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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday June 6th, 2024

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2 minutes ago, Heartgrove said:


I think it was the Army not being very thorough with records post-war. I know my father was very, very reluctant to talk about his War experiences (PTSD before it was recognized?) and may have let it go until then to keep from remembering. I was working in '70-'71with a man whose hobby was Award and Service Decorations of the Armed Forces. He had provided me with information for my father on who to contact. 


My father did not want my brother and I to join the Army which is why we both enlisted in the Coast Guard. I remember one time talking with my brother about Basic Training. I mentioned that he didn't warn me how hard it had been. He said that if he had told me - I wouldn't have gone! 

Thanks for the explanation.  My father was more fortunate.  He was in the Army in WW1.  Got on a ship for transport to France and on the way the war ended.  The ship turned around and came back before they got to Europe.  Both my brother and I joined the Navy.  I only got two weeks of Boot Camp as I joined the Reserves while in high school.  When I was promoted to Warrant Officer I was supposed to go to what we called "Knife and Fork School" for officers.  They changed the orders and said I was needed in Vietnam so didn't get that either.


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On this 80th Anniversary of the D Day invasion I would like to share a few pictures of when we went in April of 2018 while in Cherbourg on the Rotterdam with a few friends in company of a fantastic historian to Juno Beach . 
Headquarters in 1944  of General De Gaulle and Montgomery 
The caissons of the landings pier are still visible 
The cliffs …..
German bunker 
Amazing museum where we watched in a very tight room as if we were on the landings boat a film of the landing .
“Canada House “ 
Thank You for liberating us on May5th 1945 almost a year later after horrendous battles from evil …………..
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2 hours ago, DeeniEncinitas said:


Dear Joy❤️

I am happy you went!!  Did they switch your antibiotics? Tomorrow you be Wonder Women, today you are the Queen!!!





Thanks sis. Sure do love you! No change on antibiotic. Looked a lot better after the skin was cut off and washed out. 

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5 hours ago, 0106 said:

I honor all who protected our freedom on DDay.  From LeHavre, we took a moving and educational tour with Overlord Tours.  Our guide pointed out the Star of David on several of the crosses. Unimaginable bravery.IMG_8219.thumb.jpeg.91a10d6cad03ec5b5703ea3433c805de.jpeg


A bit of information about the Creative Educators International Network, they are a non-profit, based in Washington, D.C. who implement Value-Creating Education in different ways and in diverse settings around the world. Their vision is to protect and advance the dignity of life for a peaceful, sustainable world through Value Creating Education. Their mission is to expand the network of diverse educators and individuals committed to creating sustainable communities through courageous dialogue and effective actions.


We will be there in August with another couple docking in Oceankaj.  I have explored public transportation (~5US pp one way) options and the cost of a taxi (~40US one way) to Nyhavn where we would like to begin our day with a canal cruise.  Do you recommend the shuttle?  Is there only one pick up spot? Thank you for any insight you can provide on Copenhagen.  I hope you are feeling better and enjoying the cruise despite the rainy weather.


Unusual weather for MD last night.  Several tornado warnings for our area caused us to retreat to the basement.  Minor wind damage close to my home, but the main problem near me was the 5+ inches of rain causing flash flooding. I am thinking of everyone who is experiencing weather issues especially those who live in areas with the extreme heat warnings.

Tina the cruise terminals (1 through 3) at Oceankaj are a long distance from town and you need some way to get out of the the port area. Apparently there is local public transportation here on the main road that runs along the terminal parking lots. There was a woman outside with information on it.  If you would like to figure out bus routes ahead of time it would be very inexpensive to get to the city center. I didn’t notice any taxis but that could be another possibility. They had Ho-Ho buses available too. We just used the ship shuttle because we have extra OBC to spend. There is one drop off point near the Little Mermaid statue on ved Norgesporten. (?) No other drop off or pick up spots closer to Nyhavn than that. We walked to Nyhavn zigging and zagging slightly to see other sights and it was 4 miles round trip. If we were docking at Langelinie we would be able to walk the entire route. We’ve done the canal boat ride before and enjoyed it. I hope you and your friends have a great day in Copenhagen. 

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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

...I thought drive in's would make a come back during Covid, but no...that would have made sense, guess all the speakers would have had to be replaced. (originals too old)   And then wiped down after each night. Family bubbles in bubbles...

I also thought conditions were perfect for a revival. The drive-in we went to does not have those individual car speakers - you tune your radio to a specific station (determined by the screen # you are watching) and listen to it that way. So no cleaning speakers, no worry of driving off w/the speakers or driving into a pole.

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4 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

I will pass on the frittata (how does it differ from a quiche?)

A quiche has a (pie) crust; a frittata does not.

4 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

The focus group yesterday was VERY interesting; this is the second one I have done about politics/policies

How do you get involved in these focus groups and I believe you have also posted about medical studies.  It sounds very interesting.


I forgot to mention that we are lucky enough to have Benji’s Drive In about 30 minutes from our house.  Makes for a fun summer evening. There are no longer “speakers” you hang on your car window.  You tune your radio into the audio.  

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@0106, I can't help with the travel to Nyhavn from your dock, but we did enjoy the canal tour the most in Copenhagen, and I think the ticket was part of the HoHo ticket price (you could check on line.  There was a stop at the Little Mermaid on the bus, so you might be able to board there and  buy your ticket back to closer to the canal ride.  We even saw a diving competition off one of the buildings on the canal tour.  Eek!









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60 years ago we had a drive in across the park and we would watch movies with no sound from our  driveway  Duh.    We lost the drive in when the gas station next to it exploded.   

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@Seasick Sailor I'm so glad you went to Urgent Care.  I'm glad the wound has been properly cleaned and hope you are well on your way to healing now.  I'm tardy on this, but hugs to your sister on the loss of her friend.  How sad for those left behind, but at least it was quick and not lingering for the person who passed. 


4 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

I also thought conditions were perfect for a revival. The drive-in we went to does not have those individual car speakers - you tune your radio to a specific station (determined by the screen # you are watching) and listen to it that way. So no cleaning speakers, no worry of driving off w/the speakers or driving into a pole.


That would have made sense during Covid. I would have gone!


@marshhawk It sounds like the appointment this morning was very productive.  It was a good thing you were there to fill in when Chuck couldn't and give them instructions for contact.  My friend John said he loved it when family members accompanied a patient.  He was a lot more confident that someone heard what he said and understood the procedures.  


I'm happy to hear all the Dailyites escaped damage and injury in last night's storms.  How scary.  I used to lean a mattress up against the wall and crawl underneath with a bottle of wine during bad thunderstorms.  Now, I'd be afraid I'd never get back up.  

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Posted (edited)

@Heartgrove thank you for sharing your fathers story, the medals, pictures & memorable and your memories; we do always miss them, don't we? Hugs


@Quartzsite Cruiser thank you for the pictures and info on the museums. I am sharing the picture of The Big Red One museum w/DH as that was his unit and I'm sure he'll be humbled to see a museum for his brothers.

Edited by Haljo1935
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44 minutes ago, 0106 said:

...I forgot to mention that we are lucky enough to have Benji’s Drive In about 30 minutes from our house.  Makes for a fun summer evening. There are no longer “speakers” you hang on your car window.  You tune your radio into the audio.  

That's the way it is at ours now.

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Good afternoon.  It is still sunny and getting warm, 92F, but there is a breeze from the north.  I think I'll take advantage of the breeze and sit outside in the shade for a while.  I haven't been able to do that too often this spring with all the rain we've.  Otherwise, it's been a lazy day around here.


5 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!


I have attached my memorabilia of my father's participation on D-Day. He was not in the first wave (Thank God!) but went in after the beach had been secured. He fought across Europe until being wounded during the Battle of the Bulge. That ended his frontline participation and finished the War in support roles. The doctor actually saved for him the piece of shrapnel that he was wounded with from a German artillery round. It entered the middle of his back and lodged in his left shoulder. I remember that he received a disability check from the Government monthly because of it.


Back in the early Seventies I had a plaque made for him to display his medals that he had received. He also had the "clicker" that was issued for identification purposes on the battlefield. Many a time I paged through the book that was compiled to show the history of his 3rd Armored Division.


I still miss him 32 years later!


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.


- Jack
















Jack, that was such a nice thing to do for your father.  He received an impressive array of medals.


5 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:

We are finally heading to our Canada cottage. We had to delay the trip in order to attend a memorial service for our neighbor's daughter. She passed while we were on our April/May cruise due to complications from pancreatitis at 44. Very Sad.


So my inconsistent postings may be even more inconsistent due to our travels. 


From Huerto del Cura botanical gardens in Elche, Spain April '18








Safe travels to your cottage, Fred.  Our condolences to the family and friends of the neighbor's daughter.  She was way too young to day.  Thanks for the pretty flower pictures.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

An important day of Remembrance and the sacrifices made, D-Day. I'll salute creative educators. Gardening certainly can be exercise. Drive-in movies were fun; few exist now. Strange quote. I wouldn't mind a fritata, but with different add-ins. Pass on the drink and yes to the wine. I suppose I've been through Tracy Arm Inlet. A highly important day in history. I just finished watching Masters of the Air last night, appropriately, about airmen in WW2.


From my TA last year and visit to La Havre/Normandy.



It's cloudy, warm and humid here today. Yesterday I did go to BFF's with supplies, then to my Neurosurgeon. She was very happy that I'm pain free. The incision is healing well. I can start to increase my activity as tolerated, and don't have to go back unless there's an issue. I did get a script for PT. I'm also going to slowly start decreasing my Gabapentin. So a good report! Today I'm battling my GMail - I use the website, and all buttons have disappeared from the top. I can't delete anything. I turned off the VPN, adblocker, cleared the cache, and nothing helps. I can on my phone, but I primarily use online. Ugh.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the Tracy Arm photos. I need to revisit Alaska; I've only been once.

@kazu Great sentiments and words.

@Haljo1935 Sorry the knee injection hurt; I've had many and they weren't like that. I hope it and the PT does the trick.

@0106 I'm glad you're ok. I was thinking of my friends who live in Gaithersburg.

@ottahand7 I'm glad your back is feeling better. I hope the TENS unit helps; I got one when I was having all the leg pain.

@Cruzin Terri Good that DH is getting rest, and I hope his leg is feeling better.

@marshhawk I'm glad the new doctor has some ideas to treat DH. It's always good being at a teaching hospital, as they are usually up on newer techniques and treatments. And I'm glad you told them to call on your home phone, so you're in the loop.

@aliaschief That looks like a great thing to do.

@rafinmd I'm glad you were safe from the tornadoes.

@kochleffel Nice photos. 

@Seasick Sailor I'm glad you went to the clinic first thing this morning. I hope it starts to improve now; do they want you back to see how it's going?

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thank you for the photos from near Omaha Beach. And the Tracy Arm ones too.

@Heartgrove I appreciate you sharing the memorabilia from your father's participation on D-Day. That's very special and I'm sure you were proud of him.

@Overhead Fred Safe trip to the cabin. Very sad about your neighbor's daughter. Nice garden photos.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.


Vanessa, I'm glad your surgeon was pleased with your recovery.  Please remember to slowly and carefully ease back into more activity.


1 hour ago, sailingdutchy said:
On this 80th Anniversary of the D Day invasion I would like to share a few pictures of when we went in April of 2018 while in Cherbourg on the Rotterdam with a few friends in company of a fantastic historian to Juno Beach . 
Headquarters in 1944  of General De Gaulle and Montgomery 
The caissons of the landings pier are still visible 
The cliffs …..
German bunker 
Amazing museum where we watched in a very tight room as if we were on the landings boat a film of the landing .
“Canada House “ 
Thank You for liberating us on May5th 1945 almost a year later after horrendous battles from evil …………..


Tony, thank you for your D-Day tour pictures.


26 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

@Heartgrove thank you for sharing your fathers story, the medals, pictures & memorable and your memories; we do always miss them, don't we? Hugs


@Quartzsite Cruiser thank you for the pictures and info on the museums. I am sharing the picture of The Big Red One museum w/DH as that was his unit and I'm sure he'll be humbled to see a museum for his brothers.


Elizabeth, I think your DH would enjoy visiting the museum.  You would have to get to the museum on your own as it is not on any tours.  It is too small for a large tour group.  It is filled with information about the Big Red One and D-Day.  Not only are there a lot of pictures, but also items from that area.  Many of the items were donated by families of D-Day soldiers and others were left behind as they pushed toward Germany.  When we were there, the young man, who was young enough be our son, and who ran the museum had a lot of information.  He also told us he flew to Texas to interview Joe Dawson in 1998 before he died.  If you're curious about how we know so much about Joe, he was DH's DB's FIL.  We also got to visit with him and his wife over the years.  He never talked about his war service, but he was selected by the Army to represent the soldiers in 2004 at the 60th anniversary of D-Day and to introduce President Clinton.  He even invited us to join them on that trip, but we sadly had to pass.  We had a cruise then, but watched the ceremonies in our cabin that day.



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I'm doing my happy dance.  I just got a notification that my passport has been mailed and I should get by the end of next week.  Mine took a bit longer then DH's to process because I could not find the passport card to mail in with my passport and application.  I had declare it lost, and then use the same form as if I was applying for a new passport.  Those are handled differently, but it's done and on the way.  It's still not taken that long, since it was sent in on May 7.



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1 hour ago, 0106 said:

A quiche has a (pie) crust; a frittata does not.

How do you get involved in these focus groups and I believe you have also posted about medical studies.  It sounds very interesting.


I forgot to mention that we are lucky enough to have Benji’s Drive In about 30 minutes from our house.  Makes for a fun summer evening. There are no longer “speakers” you hang on your car window.  You tune your radio into the audio.  

Thanks so much for that information!!!! 


On the studies - I usually find focus groups on FB.  I have done 3 focus groups and one mock trial (a 2 day in person affair that paid $500 and it was sooooooo interesting.  I want to do another one; I was picked for another one but it was on a day I could not participate).  I am in the database for polling organizations such as Nielsen and they will send me email "invites" to fill out a qualifying questionnaire.


For the medical ones, I look at ongoing research studies on the NIH site and/or see about stuff on FB and then research from there.  Plus I am in the database for several research centers here in Tucson, Phx and Calif and if I seem like I might be a fit, they give me a call.  


It all started when I was a ginny pig for the Moderna vaccine.  That got me so interested in doing studies and the rest is history!!!  LOL!!!

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Good warm and sunny afternoon. Possible thunderstorms are expected this evening. 
The D Day ceremonies were very moving and it was important to see all the survivors being honored as well as the ones that gave it all. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

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Good Evening Everyone, thanks for today’s daily fleet report.  Tomorrow we are heading to Lancaster to watch the grandson play in a baseball tournament tomorrow night and possibly Saturday.  We’ll be staying in New Holland as rooms were scarce and pricey.  
Work was very busy this week.  We were able to bring nine more hospitals back online.  Only eleven more to go.  I have started to gather lessons learned from this event and create new templates for others to follow in other cyber events.

It will be nice to not touch a laptop for three full days!


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3 hours ago, dfish said:



I'm happy to hear all the Dailyites escaped damage and injury in last night's storms.  How scary.  I used to lean a mattress up against the wall and crawl underneath with a bottle of wine during bad thunderstorms.  Now, I'd be afraid I'd never get back up.  

I’ll send my crane. Lol

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6 hours ago, USN59-79 said:

Thanks for the explanation.  My father was more fortunate.  He was in the Army in WW1.  Got on a ship for transport to France and on the way the war ended.  The ship turned around and came back before they got to Europe.  Both my brother and I joined the Navy.  I only got two weeks of Boot Camp as I joined the Reserves while in high school.  When I was promoted to Warrant Officer I was supposed to go to what we called "Knife and Fork School" for officers.  They changed the orders and said I was needed in Vietnam so didn't get that either.



More of my family's military history. My maternal Grandmother's brother fought in the British Army during WWI. Ireland was under British Rule then and he was one of 200,000 Irish men that served and one of 35,000 Irish men killed in the war. My Grand Aunt immigrated to Canada from Ireland while my Grandmother continued on to the USA. So my First Cousin on my mother's side, son of my Grand Aunt, was Canadian and served in WWII in the Royal Air Corp.

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Good evening from another nice day here...no rain in the forecast for now.  We had more during the night!  Thanks for all the sharing of the D-Day pictures and stories.  Thank you to all of the men and women who gave the ultimate sacrifice then.  Just saw a story on the local news, a gentleman who recently celebrated his 107th birthday is in France at the memorial events.  He is from a small town near the town where my mother was from.  My uncle knows him and said he is an amazing man!  

Drive in movies, there is a baseball venue in our area that shows outdoor movies in a big parking lot.  They set up a big screen for the shows.  They started doing it during the covid shutdowns.  Haven't been, but it sounds like fun.  

No thanks to the meal and drink.  Haven't been to the port.  

@Seasick Sailorglad to hear you saw a dr and had your foot looked at.  Prayers for good healing.

@marshhawkThanks for sharing the Dr visit info, prayers that all goes well.


Hugs and prayers for all who need them, cheers for the rest!  Have a good night, Karen


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Late again, but wanted to pop in and thank everyone for the wonderful D day photos and memories,   We took our children as teens to Juno beach and the artificial harbours.  DD was blown away as she had just graduated high school and was astounded at the ages on the gravestones,   They were her age.  
@0106 what really astounded me was to see star of David’s on the German cemeteries from World War One in France.   
It’s incredible moving, as is visiting the Vimy ridge memorial.  

We enjoyed visiting Tracy arm, years ago on our very first cruise.  

@marshhawkappreciate the update! Sending extra hugs. 

Sadly our city has suffered a catastrophic water main break, feeder to well over one million  people.  We are on the highest restrictions.  No watering. No showers or baths or washing dishes or laundry.  Praying it resolves quickly. 


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