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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday May 12th, 2023

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Good morning and Happy Friday!  It's been fun reading the World Cruise blogs, safe travels home to everyone.  How do you have pizza without real cheese?  Not for me!  We like veggies on our pizza, but cheese is a must here!  @StLouisCruisersGood luck to Ren and his team mates!  Thanks to all who contribute and make me smile every day!  Blessings to all who need them, and cheers to the rest.  Have a great weekend!  K

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3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

On our way from Limassol to Nicosia, we stopped at an archeological site called Khirakita which was discovered in 1934.  It dates to the Neolithic era.  Here are  pictures from the site..  These were the recreations of the buildings, which were on a steep hill, that all but the very fittest chose not to climb.


The real buildings on the hill



The restored/recreated buildings based on the findings on the hill.





Our first stop was an Greek Orthodox monastery and chapel.  We were not allowed to take pictures in the chapel.




A part of the walls from the time of the Crusades



I don't remember what the monument was for



Our main reason for taking the tour was to see the Green Line that divides the Nicosia between the Greek side and the Turkish side.  We also brought our passports so we could enter the Turkish side.  Our guide told us we could not do that as the lines to get back across the green line could take 45 minutes to hours. We only had about 45-60 minutes of free time, and the bus would not wait for anyone. 


The entire time she was telling us this, we were watching the lines going into and out of the Turkish side, and they were moving quickly.  As soon as the guide left us, we headed straight for the border checkpoints, of which there were four, two each way.  All of the four checkpoints went quickly with no hassle. 


Unfortunately, after her warning, we did not spend much time in Turkish Cyprus, but as it turns out, we could have.  Once back across the border, we had 30-45 minutes left of our free time.  We spent part of that getting gelato and bottled water.  The irony was, we wound up waiting for several late people, but not because they crossed the line.  We were the only ones who did.


These are our pictures of our foray across the Green Line.



One of the checkpoints



The "forbidden" side of the Green LineDSC01630.thumb.JPG.8bc98046020e6058a72c0eec9999d88b.JPG

Not sure exactly where we were when I took this picture since you can see the green line.



Walking back to the pick-up point






Nice photos Lenda.

Pre 1974 Turkish invasion

Kyrenia and Famagusta in the North of Cyprus were the main resorts.

My Junior school Head mistress travelled here and showed us on a screen all of the photo slides.

I was about 9 at the time and it got me interested in wanting to travel and see foreign countries.

Cyprus is lovely and most of the hotels are low rise buildings.

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Well, I've only gotten one page completed this morning but it was a big one.  It included the day Dixie  @summer slope and I had our photo taken together in Ocean Bar while we and our DHs enjoyed a refreshing beverage before our dinner time.  George and Dixie eat dinner earlier than we do so we didn't share a meal, but enjoyed all our get togethers over the 4 weeks of our cruise.  I'm working on picking out photos for the next page and will get back to it when I'm finished here and have had lunch. 


3 hours ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good morning from a cloudy and windy central Texas.  I'm beginning to sound like a broken record with out weather.  It is already 75F and will rise to 84F.  There are supposed to be thunderstorms about 3pm and then again staring about 9pm and lasting until sometime Sunday.  On the agenda this morning is a quick trip to the store so maybe I won't have to go for the next few days when it is raining.   BTW, our rain should last until next Friday.   That brings me to the other item on the morning agenda, mowing and trimming the yard.  I just did that chore Sunday, but with all our rain and the fertilizer I put down, the grass and weeds are growing very fast.  If I wait another week, it would probably be impossible to mow.


CFS is a nasty disease and I hope a cure is found soon.  Nurses do a very difficult and demanding job, and I salute them.  I used to be able to write limericks, but not lately.  Terri's @Cruzin Terri was very good, and a nice thank you to Sandi for her hard work getting the daily started each day and keeping track of the HAL fleet.


Welcome back to the US to Rich @richwmn, Laura @Horizon chaser 1957, and @Cat in my lap, and I hope all of you have safe and uneventful travels home.


The Lady Gaga quote is a little cynical.


We'll pass on the vegan pizza (prefer meat and real cheese) and the drink.  The wine sounds nice but elusive.


We were in Limassol, Cyprus in 2017 on Prinsendam, and I'll repost my pictures soon.  Today's port ties in nicely with today in history.  Richard I of England married Berengaria of Navarre near Limassol.


@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, wishing Ren and the Jaguars all the best in the tournament this weekend.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope today goes better and that Ivan can realize how nice grass can be.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I know it will be a great relief when you hand the paperwork into the probation court.  Enjoy your lunch out.  Great news that you will have help from the new cleaning lady.

@Denise T  I hope you feel better soon.


We  were in Limassol in 2017 on the Elegant Explorer.  That morning we took a tour to Nicosia, and then took the shuttle into Limassol on our return.  I'll post the pictures of Limassol here and then the pictures of Nicosia in a later post.


An open plaza



This is a fortress and chapel dating to at least the 3rd Crusade and Richard the Lionhearted, if not earlier.  It is believed he married Berengaria here and made her Queen of England.  At one point the island belonged to the Templars, and the Knights of St. John may have stayed here before moving to Malta.





If you look carefully, this is a press used to cut the stones for their buildings.



Views of Limassol from the top of the fortress.  Limassol is the second largest city in Cyprus after Nicosia.




Some different views as we walked around the old city and back to the shuttle pick-up point.









Thank you Lenda, and I also appreciate your good wishes for Ren and the Jags.  As long as he isn't injured I should be glad but I also hope they win some games, too!  DS says the game today is at 5 pm and will live stream it.  Which really messes up our dinner prep and dining, but we will manage.  Great photos of Limassol, Cyprus and Nicosia!




3 hours ago, superoma said:

No worries, sandi certainly deserves he4 own limerick! A stellar job these past several months



Thank you very much, Eva!




2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

It's about 23 miles as the crow flies but about 40 as there are no direct roads.  @RMLincoln in Aspen Hill is much closer.






Thank you Roy.  I should ask which airport they flew to.  It may be that DC airports were closer.




2 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I worked with a woman who suffered from CFS and I wouldn't wish that on anyone.  It made her life miserable.  Bless all the nurses, in and out of hospitals and medical facilities, for all they do.  I love the limerick that Terri made up - good for you!


My dream was to have a rewarding career, marry a good man, and have a respectable family - I've been blessed to have had all three.   I believe many women in the entertainment field feel they have to choose between their careers and their personal lives.


A cloudy sky this morning, with some rain in the forecast, which hopefully will encourage the leaves to start popping out on the trees.  Already we can see faint hints of green on bushes around the city, but I think a good rain will just make the leaves open like magic.  We have the heat, just need rain - and speaking of rain, we're praying for rain in Alberta, which is under a heat warning right now.  Scary time.


This morning we have to go out for groceries; we're having our young Ukrainian family over for a casual barbecue tomorrow, so I need to pick up some things.  After that, it'll be time to rake the bare spots on the lawn that seem to have suffered from snow mold; I hope the patches will come back, but am already prepared with grass seed just in case.  



Welcome home @richwmn, I hope you had a great time - I know I certainly enjoyed following your posts.

Just a note about the blue bubbles - when I add one, my font size doesn't switch back to the default, it stays at 18.  I'm not sure why, maybe it's just my computer, or would it have something to do with the program?  I use Chrome; maybe it changes in Firefox or Edge, I don't know.


I think I'll take a pass on the drink of the day, it sounds pretty tart with the lemon juice.  Just thinking about it makes my salivary glands go into overdrive.  I'd like to try the wine if I could find it, and vegan pizza . . . um, no.  When our friends were here from out of town, one was on a dairy free, gluten free diet, so I bought some vegan cheese slices.  I dubbed it "orange cardboard", because to me that's most what it resembled.  It's Friday night pizza night at our house, so we'll check the online menus to see what appeals - right now I'm thinking an all dressed will be on our deck table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, especially those who are affected by the fires in Alberta.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Hope you all enjoy the barbecue tomorrow.  The Ukrainian couple are lucky to have met you two, for you've been such a help to them and probably their earliest friendship there.  The only problem I'm having (no problem with blue bubbles) is every time I click my cursor after quoting someone, the size 18 font disappears and goes back to default.  




2 hours ago, ottahand7 said:

Good morning,  I am late this morning as I drove into Kalamazoo to pick up a case of wine they were pushing at a wine dinner last week and then a swing into Walmart to get 2 boxes of lettuce which I hope will hold us until we leave, hopefully next Tuesday.   I will be absent tomorrow as my Garden Club plant sale will be at my house from 9-2 and I am sure the crew will show up early.   


Sandi, I hope Ren and company do well in the tournament.  I used to live in Gaithersburg, MD from 92-97 and Boyds was still a small town.   I am sure it is part of the mega-suburbs that run from D.C. to Hagerstown, MD.   Thanks for filling in for Rich all this time.   @richwmn welcome home!   


@dfish, @summer slopeand @cat shepard thank you for starting our day each day with the research you do into these comestibles.   I will pass on the Vegan Pizza, the sweet cocktail but today's wine looks wonderful.   @superoma Thanks for keeping our Cares and Celebrations list, a constantly changing list for sure.  Prayers for all on our list and the people of Ukraine.    


Time for me to start watering all those plants.    It is hard to believe how small they were when we returned from our cruise to how massive they are now, large in their pots and very thirsty.    Once I get back up to the cabin it begins anew, digging up all these volunteer plants that come up where they don't belong.    Have a wonderful Friday!  Nancy 


Thanks for your kind words to me, and good wishes for Ren.  Much appreciated.




1 hour ago, superoma said:

this is from jo Johnson blog. Hope it helps the search



The answer: FOUR! Yes, you read that right. I booked a 28-day Alaskan cruise for June 2024, a 53-day Japan cruise and a 50-day Mediterranean cruise for the fall of 2024, and the 2025 Grand World Voyage.

The “Legendary Mediterranean” hasn’t officially been opened for booking and the details of length and ports are to be determined, but Neil is taking advance reservations. I originally thought I would have to choose between that and Japan, as they likely will overlap by a few days. But I figured out that I can leave the Japan cruise in Honolulu just before the final ocean passage to Seattle and fly to Fort Lauderdale for the Mediterranean, which will sail round trip from 






I bet there are a LOT of ports on that cruise!  Hopefully they get a sea day once in a while or everyone will be worn out!




55 minutes ago, richwmn said:

Zuiderdam at Pier 26




Wow, it looks so far away!  By the way, nice hotel right on the beach!




26 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning!


Today is the start of a heat wave in the Pacific Northwest with highs in the 80's and maybe up to 90. It's a gorgeous morning out there at the moment. Thank you to everyone on the thread and I love the limerick for Sandy!


Yesterday was a great day with some good news - DH gets to move back to the rehab he's been in close to home! I called them yesterday and talked to the admissions person, got the fax number and took it in to his present facility. The Nursing Director called, faxed info, etc. and yesterday afternoon we were told he will be moved on Monday!!! The transportation is taken care of and I have only 3 days left of the hour drive each way. Monday I'll stay here and meet him at the facility. Today I get to go in and pay for it but that's fine. My commute goes from an hour each way and 50 miles to 20 minutes and about 7 miles at the most. It will be so much less stress, they have a great rehab program with more equipment and I know DH will do well there. He also knows the therapists and they know him. Yay!!


Off to get some lemon cookies made to take to the staff at the current facility and then to the new one to pay them before heading south. 

Have a great day and stay cool!




Wonderful news about the move, Karen!  




25 minutes ago, ktbraun said:

Good morning and Happy Friday!  It's been fun reading the World Cruise blogs, safe travels home to everyone.  How do you have pizza without real cheese?  Not for me!  We like veggies on our pizza, but cheese is a must here!  @StLouisCruisersGood luck to Ren and his team mates!  Thanks to all who contribute and make me smile every day!  Blessings to all who need them, and cheers to the rest.  Have a great weekend!  K


Thank you for your thoughts for Ren and his team!




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42 minutes ago, luvteaching said:

Yesterday was a great day with some good news - DH gets to move back to the rehab he's been in close to home! I called them yesterday and talked to the admissions person, got the fax number and took it in to his present facility. The Nursing Director called, faxed info, etc. and yesterday afternoon we were told he will be moved on Monday!!! The transportation is taken care of and I have only 3 days left of the hour drive each way. Monday I'll stay here and meet him at the facility. Today I get to go in and pay for it but that's fine. My commute goes from an hour each way and 50 miles to 20 minutes and about 7 miles at the most. It will be so much less stress, they have a great rehab program with more equipment and I know DH will do well there. He also knows the therapists and they know him. Yay!!


That is not great news, Karen - it’s FABULOUS news 🙂. I am so happy for you and so glad that your stress will be lifted a bit 👍 


The rehab sounds absolutely perfect !



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1 hour ago, luvteaching said:

Good morning!


Today is the start of a heat wave in the Pacific Northwest with highs in the 80's and maybe up to 90. It's a gorgeous morning out there at the moment. Thank you to everyone on the thread and I love the limerick for Sandy!


Yesterday was a great day with some good news - DH gets to move back to the rehab he's been in close to home! I called them yesterday and talked to the admissions person, got the fax number and took it in to his present facility. The Nursing Director called, faxed info, etc. and yesterday afternoon we were told he will be moved on Monday!!! The transportation is taken care of and I have only 3 days left of the hour drive each way. Monday I'll stay here and meet him at the facility. Today I get to go in and pay for it but that's fine. My commute goes from an hour each way and 50 miles to 20 minutes and about 7 miles at the most. It will be so much less stress, they have a great rehab program with more equipment and I know DH will do well there. He also knows the therapists and they know him. Yay!!


Off to get some lemon cookies made to take to the staff at the current facility and then to the new one to pay them before heading south. 

Have a great day and stay cool!




Karen that is just wonderful news! So much less stress for you!

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Good morning from the lovely Volendam as we head to Juneau today.  Someone may have already mentioned this but I haven’t read the Daily yet. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, we are actually going to be in Juneau today from 1 - 10. Tracy Arm was scheduled as just a service call but it hasn’t been announced and I haven’t seen any excursions advertised for it. 

The weather is rainy with low clouds and the forecast for Juneau is 100% rain. Craig was going to Mendenhall Glacier but thinks he’s going to cancel because of the rain. 

Have a great day everyone!

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1 hour ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Thank you Roy.  I should ask which airport they flew to.  It may be that DC airports were closer.

Best wishes to Ren today.  Actually, it looks like it might as well be a matter of flight convenience because all 3 area airports are just under an hour away (Baltimore Washington (BWI), Reagan National (WAS) and Washington Dulles (IAD).



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23 minutes ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning from the lovely Volendam as we head to Juneau today.  Someone may have already mentioned this but I haven’t read the Daily yet. 

Sandi @StLouisCruisers, we are actually going to be in Juneau today from 1 - 10. Tracy Arm was scheduled as just a service call but it hasn’t been announced and I haven’t seen any excursions advertised for it. 

The weather is rainy with low clouds and the forecast for Juneau is 100% rain. Craig was going to Mendenhall Glacier but thinks he’s going to cancel because of the rain. 

Have a great day everyone!


Sharon, yes I see that there is a second entry for May 12 on the itinerary now.  First the Tracy Arm stop, then later on Juneau.  A good idea for us to look ahead when we see a short stop time like that listed, for instance today 9:00 to 9:30.  Especially now that we're in the Alaska season where it happens more often.  Sorry to hear that rain is expected in Juneau.  We're actually having a heavy rainfall right now too.  Not a very nice day...

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4 hours ago, kazu said:


I guess I lied when I said YUM to the vegan pizza since I like cheese on mine.  I should have said vegetarian pizza.  Hopefully that’s correct?


Good enough for me!


Taking a break from staining the deck.  There is a lot of fussy work on this one and the wood is so dry it is soaking up the stain like no tomorrow.  

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7 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:


There once was a lady called Sandi

Her dedication to The Daily was quite handy.

She rose early each day 

To get us on our way.

And for this we are all fine and dandy.


Three cheers for Sandi.


Hip Hip Hooray! 😃


5 hours ago, kazu said:

Looks good.  After comments yesterday, I changed mine to 18 so you can compare in my initial post if you like.    I thought Gerry was using 20 but apparently it’s 18.


4 hours ago, cat shepard said:

I almost don’t need glasses! Very nice looking. 

I can’t really tell the difference on my iPhone/iPad. I think I might be able to tell the difference on my PC but I’m usually on my iPad. Using 18 here. 

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Well, it turns out that the unveiling is next week. That allowed me to shop (successfully) at Aldi and (unsuccessfully) at Rite-Aid: no cashier. Now I'm waiting for the "between 1:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m." fridge pickup, and trying to get three loads of laundry done.


... Fridge is gone.


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9 minutes ago, dobiemom said:

Hip Hip Hooray! 😃



I can’t really tell the difference on my iPhone/iPad. I think I might be able to tell the difference on my PC but I’m usually on my iPad. Using 18 here. 


Now that is interesting, Marcia.  I can tell the difference on my Ipad between the fonts.  Strange.

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Today's sunrise is from my 2019 short cruise (Kiel to Southampton) on Queen Victoria.  On May 12 I arrived in Southampton and changed to Queen Mary 2 onward to New York.





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