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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday January 29th, 2024


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Good morning everyone.  Thanks to the team for our daily updates.  Sometimes I feel like a curmudgeon.  Free thinking should always be celebrated.  Popping bubble wrap can be addictive.  I like the quote, not easy though.  The meal and drink suggestions sound good.  I haven’t been to today’s port.  Prayers for those on our prayer list.  Cheers to those celebrating happy events today!

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Late to the party this morning. I slept in for a change! These all look interesting.


well, the pictures are in order but not between the recipes. That’s what happens when you sleep in and then hurry to do something! Sorry everyone.


Slow cooker honey orange drumsticks 











This recipe  looks like a meal from my favourite Chinese restaurant.












Edited by superoma
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Elderberry Martini


Today's pseudotini is a formulation of relatively recent origin, as purveyors looked for ever more concoctions that they could call martinis even though these contained neither gin nor vermouth. Variations such as blackcurrant or pomegranate would also be possible.



    Vodka: 2 oz (60ml)
    Elderberry syrup: 1 oz (30ml)
    Lemon juice: 1 oz (30ml)
    Ice: As needed
    Lemon twist: For garnish


    Fill a cocktail shaker with ice.

    Add the vodka, elderberry syrup, and lemon juice.

    Shake well until the outside of the shaker becomes frosty.

    Strain the cocktail into a chilled martini glass.

    Garnish with a lemon twist.


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🎉 Bob Voyage Tina @0106

Happy Birthday Mellisa @HAL Sailer 🎈


Yay Ren ️ !  

🏈I was rooting for Ravens and Lions.. oh well!  But we enjoyed the games!  Often the lead-up games are better than the superbowl itself but we hope to enjoy that too in 2 weeks!  


@grapau27 Thanks for the explanations. DH is a Freethinker and has a collection of Thomas Paine’s writings which are somewhat of a slog for me- I let DH read them then he can talk to me about them!  

We didn’t get any snow overnight so our drive to the eye doctor should have any road problems. We’ll learn something today I’m sure.  I’m just so grateful he’s doing well day by day. This long monitored and adjusted healing process is still a bit mysterious but I’m trusting they know what they’re doing and that it will all be Amazing!  DH is getting some relief from the itching just cutting one med out for just one eye, but I think the post-op steroids may be helping too. He can’t stay on those too long because they raise the pressure but they help the healing… so that is balanced by the other pressure lowering drops. We’re gonna do our best to stay on track!  Thanks @JazzyV for the Care list!  

Blessings for smooth travels for all our traveling Dailyites. So glad to see all the posts of safe arrivals!  🥰…. Terry, Terri, Debbie and Sue, @tupper10 and I’m sure I’m missing others but I’m heart warmed following you!  Thanks for posting. 


Blessings for all in need of healing, comfort or hope, especially those in war zones. May peace happen in our country, your country and around the world we love to travel!  

Edited by RMLincoln
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Good morning and best wishes to all.  Weather here is cooling down again making it more difficult to walk.  Trying to lose a few pounds before our next trip.


DH has a virtual appointment with his endocrinologist today.  Hoping doctor is ok with his glucose numbers.  They have come down but I am feeling the doctor will want even lower.


Prayers for the conflicts around the world and for our political leaders.  Heartfelt sympathy for the military families who lost a loved one this weekend.  Katherine 

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Good morning Dailyites from 39 degree morning warming to 71 with sunshine.


Happy Birthday to @HAL Sailer and Bon Voyage to @0106 Wishing you both a magical day.


Prayers, prayers, and prayers to all who are ill, in pain, losing a loved one,  caught between wars and our own soldier's killed and hurt. Looks like there are more rumours of war..


Congratulations to Ren on his goal and win. And Cheers to the 49'ers and Kansas City.


I have my project planned for this week. Shelving is being delivered and racks and peg boards. Cleaning out the walk in pantry, 3rd bedroom, and garage. Ordered big storage containers due today. 


Our 6 month heating/AC check up is this morning.  I'm making chicken pot pie and salad tonight.


Blessings to you and wishing you a happy,  healthy,  productive week.

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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


Y’all probably unaware that I am often crusty, unpleasant, bad tempered, grumpy, unfriendly, irritable, gruff and all around to avoid. I wonder if there we ever be a Day for me?  😀

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Good morning from San Diego!


We hit the hay pretty early last night so we’re up early.  No real plans for today other than more time in the pool.


Happy Birthday to Melisa @HAL Sailer!


The meal looks great!  I’d use any part but the legs.  


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Good Monday Morning Dailyites!  The computer says 39  and sunny, that was after the heavy traffic, humidity going up, and temps to plummet showed up. the sky is very clear, and very blue.


I have not been to the port of the day.  I have never been to South America, and always appreciate the pictures that are posted here.  Todays plan, walks the dog, work, take a break at 4 drive up to Macy's and pay the bill, come back, fix dinner, and go back to work until 10.  And sometime during the day mail the rest of the bills. 


Our county water department decided to change to a new system...everyone got new account numbers.  But the new account numbers are not on the current bill. They turned off the 800 #, and the local  pay by phone wont recognize our original customer ID.  So my idea of paying by phone won't happen, as the current reviews state that  they have been on hold on the phone for more than 5 hours.  Ridiculous!  (I am being a curmudgeon)


When we finally decided to go to Rome and home, we went to a used book store and bought a Rick Steves, Rome, and a few books on Ancient Greece, so we would at least know the names of some of the gods..and history.  I read the Rick Steves book every day for almost a year.  But while I mostly researched the old city close to the hotel, there were things that I am not sure he even mentioned, so here are pictures of my last wanderings in Rome.


Not far from the hotel, and quite close to the Pantheon was the Temple Adriono.  The columns remained, and then a new building was attached to it, and inside they were having a press meeting of some type, and in the lower section they were showing a film on Rome.  We should have bought tickets, but we didnt't so we walked around the press conference, down a hall, and then stopped to take one picture of new art, and walked out the back door.






We wandered into the Portuguese neighborhood, I wanted to walk to the river, and I had no idea what we would see. We found a church that had so much gold in it.  It was well lit by the sun, most of the ones near the hotel were very dark inside.












While this church was so beautiful we wanted to stay, our mission was to reach the river, and when we got there, this was the view we got-



Mission accomplished, and now to turn around and head back - we find the Museum Napoleon.  When I was young, we lived in France.  Everything was Napoleon.  But DH wanted to visit the museum, and found out that it too was free to the disabled and their caregivers. We would have paid, but she had printed out the tickets, and I'm not sure how much I would have paid.  DH thought it was interesting.  It was Napoleon's  home in Rome, I had no idea he had lived there.


 Our last night in Rome, and we went down to our favorite restaurant, not to eat, but to take pictures.



Right next to some of the best food I had ever eaten was a Starbucks with lines of school kids at 3 all ordering the latest sweet gooey coffee.  We stayed away from all that we knew, so no Starbucks for us.


The hotel being near the government building -Palazzo Montecitorio had press hanging around all day outside the hotel.  The minute someone walked out of the government building the press all ran over. to interview someone.




I loved our time in Rome, it did make me more interested in going somewhere for a longer period of time.  


Next time-the rest of the trip....

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My college roommate was a curmudgeon even then, so you can imagine what he's like now.


I could envision making the honey-orange chicken if I had any chicken. No on the pseudotini. Cabernet Franc would be the signature red of the Finger Lakes, if the world weren't always chasing after Cabernet Sauvignon. I'll suggest Ravines Wine Cellars 2021. I haven't been to Buenos Aires.




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2 hours ago, cat shepard said:

Thank you for today’s FR & D, Jacqui. Speaking of Bubble Wrap… I will be shipping some to Jacqui, so she can wrap herself up to prevent further injuries. 


LOL Ann - I just moved the wrong way.  It’s hard to figure out what can hurt sometimes.  It was nearly pain free and I think that fooled me.  I’m wiser now. 😉 



45 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

We didn’t get any snow overnight so our drive to the eye doctor should have any road problems. We’ll learn something today I’m sure.  I’m just so grateful he’s doing well day by day. This long monitored and adjusted healing process is still a bit mysterious but I’m trusting they know what they’re doing and that it will all be Amazing!  


Best wishes for your DH’s appointment today.  I hope it is all Amazing very soon 🤞 



42 minutes ago, Lady Hudson said:

DH has a virtual appointment with his endocrinologist today.  Hoping doctor is ok with his glucose numbers.  They have come down but I am feeling the doctor will want even lower.


Good luck with your DH’s appointment.  I hope the doctor is happy with his glucose 🤞 


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Good morning from a clear Quartzsite where the sun is just making an appearance.  It was 43F when I got up, and we are expecting a high of 74F this afternoon.  The main thing on the agenda today is packing.  We also need to run into the PO and hope our mail is there.  The mail was sent on January 19, and spent a week at the Livingston, TX, PO.  Saturday it was in Shreveport, LA, Sunday in Dallas, and it arrived at the Phoenix sorting facility at 4:41 this morning.  It is supposed to on the way to Quartzsite, but who knows if we'll get it today.


We've know a few curmudgeons, and somehow, managed to become friends with them.  If DH was not a free thinker and thought outside the box, he would never have be able to write his software program in 1982.  As far as we know, it has not been duplicated.  Bubble wrap is a very useful invention.  As @Mr. Boston said, it is fun to pop, and that is a good stress reliever.


I like today's quote especially seeing the entire quote and the name of the person quoted.


The meal looks interesting, but we're having hamburgers tonight to finish cleaning out the refrigerator.  We'll pass on the drink, but wine sounds like it's worth trying, but not the price of the expensive one.


We have been to Buenos Aires twice.  The first time was in 1999 on Noordam III in the pre-digital age.  The second time was in 2015 on Ruby Princess along with Sandi @StLouisCruisers.


Three good days in history including the theater, automotive industry and soft drinks.


@kazu  Jacqui, I agree with Ann @cat shepard.  We need to wrap you in bubble wrap.  Please continue to be careful.

@StLouisCruisers  Sandi, thanks for the pictures of Ren.  I'm glad he scored and the team won.

@smitty34877  Terry, I'm glad you made it home safely.  How nice of Tana's friend to stay with her so you could go to NH.  I hope DD and DSIL continue to test negative and feel better soon.

@grapau27  As usual, thanks for the explanations, Graham.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I hope your DH's doctor is pleased with his progress.

@Lady Hudson  Katherine, I hope your DH has a good report from the endocrinologist today.

@Seasick Sailor  Joy, you have a busy day today.  The meal sounds good.

@marshhawk  Annie, thanks for the final pictures of Rome.  


These are the last memes for a while, since they are stored on my computer which is not going with us one the cruise.  I'm not sure if I'll have time to post tomorrow before we leave for San Diego, but if I do, it will be brief.














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We visited Buenos Aires twice.  The first time in 1999 on Noordam III.  We had an afternoon and a full day there.  We took a ship tour of the city, including Recoleta Cemetery the first day.  The next day, we took a train to Tigre on the Lujan River.  All my pictures of that visit are pre-digital.


In 2015, on Ruby Princess, we took the shuttle into town, and got a Ho-Ho tour.


Downtown Buenos Aires in the distance as the ship docked.



Scenes of town from the Ho-Ho











A monument to commemorate  the 25 May 1810 revolution, a week-long series of revolutionary events that took place from May 18 to May 25, 1810, in Buenos Aires. It started the Argentine War of Independence, and it is considered the birth of modern Argentina.



Casa Rosada (Pink House) is the seat of the Argentine national government and houses the president's office.  It was the scene of much of the city's history, and it was from the balconies of the Casa Rosada that Juan and “Evita” Perón addressed the masses during the late 1940s and early 1950s.  The balcony scene in "Evita" was filmed at the Casa Rosada.



Guards outside the Casa Rosada



A neighborhood street



More pictures of La Boca







After the Ho-Ho, we walked over to this shopping mall, but did not stay long.



We took a taxi to San Telmo district to wander through some of the antique stores.  Since it was Saturday afternoon, most of the stores were closed.  We did find some street vendors and Plaza Doreggo.





The Buenos Aires skyline and moon as we sailed toward Montevideo.




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53 minutes ago, RedneckBob said:

Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors.


Y’all probably unaware that I am often crusty, unpleasant, bad tempered, grumpy, unfriendly, irritable, gruff and all around to avoid. I wonder if there we ever be a Day for me?  😀

By the powers vested to me by the HAL Daily thread, I hereby declare that February 30th will officially be known as Redneck Bob Day until Eternity.  Congratulations RNB!!!

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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  


Only have time for a quick check-in; DH couldn't sleep so he went to try out the recliner in the living room.  Which meant I couldn't sleep, knowing he was out there an I wasn't able to hear him.  Hmmm.  Will need a nap later today, I'm sure.


I'm going solo for our "pre-cruise" pedicures as he really doesn't have the energy to get into the car and climb up on the big chairs, so I'll book one for him when he's feeling better.


Will check back later.  Hope everyone has a good day.


Smooth Sailing! ☺️☺️☺️


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11 minutes ago, travelnap said:

By the powers vested to me by the HAL Daily thread, I hereby declare that February 30th will officially be known as Redneck Bob Day until Eternity.  Congratulations RNB!!!

Thanks travelnap but today is my day. Curmudgeon Day. It was my joke for the day!

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Good Morning to all and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  I am a free and abstract thinker, which sometimes is a fault when dealing with people who are more concrete thinkers.  There are times I am a curmudgeon and oh, how I love to pop bubble wrap - even now!!  I am not sure I agree with the quote - I forget my enemies as I don't want to waste time on them.  I rarely use my slow cooker any more and my instant pot is also a slow cooker but I just bought some drumsticks yesterday so I may need to try the recipe with a couple of adjustments.  The drink sounds good, no to the wine, and never been to Argentina.  3 interesting days in history.




Today is a better day as I was a curmudgeon yesterday!  Accomplished some things but I noticed that I tend to procrastinate more when I am not working.  Not a good thing! My PCP got back to me about getting a prescription for the typhoid vaccine and malaria pills.  He wants to discuss it so I requested an appointment - and it can be a virtual one.  So I wait for a call.




Boy, the subbing app "blew up" this morning with requests for subs for today.  Notifications will start and 0500 and end at 2200.  I can put me as not available but I am noisy and something may come up that sounds interesting.  But today I have a PT appt at 1400.  I did get a text from a teacher I know asking about 2 days in the future; unfortunately, I am already booked.




Thoughts for those on the care list and the military families who are grieving.  Cheers to the numerous people who are celebrating.




Have a great day everyone!

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Good morning. Now on  Nome, Alaska time and tomorrow Hawaiian time. Body is trying to catch up.

Last night ten of us dined on an Indian Rice Table and our Exec. Indian Chef put on a feast for us. So delicious. A guest we are friends approached Chef Sri if such a dinner would be possible. As usual the answer was yes when do you want to have it? Delicious and authentic.

Some locals from Picairn came aboard yesterday to sell some of their wares and goods. Bought Sue a necklace and the lady was a descendent of Fletcher Christian.

She also did a presentation on onboard about life on Island. They work hard but seem happy. The school is closed as there are no young children and most of the residents are aged and becoming pensioners. Could this be the last generation?

Time for coffee Outdoor’s looking over the vast Pacific. Have not seen another ship in days.

Have a great week.  Bruce





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Bubble Wrap Day?

Meal sounds good, maybe on the drink and wine, not been to the port.

Just spent 2.5 hours on the phone w/TA and HAL changing a booking - sometimes TAs complicate things. They did the original hold wrong so we couldn't use CO for the cabin upgrade & have to pay for the aft cabin. That really bites as it's a lot on this cruise. Then when I get the confirmation from the TA, pass #2 is wrong, so I'll have to call back. Good grief!

Weather app says it's currently 52° but sure feels colder. Headed to sunny 72° - what a change! Things sure need to dry out and soon.

Prayers and positive thoughts for all. 


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