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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday December 26th, 2022


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29 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  Yesterday was so busy I didn't have a minute to think about checking in here.  This morning some of the family hasn't gotten up and come downstairs yet, but it should happen  shortly.  It was great getting together with all the kids and grandkids, and even the boyfriend and girlfriend of two of the grandkids.  There's plenty of food left for today, and we're expecting some flurries today here in Cincinnati.  I'll get back to the Daily and read all the posts soon but wanted to get this link out there.  Bordeaux is a great place to visit.  Last time it was here on the Daily was July 11, 2021.  Photos attached since they were already posted that time.



In 2019 we visited Bordeaux, and visited it prior to that in Sept. 2018 on Prinsendam as well.  Loved it there!  Both visits were overnights.  One of my favorite sites there was Place de la Bourse.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKgnbRMcQtxhDITYkPScHIb?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


as the Prinsendam really that pointed on the bow?  Not that I remember but it sure looks that way here.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVId5ihkED1KiwPS_itFiAsi?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


The wide esplanade along the water.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK7GjtgRQvRY_2ZQGU8CyVW?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


On our walk around Bordeaux in 2019 we passed by the Saint Louis Cathedral (appropriate) and they were working on cleaning the very dirty exterior.  First photo shows a section they had cleaned already and the covered scaffolding.  Second photo show the dirty back side of the church.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJWgwFwBKoWQhilEc0XmKsb?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




Reminds me of cleaning our cement driveway and sidewalks recently.  😄  The interior of the church was very quiet unlike the noisy power washing going on outside.  Quite pretty too.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKsZXMt8iEKYH9Kv_CEUB3B?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




We next found a busy pedestrian street called Rue Sainte Catherine.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJSWi2VwtxIjpfm0KZPrMU1?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


view from our table for 2 in the dining room that evening.  Not bad.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKpWY7M57XnjSiWqriodLZ9?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


Next morning I poked my head into this bakery for a quick photo.  Can't beat a French bakery!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKP_2tutSdIOyPtdw6H1zS4?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium






Scene across the street from the ship as we prepared to leave in 2019.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVISgoDaMTXuhYzJirAvjkwS?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


The locals who came to see us leave.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKYpHvjkoSk85yJ7wiD1P1G?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


We recently showed photos of the lifting bridge in Bordeaux, Pont Jacques Chabon-Delmas.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJHe2BvMqt_Apm-Q_2E7DyG?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


From our 2018 visit to Bordeaux00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJ1lar6JLopjHe7GjGqQgO0?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


An arched opening into the city called Porte Cailhau.




And the arch after walking through and turning back.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIJmeDc-9eUm_GeEOVznAv5?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


This church is Saint Pierre.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIBvBDJzCHGlVi0slGW5WBL?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


But it pales in comparison to the church we saw next, Bordeaux Cathedral otherwise known as Cathedral of St. Andrew.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLFg34iwXErjf77beG75qvQ?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




It's huge!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKtIPgOuKy0oPvXuCoc2bCT?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium


Not so busy this day.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVJf9JVo6oBWUWVU9MTCcuCu?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




Unique art statuary 00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLY1ENWbNvC6XOTROqi1FaA?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium




Super photos Sandi of a fab city.


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We had a great Christmas Eve...my family was so thoughtful...good food...fun gifts...and we were finally all together...!!
Love reading all our "Daily Family" posts....hope everyone stays safe and travels safe.....🥰


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Good morning to all. It remains cold but less so than yesterday. We have always celebrated  Kwanzaa as Tana’s son is biracial and enjoys the tradition. The first night here will be about unity,one of the seven principles marked by the holiday. I am not sure what our menu will be tonight but DD and Tana have good recipes for the week.

We sold our home when DD and SIL bought this two family home and invited us to live here. It has been a very good experience for all of us as we work together to get through these difficult times. Tana sold her house when she went on Hospice and I think she misses being in her own place a lot. We all try to give her space and remain helpful but it can be a balancing act.

I am one week post op today and think I am doing well. I walk with the walker as much as possible and it is remarkable to me to not have the severe pain that was there prior to the hip replacement. There is only moderate post op pain now and I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

We have been to Bordeaux twice on the Prinsendam and just loved the city.

The first time we went on a walking tour with other CC members and the second time DH and  I ambled the streets on our own. We left before sunrise and watched that beautiful bridge recede as we went downriver.




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Home ownership is certainly one of the keys to financial security.  We do not really celebrate Boxing Day in the US but I love the idea.  Wishing a great Kwanzaa day to all who celebrate it.  I have not been to Bordeaux.  I think there's a lot of truth to the quote but I can't fully support as many who have recently lost spouses can testify.


I'll pass on the meal.  My alternative is Dutch Tea goodies as served on MS Ryndam December 30, 2014:




Today’s care list:


Safe travels for ger_77
All without Electricity
Seasick Sailor’s hand
Marshhawk DH family illnesses
From the rotation:
Cruising-along niece awaiting a kidney
Status of St. Louis Sal (7/1) and JAM37 (7/7)
HAL Sailer Sister in Law with aggressive cancer therapy


Celebrations and Shoutouts:


Hannukah day 8(daylight hours)
Kwanza (to Jan 1)
luvteaching DH making lemonade from transport failure
Welcome home cat shepard
1 day for ottahand7 (Volendam 12/27 to 3/18/23)
Cruisin Terri (Insignia  to 12/28) at sea
Cunnorl (Noordam to 1/2/23),  Kazu and Av8rix (Koningsdam  to 1/7/23), Damcruiser (Nieuw Statendam  to 1/14/23), Seasick Sailor (Rotterdam  to 1/25/23), and indaler (Volendam  to 3/18/23),  richwmn and HorizonChaser1957 (Zuiderdam  to 5/12/23) at sea


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Good morning from a sunny, not windy and warming central Texas.  Our low early this morning was 27F and it's now 34F.  It's supposed to get into the mid 40s today and reach the 60s tomorrow through the end of the week.


We were fortunate during the coldest days that the iffy Texas power grid did not fail.  I think that was likely due the no sleet or snow to pull down the power lines.  Freezing rain or sleet coating the lines in a high winds can cause "galloping" lines which lead to power failures.  The one iffy moment was Friday, when the water pump in the motorhome would not run, and then when it did, no water.  Our methods to keep the pipes from freezing did not work as well as we'd hoped.  Saturday, we ran both furnaces at 75F, and finally, we had running water again.  We may have a slight water leak, but it's in a place that can be reached somewhat easily.


Kwanzaa, Boxing Day and Homeowners Day are all good days to celebrate.  I don't venture into stores the day after Christmas since they can be as crowded as they are on Black Friday.  Since 1970, we've owned eight homes, and rented several places.


The quote by Francesca Reigler is very true.


We'll pass on the meal and the drink.  The wine sounds interesting.


We have been to Bordeaux three times, all on the Elegant Explorer, so we were able to dock right in town.


@luvteaching  Karen, I'm so sorry about the company failing to pick up your DH and the lack of communication.  I'm glad in the end that yesterday turned into a good day.  It was nice of  your DS and DDIL to join you in visiting your DH.

@rafinmd  Roy, whatever the day after Christmas is called, I think of it as madness with all the people trying to find bargains.

@cat shepard  Ann, I'm happy you had such a great visit with your family.  Loved all the Christmas memes.  Have a safe and uneventful flight home.

@richwmn  Rich, thank you for preparing the Daily information so this thread could continue during your time at sea.  Glad everything is going well on the cruise.

@aliaschief  Bruce, safe travels as you head west on I-10.  Hope you have a great visit with your California family.

@kochleffel  Safe travels to Arlington.  I loved the meme.

@marshhawk  Annie, I'm sorry you have to work today.  Good news that the water is running clear again.  DH likes fruitcake, and for years I made three about every three years, and froze two.  He'd eat one the first year and then one of the other two the following two years.  I don't make them anymore since I had to throw out two from the last batch.

@dfish  Debbie, I'm very happy that your first Christmas in your new home was all you hoped it would be.

@smitty34877  Terry, how nice everyone celebrates Kwanzaa with Tana's son.  I'm glad you are doing so well one week post-op.


As I mentioned, we have been lucky enough to visit Bordeaux three times on the Prinsendam, in 2011, 2016 and 2017.  In 2011, we were there for a full day and took a tour to Cognac.  We did get a few pictures of Bordeaux after the tour.  In 2016 and 2017, because of the tides, we arrived mid-day and sailed mid-day the next day.  On those visits, we toured the town on our own walking and taking the tram.


I realize the first of these pictures is a repeat of  @StLouisCruisers Sandi's, but it goes with the next three.  Place de la Bourse with and without the mist both daytime and evening.






The wine museum, Maison du Vin de Bordeaux



The remnants of the German sub pens



The Basilica of St. Michael



The Sunday market next to the basilica.  They had just about everything you could want.




Various street scenes from our three visits





The Prinsendam sailing toward her next port in 2017



In 2011, the Prinsendam reached the pilot station early the morning after leaving Bordeaux.  Because the station is so far from where the pilots board and disembark the ships, it is done by helicopter.






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Before the pictures of Cognac, here is one more of the pilot being lifted off the Prinsendam.  He had a harness that went under his arms.  He did not hold onto the harness, but kept his arms straight down.



Our tour to Cognac took us to the Hennessey Distillery. The bus dropped us off at the visitor center where we boarded a boat to take us across the river to the distillery.





We then went back to the visitor center for a tasting where DH got my sample.  Following that we had lunch at this restaurant, and as the name says, we had chicken.



After lunch, we had some free time to wander around Cognac.






We found the flower market, which was basically closed by the time we got there.



On the way back to Bordeaux, we crossed the Camino de Santiago de Compostela, where a monument to the pilgrims had been erected in the roundabout.




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I am sounding like a broken record; Power is still out in Skykomish, time for another gas run already. Highway 2 is still closed East of town because of freezing rain, and intermittently closed west of town due to debris flow from the Bolt Creek Fire.


US 2 at MP 64.3: West Stevens Pass - Ski Lodge 



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On our wonderful 39 day Prinsendam cruise from Lisbon to Amsterdam we had an overnight in Bordeaux on May 2 and 3 2019 . The first day we first did a very nice wine country tour to St Emillion .
Our arrival to almost the city centre of Bordeaux
Celebrating our 50th at a winery and getting an extra glass from our tour guide ! 
Back in Port we met up with a couple of old friends native to Bordeaux whom we had met in Canada who invited us for a nice dinner at their place . They both are English professors at the University of Bordeaux 
After a nice dinner , some more wine they took us back walking and by tram late at night to the Prinsendam , it was wonderful to see them again after many years .





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Everything is done other than making shortbread.  I'm waiting for the brownies to come out of the oven.  There isn't any alcohol our fruitcake, which is good because dh has been recovering from his addictions since 1999. 


@sailingdutchy there were 3  highways closed in Ontario yesterday.  One in Muskoka, 401 near London and QEW from Niagara Falls to the border. Queenston/Lewiston bridge heading for the states had a 5 1/2 hour wait to go south!

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We were on a very nice walking tour on our second day in Bordeaux that Jacqui @kazu  had organized and I saw a lot of pictures from that tour already today so will only add a few that I don’t think I have seen yet from us. 

Leaving Bordeaux going through the nice estuary of the Garonne and the Gironde out to sea while having a special dinner  what else can you ask for ?
Je t'aime Bordeaux !










Those were the days ……on the beautiful Elegant Prinsendam !
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44 minutes ago, HAL4NOW said:

I am sounding like a broken record; Power is still out in Skykomish, time for another gas run already. Highway 2 is still closed East of town because of freezing rain, and intermittently closed west of town due to debris flow from the Bolt Creek Fire.


US 2 at MP 64.3: West Stevens Pass - Ski Lodge 




It's terrible you've been out of power for so many days.  How many has it been?  And especially during the Christmas/Hanukkah holidays.  Prayers the power is restored for good soon!🙏

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2 hours ago, marshhawk said:

It must have been a rust pocket, every thing else runs clear,  so I went around the house and ran all the water, all's good.


@4966and556I am glad I'm not the only one who loves fruitcake.  But I dont like booze in my fruitcake, so I guess i'm a Claxton girl, just a spot of whipped cream cheese and yummy!


It's sad that the two foods i love (and they are not good for me) at Christmas, the stores put out around Halloween, and take away the week between Christmas and New Years.  Egg nog, and fruit cake.  To me Christmas and the tree and the trimmings last at least until New Years Day.  Now they don't.  These items are off the shelf,  and no where to be seen in the stores.  I am expecting on my next trip to the store there will be a rush of New Years items, and in a week, it will all be about Valentines day.  






I identify with Maxine.




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Good morning all!

It's a blustery, WET morning here in the PNW, heading for the mid 50's F.

Happy Kwanzaa Day for all who celebrate, and Boxing Day.  As for myself, shopping is the last thing I feel like doing today (but then it usually is the last thing I'd like to be doing) 😉  We've owned 6 homes since 1976, this one since 1994.  It was a happy day when we paid off that mortgage.


I agree with the quote for the most part, but will pass on the meal, wine and drink.  I just finished my usual post-holiday breakfast, a piece of pie and coffee. 😄  Dinner tonight will be left over turkey, probably hot turkey sandwiches. 


Yesterday couldn't have been better.  Just having all my kids in one state was gift enough for me.  It was especially nice to have the morning in DS and DDIL's home, which other than a few tiny things is finished with the remodeling.  Then we all were at DD and DSIL's home for the afternoon and dinner.  Our niece and her family joined us, so nice.  I know my dear sister was smiling from heaven.


Here's the 12 of us, tired, happy and FULL.  My niece is to my left, our daughter to my right.  Our son is on the end, DDIL on the far left and DSIL next to DH.  Oh, our 7-year-old is still working on his camera-worthy smile. 🤣





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Christmas Day this year was very different from past years. My DSIL had invited DS and me to their house in the mountains for dinner, but the ice up there was too bad. So I ran to the grocery store, picked up a rotisserie chicken & other fixings, and had a nice, warm dinner at home. We watched both "Top Gun" movies while we ate & had a fine time. I was still tired from the 8 hours at church the night before, so it was all good. Not the celebration we expected, but a memorable one nonetheless!

Today we 'll visit friends and celebrate Boxing Day with pizza. Tomorrow the diet restarts.....

Happy Holidays to everyone!

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Good morning. I feel like I am sliding full tilt to the New Year. Our weather is sunny today but beginning Tuesday night we go under a winter storm watch with periods of rain and snow arriving and lasting, with a few short breaks, until around Jan. 3. I will head out to the store tomorrow morning early to pick up a few items to carry me through although always have soups available. And some things that don't have to be heated. Also need to be sure I have dog food.... and speaking of dogs ------


Yesterday's dinner turned out well. There were 9 of us with lots and lots of food. However, I managed to inadvertently create some drama and at the same time test out the fall detector on my Medical alert system and no, I did not fall.  When I left home to go to dinner, I did not wear the device and I very carefully put it in the charger which I thought was high enough to be safe. Evidently the cord was dangling down, and some little dog of the Chihuahua variety pulled it down and carried it off to his bed on the sofa. That registered with the device as a "fall alert" and after the people who answer those things tried to reach me via the device and phone,  they began calling my contact list. First two did not answer and fortunately I was having dinner with the third who was very surprised to get a call telling her I needed help since I was sitting at her table eating a very good meal. We did get it all straight and I let the other two people know I was ok. When I got home it took me about an hour to find the device which, surprisingly, still works. I have moved the charger to a higher, more secure location and I will have to say that I am pleased with the way that the alert system did work.....have apologized to all who got calls.... have explained to the Chihuahua that he is not to steal things but I think that last fell on deaf ears.





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Good morning and Happy Boxing Day. Yesterday we had a very pleasant buffet lunch at DM’s. They charge $20 each for non residents. They have seatings on the hour. Unfortunately, we were in the back of the line for our 1:00 pm seating so our plates didn’t look as pretty. The salmon Wellington was good but since we got the last few pieces it was sort of broken apart. It all tasted good though. The shrimp cocktail was the highlight. We didn’t like the dessert offerings so went back to her apartment and had chocolates and a shot of the B52 cocktail that I had taken as a gift. 

Today I’m relaxing and going to spend some time looking at 2024 cruises. I want to get something planned. Thinking about Hawaii or the British Isles. 

I never made the mussels on Saturday so that’s what we are having. Craig is going to get fresh bread and I’ll make garlic toasted bread to sop up all the delicious broth. It’s probably one of the easiest meals I make. 

Have a great day everyone!

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Good Morning from the Noordam

     We are in Tauranga today, not yet docked. Looks like a bright and warm day. 
      We were in Napier yesterday , pretty town, nice weather. It was so crowded as there was also a Celebrity ship in. We walked around for awhile . There were shuttles to return to the ship.  There was 3 people in wheelchairs and DD was one of them. We waited almost 2 hours for an accessible bus. As anyone who deals with a disability knows, patience is required. Then one of the bus drivers said, “ these stupid people in wheelchairs, they shouldn’t be allowed here”.  I could not believe it. There were no taxis and no alternatives. I started to cry ( I never cry) . Several passengers yelled at the driver for his ignorance. 
     They brought us to the Celebrity line and put us on their bus. All turned out ok but left me feeling very sad and ruined what was a nice day. 
    So today is a new day and we will go out again.


Stay safe and enjoy today




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So sorry Charlene had a bad experience yesterday.  Some people are very insensitive.  A bus driver should get special training!


Happy Boxing Day, Kwanzaa and Hanukkah!  No boxing here, I am still cleaning up after yesterday, will finish packing and try to organize the house a bit so that it will be ready for us when we get back.  DD will have to do the rest, watering indoor plants, feeding hummingbirds, etc.  Pat had an e-mail from Air Canada telling him to check in and I've done our health forms for the ship.  We will have leftovers tonight and then we're set to go!  It's supposed to be raining in SD tomorrow so I have transferred my umbrella from my suitcase to my carryon.

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