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The Fleet Report and Daily for Thursday February 23rd, 2023


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Good morning.  

Thank you Sandi for getting us going this morning.  Thank you Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration Lists.

Thank you Summer Slope for the drink of the day and to Cat Shepherd for the Wine and to Debbie for the recipes.

I like the quote.  

Have not been to the destination.


Interesting collection of days.  Don’t have a dog, so really don’t appreciate dog biscuits.  Like tennis and there is always something to learn digitally.


@JazzyVSorry to hear about BFF’s uncle.  My condolences.

Hope those in the path of the snow storm are okay.



I have to stop hanging around you guys.  Last night I had a bad night and woke up at 4:30 am.  I do not want to join the 3 am club.  


Well, the linen closet in the bathroom is finished and the lights are up.  Now we are in the waiting phase for a tiling subcontractor.  Hopefully that will be soon.

I am losing my patience.


Today will be devoted to opening more boxes.  It is amazing at the things one finds,


Hope everyone has a great day.

God Bless,


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I used to keep a box of dog biscuits in my office for times when people dropped by with their pups.  After a while, the dogs would come in first and head straight to the cupboard.  I don’t play tennis, and digital learning has become very popular since the pandemic.  


While I’m disappointed to say I’m not as regal as I thought, I am pleased that I don’t have a crown.  Yesterday’s visit to the dentist turned out to be a very positive one, even though I have dental anxiety, or as I call it, dentist phobia.  The dentist (and not my regular one) was able to fill in the chunk I’d taken out of my molar with corn nuts, saving me a ton of money.  He did warn me, however, that there wasn’t much tooth structure left, so I should be careful, because the next time I’ll likely need a crown.  Duly noted!


Well it looks like we won at Frigid Bingo - the entire province from top to bottom, side to side is under an extreme cold warning that extends through tomorrow and hopefully will smarten up a bit on Saturday.  This is from the Severe Weather Tracker Site:


@JazzyVI am saddened to learn of your BFF’S uncle’s passing.  May his soul rest in peace.  

@Lady HudsonBon Voyage; have a wonderful cruise!

@marshhawkmy heart goes out to you as you deal with Neko’s final days.  That’s one of the hardest things a pet parent has to do, but you know it’s right for our fur babies.


I think I’d like to try today’s drink of the day - just once - but make sure there’s a bed nearby, as it looks pretty potent.  The menu suggestion sounds like it might be good on a day like today, but I brought out the remaining part of a turkey carcass from Christmas and along with a zip lock bag of frozen gravy, will turn it into a hearty turkey vegetable soup.  Yesterday I made a batch of buns, so we’ll enjoy soup and buns at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, especially those in the path of the storms, the people of Ukraine, Türkiye(new spelling), Ukraine, Syria and New Zealand.  Hearty cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂


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Good morning from a gloomy NY with rain expected and temps in the forties. Tomorrow the cold weather will return. We had the infamous “mixed precipitation” yesterday which resulted in slick stairs and streets for a while until it turned to all rain. It is certainly not what the rest of the country and Canada have been dealing with. Please be careful if you have to go out. I admit I asked  DSIL  to rescue the pups last night as it made me nervous.

We have not been to the port ,eat lentils frequently here and have dogs that love their “cookies”. They show up even at the mention of a cookie from the other end of the house.

My DH has been having some medical problems lately and we are leaving soon for another appointment.  We have not had a reliable aide for Tana so someone has to physically be with her when we are not home. This week her son is off from school and he volunteered to keep Mom company. He does very well assisting her when necessary. He has had to grow up way too quickly but we are all so very proud of him.

I thought of all of you last night as I watched the clock measure the time until morning. I was awake for no good reason from three o’clock on. I didn’t even have an interesting dream wake me up. More coffee will be required today!


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Good morning from a mostly clear central Texas where it is 59F.  Today's high is predicted to be 64F and we'll be in the 40s tomorrow.  It's the time of year when we have cold days, then back in the 70sF for a few days.  


When we had dogs, they loved their dog biscuits.  My father was an avid tennis player, and he was very disappointed when I turned out to be a horrible tennis player.  Digital learning is great, and I've learned a lot here.


I always like Erma Bombeck's quips and her books.


We will pass on the meal, drink and wine.  I have a lentil and wild rice recipe, but I haven't made it in years.


We have not been to Hobart or any other place in Tasmania.  Hopefully, we'll get there one day.


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Good morning friends!  It's a warm 66 this morning and will reach 78 this afternoon.  We are expecting clouds all day with a slight chance of rain later on.  Thanks to Rich for creating the content of today's Daily.  I know it can't have been easy.  I was notified last night by @erewhonthat Noordam was moored in Tauranga so I looked at both cruisemapper.com and marinetraffic.com this morning to see what they said.  When I copied the maps Noordam was moored in Tauranga and just a few minutes ago I see they are just beginning to leave there and I suppose headed to Auckland.  It is evening there.  


It is International Dog Biscuit Day and I'm sure most dogs do appreciate them.  Perhaps the owners as well.  Tennis day is a good day to celebrate because I know many are avid tennis players.  Not me.  Digital learning sounds interesting.  We can always learn something new there.  Not sure the lentils would be my first choice for dinner today but I bet Debbie @dfishcan make them look and sound interesting.  No thanks to the wine or drink today.  Chardonnay isn't my favorite white wine.  And I love the quote from the witty Erma Bombeck.


Prayers for all on the Care list.  Many Dailyites could use our prayers, especially Roy, Jacqui, and Tana.  Hoping CC member Kathi @Scrapnanais doing well with her cancer treatments.  Cheers for all on the Celebration list.  Happy days for all involved!  Enjoy those cruises everyone.  For me, I got a little more sleep last night, but am very tired this morning so I wonder if another nap is in my forecast.  Instead I should head to the gym and start working on strengthening my legs.  I am having problems with both knees now and it's gotten so I can't get up from a crouching position alone.  I've never had that happen before.  I have an appointment with my doctor March 6.


I hope those in the path of the winter storm are doing okay.  My weather app says Ann Arbor got 12 inches since yesterday.  I hope Midland didn't get that much!


Hobart, Tasmania, Australia is a wonderful port of call.  Rich posted this port one time a little over a year ago so it's time to revisit it.  Here is the link to his post on January 11, 2022.



We enjoyed visiting Hobart twice in 2013 on Diamond Princess and twice in 2017 on Sun Princess. 

I'll show a couple different things we did in Hobart.  One time a fellow CC friend rented a car and invited us along to visit the Tahune Airwalk, where you get an aerial view of the forest.  They have metal walkways high in the tree canopy and Tasmania has some of the tallest trees in the world.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKC9il1LSmHLrBJExEyoDYP?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388705570






When on the ground you sometimes faced obstacles but they had found a way to let us pass.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLXIRpLs8aGS7BdwrSMcQ6i?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1388705625






After the forest walk we ate lunch at a small restaurant, and drove back to Hobart.


The second time in Hobart on this Diamond Princess cruise in 2013, we got off the ship and walked through the town.  It's quite nice and easily walkable.  


In 2017 on Sun Princess we visited two times.  The first time we made a beeline for the Hobart Botanical Park.  The second time we walked the town again.  You can always find new things to see if you just turn in the opposite direction!


Across from the harbor is City Hall, a beautiful building IMO.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKACP9MXOWAQIpQoVJUcf_M?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513559365


Along the path we took to the Garden, we passed Government House, home of the Governor of Tasmania.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVK-jQKIvzIKNYsQdRm7PLX_?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513559453


The Botanical Gardens abutted the Government House property which must have been nice to see the gardens while strolling the grounds. 


Here are the gates to the Botanical park.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVKJIl9vnSOIfzyN_Ms4umQC?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513559504


They handed you a map thank goodness.  00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIQieh0OqppYYFfAvFj2Eaa?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513559512




















Love these!00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVLPYWPIQd4w9kEAjsB7_rov?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513559660














Goodness, there was so much to see.  I'd love to go back, and highly recommend visiting here.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIik3NKlJpkYi2rO4zEZnes?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513559779


This was in the sub-Antarctica plant house.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIXr-lPtLwsa1PfutTr7xyL?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513559831




There was a Japanese Garden too.00-krGnVk_TmW1vjXOSXmrbNCgtIzRKIF36hrdhGheqtVIPyao0PvPP5nOR-TGaJUDl?cn=THISLIFE&res=medium&ts=1513559799


Well, I have to stop now.  I could be here all day doing this.  Hope you enjoyed the photos of time spent in Hobart.



Sandi, thank for your wonderful pictures of Hobart.  Also, thank you for filling in for Rich and starting us off each morning.


1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

Happy Thursday, or as my local TV station calls it Friday Junior.  I was supposed to visit Hobart on Crystal Serenity in 2020 but prevented by storms.  Thank you Rich, Sandi, and Vanessa, and condolences to Vanessa.


Last night was a mixed bag.  I was late starting on the device because I dozed off in front of the TV for 1 to 2 hours, and did not sleep well but did at least some as I had a couple of strange dreams including one in the 3-4 AM time slot.


Looks like a great weather day here but turning frigid again tomorrow,




Roy, I hope the monitor got enough information for the doctor, and it is a "one and done".


1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

I slept 8 hrs last night! WhooHoo!  Was really tired, and the Benadryl helped! 


Annie, @marshhawk  hoping you and Neko (darn yesterday’s auto correct!) can have a more comfortable day. 😓


Was in Hobart on 10 days of car trip around Tasmania. Drove up Mount Wellington. Really enjoyed Tasmania, interesting history and a lot of beauty, mountains, forests, beaches, glaciers! 

Reports from my old community in the northern NM mountains are that the storm blew through but not as much wind damage as feared. 👍

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, especially our Dailyites, those suffering from disasters in NZ, Turkey, Syria, Ukrainian, Ohio and the storm track. I sure felt your blessings with me yesterday!  Many thanks!  


Congrats to all those celebrating. life is good!  🎉

Smooth travels to all away, and happy cruising to those on ships. It’s hard to have a bad day on a cruise ship!  
Bon Voyage Katherine! Can’t make your bubble come up 🤦🏼‍♀️  I love the port of Baltimore, so easy!  Wish HAL ported there….  

Graham, @grapau27more blessings to Sarah and friends. Grief is a long road.  





I'm glade you got a good night's sleep.  Safe travels today and tomorrow.


50 minutes ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Thursday Daily, Sandi


Nice collection of days!  My dogs thought every day was dog biscuit appreciation day (and it was 😉).  It’s also Thankful Thursday day - a day worthy of celebrating as no matter what our trials and tribulations are, we all have much to be thankful for.




LOL on the quote - leave it to Emma. 🙂 The chardonnay sounds good - hope it is not too oaky 🤞




Loved Hobart, Tasmania when we visited.  On DH’s bucket list was was to see the Tasmanian devils.  He was thrilled.


@marshhawkso very sorry to hear about the painful and heartbreaking decision you have had to make for Nema 😢 Our fur babies rely on us to do what is right for them.  Bless you for putting Nemo’s priorities and needs first ♥️ 


@JazzyVthanks for doing such a great job on our lists.  You are impeccable!  I am so sorry to hear that your BFF has lost their uncle.  My condolences and prayers for your BFF, their family, you and your BFF’s uncle.


This stupid storm is not letting up and moving across both countries.  Hoping everyone can stay safe in it’s fury and no one ends up like this with the drifts:




My only excitement is more physio exercises.  My arm feels like a dead weight with them and aches but apparently this is all normal.  I have to gain 25 more degrees in extension (can do the 90 in bending) and it’s going to be a struggle.  My physio is somewhat skeptical at getting to 0 with the hardware in my elbow but we played until I could find a way to do the exercises on my own with no one to assist.  Now to buckle down and force myself to do them 🤞 😩 




Prayers for everyone on the Care list, the people of Ukraine & New Zealand and the earthquake victims and for all of those that need them.




Have a great Thursday everyone !!!



Jacqui, I have no doubt that you will buckle down and do your exercises.  Keep reminding yourself there is a glass(es) of wine at the end of the exercises.


46 minutes ago, Mtn2Sea said:

We were in Hobart about ten days ago while on the Zuiderdam.  Our excursion involved taking a ride through the countryside to the Bonorong Wildlife Park.  We then had a short visit in the small town of Richmond.  At the park we saw numerous animals, including lots of kangaroos and a Tasmanian Devil.E63DD87F-D6B2-4C8D-B828-CE4896583697.thumb.jpeg.bc2499899bd21130f91b8e2440312440.jpeg












At Richmond, we were told this is the oldest stone bridge in Australia that is still in use,




We were also told this is the oldest Catholic Church building in Australia.




Hobart was having a wooden boat festival the weekend we were there.








Thanks for your pictures from Hobart.  I loved seeing all the animals, and that one kangaroo really looks relaxed.


39 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

Good morning! No problem sleeping here and until my coffee kicks in maybe should have slept longer. It’s overcast but a warm 71 and we have a fifty per cent chance of rain around eleven this morning.

We will have an early dinner tonight as our small church group meets at 6:30. It will be nice seeing them and sharing our thoughts on this week’s study.

I didn’t realize until yesterday that our Eurodam cruise starts on Easter Sunday. We have been to Hobart on the Oosterdam and thanks for the photos.

Thanks for the postings and featured post. Enjoy the day and stay safe if in stormy weather.





Great memes again today, Bruce.


32 minutes ago, Cruzin Terri said:

Good morning.  

Thank you Sandi for getting us going this morning.  Thank you Vanessa for the Cares and Celebration Lists.

Thank you Summer Slope for the drink of the day and to Cat Shepherd for the Wine and to Debbie for the recipes.

I like the quote.  

Have not been to the destination.


Interesting collection of days.  Don’t have a dog, so really don’t appreciate dog biscuits.  Like tennis and there is always something to learn digitally.


@JazzyVSorry to hear about BFF’s uncle.  My condolences.

Hope those in the path of the snow storm are okay.



I have to stop hanging around you guys.  Last night I had a bad night and woke up at 4:30 am.  I do not want to join the 3 am club.  


Well, the linen closet in the bathroom is finished and the lights are up.  Now we are in the waiting phase for a tiling subcontractor.  Hopefully that will be soon.

I am losing my patience.


Today will be devoted to opening more boxes.  It is amazing at the things one finds,


Hope everyone has a great day.

God Bless,



Terri, just remember there is progress already on the bathroom and that you'll have a great new bathroom when all the work is completed.


28 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I used to keep a box of dog biscuits in my office for times when people dropped by with their pups.  After a while, the dogs would come in first and head straight to the cupboard.  I don’t play tennis, and digital learning has become very popular since the pandemic.  


While I’m disappointed to say I’m not as regal as I thought, I am pleased that I don’t have a crown.  Yesterday’s visit to the dentist turned out to be a very positive one, even though I have dental anxiety, or as I call it, dentist phobia.  The dentist (and not my regular one) was able to fill in the chunk I’d taken out of my molar with corn nuts, saving me a ton of money.  He did warn me, however, that there wasn’t much tooth structure left, so I should be careful, because the next time I’ll likely need a crown.  Duly noted!


Well it looks like we won at Frigid Bingo - the entire province from top to bottom, side to side is under an extreme cold warning that extends through tomorrow and hopefully will smarten up a bit on Saturday.  This is from the Severe Weather Tracker Site:


@JazzyVI am saddened to learn of your BFF’S uncle’s passing.  May his soul rest in peace.  

@Lady HudsonBon Voyage; have a wonderful cruise!

@marshhawkmy heart goes out to you as you deal with Neko’s final days.  That’s one of the hardest things a pet parent has to do, but you know it’s right for our fur babies.


I think I’d like to try today’s drink of the day - just once - but make sure there’s a bed nearby, as it looks pretty potent.  The menu suggestion sounds like it might be good on a day like today, but I brought out the remaining part of a turkey carcass from Christmas and along with a zip lock bag of frozen gravy, will turn it into a hearty turkey vegetable soup.  Yesterday I made a batch of buns, so we’ll enjoy soup and buns at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for all who are in need, especially those in the path of the storms, the people of Ukraine, Türkiye(new spelling), Ukraine, Syria and New Zealand.  Hearty cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing! 🙂🙂🙂



Gerry, that is great news that you did not need a crown.  As winners of Frigid Bingo, stay safe and warm.


26 minutes ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning from a gloomy NY with rain expected and temps in the forties. Tomorrow the cold weather will return. We had the infamous “mixed precipitation” yesterday which resulted in slick stairs and streets for a while until it turned to all rain. It is certainly not what the rest of the country and Canada have been dealing with. Please be careful if you have to go out. I admit I asked  DSIL  to rescue the pups last night as it made me nervous.

We have not been to the port ,eat lentils frequently here and have dogs that love their “cookies”. They show up even at the mention of a cookie from the other end of the house.

My DH has been having some medical problems lately and we are leaving soon for another appointment.  We have not had a reliable aide for Tana so someone has to physically be with her when we are not home. This week her son is off from school and he volunteered to keep Mom company. He does very well assisting her when necessary. He has had to grow up way too quickly but we are all so very proud of him.

I thought of all of you last night as I watched the clock measure the time until morning. I was awake for no good reason from three o’clock on. I didn’t even have an interesting dream wake me up. More coffee will be required today!



Terry, I hope your DH's medical problems are easily solved.  Tana's son deserves applause 👏 for stepping up and helping care for his mother.  I know this time has been hard on him, and  I know Tana and the rest of the family are very proud of her son.


8 minutes ago, 4966and556 said:

My dh just came in from surveying the driveway and he's not happy.  There isn't enough snow to use the snowblower.  It's cold, it's crusty and white, but not deep. 


Good luck with the snow removal.  At least, it is not deep.


Now, it's time to head to the store to beat the crowds.



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Good morning, everyone!


@JazzyV My condolences to you, your BFF, and BFF's family on the passing of his uncle.  


According to the weather channel we received 9 inches of the fluffy stuff.  Fortunately, I have no place I need to be so I can sit tight and wait for my plow guy to come dig me out.  I shoveled twice yesterday, but you'd never know it this morning.  I should paint the bathroom today.  We'll see.


Today's meal is one I would pass on as a meal due to the high carb count.  A small amount as a side or lentils in a soup would be ok.   But just lentils?   I don't think so.  This first recipe is an easy one and the seasoning sounds good.  I'm sure there would be good flavor from them.   https://www.aheadofthyme.com/easy-20-minute-one-pot-lentils/




This next dish is a bit more involved, but I bet the flavor is great.  https://iheartvegetables.com/simple-spiced-lentils/




This one is super simple and has directions for the slow cooker and the insta pot.  https://www.slenderkitchen.com/recipe/simple-stovetop-lentils





If I could handle the carbs, this is probably the recipe I'd go with minus the carrots.  I'd send them to @Quartzsite Cruiser Lenda.  https://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/hearty-lentil-one-pot




Wishing you all a wonderful day!


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1 hour ago, RMLincoln said:

I slept 8 hrs last night! WhooHoo!  Was really tired, and the Benadryl helped! 


Annie, @marshhawk  hoping you and Neko (darn yesterday’s auto correct!) can have a more comfortable day. 😓


Was in Hobart on 10 days of car trip around Tasmania. Drove up Mount Wellington. Really enjoyed Tasmania, interesting history and a lot of beauty, mountains, forests, beaches, glaciers! 

Reports from my old community in the northern NM mountains are that the storm blew through but not as much wind damage as feared. 👍

Blessings to all in need of healing, comfort or hope, especially our Dailyites, those suffering from disasters in NZ, Turkey, Syria, Ukrainian, Ohio and the storm track. I sure felt your blessings with me yesterday!  Many thanks!  


Congrats to all those celebrating. life is good!  🎉

Smooth travels to all away, and happy cruising to those on ships. It’s hard to have a bad day on a cruise ship!  
Bon Voyage Katherine! Can’t make your bubble come up 🤦🏼‍♀️  I love the port of Baltimore, so easy!  Wish HAL ported there….  

Graham, @grapau27more blessings to Sarah and friends. Grief is a long road.  




Thank you for your blessings.

We are taking Sarah out for a meal later.

Her friends funeral is next week.


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Good morning. Thank you @richwmn for setting things up so the Fleet Report/Daily can continue.

No dog here, but I know they appreciate biscuits. I attempted tennis many years ago. Digital learning is a big thing now. Funny quote. I'll pass on the meal and wine. Yes to the drink.

I've been to Burnie, Tasmania, but not Hobart.


It's going to be sunny and maybe tie or break a record with a temp of 70F this afternoon. I got a good 7 hours of sleep last night, yay. I need to go to the pharmacy to protest that a generic eye drop is $99, while the brand name is $37 on my insurance, and they want to give me the expensive one. Then see about changing my phone service to T-mobile, so I can have international data for free when traveling overseas.


We got the sad news from Germany yesterday that BFF's uncle had passed.The day before I had just messaged his son in Germany to send my love to them both. His course was eerily similar to BFF's Father's; they both were well, then became ill and had a rapid downhill course over about 3 weeks. BFF's DF was 93, his uncle 84. Thank you all for the condolences.


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for starting us up today. I'm glad you got better sleep. Sorry about the knee issues; I can relate. Nice photos from Hobart.

@rafinmd I hope the results from the monitor are positive.

@kazu Thank you for reminding us we have much to be thankful for. Keep up the good work with your exercises. 

@Mtn2Sea Great photos from Tasmania.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the tile contractor can get to you soon. In the meantime unpacking continues.

@ger_77 That was a good outcome at the dentist. 

@smitty34877 Prayers for your DH and for an easy resolution of his issues. Sorry to hear that you've had issues with an aide for Tana, and kudos to her son for helping out. 

@grapau27 I'm sure your support is very comforting to Sarah.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for the Celebration List.

Stay well everyone.


Tasmanian Devil



BFF with a Wombat in Tasmania


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1 hour ago, Mtn2Sea said:

We were in Hobart about ten days ago while on the Zuiderdam.  Our excursion involved taking a ride through the countryside to the Bonorong Wildlife Park.  We then had a short visit in the small town of Richmond.  At the park we saw numerous animals, including lots of kangaroos and a Tasmanian Devil.E63DD87F-D6B2-4C8D-B828-CE4896583697.thumb.jpeg.bc2499899bd21130f91b8e2440312440.jpeg












At Richmond, we were told this is the oldest stone bridge in Australia that is still in use,




We were also told this is the oldest Catholic Church building in Australia.




Hobart was having a wooden boat festival the weekend we were there.







Awesome photos.

Thank you so much for sharing them.

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Good Morning from a sunny and warm day at the beach

        I feel guilty saying how nice our weather is. Hope everyone is doing ok with the storms.

 I played tennis for many years but about 20 years ago, switched to golf. Still play tennis occasionally.

    We were scheduled to go to Hobart but the captain thought it was too rough so it was skipped. Lots of changes on that trip. Really wanted to go there, may have to be a "do over".

      We are booked on the Grand S America for October. I am getting concerned regarding all the crime and issues in the ports. DH says it is the same everywhere, unfortunately. In fact last night in Orlando, a reporter was shot and killed while covering a story. The photographer was seriously injured.    So I  have to do some thinking. 

        Picked out paint colors yesterday. Time for a refresh. Going to paint 3 bathrooms, laundry and family room. Going to paint the ceiling of the laundry room blue. I think it will be fun! No one sees it but me. LOL.

    Off to play golf.

 Stay safe and enjoy today



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@JazzyV condolences on your sad news. 

@Cruzin Terri good luck! 

@rafinmd Thanks Roy 🤞 Daughter won’t get in till Saturday morning!  She’s an RN, works nights (6 13 hr **** a week!  RBs in very short supply!  She needs a vacation. But very willing to pick up extra shifts). The red eye flight suits her. Others leaving 6am and 6pm tomorrow!  
We’re out the door!  Blessings everyone!  M

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On one of our Australia ports of call we went to an animal refuge that had a lot of animals including lot’s of kangaroos. I was sitting on a bench and there was a young man with a child next to me.

Guy looked familiar and I finally realized who it was. I was sitting next to Keith Urban as he shared a candy bar with whom I presume was his daughter.

As we were headed back to the van people were talking did you see him. I said who? Keith Urban! 

Edited by aliaschief
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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:

@RedneckBobmy initial response was NO, I don't sleep ever!  But I actually do sleep, just not enough.  Sorry to hear you don't sleep at all.  😴


I do sleep some but very light. Tried over the counter sleeping pills, prescription pills, a hammer, but nothing seems to work very well. Only time I was out like a light was surgery 10 years ago and thank goodness for that!

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Good Morning, thanks for the daily fleet report.  It’s a cold day here, it started with sleet and is currently snowing. It shouldn’t amount to much.  @dfish I agree with you, I like a good lentil soup and I’d try one of the recipes as a side dish.  It’s going to be another busy work day, 75+ emails already with only two meetings on the schedule.  I suspect that I’d like today’s drink and would welcome it with my lunch.  I hope everyone has a good day today.

No dog biscuits here but the kids will get their share of Temptations.


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2 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

I do sleep some but very light. Tried over the counter sleeping pills, prescription pills, a hammer, but nothing seems to work very well. Only time I was out like a light was surgery 10 years ago and thank goodness for that!

You’re probably having sleeping difficulty Bob because your thinking up humor for the mornings Daily Early Edition.🤪

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I can't believe how off my weather app was on precipitation in Ann Arbor!  It said 12 inches in the previous 24 hours.  My DDIL sent me a photo out the back slider door to their deck and yard.  She says NO snow, only lots of ice on the trees, lawn, deck and furnishing, cars.  No mention of the roads though.  She says it will warm up there today so let's hope it all melts. Her street has power but within a half mile there are plenty of power outages. 


Here is the photo.



I'm a little worried about that white birch in the middle of the photo.  It's really beautiful in the summer and it would be very sad if limbs start breaking off.  


You got quite a bit of snow there in Midland, Debbie @dfish.  I hope it melts fast!

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1 minute ago, StLouisCruisers said:

I can't believe how off my weather app was on precipitation in Ann Arbor!  It said 12 inches in the previous 24 hours.  My DDIL sent me a photo out the back slider door to their deck and yard.  She says NO snow, only lots of ice on the trees, lawn, deck and furnishing, cars.  No mention of the roads though.  She says it will warm up there today so let's hope it all melts. Her street has power but within a half mile there are plenty of power outages. 


Here is the photo.



I'm a little worried about that white birch in the middle of the photo.  It's really beautiful in the summer and it would be very sad if limbs start breaking off.  


You got quite a bit of snow there in Midland, Debbie @dfish.  I hope it melts fast!

Lovely deck and yard Sandi.


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5 minutes ago, aliaschief said:

You’re probably having sleeping difficulty Bob because your thinking up humor for the mornings Daily Early Edition.🤪

You are right. At about 3 am every morning I go to halfacts.com/daily to see what’s up and spend all the time before it is posted to come up with my ideas. Maybe I need to see a therapist. 🥹

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Spring is sprung here in St Petersburg with afternoon temps around 80.  I'd prefer to hold onto cooler days with a long hot summer coming but won't trade with many of you.  Our friends from Port Huron, Michigan were here this week and were dreading their return to ice and snow.  I asked them why they couldn't find the remnants of the Chinese balloon shot down over Lake Huron as I thought it would be frozen over in February.  They said it wasn't completely frozen.  We checked the water temp at Port Huron and it was a balmy 34F, so barely above freezing.


Gerry, as usual, you win the coldest award.  What, may I ask, did the dentist fix your tooth with, corn nuts?





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8 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

You are right. At about 3 am every morning I go to halfacts.com/daily to see what’s up and spend all the time before it is posted to come up with my ideas. Maybe I need to see a therapist. 🥹

Don’t go. They might heal you but we would miss your humor.

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Good Thursday Morning Dailyites!


Thank you all for the warm thoughts, hugs, and kindness regarding our Neko.  We are trying all sorts of broths and kitty soups for her, so that she is not starving.  Anything with non pureed food causes extreme stress, and she tries tearing at her mouth.  If DH did not want to be there when they put her down we could have just left her off, but because we want to be with her, we had to wait for an actual appointment.  He is going to bury her in the back yard which may or may not be legal in an unincorporated part of the county, so he told the vet he wanted to take her to the crematory after the procedure.


@JazzyVI was so sorry to hear of your BFF's uncle passing.  I know you knew it was coming, but as you said, it happened sooner than you thought it would.  Hugs to you both. Condolences to you both and to his family.


While I did wake up at 1 something and 4 something, I actually did sleep deeply enough to dream last night. And I slept until 8:30.I dont remember the last time I dreamt.


Testing starts in Bahrain today for Formula 1, so you know what I am doing on my day Off?   Yes I took a day off from work.  And I finally got a sale last night after a two week drought. 










Edited by marshhawk
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