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The Fleet Report and Daily for Sunday July 14th, 2024

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Todays goal is to make the chocolate cherry crock pot cobbler.

Do laundry.

and oh no -Bake some pork chops in sauerkraut and red cabbage, serving with german potato salad (from a can)  lets not push it, I am making the crockpot cobbler.....


Todays Happy Picture-


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Posted (edited)

Hugs 🫂 🤗 @Cruzin Terri


The picture is beautiful @seagarsmoker, glad the new job continues to go well.


Prayers 🙏 and hugs 🤗 @smitty34877, Tana and family.


You and DH remain in my thoughts and prayers @marshhawk.


@kazu 🤞 on your house getting a new owner and prayers 🙏 for you & Ivan and both your care teams for your procedures.


@ottahand7 congrats to you & DH on the 🐟 🐠 🎣 🐡 


Prayers 🙏 and positive thoughts for all and for our country.

Edited by Haljo1935
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Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Pretty sure the last time I was nude in public was when I was born, and that's not about to change.  Definitely good to be aware of sharks, especially lately with so many incidents happening.  Remembering the victims of the Nice attack.


Well Summerfest 2024 has been put to bed - it was well attended with 73 people showing up for the evening.  There was tons of food, lots of conversations, much laughter, and after dinner music provided by DH and a couple of the guys in his band.  Unfortunately, we had to shut down early around 9:30 because it started to rain - not a hard rain, but enough that people didn't want to sit outside and get soaked, so we packed it in.  Our Ukrainian friends came to the rescue again by bringing all the food from the tables up to the deck and helping to get the chairs folded and into areas where they would be relatively dry.  When everyone left, DH and I started putting things into zip top bags and into the fridges, I did dishes - so many dishes, but we were able to have a last glass of sangria and turned off the lights around midnight.  




@Seasick SailorPlease wish Allen a very Happy Birthday as he celebrates another trip around the sun!

@rafinmdHappy Birthday to your nephew Keith!

@kazusending good vibes that the couple falls in love with your home, just as you & Jose did.

@StLouisCruisersI'm sorry to hear of Ren's injury; hopefully he heals quickly and fully.

@aliaschiefsafe travels to the beach today!


We heard about the assassination attempt on the news last night - terrible, no matter what party is involved.


Today is going to be pretty low-key, as I'm pretty sure yesterday took a lot out of DH.  Later this morning the Ukrainian family is coming back to help dismantle and put away the banquet tables, and after that I think we're going to be relaxing watching tv, napping, and just recovering from Summerfest.  


I know I'd like the wine, not sure about the drink as I like my scotch neat, and do love corn salsa - in fact someone brought a huge bowl of it last night and there were no leftovers.  It's looking like leftovers for us:  smokies and salads will be what's served on the deck table tonight.  And wine.  And sangria.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️


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Good morning. Like Debbie @dfish, sleeping wasn’t happening last night . I remembered the Nice attack as DDDH and I spent time sitting on a bench overlooking the water a few years prior to that. We took the ferry to Fire Island with the family and inadvertently stumbled onto the nude beach. Even when younger I was not comfortable …lots of funny questions from the young ones especially regarding sand!


@rafinmd. Roy, Happy Birthday to your nephew Keith!

@Nickelpenny, Pennie, I love that design you chose and envy your skills. 
Today we are not cooking and ordering in later. It is warm and muggy and I am just too tired.

The events of last night are truly frightening and I am at a loss for words.

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Good morning, Dailyites.  Happy birthdays to Allen and Keith.  I guess I have been through the Cockburn Channel, if it is the one in Sir PMP's post.  I am going to wake Pat up any minute now, so I need to get on with it!  I like getting up before him, to have a few minutes to myself and my CC friends!   I am getting tired of having no fridge in the kitchen.  All the frozen foods are crushed in the freezer in the garage, I have no idea where anything is, and ice is melting all over the place in the fridge portion of the appliance in the kitchen.  I go to the grocery store every morning to buy ice.  At least the milk has not gone sour.


Jacqui, I hope everything goes as it should today, and you can find it in yourself to be pleased  with the outcome.  I do think it's a good idea to make the changes while you still can.   Belated birthday wishes for Ivan.



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Good morning and thanks for the daily and fleet report.  On a trip to Portugal to meet a friend, we accidentally went to a nude beach.  Let's just say I tried really hard not to ogle.  Sharks are important and the happenings at Nice should be remembered.  Not a fan of corn salsa or the drink, maybe the wine and I have never been to Cockburn.  Bastille Day!  🙂  The female parliamentarian was Rawya Ateya from Egypt and it was interesting about the open source OS developing.




We might get some rain today but, of course, that is location dependent.  It is only predicticeted to get up to ~103F today but the humidity is up - around 50% - which makes it feel hotter, IMHO.  I hate humidity.  


The project has officially started as I stained the long wooden piece and sanded down the top yesterday.  I forgot about getting some turpentine so I have to head back to the building supply store.  I did manage to get the stain off my fingers though!!  One more coat on the piece of wood and more sanding today.  Thanks to those who liked the design.  😊




@StLouisCruisers Sorry to hear Ren broke his clavicle.  Thank goodness no surgery is needed.

@kazu 🤞 on the showing today.

Happy Birthday to @Seasick Sailor DH Allen and to @rafinmd's nephew.  It is also one of my brothers birthday.  (I think he is 58 🤷‍♀️)

Welcome home @luvteaching! I hope you and your friend had a great time.

RIP Shannon Doherty and Richard Simmons. 💔


Since the Wizard of Oz is one of my favorite movies, after yesterday's news, all I can say is


I hope all of you can celebrate something today.  Have a great day!

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@Vict0riann My last sofa was a tapestry pattern,, hid every color of fur.  Once it got destroyed (age, cats, claws and too much sitting in opposite corners) the newer less expensive one get covered with a comforter which gets washed every two weeks.


@Crazy For Cats picture reminds me of the kittens.  They have their little toy mice, and when they lived on the porch they would finish eating, and place their toy mice in the food bowls.  I was not sure if they were trying to get the toys to eat, or if they knew they were food, and put them in the food bowl for a later snack.


@ger_77How did the SummerFest start?

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Thanks for the Fleet report and Daily!


I really appreciate all the wonderful pictures, memes and recipes and all the effort everyone puts in to post them.


Wishing everyone the best , especially those facing change and health issues.


i love hearing about Oliver, Ivan, Fancy, the kitties and all the other pets who mean so much to us.


Our little dog Penny went after a groundhog this morning but somehow I was able to call her back.  I didn’t even know we had groundhogs around us.  I was worried it would bite her, I will have to check the yard when I put her out from now on.


Have a wonderful day!


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Good morning all!
Feeling a bit subdued this morning and just disgusted in general. There are no words.  


Last night we had the Mojito Chicken, it was a hit!  Thank you Debbie @dfish for the recipe.  I'll be making it again, I think instead of the kabobs we'll just do Mojito chicken breasts on the bbq next time. 


We're heading for the mid 80's today and by mid-week it will creep up near 90 again but not for long.  Still no rain in sight.  Today we're going to DD's and DDIL's gardens to water and harvest.  I didn't expect to be watering their gardens as much as I have, I thought surely we would get rain while they're away -- nope! 


Sandi @StLouisCruisers I was very sorry to hear about Ren's injury.  I saw it yesterday at the same time the big news came out, so didn't get back to CC to post then.  I hope he heals quickly and fully.


Happy Birthday Allen! @Seasick Sailor

Happy Birthday to Roy's nephew Keith! @rafinmd

Happy Birthday to your brother @Nickelpenny!


Welcome home @luvteaching!

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Could we please having something along with the corn salsa? I would probably like the drink. For yet another Syrah/Shiraz, we'll go with the 2020 from Anyela's Vineyards, maybe the only one in the FL that is labeled as Shiraz, at $22.95 but out of stock at the winery. "This wine has a rich dark color with a slight garnet hue. Oaked for 14 months, displaying a combination of spicy black pepper, ripe plums, and toasted wood-like characteristics. The phenolics are prominent and ripe, which translates into a firm yet not overwhelming mouthfeel. This exemplifies the potential of the eastern US to produce a well-balanced Shiraz varietal that stands among the best."


I haven't been to the Cockburn Channel. I used to watch the Beagle Channel on cable, but never saw Snoopy.


I intended to do some yard work this morning even though I try not to use outdoor power tools on Sunday morning, but I slept fitfully and didn't attempt it. Later I'll head to CVS/Target for a prescription, and the blue store for shelf supports since one broke and spilled a shelf of books onto the floor. Lunch will be the leftovers from dinner last night: vegan sausage, rice, and Savoy cabbage all cooked together.



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After watching the exciting bicycle race in France I got busy in the garden even at temperatures of 30C + degrees
Today I harvested my garlic , about 2 weeks early from other years .
They look pretty good and we have about 75 of them . The netting in the background is over top of my bush beans , they just started flowering and I try to prevent the deer getting at them before me , as they did last year .
New experiment for this year "Midnight Snack " cherry tomatoes . They are a little larger , which is great,  are almost black on the top . Anthocyanin a healthy antioxidant on top ( like blueberries ) and when ripe they will be red on the lower part
Tony 😄
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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

TerriI read an article last week on the googly news that this new variant of Covid has been knocking the stuffing out of people who have had Covid before.  But the primary symptom is a really bad sore throat.  And it is quite contagious, more so than previous varieties.  Get rest!  And I hope you are feeling better soon

Annie, thanks for your thoughts.  i don’t have a sore throat, but a very bothersome lingering cough and unrelenting fatigue.  I hope that things improve for you and Chuck.  you are in my prayers.\


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When we were on the Zaandam on our way to Antarctica , Feb  2015  in the Cockburn Channel going to Punta Arenas 

I loved those screens on the Zaandam which gave us our exact location of where we were , they should have those on the Pinnacle class ships instead of those useless screens in the crows nest that never seem to work  ! 
Amazing scenery ............
After that it was supper time .
Have a wonderful Sunday everybody , Best Wishes to all ! 
Tony 😁
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Posted (edited)

Thank you JazzyV for including our 50th Anniversary cruise in The Daily. The getting ready for this trip has been a bit different from getting ready for previous cruises. In early June, we packed our cruise luggage (in Southern California), closed on our ‘retirement’ home in Tucson & moved most of our things to Arizona. We returned to California for a day, flew to Seattle & spent 2 weeks with DD’s dog and 2 more weeks with DD, DSIL, and 3 grands. Hope that the clothes we packed 6 weeks ago are the right clothes! London this weekend & onboard the ship on Tuesday = relaxation!


StLouisCruiser, thank you for the travel log of your recent “Arctic” adventure. I feel better informed about some of the stops we will make on our cruise. 

Prayers and thanks to all of the CC friends. Kazu, moving is hard, you are in my thoughts & prayers.

Edited by Norseh2o
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11 minutes ago, Norseh2o said:

Thank you JazzyV for including our 50th Anniversary cruise in The Daily. The getting ready for this trip has been a bit different from getting ready for previous cruises. In early June, we packed our cruise luggage (in Southern California), closed on our ‘retirement’ home in Tucson & moved most of our things to Arizona. We returned to California for a day, flew to Seattle & spent 2 weeks with DD’s dog and 2 more weeks with DD, DSIL, and 3 grands. Hope that the clothes we packed 6 weeks ago are the right clothes! London this weekend & onboard the ship on Tuesday = relaxation!


StLouisCruiser, thank you for the travel log of your recent “Arctic” adventure. I feel better informed about some of the stops we will make on our cruise. 

Prayers and thanks to all of the CC friends. Kazu, moving is hard, you are in my thoughts & prayers.


Wow, I'm so happy to hear you learned a few things from our recent travels.  I looked up the itinerary on your wonderful adventure and the itinerary looks amazing!  I know you'll have a great time, and due to being later in the season I hope you will make all those Greenland ports that we missed. 

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Happy Sunday afternoon. Thanks for the Daily and Fleet reports. 

Hot again today. Got some weeding done in my vegetable garden and watered. Expected some rain but that might be doubtful. Seems the rain is all around us. We shall see. Took my car in yesterday as it was making a weird noise. Of course, the car wouldn't do that when it was getting checked. 

Thinking of all on the care list. 

Celebrating with all who are celebrating. 

Have a safe and healthy day. 

Don't Bother These Cats Who Are Enjoying Their Sunday (Memes) | Funny ...

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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Just saw that not only Richard Simmons passed away, but Sharon Doherty lost her battle with cancer.


Sad to hear.  May they RIP 🙏 




\Gerry, @ger_77 it looks like a good time was had by all at your summer fest but what a task!  A lot of work for so many people!  I know it is worth it but WOW!  Your friends and neighbours are blessed to have someone like you and your DH with so much initiative in their lives.

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Posted (edited)

Good day and thanks all! A very happy birthday to Allen and Keith!  Hope Ren heals well! 

@Cruzin Terri so sorry you’re not feeling well still.  Take the time you need to rest and recover. 

@kazu hope all goes well today, but of course it’s normal to feel how you do!  Hugs,  I would like to think  that Jose knew you needed a companion and karma gave you Ivan on such a memorable day! 

@ger_77 glad your party went so well! 

Edited by bennybear
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4 minutes ago, bennybear said:


@kazu hope all goes well today, but of course it’s normal to feel how you do!  Hugs,  I would like to think  that Jose knew you needed a companion and karma gave you Ivan on such a memorable day


I think it was Karma, Brenda.  When I was debating whether to take on Ivan or not, I swear I hard Jose’s voice speak to me.  it was his voice and he asked me to save Ivan just like I saved the others and him.  Maybe I dreamt it but I wasn’t asleep and it’s certainly something Jose would say.

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4 hours ago, marshhawk said:

Just saw that not only Richard Simmons passed away, but Sharon Doherty lost her battle with cancer.


Annie, thanks for sharing such sad news.  May they both RIP,


4 hours ago, ger_77 said:

Good morning, thanks for the Fleet Report and Daily!  Pretty sure the last time I was nude in public was when I was born, and that's not about to change.  Definitely good to be aware of sharks, especially lately with so many incidents happening.  Remembering the victims of the Nice attack.


Well Summerfest 2024 has been put to bed - it was well attended with 73 people showing up for the evening.  There was tons of food, lots of conversations, much laughter, and after dinner music provided by DH and a couple of the guys in his band.  Unfortunately, we had to shut down early around 9:30 because it started to rain - not a hard rain, but enough that people didn't want to sit outside and get soaked, so we packed it in.  Our Ukrainian friends came to the rescue again by bringing all the food from the tables up to the deck and helping to get the chairs folded and into areas where they would be relatively dry.  When everyone left, DH and I started putting things into zip top bags and into the fridges, I did dishes - so many dishes, but we were able to have a last glass of sangria and turned off the lights around midnight.  




@Seasick SailorPlease wish Allen a very Happy Birthday as he celebrates another trip around the sun!

@rafinmdHappy Birthday to your nephew Keith!

@kazusending good vibes that the couple falls in love with your home, just as you & Jose did.

@StLouisCruisersI'm sorry to hear of Ren's injury; hopefully he heals quickly and fully.

@aliaschiefsafe travels to the beach today!


We heard about the assassination attempt on the news last night - terrible, no matter what party is involved.


Today is going to be pretty low-key, as I'm pretty sure yesterday took a lot out of DH.  Later this morning the Ukrainian family is coming back to help dismantle and put away the banquet tables, and after that I think we're going to be relaxing watching tv, napping, and just recovering from Summerfest.  


I know I'd like the wine, not sure about the drink as I like my scotch neat, and do love corn salsa - in fact someone brought a huge bowl of it last night and there were no leftovers.  It's looking like leftovers for us:  smokies and salads will be what's served on the deck table tonight.  And wine.  And sangria.


Prayers for everyone who is in need, in pain, in grief, and in turmoil.  Cheers to all with celebrations today.


Smooth Sailing!  ☺️☺️☺️



Gerry, I'm happy your summer fest went so well, but it's too bad the rain ended it early.  All that food looks so good, too.


4 hours ago, smitty34877 said:

Good morning. Like Debbie @dfish, sleeping wasn’t happening last night . I remembered the Nice attack as DDDH and I spent time sitting on a bench overlooking the water a few years prior to that. We took the ferry to Fire Island with the family and inadvertently stumbled onto the nude beach. Even when younger I was not comfortable …lots of funny questions from the young ones especially regarding sand!


@rafinmd. Roy, Happy Birthday to your nephew Keith!

@Nickelpenny, Pennie, I love that design you chose and envy your skills. 
Today we are not cooking and ordering in later. It is warm and muggy and I am just too tired.

The events of last night are truly frightening and I am at a loss for words.


Oh no, Terry about the truly frightening night.  I hope all is better today, and that tonight is a whole lot better.  HUGS!


7 hours ago, seagarsmoker said:

Good morning dailyites and thank you for the Daily Report. 

Checking in to see how everyone is and to let you know my job is going well and keeping me busy.  😀

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! 




That is a really pretty sunset, thanks.  I'm glad the job is going well.



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