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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday September 17th, 2022


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24 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Interesting thought.


 I doubt it, though.
As a US born and bred lady, I truly do not understand how the royalty works. It appears to be more of a keeper of traditions and uniter of patriotism, and aside from much of the politics. Kind of an extra-political leadership. In the US, we are so highly politicized (especially now, but over the past 20 years) that I can’t see that type of response (large numbers of people going and standing in line for those amounts of time.).

Please understand I’m not trying to bring in politics, and I honestly do not understand the role of royalty. (I’m not criticizing it in any way.) I’m interested in learning.


I LOVE European history. Have read many books since I was a high school student who took European History. The Queen is supposed to be nonpolitical and would meet in private to discuss her ideas with the Prime minister and others.

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Good Morning. Thanks for the fleet report and the care lists.

Nice collection of days. Education is an essential part of good citizenship. Knowing and understanding our constitution is something that is talked about a lot but rarely (in my experience) is it accomplished.

The people who talk the loudest about the constitution and wave copies of it in your face are usually the ones who have no idea what it realls says or means.

Great meal suggestin today. I love a good mole. There are so many recipies for it. I've heard it said that there are as many mole recipies as there are people in Mexico - everyone has their own special way of making it. The best one I ever had contained 23 ingredients. That many ingredients is not uncommon.

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29 minutes ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Please understand I’m not trying to bring in politics, and I honestly do not understand the role of royalty. (I’m not criticizing it in any way.) I’m interested in learning.

I understand. There was a time when royalty actually ran the country politically. Instead of elections, there tended to be assassinations, civil wars, political marriages unwanted by either party, heirs to the throne helping parents shuffle off this mortal coil, and lots of fun stuff. Over time, people wanted democracy. Some nations abolished royalty and elected presidents. Others, like Britain, went to a parliamentary system. The King or Queen became more of a figurehead, a symbolic keeper of tradition as you say, a link with history and the value and character of the nation. They are the official head of state.  The government deals with the down and dirty aspects of everyday life. They are voted in, voted out, hated, praised, smeared in election campaigns, etc. They run the country but are NOT the official head of state. Hence the title Prime Minister. There is a Minister of Housing, Minister of Finance, a Minister of This or That, and their party leader is their chief, the PRIME Minister.

To us, looking in from outside, the US uses the President for both roles. He is a revered  head of state, titled Commander in Chief, Leader of the Free World, etc., and obeyed at all costs. At the same time, he is a politician and smeared in election campaigns and often reviled for desisions as leader of the governing party, an example of all that is wrong with the country.
No matter which system you grow up under, the other is confusing. I like ours better, because we don’t have to change the portraits in schools and public buildings as often.😉

Edited by Horizon chaser 1957
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Good morning from partly sunny and windy central Texas.  AT 9:30 it was already 79F. and humid.  The high today is predicted to be 93F, and we'll stay in the 90s for the next ten days, with a couple of days around 98F.  After that, it looks like our highs will be in the upper 80sF.


After three busy days, I think today will be an easy one.  At least, I hope so.


Citizenship and the Constitution are worth celebrating every day.  Red pandas are cute, but don't look anything like the giant pandas.  Both species of pandas need our help and protection.


Margaret Mead was a wise woman, and her quote is very true.


We'll pass on the meal, drink and wine.  On a tour in Puerto Chiapas, we were treated to a meal at the local church cooked by the church ladies.  The main course had mole on it, and I was surprised that I really didn't care for the mole.


We have not been to Exmouth, Australia.  Maybe we'll get there some day.


@rafinmd  Roy, I think the ship captains feel  the same way about crossing the Pacific in storms.  Four years ago tomorrow, we embarked Coral Princess for a circumnavigation of the northern Pacific.  We left Kodiak on September 28 heading for Kushiro, Japan, with an expected arrival on October 5.  On the crossing, we ran into two typhoons with 90mph winds.  We spent several days zig zagging around the northern Pacific to miss the worst of the storms and to keep the ship as steady as possible, which wasn't all that steady.  Everyone was glad for a break when we passed through the eye of one of the storms, and the storms were only the beginning of the adventure.  We missed Kushiro, which was our refueling port.  We made it to Yokohama as scheduled on October 9, only to learn they would not refuel the ship on a Sunday, and the ship did not have enough fuel to reach Osaka two days later.  Instead, we anchored in Yokohama Bay for a day, where refueling at anchor was not allowed.  So we had a second day in port on October 9.  After that, the rest of the trip went as scheduled.


@kazu  Jacqui, that is great news Air Canada reinstated the flight home.  I think you may have turned the corner and now are in for a string of good luck. 🤞  I liked the story of Adam, Eve, the dog and the cat.


@dfish Debbie, you may be correct that the son is having trouble letting go of his father's house, or it could be the nitpicking of a lawyer.  😁  I'm glad you now have a closing date.  It is interesting about how different agents handle the inspection process.  When we sold our house in The Woodlands in 1999, we were there for the inspection, but our agent was not.


@smitty34877 Terry, thanks for the update with good news.  I'm happy things are much calmer around the house.  It's also good news that Tana is resting more comfortably and likes the new aide.  I don't think Americans would stand in line that patiently.  There'd probably would be fights as people tried to cut in line.  I saw where David Beckham stood in the long line waiting his turn and not using his celebrity status to go to the head of the line, a classy act.


@Horizon chaser 1957  That is good news the air was clear enough to see the sun rise.  I'm glad you got the uninteresting stuff with government agencies out of the way.  Thank you for your very clear explanation of the two different types of government.  I am familiar with both, but the parliamentary system still confuses me.



Edited by Quartzsite Cruiser
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1 hour ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Interesting thought.


 I doubt it, though.
As a US born and bred lady, I truly do not understand how the royalty works. It appears to be more of a keeper of traditions and uniter of patriotism, and aside from much of the politics. Kind of an extra-political leadership. In the US, we are so highly politicized (especially now, but over the past 20 years) that I can’t see that type of response (large numbers of people going and standing in line for those amounts of time.).

Please understand I’m not trying to bring in politics, and I honestly do not understand the role of royalty. (I’m not criticizing it in any way.) I’m interested in learning.

This is offered as a historical note, not a political one.  It is about the public viewing for JFK after the assassination.  


In the only public viewing, thousands lined up in near-freezing temperatures to view the casket.[4] Over the span of 18 hours, 250,000 people,[68][69][5][70] some waiting for as long as 10 hours in a line up to 10 wide that stretched 40 blocks,[71] personally paid their respects as President Kennedy's body lay in state. United States Capitol Police officers politely reminded mourners to keep moving along in two lines that passed on either side of the casket and exited the building on the west side facing the National Mall.[54][71]

The original plan was for the rotunda to close at 9:00 p.m. and reopen for an hour at 9:00 the next morning.[72][73] Because of long lines police and military authorities decided to keep the doors open.[71] At 9:00 p.m., when the rotunda was supposed to close, both Jacqueline Kennedy and Robert F. Kennedy returned to the rotunda again.[74] More than half the mourners came to the rotunda after 2:45 a.m., by which time 115,000 had already visited.[54][73] Military officials doubled the lines, first to two abreast, then to four abreast.[71]

NBC broadcast uninterrupted coverage of the people passing through the Capitol rotunda during the overnight hours.[75][76][71][77] Reuven Frank recounted that NBC News vice-president Bill McAndrew ordered pictures of the crowds passing through the rotunda all night, which provided a calming effect.[77] While anchoring the Today show from an NBC Washington studio the next day, Hugh Downs said that the numbers made it "the greatest and most solemn wake in history."[78] CBS Washington correspondent Roger Mudd said of the numbers: "This outpouring of affection and sympathy for the late president is probably the most majestic and stately ceremony the American people can perform."[79] Jersey Joe Walcott, a former heavyweight boxing champion, passed by the bier at 2:30 a.m.[72][80] and agreed with Mudd, saying of President Kennedy, "He was a great man."[81]



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Good Afternoon from a cloudy but warm day at the beach

       We have had a lot of  much needed rain lately. The golf course is closed all weekend due to flooding.  Went to the driving range this AM.  Spacex was scrubbed again last nite due to lightning. Artemis has been scheduled again for Sept 27th. Hopefully this time!!!

          We are scheduled to stop at Exmouth on our Australian circumnavigation this fall. Really looking forward to it.

       We have had some port changes and I dont think they are done yet.  Since I have not been to Australia before, it is all new to me.

          I have a truck coming Monday to take the rest of the stuff from the garage. Where does it all come from?? LOL.  Then I can put my car in while we are gone. My nephew is going to come a drive it periodically.

     Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning!  It’s a beautiful sunny morning and it’s supposed to reach 99 degrees today. We haven’t used the pool much lately because the pool temperature has been about 84, a bit too cold for us. 

Wow, three weeks from today we board the Nieuw Statendam in Quebec City!  And Craig and I leave two weeks from next Tuesday. We have a lot to do in the next two weeks!  October is just around the corner. 


Yesterday was spent with DM, a dental appointment and lunch. Craig came along this time because we were going to a new BBQ place for pulled pork. Delicious and good prices. 

Have a great day everyone!


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2 hours ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny morning, tomorrow is supposed to be hot and humid. It’s supposed to be warm all week. Summer doesn’t want to go. 
@grapau27, lunch looks delicious, is that gammon steak or back bacon? 
     Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.🙏❤️

Gammon, sausages,chicken,steak,french fries,mushroom,rocket salad,tomato,2 onion rings and a fried egg.

It was called a Mixed Grill.

Edited by grapau27
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We visited the Shanghai zoo a few years ago and saw both the giant pandas and the red pandas.  I was much more impressed by the red pandas.  Although they are both called pandas, they are not related.  Their similarity is that they are both bamboo eaters and apparently the Nepalese word for "bamboo eater" sounds like panda.  One of the reasons the red pandas were attractive was that they clean themselves like a cat, while the giant pandas were not clean at all.

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2 hours ago, TiogaCruiser said:

Good Morning All,

So far it’s a quiet day here. Either today or tomorrow I’ll probably attend the Harvest Festival at a local Polish church. I’m half Polish (newly discovered) and interested in the traditions, including foods.





Domaine Ste. Michelle Brut, Columbia Valley, Washington


Today's wine selection is a sparkling wine from the Columbia Valley in Washington. I’m finding it for around $10.


Winemaker Notes

Not too dry or sweet, Michelle Brut is a palate-pleasing sparkling wine that delivers aromas and flavors of apples and citrus with a light, toasty finish.

Blend: 63% Chardonnay, 19% Pinot Noir, 18% Pinot Gris


Critical Acclaim


Wine & Spirits

Broad and expressive in its pear and lemon aromas, this steal of a sparkler has wonderful cut. It’s driven by clean, chalky minerality and a modest phenolic bite that will make it sing with a meal—even a simple roast chicken. Domaine Ste. Michelle, Paterson, WA


Have a great day everyone!

A favorite sparkling wine available on BHBs.   

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1 hour ago, Seasick Sailor said:


I LOVE European history. Have read many books since I was a high school student who took European History. The Queen is supposed to be nonpolitical and would meet in private to discuss her ideas with the Prime minister and others.



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4 hours ago, 0106 said:

In honor of Citizenship & Constitution Day, a bit of background about the Social Studies classes students take every year in MD.  The vision of the curriculum is to create historically literate and well informed citizens who can apply the lessons of the past to the problems of the present; who utilize critical thinking, problem solving and civic action to become engaged in shaping and directing the future of our local, national, and world communities.

Knowledge of the Constitution is essential to be historically literate and to be a well informed citizen.  Beginning in 2nd grade, knowledge of the Constitution is an integral part of the Social Studies curriculum.  



Are you willing to share what system you taught in?



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Good afternoon. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Good days. A salute to citizens of all nations, the Constitution, and Red Pandas (I saw some when I was in China). Great quote.

The meal looks good, although I've never had mole. Pass on the drink and maybe on the wine.

I've been to Australia, but not Exmouth.


It's sunny and mid-70's now. I should get the grass mowed, as we're expecting rain tomorrow evening. I'm just puttering around the house. I need to feed my sourdough starter. I've been measuring electrical draw from some appliances to see what I can power with my solar generator (I'm mainly interested in keeping my fridge and chest freezer going in a power outage).


@kazu Cute story! Good news on the restored flight.

@grapau27 Nice lunch.

@Cruzin Terri I'm glad you were able to find a place to stay that's closer to your house. 

@dfish Fingers crossed for your home inspection and that the Michigan seller stops dragging his feet.

@smitty34877 Good to hear that things are going better in the house and that Tana is able to rest better and likes the home health aide. You need to take care of yourself as you've shouldered so much for so long.

@HAL4NOW It's good to hear that the smoke has dissipated some.


Prayers for the Care List and a Toast to the Celebration List.

Stay safe and healthy everyone.


Red Pandas in Chongqing Zoo


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25 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

What about in Scotland and I assume not while on extended travels.



During the Pandemic lock down and when the Queen was away from Buckingham palace the weekly audience with her prime minister on a Wednesday was done by phone.

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Good morning and thanks all!  Nice to hear good news @kazu and @smitty34877, let’s hope the streak continues!   I had a good oncologist check yesterday, And the smoke has cleared here today! 

Yum  on the drink and dinner!   We have also been fortunate to have both red pandas and giant pandas in our zoo in the past. 

@dfish mole is my fave,  thanks! I’m hoping the inspection goes well,  I’m sure things will work out. Real estate is tricky cause it’s just not business, it’s personal.  We have an outstanding realtor and when our son placed an offer in a very hot seller’s market, the realtor included a personal letter to the owner about why he wanted the house, I think it sealed the deal. 

It’s an interesting discussion about a constitutional monarchy,  polls here are suggesting things may be revisited.   The Queen will be an extremely hard act to follow.   Interesting  times.   

Our bromeliad is blooming for a third time and the orchids have new buds,  


Edited by bennybear
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2 hours ago, grapau27 said:

During the Pandemic lock down and when the Queen was away from Buckingham palace the weekly audience with her prime minister on a Wednesday was done by phone.


Graham didn't the Queen meet with the first minister (of Scotland) at Holyrood a few months back? I know she met at least yearly when in Scotland. 

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