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The Daily for Thursday October 21, 2021


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Quick post for the drink of the day:

Corpse Reviver #2

Absinthe, to rinse
3/4 ounce London dry gin
3/4 ounce Lillet blanc
3/4 ounce orange liqueur
3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed

Rinse the inside of a chilled coupe or cocktail glass with absinthe, discard the excess and set the glass aside.
Add the gin, Lillet blanc, orange liqueur and lemon juice into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
Strain into the prepared glass.

Screen Shot 2021-10-21 at 8.24.41 AM.png

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Good morning everyone. I am able to post and react on my IPad today so things must be in better shape in CC land.

@mamaofami,I am glad the tests were negative for Sam but it sounded like a harrowing night.I am glad you had help.

@grapau27,I was so sorry to hear about the need for the upcoming procedure and the long wait.Waiting is so difficult.

@JAM37,I hope your family feels completely better soon and that the two year old has a good day.They are very busy at that age.

@rafinmd,I hope the treatment is easily tolerated.So sorry you have to go through this.


Yesterday my car died just when we got to DH’s MD appointment in the afternoon.Thank goodness it was not earlier when I had Tana and her portable O2 in the car as it was smoking when I pulled into the parking lot.I don’t know the status yet but it is an older car.DSIL came to rescue us which was the second piece of good fortune.


I often feel that I am babbling these days.I will skip the recipe today.We have not been to the port and love the pictures so far.





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Today's sunrise comes from my 2011 combination of Blount ships New York to Montreal through the Erie Canal with a return to New York on the Crystal Symphony.   On October 21 the Symphony visited Bar Harbor.





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Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our Thursday smile 🙂 


Interesting collection of days.  Don’t care for babbling from adults at all.  Can’t say I have ever counted buttons and it’s rare for me to eat nachos 😉 


Love that quote by Billings.  Lobster mac & cheese - Yum 🙂   I make mine with more lobster & less mac & cheese 😉  I believe I’ve had that wine on a BHB 😉 


@grapau27hope you don’t have too long a wait for your procedure 🙏🏻 Sadly, covid has put a lot of medical treatments behind in many places 😔 


@rafinmdprayers for you and your procedure.  Hope it is not too difficult 🙏🏻 


Hoping today is a bit warmer than yesterday.  Looks like my leaf cleaning was for naught since they keep dropping.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Thursday, everyone !!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 


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Good morning.  Lobster mac and cheese is too rich for me.  DD orders it a lot.


A friend of many years is actually in the button business.  We started early in our 20s going antiquing together and she zeroed in on buttons.  Now she sells them and in truth they are amazing.  In the 1800s they were more small pieces of jewelry attached to a garment than a utility item.  Hers have gemstones, are made of sterling silver, gold, etc. etc.  Believe it or not, she has made six figures selling buttons.  Go figure...


@rafinmd, sounds like you have a good handle on your health situation.  You certainly get a lot accomplished each day. 

@grapau27, that must be frustrating to wait for treatment.  Patience certainly is a virtue these days.

@JAM37, I hope your family is up and well soon!


Prayers for these and all others experiencing difficulties.  Big cheer for those celebrating.

Have a nice day, All.  I will take my post-cruise covid test today in order to go out and about again.

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Good morning everyone. The saga continues.Sam is home as of about 7pm last night. He was ready to leave at 3pm after the doctors all conferred and agreed he could leave. However, no one counted on the ER admitting doctor who decided at 6pm that he needed a PT eval and guess what? PT left for the day and they wanted to keep him another night till PT returned this am. My son, my daughter in the hospital with Sam , and I  called the patient advocate who went down to the ER to try to get him discharged. No luck. I then called the nursing supervisor for the hospital and she too went down to speak to the head nurse in ER and no luck.They threatened that if he left with out medical clearance all sorts of ugly things would happen.Something good must have happened with all that was going on including Sam having a major fit, because the admitting MD walked off in a huff and Sam was properly discharged. Then, at 10pm, I woke to a phone call from security telling me he left one of his canes and some over the counter meds. Never a dull moment here.
Stay safe everyone,



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2 minutes ago, mamaofami said:

Good morning everyone. The saga continues.Sam is home as of about 7pm last night. He was ready to leave at 3pm after the doctors all conferred and agreed he could leave. However, no one counted on the ER admitting doctor who decided at 6pm that he needed a PT eval and guess what? PT left for the day and they wanted to keep him another night till PT returned this am. My son, my daughter in the hospital with Sam , and I  called the patient advocate who went down to the ER to try to get him discharged. No luck. I then called the nursing supervisor for the hospital and she too went down to speak to the head nurse in ER and no luck.They threatened that if he left with out medical clearance all sorts of ugly things would happen.Something good must have happened with all that was going on including Sam having a major fit, because the admitting MD walked off in a huff and Sam was properly discharged. Then, at 10pm, I woke to a phone call from security telling me he left one of his canes and some over the counter meds. Never a dull moment here.
Stay safe everyone,




Good grief, Carol. I hope you and Sam have some quiet weeks ahead of you. Take care of yourself, too. 

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Good morning friends!  We walked to the gym today and notice it's a little darker each morning on our return.  Two weeks from Sunday we will all be turning our clocks backward an hour so it will be pitch black while we walk!  Today we saw for the first time in a long time, a black cat we call Midnight at our gym parking lot.  Before Covid we went to the gym 6 days a week unless traveling.  In the dark we would see kitty cat eyes glowing in our headlights.  Three cats lived in the enclosed area where the dumpsters were for the building.  Midnight, the black one, a dark grey one we named Smoky and the black one with white paws we named Boots.  In the last two months we haven't seen any of them until this morning.  Midnight looked as sleek and healthy as ever so I hope the others are doing well, too.  Then later an armadillo walked right across the wide sidewalk on our way home and scurried into the street.  There were vehicles coming from both directions but Mr. Armadillo made it across safely.  That is my wildlife report for today.


We visited Adelaide, South Australia on the Sun Princess Circumnavigation cruise of Oct. 2017, four years ago.  Fond memories of that cruise.  Sigh...  If I have time I'll post some photos because we went on a tour and saw some nice things.  I have a filling repair in a few hours and DH has a dental visit at 1 pm as well.  His tooth may be cracked so if it requires extraction we will have to make a plan on what comes next.  Leaving that area empty is not an option.   Anyway, I have to be ready in time and will see what I can get posted before then.


Babbling is probably what I'm doing here though I call it conversation.  I also have spare buttons in my sewing boxes.  Nachos are a good snack.  The only time I ever have lobster mac & cheese is when dining at the poolside grill on my Seabourn cruises.  They serve a delicious lobster m&c.  I like the wine, but doubt I'd like the drink.  The quote is funny.  Good luck to Roy and Graham with their upcoming radiation and surgery.  We see our dermatologist regularly, sometimes every 6 months so she can keep an eye on all the spots that show up.  It comes with age!  Prayers for our Care list and applause for our Celebration list.  Terry I hope your car is repairable.  You need it!  Julia lets pray your DD and DSIL are feeling better today.  Enjoy little Leo - you can sleep later!  😄

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Good morning all! 

Lovely morning here. Fritz and I are cuddling; he needs extra loving as he went to the vet yesterday for his shots, although he seemed quite proud of his blue bandage. The vet will be mailing his rabies tag as they are out of stock! What a weird thing to be short of.


As for the days, I’m sure I babble even more than I realize ☹️. I love nachos, yum. As for buttons, my grandmother had a button jar and I used to string them on thread when I was little. So now I too have a button jar. I keep it with my collection of antique sock darners.


I have never made lobster mac and cheese although I’ve had it when eating out. Love the wine description, but I think I’ll skip the drink. It did remind me of my favorite coffee from Ketchikan: Deadman’s Reach-served in bed, raises the dead.


Haven’t been to Australia, probably my biggest regret travel wise. Appreciate the lovely pictures. The concept of a “green ring” around the city of Adelaide is a fantastic idea.


Today my full size electric wheelchair arrives. I’m most excited about it’s elevator seat which will allow me to navigate my kitchen without having to stand and hang on to the counter and do everything one-handed. A special thanks goes to the foundation “Team Gleason” who provided a grant for that, because Medicare doesn’t consider it a necessity. Team Gleason is out of New Orleans and was started by Steve Gleason, a former New Orleans Saints football player who has ALS. They also provided the recorder that is allowing me to bank my voice.


Continued prayers for all those on our concern list 🙏. And a toast to the celebrations and a special thanks to all the many posters doing live threads from the HAL ships. 🍷


Take care all,

St Louis Sal

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On October 14, 2017 we took a CC roll call tour of wine country from Adelaide.  We got on our van and headed out of town, stopping once when the driver noticed a chubby koala in a tree.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIEx7PPGpRwoX5PX7wS81vR?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513560453


First stop was Mount Lofty for a good overview of Adelaide.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLZlaO07ySnD_ngXgQjSyG9?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513560463




Our next stop was a lovely German influenced town of Hahndorf where we were allowed time to explore and get a bite to eat before we headed out to the wineries.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIKUZn1WjXeI8-vskzIKqPM?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513560620








The Hahndorf Academy building from 1857.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIxQH1QCeWr1Nm7vQbhuYMt?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513560573




Next we stopped at a bird sanctuary which I will skip photos of so that we can get to the wineries.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKoHx8IGXyNVXmoYbvDxkWp?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513560750


First one was the Grant Burge winery which was lovely. 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI96ALFv5atHcgZ86_HYnSM?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513560791




The view from the tasting room.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVI9msAtGhv5eXWBxoP6bwDd?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513560765


Next was the Chateau Dorrien winery which was more rustic instead of the sophistication of Grant Burge.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLdU1UgddKIbeaf826aedkB?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513560795




Everybody was getting chatty by now!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVICXnC4EhAfj8mqJeb6Z-_e?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513560818


Heading back to the ship.  Rows of palm trees



My photos show that a few hours later we were enjoying formal night with our late dining table and enjoying our tablemates.  One photo caught my eye.  The two beautiful lobster on a plate.  I'm not sure who ate them but they look good!  I wonder if Princess is charging for lobster in the MDR now?00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLMOMNAgObAlGTPgipsEMEp?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513560862




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Good morning all!

I feel like I'm babbling a lot lately -- 2nd day of jet lag -- it seems to get harder every overseas trip.  When we flew to Athens it took 3 days of jet lag before I felt better, so I expect to be back to normal after tomorrow 😉  Right now my body doesn't seem to know when it's time to sleep.


I had a large collection of buttons, but most of them were donated to DGS's class for art projects when he was in preschool.  Love nachos but not a fan of mac & cheese, and never like seafood with pasta (weird, I know).  The wine sounds very good.  We haven't gotten to Australia yet, it was canceled because of Covid.  Maybe some day.


Prayers for @grapau27and @rafinmd's upcoming surgery and radiation

Cheers for @St. Louis Sal's new full size electric wheelchair!



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1 hour ago, cat shepard said:


I hope that means this is not an emergency and they caught it very early. BUT that is a long time to wait. And worry!  I will now add a prayer that your wait is at the shorter end of that waiting period.  Hugs!



Thank you Ann.

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Good morning, thanks for the Daily!  Babbling babies are adorable, adults, not so much.  I have too many buttons in my mother's button box to start counting, and we both enjoy a plate of nachos once in a while.


Yesterday started out fine with us heading out for groceries and stopping for coffee before heading home.  Later in the afternoon, though, things took a turn.  First, I had a call from a cousin of mine who let me know her father had passed away - he was in his mid 90's.  He was a real sweetheart, father of 6, grandfather of 18, and great-grandfather to 22.  She said he was ready, as he sorely missed his wife who had gone to her reward 13 years earlier.


Then early yesterday evening, my life-long friend from high school messaged me that her husband has passed away in his sleep a couple of nights ago.  I was gutted with that news - I'd been the maid-of-honour at their wedding, and loved this man almost as much as I love my own husband.  He had just turned 70 a couple of weeks ago, but due to Covid, we had not been able to see them for a couple of years.  Life is so short, we just have to live each moment.


As a result of yesterday's news, I didn't sleep well, so I'm kind of wandering around in a fog this morning.  Thankfully there's nothing on the calendar for today, except to get the house ready for the crew to come and clean the furnace and vents tomorrow.  That might mean moving some furniture so they can have access, but that's about it.  I'm pretty sure there's a nap in my program somewhere today.


@St. Louis Salwhat great news about your new wheelchair - that will certainly make life more manageable for you!


I like today's menu suggestion, but don't have any lobster on hand.  I think lobster mac and cheese is the ultimate comfort food, combining both beer and champagne budgets!  I'm not very creative today, so I think we'll just be checking to see what's in the fridge and will forage for ourselves tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who needs them and even for those who don't think they do.  Raising the glasses tonight to celebrate all on the happy list.  Stay safe, be well, wash your hands and wear your masks.


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


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56 minutes ago, St. Louis Sal said:

Today my full size electric wheelchair arrives. I’m most excited about it’s elevator seat which will allow me to navigate my kitchen without having to stand and hang on to the counter and do everything one-handed. A special thanks goes to the foundation “Team Gleason” who provided a grant for that, because Medicare doesn’t consider it a necessity. Team Gleason is out of New Orleans and was started by Steve Gleason, a former New Orleans Saints football player who has ALS. They also provided the recorder that is allowing me to bank my voice.


Absolutely wonderful and so glad that “Team Gleason” could assist you 👍 Nice to hear that there is some help availble.

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1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Quick post for the drink of the day:

Corpse Reviver #2

Absinthe, to rinse
3/4 ounce London dry gin
3/4 ounce Lillet blanc
3/4 ounce orange liqueur
3/4 ounce lemon juice, freshly squeezed

Rinse the inside of a chilled coupe or cocktail glass with absinthe, discard the excess and set the glass aside.
Add the gin, Lillet blanc, orange liqueur and lemon juice into a shaker with ice and shake until well-chilled.
Strain into the prepared glass.

Screen Shot 2021-10-21 at 8.24.41 AM.png

This is a new one on me.  I think I will pass.

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1 hour ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning everyone. I am able to post and react on my IPad today so things must be in better shape in CC land.

@mamaofami,I am glad the tests were negative for Sam but it sounded like a harrowing night.I am glad you had help.

@grapau27,I was so sorry to hear about the need for the upcoming procedure and the long wait.Waiting is so difficult.

@JAM37,I hope your family feels completely better soon and that the two year old has a good day.They are very busy at that age.

@rafinmd,I hope the treatment is easily tolerated.So sorry you have to go through this.


Yesterday my car died just when we got to DH’s MD appointment in the afternoon.Thank goodness it was not earlier when I had Tana and her portable O2 in the car as it was smoking when I pulled into the parking lot.I don’t know the status yet but it is an older car.DSIL came to rescue us which was the second piece of good fortune.


I often feel that I am babbling these days.I will skip the recipe today.We have not been to the port and love the pictures so far.






1 hour ago, kazu said:

Thanks for the Daily, Rich and our Thursday smile 🙂 


Interesting collection of days.  Don’t care for babbling from adults at all.  Can’t say I have ever counted buttons and it’s rare for me to eat nachos 😉 


Love that quote by Billings.  Lobster mac & cheese - Yum 🙂   I make mine with more lobster & less mac & cheese 😉  I believe I’ve had that wine on a BHB 😉 


@grapau27hope you don’t have too long a wait for your procedure 🙏🏻 Sadly, covid has put a lot of medical treatments behind in many places 😔 


@rafinmdprayers for you and your procedure.  Hope it is not too difficult 🙏🏻 


Hoping today is a bit warmer than yesterday.  Looks like my leaf cleaning was for naught since they keep dropping.




Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and 🥂 to those on the Celebratory / Shout Out list.


Have a great Thursday, everyone !!!!




Stay safe & please don’t forget your 😷 



1 hour ago, AncientWanderer said:

Good morning.  Lobster mac and cheese is too rich for me.  DD orders it a lot.


A friend of many years is actually in the button business.  We started early in our 20s going antiquing together and she zeroed in on buttons.  Now she sells them and in truth they are amazing.  In the 1800s they were more small pieces of jewelry attached to a garment than a utility item.  Hers have gemstones, are made of sterling silver, gold, etc. etc.  Believe it or not, she has made six figures selling buttons.  Go figure...


@rafinmd, sounds like you have a good handle on your health situation.  You certainly get a lot accomplished each day. 

@grapau27, that must be frustrating to wait for treatment.  Patience certainly is a virtue these days.

@JAM37, I hope your family is up and well soon!


Prayers for these and all others experiencing difficulties.  Big cheer for those celebrating.

Have a nice day, All.  I will take my post-cruise covid test today in order to go out and about again.


1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  We walked to the gym today and notice it's a little darker each morning on our return.  Two weeks from Sunday we will all be turning our clocks backward an hour so it will be pitch black while we walk!  Today we saw for the first time in a long time, a black cat we call Midnight at our gym parking lot.  Before Covid we went to the gym 6 days a week unless traveling.  In the dark we would see kitty cat eyes glowing in our headlights.  Three cats lived in the enclosed area where the dumpsters were for the building.  Midnight, the black one, a dark grey one we named Smoky and the black one with white paws we named Boots.  In the last two months we haven't seen any of them until this morning.  Midnight looked as sleek and healthy as ever so I hope the others are doing well, too.  Then later an armadillo walked right across the wide sidewalk on our way home and scurried into the street.  There were vehicles coming from both directions but Mr. Armadillo made it across safely.  That is my wildlife report for today.


We visited Adelaide, South Australia on the Sun Princess Circumnavigation cruise of Oct. 2017, four years ago.  Fond memories of that cruise.  Sigh...  If I have time I'll post some photos because we went on a tour and saw some nice things.  I have a filling repair in a few hours and DH has a dental visit at 1 pm as well.  His tooth may be cracked so if it requires extraction we will have to make a plan on what comes next.  Leaving that area empty is not an option.   Anyway, I have to be ready in time and will see what I can get posted before then.


Babbling is probably what I'm doing here though I call it conversation.  I also have spare buttons in my sewing boxes.  Nachos are a good snack.  The only time I ever have lobster mac & cheese is when dining at the poolside grill on my Seabourn cruises.  They serve a delicious lobster m&c.  I like the wine, but doubt I'd like the drink.  The quote is funny.  Good luck to Roy and Graham with their upcoming radiation and surgery.  We see our dermatologist regularly, sometimes every 6 months so she can keep an eye on all the spots that show up.  It comes with age!  Prayers for our Care list and applause for our Celebration list.  Terry I hope your car is repairable.  You need it!  Julia lets pray your DD and DSIL are feeling better today.  Enjoy little Leo - you can sleep later!  😄


11 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Good morning all!

I feel like I'm babbling a lot lately -- 2nd day of jet lag -- it seems to get harder every overseas trip.  When we flew to Athens it took 3 days of jet lag before I felt better, so I expect to be back to normal after tomorrow 😉  Right now my body doesn't seem to know when it's time to sleep.


I had a large collection of buttons, but most of them were donated to DGS's class for art projects when he was in preschool.  Love nachos but not a fan of mac & cheese, and never like seafood with pasta (weird, I know).  The wine sounds very good.  We haven't gotten to Australia yet, it was canceled because of Covid.  Maybe some day.


Prayers for @grapau27and @rafinmd's upcoming surgery and radiation

Cheers for @St. Louis Sal's new full size electric wheelchair!



Thank you all for your kind words.

Consultant didn't seem overly concerned.


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👍Thank you Rich @richwmn for The Daily (my morning newspaper) and to Roy @rafinmd for the Care and Celebration Lists. 

😊Adelaide was a fun city to explore while on the HAL Volendam circumnavigation in 2014. We also took the tram to the seaside community of Glenelg. 

🙏Prayers to all in need!



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Good Morning from a warm and sunny day at the beach

       Have not been able to log on the last few days due to the CC gremlins. I did the " cookie clearing" trick last pm and it seems to have fixed the problem. Hopefully!

        Adelaide is on our scheduled Australia trip in 2022. Enjoying the pictures. DH spent a lot of time there in 2013-2014 for work. He has a lot of fond memories of the area.

        My sister had her appointment t Dana Farber and it went well. She really liked the people and they were very encouraging. The Doctor has recommended that she limit any visitors and potential crowds for a few months. He feels that if she even got a cold, it would be very bad for her. So the family has rallied around her. One sister and her son will be the only inside visitors. The rest of them will call and do " drive bys". Will be difficult because she is a very sociable person but it will be done. My job is to send her cards so I went yesterday and bought a bunch of crazy cards and will send every few days.  I told her we will all plan a big cruise when this is all over. I will even go on RCL her favorite line.

   Guess I am babbling. Off to get a much needed pedi!


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