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The Fleet Report and Daily for Friday March 22nd, 2024


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Good morning everyone.  Happy Friday from a cold and sunny Boston.  Three nice days to recognize today.  The poor little daffodils have been appearing in fits and starts here with all of our wacky weather this year.  I like the quote, it’s very optimistic.  Yum, cake for a meal!  The drink suggestion sounds pretty tasty, it would go nicely with cake.  I have not been to today’s port.  Praying for those on our prayer list.  Cheers to those celebrating happy events today!

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Sunny and cold at 25, at least yesterday’s wind seems mostly over. And sun is nice!  

DH got bloodwork results and his psa has gone up more, not what we want to see but I guess not unexpected, it’s been trending up since he finished radio in 2020. We’ll hear what his oncologist thinks when we have the phone consult in a couple of weeks. He’s gotten us this far so we’ll keep going down the path. 

I was very sore last night after zoom chair-yoga, hoping today the hip recovers. It’ll be an easier day, I’ll phone in to join my spiritual companioning group in Maryland. That’s usually very nourishing. 

We’re looking at options for an Easter outing. Considered visiting my parents graves but the cemetery is closed Sundays!  As a child I remember always going to the two family cemeteries on Palm Sunday with fresh flowers and palms. I guess times change. I was to their graves in 2014 when our cruise around South America terminated in NY… we added a day to hopefully see my brother then but he refused us, so we used that opportunity to visit my old area from my teens and early twenties. Doesn’t seem like it was 10 years ago!  Never thought I’d be living in this region again!  

Blessings sent for all in need. Lifting up those in pain, grief, despair. May your path be guided to healing, comfort and hope!  
Cheers for all the celebrations, it’s important to remind us all that Life is Good🌈

Smooth travel blessings for all away especially our cruisers. 
Enjoy something beautiful today!🌷


Outside the chapel yesterday. 



@erewhon, missing you, hoping you both are ok, off enjoying the world!  

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Good morning everyone!  I was going to heading to the grocery before the snow came but we had 3" by the time I got up.  It can wait until tomorrow.  I have enough lettuce and asparagus to have a balanced dinner.


Thanks for the daily and fleet reports @kazu and the maps @rafinmd.   It is fun to keep up where our daily friends and Facebook crew friends are visiting each day.    I plan to goof off today,  birds are already fed. Daffodils are up and the early ones are in bloom but I'm not going out into the snow to get a photo.   My hip pain is making it hard to feel young so I will just forget about it as I goof off today.   Good quote by Cicero.   The coffee cake recipe looks wonderful @dfish,  I have had Coppola Cabernet before and unless they have a new winemaker it wasn't my style, thanks for researching this for us @cat shepard@summer slope I will pass on the minty cocktail.  


Prayers for all of our group who are having serious problems with their backs and their health.  Prayers for those in war zones,  Ukraine and the innocents in Gaza and the citizens of Haiti.


My favorite Daffodil called Gulls, I left them behind in MD.  



gulls april 25.jpg

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Happy Friday!!  I don't feel young, daffodils are lovely and I can't goof off today until later.  Good quote, pass on the "meal" and drink, maybe on the wine and, as @seagarsmoker said, I have been to Falmouth and did go to Dunn's Fall and the bobsled ride on a HAL excursion.  If the port is on another cruise, I think I will just stay on the ship.  Just a couple of pics:










Finally at the end of a long week.  I think I need the weekend to recoup and that is when I will really goof off.  Today is Chapter 5 in the Baum The Wonderful Wizard of Oz.  Not fond of the book but have to keep the kids enthusiasm up about it.


CT is scheduled for April 7th.  Yes, on a Sunday!  I was surprised.  Keeping my fingers crossed nothing more is found.  




Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a great day everyone!

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Thank you Jacqui, thank you Roy, thank you Debbie, thank you Vanessa, thank you Ann, and thank you Dixie for all your work.  And thank you everyone for being here!


@ger_77 Thank you for asking about Sam. It still is week by week considering that he had his episode three weeks ago and we had made the decision to put him down two weeks ago. We are so glad that we didn't but feel better for when the day comes that we gave him as much time as possible. He does surprise me at times as he actually trotted into the house for his dinner the other day but then that evening would do two-three steps and pause climbing the stairs. Still loves his walks and "demands" them which are now shorter as he tires easily. We have the Rotterdam cruise in two weeks that I am staying home from even though we will lose the money paid. He could change in two days with his condition so I don't want to burden someone else with him if I was gone. It is DSIL's 75th birthday so Sue and her are still going. That is fine with me.


Stay Safe, and prayers for those in need.

- Jack


Pictures from today's walk with Sam. A chilly 31 F!







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 Good Morning from a rainy day at the beach

     Suppose to be rainy all weekend. Crazy weather! 

     I love daffodils, only see them in pots at Easter. They dont like our climate.

Been to Jamaica a few times, last time did not get off the ship. Too aggressive for me.  Cake for dinner sounds great!

      @cat shepard  Glad that your sister is well enough to come home. Hope all goes well for everyone.

         Not much on the agenda today, maybe a goof off day!

Stay safe and enjoy today


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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  I don't feel young, but I don't feel old, either.  Mentally I think I'm about 40 or thereabouts.  I remember buying daffodils to support cancer research - they're such a sign of spring when we finally see them around here.  Being retired means you can goof off whenever you want!


It sounds like very few of us are having good weather today - although it's clear and sunny, it's still cold at -18C (0F) with a stiff wind bringing the "feels like" to -28 again.  Despite the cold temperature, DH and I are heading out today to "Gardenscape" where we'll see a profusion of flowers, trees, and various things to put in your yard and garden.  It will be a nice break from the cold and my favourite thing is to stand and inhale the scent of hyacinths that permeates the entire venue.  Other years we've purchased plants to bring home, but with the cold temp, I'm not sure today is the best day to buy them, as they might freeze just bringing them out to the car.


I feel bad for all our Daily family members who are in pain - I sincerely hope each of you can find some relief from it, as pain can be all consuming.  Thankfully DH's condition isn't painful, just troubling.  We don't know how long it will be before his case is brought before the panel to determine if he qualifies for the transplant, so we just live each day and are grateful for the time together.


I know I'd like the drink of the day, but would want someone else to make it for me - I prefer to make easy drinks; I'm lazy that way.  The wine sounds nice and although I haven't tried it, I certainly would.  Cake for dinner?  Sure, why not?  Add a slice of cheese and you've got a protein source!  After Gardenscape we're going to stop for take out pizza for us to enjoy at the kitchen table tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in wars not of their making.  Cheers to all who are celebrating something today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Three good days today.  I do like daffodils, sometimes I feel young, other times I feel my age, and I have always been accused of being a bit of a goof ball, so I guess that means I am very good at goofing off.  Yes, I have a ball doing it.  Have a great Friday all.

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57 minutes ago, cat shepard said:

My Sister is ready to come home tomorrow. Her PT & OT gurus have really shown her how to manage to be independent and provided a path for her to grow stronger. Now she just has to do it. Brayden is going to be her coach. She has a tendency to play victim so Brayden will need to be strong. 

Brayden put together the rollator his Uncle ordered, and the tub transfer seat that we ordered last night. We installed the transfer seat this morning and the rollator is in the back of my car already for tomorrow. We are all ready for this to happen!


Wow!  You all have gotten a lot done and are organized for your DS 👍. So glad to hear that Brayden will be there to try to get her to do what she should.  I hope all goes well for her sake as well as yours 🙏 



50 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:

DH got bloodwork results and his psa has gone up more, not what we want to see but I guess not unexpected, it’s been trending up since he finished radio in 2020. We’ll hear what his oncologist thinks when we have the phone consult in a couple of weeks. He’s gotten us this far so we’ll keep going down the path. 


Sorry to hear this.  Best wishes for your DH’s oncologist appointment.  




50 minutes ago, RMLincoln said:


I was very sore last night after zoom chair-yoga, hoping today the hip recovers. It’ll be an easier day, I’ll phone in to join my spiritual companioning group in Maryland. That’s usually very nourishing. 


Yikes 😔. I hope your hip improves quickly for you today 🤞 


@Heartgrove Thanks for the great pics of Sam and the update.  I don’t blame you for passing on the cruise with his delicate situation but so sorry you are losing money 😔   Sadly, most insurance doesn’t cover animals’ health and it’s one reason I like HAL’s CPP and it’s cancel for any reason insurance. 


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Good morning Dailyites from a foggy 55 degree morning. Waking up, promising myself to choose joy today.


Goodness what a sad, messy, tragic world we live in for those suffering from homelessness, illness, loss of friends and family,  wars.. the list just keeps growing. Prayers lifted for our Daily family. 


This morning we are expecting a check in call from the VA caregiver program. They ask if meds changed, any new falls or new diagnosis. Afterwards,  we are going to go goof off. It's been a crummy week..


I still feel young. I'll be 70 this year, and still can't believe it!







Hoping Sam continues to be pain free.


Happy to hear Ann's sister is going home, and pray she works hard at her recovery. 


Jacqui and Vanessa wishing you pain free days.


Blessings to our friends here!


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Good Morning,  thanks for today's daily fleet report.  This morning we had some scattered showers but the sun is out and it feels hot.  Nothing planned for today.  

During our morning walk I made a friend.




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Good morning from a sunny and calm Quartzsite. It was 55F when I got up and is 57F now.  Our predicted high is 84F, then tomorrow, we will be back in the 70s for a few days except for Sunday when it will be 67F with a 15mph wind.  Today, I'll put some of the food we won't need on the motorhome, and see what else I can put on it, too.


I like as young as you feel day, and generally, I don't feel as old as the calendar or mirror say.  I love daffodils, but the ones I planted in central Texas did not do well.  In fact, only one came up after the first year, and I finally had to pull it up last year.  I won't be goofing off all day, but hope to have time to goof off with my book this afternoon.


The Marcus Tullius Cicero quote is very true.


We'll pass on the particular cake for a meal, but we've been known to skip the buffet in the Lido at lunch and head straight to the desserts.  I think we have our priorities right.  I'll substitute a regular Mojito for today's drink, and would definitely have the wine.  We've had it before and enjoyed it.


We have not been to Falmouth, Jamaica, by ship, but we spent a week there in 1975 at a resort that doesn't seem to be there anymore.  Part of the week, we rented a car and explored the coast from Ocho Rios to Negril.  Back then, Falmouth was a sleepy town without a cruise port.  Back then, the locals were not as pushy.


Two interesting days in history.  It seems the malls are going away and being replaced by outdoor shopping centers, which are always fun in the summer heat in Texas.  Good for Charilaos Vasilakos of Greece winning 1st modern marathon in 1896.


@MISTER 67  Glad you can now get your new driver's license and register your car in your new town.

@dfish  Debbie, I hope the weather and roads clear by tomorrow so Sue can go get River.

@seagarsmoker  Thank you for the pictures of Falmouth and Pennie.  Falmouth sure has changed since 1975.

@Cruzin Terri  Terri, I hope you don't have any problems driving to Hilton Head today, and that the injection helps your foot.

@cat shepard  Ann, I'm glad your DS is ready to go home tomorrow.  It sounds like you have everything ready for her discharge.  Good luck to Brayden and you in getting her to follow through with what she needs to get stronger.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, I'm sorry your DH's PSA numbers are still going up.  I hope the oncologist can help him.  The picture of the flowers is beautiful.

@ottahand7  Nancy, I'm sorry your hip is bothering you.  Thanks for the picture of the daffodils.

@Nickelpenny  Pennie, I hope the CT gives the doctors some answers and a clear path for the surgery in May.

@Heartgrove  Jake, thanks for the pictures of Sam.  I hope he continues to do well for a long time, but I can understand why you want to stay home with him.















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Thank you Rich, Jacqui, Vanessa, Debbie, Dixie, and Ann for the TGIF report.  I honestly don't feel very young, was out early and will probably be hunkered down for the rest of the day with a lot of goofing off.  Who can not like daffodils.


Two great days in history.  I visited Falmouth just once, 2015, on the Grandeur of the Seas out of Baltimore.  My town walking tour was largely the churches.  In honor of goof-off day I won't be posting individual photos but will link to my blog entry for that day:




I like the Cicero quote.  The meal sounds nice but it should not be the whole meal.  My alternative is Chilled Blueberry Soup, Broiled New York Striploin, and Mango Blueberry Crisp as served on MS Zaandam March 22, 2017:





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24 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

...The meal sounds nice but it should not be the whole meal.  My alternative is Chilled Blueberry Soup, Broiled New York Striploin, and Mango Blueberry Crisp as served on MS Zaandam March 22, 2017:



Your alternate meal sounds (and looks) great!!

We need Smell-o-Vision cuz I'm pretty sure the aroma is fabulous!

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Some daffodils are blooming in this area, but none in my garden. They'll require a few more warm days, which are not what we are having.


I don't think that any cake is "healthy" (should be "healthful" unless they mean that the raspberries mustn't be diseased, which should be obvious) as a meal, and I don't particularly like coconut. I would prefer a Linzertorte: raspberry jam in a hazelnut pastry. No pineapple drinks for me, please. For a Cabernet Sauvignon, I'm sure I would like the McGregor 2017 Library Selection if someone else is paying for it ($80).









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Good morning, 


What good days to celebrate today. My area is known as the Skagit Valley and is very well-known for the annual Tulip Festival that runs the month of April. When the sun's out and especially on the weekends, we locals stay far away from the fields as it's a madhouse out there. Currently the daffodils are blooming and today is not raining so I may take a quick drive out that way on my way to doing Costco and Fred Meyer (and maybe even Wally World). 

Yesterday was my "goof off" day in a way as I stayed home but got things done and even made time to finish my book. I'm enjoying an author by the name of Rhys Bowen and love her "Royal Spyness" series and am enjoying her "Molly Murphy" series. 


Today is errands and nothing much planned for the weekend. Tomorrow is supposed to be quite wet so a good day to stay home. Today would have been my dad's 98th birthday - he passed 7 years ago on March 11th. 




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Good morning to everybody on the Daily and a Big Thank You to all of you keeping the Daily Family together and going day in day out !  For a change I am not just lurking here ……...
Today winter is back in SW Ontario and the daffodils that were about to bloom are at this moment being snowed under and we are expecting more than we have had all winter .
We docked in Falmouth, Jamaica in January this year and we chose to stay on board ship , the Rotterdam because we have been to Jamaica a couple of times on the other side of the Island and saw enough , but here a couple of pictures from the Port.

So we had a very nice and lazy day in Falmouth and were looking forward to the Nami Sushi that evening where we met up again with our lovely friend Apinia.
So today is a great day to start filling my suitcase and get ready to step on board the N Statendam next Sunday , on Easter Day ! for a 35 day cruise to Rotterdam . Yes we will miss the daffodils blooming at home but will end up in tulip country where I was born . 
Tony 😍😍
Even the crocussen did not want to open up yesterday ........
Best Wishes for all of you here ! 
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Posted (edited)

We visited Falmouth twice this winter on our long sojourn on the Eurodam.  The weather was beautiful both days.  We walked around the elaborate port area and bought some gifts for people who watch the house. The coffee was excellent.  










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Posted (edited)

Good morning, Dailyites!  It rained quite heavily during the night but it has stopped, although the sky is cloudy.  We need the rain - and now I hope my radish seeds will sprout.  I just planted one short row, and will plant more before we leave  - two weeks today.  DD is not behaving herself, she keeps doing stuff that she shouldn't and then says it hurts and she can feel the bones scraping each other.  She is going to order a rollator  and a "grabber", Jacqui, I think that one-handed can opener would be very useful for her, please tell me more about it.  I remember when someone mentioned it when you needed one, but I don't recall the details.  


Today is Timmie's for a coffee, then grocery shopping.  DD wants to get a pedicure, but that will be next week, I think.  We'll go for our covid shots next week, too.  And haircuts.  Next week will be busy, you may not hear from me much.  


I'm thinking of you all, you are my very good friends!


PS Love Linzertorte!





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2 hours ago, Heartgrove said:


@ger_77 Thank you for asking about Sam...

Pictures from today's walk with Sam. 


What a beautiful boy! Thanks for sharing. 

Warms my heart to hear he's had pretty good weeks since his spell.

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