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Tuesday December 19th, 2023 -- The Fleet Report and Daily


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Good morning. Starting the day off at 37 degrees. Sue got our India Visas yesterday which was the most difficult of all the required visas. Pharmacy has filled all of our med requirements for next six months. It’s all coming together other that we are not sure where our cruise will take us. We are scheduled to sail the Red Sea and Suez so who knows what will happen or change.

Dental cleaning today and awaiting news on getting windshield replaced.

Thanks for the Reports and post. Bruce



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7 minutes ago, kazu said:

Rich - the cruise starts April 21st not the 22nd 😉  Glad you are staying on board and joining us 🙂   I’m hoping for coverage on the 19th but if not, I’ll fake it.

I had the 22nd on my mind since that was the day I was going to fly home. But at that point I will have already been on the ship for quite some time.

7 minutes ago, kazu said:

Is there any way you could start on the 19th of April? I fly out that day and it would just save me one last minute thing to do.


I will be able to do the Daily again on May 5th.  If May is not do-able for you, I can fake it on the ship (internet permitting which is the worrisome part) if need be.  Just let me know what dates you can do and I’ll take it from there.

If the ships internet co-operates I can do it from the ship as well since we will be in the eastern time zone for most of that cruise. I can resume from May 5th in Ottawa if necessary.


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54 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


It’s time for Chapter 2 of my 14 day cruise adventure 12/3-12/17, aboard the beautiful and elegant Cel..Refle..


Chapter 2: Don’t Mess with the Misses.


It was Day 3 of our cruise when the Misses had an unusual occurrence. She had just stepped onto the Elevator on Deck 4 to go to the Oceanview Cafe on Deck 14. There were four elderly couples already in the elevator. The doors closed and the elevator started up but then stopped at Deck 5. Another couple stepped in, a very large man about 6’-5” tall, 250 lbs and a small woman, 5’-0”, 115 lbs. Immediately upon the doors closing, the man and woman began kissing, making out. The four elderly couples were a bit embarrassed so they turned their heads. The Misses was not. This is what happened next.


The Misses looked at the couple and stated, “Get a Room!”, in a loud voice. The large man turned his head and said, “Jealous?”  For which the Misses replied, “Yes I am and once the doors open I am going to run out of here to my husband RedneckBob”.  Well, the four elderly couples began clapping and laughing and when the doors opened at the next floor, the kissing couples quickly walked out, probably not their intended floor. So there you have it, Don’t mess with the Misses.





There is still more to this story. After the kissing couple exited the elevator the Misses decided to tell a short joke to keep the laughing going. Here is what the Misses told them.


There was this elderly lady who went to her local Pharmacist. She arrived and told the Pharmacist, I would like to enhance the excitement in my bedroom. Is there anything that my husband, Redne.., I mean this husband can take to help with this excitement. The Pharmacist replied, “Yes, there is this blue pill that I take each nite and it works real well”. The lady then asked, “Can you get it across the counter?”For which the Pharmacist replied, “If I take two.”. 😀


Well the laughter did not stop until reaching Deck 14.

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10 minutes ago, kazu said:


Rich - the cruise starts April 21st not the 22nd 😉  Glad you are staying on board and joining us 🙂   I’m hoping for coverage on the 19th but if not, I’ll fake it.




Super Sandi - that’s a huge help.


Is there any way you could start on the 19th of April? I fly out that day and it would just save me one last minute thing to do.


I will be able to do the Daily again on May 5th.  If May is not do-able for you, I can fake it on the ship (internet permitting which is the worrisome part) if need be.  Just let me know what dates you can do and I’ll take it from there.


thanks 🙂 


Yes, I can do the 19th of April. If you need extra days ahead of time to get ready let me know. I will have the graduation dates pinned down when time gets closer.  These universities have commencement events held over several days according to the different degrees so don't know which day it is yet.  Will let you know more when that time approaches. Maybe we could have a temporary sub for dates you and I can't work it out.

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12 minutes ago, richwmn said:

I had the 22nd on my mind since that was the day I was going to fly home. But at that point I will have already been on the ship for quite some time.

If the ships internet co-operates I can do it from the ship as well since we will be in the eastern time zone for most of that cruise. I can resume from May 5th in Ottawa if necessary.



No worries, Rich.  I just had to tease you 😉 


I’m home on the 5th - no need for you to worry about it.  I can probably fake it from the airport on disembarkation day if need be - it will just be a tad late.


I’m sure Sandi and I will have sorted out long before I cruise 😃 



6 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


Yes, I can do the 19th of April. If you need extra days ahead of time to get ready let me know. I will have the graduation dates pinned down when time gets closer.  These universities have commencement events held over several days according to the different degrees so don't know which day it is yet.  Will let you know more when that time approaches. Maybe we could have a temporary sub for dates you and I can't work it out.


Thanks so much, Sandi.  that will be great and a big help 🙂 


If you let me know the dates when you know them I will take it from there.  Someone might step up to help once we are closer and if not, Rich and I will duke it out over who fakes it from the ship 😂 

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23 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

There is still more to this story. After the kissing couple exited the elevator the Misses decided to tell a short joke to keep the laughing going. Here is what the Misses told them.


There was this elderly lady who went to her local Pharmacist. She arrived and told the Pharmacist, I would like to enhance the excitement in my bedroom. Is there anything that my husband, Redne.., I mean this husband can take to help with this excitement. The Pharmacist replied, “Yes, there is this blue pill that I take each nite and it works real well”. The lady then asked, “Can you get it across the counter?”For which the Pharmacist replied, “If I take two.”. 😀


Well the laughter did not stop until reaching Deck 14.

Oh no RNB got the punch line wrong.


The lady asked, “Can you get it over the counter”. 

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I remember the hard ribbon type of candies we used to get at Christmas when I was a child - they're pretty hard to find these days.  Definitely a good day for heroes and heroines - thank you for everything they've done to help others, often risking their own lives in the process.  If I'm looking for an evergreen, all I have to do is look out our kitchen window, as there are lots of them in our back yard.


It's cool and dark out there this morning; the sun doesn't get up until 9:11 this morning, so it'll be dark for a couple of hours yet.  Still no snow, but according to the radio there could be some coming in on Sunday, just in time for Christmas.  Sending good vibes to everyone who is in the path of the storms along the East coast.  


We got most of our gifts delivered last night after dinner - the best part was when we dropped a bunch at our new Ukrainian family's apartment.  It's their first Christmas in Canada and they've gone all out in their decorating.  They went to a thrift store where they purchased a tree and baubles, and their apartment looks like a Christmas explosion!  As we left, I said to DH that I wondered where they'll store all that stuff after!  LOL  We look forward to a post-Christmas celebration with them when we return from Calgary.


@St Pete CruiserBon Voyage; enjoy your cruise!


For everyone with a December birthday, I think we can all identify with this:




I'd love to try the drink, I think I'd like the wine, and the menu suggestion sounds very good.  I won't be cooking tonight as DH's kids decided we all needed a "casino night" so we're meeting at a restaurant for dinner and then we'll head to the nearby casino for a couple of hours of fun and hopefully good luck as well.  I'm not sure what's on the menu, but there will be good food, lively conversation and much laughter.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, cheers to all with celebrations.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



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18 minutes ago, kazu said:


No worries, Rich.  I just had to tease you 😉 


I’m home on the 5th - no need for you to worry about it.  I can probably fake it from the airport on disembarkation day if need be - it will just be a tad late.


I’m sure Sandi and I will have sorted out long before I cruise 😃 




Thanks so much, Sandi.  that will be great and a big help 🙂 


If you let me know the dates when you know them I will take it from there.  Someone might step up to help once we are closer and if not, Rich and I will duke it out over who fakes it from the ship 😂 


I'll be sure to let you know.  Right now the university website says dates are May 3 thru May 5 and final schedule will be available at the end of February 2024.


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Good morning,

I was happy to see my luggage made it to California. Now the wait to see when it gets to San Diego. It is really getting close. 

I loved the hard ribbon candy, my favorite was the clove flavored. It was orange in color   My sibs did not like it so I had plenty. All my wrapping is done so no chance DGS can stumble over any unwrapped presents while I am watching him. 

Pennie, I hope you get some relief from your injection before your cruise. Prayers that the neurosurgeon can offer some relief for Vanessa. Prayers for our care list. 

Have a great day. 

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Good morning everyone from a cooler and clearer Boston.  Thanks for the daily report, recipes and lists.  Nice days to celebrate, ribbon candy, candy canes and those filled raspberry hard candies come to mind.  This is the time of year that evergreens step to the plate and shine.  Heroes and heroines are all around us and it’s nice that we celebrate them.  What a hoot Phyllis Diller was, and missed.  I’ll pass on the meal suggestion but the drink sounds refreshing.  I haven’t been to today’s port but DH spent part of his college semester abroad there and loved it.  Prayers for those on our prayer list today.  Cheers to everyone celebrating happy events today!

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31 minutes ago, StLouisCruisers said:


I'll be sure to let you know.  Right now the university website says dates are May 3 thru May 5 and final schedule will be available at the end of February 2024.



Thanks so much Sandi - I really appreciate your help. 🙂 

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Good morning! Thanks for the Daily Reports @richwmn and for working so diligently that we have the Daily during your world cruise.   I never was big on hard candy but heroes and heroines should have their day more than once,  @grapau27 thanks for the explanation of looking for an evergreen and it is part of the Arbor Day Foundation.   A real funny one from Phyllis Diller.   I have not been to today's port.  Today's pork sounds great, pass on the cocktail but the wine would be lovely with the honey glazed pork.  Thanks for these each day @summer slope @dfish and @cat shepard.  Dixie I hope your MRI isn't too much of an ordeal today.

@JazzyV I was wrong on the day for your neuro visit but sending positive thoughts for your visit today.   Prayers for everyone on our care list,  those in war zones through no fault of their own, Ukraine, Israel and the innocents in Gaza.   Prayers for the safe return for the remaining hostages in Gaza.  

We are heading out shortly to go to Costco to get some OTC meds John needs for the cruise and I need Calcium tablets.  Our dinner was lovely last evening and my friends brought me a beautiful pointsettia, pink with white shading.  Our lovely evening ended on a sad note with the chef saying their restaurant will close on January 1.  The struggle has continued trying to get reliable help and customers during the middle of the week.   Our first time there and our last.   I will try to post the pics later.    My sister is taking me out to my favorite local restaurant for my birthday today for a late lunch.  Have a lovely Tuesday!  Nancy

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Good Tuesday Morning Dailyites!  Computer says it's 28 degrees. and looking out the window, well the skies are very blue.  Both Bubbles and Uggles were here this morning for breakfast. I got up again with leg cramps and crawled back in bed and fell asleep on my left side, not my usual right side, and could barely move when I woke up this morning.  Lesson learned.  


@ottahand7I'm glad you enjoyed your dinner last night, but sad that the restaurant is closing.  We go to Vietvana every few weeks, and the staff is always different.  No one knows the menu, and what sauces go with what dish.  The chef may know, but he is not prepping the plates.


@cruising sisterI too loved the clove, and cinnamon hard candy.  Does anyone else remember the Dolly Parton song from Best Little Whorehouse in Texas?  Hard candy Christmas?  I love that song, it brings back all the "sweet" memories.


@Nickelpenny I'm glad that the needle was not that bad, and that you are looking forward to get the other side done.  


@St Pete CruiserBon Voyage, and I hope that no spider finds you on this trip!


The dog I walk, her name is Hope, had a seizure two days ago, is limping on her left rear leg.  Her mom thinks it's because when she had the seizure, she threw herself up in the air, and landed badly on the leg.  I was a bit nervous walking her yesterday, so we didnt walk far.. But I realize that if something happens while I am walking her, I need to start carrying my cell phone with me.


I work two shifts today, one for each campaign,  I am not allowed to work more than 8 hours a day, so I am off at 9 tonight.  Yay!  








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Good morning, everyone!  


We had a lovely dinner last night with DB Bill, DSIL Lauren, and DN Lizzy and her family.  Liz is up from Florida for the holidays.  We didn't know they were going to be there and Sue and I decided to take the night off from cooking and head over.  DB and DSIL had just been seated when we were lead to our table.  A fun time was had by all!


I am glad that arrangements have been made for the continuation of the Daily during Rich's much deserved cruise.  Thank you to @kazu and @StLouisCruisers for stepping up to the plate.  I am happy to say that when I have my surgery, @0106 Tina will be filling in for me.  However, I do need someone to fill in when I am in Hawaii.  The dates there are January 28 through February 19th.  Tina will be on a cruise during part of that time as well.  It really isn't hard to do!  Contact me at debfish34 at gmail dot com if you can help out!


Since I got the quilt top done, today is dedicated to cookie making.  We're doing cut outs.  Sue does a magnificent job of painting them.  You will definitely be able to tell which cookies she decorates and which ones I do.  Should be fun, though.  


@St Pete Cruiser Bon Voyage!


@JazzyV Vanessa, here's hoping the neurosurgeon is inspired and can solve the problem you're having.


Today's meal sounds really good and I am going to save the recipe for the middle of January to spice things up.  You can use vegetables of your choice in this dish and really make it something special.  I would throw a carrot or two in for Sue.  Easy enough for me to avoid it. https://www.aheadofthyme.com/honey-glazed-roast-pork-with-vegetables/




I like the idea of the demi-glace in this next one.  And, it comes with a wine pairing.  https://www.foodandwine.com/recipes/honey-soy-roasted-pork-braised-vegetables




Garlic always goes well with pork, so this one sounds really delicious to me.  https://mykitchenlittle.com/2020/09/13/roasted-honey-garlic-pork-loin-with-veggies/




Wishing you all a wonderful day!



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Good morning from Quartzsite where it is 48F and very cloudy.  Our high this afternoon will be 72F.  This morning is the final 🤞 trip to Parker for things for meals while DD and DSIL are here for Christmas.  If there is time, I'll wash the car and the UTVs.  If not, I'll wash them tomorrow.  We are supposed to get rain Friday and Saturday, and at night it the desert is beginning to have the wonderful smell a rain brings.  This part of the US certainly needs rain.


DH will celebrate hard candy day even though we don't have any in the house.  He also loves the ribbon candy.  I'll honor heroes and heroines today.  There are no evergreens here, but we do have evergreens in Texas.  In our case they are cedar trees.


I love the Phyllis Diller quote, and maybe since I always put water in my iron that's why I never liked ironing.  I think I'd prefer vodka in the iron.  🤣


We'll pass on the pork roast, but we'll be having pork chops cooked on the grill.  We'll pass on the wine, but I'd love to try the wine.


We have been to Souda and Chania twice on BHBs.


Hats off to the BBC for beginning overseas broadcasting in 1932.


@richwmn  Rich, hope you have a wonderful time on your lengthy cruise.  With is great group of Dailyites, somehow, we'll manage to keep the Fleet Report/Daily going in your absence.

@summer slope  Dixie, I hope the MRI goes well this morning.

@seagarsmoker  I hope you are able to get off the ship today. 

@rafinmd  Roy, I hope the blood tests do not hold any surprises, and I hope the visit to the periodontist isn't too bad.

@kazu  Jacqui, I hope when the sun comes up you find there is no damage from the storm.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope that Hope is all right and that her leg is not seriously injured.












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We have been to Souda and Chania twice.  The first time was in 2017 on Prinsendam, and the second time was in 2019 on Veendam.  Both times, we took the shuttle from Souda to Chania and walked around town.  Except for the bus ride, we did not see much of Souda.  The shuttle dropped us off by a park across from the Old Chania Market.  From there we walked around the area and the Old Venetian Port of Chania.


The area where the shuttle dropped us off, and it's the beginning for the modern part of Chania.  



Pictures from the Old Chania Market.







Walking through Old Chania





A nice plaza with shops, restaurants and shade



The Presentation of the Virgin Mary Metropolitan Church in the back ground



The Church





The sea entrance to the Old Venetian Port.  The Lighthouse of Chania is on the right and the Firka Venetian Fortress is on the left.



Looking across the harbor





Looking toward the Kyuchuk Hassan Mosque, which is now a museum.



The mosque and a couple of the exhibits.  The first one was from 2017 and the second was from 2018.







Past the mosque and around the corner are several restaurants and the small boat harbor.



Chania is a lovely place to spend several hours relaxing, shopping, sightseeing and people watching.  We enjoyed our visits there.






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