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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday July 22nd, 2024

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1 hour ago, bennybear said:

Good morning and thanks all! 
Newcastle upon Tyne looks so familiar after watching Vera.

Pi day for me is 3/14 also Einstein’s birthday.  
I love a good Bloody Caesar,  have been drinking it even back in the day at the Owl’s nest,  makes a great accompaniment to a medium rare steak.   Miss the Owls nest,  roses for the ladies, piano music, a wonderful menu.  Sigh! 
so glad to see a post from @kazu just rest!  

We watch every episode of Vera and recognise all the places recording takes place.

Vera is not from our area and has an actress Geordie accent only.

She is from Ramsgate in Kent over 300 miles from Newcastle.

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Power is restored. All the buzzable, blinking, dinging devices had not even finished signaling they'd come to life when the power company called to say they'd finished repairs. Also got a text.

Maybe all the attention is in response to the really really bad press they got a couple years ago during the storm/freeze that knocked out power across the state resulting in much loss of human life (people literally froze to death in their living room chairs).

Or maybe they have new leadership that cares 🤔 🙄 

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We are getting rain, lots of rain.  It started just a few minutes ago.  It's been very dark out for a while, but it's really dark.  I wonder how much rain we'll get today.  Now, we can add in very close lightning and thunder.


1 hour ago, JazzyV said:

Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily @richwmn.

I'll celebrate Pi day (I have a Pi day t-shirt), Fragile X syndrome is an often unrecognized disease, and I would try to be a good teammate if I was on a team. Funny quote by Youngman. I like a good coleslaw. Pass on the drink and maybe for the wine. I haven't been to Newcastle upon Tyne. 3 interesting days in history.


We weren't supposed to have rain until late this afternoon, but as I was walking into PT it started to pour. Of course I'd taken my umbrella out of my purse in an effort to lighten it. It's still raining, which is good as it's severely dry here. Today is BFF's birthday, but I'll see him tomorrow. I'm taking him to an appointment, then we were to go out to eat. But now my PCP wants to see me tomorrow about this dizziness and unsteady gait that is persisting. So maybe we'll celebrate on Wednesday.


@NextOne Happy Birthday to your DS!

@StLouisCruisers I don't know how you're up and about so quickly after your long drive. Nice photos from Port of Tyne and Newcastle upon Tyne. 

@rafinmd Thanks for the photo. I hope your Oncology appointment is just routine.  Sorry about the fire house computer, and that you're still dealing with issues from your data hack. 

@grapau27 Thanks for the photos and information about that area of the UK.

@kazu Thanks for checking in. I'm sorry you're feeling unwell and tired. I hope you can get some rest.

@smitty34877 It was wonderful of your brother to come for a few days. Safe trip home for him. Continued prayers for Tana.

@tjcox9 Nice photos.

@RMLincoln  You really do have a full day today. 

@0106 Great explanation of why there are 2 Pi day celebrations.

@marshhawk I hope Chuck's infusion went well today.

@Sir PMP Nice vintage poster and photo.

@Overhead Fred Enjoy being at the lake. 

@aliaschief Great photo of the DGDs.

@kochleffel I had the same thought when I saw @Overhead Fred's photo!

@Quartzsite Cruiser Lovely photos from Newcastle and the surrounding areas.

@ger_77 I hope DH gets a good report at his TAVR follow-up visit. Sad to hear of the smoky air at your location.

@Vict0riann I hope you hear from the Doctor in time that you can meet your distant cousin. 

@Nickelpenny I'm glad you got your travel arrangements straightened out. And the hutch tile job looks fabulous! Congrats on a job well done.

@Cruising-along Oh no about the rental RV having issues. Did they contact the rental company? And ewww on DGS getting leeches from swimming in Yellowstone lake.  

@Haljo1935 Utility providers don't reach out here; you have to go on the app to see what's going on. I hope you get your power back quickly.

@GTVCRUISER Wow, lots of tiles.

@HAL Sailer I hope things are going well for you and your DH.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to those Celebrating.



Vanessa, I hope your PCP can help with the vertigo and the side effect.  Please wish your BFF a VERY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.  


51 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

Yesterday we went to Gretna Green in the morning because we were visiting a good friend in Carlisle hospital 10 miles from Gretna between 14.00pm and 16.00pm who had a suspected heart attack while on holiday in the Lake District.

She had an angiogram today which showed no artery blockages so hopefully her husband will bring her home tomorrow.


Graham, I hope your friend will be released from the hospital soon and has a full and quick recovery.


10 minutes ago, Haljo1935 said:

Power is restored. All the buzzable, blinking, dinging devices had not even finished signaling they'd come to life when the power company called to say they'd finished repairs. Also got a text.

Maybe all the attention is in response to the really really bad press they got a couple years ago during the storm/freeze that knocked out power across the state resulting in much loss of human life (people literally froze to death in their living room chairs).

Or maybe they have new leadership that cares 🤔 🙄 


Whatever the reason, Elizabeth, I'm glad your power is back on.



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3 hours ago, kochleffel said:

Why don't cruise ships visit my town? We're only 250 miles upriver from Chesapeake Bay.


I think Conawingo Dam is a pretty good start.  I'm probably the closest, having been to Rochester, Buffalo, and Oswego several times with the former Blount Small Ship Adventures.



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@JazzyV, I am glad that you are going to investigate the vertigo and gait unsteadiness. I have been concerned but know you know what to do! Please wish BFF a very Happy Birthday whenever the celebration occurs.


@Nickelpenny, Beautiful work with a very nice design. I am envious of your skills.


Thanks to all for your wishes for Tana and your prayers. We are managing okay today and things have been calmer for her. She had some leftover quiche for lunch and I made rice pudding for later. It is a favorite of hers and I had forgotten that.

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The rain lasted about 30 minutes or so, and dumped 1.28 inches of rain.  One inch fell in the first 15 minutes.  The sprinkler will remain off for a few more days, de0ending on how much more rain we get


39 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

@JazzyV, I am glad that you are going to investigate the vertigo and gait unsteadiness. I have been concerned but know you know what to do! Please wish BFF a very Happy Birthday whenever the celebration occurs.


@Nickelpenny, Beautiful work with a very nice design. I am envious of your skills.


Thanks to all for your wishes for Tana and your prayers. We are managing okay today and things have been calmer for her. She had some leftover quiche for lunch and I made rice pudding for later. It is a favorite of hers and I had forgotten that.


Terri, it's always good to read that things are calmer, and that Tana is eating some.  I hope the rice pudding is very enticing for her.



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4 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Carolyn, oh no, on the leeches, and also on the problems with the rental RV.  I hope your family can still enjoy Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks.


3 hours ago, JazzyV said:

 Oh no about the rental RV having issues. Did they contact the rental company? And ewww on DGS getting leeches from swimming in Yellowstone lake.  

Thank you Lenda and Vanessa.  DD just texted a minute ago to say the RV is almost ready, just waiting as they do a test drive.  It needed a new brake pad.  As they waited they nursed a hummingbird back to health (it had hit the window of the repair shop) and watched as it flew off.   They also took a bike ride, so the day wasn't wasted!


Vanessa please wish your BFF a very happy birthday!

@Nickelpenny and @GTVCRUISER I love what you did with your HAL tiles.  I wish I was so talented. 

@kazu I hope you feel much better soon!

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@Nickelpenny and @GTVCRUISER I too like what you both did with your tiles.  I have two tiles, and they are called coasters.


We left a little after 9 this morning, and didn't get back until 6.  Immunotherapy I guess went well, with the new Covid arriving, I sit in the waiting room, masked up, while he is in the back with the other immunotherapy folks.  I go up and sit in the car or sometimes go to the shop and buy gnomes for my collection or candy for DH.  He likes the Sunkist gel candies.  I didnt stop at the shop at all, I was hoping his walking would improve, and we could visit the gnomes and candy together, but he is now using his cane, and he couldnt walk that far.   I got lunch at the hospital cafeteria which serves the worst food.  Both of us got heartburn from a cheese burger. We sat in the car, had lunch  and waited for the next appointment.


Next appointment was for pain management.  Turns out the edema might MIGHT be caused by a new medication that he started taking for his nerve sensation that was caused by the radiation.   When they increased the dosage, his arms and feet started to swell. So they are backing him down to half a pill, and then off of it all together, and then try gabapentin...again.  And this doc addressed the fact that DH is having kidney issues, which neither of us had been told about.  So some drugs wont work for him.


Off to fix din din, and wipe out the remaining left overs.

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8 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

@Nickelpenny and @GTVCRUISER I too like what you both did with your tiles.  I have two tiles, and they are called coasters.


We left a little after 9 this morning, and didn't get back until 6.  Immunotherapy I guess went well, with the new Covid arriving, I sit in the waiting room, masked up, while he is in the back with the other immunotherapy folks.  I go up and sit in the car or sometimes go to the shop and buy gnomes for my collection or candy for DH.  He likes the Sunkist gel candies.  I didnt stop at the shop at all, I was hoping his walking would improve, and we could visit the gnomes and candy together, but he is now using his cane, and he couldnt walk that far.   I got lunch at the hospital cafeteria which serves the worst food.  Both of us got heartburn from a cheese burger. We sat in the car, had lunch  and waited for the next appointment.


Next appointment was for pain management.  Turns out the edema might MIGHT be caused by a new medication that he started taking for his nerve sensation that was caused by the radiation.   When they increased the dosage, his arms and feet started to swell. So they are backing him down to half a pill, and then off of it all together, and then try gabapentin...again.  And this doc addressed the fact that DH is having kidney issues, which neither of us had been told about.  So some drugs wont work for him.


Off to fix din din, and wipe out the remaining left overs.

We need a sad response among the other three overall responses. So many issues which you both must deal. 😢 I follow fairly frequently, but don't post often regarding the many medical/physical issues, cuz I can't keep up with them frankly. Keep that positive attitude! 

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@JazzyVi think we can call us cured. We still fatigue easily and that afternoon nap will be part of our repertoire for a while yet. But, we excavated our flagstone patio from the clover, grass and creeping Charlie that had almost covered it so I think we are ok. 

I am worried about @kazu and hope things improve and @marshhawk you go thru a lot each day, as do a couple of others. Can’t make some of the blue bubbles work. Thoughts and prayers for all needing them.

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@marshhawk You are amazing, but we all know we do what we have to do.  Take care of yourself.

@smitty34877 I'm glad Tana ate today.  Keep making rice pudding for her.  I remember making ice cream sundaes for breakfast for my mom.  

@superoma Eva, I am glad to hear you are feeling better.  Some of us don't have an excuse for our afternoon naps.  

@JazzyV I sure hope the doctor can help with the vertigo and the gait problem   Happy Birthday to your BFF!

@kazu Take it slowly and I hope things progress in the right manner.  Probably not as fast as any of us would like, but bit by bit.....


Dinner will be fashionably late tomorrow as I have nerve ablation scheduled for 7:30 am.  After that Sue and I are going out for breakfast, so I'll post the dinner recipes when I get home.  

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@dfish prayers for you and the medical team on Tuesday.


@JazzyVI hope they can figure out what is causing the vertigo tomorrow.  Maybe your body is yearning for being on a rocky ship.  I know my brain is.


Each evening I have what I call Kitten time, when I put out temptations on the kitchen floor, and all the kittens and the old "kittens" come together and feast.  I never have to worry about sweeping up the floor, there is never a crumb left.  But now the elders are tired, and the kittens are charged up and ready to go. 


Sweet dreams my friends, may you dream of your own "temptations". 

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10 hours ago, Overhead Fred said:




Geez, you'd think all you cruisers would recognize channel markers! 🤣


Admittedly, they are from the Trent Severn Waterway which has a limited number of cruise ships. But it is not zero! 





I recognized the channel marker immediately!  We did a houseboat rental on Ridou Canal for two weeks. Fabulous in so many ways. Kawartha plys those waters too. Fascinating to watch her fold up to fit some of the locks!  m—

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15 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

...Each evening I have what I call Kitten time, when I put out temptations on the kitchen floor, and all the kittens and the old "kittens" come together and feast.  I never have to worry about sweeping up the floor, there is never a crumb left.  But now the elders are tired, and the kittens are charged up and ready to go...

I did something similar w/the big dog the other day, but it was accidental not intentional (and hopefully a 1 & done) - dropped a CFA peach milkshake on the floor, called him over then stood back and let him enjoy. Then I got the mop 🙄 

He was up most the night wanting to play, I wanted to 😴 

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No guarantees, but I think the rain has finally ended for today.  Itmrained hard a couple of times.  We received l.44 inches total of rain accordingmto,tue fancy rain gouge.  I emptied the old fashioned rain gauge just before we went for our golf cart ride.   The gauage showed 1.5 inches, and that was before the last rain.


5 hours ago, Cruising-along said:


Thank you Lenda and Vanessa.  DD just texted a minute ago to say the RV is almost ready, just waiting as they do a test drive.  It needed a new brake pad.  As they waited they nursed a hummingbird back to health (it had hit the window of the repair shop) and watched as it flew off.   They also took a bike ride, so the day wasn't wasted!


Vanessa please wish your BFF a very happy birthday!

@Nickelpenny and @GTVCRUISER I love what you did with your HAL tiles.  I wish I was so talented. 

@kazu I hope you feel much better soon!


Carolyn, I'm glad they got the RV repaired, and still managed to have fun.  Glad they coupd help the hummingbird.


4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

@Nickelpenny and @GTVCRUISER I too like what you both did with your tiles.  I have two tiles, and they are called coasters.


We left a little after 9 this morning, and didn't get back until 6.  Immunotherapy I guess went well, with the new Covid arriving, I sit in the waiting room, masked up, while he is in the back with the other immunotherapy folks.  I go up and sit in the car or sometimes go to the shop and buy gnomes for my collection or candy for DH.  He likes the Sunkist gel candies.  I didnt stop at the shop at all, I was hoping his walking would improve, and we could visit the gnomes and candy together, but he is now using his cane, and he couldnt walk that far.   I got lunch at the hospital cafeteria which serves the worst food.  Both of us got heartburn from a cheese burger. We sat in the car, had lunch  and waited for the next appointment.


Next appointment was for pain management.  Turns out the edema might MIGHT be caused by a new medication that he started taking for his nerve sensation that was caused by the radiation.   When they increased the dosage, his arms and feet started to swell. So they are backing him down to half a pill, and then off of it all together, and then try gabapentin...again.  And this doc addressed the fact that DH is having kidney issues, which neither of us had been told about.  So some drugs wont work for him.


Off to fix din din, and wipe out the remaining left overs.


Annie, I hope the medication changes will help reduce the edema. Imhope the gabapentin helps.  DH found the it made him dizzy and sleepy.


4 hours ago, superoma said:

@JazzyVi think we can call us cured. We still fatigue easily and that afternoon nap will be part of our repertoire for a while yet. But, we excavated our flagstone patio from the clover, grass and creeping Charlie that had almost covered it so I think we are ok. 

I am worried about @kazu and hope things improve and @marshhawk you go thru a lot each day, as do a couple of others. Can’t make some of the blue bubbles work. Thoughts and prayers for all needing them.


Eva, I glad you are over Covid, and I hope the fatigue goes awaynsoon.


1 hour ago, dfish said:

@marshhawk You are amazing, but we all know we do what we have to do.  Take care of yourself.

@smitty34877 I'm glad Tana ate today.  Keep making rice pudding for her.  I remember making ice cream sundaes for breakfast for my mom.  

@superoma Eva, I am glad to hear you are feeling better.  Some of us don't have an excuse for our afternoon naps.  

@JazzyV I sure hope the doctor can help with the vertigo and the gait problem   Happy Birthday to your BFF!

@kazu Take it slowly and I hope things progress in the right manner.  Probably not as fast as any of us would like, but bit by bit.....


Dinner will be fashionably late tomorrow as I have nerve ablation scheduled for 7:30 am.  After that Sue and I are going out for breakfast, so I'll post the dinner recipes when I get home.  



Debbie, I hope the ablation goes well, and helps with the back pain.  I seriously doubt any of us will starve if dinnermis fashionably late tomorrow.



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