Mom telling me that the "idea" of his baby having a baby really bothered Dad for several days! (he got over it and spoiled her and the rest of the grands as they arrived).

      Today my FIL is moving to assisted living.  He was hospitalized with Covid a month after my Dad passed and we almost lost FIL.  He has spent the last 6 weeks in a rehab.  He is doing better and has gotten stronger, but I doubt he will be able to return to his home especially with his memory slipping.

       We have talked about a cruise in the spring, but have put it on hold.  We may just take some shorter road trips for now.

       The Grands have a Christmas program at their school this evening that should be fun to watch.  My daughter is Dean of Students at the school so she will get to celebrate her birthday at the program!

       Take care everyone, hugs and prayers to all who need them.



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2 hours ago, Niagarawine said:

Thank you for all the payers. My fil passed quietly last night in his sleep.


My condolences to you and your family and all of his 😔  May he RIP.  







Hi Bruno @atexsix.  So good to hear from you.  I’m relieved that the stroke didn’t have a major impact but saddened with the health and caregiving issues you are facing.  Hope you can both stay as well as possible and have a very wonderful Holiday Season.



1 hour ago, cruising sister said:

I put the luggage out at 11 to be on the safe side. Pick up window was 1 to 5. They came at 1:15. Molly really doesn’t like luggage she knows it means I go away!


Molly does NOT look happy.  I’m sure she will bel fine.



3 hours ago, P&PNH said:

Greetings to all, and thanks for FR & D.  Avid reader, and sometimes poster, but thanks for all your efforts and contributions.  I wish there was a hug button for so many of you.  I just wanted to comment on the Mary Stewart topic.  There was a very good TV series about her called Reign.  Many good actors and interesting sets. Megan Follows ( Anne of Green Gables) plays her mother.  Anyway, if you can find it, it is worth watching.  Stay well, and prayer for those in pain.




Reign is an excellent series.  I second your recommendation 👍 



3 hours ago, durangoscots said:

Driveway has been plowed and I got my car cleared off. I think our snowfall was about 4 inches which is considered a light amount here even though the snow itself was pretty heavy with moisture. I had the suitcases out at 5:15 this morning after the 6am threat .... and admired the unbroken snow. I am now within the time of the original pickup and no sign of activity. Could have gotten more sleep. Between wrestling the luggage downstairs and snow removal, my back is not happy. I think the rest of this day will be reading and getting some paperwork done. Dogs are exhausted by all this activity.




Thank heavens the dogs are beat, Susan.  At least you can rest and they will too 🤞 


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6 minutes ago, SusieKIslandGirl said:

Sharon in AZCongrats on the anniversary-I'm happy to see someone else was crazy(?) to get married in December. Our anniversary is Dec. 27-even crazier!

Yes, we were crazy getting married in December!! But after dating during college and then living in separate states, especially our outrageous telephone bill, we decided that we just couldn’t live apart. If I had been older and wiser I know we should have waited but young love prevailed. Oh my on having a wedding between Christmas and New Year’s Day!!

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5 minutes ago, kazu said:


My condolences to you and your family and all of his 😔  May he RIP.  







Hi Bruno @atexsix.  So good to hear from you.  I’m relieved that the stroke didn’t have a major impact but saddened with the health and caregiving issues you are facing.  Hope you can both stay as well as possible and have a very wonderful Holiday Season.




Molly does NOT look happy.  I’m sure she will bel fine.




Reign is an excellent series.  I second your recommendation 👍 




Thank heavens the dogs are beat, Susan.  At least you can rest and they will too 🤞 


Thank you so much!  I hope you are doing well.

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Well our luggage has been picked up now, 1:30 PST.  When he saw all the bags he asked if we were moving LOL.  


@CrabbyPatti Sending hugs -- 3 months isn't long -- it does get better with time but we'll always miss our Dads.  It's been 5 years for me and I still can't believe he's gone.

Happy birthday to your daughter!  Glad to hear your FIL is doing better after having Covid.





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2 hours ago, Niagarawine said:

Thank you for all the payers. My fil passed quietly last night in his sleep.


Kathy, my condolences on the loss of Ray's DF.  At least it was a peaceful passing.  I hope the memories console you both as well as the rest of your family.




2 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

Good collection of days.  We recently got our "report card" from the utility company and got "Good".  I was horrified to see that our usage was up over 100% from a year ago ---- until DH reminded me that we were gone all that month last year. 😅  No wonder it was so low a year ago!  Whew!


I love the quote and is how I live too.  Will pass on the meal, drink and wine today.  We've been to Sweden but not Visby.


Like others, we're waiting for Luggage Forward to arrive.  Our original pick up time was 1-5, then 10-5.  It's after 11 now.  We're sending a bit 😉  



Happy Anniversary Sharon and Craig @Sharon in AZ!

Sandi @StLouisCruisers My sincere condolences on the death of your cousin.

Jake @Crazy For Cats Safe travels!

@Niagarawine Sincere condolences on the death of your FIL.

Vanessa @JazzyV I hope the meds will kick in and help you get some much needed sleep (and relief!)


Carolyn, thank you very much for your kind thoughts.  Your cruise is going to be awesome!  




2 hours ago, atexsix said:

Hello everybody, I know it's been a long time, I just logged in and noticed a number of people were asking about me a couple of weeks ago, I very much appreciate it, I couldn't reply to that thread though because they lock them now apparently.  I do pop in every so often to peek at the care list and drool over the pictures, which are a blessing and a curse, Dear Dad and I want to cruise so badly we can taste it.  


A lot has been happening and there's been good news and bad news.  To begin, Dad is doing okay, the kidney disease is still considered stable, but memory issues are becoming more of a problem and he was recently diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment, which is considered a precursor to Dementia or Alzheimer's, but not always.  Case in point, after the fire in Maui I showed him the pictures we took in Lahaina and he had no memory we were even in Hawaii, let alone a cruise to that specific port.  And over Thanksgiving we had family staying with us, I had to repeatedly remind Dad they were here, even as they slept in the next room.  


Neuropathy and Gout cause daily problems, and the current concerns are protein in the urine which indicates damage, and A1C, with kidney disease it's always something, but he hasn't given up hope which is remarkable, between the good attitude and quality at home care, his doctors feel he's living much longer than if he had been "placed" (euphemism for care home, nursing home, whatever you want to call it).   


We moved from our townhouse in July and now reside in a high-rise flat with fantastic city/mountain views for Dad.  The tower is beautiful and the conveniences within the building and everything nearby are numerous.  But despite having help from a number of family members, the stress of the move took a toll, and I had a 2nd stroke shortly after in late August.  It was small thank God, but I was immediately put on two months of rest, and no driving, so the convenience of being in an urban area paid off.  At least it resulted in no new deficits, and the main focus is to keep stress levels down and lose weight, which is next to impossible this time of the year.   


We are looking at cruises to Alaska next Fall and I'm going to discuss it with Lisa when she returns from her Caribbean cruise.  The Eurodam in a Neptune, they are the only staterooms with wide doorways which is all DD needs, we don't require accessibility elsewhere, and they are always booked up well in advance.  We looked at a number of other cruise lines, with Oceania a top choice, but only the owner's suite has a wide enough doorway and those are never available either.  But that's beside the point, we really miss the familiarity of HAL and because of specific health related needs, the Neptune lounge as close to our stateroom as possible will be a Godsend.  


So those are the highlights, caregiving takes up 95% of my free time, which keeps me away from the daily I'm afraid, but an upcoming cruise could change that as someone alluded to in the daily back in November.  Thanks again for the well wishes, I'm so happy I had a chance to stop in before the holidays.  Feel free to ask any questions and wish me to elaborate on something.


~Bruno and Dad (David)


Bruno, thanks for dropping in to let us know how things have been going.  Glad to hear about the move, but so sorry to hear about your stroke and Dad's problems.  I hope things remain going well with his at home care, and you can get back on a BHB next year.  Happy holidays to you and David!




27 minutes ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Good Afternoon Everyone,

       I haven't check in for a while............though I do read the daily almost every day to keep up!


      It has been 3 months since Dad passed and it still hits me some days that he is gone when I want to share something with him.  The other day I was driving across town and started to turn on the road to Dad's place I guess after 4 years of 1-3 times daily visits I was on auto pilot.

       My oldest daughters birthday is today.  I remember my Mom telling me that the "idea" of his baby having a baby really bothered Dad for several days! (he got over it and spoiled her and the rest of the grands as they arrived).

      Today my FIL is moving to assisted living.  He was hospitalized with Covid a month after my Dad passed and we almost lost FIL.  He has spent the last 6 weeks in a rehab.  He is doing better and has gotten stronger, but I doubt he will be able to return to his home especially with his memory slipping.

       We have talked about a cruise in the spring, but have put it on hold.  We may just take some shorter road trips for now.

       The Grands have a Christmas program at their school this evening that should be fun to watch.  My daughter is Dean of Students at the school so she will get to celebrate her birthday at the program!

       Take care everyone, hugs and prayers to all who need them.




Hi Denise, good to hear from you again.  Happy birthday wishes to your DD!  Hope you enjoy the Grands' Christmas program this evening.  Sorry to hear your FIL has to go to assisted living and his memory issues lately.  I remember going through that with DD DMIL and it was not easy.  Hope you  enjoy the time spent with family this Christmas and New Year's!

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8 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Kathy, my condolences on the loss of Ray's DF.  At least it was a peaceful passing.  I hope the memories console you both as well as the rest of your family.





Carolyn, thank you very much for your kind thoughts.  Your cruise is going to be awesome!  





Bruno, thanks for dropping in to let us know how things have been going.  Glad to hear about the move, but so sorry to hear about your stroke and Dad's problems.  I hope things remain going well with his at home care, and you can get back on a BHB next year.  Happy holidays to you and David!





Hi Denise, good to hear from you again.  Happy birthday wishes to your DD!  Hope you enjoy the Grands' Christmas program this evening.  Sorry to hear your FIL has to go to assisted living and his memory issues lately.  I remember going through that with DD DMIL and it was not easy.  Hope you  enjoy the time spent with family this Christmas and New Year's!

Thanks, I sure hope we can squeeze in a cruise or two.  Hope you and your family have great holidays too.

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

We should try to do more good every day, and conserve energy. I had my first roast chestnuts from a street vendor in Bad Wimpfen, Germany; they were ok, as I recall. Good quote. Yes to the meal and pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Visby. 2 interesting days in history.


It was partly sunny and mid-40's here today. I've spent a good part of the day in the recliner (sometimes with discomfort), as I was very sleepy this morning and also couldn't walk more than a few steps without severe leg pain. No change with the new med, but it can take weeks to work. Tomorrow I have PT and a medical appointment. Monday I see the Neurosurgeon, and will plead my case for something to be done regarding the pain. I don't see me doing much for Christmas, at this rate.


@Sharon in AZ Happy Anniversary to you and Craig!

@Cruzin Terri I hope DH's visit to the dentist went ok. I'm hoping your increased dose of Prednisone kicks in soon, and that you start to feel better. Is there a plan yet for the positive biopsies?

@Haljo1935 Good to hear that the doctor was pleased with your progress on the frozen shoulder; and it's good there's a plan in place.

@kazu It is a small world, and nice that you have a connection to the young man. Continued prayers for DBIL's DM. Very nice of your friend to help and remove that tree. Thanks for the information on Mary Queen of Scots.

@Crazy For Cats Our last cruise, BFF and I had something similar with a hotel shuttle from the airport. We finally took a cab after an hour, and requested they reimburse us. I'd like one of those drinks!

@smitty34877 Thinking of you, Tana and the rest of the family.

@cruising sister I'm glad you were able to enjoy a nice dinner with friends.

@kochleffel Thanks for the Visby photos. 

@RMLincoln Love the TX waffle! Enjoy visiting with friends today.

@Nickelpenny Sorry you aren't feeling well. Lots of flu and RSV around here; one health system just announced a return to masking. Interesting hearing about all that insurance requires before anything surgical can be done; but I suppose it's good if a non-surgical treatment works. Yikes on possible major "deconstruction/construction" surgery!

@Niagarawine My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your DFIL. May he RIP.

@atexsix Bruno, thanks for stopping in! Sorry DDad has so many issues, but he's fortunate to have such good care there at home with you. I am so sorry to hear about your 2nd stroke, and am glad you had no new deficits. I hope you two do get to cruise again. 

@CrabbyPatti Happy Birthday to your DD! Your Dad hasn't been gone very long, so all those emotions and actions are normal. I hope your FIL continues to get stronger.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.

Edited by JazzyV
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2 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

We should try to do more good every day, and conserve energy. I had my first roast chestnuts from a street vendor in Bad Wimpfen, Germany; they were ok, as I recall. Good quote. Yes to the meal and pass on the drink and wine. I haven't been to Visby. 2 interesting days in history.


It was partly sunny and mid-40's here today. I've spent a good part of the day in the recliner (sometimes with discomfort), as I was very sleepy this morning and also couldn't walk more than a few steps without severe leg pain. No change with the new med, but it can take weeks to work. Tomorrow I have PT and a medical appointment. Monday I see the Neurosurgeon, and will plead my case for something to be done regarding the pain. I don't see me doing much for Christmas, at this rate.


@Sharon in AZ Happy Anniversary to you and Craig!

@Cruzin Terri I hope DH's visit to the dentist went ok. I'm hoping your increased dose of Prednisone kicks in soon, and that you start to feel better. Is there a plan yet for the positive biopsies?

@Haljo1935 Good to hear that the doctor was pleased with your progress on the frozen shoulder; and it's good there's a plan in place.

@kazu It is a small world, and nice that you have a connection to the young man. Continued prayers for DBIL's DM. Very nice of your friend to help and remove that tree. Thanks for the information on Mary Queen of Scots.

@Crazy For Cats Our last cruise, BFF and I had something similar with a hotel shuttle from the airport. We finally took a cab after an hour, and requested they reimburse us. I'd like one of those drinks!

@smitty34877 Thinking of you, Tana and the rest of the family.

@cruising sister I'm glad you were able to enjoy a nice dinner with friends.

@kochleffel Thanks for the Visby photos. 

@RMLincoln Love the TX waffle! Enjoy visiting with friends today.

@Nickelpenny Sorry you aren't feeling well. Lots of flu and RSV around here; one health system just announced a return to masking. Interesting hearing about all that insurance requires before anything surgical can be done; but I suppose it's good if a non-surgical treatment works. Yikes on possible major "deconstruction/construction" surgery!

@Niagarawine My condolences to you and your family on the passing of your DFIL. May he RIP.

@atexsix Bruno, thanks for stopping in! Sorry DD has so many issues, but he's fortunate to have such good care there at home with you. I am so sorry to hear about your 2nd stroke, and am glad you had no new deficits. I hope you two do get to cruise again. 

@CrabbyPatti Happy Birthday to your DD! Your Dad hasn't been gone very long, so all those emotions and actions are normal. I hope your FIL continues to get stronger.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.

Thanks!  Sorry to hear about your leg pain. Dad and I both have similar issues, although mine is only on my right stroke side.  We've found Lidocaine patches help a little. 

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1 hour ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Yes, we were crazy getting married in December!! But after dating during college and then living in separate states, especially our outrageous telephone bill, we decided that we just couldn’t live apart. If I had been older and wiser I know we should have waited but young love prevailed. Oh my on having a wedding between Christmas and New Year’s Day!!

Sounds familiar. I was still in school and DH started a teaching job one state away. I had forgotten all about the horrid phone bills. And I still tease him about marrying me because he didn't like cooking after burning his spinach one night. We were going to wait until summer but having a cook took precedence. It's only been 54 years so I guess it worked!🥰

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I told myself I wasn't going to do it because the combined price for the three cruises is a considerable amount over the same time as one cruise, but due to some good fortune I had enough and just purchased internet for the entire time I will be gone.

I guess I will be posting daily again, or at least most days.


Edited by richwmn
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4 hours ago, P&PNH said:

Greetings to all, and thanks for FR & D.  Avid reader, and sometimes poster, but thanks for all your efforts and contributions.  I wish there was a hug button for so many of you.  I just wanted to comment on the Mary Stewart topic.  There was a very good TV series about her called Reign.  Many good actors and interesting sets. Megan Follows ( Anne of Green Gables) plays her mother.  Anyway, if you can find it, it is worth watching.  Stay well, and prayer for those in pain.



I found it for free!!  Thanks so much for the recommendation.  I love period/history shows!!

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12 minutes ago, richwmn said:

I told myself I wasn't going to do it because the combined price for the three cruises is a considerable amount over the same time as one cruise, but due to some good fortune I had enough and just purchased internet for the entire time I will be gone.

I guess I will be posting daily again, or at least most days.



That's amazing!  Congrats on your good fortune.

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3 hours ago, atexsix said:

Hello everybody, I know it's been a long time, I just logged in and noticed a number of people were asking about me a couple of weeks ago, I very much appreciate it, I couldn't reply to that thread though because they lock them now apparently.  I do pop in every so often to peek at the care list and drool over the pictures, which are a blessing and a curse, Dear Dad and I want to cruise so badly we can taste it.  


A lot has been happening and there's been good news and bad news.  To begin, Dad is doing okay, the kidney disease is still considered stable, but memory issues are becoming more of a problem and he was recently diagnosed with Mild Cognitive Impairment, which is considered a precursor to Dementia or Alzheimer's, but not always.  Case in point, after the fire in Maui I showed him the pictures we took in Lahaina and he had no memory we were even in Hawaii, let alone a cruise to that specific port.  And over Thanksgiving we had family staying with us, I had to repeatedly remind Dad they were here, even as they slept in the next room.  


Neuropathy and Gout cause daily problems, and the current concerns are protein in the urine which indicates damage, and A1C, with kidney disease it's always something, but he hasn't given up hope which is remarkable, between the good attitude and quality at home care, his doctors feel he's living much longer than if he had been "placed" (euphemism for care home, nursing home, whatever you want to call it).   


We moved from our townhouse in July and now reside in a high-rise flat with fantastic city/mountain views for Dad.  The tower is beautiful and the conveniences within the building and everything nearby are numerous.  But despite having help from a number of family members, the stress of the move took a toll, and I had a 2nd stroke shortly after in late August.  It was small thank God, but I was immediately put on two months of rest, and no driving, so the convenience of being in an urban area paid off.  At least it resulted in no new deficits, and the main focus is to keep stress levels down and lose weight, which is next to impossible this time of the year.   


We are looking at cruises to Alaska next Fall and I'm going to discuss it with Lisa when she returns from her Caribbean cruise.  The Eurodam in a Neptune, they are the only staterooms with wide doorways which is all DD needs, we don't require accessibility elsewhere, and they are always booked up well in advance.  We looked at a number of other cruise lines, with Oceania a top choice, but only the owner's suite has a wide enough doorway and those are never available either.  But that's beside the point, we really miss the familiarity of HAL and because of specific health related needs, the Neptune lounge as close to our stateroom as possible will be a Godsend.  


So those are the highlights, caregiving takes up 95% of my free time, which keeps me away from the daily I'm afraid, but an upcoming cruise could change that as someone alluded to in the daily back in November.  Thanks again for the well wishes, I'm so happy I had a chance to stop in before the holidays.  Feel free to ask any questions and wish me to elaborate on something.


~Bruno and Dad (David)

Bruno - So glad to see your updated posting.   Since meeting you on the 2021 Alaska cruise I always watch for you to post to see how you and Dad are doing.  Was sorry to hear about your stroke but good to hear that you made it thru without new deficits.     I’m sure the new location has made life easier for you to manage with your Dad.    Dad is blessed to share his living space with you as you are such a caring person.  I hope someday that we will be able to cruise together again.   I wish you two a wonderful holiday - and please when you have time - keep us updated.    Take care 


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15 minutes ago, richwmn said:

I told myself I wasn't going to do it because the combined price for the three cruises is a considerable amount over the same time as one cruise, but due to some good fortune I had enough and just purchased internet for the entire time I will be gone.

I guess I will be posting daily again, or at least most days.


That's good news for us because we can follow along with you!   


@CrabbyPatti Hugs to you. It is hard when you lose a parent.  Sue and I drive by Dad's house every once in a while just to make sure it is being cared for.  It is hard not to.

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1 hour ago, CrabbyPatti said:

Good Afternoon Everyone,

       I haven't check in for a while............though I do read the daily almost every day to keep up!


      It has been 3 months since Dad passed and it still hits me some days that he is gone when I want to share something with him.  The other day I was driving across town and started to turn on the road to Dad's place I guess after 4 years of 1-3 times daily visits I was on auto pilot.


Losing those we love is hard 💔. When Jose died I instinctively started to dial my mother’s phone number.  She’s been gone for too long a time.  Sometimes you just can’t help yourself ♥️ 



1 hour ago, CrabbyPatti said:

       My oldest daughters birthday is today.


A very happy birthday to your DD 






14 minutes ago, richwmn said:

I told myself I wasn't going to do it because the combined price for the three cruises is a considerable amount over the same time as one cruise, but due to some good fortune I had enough and just purchased internet for the entire time I will be gone.

I guess I will be posting daily again, or at least most days.



Well, I’m glad you did it even if you told yourself you wouldn’t 😊 Looking forward to hearing from you when time permits on your fabulous cruises 😃 




31 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Monday I see the Neurosurgeon, and will plead my case for something to be done regarding the pain.


I sure hope your Neurosurgeon can help, Vanessa.  Surely to heavens he can 🤞 



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@richwmn  Rich,  thank you for the HAL Fleet locations, but today Noordam is in Lyttelton. Due to the wind, she was unable to enter Otago Harbour yesterday to visit Port Chalmers.


Will now continue to read the "Daily" news.


Edited by erewhon
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