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The Daily for Wednesday 04/13/2022


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38 minutes ago, Horizon chaser 1957 said:

Good morning, all! A salute to plants! Yesterday I picked up a hardy climbing rose to replace the tea rose that didn’t survive winter. I set the pot outside to climatize. Of course, it snowed.😏The rose seems fine, though. 
I like the quote. I read the book, My Sister’s Keeper, before I saw the movie. My sister saw the movie and then borrowed my book. The movie is perfectly true to the book right to the end, at which point they switch which character dies.😳 Each of us knew what was coming, and were completely shocked at the ending.

We have been to Bali twice. Once for a few hours on the Volendam, and once for a holiday with DD and (then) SIL. We had a wonderful time! DD and I did the sunrise climb of Mt. Batur. I trained for that for months ahead of time. I was the oldest person up,there that morning. My legs were like wet noodles for days, but it was worth it! While we waited for the spectacular sunrise, our guide made us coffee and boiled eggs over a steam vent, as Mt. Batur is indeed a volcano.

Sunrise from the summit.




A hard boiled egg cooked over a volcanic steam vent.



DD and I posing with the summit sign, once it was light enough to avoid falling into the caldera.



Drinking Wild Lusaka coffee in the market in Ubud, just to say we did.4000ECDF-7F99-4355-B963-928B15CBDAC9.thumb.jpeg.51bf4f8186606f822a611e0c83e4a9dc.jpeg

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Two weeks today I’ll see these in person on a BHB!


Heres hoping this posts! The gremlins don’t like me today!






Spectacular photos.

Lovely photo of you and your daughter too.


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1 hour ago, NextOne said:

I never feel like it's Spring until my bleeding heart blooms. So here it is, and I truly appreciate it!

bleeding heart.jpg

@NextOne Thank you for the bleeding hearts…they always bring back memories of my maternal grandmother who always had them in her garden.

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Well, the itinerary change gremlin has struck our Norway cruise.   They have switched days around which is no problem, but they have replaced Geiranger with Hellesylt.  I know in some cases that they drop people off in Hellesylt and continue on to Geiranger, but there is no indication that is the case.  Has anyone had any experience with this?   Of course, they did this two days after I booked our RIB adventure independently in Geiranger.  We may still be able to do it, but if we have to take the ferry to and from Geiranger, I'll have to move it  up.  I'll give it a couple days and call early next week and talk to my PCC about what is entailed. 


1 hour ago, summer slope said:

Good afternoon.  Besides posting the drink of the day I won't be around much for a week or so.  No health issues or emergency's so no worries.

Prayers and toasts to our lists.

Spicy Cucumber Margarita:

▢ 4-6 cucumber slices
▢ 4 fresh mint leaves (optional)
▢ 2 ounces silver tequila
▢ 1/2 ounce orange liquor (or 2 teaspoons orange zest, see note)
▢ juice from 1/2 lime juice
▢ 1-2 jalapeño slices
▢ 2 teaspoons honey or sugar, using more or less to your taste
▢ ginger beer, for topping (optional)
Chili Salt: ▢ 1/4 cup pink sea salt or flaky sea salt
▢ 1 teaspoon chipotle chili powder
▢ 1 pinch granulated sugar
▢ fresh thyme leaves (optional)
1. To make the chili salt. Combine the salt, chili powder, and sugar on a shallow plate. Rim your glasses in salt, then fill with ice. 2. In a cocktail shaker or glass jar, add cucumbers, mint (if using), tequila, orange liquor, lime juice, and honey or sugar. Muddle together, squashing everything to release the juices. Add the jalapeño slices. Fill with ice and shake until combined, about 1 minute, the longer you shake, the spicier it will be. 3. Strain into your prepared glass. Top with ginger beer, if desired. Garnish as desired with cucumbers and thyme, if desired. Enjoy!


Screen Shot 2022-04-13 at 12.54.43 PM.png


I'm going to have to remember this one.  I'll probably use far less honey or sugar than called for as I don't care for sweet.  But, the rest sounds delightful!


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

A prayer of thanks for @cruzn single tests today. 


Add me to the list that is praying.

1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Also one of thanks that the gunman's gun jammed in Brooklyn as the toll could have been so much worse.




Divine intervention?

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I'm back!!  


We learn so much here, it would be a shame not to stop by each day, wouldn't it?  Thank you Rich @richwmnfor the Daily post.  As a cheerleader for the Garden Glub may I say there are so many beautiful flowers pictured here today.  I've retired from gardening pretty much.  I remember the days when people like my DSis would come to me for advice on what to plant in her yard when they did some work on the front of her house.  I loved Scrabble back in the old days, but haven't played it for quite a while.  We had a bookmobile visit our school growing up (no library), and in the summer months it visited once a month.  I would ride my bike with the basket on the front up to our school each summer month to return books and pick out new ones.  I was reading all the time!  I like the quote a lot, and rarely eat egg drop soup.  No thanks to the drink or Chardonnay.


Thanks Roy @rafinmdfor the Care and Celebration lists.  I've been praying often for Ukraine because the news is bad every day!  I admire their courage and fortitude.  Prayers also for my CC friends and their family members.  @kazuJacqui I hope you get all your various tasks taken care of.  It's always something!  Thank you so much for the photo of the Ukraine tulip!  It's wonderful and we could all use a little cheer in our lives.  I hope everyone will be safe from the storms up north in Canada, and the same for everyone here with all the tornadoes and thunderstorms.  There was a bad tornado in central Texas so prayers for Allen and Joy @Seasick Sailor.  Also I want to say how sorry I was to hear of the crazy person who attacked the people in the subway.  People are just trying to get to work and have to be so fearful.  It's just not fair.  @Heartgrovesad news to hear your sister is now in hospice.  I hope she is here to go to the July wedding.  My DMIL was in hospice for ages and they took very good care of her.   My older DS was only in hospice for about 8 days but there were out of this world giving her the best care.  I hope you have a good visit with the family soon.  @Horizon chaser 1957your photos of the Bali volcano sunrise are gorgeous, and I enjoyed seeing the one of you and your daughter.  Thank you!  @summer slopeplease take care while you are busy elsewhere.  And thanks for doing your beverage "job" during that time.  @0106I remember reading the JoJo Moyes book and really enjoying it.  I recommended it to my twin who is also a big reader.  @JAM37Julia I would recommend @grapau27Graham's doctor's plan to gargle with warm salt water.  It's soothing.  And I hope it goes away soon.


The doctor visit was a busy one.  She spent a lot of time talking about all my topics I had listed.  She's checking my B-12 to be sure my nerves reconnect better after the Mohs surgery.  She says it will be 6 to 12 months probably.  Yikes!  We talked about the next booster shot (#4) and when to get it.  She really recommends I wait until early fall.  I will need it more then in her opinion and cases are so low now in her opinion, also taking into consideration when we had #3.  So I guess I will listen to her.  


Guess that's all for now.   Have a good one!

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10 minutes ago, dfish said:

Well, the itinerary change gremlin has struck our Norway cruise.   They have switched days around which is no problem, but they have replaced Geiranger with Hellesylt.  I know in some cases that they drop people off in Hellesylt and continue on to Geiranger, but there is no indication that is the case.  Has anyone had any experience with this?   Of course, they did this two days after I booked our RIB adventure independently in Geiranger.  We may still be able to do it, but if we have to take the ferry to and from Geiranger, I'll have to move it  up.  I'll give it a couple days and call early next week and talk to my PCC about what is entailed. 



I'm going to have to remember this one.  I'll probably use far less honey or sugar than called for as I don't care for sweet.  But, the rest sounds delightful!



Add me to the list that is praying.


Divine intervention?


Debbie, that is a weird itinerary change!  I've seen the ship stop and let people tender over to shore to do a land excursion at Hellesylt followed by them being driven to Geiranger and meeting up with the ship there.  But Hellesylt alone?  Hmmm.  I hope you can make arrangements to go to Geiranger to meet up with your tour.  Perhaps there were too many ships trying to anchor in the fjord that day.  But Geiranger is the pinnacle of that fjord and I'm sure everyone wants to get in there.  I'll pray this will be reversed for you so all can go as originally planned.  Good luck!🤞

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5 hours ago, 0106 said:

Bookmobile day reminded me of the women who traveled through Kentucky on horseback to deliver books to rural people.  I highly recommend to novels Ann the topic:  The Book Woman Of Troublesome Creek by Kim Richardson and The Giver of Stars by JoJo Moyes.

Tulips are my favorite flower.  7544E7AC-4DBE-4D59-9173-196A63B4C38A.jpeg.58acb43a1f56cc408ddd7208cf257604.jpegLove the Ukrainian tulips.  I wonder how they were developed so quickly or if they are dyed?


Always appreciate the port pictures.


Regarding the Ukrainian tulips - I saw the pic yesterday.


Sadly I have to report that they were dyed. 😔




5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

@kazudo you take your fence down every winter so it isn't damaged by storms?  I think you need one that stays up all year so there's less work for you.   Speaking of storms, nothing here yet - yay!  


Yes, we’ve always taken it down in the Fall and put it back up in the spring. That might change this year if I can touch up the rust proof paint on it 😉  It’s metal but so is our fencing that goes around our back yard and it doesn’t appear to be rusting?  (Different metals though, I suspect).


Although I do confess taking it down makes it easier to plant bulbs and do clean up in the Fall.


YAY on no snow so far.



2 hours ago, cruzn single said:

Today is a CT scan of my lungs and a visit to the Pulmonologist.  After effects of being at Ground Zero.  I am sure I will be told that there is no change, so I am not dreading this appointment.


I hope everything is fine for you 🙏🏻 thank you for your service at that very sad time 👏 


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7 minutes ago, grapau27 said:

These hydrangeas came from my late parents garden after they died 11 years ago and we planted them at our home and created a memory garden for my late mam and dad.



A very  nice way  to remember  them.


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1 hour ago, Vict0riann said:


And this one, I told DD was a pasqueflower, but I can't find its name tag, and now I don't think it is.  It does bloom at Easter time, and is an ephemeral, I need help Jacqui, or other gardeners?



Ann I took a photo and sent it to "Leaf Snap", and it came up with Anemone nemorosa or Wood Anemone. Their photos looked  like yours.  Does this sound right?  "Dies to the ground in midsummer, can reach 4 feet tall"... Of course I could easily be wrong, but Leaf Snap has helped me in the past. What do you think?



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18 minutes ago, Cruising-along said:

Ann I took a photo and sent it to "Leaf Snap", and it came up with Anemone nemorosa or Wood Anemone. Their photos looked  like yours.  Does this sound right?  "Dies to the ground in midsummer, can reach 4 feet tall"... Of course I could easily be wrong, but Leaf Snap has helped me in the past. What do you think?




Thanks, I had anemone in my little brain, but pasqueflower, too, as it's in bloom this time of year..

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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Daily.

I like plants. I mainly have cacti (inside for the winter), perennials outside, and sadly my remaining orchid is not doing well. I may repot it and check the roots. Bookmobiles are important, although all towns I've lived in have had libraries. I used to play Scrabble; hard to play alone.

Very true quote.

I like egg drop soup; it makes a good low carb snack too. Pass on the drink and wine.

I haven't been to Indonesia.


It's warm, sunny, and windy here, 79F, but we're expecting rain shortly. At noon I went for a haircut. Although the sign on the door still says masks required, one stylist and her customer did not have them on. I had mine on, and my stylist did also, as well as his wife who is the receptionist.


@kazu That Ukraine tulip is beautiful, even if dyed. Good luck with your jobs to do. Prayers for Jose and you.

@lazey1 Prayers for the success of BIL's surgery.

@JAM37 I'm glad the test was negative, but sorry you're still not feeling great.

@smitty34877 I'm thinking of you all. Yes, that incident on the subway was horrible and scary; fortunately his gun jammed or it may have been much worse. They did pick up the suspect a little while ago.

@cunnorl Safe travels and enjoy the wedding.

@StLouisCruisers Thanks for the photos. I'm glad all went well with your physical.

@Lady Hudson It's good to hear SIL went to rehab; I hope you get to visit.

@ger_77 Sorry you couldn't get your booster yesterday.

@Heartgrove Prayers for comfort for your sister; I hope she does get to go to the wedding.

@bennybear You weather sounds awful! Ugh on the cruise scheduling difficulties.

@durangoscots Oh no on the roof leak!

@Cruising-along Lovely plant photos.

@grapau27 Lovely memory garden.

@cruzn single Good luck with your CT and pulmonologist appointment.

@Horizon chaser 1957 I'm impressed by your training for the climbing of Mt. Batur. Beautiful photos. 

@Vict0riann Thanks for the flower pictures.


Prayers for the Care List, Ukraine,  and NY. Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay safe everyone.





Edited by JazzyV
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Good afternoon everyone,

Had a busy day today, stopped at DH'S primary doc this morning to get a post hospital visit appointment.  Per discharge paperwork should be within 3 days but nothing available for a week. He got somewhat upset and left the office. I stayed and and the officer staff after hearing about his hospital stay and procedures said if there was a cancelation they would call me on my phone. We then decided to get C4 booster as there is a pharmacy in the same building and there was a sign outside saying there was availability today. During this process I  got a call from the doctor's office that someone had just canceled and we could be seen this morning. It was a good appointment and I was able to have the doctor confirm medication scheduling etc.

A short visit to the pharmacy again to pick up some new meds and then home.

I made a delicious omelet for lunch and he's now napping on the bed. Quite a busy day  I'm getting my kindle out and going outside to read for an hour, that usually helps me relax.

Thanks for being here to listen to my venting 


Edited by Sea Viewer
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10 minutes ago, Sea Viewer said:

Good afternoon everyone,

Had a busy day today, stopped at DH'S primary doc this morning to get a post hospital visit appointment.  Per discharge paperwork should be within 3 days but nothing available for a week. He got somewhat upset and left the office. I stayed and and the officer staff after hearing about his hospital stay and procedures said if there was a cancelation they would call me on my phone. We then decided to get C4 booster as there is a pharmacy in the same building and there was a sign outside saying there was availability today. During this process I  got a call from the doctor's office that someone had just canceled and we could be seen this morning. It was a good appointment and I was able to have the doctor confirm medication scheduling etc.

A short visit to the pharmacy again to pick up some new meds and then home.

I made a delicious omelet for lunch and he's now napping on the bed. Quite a busy day  I'm getting my kindle out and going outside to read for an hour, that usually helps me relax.

Thanks for being here to listen to my venting 


Good to hear your better news Mary.

Prayers 🙏 for you and for your husband's better health after his latest cardiac stent surgery.




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@StLouisCruisers HI Sandi!

We were very lucky last night. We were playing Mahjongg when our phones went to take shelter and sirens going off. The hail was no where near the 1 inch threat but is so very noisy against the windows. We had 2 hummingbirds that continued hanging onto the feeders. Lots of cleanup this morning but we are very blessed to have avoided the 2 tornados. God Bless and thanks for thinking of us. (Prayers still going strong for your family)

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24 minutes ago, Sea Viewer said:

Good afternoon everyone,

Had a busy day today, stopped at DH'S primary doc this morning to get a post hospital visit appointment.  Per discharge paperwork should be within 3 days but nothing available for a week. He got somewhat upset and left the office. I stayed and and the officer staff after hearing about his hospital stay and procedures said if there was a cancelation they would call me on my phone. We then decided to get C4 booster as there is a pharmacy in the same building and there was a sign outside saying there was availability today. During this process I  got a call from the doctor's office that someone had just canceled and we could be seen this morning. It was a good appointment and I was able to have the doctor confirm medication scheduling etc.

A short visit to the pharmacy again to pick up some new meds and then home.

I made a delicious omelet for lunch and he's now napping on the bed. Quite a busy day  I'm getting my kindle out and going outside to read for an hour, that usually helps me relax.

Thanks for being here to listen to my venting 


Glad you got the shot and the appointment. I find reading really helps, can’t wait until I can be outside.  We realized we’ve had a forty degree Celsius drop since Friday🥶😱

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Good evening everyone from the Nautica. We are at sea sailing toward the Canary Islands.  Tomorrow is a sea day and a welcome one at that.

Today our port was Motril, Spain for our day in Granada.  We did a private tour with Spain Day Tours to the Alhambra.  

Thankfully the rain stayed away, although it was cloudy and chilly in Granada.  Our tour was excellent and I was glad I went.  This was our fourth time visiting it.  We did it twice in the 1980s when we did car trips of Spain and stayed in Granada, and then again in 2016.  So this is my final trip.  My legs are too old to do all that walking and climbing anymore.

After visiting the fortress we had time for a lovely paella lunch and were joined by two others on the tour.  Wonderful food and plenty of Sangria to go around.  Really very enjoyable.

Coming back to Motril the sun was out and the weather warmed up.  

It took me a while to read through all of todays posts, but glad I did.  

Prayers for all of you, for Ukraine (I must admit i have not kept up with this since we have been away, but realize it is getting worse.), prayers for those in the way of the shooter in the subway in Brooklyn, also for all those on the Daily in need of prayers.  Cheers to those on the celebration list.  Glad that is where I am these days.  It is so nice not to think about cooking every evening and cleaning, etc.  it is such a welcome change.

i hope everyone is having a great day.

i am exhausted.  Going to bed soon.  We moved the clocks back an hour and that means I can sleep longer.  Very tired after a very long day.  If anyone is interested, the whole Alhambra and Generalife complex is 2 1/2 miles.  That is more than these tired old legs are used to—especially on stairs, uneven ground and cobblestones.  I think tomorrow is a good day for a massage!

Take care everyone, stay safe and God bless,


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6 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good evening everyone from the Nautica. We are at sea sailing toward the Canary Islands.  Tomorrow is a sea day and a welcome one at that.

Today our port was Motril, Spain for our day in Granada.  We did a private tour with Spain Day Tours to the Alhambra.  

Thankfully the rain stayed away, although it was cloudy and chilly in Granada.  Our tour was excellent and I was glad I went.  This was our fourth time visiting it.  We did it twice in the 1980s when we did car trips of Spain and stayed in Granada, and then again in 2016.  So this is my final trip.  My legs are too old to do all that walking and climbing anymore.

After visiting the fortress we had time for a lovely paella lunch and were joined by two others on the tour.  Wonderful food and plenty of Sangria to go around.  Really very enjoyable.

Coming back to Motril the sun was out and the weather warmed up.  

It took me a while to read through all of todays posts, but glad I did.  

Prayers for all of you, for Ukraine (I must admit i have not kept up with this since we have been away, but realize it is getting worse.), prayers for those in the way of the shooter in the subway in Brooklyn, also for all those on the Daily in need of prayers.  Cheers to those on the celebration list.  Glad that is where I am these days.  It is so nice not to think about cooking every evening and cleaning, etc.  it is such a welcome change.

i hope everyone is having a great day.

i am exhausted.  Going to bed soon.  We moved the clocks back an hour and that means I can sleep longer.  Very tired after a very long day.  If anyone is interested, the whole Alhambra and Generalife complex is 2 1/2 miles.  That is more than these tired old legs are used to—especially on stairs, uneven ground and cobblestones.  I think tomorrow is a good day for a massage!

Take care everyone, stay safe and God bless,


I'm pleased you are having a fantastic cruise.


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20 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

 If anyone is interested, the whole Alhambra and Generalife complex is 2 1/2 miles.  That is more than these tired old legs are used to—especially on stairs, uneven ground and cobblestones.  I think tomorrow is a good day for a massage!


I have that as an option for a 2023 booking. I noticed that the HAL website rates the Granada-Alhambra tour as strenuous.

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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

These hydrangeas came from my late parents garden after they died 11 years ago and we planted them at our home and created a memory garden for my late mam and dad.




I absolutely love hydrangeas and yours are beautiful!  Also a very loving way to remember your parents.❤️

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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:

@StLouisCruisers HI Sandi!

We were very lucky last night. We were playing Mahjongg when our phones went to take shelter and sirens going off. The hail was no where near the 1 inch threat but is so very noisy against the windows. We had 2 hummingbirds that continued hanging onto the feeders. Lots of cleanup this morning but we are very blessed to have avoided the 2 tornados. God Bless and thanks for thinking of us. (Prayers still going strong for your family)


I'm so glad to hear you two are okay, and no tornadoes hit your neighborhood!  But that hail is always so scary.  I'm always afraid there will be broken windows or roof damage, so I hope nothing bad happened to your property.  Funny the 2 little hummingbirds wouldn't leave their food source even during a storm.  Haha!  I appreciate your prayers for Jen and Buddy. They can sure use them.🥰

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We are back from the UP safe and sound. We had a nice visit with the SIL and a great breakfast in a local café. She was quite happy with the car. It is a 2004 Impala that my dad bought in Tucson. It only has about 86,000 miles on it and no rust. We always kept up with the maintenance, so hopefully it will give her many years of use! 


The drive in both directions was uneventful. There was a cold, drizzly rain for most of the trip and there was still a lot of snow in northern Wisconsin and the UP. Not exactly the signs of spring I would have liked to experience!

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