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The Daily for Wednesday Mar 10, 2021


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Good morning all. My split pea soup is in the slow cooker as I type! Doing a driveway Happy Hour this afternoon and didn’t want to worry about making dinner. Celebrating my pathology report from my lumpectomy. Both lymph nodes were cancer free and there was a clear margin on the lumpectomy. Just waiting for the cancer clinic appointment to talk about radiation. Apparently the protocol in Canada is always do radiation after lumpectomy regardless of clear margins. Anyway, thrilled with the report.


Middle names - I mentioned mine was Margareta after my paternal grandmother. My poor sister born a year after me didn’t get a middle name. Her husband uses his middle name because his first name is Elmer. I don’t think I would use it either- no disrespect to people named Elmer intended!


looking forward to a warm afternoon-70F forecast!

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13 minutes ago, superoma said:

Celebrating my pathology report from my lumpectomy. Both lymph nodes were cancer free and there was a clear margin on the lumpectomy


Really good news!  So happy to hear it 😄 

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41 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone.I attended a wedding a long time ago where they had bagpipes playing and it was quite beautiful. My middle name is very common, Ann.

I rarely use it unless some form requires it.


I have a consult this afternoon with the mohs surgeon to see if she will want a plastic surgeon to close me up after she removes the basal cell.


The weather is beautiful here, in the 60s and this way until the weekend. I’ll take it.


We’ve been to Paris on a la d tour, but not a cruise. Then we went to the Loire Valley and stayed in a chateaux. That was a lot of fun.


Stay well everyone.





Hi Carol, as I write we are in surgery room. Allen had his 1st procedure and we're waiting on the lab results. I am able to be in the surgery room with him because of Covid they don't want the patient traveling back and forth to the private waiting room. This was Allen's 3rd MOHS surgery so we know the drill..

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16 minutes ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. My split pea soup is in the slow cooker as I type! Doing a driveway Happy Hour this afternoon and didn’t want to worry about making dinner. Celebrating my pathology report from my lumpectomy. Both lymph nodes were cancer free and there was a clear margin on the lumpectomy. Just waiting for the cancer clinic appointment to talk about radiation. Apparently the protocol in Canada is always do radiation after lumpectomy regardless of clear margins. Anyway, thrilled with the report.


Middle names - I mentioned mine was Margareta after my paternal grandmother. My poor sister born a year after me didn’t get a middle name. Her husband uses his middle name because his first name is Elmer. I don’t think I would use it either- no disrespect to people named Elmer intended!


looking forward to a warm afternoon-70F forecast!

That's wonderful news! Praise the Lord!!

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3 hours ago, Mary229 said:

Comfort and prayers for those who are struggling, please add my dear friend, Rachel, the mother of two small boys and caretaker of her own mother who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.   Blessings to to those who help us.  They are our heroes.  


So sorry to hear this.  Our prayers are with her and you 🙏🏻 

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  Happy Wednesday and Thank You for the Daily! ✏️

We cruise and also travel by car while in Europe so enjoyed Rouen and even found a hairdresser. (Check out Eric Bachelet's Salon...great cut and color!👍 ) So much to see and do in Rouen--good memories!

Close up and personal with bagpipes in Dunedin, NZ.

🙏Prayers to all in need.😷


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Allen's dad's name was Samuel Allen. They called him Allen.


When (my) Allen was born he was named Allen LeRoy and was called Roy.


Roy Roger's original name was Leonard. So Allen's mom wanted Allen's middle name to be Le after Roy Rogers real name, and Roy after his name change. Mom LOVED Roy Rogers!!

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My MIL's name was Babette, but she went by Jean (her middle name). She would have rocked either name; I miss her.

My middle name is Livingston, derived from 1 Peter 2:5 and Dr. David Livingstone.

A well played bagpipe often stirs up emotions and memories. As a chaplain for our local fire department, one of my deepest memories at a graveside memorial is the sound of a single piper playing Amazing Grace as he approached through the fog. We could hear the pipes long before we could see the piper. He continued to play a few other songs near the casket and then retreated back into the fog as he took up the tune—Going Home.

Another bagpipe memory, on a lighter note, was when my wife was dressed up like Mother Goose to tell stories at a place called “Never Never Land” in Point Defiance Park, Tacoma, WA. About halfway through a story a bagpipe began to play just on the other side of the fence behind her. By the end of the story there were at least 20 pipers and drummers warming up and practicing for an event they were about to perform for at Fort Nisqually. I assume they had stepped into the woods so they wouldn’t disturb the tourists at the fort, not thinking at all about what was on the other side of the fence. Needless to say, story-time was postponed during the playing of the pipes.

Edited by HAL4NOW
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Good morning all!

I love bagpipes, my sister had bagpipe music at her son's funeral so I guess she loved them too.  It's been years and years since I've had to pack lunches, back when the kids were in school.  My middle name is Anne (with an "e" as my Mother always pointed out lol).  I have no idea why that was so important to her, maybe because Princess Anne was born around the same time I was?  🤷‍♀️

Only one person ever tried calling me Carolyn Annie, he never did that again.  😆

Will pass on the meal, not a fan of split pea soup.  It may be take-out tonight.  I prefer the semi-dry over semi-sweet Riesling too.  


We have been to Rouen, but not as a port. It was a land trip to Paris and we rented a car.  Oddly I can't find any photos of Rouen so a big thank you to those who posted theirs! 


@rafinmdI don't think that was an odd meal!  I love making my own meal from the wonderful HAL salad bars 🙂  

@superomacongrats on the great pathology report!!


Since Paris is one of my top favorite European cities, we've been there several times.  I hope you don't mind if I post some photos since I can't find any from Rouen. 🙂  The castle is Chantilly, one of many we've visited on road trips in France -- A view of Sacre Coeur, a picnic along the Seine, and Rue Moufftard Street Market.



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Good morning.  The only time we have been in Rouen was on a train from LeHavre Paris.  We liked what we saw from the train, and I’ve always wanted to see more of the town.


Will definitely pass on the meal suggestion and the drink of the day.  They are just not appealing to me.  Since it has turned cool and windy today, we’ll finish the leftover chili along with cornbread muffins.


When the DDs graduated from high school, I stopped packing lunches, unless we packed one for a day road trip (but I don’t think that really counts).


I go by my middle name.  My first name was my mother’s middle name, Elizabeth, which she used, but was called Libby.  Her first name was the name her mother was called even though it was a nickname.  My grandmother was named Elliott with no middle name.  One of her brothers who was learning to talk couldn’t pronounce it, and it came out Leltie, which stuck, and most people never knew her real name.


My great grandparents wanted a girl called Elliott.  My grandmother’s three sisters had Elliott as their first name, but all went by their middle name or a nickname based on the middle name.  One of the sisters named her daughter Elliott and the name finally stuck.


@caroltovt I agree bagpipes are best heard outside, and I’ll add in small doses.  A lot depends on the ability of the piper.  When we lived in PA, we always watched the Mummers Parade on tv on New Years Day as we took down the Christmas decorations.


@superoma Glad you got a good report.

@Mary229 Best wishes for your friend’s recovery.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning!  It's another beautiful day in north central Georgia.  But never fear, the forecast for next week is rain.  We will probably need some by then.


Middle name day.  I know several people in my family who go by, or went by their middle name.  I guess they didn't like their first name.  There is an interesting story about the naming of myself and my twin sister.  My parents didn't know they were having twins and had decided on Linda Kay if they had a daughter.  When two girls arrived (!) they had to come up with another name.  They decided to give me, the first baby and quite underweight, the middle name Kay but gave me a different first name, Sandra.  They gave the second daughter who was quite a bit larger the name Linda but gave her the middle name Sue.  Maybe they were afraid I was too small and may not survive.  Just speculation as no one thought to ask why.  But I did thrive, and I give part of the credit to my elder sister who was 9 years old at the time.  She adopted me as her "pet" and gave me extra attention.  To this day we are quite close.


Like Jacqui, we have been to Rouen, France too.  Maybe we were on the same unique cruise on the Prinsendam in Sept. 2018?  European River Explorer.   We sailed up the Seine River which was beautiful, by the way, and had an overnight stay in Rouen.  I'm fairly certain this was the port where members of the crew signed up for an overnight bus ride to Paris.  They arrived back at the ship around 4 am so some may have been dragging with tiredness, but they loved it.  We were only 78 miles from Paris so this must have been the port.


To add to Jacqui's photos this was a hotel we walked past and I thought it was beautifully done on the exterior. enhance


The Great Clock again.  Magnificent!enhance


Look at the detail underneath the arch!enhance


Rouen is known for its half timbered buildings, but I would be worried to be inside or standing next to this one.  My gosh! enhance




Don't you imagine something like this when you think of France?enhance


The beautiful Rouen Cathedral (or the Cathedrale Notre-Dame de Rouen) which was partially destroyed in 1944 by Allied bombing but rebuilt.enhance


Rouen is known for Impressionist artists such as Monet who painted this Cathedral often.  As pretty as it looks when walking inside I was shocked at how dirty and cobwebby it was.  Someone needs to get to work and make it shine.enhance


We ran into two of our favorite buffet wait staff out in town getting a snack.  When eating in the Lido we sat in Canaletto and they worked there.  enhance


If I come upon any more interesting photos I will share later.

DH  and  I  were  on  the  same  wonderful  cruise  with  you. We  loved  Rouen and  had  2  great  days  there. We  went  to  Monet's  Garden  in  Givenchy on  the  second  day. I  found  a  few  pictures  still  sitting  on  the  card  in  my  camera  and  will  post  later. I  need  to  find  the  magical  cord  that  transports    to  the  computer.


I  seem  to  remember  my  parents  putting  a  drink  similar  to  the  Bullshot  into  a  thermos to  bring  to  football  games. It  always  looked  yucky  to  me!    Terry

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Good morning everyone!  Thank you for the Daily Rich and thank you for your lists Roy. 

I love bagpipes in small doses too. I stopped packing lunch when I started working from home. 

As I said the other day on namesake day, we named our daughter Gayle after my middle name which I loved growing up and still do. So I will happily celebrate Middle Name Pride day. About nicknames, I hated being called Sherry (think Sherry Baby by the Four Seasons) but my Mom called me Shar Babe and still calls me Shar off and on. She is the only person who calls me that. 

I really love split pea soup!  If it’s on the menu I order it. But I don’t have all the ingredients so will have something else tonight. 

I got a call from my gynecologist office yesterday following up on my mammogram that is overdue by 6 months. I’ve been waiting to get the vaccine first but now need to make my appointment since my second vaccine is April 1. I am glad that they follow up because it easy to forget about scheduling. 

I haven’t been to today’s port but am enjoying all the pictures. 

Have a great day everyone!

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I  forgot  to  mention that  my  middle  name is  my  grandmother's  first  name. I  never  personally  met  another  Hildegarde....I  did  thank  my  mother  for  using  it  as  a  middle  name  but  at  the  same  time  appreciated  being  named  for  such  a  strong  and  wonderful woman.      Terry

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Good morning, all,  interesting information and lots of posts to read!


Victor posted on my philatelic board that his wife had passed away.  He said he will miss her terribly, her laughter and her grumbling.  RIP, Pavlinka Dimitrova Afanasieva.



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2 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, all,  interesting information and lots of posts to read!


Victor posted on my philatelic board that his wife had passed away.  He said he will miss her terribly, her laughter and her grumbling.  RIP, Pavlinka Dimitrova Afanasieva.

Sorry to hear that.



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10 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, all,  interesting information and lots of posts to read!


Victor posted on my philatelic board that his wife had passed away.  He said he will miss her terribly, her laughter and her grumbling.  RIP, Pavlinka Dimitrova Afanasieva.




I am very sorry to hear that.  May she rest in peace.

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5 hours ago, Mary229 said:

Comfort and prayers for those who are struggling, please add my dear friend, Rachel, the mother of two small boys and caretaker of her own mother who has been diagnosed with breast cancer.   Blessings to to those who help us.  They are our heroes.  

Praying for your friend 🙏

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

I'm late today because I'm just back from my 2nd Moderna vaccine shot! 🎉

Interesting days. I like bagpipes, especially playing Amazing Grace. I used to pack my lunch before retiring. No middle name, which made monogramming hard.

Good quote.

I like split pea soup and the wine.

I've been to Paris, but not on a cruise and not to Rouen. Thanks for the pictures.

It's sunny and 66F right now; it feels so good.


@Mary229 Prayers for Rachel.

@cat shepard Great job on the pictures!

@superoma Great news on the pathology results!

@Seasick Sailor Sounds great that Allen only needed one time.

@Vict0riann Sorry to hear that news.


Prayers for the care list and cheers for the celebration list.

Stay safe and wear your mask.






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