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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday June 18th, 2024

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Good morning from a mostly cloudy central Texas.  It is currently 74F with 96% humidity and a dew point of 73F.  Our predicted high is 91F with 14 to 16mph winds today.  I hope to be on my way to Waco by 8am if not a bit earlier.  That was I can get to the three stores that open early and be ready for the ones that open at 10am.  I hope I'm finished with my errands by early afternoon so I can be home by mid afternoon.  However, a lot depends on how long I stay at the used book store finding some more treasures to read.


Happy Birthday to Clark Kent and his alter ego, Superman.  We watched some of Superman episodes a few years ago.  Hate speech serves no purpose and should countered or better yet, eliminated.  Some one else can have my sushi.


The quote is not one I agree with or like.


I would change today's recipe for port shoulder, preferably a Boston butt, to one cooked in the smoker for four to six hours, and using a dry rub.  We'll pass on the drink, but I wouldn't turn down the wine.


We have visited Mindelo twice.


A great day in aviation history and for women in 1928 when Emelia Earhart flew across the Atlantic.


@marshhawk  Annie, it sounds like you have job security for a while.

@LambKnuckles  Lambie, we also have our pulled pork as just a meat with side dishes.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, I'm sorry you missed the Greenland ports.  This time of year, ice can be iffy in the far north.  I hope you are feeling better and the cough is better.

@dfish  Debbie, good news the a/c is still working.  BTW, they also make "claws" for pulling pork, and they are easier to use than a fork.















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We have been to Mendillo twice, but not on a BHB.  In 2000, it was our next to last stop on the P&O world cruise on Oriana.  We rented a car and drove around the island, which is pretty dry and treeless, for the most part.  After three months of ports in the British Commonwealth, where DH drove on the wrong side of the road, I had to keep reminding him to get back on the proper side of the road.  Fortunately, there was not much traffic. We suspected the car we rented was the man's personal car.


The second visit was in 2009 on the Tahitian Princes.  That time we just walked around town.


Couple of markets.  As you can see, the fish market was not the cleanest, and there were a lot of flies, no ice and very, very fishy smelling.





A mix of street scenes from our two visits.






A few pictures from around the island.






One of the locals



The airport




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Good morning to all.

Thank you to Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie for all your contributions and dedication to the FR&D.

Happy Birthday to Clark Kent.  I am a Superman Fan.

I don’t like Sushi.

I am all for eliminating Hate Speech.

Have not been to Mindelo.


i am still testing positive for Covid.  I have a oough and feeling very tired.  So far I have not lost my sense of smell or taste.  My symptoms started last Monday evening so it is now 9 days.  I only self tested on Saturday.  I just thought it was a cold but this is going on too long.  The last time I had Covid I tested positive for 11 days. I will test again tomorrow.

DH remains negative.

Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes.

God Bless


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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

      Receiving all sorts of beach advisories today. Ocean is very turbulent. 

I have not been to todays port, thanks for the pictures. Was never a real fan of Superman.

Hate speech needs to stop. Not sure what is wrong with people.

       @StLouisCruisers  Sorry you missed Greenland. We are hoping to stop there on the VOV. 

      You just never know when you are cruising what ports you will actually see. Cant control weather. I know our circumnavigation of Australia in 2022 had several changes due to weather. 

       Have a ZOOM call this afternoon regarding excursions for the 2025 WC. This is a first for me. Should be interesting.


Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good Morning! You may ask yourself, I would like to eliminate hate speech but how do I counter it? I used these techniques, suggested by the United Nations, in my classroom.  You must take action to counter hate speech if you wish to eliminate it.IMG_0574.jpeg.cb72a87c936c997d235bb37151570ee0.jpeg


Lemony Snicket (pen name for Daniel Handler) wrote the series “Unfortunate Events”.  These books are extremely popular with children from ages 8-12.  The series was made into a movie and a Netflix show. Without going into a long explanation of the plot, someone burnt the main characters’ house down along with the books inside of it.  I believe the quote spoken by Drew is about the value of books and reading…only wicked people would destroy books/reading. Think Fahrenheit 451.


A special thank you to @tupper10 and @Quartzsite Cruiser for answering my questions about the timing of my domestic connection in the Delta terminal at JFK after an international flight.  One final question, after I go through customs, will I have to go through TSA check again or does everything take place with the secured area?

@kochleffel thank you for the information about transportation from the port to the city center in Copenhagen.  Has any used the “harbor bus” there?  It is an electric ferry that is part of the mass transit system.


Positive thoughts to all who need them.  Cheers to those with something to celebrate.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Happy Birthday Clark Kent - I remember reading Superman comics (my brother's) as a child.  Every day should be a day to combat hate speech; it's far too prevalent these days.  YES to sushi; DH isn't a fan, but I really enjoy it.  


I have a confession to make regarding a topic that was discussed last week:  I love Miracle Whip.  There, I said it.  I grew up with it, only having mayonnaise when my mother mixed up a batch and thought it was a poor substitute for the MW.  Please, no hate speech.


@marshhawkcongrats on "rocking it" in sales - why am I not surprised?

@kochleffelI live on the "frozen tundra" but you refer to living in the "frozen north" - does that mean we're neighbours and I didn't know?  Location, please!


Everyone is talking about how hot it is - well, this morning I woke up to a temperature of +3C (37F); had I known last night it was going to get that cold, we would have covered our plants.  Thankfully it didn't get colder in our back yard or we could have lost our annuals.  We're only expecting a high of 13 (55), so we won't have to worry about using our A/C any time soon.  Yesterday DH and I were wearing bunny hugs in the house; today might be more of the same.


Not much on our agenda today, DH wants to head to a couple of lumber yards to see if we can find either concrete or rubber blocks to use as the bottom step for our back deck, as the last one is at least 3" deeper than the others, making for a big drop-off when you get to the end!   


I'm going to pass on the drink, would like the wine, and would like to try the menu suggestion, but don't have a pork roast on hand.  I have some ground beef left in the fridge from Sunday's burgers, so I think I'll turn them into tacos for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.



Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in the paths of storms and fires, and especially those in the midst of wars not of their making.  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning, it's another hot and humid day here.I went for my walk already...it's 78 with a dew point of 70!  Forecast is for a high of 90 today.  DH is outside doing his yearly trimming of the the bushes.  It's about time for him to stop.  I'm having lunch with our neighbor ladies today.  Our next door friends are moving to a 1 floor apartment at the end of the month.  

Haven't been to the port, thanks for sharing the pictures.  No to the drink.  I'll vote for stopping hate speech.  Happy Birthday to Clark Kent.  Never did watch Superman.  The recipe sounds good, but no oven today!  

@Cruzin TerriFeel better soon.

@StLouisCruiserssorry you're missing your ports

@JazzyVThanks for keeping track of everyone!  


Have a good rest of the day, and stay in if you're in this heat wave.  I have 3 more lap quilts to bind before the beginning of July.  Might try another loaf of sourbread.  My basil is starting to really grow, and I'd like to add some to a loaf.  


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Good morning Dailyites 


As a kid I used to worry about Superman flying around all those tall buildings.


Hate speech needs to be abolished or punished. 


Oh, I love fresh sushi. Don't be giving me a California roll with fake crab.


We were invited to our Monday night prime rib night with friends downtown,  so we skipped our lunch we planned and enjoyed the evening with them.


This morning Oliver and I are meeting a dog/house sitter that will cover the 5 days my girlfriend is busy while we are on our cruise. I didn't feel comfortable with Oliver being with a bunch of other dogs at the last place we checked. Hope we like her.


Tomorrow we drive to Round Rock to have MSH cancer removed on his neck. I don't think this one is MOHS surgery, so should be quicker.


Lifting prayers to each of you on Vanessa's fine tuned list.


Have a blessed day. Be kind! 

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Heat wave starting today…. hoping the power holds!  I’m with Terry, grew up without AC, glad we had fans! I could sleep if it was under 90, now I need it under 75!  

I’m not keeping up with much of anything these days….  trying to be ready for a week of house guests arriving tomorrow. Grocery shopped yesterday, done! If they need more stuff they can go get it. 

I only eat sushi on HAL lido, a rare treat for me with the pickled ginger!  

DH’s right eye has been very itchy again, and not taking eye drops so I don’t understand and I can’t fix it. He’s tapering steroid in left but pressure still a bit high. I’m taking it day by day…. grateful every day! 

We had a lovely day Sunday with a pleasant drive to PA Poconos, great rendition of My Fair Lady at a little community theater, then a simple supper at home. 

After groceries yesterday my hip was bothersome so I went to the pool to do exercises… need to do that more, it helped!  

Talked to old friends who just returned from a B2B TA+ British Isles…. began COVID upon return. Flights? Hotel? Ship? 🤷🏼‍♀️  Our granddaughter and husband are on a Bahamas cruise now…. our house guests will see them after their cruise, then back to our house… 🤞. I’ll ask the grandkids to test before our visitors see them… COVID would interfere with the eye doctor… a fight we’ve been fighting for 3 years!  

Prayers for all the Care list, and more for the country!  Thanks all for being here. 

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@0106 Interesting I tried to find the answer to that re having to go through TSA again and I couldn't find it.  In some responses they said no if you are in the same terminal - which you should be since you are the Delta terminal for both flights - but I would call Delta and ask this question.  My guess is no - you get your luggage go through customs and then put them on the conveyor for your next flight and since you never 'go out' of the terminal you don't have to go back through TSA.  


@Cruzin Terri  I do hope you feel better soon but when I had Covid this year my doctor told me not to bother testing again since the test can remain positive for weeks after you have an infection. She told me you go by symptoms - so once they are gone  and you feel better - cough, runny nose, fever etc gone (not tiredness) you can go back to doing things after 5 more days. The CDC now gives an even shorter time frame - 1 day-  and just suggests you wear a mask for the 5 days if you go out and around people in a closed environment.  I was tired for about 1 month after I had Covid - I do hope you get better quicker than I did.


I hope everyone has a wonderful day.  Thank you all for the daily.  

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5 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

Interesting I tried to find the answer to that re having to go through TSA again and I couldn't find it.  In some responses they said no if you are in the same terminal - which you should be since you are the Delta terminal for both flights - but I would call Delta and ask this question.  My guess is no - you get your luggage go through customs and then put them on the conveyor for your next flight and since you never 'go out' of the terminal you don't have to go back through TSA.


TSA inspection will be required. Passengers had access to their checked luggage for customs, and so could have transferred something into their hand luggage.

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The heat has reached us here in the Kawarthas. The humidity is up, too. Luckily, the AC is working fine (hope I didn't just jinx it!) and we can always jump into the lake to cool off. 


A few days ago I posted pictures of a 100+ year old peony from my grandmother's house in Beaver Falls, PA. Well there was a second one that has also been divided and moved from house to house over the years. It has always grown well, but has never been a prolific bloomer. It only had one bud this year and it opened up recently -






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1 minute ago, tupper10 said:

Cruzin Terri  I do hope you feel better soon but when I had Covid this year my doctor told me not to bother testing again since the test can remain positive for weeks after you have an infection. She told me you go by symptoms - so once they are gone  and you feel better - cough, runny nose, fever etc gone (not tiredness) you can go back to doing things after 5 more days. The CDC now gives an even shorter time frame - 1 day-  and just suggests you wear a mask for the 5 days if you go out and around people in a closed environment.  I was tired for about 1 month after I had Covid - I do hope you get better quicker than I did.

Thank you.  I am not feeling better yet.  I still have symptoms and am staying home.  As a matter of fact, I feel worse today than I have.  I feel very weak and tired. 

I understand what you are saying, but I am not ready to about my daily routine.


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Good hot and sunny morning.The hear is going to last until next week. 
Hot dogs and corn on the cob are on the menu tonight along with pasta salad.

  Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

Stay cool.


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Good morning and Happy Tuesday. It’s supposed to be 100 or so today. 

Good collection of days. Thank you for the information about hate speech @0106.  And the additional information about the quote. I enjoyed the Superman movies more than the TV series. Happy Birthday to Clark Kent. 

I usually make pork shoulder in the crockpot but want to smoke it next time I make it. I have one in the freezer so maybe soon. I make carnitas burrito bowls with the meat and sometimes by itself with sides. I freeze the leftovers and then we have an easy meal at the ready. Today I’m making a pasta dish. Yesterday I made chicken tacos with rotisserie chicken and peppers and onions. I was surprised how good it turned out. 

I would like a small glass of the wine but pass on the drink. 

Have a great day everyone!

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     A few months ago or maybe longer, a few people recommended a private company for Rome.  I cant remember the name. I am looking to find a driver to take us from the port (Civi) and around Rome. Dont need to go in anywhere, just a drive by will be fine. 

  Any suggestions? Thanks!

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Some elementary and middle schools here, those with poor or no air conditioning, are closing early today and Thursday. (All schools are closed tomorrow.) High schools are staying open because of Regents exams, but those will be given in air-conditioned rooms.


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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

The Beatnik cocktail:



1 1/2 oz. Averna amaro
1 oz. tawny port (such as Ferreira)
1 oz. Hudson Bright lights, Big Bourbon
Garnish:  Orange wheel


Add all ingredients into a mixing glass with ice and stir until well-chilled.
Strain into a chilled cocktail glass.
Garnish with an orange wheel.


Screenshot 2024-06-18 at 6.24.05 AM.png

Love the Beatnik cocktail. After several drinks I begin to lose it, you know, man. RedneckBob loses all sense of reality, you know man. He may not be the brightest light bulb on earth but he can sure tell a joke, you know man. It’s a transcendental issue, I think! 😳😳

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3 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Good afternoon.

Thank you for today's FR&D.

Some important days today.

Thought provoking Quote.

I will give today's food and drink a miss.

I did like my Panna cotta and white chocolate sphere I had yesterday.

Prayers for everyone who want them.

I hope everyone is well and y'all have a lovely day.


Now that looks weird! May I have a bite?

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20 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

     A few months ago or maybe longer, a few people recommended a private company for Rome.  I cant remember the name. I am looking to find a driver to take us from the port (Civi) and around Rome. Dont need to go in anywhere, just a drive by will be fine. 

  Any suggestions? Thanks!


Wonderful service.  Highly recommend them and have used them many times.


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47 minutes ago, cunnorl said:

     A few months ago or maybe longer, a few people recommended a private company for Rome.  I cant remember the name. I am looking to find a driver to take us from the port (Civi) and around Rome. Dont need to go in anywhere, just a drive by will be fine. 

  Any suggestions? Thanks!


I used Romelimo when I was there and was very satisfied.

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