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The Fleet Report and Daily for Monday April 29th, 2024

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Quick hello this morning.  I am heading over to Battle Creek for my Rheumatologist appointment.  We are supposed to have rain soon.   Have a lovely morning.  Nancy 

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Good sunny and warm 68 morning. It’s supposed to get up to 88 today and still warm tomorrow. 
I worked with a woman whose daughter had leukemia and benefited from Make A Wish. Her choice was Hawaii. I think Royal Caribbean still sponsors a walk onboard their ships. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

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Good morning, Oklahoma is starting the "recovery" from tornadoes. Unfortunately the death count is up to five this morning. It will take the small town of Sulphur a bit longer. There is now a shelter just across the street in a Church and will take some things over there this morning. The people in this part of Oklahoma are accustomed to this and will recover and be better than ever!

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Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

The Peace Rose is very nice. Wishes for those in need by the Make-A-Wish Foundation is a great thing. I like a good zipper, especially 2 way zippers in my bulky winter coats. Excellent quote. Maybe on the meal and the drink. Pass on the wine. I haven't been to Kochi. I'll salute the tearing down of the Berlin Wall; I've seen the remnants around Germany while visiting. 


It's going to be hot here today. It's already 66F and sunny, going up to 80. I slept well last night. BFF went home as he had some early morning appointments. He'll be back this afternoon. I'll just be hanging out here at home, reading and trying to walk around a bit more. I still have incisional pain and can't bend without discomfort (I'm not supposed to any way).


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today. 

@seagarsmoker It's good to hear that the new job is going well.

@marshhawk I hope DH gets some help at his Pain appointment.

@LambKnuckles I'm glad you're ok, but sorry the storms took out some of your electronic equipment. 

@smitty34877 I'm glad you were able to get in to see the Rheumatologist so quickly, and I hope that will help you out. I'm hoping you have less pain today.

@RMLincoln Prayers that Richard's eye appointment shows good results.

@ottahand7 I hope your Rheum appointment goes well.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.

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Good morning everyone!


It is a warm and sunny day here in northeast Ohio.  Yesterday I had breakfast with friends in Columbus, lunch with former neighbors in Kent, and dinner with a former colleague in Hudson.  Today I am going up to Bedford for lunch with a friend.  

Wishing you all a wonderful day.

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Good morning from a very foggy central Texas.  It is currently 67F with a predicted high of 81F and sun this afternoon.  It will be a busy day between mowing the grass, the a/c tune up this afternoon, and someone coming to fix our land line.  Yes, we still have a land line since it is necessary for the internet.  We now have a fiber optic cable coming to the house, and what a difference the speed is over the old DSL.  Our phone has been out since at least April 17, but we didn't realize it until last week when the PCP's nurse said she'd been trying to call me for a week.


I'll celebrate Peace Rose Day, World Wish Day and Zipper Day.  


A very interesting quote from Henri Nouwen, but I think everyone in our lives are important unless they are truly toxic.


The meal sounds good as a side dish, but not today.  We may take advantage of the good weather and grill a steak tonight.  The drink sounds good, and I hope I remember it the next time I'm on a BHB.  We'll pass on the wine.


We have not been to Kochi, so no pictures.


This day in 1990 is a good day in history when the Berlin Wall was taken down at the Brandenburg Gate.  However, the official date for the Berlin Wall coming down is November 9, 1989. during the Peaceful Revolution.  That is when part of the wall came down.  Germany was officially reunified on October 3. 1929, when the reunification treaty was ratified.


@grapau27  Graham, thank you all the information about the days.

@aliaschief  Bruce, I'm glad the ship is taking anti-pirate precautions.  We were told that cruise ships can out run the pirates' boats, but it's still good to be prepared.

@seagarsmoker  That is good news the new job is going well.

@summer slope  Dixie, I hope the chiropractor can help with the lingering effects of the accident.

@marshhawk  Annie, I hope the appointment at the pain clinic goes well, and they can help Chuck.

@smitty34877  Terry, I hope the rheumatologist can help with the RA flare, and that you shoulder is better.

@RMLincoln  Maureen, best wishes for DH's appointment today.  I hope the doctor is pleased with the progress after the surgery.
















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Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  Three good days to celebrate. Too deep of a quote this early in the morning, pass on all the recipes and never been to Kochi.  I remember the wall coming down.


We will start to warm up today as I thought the weekend was a tad cool.  Presently 54F heading up to high 80s with no rain in the forecast.  Distressing to see the devastation in OK; I don't think I could live there as I am deathly afraid of tornados.


Busy week ahead; I can't believe it is almost May.


Thoughts for those on the care list and cheers for those celebrating.  Have a good Monday.

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46 minutes ago, 1ANGELCAT said:

Good sunny and warm 68 morning. It’s supposed to get up to 88 today and still warm tomorrow. 
I worked with a woman whose daughter had leukemia and benefited from Make A Wish. Her choice was Hawaii. I think Royal Caribbean still sponsors a walk onboard their ships. 
Blessings and prayers to all on our journey.

Actually, Royal Caribbean discontinued the Walk For Wishes several years ago.  They are currently (or at least until recently) supporting World Wildlife Fund and there's a t-shirt sale but no actual activity.



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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  My mom had a peace rose growing at the edge of our garden when I was a child; it was such a beautiful variety of colours all together in one flower.  The Make A Wish foundation is a wonderful organization.  Just imagine all the things you have with zippers in them, then think of what you would do without them.  The quote is lovely - we all wish (hope) we have friends like that.  Here's a photo of a peace rose from the internet:




The sun is shining brightly and it's already +8(46F) and should go up to 18(65) which will make for a beautiful spring day.  We were in touch with the fellow who does our snow removal and he and his wife will come over to do the spring yard clean up for us as well - they're expected to show up later this morning to take care of it for us.  


It looks like lots of folks have medical appointments today - I'm sending good vibes to all of you as you deal with your health issues.  In about an hour I'm going to be placing a call to the cardiac health clinic to find out what's going on with DH's case.  After that it will be time to get onto our deck - yesterday's plan didn't work out, as it was cold and rainy and neither of us felt like schlepping cushions, moving furniture, etc., so today should see some improvement in it's condition.  


I'd like to try the drink of the day, will let others enjoy the white wine, and I've never had Mexican street corn, so am looking at the recipes with great interest.  I'm not sure if we can get Cotija cheese around here, but definitely have Feta in the fridge almost all the time, so it's just a matter of getting the corn and putting it together.  For us though, there's a pork loin that will be going into the slow cooker along with a bottle of barbecue sauce and a pkg of onion soup mix to be made into pulled pork sandwiches for us to enjoy (hopefully) on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and in the paths of the tornadoes.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Oops!  I didn't catch an important typo in time to change it.  The German Reunification Treaty was signed on October 3, 1989.  I guess I went too far back to the future.


In 2005, we disembarked Marco Polo in Warnemunde and took a train into what had been East Berlin.  Before checking into the hotel, we had a city tour and a river tour or Berlin.  The next day, DH and I toured Berlin on our own.


In 2005, there were still sections of the Berlin Wall left in place to remind people of the divided city.  



There is a line going around what was East Berlin where the wall had stood.



The Brandenburg Gate



Of course, I couldn't forget Checkpoint Charlie looking to the west.  There is a good museum in the building on the left side of the second picture.






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I've been a bit distracted yesterday afternoon and this morning thinking about the timeline.  My full (for now) updated version:


Apprpximately April 4, 2004 First post appearing on current version of HAL forum

May 5, 2007 or earlier First fleet report by Lisa

December 5 or 6, 2019 David Luv2trvl and DW trvlcrzy take over the Fleet Report for over 10 years

December 31, 2018 Luv2trvl’s last Fleet Location as his source of data disappears

April 27, 2019: Rich puts out feeler on Fleet Locations but had no takers

April 28, 2019: Rich’s first Fleet Report

June 1, 2019 Kazu was first guest host of the Fleet report

Approx December 25, 2019 first “Today is” Starting with Christmas and holidays but something else added for regular days.

March 16, 2020: First appearance of “The Daily” There was not really a change in the substance for a while but March 16 did add a discussion of various possibilities


Other milestones in the Daily:

April 5, 2020: First Meal Suggestion and quote

June 23, 2020: First wine suggestion

June 29, 2020 Maps become a regular feature of the daily

July 9, 2020: My first sunrise

July 10, 2020: First care list

July 27, 2020: First wine review by @cat shepard

August 5, 2020: First alternative meal

August 8: 2020 First shoutout list

September 1, 2020 First Drink AND Drink Review

December 26, 2020: Dailyite Meet and Greet on Zoom

January 27, 2021: Debbie’s first meal review

February 1, 2021, First Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit

March 1, 2021 First Destination of the Day

July 24, 2021, First BHB with Passengers Lafnvegas onboard

July 31, 2021, First regularly dailyite on board Crazy for Cats Nieuw Amsterdam

January 18, 2022: Father David’s first sermon on the Daily

June 19, 2022: First Fleet Report and Daily

January 28, 2023 Jazzyv takes over the Care and Celebration lists

January 25, 2024 First Alternative Maps with cruiser names


A few other notes.  Not sure what early Cruise Critic was like but sail7seas was a charter member joining August 26, 2000 but I have no idea what it was like then.


I'm not sure in the early days the Fleet Report was an every day thing.  It seemed to be very connected to days when a BHB was in range of a webcam.


I can't remember David's wife right now but she was very involved in helping with the Fleet Report.  I actually did an impromptu Fleet Report once when one of them was suddenly hospitalized.



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Posted (edited)

Good morning all,

We’ve got Spring here- lots of birds chirping ( I got up to listen) ( @Seasick Sailor thanks for Merlin) and warm days. We’ve hit the low 80s ( and because of the cold weather (for us) that we’ve had this year, 80 has been quite toasty.🫤 Summer is coming.🥴


Today’s corn salad sounds great so am adding to my file to try. We’re sending “thanks” to whoever introduced us to “Freakshow” and “Apothec” Cabernet Sauvignons. We love both and they will be enjoyed many more times.


(I’ve been screenshotting wines and downloading recipes to try and we’ve added many now favorite foods and wines to our repertoire- so thank you to Rich @richwmn, @cat shepard @dfish and the rest of the F & B team!)


Have a great day everyone!

Edited by TiogaCruiser
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59 minutes ago, ottahand7 said:

Quick hello this morning.  I am heading over to Battle Creek for my Rheumatologist appointment.  We are supposed to have rain soon.   Have a lovely morning.  Nancy 


Nancy, I hope your appointment goes well today.  Safe travels in the rain.


52 minutes ago, Gsel said:

Good morning, Oklahoma is starting the "recovery" from tornadoes. Unfortunately the death count is up to five this morning. It will take the small town of Sulphur a bit longer. There is now a shelter just across the street in a Church and will take some things over there this morning. The people in this part of Oklahoma are accustomed to this and will recover and be better than ever!


I'm sorry the death count is now five.  Our condolences to the families of those killed in the tornado.


49 minutes ago, JazzyV said:

Good morning. Thanks for the Fleet Report/Daily.

The Peace Rose is very nice. Wishes for those in need by the Make-A-Wish Foundation is a great thing. I like a good zipper, especially 2 way zippers in my bulky winter coats. Excellent quote. Maybe on the meal and the drink. Pass on the wine. I haven't been to Kochi. I'll salute the tearing down of the Berlin Wall; I've seen the remnants around Germany while visiting. 


It's going to be hot here today. It's already 66F and sunny, going up to 80. I slept well last night. BFF went home as he had some early morning appointments. He'll be back this afternoon. I'll just be hanging out here at home, reading and trying to walk around a bit more. I still have incisional pain and can't bend without discomfort (I'm not supposed to any way).


@StLouisCruisers Thanks for our start today. 

@seagarsmoker It's good to hear that the new job is going well.

@marshhawk I hope DH gets some help at his Pain appointment.

@LambKnuckles I'm glad you're ok, but sorry the storms took out some of your electronic equipment. 

@smitty34877 I'm glad you were able to get in to see the Rheumatologist so quickly, and I hope that will help you out. I'm hoping you have less pain today.

@RMLincoln Prayers that Richard's eye appointment shows good results.

@ottahand7 I hope your Rheum appointment goes well.


Prayers for the Care List and Cheers for those Celebrating.


Vanessa, it's good you are still sleeping well.  I hope the pain from the incision is gone soon, but it is a good reminder not to bend over.


8 minutes ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  My mom had a peace rose growing at the edge of our garden when I was a child; it was such a beautiful variety of colours all together in one flower.  The Make A Wish foundation is a wonderful organization.  Just imagine all the things you have with zippers in them, then think of what you would do without them.  The quote is lovely - we all wish (hope) we have friends like that.  Here's a photo of a peace rose from the internet:




The sun is shining brightly and it's already +8(46F) and should go up to 18(65) which will make for a beautiful spring day.  We were in touch with the fellow who does our snow removal and he and his wife will come over to do the spring yard clean up for us as well - they're expected to show up later this morning to take care of it for us.  


It looks like lots of folks have medical appointments today - I'm sending good vibes to all of you as you deal with your health issues.  In about an hour I'm going to be placing a call to the cardiac health clinic to find out what's going on with DH's case.  After that it will be time to get onto our deck - yesterday's plan didn't work out, as it was cold and rainy and neither of us felt like schlepping cushions, moving furniture, etc., so today should see some improvement in it's condition.  


I'd like to try the drink of the day, will let others enjoy the white wine, and I've never had Mexican street corn, so am looking at the recipes with great interest.  I'm not sure if we can get Cotija cheese around here, but definitely have Feta in the fridge almost all the time, so it's just a matter of getting the corn and putting it together.  For us though, there's a pork loin that will be going into the slow cooker along with a bottle of barbecue sauce and a pkg of onion soup mix to be made into pulled pork sandwiches for us to enjoy (hopefully) on the deck tonight.  And wine.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, in turmoil, and in the paths of the tornadoes.  Cheers to all with celebrations happening.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I hope you get some good news from the cardiac clinic today.


6 minutes ago, rafinmd said:

I've been a bit distracted yesterday afternoon and this morning thinking about the timeline.  My full (for now) updated version:


Apprpximately April 4, 2004 First post appearing on current version of HAL forum

May 5, 2007 or earlier First fleet report by Lisa

December 5 or 6, 2019 David Luv2trvl and DW trvlcrzy take over the Fleet Report for over 10 years

December 31, 2018 Luv2trvl’s last Fleet Location as his source of data disappears

April 27, 2019: Rich puts out feeler on Fleet Locations but had no takers

April 28, 2019: Rich’s first Fleet Report

June 1, 2019 Kazu was first guest host of the Fleet report

Approx December 25, 2019 first “Today is” Starting with Christmas and holidays but something else added for regular days.

March 16, 2020: First appearance of “The Daily” There was not really a change in the substance for a while but March 16 did add a discussion of various possibilities


Other milestones in the Daily:

April 5, 2020: First Meal Suggestion and quote

June 23, 2020: First wine suggestion

June 29, 2020 Maps become a regular feature of the daily

July 9, 2020: My first sunrise

July 10, 2020: First care list

July 27, 2020: First wine review by @cat shepard

August 5, 2020: First alternative meal

August 8: 2020 First shoutout list

September 1, 2020 First Drink AND Drink Review

December 26, 2020: Dailyite Meet and Greet on Zoom

January 27, 2021: Debbie’s first meal review

February 1, 2021, First Rabbit, Rabbit, White Rabbit

March 1, 2021 First Destination of the Day

July 24, 2021, First BHB with Passengers Lafnvegas onboard

July 31, 2021, First regularly dailyite on board Crazy for Cats Nieuw Amsterdam

January 18, 2022: Father David’s first sermon on the Daily

June 19, 2022: First Fleet Report and Daily

January 28, 2023 Jazzyv takes over the Care and Celebration lists

January 25, 2024 First Alternative Maps with cruiser names


A few other notes.  Not sure what early Cruise Critic was like but sail7seas was a charter member joining August 26, 2000 but I have no idea what it was like then.


I'm not sure in the early days the Fleet Report was an every day thing.  It seemed to be very connected to days when a BHB was in range of a webcam.


I can't remember David's wife right now but she was very involved in helping with the Fleet Report.  I actually did an impromptu Fleet Report once when one of them was suddenly hospitalized.




Roy, DH's DSIL signed us up to on CC in 2002, and we went to one of the first M&Gs on Rhapsody of the Seas in September 2002.  We followed CC and roll calls for several years, and CC was much like it is today, except maybe a little more polite.  I don't remember if there was a Fleet Report that early.


BTW, you will notice it says we joined CC on August 24, 2008.  That is because we didn't login for many years, only lurked.  Then, when we wanted to post on a roll call, we couldn't remember our password.  That's when DH created Quartzsite Cruiser.



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5 hours ago, VMax1700 said:

Good morning fron Nieuw Statendam, sailing towards Gibraltar.  Today is a sea day and the sea is running a tad high, but not as much as last night.





Can you get me a piece of the rock!

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4 hours ago, aliaschief said:

Onward is presently doing 15.5 knots and for the first time in quite awhile we have a little movement with a 3-5 foot sea. We are off the coast of Somalia so the fire hoses are ready here on promenade.Presently we are enjoying the cushioned sun lounges on the partial promenade deck port side. Enjoying a good book but the ocean breeze and the sound of the ocean is threatening to become nap time.

They had a pool side BBQ lunch today and that is also causing drowsiness.

We just love to cruise. It’s going to be hard to return to land.

Thanks for the reports and post. Bruce 

With your military experience will you be manning the fire hoses? 😳

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4 hours ago, summer slope said:

Off to the Chiropractor this morning.  LIngering effects of the cart accident.


White tea cocktail:


The White Tea Shot is sweet and fresh. It has a base of vodka, but tastes like peach and lemon lime soda.


3 oz vodka
3 oz peach Schnapps
1 oz simple syrup
1 lemon, juiced
1 lime, juiced
4 oz Sprite
1 cup ice cubes
1 orange, sliced for garnish


Add ice cubes to a cocktail shaker. Measure vodka, peach schnapps, simple syrup, and juiced lemon and lime. Add it to the shaker
Shake for 30 seconds so everything is well mixed and cold.
Add the sprite to the shaker and stir (don’t shake this carbonation).
Pour into six single shots. Serve the shots with an orange slice or lemon wedge and enjoy.


Screenshot 2024-04-29 at 6.15.07 AM.png

I prefer Dark Tea with Jack!

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Thanks for the Fleet Update and General Info from all contributors!


It’s Zipper Day. Was that named for that famous football coach at a famous college who told his players to “Win this one for the Zipper”!  😀😀😀


Today I observed a Wild Kingdom experience on our lake. A duck was swimming side by side with a gator. Then the duck decided to swim five feet in front of the gator and suddenly the gator submerged and then in a few seconds the duck exited the lake! I guess the gator was upset that for breakfast it preferred duck served under glass. Or maybe I almost saw a quack up! Or…ok, I will stop!

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

I've been a bit distracted yesterday afternoon and this morning thinking about the timeline.  My full (for now) updated version:


thanks for updating the time line.

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1 hour ago, rafinmd said:

My full (for now) updated version:


Thank you for this, Roy! You've done some fine sleuthing to pull this together.


Truly outstanding work!

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My final sunrise from my 2012 Celebrity Solstice Transatlantic from Fort Lauderdale to Barcelona.  We arrived on Barcelona April 29:





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Good morning and thank all!  Sending good wishes for all those medical appointments today.  I’m heading off this morning as well.    

We thoroughly enjoyed Kochi,  beautiful vintage silk kimonos were also for sale! I may have purchased a few.   There is also a lovely castle to visit,  slippery ladders to climb and a beautiful bridge.  Don’t miss their hay smoked tuna. 


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Spring has sprung in Essex county. My trillium and my bleeding hearts in my shade garden seem quite happy today. And if someone recognizes the flower in the last picture, please tell me what it is. I have no idea where it came from.


warm and sunny this am but rain predicted for this afternoon. Hopefully no storms. But sadly this is tornado season.




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