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The Fleet Report and Daily for Tuesday May 23rd, 2023


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Good afternoon and Happy Tuesday from Tucson where it is hot and dry and lovely. 

Half Moon Cay is a favorite and we’ve been there too many times to count. First time was shortly after the purchase when not much was there except lounge chairs. Another time we rented a cabana but it was soon after they were built so the price wasn’t too bad. The most recent time was on the Rotterdam Holiday cruise 2021/2022. My favorite picture was taken by the ship photographer. Of course I had to buy it. 



Someone built an elaborate sand castle. 







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Happy Tuesday!  It's a warm day here, but it's supposed to be chilly again tomorrow.  The weather is goofy!  @dfishprayers that all goes well tomorrow. 

@marshhawkI was thinking about you as I was reading a "live from" thread about your cruise.  The weather sounded nasty, and then the "bugs."  Hoping you feel well soon, welcome back!  It's good to hear that you liked HAL despite the setbacks.  

@loveandpeasHello to you!  I read here every day, but don't always post.  This is a great place to be!

Thanks to all for posting, and I wish I could go back to Half Moon Cay now.  When we were there in February, I had a bit of a "touchy" stomach, so we didn't explore much.  Usually we walk to the end and relax there for a bit...I wanted to be close to a BR!  

Thanks to all who post and add pictures!   Karen




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6 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  We got home last night at 9:15, our time, but was up at 2 am yesterday to get our flight.


Will do an over all review when i feel better, but I managed to catch Norovirus , as did most people on the cruise, and then bronchitis, so I am catching up with catching up, and currently wondering why Andri isn't coming by and offering me my coffee with cream.  I got very spoiled on Holland, and DH wants to switch over to HAL full time.  We missed Kodiak because the weather was so bad, and my stomach forced me to skip Sitka, while i did take pictures while wandering the promenade deck.  Some scary moments as we sailed through a typhoon, with a steady wind of 90 kph, (over 100 mph) and the ship listing at 12 degrees. Two of my excursions were cancelled, because one didn't even begin until May 16, and we were there the week before, and the other because Thompson Pass was not passable.  



Welcome home! Sorry to hear you got sick on your cruise. That’s the worst since you aren’t in your comfy, familiar surroundings. 
Get done rest and looking forward to your review. 🙂

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9 hours ago, 0106 said:


Half Moon Cay is a nice private island. We prefer to leave the busy area near the tender and walk far down the beach to a more isolated part of the island. Love the color of the water.



Positive thoughts to all who need them.  Cheers to those celebrating and cruising.

We have been on three cruises with Half Moon Cay as a scheduled port. Once it was rescheduled to Aruba before we actually sailed. The other two times we were not able to tender because of weather.

We might get to visit the island sometime. 🤔

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It's good to hear from some of you who haven't been here in a while.  Annie @marshhawk glad to hear the indoor cats were well taken care of by Jesse while you were away.  I can just picture all the outdoor cats showing up when he arrived. 🐈  Hope you are better now.


Will be thinking of Debbie @dfish and Eva @superoma tomorrow.  Wishing you both the best.🙏


Startling news today.  Yesterday we had the weeds on our slope whacked away by landscaper Nelson and his helper, and at the same time had neighbors Brenda and Paul's done.  They had left the funds to have that done 3 times this summer while they were going to be away.  So today I thought I would text Brenda to let her know we had accomplished that for the first time.  I also asked how the trip was going since they'd already been gone 23 days in that huge big rig I posted about back on April 30th.  She replied they had been in Morristown, Tennessee since they left having repairs made and waiting for parts for their motorhome.  They were actually leaving the repair shop to head back home here tonight, when she texted me back!  They have an appointment coming up in Atlanta to have some bushings replaced, and the remainder of the trip is up in the air at this time.  I was shocked!  I'm glad I knew about this before I saw their motorhome/trailer/SUV parked outside late tonight or in the morning.  I would have been totally confused.  I'll run over tomorrow to say hi! and chat a bit.  We will be packing tomorrow though for our own road trip on Thursday.  Heading north to A squared (Ann Arbor) for that graduation Friday night.


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser will you post links and photos for me Thursday?  We leave home way too early for posting on the Daily.  Thanks!!  I'll let you know when we head home again.


Today I've been working on the Island Princess "Covid cruise" photo book.  Yesterday I finished four pages (Reykjavik), and today I finished 6 pages (Isafjordur and started on Akureyri).  I'm on a roll!


Still feeling good and hoping that continues.  Have a good evening!  Is it happy hour yet?



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9 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

It's good to hear from some of you who haven't been here in a while.  Annie @marshhawk glad to hear the indoor cats were well taken care of by Jesse while you were away.  I can just picture all the outdoor cats showing up when he arrived. 🐈  Hope you are better now.


Will be thinking of Debbie @dfish and Eva @superoma tomorrow.  Wishing you both the best.🙏


Startling news today.  Yesterday we had the weeds on our slope whacked away by landscaper Nelson and his helper, and at the same time had neighbors Brenda and Paul's done.  They had left the funds to have that done 3 times this summer while they were going to be away.  So today I thought I would text Brenda to let her know we had accomplished that for the first time.  I also asked how the trip was going since they'd already been gone 23 days in that huge big rig I posted about back on April 30th.  She replied they had been in Morristown, Tennessee since they left having repairs made and waiting for parts for their motorhome.  They were actually leaving the repair shop to head back home here tonight, when she texted me back!  They have an appointment coming up in Atlanta to have some bushings replaced, and the remainder of the trip is up in the air at this time.  I was shocked!  I'm glad I knew about this before I saw their motorhome/trailer/SUV parked outside late tonight or in the morning.  I would have been totally confused.  I'll run over tomorrow to say hi! and chat a bit.  We will be packing tomorrow though for our own road trip on Thursday.  Heading north to A squared (Ann Arbor) for that graduation Friday night.


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser will you post links and photos for me Thursday?  We leave home way too early for posting on the Daily.  Thanks!!  I'll let you know when we head home again.


Today I've been working on the Island Princess "Covid cruise" photo book.  Yesterday I finished four pages (Reykjavik), and today I finished 6 pages (Isafjordur and started on Akureyri).  I'm on a roll!


Still feeling good and hoping that continues.  Have a good evening!  Is it happy hour yet?




Sandi, no problem.  I'll start posting the links Thursday, and will continue through the day after you get home.  That should give you a chance to recover from the drive home and get settled again.


Sorry your neighbors trip was a bust.  These things happen with older motorhomes though.



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1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:

Good afternoon from a partly cloudy but still comfortable central Texas.  I don't know what went wrong this morning, but somehow I got the house cleaned in five hours including a breakfast break.  🤣  It usually takes at least six hours, but everything that needed to be done, plus a couple of extra items, were done.  I'm not taking bets that this will be the new norm though.  😉  We're celebrating later this afternoon with happy hour with our neighbors.  🍷 Maybe more than one. 🍷



Paul, I'm glad the bronchitis and sinusitis have improved, but sorry the sleeping hasn't.  I hope you can get some sleep so you're not exhausted.



Terri, the treat of losing money after a sale is a great motivator.  Good for you.  I hope all goes well with the delivery tomorrow.



Annie, I'm sorry you got sick on your cruise.  I'm am very happy that you had a good time and like HAL enough to want to sail on BHBs again.  I wish HAL would offer the 14 day cruise during the summer months when the passes are open and the typhoons have not headed toward Kodiak.  Even once in early June, Thompson pass road was opened, but the rest area at the summit was still pretty much covered by snow.



Ann, I'm glad Pat is feeling much better now that the antibiotics have started working, and hope the stiff neck is short lived.  I hope you can catch up with the Air Tag someday.  Maybe you'll have to book another cruise on the Rotterdam.  If only the tag could talk, what a tale it would have to tell.



Brenda, seeing sea turtles in the ocean is an experience not to be missed.  We did a live-aboard out of Grand Cayman about 30 years ago.  While every one else was diving, I was snorkeling off Cayman Brac, and a sea turtle swam below me.  I was the only one on the boat to see it.



Tina, thanks for the information about making riced cauliflower.  I think I'll just pick some up at the store if I need it.



Marcia, I'm glad you managed a few hours of sleep.  I hope tonight is a lot better for sleeping.



Eva, you and your family will be in our thoughts tomorrow as you say goodbye to your DF.  I'm glad we have been able to help you the past few days, and remember, we're here no matter what, even for venting.



Isn't that a contradiction of terms.



Welcome to the Fleet/Daily.  We hope you will join us often.




Not to me.

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2 hours ago, superoma said:

Just a quick update and thanks again to everyone for their care and concern. My BFF told me yesterday that we were the only ones in our friends circle that still had a parent alive.


the funeral is tomorrow morning at 11 am EDT and we will take the family (21) to lunch right after. On Friday my sister and I will see the lawyer in the am and the bank in the pm. Dad does not have a large estate but there is a house to empty and sell. We are hoping to avoid probate so we can close things off quickly.


the care and concern from everyone here is really helping me at this time. Family and close friends have ‘circled the wagons’ too which is heartwarming. 


Hugs to you.  Having been through that, I know what you are facing.  It is difficult.


2 hours ago, ocean sounds said:

@ dfish, well wishes and prayers for your procedure tomorrow.  I hope the day goes perfectly for you, from beginning to end. 



Thank you so much.


1 hour ago, Cruisercl said:



@dfish, prayers for a succcessful and pain free surgery tomorow.



Thank you!  I'd be happy with the pain free part, but this is one of those where they pump you full of gas and the first thought upon waking up is that you're going to explode.


1 hour ago, ktbraun said:

  @dfishprayers that all goes well tomorrow. 


Thank you!  How could things not go well when the entire Daily has my back!


54 minutes ago, Love the beach said:

Best wishes to @dfish for a successful surgery and speedy recovery!


Thank you all for the daily! Love Half Moon Cay...wish I was there now!


Thank you so much.


29 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

@dfish  Thinking good thoughts for you & your surgical team tomorrow!  Hope all goes as planned & that you have a speedy recovery.


Thank you so much!  I do tend to recover quickly from surgeries.  After the parathyroid surgery I was out walking two days later.


I got an early, but not at the crack of dawn, slot for tomorrow.  My arrival time is 8:00 am.  I can live with that!


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24 minutes ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Sandi, no problem.  I'll start posting the links Thursday, and will continue through the day after you get home.  That should give you a chance to recover from the drive home and get settled again.


Sorry your neighbors trip was a bust.  These things happen with older motorhomes though.




Actually, I will do it myself while we are in Ann Arbor.  I just need help on the driving days.  I will let you know what day we drive home but it will probably be after the holiday weekend.


I can see a motorhome being a money pit!  Sort of like a boat.  Paul is taking excellent care of it but it seems like it's always something!  

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2 hours ago, kazu said:


Well, darn Ann.  I was hoping there was some way you could “share” it with me and I could go looking for it with my IPhone or Ipad.  I wonder if there is some way we could connect so you could tell me if I’m getting closer?  Of course, that’s assuming they will let me in the room.  I’ll e you and write down the room #.  Pretty sure I checked when you posted it and didn’t see anyone on the roll call in it but I guess I forgot to write it down 😡. I thought I had but I can’t find it in my cruise notes 😞 


Yes, Jacqui, you could log into my Apple account, but then you would be me, and you/I wouldn’t have internet on the ship!  And the AirTag needs you to have internet while it also has internet to communicate with you or me.  What we might be able to do, if you emailed me when you are at the door of 5050, I could ask it to ring over and over, until you or a steward found it, but you might have to do it in a port, because it doesn’t always seem to have internet when the ship is at sea!  It is very complicated.  By the time you board, it might not even be there anymore, so we probably should just wait and see, and not worry about it.  I’ll stay in touch.  Thanks.

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19 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Yes, Jacqui, you could log into my Apple account, but then you would be me, and you/I wouldn’t have internet on the ship!  And the AirTag needs you to have internet while it also has internet to communicate with you or me.  What we might be able to do, if you emailed me when you are at the door of 5050, I could ask it to ring over and over, until you or a steward found it, but you might have to do it in a port, because it doesn’t always seem to have internet when the ship is at sea!  It is very complicated.  By the time you board, it might not even be there anymore, so we probably should just wait and see, and not worry about it.  I’ll stay in touch.  Thanks.


Ann, no reason I can’t log in as usual and then sign onto Apple as you, I don’t think?  


In port is probably better anyways as people will be out.


OK, you can ignore my email.  I have your room number noted on my M & G list so I don’t lose it (again).    Checked my M & G cabin listing of 106 people and no one is in it.  Close, but not cigar - LOL.


I have CO so hopefully I can get some help.


and yes, we could email back and forth especially if I can pre-arrange it.


I’ll see what I can do.  Rotterdam is no as personal as Prinsendam but I know how to put a sweet smile on my face and ask very nicely.  😉 



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45 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

might have to do it in a port, because it doesn’t always seem to have internet when the ship is at sea!


An AirTag has no capacity of its own to connect to the Internet. It piggybacks onto an iPhone, any iPhone, that is near it and is able to connect to the Internet.

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43 minutes ago, kochleffel said:


An AirTag has no capacity of its own to connect to the Internet. It piggybacks onto an iPhone, any iPhone, that is near it and is able to connect to the Internet.

I guess that’s why sometimes it can tell me where it is, and sometimes it can’t!

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2 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Actually, I will do it myself while we are in Ann Arbor.  I just need help on the driving days.  I will let you know what day we drive home but it will probably be after the holiday weekend.


I can see a motorhome being a money pit!  Sort of like a boat.  Paul is taking excellent care of it but it seems like it's always something!  


Sandi, I'll take care of the travel days then.  My guess is you will be traveling Thursday and Friday.  Correct me if I'm wrong.  Just let me know what days younwill be traveling back to Georgia.



2 hours ago, dfish said:


Hugs to you.  Having been through that, I know what you are facing.  It is difficult.



Thank you so much.



Thank you!  I'd be happy with the pain free part, but this is one of those where they pump you full of gas and the first thought upon waking up is that you're going to explode.



Thank you!  How could things not go well when the entire Daily has my back!



Thank you so much.



Thank you so much!  I do tend to recover quickly from surgeries.  After the parathyroid surgery I was out walking two days later.


I got an early, but not at the crack of dawn, slot for tomorrow.  My arrival time is 8:00 am.  I can live with that!



Debbie, I'm glad you got an decent time.  I hope the after effects of the gas are not too uncomfortable.



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@superoma thinking of you and your family tomorrow. @dfish good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I hope it goes well and you get taken in quickly at 8 AM.  I also hope you have a fast and pain free recovery.


@marshhawk Sorry you were ill on your cruise and the weather was not the best. It seems like you made the best of it and still had a great time.  I hope you quickly recover now that you are home.


@StLouisCruisers Have a safe trip and congratulations of the graduation!! What fun to see your grandson graduate.  


Healing thoughts to all who need them and for those traveling have a wonderful cruise/trip.  

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2 hours ago, rafinmd said:

@dfish great news  on the 8AM arrival Wishing you a smooth procedure and quick healing.




Thanks, Roy!


1 hour ago, Quartzsite Cruiser said:


Debbie, I'm glad you got an decent time.  I hope the after effects of the gas are not too uncomfortable.



I'm glad, too.  I'm laughing at the effects of the gas.  They did that when I had my gall bladder taken out.  When I woke up the gas was the first thing I noticed.  I yelled, "I'm going to explode!" and grabbed the side bars of the bed to pull myself up.  The nurse came running over and said he had something to give me to help with that.  I told him to hurry because my belly was going to explode all over and rolled over to the side of the bed.  He asked where I was going and I told him I was changing direction so I didn't explode all over him.  


12 minutes ago, tupper10 said:

. @dfish good luck with your surgery tomorrow. I hope it goes well and you get taken in quickly at 8 AM.  I also hope you have a fast and pain free recovery. 


Thank you so much.

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I have a very urgent prayer request, please...my favorite cousin, Chris, has just been diagnosed with glioblastoma & apparently doesn't have much longer to live.  I'm asking for prayers for his peaceful passing & comfort for his wife & children & the rest of his family.  Thank you all!

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8 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

I have a very urgent prayer request, please...my favorite cousin, Chris, has just been diagnosed with glioblastoma & apparently doesn't have much longer to live.  I'm asking for prayers for his peaceful passing & comfort for his wife & children & the rest of his family.  Thank you all!


I'm so sorry about your cousin's devastating diagnosis.  Our thoughts are with you and your entire family.  Sending positive thoughts for a peaceful passing and comfort for his loved ones.



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26 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

I have a very urgent prayer request, please...my favorite cousin, Chris, has just been diagnosed with glioblastoma & apparently doesn't have much longer to live.  I'm asking for prayers for his peaceful passing & comfort for his wife & children & the rest of his family.  Thank you all!

How awful.  Wishing Chris a peaceful passing and healing for the family left behind.



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42 minutes ago, 57redbird said:

I have a very urgent prayer request, please...my favorite cousin, Chris, has just been diagnosed with glioblastoma & apparently doesn't have much longer to live.  I'm asking for prayers for his peaceful passing & comfort for his wife & children & the rest of his family.  Thank you all!

You have all the prayers in the world for a peaceful passing for Chris and comfort for his wife and children.  Hugs to all of you in this difficult time.  

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1 hour ago, 57redbird said:

I have a very urgent prayer request, please...my favorite cousin, Chris, has just been diagnosed with glioblastoma & apparently doesn't have much longer to live.  I'm asking for prayers for his peaceful passing & comfort for his wife & children & the rest of his family.  Thank you all!

 🙏🏻 Prayers for Chris’ comfort, and prayers for peace for you and the rest of the family.   Will keep you all in my thoughts and prayers.

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