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The Fleet Report and Daily for Saturday July 22nd, 2023


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@loveandpeas  After all the chatter a few years ago about Aperol Spritz's, I finally got one on our last cruise....1st sip didn't thrill me but since it was such a huge glass I thought I'd keep trying....didn't get any better tasting.....I was spared having to finish it by a lady walking by the table in the Rolling Stone Rock room knocking the glass off the table.  She offered to buy me another but I graciously declined.








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Hi everyone. Late start. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. 

The meal of the day sounds interesting. Definitely would dry the drink of the day. 

Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

I would like to introduce our new family member: Fancy. She is a beagle mix. She came from West Virginia. She is so sweet. 


Have a safe and healthy day everyone. 



Edited by Denise T
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Knowing from how nice our day in Ceuta was from 2019 we went with our friend Andrea in 2022  for another taste of this nice city ! 
Here you see exactly where Ceuta is almost right across and in site from Gibraltar 
The Central Mercado 
Very nice that at the entrance of the Port they show honour of the fact that Holland America is in today ! 
Hercules again and in the distance Gibraltar ……… this is the right place for this smaller monument and the right moment to take this picture ! 
We celebrated that night with our friend and her mom in the Sell de Mer  and yes with Caviar !
A little bit of Food Porn should not hurt anybody on this Daily Report .
It also was her birthday ………our day could not been any better than this ! 
Have a great weekend everybody ! 
Tony 😄😍
Edited by sailingdutchy
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29 minutes ago, Denise T said:

Hi everyone. Late start. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. 

The meal of the day sounds interesting. Definitely would dry the drink of the day. 

Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

I would like to introduce our new family member: Fancy. She is a beagle mix. She came from West Virginia. She is so sweet. 


Have a safe and healthy day everyone. 



Hello Fancy.

She does look sweet Denise.

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2 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

Thungs are not going well for Baby Murphy. She became septic and is back on ECMO. We are all devastated after the elation of the chest closure to within 24 hours near death. Thanks for all the prayers you have been sending. 

Prayers are continuing.



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5 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
Knowing from how nice our day in Ceuta was from 2019 we went with our friend Andrea in 2022  for another taste of this nice city ! 
Here you see exactly where Ceuta is almost right across and in site from Gibraltar 
The Central Mercado 
Very nice that at the entrance of the Port they show honour of the fact that Holland America is in today ! 
Hercules again and in the distance Gibraltar ……… this is the right place for this smaller monument and the right moment to take this picture ! 
We celebrated that night with our friend and her mom in the Sell de Mer  and yes with Caviar !
A little bit of Food Porn should not hurt anybody on this Daily Report .
It also was her birthday ………our day could not been any better than this ! 

Fantastic photos Tony from a port we have never been to.


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Good afternoon from a sunny, but slightly hazy central Texas.  It is currently about 93F which is a lot better than our recent triple digits.  To celebrate a cooler day, (It's all relative.) we will be grilling a ribeye to split, along with baked potatoes, salad, ice cream and of course red wine.  The wine of the day will be a lovely and inexpensive cardbordeaux cabernet sauvignon.  🍷  Tomorrow, our triple digits will return.  


With the nice north wind today, mowing and trimming the yard was not that bad.  I still took a 15 minute break to cool down during mowing because of the sun.  When I finished, I sprayed pesticide around the house to try to keep the bugs out.  With our Texas bugs, it will probably just slow them down a little.  Thanks to a lot of watering, our Bermuda grass is beginning to reclaim the yard from the crab grass I've been fighting the last two summers.  Now, I need to get rid of the crab grass in the area where we didn't sod the yard to keep it from encroaching again.  The heavy duty weed killer that doesn't harm the Bermuda works, but it works slowly.  Today, it was time for another application, and there will probably be another one in two weeks.  


For those that are worried about getting out of a hammock, getting in can also be problematic.  One hint is to hang it close to the ground in case you wind up tumbling out.  You don't have as far to fall and less chance to get injured.  BTW, hang it over the grass not the concrete.  😁


6 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to all!!


Nice collection of days and the kebobs sound delicious.  The drink - Meh.  Maybe the wine.  Never been to the port.  


I did go to see Oppenheimer and of course, even though I brought a long sweater, I started getting really cold.  I really liked the movie.  Thought provoking though I think you need to know at least some info on him and the circumstances to really enjoy the movie.


Finally got some rain last night.  Not a deluge but it cooled the place down.  Every evening, Alexa will give me an alert for severe thunderstorms that never appear.  When I worked as a lifeguard in '72 at the San Manuel pool (my dad was the manager; why the mine transferred him there for the summer I will never figure out), every day at around 3:30 pm the clouds would roll in, by 4 we would have closed the pool because of lightening and then the thunderstorm would crash down.  We would sit in the office until we "closed" at 6 pm.  That pattern no longer seems to occur.  Sad.


Today is ......... oh, who knows.  Gym at 0800 and then I will wing it.


Thoughts for all those on the care list and cheers to the many who are sailing and celebrating.  Nice to see.


Have a great day everyone.


Penny, I'm glad you got some rain to cool it down.  Hope there is more in the future.  Winging it is all part of retirement.


6 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Bon Voyage to Edi. Sue and Debbie and Jake and Juan! It looks like a beautiful Boston summer day to have a great Sail Away.


I doubt my ability to get out of a hammock unassisted.The meal looks very good but no saffron here. My DD DB  loved spoonerisms and we still use them all these years later  and laugh. As  the oldest he entertained us in so many ways and even his grandchildren know the quips and stories now.

@marshhawk, Annie, It looks like both our DH's start treatment on the same day.

We are grateful that there are treatments  but a little apprehensive about side effects.

Last night we had another problem with Tana's  oxygen concentrator but managed with our separate  emergency tanks until the O 2 company brought a new one early this am. I guess it is always something..

@kazu,Jacqui, I loved your " puppy ears" and I am glad Ivan got out in time. Thank you for the beautiful  port pictures  today.I would like to go there.




Yikes, Terri, on another incident with the oxygen concentrator.  I'm glad you keep backup tanks.  I can understand the apprehension about the side affects of the cancer treatments, but I'm glad there are more and more options for such treatments.


6 hours ago, grapau27 said:

Lovely photos Lenda.


Thank you, Graham.


5 hours ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

I probably couldn't get out of a hammock if I got in. Not sure about having a leisure day and I'll try to avoid Spoonerisms. Good quote. I like the meal, pass on the drink, and yes to the wine. I haven't been to Ceuta.


It's sunny here and going up to 82F, with lower humidity. I'm debating about mowing the lawn this morning; don't want to zap all my energy. Later, I'll be going out to eat with BFF as it's his birthday! We decided on no gifts, just taking each other to dinner on our birthdays.


Bon Voyage @dfish and Sue, @Crazy For Cats and Juan, and @NextOne!


@0106 Thanks for the recipes, although I have no saffron at the moment. 

@kazu Sorry about one batch of the jam not setting. Wonderful photos from Ceuta! Great picture of Jose being interviewed. It looks like a place I'd like to visit.

@aliaschief I agree about the port in Amsterdam. I probably will never get there now, as my TA in May changed from there to Rotterdam.

@ottahand7 Sorry about the bad night's sleep. Lovely iris photos.

@StLouisCruisers An exciting time for DGD Ashley and her wedding party as they go wedding dress shopping.

@Quartzsite Cruiser Thanks for the Tetouan/Ceuta pictures. 

@smitty34877 Sorry to hear of Tana's oxygen concentrator issue, and thank goodness for emergency tanks.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those with something to Celebrate.


Vanessa, please wish your BFF a VERYY HAPPY BIRTHDAY for us.


5 hours ago, superoma said:

Good morning all. So much going on on the daily. I have been reading when I can but the last week has been busy. We had friends from Florida visiting the first half of the week. They are now wending their way to Connecticut, visiting Niagara Falls, Kingston, Ottawa and Montreal before spending august in CT. Then we had to visit the lawyer to sign final papers for my father’s house sale. That closed successfully yesterday and those proceeds will be distributed on Tuesday or Wednesday. It was bittersweet and really brought home the fact that he is gone. I am still helping my sister clear out her step father in law’s condo so have at least two more trips to Leamington in the future. While I will miss my father, I won’t miss those drives on highway 3. 

hot, humid, rain at times, fierce sun at other times- in other words a typical Essex county summer. The wheat has been harvested, for the most part, the soybeans look good and sweet corn is in season. Sweet corn and salad was our entire meal at my Wednesday ladies group. We pick it up right at the farm!


prayers for those that need them and a celebratory shout out to others. Have a good weekend everyone.


Eva, I know it must be a relief to have the sale of your father's house complete, but that it is also bittersweet.  He will always be with you in your heart and sweet memories of him.


5 hours ago, kazu said:


I don’t blame you for being apprehensive.  Prayers that all goes well 🙏 


wow on Tana’s oxygen concentrator.  So glad you were able to manage until the new one arrived.  That’s scary !!




Thanks.  No joke on “puppy ears”.  I always had them when I had puppies.  You don’t sleep as well but it sure helps with the housetraining.  Kazu had issues when he got older but only once in 5 months.  I had “kazu” ears for him.  LOL.  Eventually it was resolved.  His 5 pm meal got moved to 2:30 - 3 to give him time to digest before bed time.  


We loved Ceuta.  I don’t know if it’s a port we lost with the sale of the Prinsendam or not.  I do know they were thrilled to see us.  They don’t get a lot of cruise ships.




Don’t give up on Amsterdam.  First, Rotterdam is a lovely spot to visit with all kinds of interesting things including the old Rotterdam which is a now a floating hotel and Hotel New York which is HAL’s old headquarters.


Secondly, if you go a few days early, it’s easy to stay in Amsterdam and then go to Rotterdam - 45 minutes by train and a private transfer or HAL transfer is not that pricey.


You could also stay in Rotterdam and take the train into Amsterdam for a couple of days.  Trains there are very efficient and quick.



Jacqui, I'm also sorry they are closing the cruise terminal in Amsterdam.  I wouldn't be to unhappy to stop in Rotterdam, since we haven't had the pleasure of visiting that city.  I just don't want to see them use Ijmuiden again.  It's too far from anything for a DIY day.  I also hope there are ships that can still stop in Ceuta.


3 hours ago, cunnorl said:

 Good Morning from a sunny and warm day at the beach

        I did get clearance yesterday from my doctor to return to life. She said with caution and I still need to get another ultrasound. So I went to the driving range this AM. Have not swung a club in 3 months so figured I should start there. An hour later, I was hot and soaked to the skin! But happy to be back at it!

      There are 2 rocket launches scheduled this weekend. Weather permitting

       Happy Cruising to @dfish, @Crazy For Cats    Enjoy the Caneleto and meeting each other.  @NextOne   Enjoy the VOV.  We are on that one in 2024.


Stay safe and enjoy today





Charlene, I'm glad the doctor cleared you with caution.  Please use that caution so that you don't over do.


3 hours ago, dfish said:

We are onboard!!!


Great news you are onboard!    🥂  🍾


3 hours ago, kazu said:

It’s pretty serious, indeed.


We only got around 6” according to my water collectors.  Hopefully the streets that are flooded will dry up fast enough for me for Monday.  Have to get to the cruise port 😉 


edited to say - they think they now have the dam under control 🙏 but still evacuating.  Widespread damage across Nova Scotia.



Jacqui, that's good news they think they have the dam under control.  I hope there was not too much serious damage from all that rain.  


3 hours ago, Vict0riann said:

Good morning, Dailyites, and thank you to all for all the interesting news.  Much better than the newspaper!  This morning we have our Strata pancake breakfast, cooked up by the Board.  We have to take our own cishes and dutlery... I bought a lot of saffron when we visited Morocco, I still have some, I hope it doesn't go bad.  


I think my headache is gone!  I decided that I could take Robaxacet as it seems it was a muscle, and so that, plus heat and the exercises and stretches the physiotherapist gave me seem to have worked.  The next time it happens I know what to do!  Pat has been off the antibiotics for almost a week now, and seems to be okay, so I think he can come off the Cares List, @JazzyV, I'll let you know if he needs prayers again..  In the past the infection has come back within 3 or 4 days, so maybe they got it this time.  He still doesn't have mush energy, but says he plans to hit a bucket of balls next week, and prepare to go back to golf.


I have a very strange lily in my flower bed - I bought the bulb a couple of years ago, and it said "3 feet tall"  - the first summer it was about 4 feet and I figured as it got older it would shrink - this year it is 7 feet tall.  I don't know what is going to happen next year!






DD sent me this.




Ann, I'm glad you have finally gotten rid of the headache and that Pat is off the antibiotics and has no sign of a recurrence of the infection.  The lily is tall, but what a beautiful color.


3 hours ago, StLouisCruisers said:


YAY!!  I'm excited for you two.  I hope that will be me and DH onboard by noon next week!  Better get that packing started...


Sandi, I'll be glad to take over finding the links to the ports of the day while you are enjoying your time on Zaandam.  My guess is you will be traveling next Friday, so I can start then.


2 hours ago, Sharon in AZ said:

Good morning and Happy Saturday from a cloudy Tucson. It’s currently 97F. We had a storm last night which got the BDay boy out of the pool real fast once he heard the thunder. It started about 7:00 and we got some rain but not enough. Now the backyard and pool are a mess. 

Not sure if everyone read my post from last night so want to— Thank you all for the Birthday wishes for Craig. So very thoughtful and he was surprised since I hadn’t said anything. He wanted me to make sure to thank you all. 

Yesterday was spent with DM for an appointment, shopping and lunch. Not easy when it’s 105F but something that had to be done. I was beat when I got home. Taking her rolly thing in and out of the car in the heat multiple times isn’t fun.  But in the end this smile made it worth it. 


DGD Summer is here for the weekend. We will be celebrating her 16th birthday in August— how did that happen!?! Teenagers don’t seem as mature as my generation was though. I know she’s not ready to start driving. I drove everywhere at 16 and had my own car that same year and I had a job. 

Bon Voyage to @Crazy For Cats Jake & Juan, @dfish Debbie & sister Sue, @NextOne Edi!  Enjoy!  ⛴⛴⛴


Have a great day everyone!


Sharon, I'm glad there was some rain.  I hope there is more in the coming days.  What a great smile your mother was giving you (or maybe the margarita).  


47 minutes ago, sailingdutchy said:
Thank you for the pictures Jacqui @kazu    from when we were also with you on the Prinsendam in 2019 , BTW I loved seeing the picture of Jose being interviewed ! Ceuta is a much nicer and more convenient Port than we had ever expected , you just walked from the ship into the town which feels very European and is also in the EU . We did not want to take the chance to cross into Morocco which is not too hard but getting back into the EU could be a problem  on your own.
Thank you also Linda @Quartzsite Cruiser  for the very nice pictures from when you went across the border , being on a tour with HAL gave you enough security to get back into EU territory !
I will try not to duplicate with my pictures also from when we were there on the Nieuw Statendam for the second time in 2022 
It is a huge Fort just to protect the town and Spanish territory near the Strait of Gibraltar !
Giving Hercules a hand ………
Kids working on their " floats “ for the Semana Santa procession 
And of coarse we had to get some Tapas 
Oops must be an iPad picture but you can see the lovely fresh fish 
The Elegant Explorer  ! .........tsk , tsk !
Leaving the Port of Ceuta there is the smaller statue of Hercules 
What a lovely day we had in this Port that we had not expected at all 
Will try to find some more but than from the Nieuw Statendam cruise 
Tony 😄


Tony, thank you for both sets of pictures of Ceuta.  You realize how close Ceuta and Gibraltar are when you spend a day sailing back and forth between them.  Love the birthday cake in Sel de Mer.


38 minutes ago, Denise T said:

Hi everyone. Late start. Thank you for the Daily and Fleet report. 

The meal of the day sounds interesting. Definitely would dry the drink of the day. 

Thinking of all on the care list. Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

I would like to introduce our new family member: Fancy. She is a beagle mix. She came from West Virginia. She is so sweet. 


Have a safe and healthy day everyone. 




Fancy is adorable, Denise.  She lucky to have joined your family.


5 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Who wouldn't love to be in a hammock on Half Moon Cay right now?  Summer leisure day is celebrated widely in our house.  Interesting, spoonerisms often happen to people who are dyslexic - I can certainly attest to that.  I could never have been a news reader on the radio, as I often get my merds wixed up.   On the other hand, I can certainly tell you the story about Rindercella and the Three Sisty Uglers, and the prandsome hince.


We've got hazy skies again so that means there's smoke in the air, it just hasn't made it down to us yet.  The past few days we've experienced grey/blue skies that later in the afternoon bring in smoke throughout the city.   All the windows are open right now to let the cool morning air in, as we're looking at a high of +30 today, and that means the A/C will be turned on later in the afternoon.


@kazu I just heard about the flooding in Halifax; it was the first story on the 8 o'clock CBC news.  Apparently there was over 200mm (nearly 8 inches) that fell in a 24 hour period - yikes!  Hoping everyone is safe, as there's concern about a dam failing.


Bon Voyage to @Crazy For Cats, @dfish and sister Sue, and @NextOne - wishing you all a wonderful time, wherever those lovely ships take you!


Not a lot happening here, have to run out to get a few things to take to the lake for next week, and that's about it.  Another Rioja - yum, thanks!  I know I'd like to try today's drink, but don't have the whipped vodka in our cabinet.  The menu suggestion sounds quite exotic, and I'd love to try it, especially in a foreign country, but that's not going happen any time soon.  I've got a couple of frozen beef patties thawing in the fridge that DH will cook on the grill so we'll be enjoying burgers and salad in the pergola tonight.  And wine. 


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations!


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I hope the smoke clears soon, and that they can get the fires contained and then out.


3 hours ago, loveandpeas said:

Hey friends... well I've been back from Alaska a full week so I guess reality is settling in here. Time to book the next one maybe?


Thanks for the Fleet:Daily. Chicken looks good, Orange Dreamsicle sounds RIGHT up my alley... my new favourite ship cocktail was the Aperol Spritz - who knew?! SO delicious and I had one most nights. Mr.loveandpeas didn't try it until the last evening and had regrets he hadn't tried sooner!

Beautiful Koningsdam in my home port. ❤️ 

I LOVE the spoonerisms... I think my kiddo will enjoy that.


Welcome home and back to reality.  The cruise must have been fun, if you're ready to book another one.



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Good evening it is 20.48pm here in North East England.

It is foggy and still raining.

It has been raining for 24 hours and forecast for another 36 hours.

The temperature has been mid 50s°F all day.

I hope y'all are having a safe and relaxing day.

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Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  First, I'm delighted to see that @dfish and Sue are onboard - it's always a good feeling when you cross that threshold, isn't it?  Then I'd like to welcome Fancy to the Daily pet list - she looks like a sweetheart.


I want to assure @cruising sister that prayers are indeed continued for baby Murphy, her parents, and her medical team.  I'm hoping this setback will be short and she'll be back on the road to recovery very soon.  Love and healing light coming her way from Canada.


I did not have good news today - first thing this morning a friend messaged to me to say that her friend and colleague (age 60) passed away overnight, and then shortly after I had an email from the wife of a deceased CC member to ask for prayers as she's been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.  Sigh.  Stupid, stupid, stupid cancer.


It's time for wine.

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1 minute ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  First, I'm delighted to see that @dfish and Sue are onboard - it's always a good feeling when you cross that threshold, isn't it?  Then I'd like to welcome Fancy to the Daily pet list - she looks like a sweetheart.


I want to assure @cruising sister that prayers are indeed continued for baby Murphy, her parents, and her medical team.  I'm hoping this setback will be short and she'll be back on the road to recovery very soon.  Love and healing light coming her way from Canada.


I did not have good news today - first thing this morning a friend messaged to me to say that her friend and colleague (age 60) passed away overnight, and then shortly after I had an email from the wife of a deceased CC member to ask for prayers as she's been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.  Sigh.  Stupid, stupid, stupid cancer.


It's time for wine.

Sorry to hear your bad news today Gerry.

Condolences to your friends friend family and friends.

Cancer took my dear mam and Pauline's super dad.

It will be 15 years next Saturday for Roy's (Pauline's dad) passing.

Father David will remember him in prayers tomorrow in church.

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Good day and thanks all!


@cruising sister prayers for little baby Murphy and her dear family. So sorry to hear this news, 


@ger_77sorry to hear your sad news as well! 

 @summer slope wow on that drink! 

@Vict0riannwhat a beautiful plant, I am Envious, I’m sure our zone 3 would kill it off!  So glad your headache is finally gone, I cannot imagine how tough this has been!  Glad your DH is on the mend as well.


@smitty34877oh my, I’m sorry you had such a tough night.  Sending good wishes to your DH as he prepares for chemo and to your DH as well @marshhawk  I know we are grateful for these treatments but they can be very hard. Praying for the best results for both!  

Bon voyage to @dfish,  @Crazy For Cats  @NextOne


congratulations on the new pup @Denise T

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7 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to all!!


Nice collection of days and the kebobs sound delicious.  The drink - Meh.  Maybe the wine.  Never been to the port.  


I did go to see Oppenheimer and of course, even though I brought a long sweater, I started getting really cold.  I really liked the movie.  Thought provoking though I think you need to know at least some info on him and the circumstances to really enjoy the movie.


Finally got some rain last night.  Not a deluge but it cooled the place down.  Every evening, Alexa will give me an alert for severe thunderstorms that never appear.  When I worked as a lifeguard in '72 at the San Manuel pool (my dad was the manager; why the mine transferred him there for the summer I will never figure out), every day at around 3:30 pm the clouds would roll in, by 4 we would have closed the pool because of lightening and then the thunderstorm would crash down.  We would sit in the office until we "closed" at 6 pm.  That pattern no longer seems to occur.  Sad.


Today is ......... oh, who knows.  Gym at 0800 and then I will wing it.


Thoughts for all those on the care list and cheers to the many who are sailing and celebrating.  Nice to see.


Have a great day everyone.

But did you see Barbie too?  😉😂

4 hours ago, loveandpeas said:

Hey friends... well I've been back from Alaska a full week so I guess reality is settling in here. Time to book the next one maybe?


Thanks for the Fleet:Daily. Chicken looks good, Orange Dreamsicle sounds RIGHT up my alley... my new favourite ship cocktail was the Aperol Spritz - who knew?! SO delicious and I had one most nights. Mr.loveandpeas didn't try it until the last evening and had regrets he hadn't tried sooner!

Beautiful Koningsdam in my home port. ❤️ 

I LOVE the spoonerisms... I think my kiddo will enjoy that.

We enjoyed these in Italy.   I guess they also make ones with lemoncello and another one called the Hugo with elderflower.  I must try them next time. 





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3 hours ago, cruising sister said:

Good morning,

Thungs are not going well for Baby Murphy. She became septic and is back on ECMO. We are all devastated after the elation of the chest closure to within 24 hours near death. Thanks for all the prayers you have been sending. 


Oh my 😢. My prayers are increasing.  So sad after all the improving reports.

Prayers Baby Murphy can recover from this and continue to improve 🙏 




12 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

I did not have good news today - first thing this morning a friend messaged to me to say that her friend and colleague (age 60) passed away overnight, and then shortly after I had an email from the wife of a deceased CC member to ask for prayers as she's been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.  Sigh.  Stupid, stupid, stupid cancer.


It's time for wine.



Oh Gerry, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss 😢. Prayers for her and your friend and you 🙏 


Oh no on cancer for the woman 😔. Prayers for her too 🙏 


I join you in stupid, stupid cancer.  I just got the news that my dear friend’s DH has lost his battle with MDS and has leukaemia.  😢. the Kleenex was out for both of us.  Praying for strength for them and hope.  


@JazzyV happy birthday to your BFF.


@Denise T welcome to Fancy.  Sweet puppy 👍 


and DAM it looks like another dam is at risk in Nova Scotia.  No one may be getting near Lunenburg or Bridgewater for a bit 😔. More rain coming 😢 

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17 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good afternoon, time for a quick check-in.  First, I'm delighted to see that @dfish and Sue are onboard - it's always a good feeling when you cross that threshold, isn't it?  Then I'd like to welcome Fancy to the Daily pet list - she looks like a sweetheart.


I want to assure @cruising sister that prayers are indeed continued for baby Murphy, her parents, and her medical team.  I'm hoping this setback will be short and she'll be back on the road to recovery very soon.  Love and healing light coming her way from Canada.


I did not have good news today - first thing this morning a friend messaged to me to say that her friend and colleague (age 60) passed away overnight, and then shortly after I had an email from the wife of a deceased CC member to ask for prayers as she's been diagnosed with Stage 4 cancer.  Sigh.  Stupid, stupid, stupid cancer.


It's time for wine.


Gerry, I'm sorry you had so much bad news today.  Our condolences to your the family and friends of the family of the friend of your friend.  I hope the wife of the CC member can get the proper help with her cancer. We've also lost family members to cancer.


2 minutes ago, kazu said:


Oh my 😢. My prayers are increasing.  So sad after all the improving reports.

Prayers Baby Murphy can recover from this and continue to improve 🙏 






Oh Gerry, I am so very sorry to hear of your loss 😢. Prayers for her and your friend and you 🙏 


Oh no on cancer for the woman 😔. Prayers for her too 🙏 


I join you in stupid, stupid cancer.  I just got the news that my dear friend’s DH has lost his battle with MDS and has leukaemia.  😢. the Kleenex was out for both of us.  Praying for strength for them and hope.  


@JazzyV happy birthday to your BFF.


@Denise T welcome to Fancy.  Sweet puppy 👍 


and DAM it looks like another dam is at risk in Nova Scotia.  No one may be getting near Lunenburg or Bridgewater for a bit 😔. More rain coming 😢 


Jacqui, I'm sorry about the sad news from your friend.  Yes, DAMN cancer.  And I hope the other dam can be stabilized and will not cause more damage in Nova Scotia.



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I've got prayers going out to each and everyone of you!  Prayers of thanks for those of you who have taken in an animal in need of a home, prayers for those who are ill, and prayers for my friends here, who have gone through losses recently of both family, loved ones, and friends.


My current campaign has a group text.  All day long today people were posting pictures of their dogs. I asked if there were any cat people in the group, and this were the responses-

Loved their Musical.

Cat are anti social, and so are their owners.


So, I guess that was a no.  I am a lone cat lady in a sea of puppy people.


Growing up we always had funa tish sandwiches on Friday  and my mom was great at cooking enough so that we always had over lefts (which really isn't a spoonerism). 









Edited by marshhawk
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1 hour ago, bennybear said:



But did you see Barbie too?  😉😂

We enjoyed these in Italy.   I guess they also make ones with lemoncello and another one called the Hugo with elderflower.  I must try them next time. 





Nice photo.

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Good Afternoon,  the Zaandam is underway.   DH and I ordered from the Dive In since MDR was closed. 

The Zuiderdam was in front of us.



I had desert before my burger. Peanut Butter Silk pie is awesome. 



For some reason I found myself at the Ocean Bar.


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Lorraine @cruising sister it breaks my heart to read about the latest setback for Baby Murphy.  Prayers abound for her and the medical team in charge of her.  Precious baby.


Vanessa @JazzyV happy birthday wishes to your BFF.  Hope the dinner tonight is great!


Denise @Denise T what a sweet dog!  The name Fancy is so cute.


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser your offer is gladly accepted to find the links each day. Thank you!  Yes, Friday is travel day and we leave here very early.  Flight is at 9:44 and we need to be sure to leave enough time to navigate the crowds at the Atlanta airport.  We're having someone drive us who lives in the the development and has done this for many residents over the years.  Better than the rental care routine which is 3 times higher cost than it used to be. 


Gerry @ger_77  I'm sorry to hear of the bad news today about your friends.  I join you in cursing cancer--it took my Dear Dad.


Jacqui @kazu the same sentiment for your friend's DH's diagnosis.  So sorry!


DGD Ashley found her wedding dress today.  I saw photos and she will be (and already is) stunning!  Simply gorgeous.


I talked to my friend whose brother Mark has bile duct cancer.  Apparently the doctor who placed tubes for drainage of the bile did not do a great job of it, and the second doctor is very upset.  Having to go back to get the tubes done properly is delaying the radiologist who has plans for Mark. He's been fighting this cancer for 4 years now.  


Jake @Crazy For Cats have a great cruise!  Sounds like an awesome start.  I wondered if you knew how bad the Ted Williams Tunnel is to get from the airport to the cruise port.  I might try that plan next Saturday morning (hotel shuttle to airport then taxi to port).  My friend said she'd buy transfers from HAL instead of a taxi though.  What are your thoughts?

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Hi everyone,

Tough day on the thread today.

@cruising sister many prayers for sweet baby Murphy and family. My hope is that they got a handle on it. 

@ger_77 so sorry about your friends' bad news, prayers for them as well.


@Denise T, Fancy is adorable, how old is she?

Have fun all you cruisers, very jealous here! 😎

Nice evening all...


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22 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:

Lorraine @cruising sister it breaks my heart to read about the latest setback for Baby Murphy.  Prayers abound for her and the medical team in charge of her.  Precious baby.


Vanessa @JazzyV happy birthday wishes to your BFF.  Hope the dinner tonight is great!


Denise @Denise T what a sweet dog!  The name Fancy is so cute.


Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser your offer is gladly accepted to find the links each day. Thank you!  Yes, Friday is travel day and we leave here very early.  Flight is at 9:44 and we need to be sure to leave enough time to navigate the crowds at the Atlanta airport.  We're having someone drive us who lives in the the development and has done this for many residents over the years.  Better than the rental care routine which is 3 times higher cost than it used to be. 


Gerry @ger_77  I'm sorry to hear of the bad news today about your friends.  I join you in cursing cancer--it took my Dear Dad.


Jacqui @kazu the same sentiment for your friend's DH's diagnosis.  So sorry!


DGD Ashley found her wedding dress today.  I saw photos and she will be (and already is) stunning!  Simply gorgeous.


I talked to my friend whose brother Mark has bile duct cancer.  Apparently the doctor who placed tubes for drainage of the bile did not do a great job of it, and the second doctor is very upset.  Having to go back to get the tubes done properly is delaying the radiologist who has plans for Mark. He's been fighting this cancer for 4 years now.  


Jake @Crazy For Cats have a great cruise!  Sounds like an awesome start.  I wondered if you knew how bad the Ted Williams Tunnel is to get from the airport to the cruise port.  I might try that plan next Saturday morning (hotel shuttle to airport then taxi to port).  My friend said she'd buy transfers from HAL instead of a taxi though.  What are your thoughts?


Sandi, one less thing for you to worry about.  I know you are an early riser, but I'll also do the links the morning after you get home.  I know there will be a lot for you to do do that day.



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