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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday June 15th, 2024

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I was supposed to arrive at Johns Hopkins Bayview Hospital at 10:30.  I asked to be picked up at 8:30.  It's about a 40 minute drive and I wanted to make sure we would have plenty of time.  It was in fact 40 minutes although my early arrival turned out to be productive as they had a cancellation for my first procedure and I was actually in the operating room right at 10:30. 


They stuck a tube down my esophagus to look at my heart from the opposite side from a normal echocardiogram.  I was fully out for that procedure, not even a noticeable transition from awake to fully out of it.  I also woke up quite quickly and soon wheeled over to the cath lab.


The team for that one included the cardiac surgeon to met with a few weeks ago.  For this I was under sedation but awake.  The team inserted a catheter in my right wrist and gradually worked it into my heart where they inspected my cardiac arteries.  At times I could gently feel the catheter at certain critical points and also at times was told to hold my breath for a few seconds.  At one time I was even asking how we were doing.  "Just one more artery to check" 


After they pulled the catheter out they put a large block device over the opening that I had to keep on for 24 hours (starting at 1:05 PM) except briefly when changing clothes.  I spent 2-3 hours in the recovery room but at least dd get a small snack (ham sandwich, apple juice, and cookies),  I finally met up with Caroline about 4 and was home about 5.





Aside from the inconvenience of the thing on my hand my throat was rather sore through this morning from the first procedure.


I thought after sedation I thought I would be ready to drive the next morning but my instructions said to wait a full 24 hours so that put some limits on things I could do today, and I was in the car exactly 24 hours later at 1:05.  The thing was not painful but certainly limited the things I could do, and definitely made sleeping last night awkward.


The next step is a followup with my regular cardiologist on July 10.


While I have no local families, the church and fire department are my substitute families always at the ready and I am very blessed for that.


I do hope to get to worship in person tomorrow but it is not guaranteed at this point.



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Good afternoon from a very warm central Texas.  It is 93F with a 10mph wind and lower humidity at 47% with the dew point at 68F.  The mowing took a bit longer than expected between needed to work on the string in the trimmer, and the mower clogging with the thick weeds.  After, I finished, the wind picked up, and I sat outside in the shade and breeze to cool off before heading to the shower.


Tonight we are going to share a ribeye, and have baked potatoes and salad with our wine.  The wine du jour is a nice cardbordeaux cabernet sauvignon which is the house brand at Costco.  Tomorrow, I plan to smoke a half brisket to have with potato salad and the Mexican salad with corn and black beans that was a recipe of the day a while back.  I'm doing it the easy way with caned beans and canned corn.


8 hours ago, 0106 said:

Happy Saturday!  I support Global Wind day, a day for discovering wind energy, its power and the possibilities it holds to reshape our energy systems, decarbonise our economies and boost jobs and growth. Unfortunately, it is a controversial topic in Ocean City, MD.  Many are concerned about turbines ruining the view but I had no problem with them in Europe.IMG_8183.thumb.jpeg.5e9c672a03f629bfd3e9570d5d4e6af6.jpeg


Everyone deserves equal pay for equal work. Unfortunately, LGBTQIA+ and women still do not.  It is Pride Week in Baltimore.IMG_0567.thumb.jpeg.a3d1215ca4c76e9a44cd6eb669b5915a.jpeg


The Club Orange dining room on the Nieuw Statendam in March had a delicious shaved asparagus & seared tuna on the menu every night.  It was delicious, I had it twice.


Today, we will be celebrating my parent’s 65th anniversary.  I feel so lucky to still have both of them and that they are happy and healthy.  I’m making crab cakes.


Positive thoughts for those who need them.  Cheers for those celebrating.


Tina, please wish your parents a VERY HAPPY 65TH ANNIVERSARY for us.


7 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We live in a windy province which is good for wind turbines.  I don't care who you are or what your sexual proclivity is, everyone deserves equal pay for equal work.  Yay for the Magna Carta!


The sun is shining and the wind is blowing, so it looks like we're back to almost normal June weather.  The weather app is telling me it's currently 14(57) and we should get to a high of 24(75) which will be quite nice.  I'm amazed at the heat waves that are occurring to the south and east of us - temperatures approaching 35 (95) and higher; glad we live where we do, even though I complain about the winters.


Today DH's son and our son-in-law are supposed to come over to re-do the back steps leading from the deck down to the patio.  I'm sure Sochi is going to be out there in her catio watching all the action as they do what needs to be done so we have safe stairs again.  Today is also our son's 42nd birthday - can't believe he's that old already, as I don't feel old enough to have a child that age!


Last night was lovely - we were invited to a simple dinner at our Ukrainian family's apartment.  The first thing was their little girl had to give us an entire tour of the place, proud of every nook and cranny.  Dinner consisted of a delicious borscht made with chicken pieces(different from my cabbage borscht), and two different types of pirozhki - little buns with filling, one of egg and green onion, the other with mashed potatoes and dill.  Yum!  Dessert was madeleines with dulce de leche filing.  Simple dinner?  I think not!  I'm pretty sure Vlada spent the entire day cooking for us!


@HimselfBon Voyage!

@0106please wish your parents a very Happy Anniversary from us!  You are indeed fortunate to still have them in your life!

@Cruzin Terriso glad you made it home safely; take it slowly from here on, and take care of yourself.   You can't help your DH and do everything else around the house if you aren't well.

@kazuoh yum, lobster!  I hope your leg/foot will allow you to get a few more things done.


I'm going to pass on the drink, as I can't imagine anyone having passion fruit puree in their fridge on a regular basis, would try the wine (we had rose last night), and would try the salad if someone prepared it for me.  After the steps are finished, we'll be having everyone here for dinner which will be ribs on the barbecue, corn on the cob and a tossed green salad that we can enjoy at the table on the deck.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, in storms, and in wars.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️





Gerry, please wish your DS A VERY HAPPY 43ND BIRTHDAY for us.  


7 hours ago, RMLincoln said:

A luxurious cool day today before the heat wave breaks over us next week. 
Prepping for DH’s son and DIL arriving Wednesday for a week. They’ll use our guest room for  a base camp and have many people to visit in the region so lots of day- trips for them. And not much entertaining for us!  Got a Costco run done yesterday, grocery run coming Monday. 

Tomorrow we’ll drive west about an hour to a poconos playhouse for My Fair Lady and maybe a special Father’s Day dinner at the Pompton Queen Diner if the timing is right. Otherwise it’ll be leftover pizza from the freezer!  We’ll miss the community dinner in our dining room but it’s nice to do something different too. 

I haven’t been sleeping well so that has disrupted the days. Just a nuisance.  Keeping up with the eye regime for DH. Pressures in that eye are still higher than desired. We’ll find out more July 1. 

Happy for Terri and Jim back home!  And to read that Nancy’s brother is getting care… what a mess!  He’s not the first person I’ve heard of going through this after dental work caused a deep infection in a knee replacement. I’m grateful I’m still able to walk even with my hip issue- better some days than others but managing. 
Roy, I’m sorry your tests left you needing to recover. I know you’ll be extra careful. 

Bon Voyage @Himself 🛳️🎉. Maybe you can fill us in on HAL’s new policy of priests on their cruises. 

Blessings to all especially thinking of our Care list and those in urgent need. 

Happy Father’s Day weekend to all. It’s a good time for reflecting. I had a difficult relationship with my father; then a very special relationship with my first father-in-law, both gone decades ago. Tomorrow I will celebrate DH’s fatherhood and the unexpected caring family it brought me!  

Stay safe in the heat wave!  Smooth travels to all away!  Maureen 



Maureen, I hope you have a wonderful time tomorrow seeing the play, and that you can have dinner at the Pompton Queen Diner.  Enjoy your visit with your DH's DS and DDIL.


4 hours ago, richwmn said:

I just got a text that they did make it to the gate.


I'm glad they made it to the gate in time.


4 hours ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all!  We’ve enjoyed Ketchikan mostly in sunshine a couple of times,  love passionfruit so the cocktail sounds good other than its name.  

@0106 congratulations to your parents on their  65 wedding anniversary! 
@kazu yum on that lobster!  DS is on PEI so hope he gets one too! 
@ger_77 happy birthday to your DS.  
@Quartzsite Cruiser glad all went well yesterday and you made it home safely 

@rafinmdhope you soon feel recovered.  

Sorry to hear so many are not well, we’ve had an uptick in Covid, sigh! 

Not good news here,  a state of emergency has been declared after robot inspections of the pipe found five more critical areas that need to be replaced immediately.   These pipes are at only half way through their life span, so not expected!  Another possible five weeks of these severe restrictions!  So our huge garbage bins are open waiting for rainstorms.  



Brenda, that is definitely not good news about the places in the pipe that need replacing, but it is good they found them before they broke.


1 hour ago, Mtn2Sea said:

It’s been quite a day.  We originally had a 2:52 flight.  Talked to several people regarding whether we could make that flight and got conflicting advice.  After talking with a shore excursions person, we decided to reschedule to a 5:30 flight.  We had a Cunard bus transfer and would most likely have been too late for the flight, unless it was running late.  The bus driver stopped a couple of times to ask security personnel for directions!  When we started self check in, we immediately got a notice that our flight was delayed.  Since we only had a 45 minute layover, we chose to check in with an agent.  After first saying we would have a connection problem, she then said we had lucked out because the second leg of our flight was also 30 minutes late.  We’re sitting at the gate hoping everything works out!


I'm glad things about your flights appear to be working out.  I hope that continues, and you have a safe flight home.


28 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I was supposed to arrive at Johns Hopkins Bayview Hospital at 10:30.  I asked to be picked up at 8:30.  It's about a 40 minute drive and I wanted to make sure we would have plenty of time.  It was in fact 40 minutes although my early arrival turned out to be productive as they had a cancellation for my first procedure and I was actually in the operating room right at 10:30. 


They stuck a tube down my esophagus to look at my heart from the opposite side from a normal echocardiogram.  I was fully out for that procedure, not even a noticeable transition from awake to fully out of it.  I also woke up quite quickly and soon wheeled over to the cath lab.


The team for that one included the cardiac surgeon to met with a few weeks ago.  For this I was under sedation but awake.  The team inserted a catheter in my right wrist and gradually worked it into my heart where they inspected my cardiac arteries.  At times I could gently feel the catheter at certain critical points and also at times was told to hold my breath for a few seconds.  At one time I was even asking how we were doing.  "Just one more artery to check" 


After they pulled the catheter out they put a large block device over the opening that I had to keep on for 24 hours (starting at 1:05 PM) except briefly when changing clothes.  I spent 2-3 hours in the recovery room but at least dd get a small snack (ham sandwich, apple juice, and cookies),  I finally met up with Caroline about 4 and was home about 5.





Aside from the inconvenience of the thing on my hand my throat was rather sore through this morning from the first procedure.


I thought after sedation I thought I would be ready to drive the next morning but my instructions said to wait a full 24 hours so that put some limits on things I could do today, and I was in the car exactly 24 hours later at 1:05.  The thing was not painful but certainly limited the things I could do, and definitely made sleeping last night awkward.


The next step is a followup with my regular cardiologist on July 10.


While I have no local families, the church and fire department are my substitute families always at the ready and I am very blessed for that.


I do hope to get to worship in person tomorrow but it is not guaranteed at this point.




Roy, thank you for letting us know about yesterday.  I hope you have a better night's sleep tonight.


@StLouisCruisers Sandi, sending best wishes for a successful tournament for Ren and the team this week.  I hope you are feeling better.


I have enjoyed seeing everyone's pictures of Ketchikan today.  I know if I try to name you, I'll forget someone.


Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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Just now, rafinmd said:

I was supposed to arrive at Johns Hopkins Bayview Hospital at 10:30.  I asked to be picked up at 8:30.  It's about a 40 minute drive and I wanted to make sure we would have plenty of time.  It was in fact 40 minutes although my early arrival turned out to be productive as they had a cancellation for my first procedure and I was actually in the operating room right at 10:30. 


They stuck a tube down my esophagus to look at my heart from the opposite side from a normal echocardiogram.  I was fully out for that procedure, not even a noticeable transition from awake to fully out of it.  I also woke up quite quickly and soon wheeled over to the cath lab.


The team for that one included the cardiac surgeon to met with a few weeks ago.  For this I was under sedation but awake.  The team inserted a catheter in my right wrist and gradually worked it into my heart where they inspected my cardiac arteries.  At times I could gently feel the catheter at certain critical points and also at times was told to hold my breath for a few seconds.  At one time I was even asking how we were doing.  "Just one more artery to check" 


After they pulled the catheter out they put a large block device over the opening that I had to keep on for 24 hours (starting at 1:05 PM) except briefly when changing clothes.  I spent 2-3 hours in the recovery room but at least dd get a small snack (ham sandwich, apple juice, and cookies),  I finally met up with Caroline about 4 and was home about 5.





Aside from the inconvenience of the thing on my hand my throat was rather sore through this morning from the first procedure.


I thought after sedation I thought I would be ready to drive the next morning but my instructions said to wait a full 24 hours so that put some limits on things I could do today, and I was in the car exactly 24 hours later at 1:05.  The thing was not painful but certainly limited the things I could do, and definitely made sleeping last night awkward.


The next step is a followup with my regular cardiologist on July 10.


While I have no local families, the church and fire department are my substitute families always at the ready and I am very blessed for that.


I do hope to get to worship in person tomorrow but it is not guaranteed at this point.



Roy thanks for the update. 

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Posted (edited)
5 hours ago, kochleffel said:



Misty Fjords with Island Wings (Michele Madsen)





We also used Michele with Island Wings. It took us three visits to make it to Misty Fjord with her, but I'm SO glad we waited! The first time, it was raining buckets, and the van driver took us on a tour through Ketchikan instead, fully credited our payment, and gave us a lovely CD of what we would have seen. The second time, we actually took off, but Michele got reports that the weather was closing in at MF, so she returned to town. Again, full refund & the same lovely CD! Third time was the charm! It was just DH & me as passengers, and we flew to the lake, got to shore so we could wander a bit (mindful of bears), & then flew back. We saw whales on our way back. DH was co-pilot on the way out, and I took the seat on the way back. It was a magical day! One store owner in town said Michele was the only pilot he would fly with because she refused to take chances with the weather. We concur!!

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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, NextOne said:

We also used Michele with Island Wings. It took us three visits to make it to Misty Fjord with her, but I'm SO glad we waited! The first time, it was raining buckets, and the van driver took us on a tour through Ketchikan instead, fully credited our payment, and gave us a lovely CD of what we would have seen. The second time, we actually took off, but Michele got reports that the weather was closing in at MF, so she returned to town. Again, full refund & the same lovely CD! Third time was the charm! It was just DH & me as passengers, and we flew to the lake, got to shore so we could wander a bit (mindful of bears), & then flew back. We saw whales on our way back. DH was co-pilot on the way out, and I took the seat on the way back. It was a magical day! One store owner in town said Michele was the only pilot he would fly with because she refused to take chances with the weather. We concur!!


When I was booking in 2021, cruising hadn't resumed, although it did by the time of my trip. Michele and Shona couldn't predict whether there would be any other passengers, and it's not feasible to fly for just one passenger. Since I was going to be in Ketchikan for three days, I left it with them to match me up with at least one other party any day, any time, while I was there. It remained up in the air (ahem) for quite a while, and then they changed it once to get better utilization of the space and run two full flights rather than having both not filled but with only one seat remaining in each. Finances were very tight that summer since there had been no traffic for more than half of it.


Re: taking chances with the weather. In Juneau, I had booked a whale-watching tour with Jayleen. She called early on the morning of that day to say that small-craft warnings were up and she wouldn't take a boat out. She told me that some tours with larger boats might be able to run, and a travel agent was able to find one that I could still book.


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Good evening, we're at the lake house for Father's day.  It's been a little drizzly today.  The sons in law are making dinner now.  😍

@rafinmdthanks for the update...praying things go well for you.

Have a good evening, K.

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@rafinmdRoy, Thanks for the update.  I sure hope you are doing okay.  Every procedure like that takes a toll on the body.  Take your time and let your body recover from it.

Hope you are feeling better.

Prayers for you and i hope the results are in your favor.

God Bless,


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5 hours ago, JazzyV said:


@Cruzin Terri I'm so glad you are safely home. I'm sorry you still have your cold and that it has traveled to your chest. Try to rest and take care of yourself. 

Thanks Vanessa.  i am trying to do that.  I helped change DH’s dressings after he showered.  My big problem is being able to hear.  I can hear very little.  After using the neti pot it gets a little better but then deteriorates again.

If this keeps up, I will have to see an ENT doctor next week.

Hope you and BFF are doing okay.


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Posted (edited)
14 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Thanks Vanessa.  i am trying to do that.  I helped change DH’s dressings after he showered.  My big problem is being able to hear.  I can hear very little.  After using the neti pot it gets a little better but then deteriorates again.

If this keeps up, I will have to see an ENT doctor next week.

Hope you and BFF are doing okay.


Thanks Terri. Have you tried a decongestant? That might open your eustachian tube, which can close when you have a head cold and lead to decreased hearing. Although maybe not take anything if you have high blood pressure.


@rafinmd You had quite the day yesterday. Besides the arm, I'm sure all the sedation has an effect too. Take it easy until you're back to your usual self. I hope the test results will be positive.

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Good evening!  Today, at the last minute, Craig took Summer north to Show Low. His DS’s daughter and family were visiting from California and all the girls were wanting to see each other. Not sure how long they are staying. 

We have been to Ketchikan 4 times, most recently a year ago in May on the lovely Volendam. 



It’s one of my favorite Alaskan ports and a great place to shop for souvenirs. 

Have a good evening!

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Posted (edited)

 We have been to Ketchikan twice on the beautiful Volendam, thanks for all the photos, brings back good memories.

It's a lovely sunny winter day temperature10 C


 @rafinmd Roy, thanks for the update, you had quite a stressful day.   Was the wound site left covered with that dressing when  you were discharged home?

@0106  Congratulations to your parents on their 65th Anniversary.


Time to go for a walk.

Edited by erewhon
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Just popping in to share a recipe I just made: Snickers Cake. It’s for Dad for Father’s Day tomorrow. He loves Snickers (something I learned at his retirement party), and I asked him if he still likes them a few weeks ago. He gave me a big boyish grin and said “oh yes!”. (He’s almost 98.)


So it’s his special surprise present tomorrow. We tasted the pieces I had cut off to level it, and dressed it with the frosting and the caramel (homemade salted). Oh gosh!





(Picture added from the blog)


Next time I’ll use a regular pan as the batter is too wet for the spring form ones I used. 


Edited by TiogaCruiser
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Well, as if things could not get any worse, I have tested positive for Covid.  It looks like Jim is okay.  But I definitely have it.

I knew I was just too sick.

The thing is I have been sick since Monday and don’t know if I can still take Paxlovid. i will call the pharmacy tomorrow and see what he has to say.

I don’t even know how I got this.  

Jim is okay.  He tested negative.



Edited by Cruzin Terri
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27 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Just popping in to share a recipe I just made: Snickers Cake. It’s for Dad for Father’s Day tomorrow. He loves Snickers (something I learned at his retirement party), and I asked him if he still likes them a few weeks ago. He gave me a big boyish grin and said “oh yes!”. (He’s almost 98.)


So it’s his special surprise present tomorrow. We tasted the pieces I had cut off to level it, and dressed it with the frosting and the caramel (homemade salted). Oh gosh!





(Picture added from the blog)


Next time I’ll use a regular pan as the batter is too wet for the spring form ones I used. 


The cake sounds awesomely yummy 😋 I'm sure it will seal the deal on your father having a special father's day.

98yo - you are so blessed ❤️Here's wishing you a very happy father's day.

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1 minute ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, as if things could not get any worse, I have tested positive for Covid.  It looks like Jim is okay.  But I definitely have it.

I knew I was just too sick.

The thing is I have been sick since Monday and don’t know if I can still take Paxlovid. i will call the pharmacy tomorrow and see what he has to say.

I don’t even know how I got this.  


So sorry, that's not the souvenir you'd want to bring home. With the ✈️ flights and hotel, no telling where you got it. I hope you recover quickly. 

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5 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

So sorry, that's not the souvenir you'd want to bring home. With the ✈️ flights and hotel, no telling where you got it. I hope you recover quickly. 

I definitely got it at the hotel.  I have been sick since Monday night.  


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17 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, as if things could not get any worse, I have tested positive for Covid.  It looks like Jim is okay.  But I definitely have it.

I knew I was just too sick.

The thing is I have been sick since Monday and don’t know if I can still take Paxlovid. i will call the pharmacy tomorrow and see what he has to say.

I don’t even know how I got this.  

Jim is okay.  He tested negative.




Oh no, Terri.  I'm so sorry you tested positive, but I'm glad Jim is negative.  I hope you can get over this quickly.



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9 hours ago, Cruising-along said:

Thank you Vanessa 🙂  When I went out earlier (it's raining too hard now) I didn't see any sign of the mole so fingers crossed it found the poison. Of course the rain has brought slugs to the garden, another problem entirely!

Would love to know your magic potion for the moles. Miserable creatures along with the miserable deer! And the Seattle area never did see any rain. I finally gave up and watered the flowers.

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52 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Oh no, Terri.  I'm so sorry you tested positive, but I'm glad Jim is negative.  I hope you can get over this quickly.



Thank you Lenda.  The last time it took 11 days. From my calculations my first symptoms appeared on Monday night.  So I should be into it 5 days already.  I just thought it was a bad cold.  Just decided to test and it was positive.  As a matter of fact, I didn’t believe it and took 3 tests.  All were positive.


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8 hours ago, rafinmd said:

I was supposed to arrive at Johns Hopkins Bayview Hospital at 10:30.  I asked to be picked up at 8:30.  It's about a 40 minute drive and I wanted to make sure we would have plenty of time.  It was in fact 40 minutes although my early arrival turned out to be productive as they had a cancellation for my first procedure and I was actually in the operating room right at 10:30. 


They stuck a tube down my esophagus to look at my heart from the opposite side from a normal echocardiogram.  I was fully out for that procedure, not even a noticeable transition from awake to fully out of it.  I also woke up quite quickly and soon wheeled over to the cath lab.


The team for that one included the cardiac surgeon to met with a few weeks ago.  For this I was under sedation but awake.  The team inserted a catheter in my right wrist and gradually worked it into my heart where they inspected my cardiac arteries.  At times I could gently feel the catheter at certain critical points and also at times was told to hold my breath for a few seconds.  At one time I was even asking how we were doing.  "Just one more artery to check" 


After they pulled the catheter out they put a large block device over the opening that I had to keep on for 24 hours (starting at 1:05 PM) except briefly when changing clothes.  I spent 2-3 hours in the recovery room but at least dd get a small snack (ham sandwich, apple juice, and cookies),  I finally met up with Caroline about 4 and was home about 5.





Aside from the inconvenience of the thing on my hand my throat was rather sore through this morning from the first procedure.


I thought after sedation I thought I would be ready to drive the next morning but my instructions said to wait a full 24 hours so that put some limits on things I could do today, and I was in the car exactly 24 hours later at 1:05.  The thing was not painful but certainly limited the things I could do, and definitely made sleeping last night awkward.


The next step is a followup with my regular cardiologist on July 10.


While I have no local families, the church and fire department are my substitute families always at the ready and I am very blessed for that.


I do hope to get to worship in person tomorrow but it is not guaranteed at this point.



Thank you for your operation information Roy.

I'm pleased for you that it is over now with little pain and sincerely hope you get excellent results on your next cardiologist visit on July 12th.


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1 hour ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Well, as if things could not get any worse, I have tested positive for Covid.  It looks like Jim is okay.  But I definitely have it.

I knew I was just too sick.

The thing is I have been sick since Monday and don’t know if I can still take Paxlovid. i will call the pharmacy tomorrow and see what he has to say.

I don’t even know how I got this.  

Jim is okay.  He tested negative.



I'm sorry to hear this Terri.

Most people pass on COVID not knowing they have it.

Someone in Pauline's office 4 weeks ago was coughing a lot and Pauline and I tested positive a few days later and we were very poorly and stopped at home for 8 days.

Pauline's friend had a very mild COVID 2 months ago.

I pray you are feeling a lot better quickly.

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