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The Fleet Report and Daily for Wednesday October 11th, 2023


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Good morning everyone.  A happy morning here because there actually a visible sunrise.   

Thanks for the Daily and Fleet Reports  @richwmn.   A day to celebrate girls,  I have 2 sisters I dearly love and some beautiful nieces.   Emergency nurses have earned their day for all the hard, gory work they have to do.   No parties here today.  @StLouisCruisers, @Cruzin Terri and @Quartzsite Cruiser thanks for the lovely photos of Keil.   A thought provoking quote by Marcus Aurelius.    A mindful way to live, I could never be in the moment that much, especially with my wandering mind.   Pass on today's meal and cocktail, cocktail probably would be great with Maker's Mark.   Pass on the unattainable SB, plenty of great value ones at Costco. 

@JazzyV thanks for starting us off each morning keeping up up to date on celebrations and prayers needed.  Prayers for the war torn and suffering countries of Israel and Ukraine, for no fault of their own but caused by hate.    @RMLincoln I am glad that you are moving along with your moving process.   I went through it when my DH passed away and I decided to return to MI though I set my own timeline.  @mamaofami I hope that you are taking care of your DH at the rehab today.   @HAL Sailer Prayers for your DH and you while he is in the hospital.   @Haljo1935 I hope your chiropractor visit gives you some relief.    @Heartgrove thinking of you on the one year anniversary of your DB's passing/   

We are planning on working outside.   It was sunny at sunrise but it has now turned cloudy,  It is supposed to reach 62 here but I really doubt it.   Today John is going to hitch up the red cart to the lawn tractor and haul the 5 big bags of potting mix around the house to store under the deck for the winter and then load up our 7' Christmas tree onto it and drive it up to the garage.  We store our Christmas trees undecorated so just like a bare tree.  We will store it in the garage until before Thanksgiving when I will put it up.   We will probably be beginning our drive to Fort Lauderdale on December 27 so I picked the easiest of my two trees to decorate this year.   It has boxes of red and gold ornaments so it is easy to plop them in the packages.   We are facing another weekend of weather as we had last weekend.   High winds and possible 2" of rain.    Have a nice day.   Nancy 

@Nickelpenny  Happy birthday a day late,  I am sorry I missed it.   🎂

Happy Birthday Wishes & Status - Apps on Google Play

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Good morning. Slept a little longer than usual but it’s going to be a rainy and windy day as all these tropical disturbances pass through. We definitely need the rain. Hoping it will hold off long enough to get a walk in.
I’m leading Bible study tomorrow night with our small group so I need to prep for that and a haircut is needed sometime this week.

Starting to plan what I’m going to wear and pack for our upcoming cruise. Seeing we start in Montreal we will need some layered warm clothing and lite clothing for Charleston and Miami.

I need to go back and catch up on today’s Daily postings. Enjoy your Hump Day and thoughts and concerns for all in need. Bruce





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Good sunny morning.It’s going to be a beautiful day. 
I have a neurologist appointment this morning at 11:30 in Hershey. This is a 6 month appointment. I really don’t feel he is doing anything for me other then getting me the Botox approval but I’m just trying to make some progress with the Parkinson’s.

Blessings and prayers to all on our lists.

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Yay for all of us girl children!  Not sure about having an actual party today, but I will definitely give a huge shout out to all Emergency Nurses.  


It's really looking like fall out there this morning - we've got a stiff breeze blowing from the north and as I look out the computer room window, the golden and green coloured trees are swaying mightily.  And the leaves are tumbling down, but there's no sense in bringing out the leaf blower until the wind stops, as they will just keep coming.  The overnight low last night was supposed to be 0, so we brought all the plants into the dining room again.  I'm thinking we might as well take them downstairs today and put them in their places for the balance of fall and the coming winter.


@Haljo1935you and I are both experiencing shoulder issues; I'm going for x-rays and an ultrasound to see what's happening with mine this morning.  Hopefully you'll get yours feeling better soon.

@Nickelpennybelated Happy Birthday wishes to you!

@Heartgrovesending good thoughts to you Jack, as you remember your brother fondly today.


Not a lot happening for us today, so we might take a bit of time to just do some shopping while we're out for my appointment this morning.  Late this afternoon we're joining our friends (one of DH's bandmates) for a birthday celebration dinner - he turned 81 yesterday but had a solo gig last night and couldn't get out of it.  I'm going to pass on the drink, the wine, and we're almost turkey'd out, having had it since Sunday.  I'm not sure what will be on the restaurant menu tonight, but it will be delicious and will be accompanied by good conversation with fun friends.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone in Israel - the atrocities are unfathomable.  Continued prayers for the people of Ukraine who are still so brave and stoic.  Cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good Wednesday Morning Dailyites!


Because of the fraud debacle DH has to drive himself to his infusion today, and I get to stay home and wait for the replacement bank card.  They said it would be expedited within 24 hours. So it should be here by 10:30, but his appointment is at 10, and it takes an hour to get there.  And so I sit.  And because someone has to be at the house the whole time, I have to walk the dog EARLY!  


There are 4 eggs, half a loaf of bologna and half an onion in the fridge. Bologna and egg sandwich for breakfast tomorrow,   Oh, and two apples, that will be our snack today.  Told DH I wanted BBQ for tonight, as I'm going without the Q for 30 days!


Today I pay bills, find some Theraworks in a cream not foam, go to my bank, and sit and wait for that darn card!




Well since I started this we had breakfast, I went over to walk the dog, and couldnt wake her up, came home, DH left and I've done the breakfast dishes.  Now to tidy up, and wait for the card delivery.  



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Thank you Rich, Vanessa, Debbie, Ann, and Dixie.  Back in the USA (Portland).  Interesting day and I like Aurelius quote.  I was a fan of the 1962 Vatican Council.  I was through the Kiel Canal on MS Prinsendam in 2015 and embarked Queen Victoria there in 2019.  I do hope things work out for @Lady Hudson to take that cruise on Liberty OTS which we shared Saint John with just yesterday. 


Not sure about the meal.  My alternative is Beef Consume, Torchietti Al Pesto, and Lemon Tart as served on Crystal Serenity yesterday:







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2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:

Thank you Rich, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work. And thank you everyone for being here


It is a day of reflection for me as it is the the first anniversary of my brother's passing.


We have been to Kiel on our Battic cruise aboard the Zuiderdam. We elected to take the train that day to visit Lubeck. The advise was to "follow the Blue Line" to the Hauptbahnhof. We actually crossed the Hochdonn High Bridge over the Kiel Canal 2-1/2 weeks ago while traveling by train from Hamburg to Copenhagen. It was constructed in 1920 and Rises to 136ft. above the Canal.


For those fans of the Prinsendam, I happen to find yesterday an excellent video recorded on September 22 this year of the AMERA arriving in Cobh, Ireland. The videographer had also recorded our arrival and departure while we were aboard the MSC Preziosa.





Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.  


- Jack

Thanks for the link. IMO She was a lot prettier as a Blue Hull Beauty. Miss her but have found equivalents on other small ship lines. Prisendam and crew were special.

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I am still in the sit and wait party. It's my party, and I can cry if I want to.  I am loving the funny memes today, one was a spit out coffee meme.  (SOCM)  One of my co workers has spent the morning texting me about the dangerous countries we are going to..  Fear Monger.


I didn't get a chance yesterday to post much, so on Fear.  I am afraid of snakes.  I know they have a place in the world, but did we all learn to hate them because bad people are called snake?  When the pump in the little ponds works, we seem to get an abundance of water moccasins.  On the porch.  Which is screened in. No pump this year, and no snakes seen.  They are probably lurking in the woodlands behind the house.  I'm not too good with spiders, after having been bit by a brown recluse the first year I lived in GA.  At Six Flags, while sitting on the porcelain throne, and watched as my skin dissolved on my arm.  I was very sick for days.  So I give spiders there space.  They are amazing creatures.  So snakes, and spiders, I can deal with by giving them a wide berth.


  But heights?  I don't do well with at all.  I don't do well even watching someone who is climbing.  My palms sweat when I see King Kong climb the Empire State building. When Dad would drive in the Alps I would hide on the floor, not to see the view.  And that's the problem, I like the view.  I just don't like to be moving with the view.  Or too close to the edge of the view.  DH loves heights.  He loves to fly.  He comes from an Air Force family, and he was Air Force during Vietnam. (not a pilot) He always wants the window seat on the plane.  I'm fine looking at the floor.  I hate takeoffs and landings, and I pretty much eat all the cookies they can hand out.  So, while snakes and spiders come and go as they choose, I can choose not to put myself in a situation involving heights.


I noticed yesterday that all the butterflies have pretty much moved on.  They are usually covering my lantana plants in the warmth of the afternoon sun, and there were none.  I tied up the other plants and brushed against the lantana releasing it's scent, and one stray butterfly showed up.  The bird feeders are empty because I decided two weeks ago to take them down, as I will not be here to fill them.  I will restock when we get back however so that the ones who hang out during the winter months will be fed .


Well off to send some emails to my bosses, and the complaining whining "friend" who has called me every day this week, and I have not answered.  Nor will I. I'm not mean, I swear.  I just dont want to have him ask me one more time for medical advice, and he do nothing.


Last night I told DH that he had to go to bed early because of his appointment today.  He asked what appointment?  I told him he would have to drive himself (  I had earlier  offered to get Penny to drive him, and he ignored me).  He then asked why I couldn't go, and I reminded him that someone had to be here for the bank card delivery.  What card?  This is not a good sign.  He is like this when he is tired.  And I know that he will be tired when we land in ITaly on Friday.  So prayers please for DH and his driving today.  He has not texted that he was there.  and he has been gone two hours.

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I was up early this morning. Not by choice but because I could not sleep and thought I might as well get up. I do see a nap in my future. Weather here is chilly. It was nearly freezing when I went out with the dogs (the chihuahua thought it was freezing-I need to find his coat). High today will be around 60F. And it is sunny. No rain in the forecast. Would give today's meal a try. Have not been to that part of Germany and am unlikely to get there although you can never tell. My Mother was still traveling about in her mid-90's.


Little news from here as I slowly work my way through lots of "stuff". I am going to have to get more ruthless on the tossing. Today's focus is on a chest of drawers in the 2nd bedroom and I have no idea what is in some of those drawers. Hope I can move more quickly than I have been and get rid of a bunch of stuff and maybe the whole thing. It is an old rather beat up piece that I think is better destined for the dump than the thrift store. And I am still shredding files.  Hopefully my reward for all of this will be the cruise in January.


My prayers and best wishes to all.









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Happy birthday to Pennie, and good morning to all.  The appointment with the urologist went well and the next will be May, unless there is a problem.  All a "go" for the cruise!  We got our Covid shots,  but refused the flu ones, we'll go next week or so for those.  Even DD managed to get both, I think she got lost somewhere in the system and hadn't been called in since last September.    There were two health care workers getting their shots while we were there and they said there are a lot of cases of Covid in the hospital and they are putting them three to a room now!


We are off to Bellingham in a couple of hours, Macy's, here I come!  (And probably Olive Garden for dinner.) Talk to you Friday...😁

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Just back from the dentist.  Needed a filling replacement in my bottom front tooth.  Then on to CVS for Flu, Pneumonia, and RSV shots, 2 in one arm, and one in the other. Going to stay in for the rest of the day and take it easy.


Prayers for all of us!!

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Sounds like we're all getting jabs!  My arms feel fine and no side effects so far.  Not even fatigue.


Annie @marshhawk I hope Chuck got to his infusion appointment okay and he returns home soon.  And I hope the credit card arrived.  If we were waiting for one it would be late too!  Rotten luck!  After the talk about the scam USPS texts yesterday I got one this morning too!  What is wrong with people wanting to hoodwink us all and steal from us?


Happy belated birthday @Nickelpenny!  Sorry we missed you.  Enjoy your subbing job today.  I hope the kids behave for you.


Thanks to Terri @Cruzin Terri and Lenda @Quartzsite Cruiser for their photos today.  I wouldn't mind doing that cruise again but I'd need a small ship on another line to do so.

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Good morning from a now cloudy and windy central Texas.  It is not warming up as fast as predicted.  I may have to break down and put jeans on before we head to the doctors appointments.  We got the car back earlier and it is running well.  It is a lot easier to drive now.  It turns out, they only replaced one CV joint.  They put the motor mount in today, test drove the car.  When it did not make any difference, they put the old motor mount back in and are returning the new one for credit.  They did not charge us for that, not even for the labor.


2 hours ago, Lady Hudson said:

Good morning and prayers for all in need.  Thinking about world problems — and prayers for the innocent people of Israel and Ukraine.  It breaks my heart to see regular, ordinary people being so horribly effected by the actions of others.    I can’t for the life of me understand why so many “leaders” work towards conflict rather than a peaceful life.  But enough of my rant!!

Good to see so many cruising.  We are all very fortunate to be able to do so.


DH Bill seems to be improving.  Less coughing and sleeping better.  I have a decision to make about whether or not to join my twin on Liberty of the Seas next Thursday.  It is a free cruise for her and she invited me along.  I only have to pay the fees and taxes.  It would be fun since we would celebrate our birthday together.  Our daughter would come to stay but I am not sure I am ready to leave DH.


Weather quite chilly here but I do love fall weather so all is good.  Have a great day.  Katherine 



Katherine, I hope you have some time before you have to decided about the cruise.  Whatever you decided, will be the right decision for you.


2 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!  I will celebrate all of the days - I am a girl child, I was an ER nurse, and today I will party as I am a year older - well, that was yesterday but I was too busy to party!!  The quote is something like my Dad would always tell me:  Do the best you can today.  It might be less than yesterday or tomorrow but always do your best today.  The meal sounds interesting as well as the drink, pass on the wine and never been to Kiel.  What a great day in Catholic history!!


Had a good day subbing yesterday BUT when I went to get my labs drawn at 0720, their sub didn't come in so that pushed back all appts!  I had to reschedule for today.  Oh, well.  When I went yesterday to sub, I saw lots of "family" I hadn't seen in a while as lots of subs were needed (prof dev day) and received lots of hugs.  I am subbing this afternoon for 3 hours.  Easy, easy day.


So sad what is going on in the world these days.  My thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating!!


Have a great Hump day everyone!!


Penny, I'm sorry we missed your birthday yesterday.  HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY!


36 minutes ago, marshhawk said:

I am still in the sit and wait party. It's my party, and I can cry if I want to.  I am loving the funny memes today, one was a spit out coffee meme.  (SOCM)  One of my co workers has spent the morning texting me about the dangerous countries we are going to..  Fear Monger.


I didn't get a chance yesterday to post much, so on Fear.  I am afraid of snakes.  I know they have a place in the world, but did we all learn to hate them because bad people are called snake?  When the pump in the little ponds works, we seem to get an abundance of water moccasins.  On the porch.  Which is screened in. No pump this year, and no snakes seen.  They are probably lurking in the woodlands behind the house.  I'm not too good with spiders, after having been bit by a brown recluse the first year I lived in GA.  At Six Flags, while sitting on the porcelain throne, and watched as my skin dissolved on my arm.  I was very sick for days.  So I give spiders there space.  They are amazing creatures.  So snakes, and spiders, I can deal with by giving them a wide berth.


  But heights?  I don't do well with at all.  I don't do well even watching someone who is climbing.  My palms sweat when I see King Kong climb the Empire State building. When Dad would drive in the Alps I would hide on the floor, not to see the view.  And that's the problem, I like the view.  I just don't like to be moving with the view.  Or too close to the edge of the view.  DH loves heights.  He loves to fly.  He comes from an Air Force family, and he was Air Force during Vietnam. (not a pilot) He always wants the window seat on the plane.  I'm fine looking at the floor.  I hate takeoffs and landings, and I pretty much eat all the cookies they can hand out.  So, while snakes and spiders come and go as they choose, I can choose not to put myself in a situation involving heights.


I noticed yesterday that all the butterflies have pretty much moved on.  They are usually covering my lantana plants in the warmth of the afternoon sun, and there were none.  I tied up the other plants and brushed against the lantana releasing it's scent, and one stray butterfly showed up.  The bird feeders are empty because I decided two weeks ago to take them down, as I will not be here to fill them.  I will restock when we get back however so that the ones who hang out during the winter months will be fed .


Well off to send some emails to my bosses, and the complaining whining "friend" who has called me every day this week, and I have not answered.  Nor will I. I'm not mean, I swear.  I just dont want to have him ask me one more time for medical advice, and he do nothing.


Last night I told DH that he had to go to bed early because of his appointment today.  He asked what appointment?  I told him he would have to drive himself (  I had earlier  offered to get Penny to drive him, and he ignored me).  He then asked why I couldn't go, and I reminded him that someone had to be here for the bank card delivery.  What card?  This is not a good sign.  He is like this when he is tired.  And I know that he will be tired when we land in ITaly on Friday.  So prayers please for DH and his driving today.  He has not texted that he was there.  and he has been gone two hours.


Annie, I hope the card comes on time.  I also hope DH got to his infusion safely, and is home soon.  Safe travels tomorrow.


30 minutes ago, Vict0riann said:

Happy birthday to Pennie, and good morning to all.  The appointment with the urologist went well and the next will be May, unless there is a problem.  All a "go" for the cruise!  We got our Covid shots,  but refused the flu ones, we'll go next week or so for those.  Even DD managed to get both, I think she got lost somewhere in the system and hadn't been called in since last September.    There were two health care workers getting their shots while we were there and they said there are a lot of cases of Covid in the hospital and they are putting them three to a room now!


We are off to Bellingham in a couple of hours, Macy's, here I come!  (And probably Olive Garden for dinner.) Talk to you Friday...😁


Ann, that is good news about the urologist appointment and that the next appointment will be in May.  Safe travels to Bellingham, and enjoy Macy's and Olive Garden.



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Good morning!  Thank you to all who keep the Daily up and running. Your efforts are appreciated.

Prayers are sent to all who are experiencing medical issues. 

Congrats to all who are celebrating.

And thank you all for your thoughts and prayers for DH.  The meds took a long time to kick in, but he has now recovered from pneumonia. 


@marshhawkI hope that credit card shows up soon so you can get on with your day.  My favourite place in Rome is the Pantheon. Enjoy.  I am glad you made the decision to use limos.  It is hard to get around with luggage, and the train to Civitavecchia is a struggle with luggage. Not to be a fear monger,  but please be careful in Rome.  I speak from experience. DH had his backpack stolen at the train station, along with his passport.  So just be aware of your surroundings.  And most of all, have a WONDERFUL time.


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Good almost afternoon,

I have a late start on the daily today I went to the hand surgeon for what I thought would be a steroid injection in my trigger finger and I somehow have surgery scheduled. The decision was based on that if the steroid does not work no surgery for 3 months.  Which will not work as I will be on my cruise. What is making me nervous is that it is not until November 30th and giving me just a month to recover. I am on a cancellation list for an earlier date. 

Happy belated birthday Pennie. You are a fellow Libra. My birthday is tomorrow. 

There is so much going on with everyone it is hard to keep up with it all. Prayers and well wishes to our daily friends. Have a great day. 

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The card arrived at 11:30, I walked the dog, so now we have the cash, and the card, and we have a few more errands  to run, train Donna, eat BBQ and watch midsomer murders.  We have made it as far as season 9 when Jones joins the show.  That will be tonights entertainment, a last load of laundry, a last walk through, print our flight tickets, and then tomorrow morning print our boarding passes for the second part of the cruise, and then we are done!  I will be a bundle of nerves until we land in Rome.  Well make that until we check into our hotel.  Make that until we get on board the ship next week.  ARghh!


@TbayWe are planning on attending Mass at the Pantheon on Sunday, our hotel is just two blocks from there.  I bought a purse with locks on all the openings, and when in Rome, the passports will stay in the safe in the room. I will make a copy of the information and keep that in my bag.  couldnt get a limo from the airport, we will do a cab, and I have a novel of receipts and instructions, and information and confirmations.  Split into three groups, the getting there, cruise 1, and then cruise 2.


All my ducks  are now in a row, and the ones that aren't are packed and ready to be hid on a Carnival ship.  I love finding them, but I love seeing other people find ours more.

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Good morning all!

I was 1 of 3 girl children, and have one girl child.  Now the song "It's my party and I'll cry if I want to" by Leslie Gore keeps going through my head. 😉 🎵🎼 😅 My DSIL was an emergency nurse, they deserve their day and more! 


I'll pass on the meal (coconut and curry) and the drink, but would love to try the SB.  Have been to Germany but not to Kiel -- thanks for the great photos!


@Nickelpenny Sorry we missed your birthday yesterday -- belated birthday greetings!

@Haljo1935 I'm sorry your shoulder is still so painful, I hope it gets better soon.

@Vict0riann Safe travels and enjoy "my" town.  It sure isn't the same as when I grew up there, but I still have lots of family and friends there and it will always hold a special place in my heart.


Well today DH and I are dragging -- I feel like a truck hit me lol.  We were with the DGSs last night and didn't get home until after 1 this morning.  As is usual for me, I still woke up around 6 am and couldn't get back to sleep.  We did have a wonderful time though, so it was all worth it.  We also got to see the youngest participate in his Cross Country meet, and that was fun (although wet!)  Glad I brought my umbrella.  It was only his 2nd meet, he ran his little heart out.  He came in the middle of the pack at 15th, but that was an improvement over his first meet when he was 20th.  He wanted to do better, but like we told him, the main thing is he improved over last time.


It will be a quiet day, maybe take-out for dinner tonight.




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The good ship Rotterdam is leaving Brest, France, on its transatlantic to Ft Lauderdale via Azores as I post. It has been a wonderful start with Amsterdam, Brugge, LaHavre/Paris, Weymouth and today Brest. Weather forecast looks good for the crossing. 

By the way, Ocean Bar now has a quartet for happy hour and early evening music/dancing. 


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Good morning and Happy Wednesday. So far it’s a lovely day with the high in the low 90’s. Thank you for the Fleet and Daily Rich and to all the contributors. Great port pictures today. 

Happy Birthday @Nickelpenny one day late!!


I have been enjoying checking out the lunch and dinner menus for the MDR on the Koningsdam via the Navigator app as she sails to Hawaii. Our cruise starts in 110 days. Seems so far away. Have you been checking the menus Dixie @summer slope?

I have been doing a lot of cooking and really enjoy it when I don’t have appointments with DM. Some stuff turns out great, like the char siu bao last week but the Coq Au Vin yesterday was not a favorite. Today I’m making beef pot pie with stout and an Irish cheddar cheese crust. I already have the beef mixture made. I was thinking of making mushy peas but discovered that true mushy peas are made with a special pea called marrowfat and are hard to find, although I did find them on Amazon. I hate to buy a whole bag not even knowing if I’d like them. Debbie @dfish, your recipes today look really good. I’m not a huge fan of curry but it’s good with the coconut milk. 

Have a great day everyone!

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5 hours ago, Nickelpenny said:

Good Morning to All!  I will celebrate all of the days - I am a girl child, I was an ER nurse, and today I will party as I am a year older - well, that was yesterday but I was too busy to party!!  The quote is something like my Dad would always tell me:  Do the best you can today.  It might be less than yesterday or tomorrow but always do your best today.  The meal sounds interesting as well as the drink, pass on the wine and never been to Kiel.  What a great day in Catholic history!!


Had a good day subbing yesterday BUT when I went to get my labs drawn at 0720, their sub didn't come in so that pushed back all appts!  I had to reschedule for today.  Oh, well.  When I went yesterday to sub, I saw lots of "family" I hadn't seen in a while as lots of subs were needed (prof dev day) and received lots of hugs.  I am subbing this afternoon for 3 hours.  Easy, easy day.


So sad what is going on in the world these days.  My thoughts for all on the care list and cheers to those celebrating!!


Have a great Hump day everyone!!

Belated Happy Birthday Penny! 

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