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The Daily for Wednesday Jan 27, 2021


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today is National Geographic Day, Library Shelfie Day, and Punch the Clock Day

The truth of a proposition has nothing to do with its credibility.  And vice versa.

Meal suggestion for today - Lemon-Dijon Pork Sheet-Pan Supper

Drink of the Day - Long Island Iced Tea

Wine of the day - Elk Cove 2019 Estate Pinot Gris (Willamette Valley) Willamette Valley

at Sea Pacific off San Diego
Nieuw Amsterdam

Long Beach Anchorage

Great Stirrup Cay
Nieuw Statendam






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Thank you for the Hump Day daily, Rich.  I don;t think I have punched a time clock since my college days.  Here's a salute to National Geographic and Libraries.  The best shipboard library shelves I've seen are on Queen Mary 2.  The quote seems particularly relevant in these strange times.  The meal sounds nice but too complicated for me.  My alternative is Chilled Watermelon Gazpacho, Orange and Avacado Carousel, and Boston Lager Strip Loin Steak as served on MS Maasdam January 27, 2015.


Today's care list:

Mrs Vmax undergoing radiation treatment

Caregiver Gsel and her DH battling Alzheimers

NextOne DH with Renal Cancer

Our Nation

Mamaofami’s final days, but resting comfortably

HAL (and other crews)

Kazu’s nephew and her BIL’s mom

and Krazy Kruisers and Joe


Today's Celebrations and Shoutouts:

Occasional posters including CM1984

Teachers, school workers and at home surrogates

Front Line Health Care Workers

Jab today for Quartzite Cruiser

Jab appointment for JazzyV

First jabs done for bobpatj

and Sabine, HAL’s likely first female Captain(I know this is a repeat but she’s worth it)




@mamaofamiI hope your grandson finds a safe way to take care of his car.



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Thank you Rich and Roy. I am really enjoying being part of the ‘Daily’ group. It is 11pm, Wednesday, here on the far south coast of New South Wales and our day is almost over, just as most of the group are just beginning theirs. The National Geographic is a wonderful magazine. I give a yearly subscription to a friend every birthday, and the whole family can then enjoy it. We have a wonderful library here, with the most helpful librarians. I took each of our grandsons to the baby and toddler story hour every week, and they have become great readers.

We are grateful for some rain today after a very hot couple of days, temperatures up to 39C. I am fascinated by the descriptions of the weather from some of the Canadian posters. I cannot imagine being so cold!

We are blessed to be in a Covid free area here, but will certainly be lining up for the vaccine as soon as it becomes available. The numbers of people affected in Europe and the USA are just too awful to comprehend.

Stay safe everyone and know that we are thinking of you all. 



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Good morning from the Great White North.  It's snowing, we'll get the snowblower out later.

Love the Daily Report.

Interesting collection of days.  I haven't seen a National Geographic magazine in ages, but I sometimes see programs on television from the organization.  I haven't punched a time clock in years.  Love libraries, someday, we will be able to visit ours instead of just ordering a book for curbside pick up.

Great quote.

A sheet dinner sounds like a good idea.

I'd love a Long Island Iced Tea, but will settle for hot tea on a cold day.

Praying for everyone.

Have a wonderful day.  Stay safe.

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Thank you for today’s Daily, Rich! Great combo of days. Always enjoy a great National Geographic special! Will need to Google what a shelfie is. Perhaps it is a shelf in the children’s reading room, or a not yet fully grown shelf!  And I happily do not have to punch a clock anymore!


Roy, thank you for keeping our lists. Could I ask you to add me to tomorrow’s Care list? I am having an early stage melanoma removed tomorrow morning, and all of a sudden I find myself a bit nervous. And it sounds like such a minor procedure, too. Oh well, maybe I will just have a bigger glass of wine tonight. 

Morning Dailyites! We have a great sounding white wine today!  Love the quote. The meal sounds yummy. Will need to research that one a bit more. 

Prayers for all who need our support! Cheers to all who are celebrating! Stay well everyone!


I snapped a pic of last night’s sunset taken from Flagler Beach. Too bad all those wires photobombed my pic.



This Willamette Valley Pinot Gris has great ratings - all released vintages are 90 or higher. And with a host of online distributors that have prices starting at $13.49, I am adding this one to my list!

#10 Wine Enthusiast Top 100 of 2020

Winemaker Notes

With ripe pear, honey and citrus on the nose, this wine opens lush and juicy with white peach, lemon curd and honeydew melon leading to an elegant finish of lemongrass and slate.

WE92 Wine Enthusiast: Adam Campbell's Pinot Gris is one of Oregon's best, year in and year out. A lush and vivid mix of grapefruit, lemon curd and candied orange peel, this new vintage both surprises and delights. Such complexity is rare in a grape mostly centered around apple and pear flavors—both are here, but in a back seat role. This unique mix is deliciously irresistible. Editors' Choice.


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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Mamaofami’s final days, but resting comfortabl

Ouch!  I goofed on that!  It should have been Mamaofami's FRIENDS final days, but resting comfortably.  Cat shepard, I may never have noticed that if not adding you to the list.



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Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our morning smile 🙂 


Love National Georgraphic.  Library shelfie day is semi-celebrated with the way some of our books are organized, but many are in a pile 😉 No time clock to punch here, thankfully 😉 


Love the quote and the meal suggestion sounds good.  I might have to get my tenderloin out of the freezer 😉 


Long Island Iced Tea is a good drink on a hot day so I’ll wait a few months to enjoy one.  @cat shepard that wine does sound good.


Covid fatigue and frustration is affecting a lot of people right now.  Remember to stick with the plan as Red Green (Canadian) says:




anyone finding that they are focusing on food during the pandemic and lockdowns?




If you are eating too much,  he’s the toll free number for you:




Our zone has gone from red to orange so I am happily hitting my beauty salon today 🙂 


Have a good Wednesday everyone!  Stay safe and please don’t forget your masks. 😷 





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Happy Hump Day!  I love the National Geographic channel, so I celebrate this day often.  I really miss the libraries on the ships, used to spend hours in them. I, like others, haven't punched a clock in decades. Interesting quote.  The meal sounds good, but we are having pizza tonight.  Major prayers for all of us.  I seem to be sleeping my life away, can't get enough.  Bored would be the explanation I think. Toasts to our other list, happy more people are getting the vaccine. Good night daisybertie.

Stay safe, social distance, and wear your mask.


Long Island Iced Tea:

Ingredients: 1 oz Gomme Syrup, 1 oz Lemon juice, 1/2 oz Gin, MORE
Preparation: Add all ingredients into highball glass filled with ice. Stir gently. Garnish with lemon spiral. Serve with straw.
Served: On the rocks; poured over ice
Standard garnish: Lemon spiral

Screen Shot 2021-01-27 at 8.32.34 AM.png

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Good morning, everyone!


Like many of you, my clock punching days are long gone.  Retiring is one decision I do not regret.  


Tonight's dinner sounds good.   I love sheet pan dinners and generally turn most dinners into a sheet pan one.  Fish on one end and veggies on the other.   This one looks pretty easy to do, mainly chopping time involved.  




I've never had a Long Island Ice Tea.   Maybe someday.  But, I do like a good pinot gris.  

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  We love watching the Nat Geo channel on TV; they take you to the most amazing places (kind of like a Dam ship).  I think a library shelfie is someone who puts the books back . . . ?  While I never actually had to punch a clock, in my early days as a clerk, it was my job to calculate the times on them . . . no wonder I need glasses now!


Woo hoo, the weather has warmed up - this morning we're at a balmy -23C (-34C with the wind chill), and it's supposed to continue this trend through to the weekend.  Pretty soon it'll just be sweater weather!  LOL  


I like the menu suggestion today, as sheet pan dinners are so easy; I'm going to go out to the "ice cave" and see if we have any pork chops there to put it together.  There may be substitutions, though, as DH doesn't care for sweet potatoes, but I'm sure he'll be happy with plain if there's lots of lemon on them.  Looking in the pantry yesterday, I discovered 4 brownie mixes that had somehow made their way to the back, so that's what we'll be having for dessert tonight.  And wine.


Speaking of wine, a friend picked up a pair of these for me yesterday and is putting them in the mail . . . she knows me well.


Prayers for everyone who needs them, and even for those who don't think they do.  Clinking of the wineglasses tonight to all on the celebration list.  Stay well, be safe, wash your hands and wear your mask.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂




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@CatShepard      It is Ok to be nervous, It is always scary. Have had a few of those myself and you cannot relax until you hear the all clear. Will keep you in my thoughts and prayers until we hear the good news. 

  A warm but foggy day here at the beach. 

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Today's sunrise is land based but it's from my 2016 Crystal Symphony Antarctica cruise (Buenos Aires to Miami) that started with a round trip pair of Cunard Transatlantics.  I boarded the Symphony January 27 and took a morning walk on Avenue Libertador.





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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

Ouch!  I goofed on that!  It should have been Mamaofami's FRIENDS final days, but resting comfortably.  Cat shepard, I may never have noticed that if not adding you to the list.



Thanks for correcting that, Roy. I thought maybe you knew something about me I didn’t. LOL

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Hello all.  I've been away from the Daily for a week or so due to all the political talk but will give it a try today.  So much to talk about all the time, it's nice to have a place to come to.


Oven update:  DH cleaning the oven did NOT kill it.  It's still working fine, knock on wood.  Looks like we broke the jinx.


@cat shepardprayers coming your way for a good day tomorrow.  I have had an early stage melanoma removed by Mohs surgery and that was 19 years ago.  You will do well, too.  


@kazuthe picture of the "heavy" giraffe, shall we say, was absolutely hysterical.  Loved it!


Remember last week when I told you about DMIL being out of quarantine on Monday?  As the week wore on her cough became worse and lungs weren't working well.  She was kept on oxygen but struggling.  Her chest hurt so they gave her a little morphine.   We wanted her treated, not kept drugged, so requested the facility doctor come see her and check her condition.  He did and agreed to give her an antibiotic and a probiotic to keep her digestion in check due to a history of antibiotics wreaking havoc with her.  That was on Thursday and by Saturday she was off the oxygen and feeling better.  DH said I want to go see her while we still have her with us because you never know.  So we emailed the director and asked for permission to visit.  It was granted within 5 minutes.  Monday morning at 4:30 am we began the long drive and it was a bear of a drive, believe me.  It rained or thunderstormed 95% of the time.  We were diverted by detours twice due to truck accidents and construction.  The tractor trailers jackknifed and blocked the highway in both south and north Tennessee.  It took 11 hours instead of 10 hours to get there but we were able to visit in mid afternoon, then back after dinner for a little while.  We brought some Valentine decoration and a Valentine card from us, our kids and spouses and all six children.  DMIL loved to decorate for the holidays.  She was so happy to see us!  DD FaceTime called and perked her up, too.  DDIL sent a sweet "we love you, hope you get better soon" video on my phone to share with her.  We got up yesterday and left our hotel at 4:30 am again.  Only took 10 hours to drive back yesterday!  Anyway, if we could have my MIL on the care list again for a while, that would be appreciated.  When you're 94 years old you need all the help you can get.


My sister and two nephews are doing okay after suffering from Covid.  Eldest nephew is back to work but taking it easy.  Sister is resting a lot, and youngest nephew is doing well and looking for a job outside of the restaurant industry which has been decimated by lockdowns.  


DH and I are awaiting our second Moderna vaccinations on Feb. 9, only 13 days away.  Good luck to everyone who is getting theirs, and those still looking for a vaccination site.  I know we had no side effects from our first shots, except some upper arm pain the next 2 days just like a flu shot.  The second day the shot site was sore in the morning but at dinner time we couldn't feel any pain there at all.  It disappeared just like that!  Next shot I will drive instead of DH so we can get it shot into the opposite arm.  Just for luck!

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Good morning everyone.So, yes, my friend is resting comfortably and still hanging on.


My grandson is going to have to fly from NY to LA to get his car out of the lot where it was towed because he didn’t read the parking sign carefully. Evidently, he has to do it in person. The fine is quite large. I’m not happy about his flying and going to LA, but all I can do is hope he’ll be OK. 

Cat Shepard, I’ve had that procedure and it really is not a big deal, but very normal to be a bit nervous. 

Did I hear someone mention chocolate cake day. I could go for that. I’m a chocolaholic. 

With so many people working from home, I don’t think too many are punching a time clock these days.


Stay safe everyone.





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Good morning. Thanks for the Daily.

Today is also International Holocaust Memorial Day. Never forget.

I've never punched a clock.

One of these days I'll make a sheet pan meal.


@StLouisCruisers So glad you got to see you MIL. Prayers for her.


Prayers for the Care list and cheers to those on the Celebration list.

Stay safe everyone and wear your mask.

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