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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday September 22nd, 2022


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Good morning!   A cool and windy day due here today.  I hope to get all my plant cutback done out front today.  Too many stops helping DF deal with the bagger system on our new, used lawn tractor.  I did get a lot done though.  Today I hope to get my bivalent Pfizer booster at my local Meijer store.  When I signed up they only showed the regular booster but my local health department told me they had it.  I will show up at 2:30 hoping for the best.   With bad asthma and on Enbrel for RA I get every booster as early as I can when offered.    Then dinner out someplace.  Last night my sister brought some beautiful green beans which were wonderful with dinner. 

Rich, thank you for the Daily Reports, another great quote from JKR.   Today's recipes almost all look like winners, especially the last stuffed recipe.   @dfish I am sorry your Midland house deal fell through but happy that your inspection was not too painful.  Thank you for taking the time to do al the recipes.  A great way to start our day.   I like Rye whiskey so I think the cocktail will be good, pass on the Prosecco.   I have been to Anchorage on the way back from Denali.   We spent the night before taking our red eye flight back to the mainland.   Next time we go to Alaska we will do a round trip or B2B from Vancouver or Seattle.  The airport was full of young people heading home after leaving their summer jobs.  The biggest thing I remember is how fast people drove through the wide city streets, cross at your own risk.   

Prayers for those in the path of Fiona.    Prayers for the people of Ukraine and all those on our care list.  Have a great day!   

columbine bloom 7422.JPG

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Hi y'all RedneckBob hear. Thanks for the Fleet Update and general info.


I have a short story about Anchorage, Alaska which I call:


The Incredible Heat Wave


It was late August 2018 and we were onboard one of those Dam Ships for 14 days to Alaska. On Day 7 we stopped in Anchorage. Had no tour, just tour of downtown. To get to downtown the locals provided a nice big shuttle bus from the port to town; approx 10 minutes plus you were not allowed to walk through the port. It was nice morning with low about 60 degrees when we boarded the bus. There was a nice lady bus driver plus a nice lady tour guide for our ride into town. Halfway there the bus driver started talking to the tour guide., She said, "Joyce, it's going to be a hot day in Anchorage today. When I get off at noon I am going to Walmart and buy a pair of shorts to wear today."  Beverly, the tour guide replied, "great idea, I will go with you."  Then I asked, "Excuse me, but how hot is it going to be today, which Joyce replied, 73 degrees!  😲


I guess everything is relative you might say,

Edited by RedneckBob
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The Autumn Equinox means equal days and nights. That’s roughly what we get in MD.  It's the halfway point between summer and winter, before the Northern Hemisphere starts pointing away from the sun again, causing less daylight and colder weather.


I am not a fan of the daylight becoming shorter but it certainly was a beautiful sunrise this morning.



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Good morning to all. I am enjoying the  Hobbit like Harfoots and Elves in the new Amazon Prime series.I ran a small business  from home for almost  twenty years that helped to fund cruises.

We were in Anchorage for the start of a cruise and enjoyed the city and surrounding  area very much.We took the Alaskan Railroad to Seward to pick up the ship.It was stunning to see so much beauty right outside the train window.

The medical appointment  yesterday for Tana went fairly well and we  all sighed with relief once she and the WC made it back into the house.Thanks to so many for your kind thoughts for us.

I brought DH to a specialist appointment  yesterday where we found out the recommended  Botox treatment was not covered by our supplemental insurance  or medicare.The cost is prohibitive.It is so #$!× frustrating  to deal with  the medical industrial complex.I will stop now.

We received the new info on the drugs that will no longer be covered  the other day.Ok now I will stop!

@dfish, Debbie, I am so sorry about the final word on the house.Can you stay with your sister or rent after you leave Ohio?

@HAL4NOW,  That fire looks  awful.Please stay safe.

@HAL Sailer, I am glad your DSIL received  better news and hope the chemo helps.



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Good morning.  My father-in-law passed early this morning.  My husband, his sister, and his mother were able to sit with him during his transition.  He was a lovely, caring, and thoughtful man.  May he Rest In Peace.


So when it rains it pours.  After I hung up with my husband I checked my email to find Your Flight Has Been Cancelled.  Does anyone have experience with booking through Delta but being on a KLM flight?  I have spent the past hour trying to navigate both Delta and KLM trying to figure this out.  Neither airline has offered options or has rebooked me on a different flight.  Just a note from KLM to contact them but with a NL phone number.  I tried calling Delta but got the “unusually long wait time” message.  It doesn’t help that my brain is in a swirl and I am unable to think straight.  Do I call Delta or KLM?  Thank you to anyone who knows.  😢


Sorry, forgot to add that I am thinking of @kazu and all in its path, and @dfish for the loss of your home.  Wishing for the best of all outcomes for you both. x

Edited by *Miss G*
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Good morning Dailyites. 


A beautiful walk early this morning with my little guest dog. 67 degrees now but expecting 97 later today.


Other than a bit of tenderness the 3rd booster isn't an issue. 


Debbie what a bummer you lost the place in Midland. Hope you find a new home you'll love even better.


I love elephants. 






Last trip to Alaska was 2019. Here's our trivia team.



The day I hit a big crack in the sidewalk and Allen flew out of his wheelchair. All was well but scared us both!




First lanai cabin we ever had, but decided they aren't for us.





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4 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:

Good morning.  My father-in-law passed early this morning.  My husband, his sister, and his mother were able to sit with him during his transition.  He was a lovely, caring, and thoughtful man.  May he Rest In Peace.


So when it rains it pours.  After I hung up with my husband I checked my email to find Your Flight Has Been Cancelled.  Does anyone have experience with booking through Delta but being on a KLM flight?  I have spent the past hour trying to navigate both Delta and KLM trying to figure this out.  Neither airline has offered options or has rebooked me on a different flight.  Just a note from KLM to contact them but with a NL phone number.  I tried calling Delta but got the “unusually long wait time” message.  It doesn’t help that my brain is in a swirl and I am unable to think straight.  Do I call Delta or KLM?  Thank you to anyone who knows.  😢


I am very sorry to hear your DFIL passed this morning.  I'm sure your DH, his sister and mother are all glad they could sit with him as he passed.  Condolences to you all.🙏


Sorry, I don't know the answer to the KLM question.  This type of situation always confuses me, too.🤷‍♀️

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  We'll welcome the new season with a glass of wine later tonight.  Don't know a lot about hobbits, we also ran a small business for a few years that helped fund holidays and cruises, and I love seeing elephants.  


It froze again last night, but thankfully we went out in the early evening and covered all the plants.  It's that time of year when we keep the plant coverings close at hand just so we can enjoy the flowers a little longer, but we all know it won't last forever.


It's always a bit disconcerting when you receive an email from the airline saying your flight arrangements have been changed - that was the case this morning when I got up.  It was concerning our January Caribbean cruise flight, but fortunately it was only a flight number change, not a total revamp of our plans.  Whew!


@dfishI am so sorry your Midland house fell through.  That seller needs karma to give him a swift kick in the pants!  I hope you and your sister can find an even better home in your price and size range.

@kazugreat job on the preparations for Fiona; you deserved a couple of glasses of wine after all that!  I agree, after making sure you have enough provisions, just hunker down and stay safe.

@*Miss G*I am so sorry to hear of your DFIL's passing.


I'd love to have sopapillas for dessert, but that won't be happening.  We've got enough of yesterday's pork roast and veggies left that it'll be a heat and eat dinner tonight along with a tossed salad.  And wine.

Funny Fall Memes 2022 - For Pumpkin Loving, Autumn Lovers


Prayers for those who are hurting, cheers for the celebrations.  Stay safe everyone!


Smooth Sailing!  🙂🙂🙂


Edited by ger_77
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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

@grapau27 I noticed in your first photo today you have a manual transmission.  That's almost impossible to get in the US.  Is that the standard in the UK?




It's somewhat hard to find rentals with automatic transmission in most of the world. I particularly want one in the UK since it is hard enough to drive on the left without having to shift with my left hand.

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In 2014 I did a string of 3 cruises, 2 of them World Cruise segments.  It was Crystal Symphony Bali to Singapore, Crystal Serenity (WC) Singapore to Cape Town, and Amsterdam (WC) Cape Town to FTL.  There was a 3 day gap in Cape Town and I used part of the time to go to a wildlife park.  It was not one of the big parks like Kruger but it was close to town.  At Aquila Wiildlife Sanctuary the animals are not entirely wild, they are animals that have been injured and are given a safe refuge, roaming free within a large complex, where tourists could see them from large, protected vehicles:




The Amsterdam actually ran day tours to Aquila but I got a much more intense experience by having the time available for an overnight stay.,  There were elephants among the animals:






That night at Aquila lodge there was even a preview of what was to come on MS Amsterdam:



I expect this kind of sanctuary meets the spirit of Elephant appreciation day pretty well.



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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Jacqui @kazuWOW, that is a lot of work you got accomplished!  And getting the garage re-situated so you can get the SUV in is huge!  So many of my neighbors load their garage with junk, boxes, and things they could hang on the walls or put up in the attic above the garage.  Then they leave their cars parked in the driveway all year long.  One of my pet peeves! 


Thanks 👍 Our garage is actually pretty good most times.  The SUV goes in for the entire winter until good weather comes again.  It stays out in spring, summer and Fall as I use the garage to store the compost bags (they are paper - not allowed to use plastic, here) and now, things I am getting rid of/giving away.  And, of course the blowers are already out for the leaves.  The real work was loading the shed.  That was a “Jose” job with help from our guy (paid).  I couldn’t reach him (suspect he was prepping too) so did it all by myself.


Must have done a good enough job on the garage (despite blocking one exit.) as I also got the compost and garbage bins in 👍 


2 hours ago, dfish said:

Just got word that we have definitely lost the house in Midland.  Back to the drawing board.  


DAMN, Debbie.  I’m so sorry.  I try to believe that things happen for a reason (having a hard time with that one right now 😉). Hopefully you can find something you like better with a much more reasonable seller 🙏🏻 


24 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:

Good morning.  My father-in-law passed early this morning.  My husband, his sister, and his mother were able to sit with him during his transition.  He was a lovely, caring, and thoughtful man.  May he Rest In Peace.


I am so sorry to hear this.  So glad your DH got there in time and your FIL’s family was with him ♥️ Prayers for him and all of your family at this time 🙏🏻 


24 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:


So when it rains it pours.  After I hung up with my husband I checked my email to find Your Flight Has Been Cancelled.  Does anyone have experience with booking through Delta but being on a KLM flight?  I have spent the past hour trying to navigate both Delta and KLM trying to figure this out.  Neither airline has offered options or has rebooked me on a different flight.  Just a note from KLM to contact them but with a NL phone number.  I tried calling Delta but got the “unusually long wait time” message.  It doesn’t help that my brain is in a swirl and I am unable to think straight.  Do I call Delta or KLM?  Thank you to anyone who knows.  😢


My experience when something similar happened (Air Canada flight -but on Lufthansa) is that I had a specific booking number (your ticket number with them works too) with them - different at the time than Air Canada’s.  Now they seem to have caught up but worth checking.  I would go to Manage my Bookings on the KLM site in case you have been re-assigned and Delta doesn’t have it yet.  If not - Call KLM.  Delta is just the middle man if it works like it did with me.  Hope you can get it straightened out 🤞 


26 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

The medical appointment  yesterday for Tana went fairly well and we  all sighed with relief once she and the WC made it back into the house.Thanks to so many for your kind thoughts for us.


That is good news!


26 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

I brought DH to a specialist appointment  yesterday where we found out the recommended  Botox treatment was not covered by our supplemental insurance  or medicare.The cost is prohibitive.It is so #$!× frustrating  to deal with  the medical industrial complex.


DAMN - you are the second person on the Daily who needs Botox and it’s not covered.  😡 I hope you can find a resolution for your DH 🙏🏻 


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46 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:

Good morning.  My father-in-law passed early this morning.  My husband, his sister, and his mother were able to sit with him during his transition.  He was a lovely, caring, and thoughtful man.  May he Rest In Peace.


So when it rains it pours.  After I hung up with my husband I checked my email to find Your Flight Has Been Cancelled.  Does anyone have experience with booking through Delta but being on a KLM flight?  I have spent the past hour trying to navigate both Delta and KLM trying to figure this out.  Neither airline has offered options or has rebooked me on a different flight.  Just a note from KLM to contact them but with a NL phone number.  I tried calling Delta but got the “unusually long wait time” message.  It doesn’t help that my brain is in a swirl and I am unable to think straight.  Do I call Delta or KLM?  Thank you to anyone who knows.  😢


Sorry, forgot to add that I am thinking of @kazu and all in its path, and @dfish for the loss of your home.  Wishing for the best of all outcomes for you both. x



Our condolences to you, your DH and his family on the passing of your DFIL.  I'm glad your DH was there to be with your DFIL, his mother and sister.


Sorry that your flight was cancelled, and I hope the help @rafinmd Roy and @kazu  Jacqui, offered helps you get a new flight arranged.



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Thank you, @smitty34877 @Seasick Sailor @Quartzsite Cruiser and @Cruzin Terri.  ❤️


17 minutes ago, kazu said:


I am so sorry to hear this.  So glad your DH got there in time and your FIL’s family was with him ♥️ Prayers for him and all of your family at this time 🙏🏻 



My experience when something similar happened (Air Canada flight -but on Lufthansa) is that I had a specific booking number (your ticket number with them works too) with them - different at the time than Air Canada’s.  Now they seem to have caught up but worth checking.  I would go to Manage my Bookings on the KLM site in case you have been re-assigned and Delta doesn’t have it yet.  If not - Call KLM.  Delta is just the middle man if it works like it did with me.  Hope you can get it straightened out 🤞 




Thank you so much!  That is really helpful.  I did try to see if they’d reassigned me but it says I have to call them… but no link to any contact information!  I was caught in a nasty loop that had me tearing my hair out.  It kept bringing me back to this page.  I guess they want to get their customers really angry and frustrated before calling Customer Disservice.  😂.  Thanks to @rafinmd I’ll call the NA line instead of the NL line.  Sheesh.


I should add that it’s just the 2nd leg that’s been cancelled, from AMS to MAN.  The IAD-AMS flight, the night before, is still intact…. Thus far.  (Knock on wood.)🤞



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1 hour ago, ottahand7 said:


  Today's recipes almost all look like winners, especially the last stuffed recipe.   @dfish I am sorry your Midland house deal fell through but happy that your inspection was not too painful.  Thank you for taking the time to do al the recipes.  A great way to start our day.   


I liked the looks of the last one as well.  The inspection did a wrinkle.  They want a foundation expert to come in because of a skanky wall in the basement.  It has been like that the whole time I've lived here.


47 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:


@dfish, Debbie, I am so sorry about the final word on the house.Can you stay with your sister or rent after you leave Ohio?


I could stay with my sister, but her house is way too small for any extended period and she refuses to get wifi.  It is better to let the rest of us do her internet work.  I've decided I want a commission for the work I've done on the sale of her house.


Renting is a possibility but it will take a bite out of my budget.  My home is paid for and I have no monthly payment to make.  


44 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:

Good morning.  My father-in-law passed early this morning.  My husband, his sister, and his mother were able to sit with him during his transition.  He was a lovely, caring, and thoughtful man.  May he Rest In Peace.


I am so sorry to hear of the passing of your DFIL.  Thoughts are with you and your family.


44 minutes ago, *Miss G* said:


Sorry, forgot to add that I am thinking of @kazu and all in its path, and @dfish for the loss of your home.  Wishing for the best of all outcomes for you both. x

Thank you!


37 minutes ago, Seasick Sailor said:


Debbie what a bummer you lost the place in Midland. Hope you find a new home you'll love even better.


Thanks, Joy.  


32 minutes ago, ger_77 said:


@dfishI am so sorry your Midland house fell through.  That seller needs karma to give him a swift kick in the pants!  I hope you and your sister can find an even better home in your price and size range.


Thanks, Gerry.  I think the seller was stringing us along and keeping us in his back pocket as insurance and so they could tell prospective buyers that there was an offer on the house.  When he finally got one he liked better, he cut us loose.  


6 minutes ago, kazu said:


DAMN, Debbie.  I’m so sorry.  I try to believe that things happen for a reason (having a hard time with that one right now 😉). Hopefully you can find something you like better with a much more reasonable seller 🙏🏻 


Thank you, Jacqui.  I, too, am trying to figure out what the reason was for this.  Maybe there is something better out there.   I'm glad you were able to get everything under cover before Fiona hits.  Hopefully, the trough will send her spinning off in a different direction.  


Botox was recommended to my sister for migraines and she was rejected for coverage as well.

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3 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

@smitty34877, I was also denied coverage for Botox for my condition. Supposedly Medicare has agreed to pay , but I’m to sign papers to pay if they back out, but no idea of the cost.😢

My DH has residual facial paralysis from a stroke coupled with a tremor in his hand. The ENT doc told us most people pay out of pocket for treatment post CVA.Glad they can afford it. I hope Medicare covers your situation. If we did it, it would be every three months for the facial and upper extremity injections.

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