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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday June 7th, 2023


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Good morning,

Hope everyone is doing well.  Still feeling a bit under the weather.  It seems I am having another flare-up of the PMR and leaving me feeling very tired and achy.


Prayers for all.  Praying for Pope Francis, who has an incarcerated hernia.  Strange that in 2014 when we were in Rome, DH was not feeling well and ended up in the same hospital in Rome (Gemelli) as the Pope for the same reason.  If Dr. Antinori operates on the Pope as he did on DH, he will be as good as new in a few days.  I have nothing but praise for the care DH received there.


As for the days—there is nothing better than chocolate ice cream.  We no longer have a VCR and sometimes I wish we still did.  When cleaning out all our stuff due to the flood we found some old cassettes that I would love to play, but don’t have the means to do so.

Hats off to tailors.  A good one is hard to find.  We had a guy named Julius around here, who was wonderful.  He had the nerve to retire!


Not much to report.  Just trying to work through the pains and get my stuff done for the trip.


Hope everyone has a good day.

God Bless,


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Greetings friends. Red Alert for air quality here in Maryland today. Smoke from the north.

I could really use some chocolate ice cream!  Lots of chocolate ice cream. All I need is a way to buy it…. 

Thank you Graham, Lenda, Brenda…. we have a mess to deal with. The money stolen from our account is the least of our troubles. It was an unauthorized  direct transfer.  The account was closed yesterday or maybe late Monday. Some unimportant small checks already bounced!  The first of my life. The credit and debit cards are canceled. But the autopay bills are of course still coming in and will also bounce. I think our medical insurance premiums were due to be paid yesterday. Car, home insurance this week. We set up this account to simplify our finances - for travel, for support from kids helping us as needed….  Not simply now!  We were not quite finished getting everything transferred for deposits and bill payments. Luckily we hadn’t canceled our old banking accounts in NM, and we still have checks for that account!  Yesterday we got money deposited into that bank to use to pay what we can by checks, although some may be late this month. Just praying there’ll be no gaps in coverages. Medicare was taking 3 months to get transferred to this new account, and June was to be their first withdrawal. But I think I can pay them online. And we do have another credit card and debit ATM cards from the NM bank. So we can buy gas (petrol Graham) and ice cream!  

After crisis management we’ll have to regroup and decide if we want to take a different approach. But it will all happen. And I’m so glad we are here to deal with it because I can’t imagine a son or granddaughter trying to do this for us!  

I missed the Daily yesterday, and might miss more but I’m grateful for the good we have in our favor, and for all your support. We will need a cruise!  After eye surgery followups are done!  One day at a time though and we’ll get through. 

Blessings to you all, and all in need near and far. Cheers to those celebrating. Life is Good!  Even in a crisis Life is Good!  


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Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here!


We called on Siracusa last October while on our MSC cruise which is the next port south of Catania. It was our first time in Sicily.


I need to make our final payment today for our upcoming September MSC cruise from Hamburg to Scotland and Ireland. We had it booked but then MSC ran their Labor Day sale last year which dropped the price by almost 1/3rd. Called MSC and were able to rebook both of our connecting balcony staterooms with a very helpful MSC agent. Booked the "Fantastica" experience for the three of us and have WiFi plus the Easy-Plus drink package. Even with my single supplement (Sue and DSIL are in the other stateroom) it is only $178/per night for me.


Stay Safe!


- Jack

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Good morning Dailyites. Thanks Rich for our Daily. 


Finishing my laundry,  walked and fed our house guest. Boy is she a bed hog, and there's no moving her over. 


A fun day yesterday.. after pedicures we met friends for a late lunch. I love my friends. 


Today is our heating and air conditioning 6 month check up, a trip to the market and a quick swiffer around the house. 


Wishing everyone a blessed day. Prayers lifted. Grateful for this thread and all who contribute. 

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Happy Wednesday!  Chocolate ice cream is great!   We have a golf range/mini golf course in our community that also sells Cedar Crest ice cream for $1.00 a large scoop!  The price has stayed the same for years.  They have the best flavors, and if the grands pick one they don't like, they can always get another for a buck (and gramma can eat the rest of what they didn't like!  LOL)   I'd try the shrimp tacos without the feta cheese!  @JazzyVThanks for including me on the care list, prayers for all that need them, and cheers for the others!

We still have a VCR, but who knows when it was used last.  

The drink of the day sounds good, not a wine drinker!  

We're heading to the "up north" house for a few days, it's usually quiet there during the week, weekends are busy.  

@dfishcan't wait to see your house when it's done! 

@RMLincolnHoping your banking issues get solved quickly...I'm sure it's a big hassle to deal with.  😞 

Have a good day, Karen

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3 hours ago, summer slope said:

Delusion cocktail:


1 part Cruzan® Mango Rum
1 part Cruzan® Coconut Rum
4 parts Pineapple Juice

Combine ingredients in a glass and serve over ice.


Screenshot 2023-06-07 at 6.34.52 AM.png

I guess I need to dilute this drink to prevent me from Delusion. Just add some more pineapple juice

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Good morning,

@RMLincoln I feel your pain. My identity was stolen through an IRS link on the financial aid application form 5 years ago which the hackers got into the IRS  data and got my info. They applied for my SS, unemployment ( I was still working) and hacked into financial institutions. Luckily for me minimal money was involved but the hassle of changing things, canceling and dealing with SS and unemployment was a pain.  I know my information is out there and I have  a monitoring company I pay for tracking things. I hope for a speedy recovery for you and it is as painless as possible. 

I hope everyone has a great day and prayers for those in need. 

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Good morning to all!!


Thanks for the update. Thoughts for those on the care list. 

Quick note to say I made it to Long Island yesterday just fine. Boy are drivers in NY and NJ crazy!!  I will catch up reading later!!

Have a great day everyone!!

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

Although I love chocolate, I'm not a big fan of plain chocolate ice cream. I still have a VCR although I don't use it; I had plans to copy a few tapes to CD. Tailors are important at times, although hard to find nowadays. Funny quote. Maybe on the meal; shrimp is one of the few fish/seafood things I'll eat. Pass on the drink. Yes to the wine.

I haven't been to Catania.


We're under an air quality alert again. It's sunny and will be in the 70's later, so not too hot today. It's injection day for me. I also would like to get more bush trimming in, as tomorrow is trash pickup. I did manage to talk to someone from the water line replacement crew, and they said the sidewalk will be repaired, just not by them. Hopefully that won't take too long. I worked on my photos from Le Havre/Normandy yesterday, which was appropriate and thought provoking. Tomorrow I go to see the eye doctor, then the PCP on Friday for an annual wellness visit. I'll discuss getting another Covid booster as I think they recommend every 6 months for the immunocompromised.


The trial for the accused gunman of the synagogue shootings in 2018 started last week. Sadly horrific details come out daily from law enforcement and survivors of the attack. Sad. There's counseling offered for anyone too disturbed by hearing the details.


@StLouisCruisers I'm sorry to hear you're not feeling well, and I hope you're better soon. Great photos.

@ottahand7 I still have an iPod too. At one point it wouldn't charge as I'd left it sitting a long time. I bought a kit to replace the battery myself, thinking what's the worst that could happen? It has worked well since, and I even bought something that plugs into it and makes it bluetooth, if I don't want to plug in headphones.

@kazu Good to hear your neighbor is doing well. I put my cacti out a couple of days ago; I think 40's are the lowest we'll go (tomorrow morning supposedly). Send your rain this way! We've had no moisture in weeks here.

@smitty34877 I hope you can enjoy some relaxing family time at the Cape next month.

@aliaschief Thanks for sharing your visit to Gibraltar; brings back memories.

@Cruzin Terri I hope the PMR flareup calms down quickly.

@RMLincoln Oh my, what a mess. Prayers that things get straightened out soon. 

@Nickelpenny I'm glad you made it safely. I first drove in NJ; then Boston in college, and think if you can drive there you can drive anywhere.

@dfish Can't wait to see the pictures of the house when finished.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

Be well everyone.

Edited by JazzyV
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Good morning, all. We still have a VCR/ DVD player somewhere, but I don’t know if it still works. I’m not sure about the feta in the tacos. Haven’t been to today’s port, but I’m enjoying the pictures.

Yesterday our TA called, and said HAL has reversed payment for our Alaska cruise back to DH’s card and accepted our Covid FCC from the GWV for full payment. There’s still a decent chunk left for something next spring.

I bought a bag of lemons yesterday. We really enjoyed the Brazo de Mercedes on the ship, so today I want to see what it’s like with a lemon filling instead of vanilla custard.

Prayers for all on the care list.

Happy Wednesday, everyone! Cheers to our BHB’s, wherever they may be!C2E54700-2F2D-4DB2-9D07-81F0B28D4DC0.thumb.jpeg.c3b8afacaa88cd19abc526ca38cc559f.jpeg


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36 minutes ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good morning to all!!


Thanks for the update. Thoughts for those on the care list. 

Quick note to say I made it to Long Island yesterday just fine. Boy are drivers in NY and NJ crazy!!  I will catch up reading later!!

Have a great day everyone!!

I totally agree about NY and NJ drivers.It is much worse here than previously. Watch out for Massachusetts  though.

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Good morning from a mostly sunny central Texas where we have a light north breeze, 1mph.  It is currently 79F with a predicted high of 89F.  I think summer has arrived early this year.  It will be in the 90s starting tomorrow with high of 100F or more Sunday, and then again next Wednesday and continuing through the foreseeable future which is June 21.  If possible, I'll gladly trade some of our heat for some of the cool weather up north.


As usual, Rich @richwmn had me at chocolate ice cream.  We always have some chocolate ice cream and even some other varieties that have a chocolate component in the freezer.  Tailor's are a dying breed except on BHBs.  We still have at least one if not more VCRs.  And I'll go one even better.  We still have the original Sony Betamax camera and player in the attic along with all the VHS camcorders.  Add to that, we have a laser disc player and discs.  Unfortunately, while the player works, it won't switch to side two.  Some of these just might be worth something some day.  😉


I laughed at today's quote.


I think we'll pass on the meal.  For me, tacos and seafood just don't seem to go together.  However, if I had them, I'd use a different cheese than Feta.  We'll pass on the drink, and might try the wine if we're ever back in NZ.


We have been to Sicily at least six times, but have never been to Catania.  The closest we came was a stop in Naxos.


I was surprised by today's day in history.  I thought The Vatican had been sovereign state longer than it has been.


There has been quite a lot of activity across the street since the new owners are making some major renovations on the house.  The one DH and I think might be a mistake is taking out the shower and installing a bathtub.  The bathroom in that house is not large and the new tub didn't look big enough for stretching out to enjoy a good soaking.  After the previous owner died, his daughter replaced all the carpet in the house.  The new owners are removing some of the carpet since they had carpeted the entire house including the kitchen, bathroom and laundry room.  We asked our neighbor who's best friend is the new owner when they were going to be able to move in.  It turns out, the wife decided she can't live here after all, so they will be selling the house when they are finished with the renovations.


Vanessa, @JazzyV thanks for including DH on the celebration list.  

Sandi, @StLouisCruisers I'm sorry your tummy is bothering you again.  I hope you will think about seeing your doctor to find out what is going on recently.  I enjoyed seeing your pictures from Catania.  It looks like a nice place to wander around.

Jacqui, @kazu Ivan isn't the only dog to blend in with the furniture.  Our granddog Ginnie was just about the same color and the couch in Quartzsite and almost got lost in the couch.  Ivan certainly knows how to relax.

Terry, @smitty34877 I hope the poor air quality doesn't cause Tana any problems.  I also hope the aide was not too late today.  Your getaway to the Cape next month sounds like a great way to have fun and recharge.

Terri, @Cruzin Terri I'm sorry about the PMR flare-up and hope you are feeling better soon.

Maureen, @RMLincoln  I don't know about Medicare, but most insurance has a 30 day grace period before canceling a policy.  That may help you some, but it is still a mess when you have to make such big changes in a short period of time.

Penny, @Nickelpenny enjoy your visit on Long Island.  I agree about the drivers in NY and NJ.  When we lived in NJ, Delaware and PA in the 70s and 80s, the drivers were bad enough, but when we went back in 2012, the drivers in NJ and DE had gotten worse, or at least it seemed so.  We've found there are a lot more crazy drivers everywhere lately.  DH used to like to drive the motorhome, but lately all the fun has disappeared because of the drivers and all the big rigs on the highways.


Bon Voyage @OceanSounds beginning tomorrow.  I hope you have a wonderful time on your cruise.














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Good morning. Still chilly here in the mornings ... in the 40's and supposedly today a high in the 60's. Then back to the 70's. Still a bit under what we usually have at this time of year. One of my favorite flowering bushes looked very dull and sick and was not putting out any leaves or growth. I tossed some Miracle Grow on it a few weeks ago and it is looking very happy with lots of green and buds. It is always a late bloomer (but not generally this late) so I have hopes for it to put forth by late summer as usual.


I have a VCR which I do use at times. Still have some tapes I enjoy. It will die or the tapes with die at some point.


@RMLincolnI would not wish this on anyone. I had it a bit easier as my bank called me when checks or other charges arrived and so nothing bounced as. But I had the Fraud Department on speed dial.A few automatic charges slipped by, but those notified me that my card had been refused and I was able to deal with it. Social Security and Medicare were not that hard to adjust but my annuity took some time. Not a fun thing to happen. And then my credit card was hacked just a week or so ago... again the bank cleared charges with me but I am still in the process of notifying the auto payments. Fortunately everything does have a grace period. 


@kazuIvan looks very happy with his new couch cover. By the way, the only thing I have been able to teach my dogs about staying off the furniture was to get down when they heard me coming. I have up years ago.


The kennel club is having its snake avoidance seminar the end of this month. My contribution is putting up flyers ... so I am off to finish that job this morning. This will spare me the necessity of being present at the actual event. I really don't mind the snakes (I was married to a herpetologist) but I am not much for being out in the sun all day.







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Good morning and yum on that meal!  I’ll join Jacqui and Debbie for the dinner and rhubarb ice cream for dessert.   We ate at Jamie Oliver’s restaurant in Cambridge and had rhubarb crumble ice cream,   I dream about that one! I love the rhubarb sofas as well, and rhubarb tea.  

We enjoyed our visit to Catania, we headed further afield on a private trip to gorgeous Ortygia and Noto, a long with a visit to one of our favourite wineries for Nero D’ Avila.if you look closely you will see the famous patisserie from Netflix Chef’s Table.














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5 hours ago, grapau27 said:

We still have a combined VCR/DVD player where we can watch either and transfer film from VCR to a DVD.


I also have one.


No shrimp for me. I don't know what the drink is but would probably like the wine. I haven't been to Catania.


I also haven't been inside Vatican City even though I've visited Rome twice.


The smoke was obviously heavier this morning and has continued to thicken. According to AirNow.gov, the AQI will be 411 this afternoon, which is considered hazardous for everyone.

As of 11:00 the nearest monitor showed 285. They advise staying inside with windows closed and limiting physical activity. They don't quite say not to breathe. I cancelled the only meeting for which I would have to go out.






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@RMLincoln I hope you can get the mess straightened out soon!  So sorry! 

@kochleffel yikes on the air!  We hit over 500 in the early days,  these numbers are like nothing we’ve ever experienced before.  Stay safe! 


Some hints,  if you must drive somewhere turn the air to recirculate,  not fresh intake on your car.  
close your windows and run hepa fans inside your house.  

We cancelled our spring trip and BA has been very kind to put our flights on hold due to my illness.  Now our next cruise that has been postponed umpteen times is looking unlikely.  Final payment is due soon, and we have huge amounts of credits that I don’t think can be extended,   Who knew all this unbooking would be so stressful🤷‍♀️. Hoping HAL will also be kind in light of the circumstances.

Stay safe everyone! 


Edited by bennybear
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3 hours ago, Cruzin Terri said:

 When cleaning out all our stuff due to the flood we found some old cassettes that I would love to play, but don’t have the means to do so.




I used this company to digitize some tapes that were returned to me after several years of being "held hostage" by a former friend.


They did an excellent job and I now have them on a USB drive although I think I've only watched them twice.

I was however able to share them with some family members who has never seen them and for that I am very thankful/

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Good morning all!

Today will be the warmest of the week, (80) then we'll have a sudden cooling trend.  June doesn't usually get this warm here, so I'm wondering how July and August will be.


I like any ice cream that has chocolate in it, we may still have our VCR here somewhere, and tailors seem to be a dying breed around here.  I'll pass on the red wine and drink.  Like Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser I've never found seafood tacos to be appealing.  Last night's steak fajitas were yummy.  


Today will be more gardening, I just need to finish up a few things in the back yard.  And more watering everywhere, things are drying out fast.


We were in Catania in 2019, we took the transfer to Taormina and wandered around the ruins on our own.  A great day!


Sandi @StLouisCruisers and Terri @Cruzin Terri I'm sorry you both aren't feeling well, and hope you feel better soon!


Maureen @RMLincoln Oh my on the banking issues!  I'm so sorry you're going through this.


@Nickelpenny Good to hear you made it safely to Long Island!


Here are the photos of our day out of Catania, Sicily.


These planter heads fascinated me.  On our walk to the Roman Theater in Taormina.



Lots of pretty flowers



We spent a lot of time at the Roman Theater, just soaking up the atmosphere.  One reason I love DIY, you have more time to do this than on a tour.







Our view from where we sat for awhile.







The town of Taormina



We rewarded ourselves with Gelato on the walk back.




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Whew! Just in from 3 hours of yardwork, although the last half my knees and back were screaming at me. I came in and it was hard to sit down. I see ibuprofen in my future. I have lots of appointments this month, so I will discuss all this with my doctors. I'm  cooling down with a dish of ice cream! (not chocolate).


Duh, just posted this on yesterday's thread!


@Quartzsite Cruiser BFF had a lot of laserdiscs. He replaced the movies with DVD's, so I sold the laser discs on ebay. I had a Sony video camera (?Handycam) that I used to record a jazz trio I followed. I just got the tapes transferred to dvd and they were beginning to disintegrate, with just static in places on the recordings. Wow on those new owners not staying; although on the news they said a lot of people bought houses urgently during Covid when houses were hard to come by and then decided it wasn't right for them.

@durangoscots Most of my flowering bushes look half dead this year. The bottom half of my azalea bushes, my hydrangeas with no buds on the old wood, my mountain fire bush, my rose bushes. I don't know what happened over the winter to cause this.

@bennybear Great photos! I hope you don't lose your credits due to the postponements.

@Cruising-along Excellent photos.

@rafinmd Great sunset photo.

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6 hours ago, kazu said:

Thanks for our Hump Day Daily, Rich.


Nice collection of days.  VCR’s are long gone and sadly, tailors are getting harder and harder to find.  I’ll celebrate ice cream but either Sea Salt Carmel or rhubarb.  (Yes our ice cream manufacturer here created rhubarb ice cream and it’s delish).  You can all have the chocolate 😜 


LOL on the Cooper quote. And yum on the shrimp tacos.  I just happen to have shrimp and may substitute tortillas for the tacos.


I got swamped in paper yesterday but at least I got one thing finished even though it took hours but it meant I didn’t make it back to the Daily to post. 😔 




@ger_77 a belated happy birthday to your DSIL 🎂 🥂 Feel free to send any unwanted heat to us.


@Seasick Sailor   so glad your walk was safer yesterday.  Your nephew is so sweet ♥️ 


@smitty34877 Miss Camilla just gets cuter and cuter ♥️ 


My heavens, @1ANGELCATyour vet is so thoughtful and kind to send those flowers.


sorry to hear about your frost Nancy @ottahand7 I’m trying to figure out if it is now going to be safe to transplant my seedlings.  If I don’t do it soon, they won’t make it or bloom/fruit in time.  I can’t believe it is this cold in June.


Happy to report that my neighbour is the proud owner of a stent and will soon be home from the hospital 👍 


I bought a new cover for the couch since you know who thinks he belongs there.  I know I was zonked from all the paper but I think I got the wrong colour.  For a moment, I could not find Ivan last night.  Thank heavens for my baby quilt.




He kind of blends in.




We might actually have a very few hours with no rain so I had best head out and see if there’s something I can do with all the weeds that have been soaking up the rain. 😔 


Once the rain stops, it will be more paper.  I’ve got to conquer this mess somehow.  😉


Prayers for everyone on the Care list & for those that need them and cheers 🥂 to those celebrating.




Have a great Wednesday everyone !!!

Hi Jacqui! 
how are you feeling? It’s been a bit. You were missed on the last cruise for sure!

Are the fires effecting you? We are under a cloud of smoke here in NJ. 
Hope all is well!!



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